The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 20, 1915, Image 4

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-m CF pun"
Pw4tu4i Bart TrsMa Brtsal.
Mtewiw fcrkaaA Trnawrian4
' ii rti awrM kr aaaarl i n.rt.
rt Tk . iitwar, . V tin
i T. USX, eistral tout.
nana UUM
PMM and kMn aw
kr awa kWil.
KWil .t.iKH-Tr ill IB.
1 -itwlM
1 UiMfHl . ar
tons war
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund
InilVMae, KM WmUM
Dalles Columbia Line
mm at Wanafeifwas. Tan Danaa Saflr aa,
intv tl n. an. Laaas flalne r as. ..
M. SIMM 1. H. T- Man? faat3
I wt. Oiwn tar I'rpar Carwnan, 4 Ka.asltaal
aai uWU Doc. TaLUaaiaUL
TfaA asi (Mi ft- Teat Ca. rwiaal
tkto maw. u a unn Trass.
H. lndiwttV Tmna mtM swt
W. Iran Cnainilaniml nani wbue hre
Mttfcna aarami. inn Bar tms .
kot.kB Cf'l rilJ KO H. t4 6U!
What H Thought
A vomM earn Into the ator of O.
Bide on Tuesday and aald: "Harry.
what would you think of a man wh
Portland Wheat: BluaeUm, 1101
bushel: forty-fold, $1.01 1 club, 11.01;
rad Flfa, B(k red Russian, o.
Mlltfeed Spot priet Bran, ttt
ton; abort. :s; rolled barl.y, 28.W
Cora Wbol. 3S ton; cracked, 19.
IllUHaiJ-M; cheat SUJU.eOj t
and vetch. SlWtlt.50,
... . r i
to, fS ( SOe box; cabbage, 1 II l
Dound: bead lettuce, tl erau; been.
ti; pound; ! " i&&i
duawi; garlic, 1(K1S pound; pap-
para, 4(7c; affplant, BUTi P""P"
klna. lie
Green FrultaCantaloupee, llt,x.ia
crate; peach, S0i6oc box; water
melon, Uiitlic pound; piuma, ovcui
11.25 box: mw aptdaa, Aatrarbana,
Tic n SI: Gravanatain, I1.2S ft 1.60;
paara. flftl.60: trapaa, ll.ltl.SO
erau; bucklrbarrioa, 8 pound;
baa. SI. 75 erat.
FoUtoaa Naw, 7wli75e aack.
ftnlnna T& aark.
Emr-Oraooa ranch, buyini pcloaa
Settled Policy Toward Employes Is
Criticised laws Against Child
Labor Strongly Opposed. ,
rtiiram. Tha itDort ot Oaoriw P.
Waat and C T. Chanary. who Inraau
tatad tha July, 11S. atrtka of tha
Standard Oil Company amployaa al
Bayonna. N. J, for tha United Sutra
Commlaatoa on Induatrlal Kaiationa,
waa mada publle by Frank P. Walan,
cuainnaa oi in v, . w m.. ki
k . U a. akPtdha alttllPiar IBII HOk 1. aTtW WVwH. iJ 'V a
rrr.lZl "....-iT., ih. siTndard 15c Jobbitur Mica: No. 1. ttc
Oil Company of Naw Jeraey: I Poultry liana, IS l 14 pound;
-Tha company la tha moat Import-1 .pringa, 1; turkaya. 18Jle; ducka,
ant of tha Standard Oil (roup and thla g.jite. nM. Sal 10c
(roup la tha principal contributor to uutt(tr city craamary. cubaa, ax-
tha wealth. preatia ana power oi r;c pound; flrat. S6c; aacomla,
Urf!at , , .1 , ', n RkiK print and eartona. axtra; but,
la tha world, that of Joha IX Rocka-1 , .
r, hi. lmmadiata family, tarfat. No. 1. ZSc; aacond frad.
Tha facta rcxardin tha company
labor pollclea muat, therefore, b ra
nntd aa of aDCCial alunlflcanc bc-
cauaa ot tha trameadoua powar wieia
country craamary cubaa, 0(,!5c.
llopa 1916 contracta, lS(iflc; 1914
crop, lie; olda, 12tlc.
Wool Eaatern Oregon, medium, so
td by tha group ot men who controllable; Etern Oregoo fine, lSofilJe;
ihia tnduatrv and becauaa ot their an
nounced Intention to enter tha field of
inrfuitrlal relaUona with a view to
widentnc their Influence and activity,
propagatinc what they deem to be the
theoriaa and priociplea that
valley, 26330e; mohair, new clip, SO
e- ......
Caacara bark Old and new, C
CatUe-Beat ateera. S.60,t7; rod.
6.15B.60; medium, 6(;6.5; choice
Rebuilt Federal Trcds
t, , . ill' -
v ',-v J - 't 3
A af I h4 Truck ta Huy,
nrni'tl.T rKfiRAt, te
m-k U tlrl
a rH aJ
,!! lur lh nan) a w Inii-a. I
rl.uill ntwtn that Uu
tha itiMtl, .-a
the aur iu
rally aa hh1 aa aw in avarr
w Han TAU bur a raautll rauaiai
kv Ika ami IH,(,-V ana la
Irraal that !' all r4anil
Wa anarata a raiaiir aininafc in wnn-
tha KarirnM n r
.if .i i mi urn la nimpi.i
ani tha ai0 iv.nt ttnlaltn MgK
riaaa. ohlrh Inaurra tha ivil rtlllna f
II Barta ttrdara, n al
l.-a d.MrlmanL arhlrh
hainc a tl Iruvk In Ina rlral aU.-a anj
nniivM h a company hi,-fe la aqyi
a an4 hat tha dirlUo le le a
aarvu-a la ranaauaniir
If you ara In lh marhat tar a Imrk
ttmm limm la IIW. wa ui.a imi ta mn
Mr, uarl Ftjrrala "" Iruiia at
imilar nri.-aa. Wa think wa ram euavlace
aa W thalr a part or value.
KUic an4 Waablnctaa ata.
would eat two allcea ot ham, Uht I KOTern tha relaUona between I cows. S5.a5fttS.60; baifara, S4.76ft
acca. fla largo potato with the I .mniaTM. and emDloya."
akin on them, als allcea ot bread and I Tb following finding of tact ara
two cup of coffee r
I aald at once that ha was a
She then informed me that It waa
her hnaband and cot mad.
Just then her huabaad cam la and
called ma aside and aaked me what
hia wife aaid to me. I told him and
ha tot aore, too. Ua wanted m to
apologixe. but I refused and told fcim
If ha said any mora about it I would
publish hi nam la tha Democrat.
"I etlll Bay ha 1 a ho."
Mifflin County Democrat
Sailing It
Tii war tint abont to ret married
and were discussing tha detail of
rinmaatln teanomT.
-Hut I'm afraid, dearest, wa shall
not be able to afford a serraat at
first," he aaid. looking tenderly at bar.
"O. Harry, what erer wUl tne aeign
bora aay when they aa ma dolus my
own work
"Whr. darling." replied Harry, gen
uinely puExied, "whoa work do yon
want to dor"
Fixing Tha Blame.
He found his owa front porch with
wonderful accuracy, naTlgated tha
atepa with precision, and dlacorered
the keyhole by instinct One in the
dimly lighted ball there wa aa om
inous alienee, foUowad by a tremen-
nnnt crash.
"Why what ha happened, Henryt"
came a roles from a bora.
"It's all right Mary, but 111111
learn those gold fish to snap at me!
. "mat kind of work could you poa-
aiblr do around an office T" -
"I'm a kind of all-round handy
man, mister. I kin bold a door open,
light a match for ye, look out an' see
it lt'a rainln. call a taxi, drop letters
down the chute, aa' tell folk jer out
when ye ain't" Ufe.
Told the Truth.
A Boston physician tell of a Dr.
Reed, who, in his time, wa one of the
prominent medicos of the Hub. His
large practice Included many patient
outside the city limits, and these be
visited in hi buggy. , .
Too naw tawn tha Uiwi UlultF.
far tha amail na at ll.M. of ra
Kninf aaa fraaa. cboiea. iuier
SALMON. wait-Bin fan 7 to IS
paunda, aattmad tsraur
aarpraaa invt fraa. In ararr uw
atanca wa truamntea tna Bah ta
airna fa prima mdUkm. aa taa
tamporataraDf aftah.wkaa anr
rounded wlia lea, m ina aama in
citbar eshi or wan waaliaar. aa
tha azpraaa aocapanira kaaa pot
tmr aaw ka an tha Bah as faat
as tha oM fea malts. Yon aaad
not ba afraid at tha Aak anoiUatn
it will not spoil, as wa abaolqfly
etuu-mntna it ta arrrra in soas.
sdibia condition. Than betas as
wasta to a fish, ana wonu asm)
thraa svaraca rami famUaasnioa
ir. with mm ta spara.
eni chocs aa roor local bank.
Commanca shipptns; A or. ilt
jitm roar ardor imroarlUlolr.
oubuu tsnt oraooi uuHf O.
124 IW ft. Maul trans.
: Wa have the best facilities In the
Northwest for doing your Repair
work. Why throw your old fare
away! Send them to us and let
u repair them. We guarantee
every repair we make. Our price
are reasonable. A Wtsttm repair
ia a permanent repair. Lai us
convince you. .
Tutu puncturtf repaired, 25c "
C Gee Wo
His saeaassfol barb.
al laMHiHai atfra all
kinds of aftanaota of
aw and tnans with
out apatmtion, aaod
froas tha wonderful
Chinaaa harbs, roots.
buus and wtiUliUs which ara ankaowa a
IK, ntadical acianoa of this oouatry.
W r!t, for blank and cirruhHa.
Tht C fee ft Gubcsc lUHche U
132 V, First Bt Portland. Ora.
Man tins Pavar.
f. N. V. Na, M, Ull
CZ'f vrHi adisitissra, Ira as mar- j
t j
6.60: bulla. SS.6Wi5; atan, S5.25.
Iloga Light, 7(ti7.30; heavy, .txg
Sheep Wethers, $4.75g5.10; ewes.
3(.Z5; lamb. 156.
Portland At the opening .of the
market Thursday moraine there were
over 1300 bead of cattle at North
Portland and three load arrived from
Central Oregon during the forenoon.
to be considered in the light oc u
"The Standard OU company, ot New
Jersey, although conducting an enor
mously profitable enterprise, pays
wages too low to maintain a family
on a comfortable, healthful basis.
"It fixes wage, not with relation
ta the earnings of the company, but
hv taklnar into consideration wages
naid bv other companies in the same un ,,. Portland Live Stock Re porter .
locality and then fixing the wage a BuTerg from all the smaller local pack
low or lower ; tha tha prevailing ;wage ip-pOTtg , ind, u well as
in that locality, in wt.-.., ' " I , p,,,., c,-lrvi
common laborer lea tfiaa uoae oi
two companies whose plant adjoin
it refineries. Thla 1 In direct con-
trnrllrtinn to the claim of the com-
nanv in a statement issued at 26
Broadway that It has always paid the
pre railing wage or better. The state
ment of the ceneral manager ot the
from Puget Sound point, and trading
opened with considerable spirit A
Puget Sound packer bought the greater
part ot the beat offerings, paying S7
for the top steers, and be got some
very 'good steers for S8.7S. The
smaller local packer war interested
ktArlM-a aij nati Hkt artfns awid MttlnL
company that toe interwU of other Juat , lotA f,t .teers of
COm?!ni!; , ",ni"fir r,f rIco poor type were sold U a local packer
considered In the fixing or wages con- v
sUtates in effect aa admission that S.06- Up to noon the majority of
the company combine with the poor- the purchases bad been made by the
t and least generous employer to i rugt owns suns ocmiuy.
Ox the wage rate. I nearly nan oi tne stun naa neen soia.
"The company h Instituted no ma- The market waa practically on a
chinery by which real or fancied steer b&sis, aa there were only a few
grievance may be peaceiuuy ana Mwa 0gmmi .nd only three or four
prompUy adjusted. The oincuti aay Moct cf tha lteer offered,
that anr man ha access to the gen-1. . . .
enu supennLeuaBui. uui ton. ... t. . vni-oa aWUa
allege that they would be discharged weight tnt kUlers require, "
wrSihin tha office. the market started out steady and
most of the beet stuff wa sold before
noon at price which correspond with
those of last week, the larger local
packing interests are bidding lower.
Oregon Crop Report
August 1 crop estimate by the
United States department of Agricul
ture are a follow
Winter wheat Forecast, 14,000,000
bushels: final. 1914, 13,684,000.
Spring wheat Forecast. 8,650,000
bushel: final. 1914, Z,9Z0,000,
Oats Forecast, 14,300,000 bushels;
final. 1914. 12.740,000
Barley Forecast 4,240,000 bushels;
final. 1914, 3,660,000.
Potatoes Forecast, 6,730,000 bosh-
els; final. 1914. 4,753.000.
Hay AU tame; forecast, 1,740,000
tons; final. 1914, 1,716,000.
Apples Forecast 3,400,000 bush
els; final, 1914. 3,600,000.
Mule's Machinery Good
Olympia, Wash. Edward Kelly, a
teamster at Vancouver. Wash., waa
given a blank to report to the Industrial
Insurance commission on his Injuries,
resulting from his being kicked by
mule while in pursuit of bis duties.
The commission received the follow
ing: "State part of the machinery on
which accident occurred." Answer,
"Hind pert of a mule." "Wa the
machinery in good working orderT"
Answer, "Yes." Kelly' claim for
$27.65 for 24 days' lost time on ac
count of the accident wa allowed.
Fish Hatchery Accepted.
Vancouver, Wash. The Clark
County fish hatchery, recently com
pleted by contractors, baa been accept
ed by the Clarke County Game com
mission, comprising Dr. R. D. Wis
wall, George B. Simpson and G. R.
PercivaL The commission ha ordered
1,000,000 egg from the hatchery in
Yellowstone National Park, which are
expected to arrive this week. The
hatchery is on Cole Creek, five miles
from Vancouver. A bungalow for the
county game warden i to be built on
the land bought by the commission.
Hopyard Reports Are Better. - j
More favorable report are coming
in from the Oregon hopyards. The
warmer weather, in combination with
the vigorous spraying operation, haa
at last got the better of the lice. The
yards are by no means clean a yet,
but good progress is being made
toward that goal, and if the weather
only continue right there will be
little to fear from mold, no business
is passing in local market and quiet
conditions also prevail in California.
y ami in i i
Wenatchee Pear Moving Fast.
Wens tehee Wenatchee pears are
going into the market in full force.
The shippers ssy the fruit is of extra
fin quality thi year and that tha
growers ar putting up a good pack.
Thirteen outbound cars rolled Satur
day. Warren O. Dow, manager of the
Wenaichee-North Central fruit Dis
tributors, has received notice of a
large sale of ' apple to Steinhardt A
Kelley, of New York, at good prices. I
before reachinK the office.
"General Manager Gilford is not a
believer in child-labor legislation, and
on the other band, thinks the children
should be allowed to go to work
earlier. He and Mr. Hennessy appar
ently have little respect for the for
eign-born men whose labor produces
the company's earnings and are pro
ponent ot the extremely individual
istic and reactionary mausmai theor
ies discarded by enlightened employ
ers and by economists many years
The report then recuea usi me
company employed a detective agency
of New York City to rurnisn guaras
and strikebreaker. It quoted the t
torney for the agency a referring to
these men as "a lot of thugs." The in
vestigators added: "Their appear
ance amply justified his use ot the
"The strike was broken by Sheriff
Eueene Klnkhead. the report stated,
"who first overawed and disorganised
the strikers by assaulting and arrest
ing one of their leaders and then
strengthened hia control over them by
promising to use his influence to ob
tain an increase in wages and by ar
resting 30 of the armed guards."
Cancer Fee Discovered.
New York. The Rockefeller Insti
tution announced through the Acad
emy ot Science at Washington a dis
covery by two of its investigators
whereby Immunity from cancer. It is
hoped, may be obtained.. The investi
gation was conducted over a period of
two years. The doctor discovered
that in the white lymph cells of the
blood there are the necessary factors
in making animals Immune from can
cer. A decided increase oc tne ceiis
give absolute Immunity, the physi
cians declare they ascertained.
France Feeds 3,000,000.
Pari. France haa expended $384,-
000,000 during the first year of the
war in feeding the wive and families
of mobilized soldiers and worker
thrown out of employment There are
at present 3,000,000 receiving allow
ances from the state. In the begin
ning a great many people entitled to
these allowances preferred not to
claim them, considering it an easy pa
triotic sacrifice for them to make, but
a the war dragged on and their re
source diminished, they were finally
obliged to avail themselves of the aid.
8oll Studied in Prison.
Martinez, CaL Henry Kuckel re
turned to his home her Monday on
parole from San Quentln penitentiary,
where he served one and a half years
of a seven-year sentence for forgery,
to accept a position as soil expert in
California for, an agricultural Imple
ment concern. Kuckel occupied hi
time in prison by taking a correspond
ence course In agriculture from the
University of California, in which he
won three degrees.
6t Louis Strike Ended.
8t Louis. The strike of 1500 trans
fer company teamsters and chauffeurs
hich began here last Friday has been
settled. A general wage increase of
50 cent a week, a redaction of about
one hour in the working day and bet
ter working conditions are granted the
Means that you keep
the middleman's
profit In your pockat
when you buy
La id bar, SktagWa,
Lath, Maaldlag.
Doora, Windows and
thar Building Ma
terial fram
Sam Conncll
Lumber Co.
Portland, - Oregon
Send us list cf what you require
for your building and w will name
you rricea delivered at your station
and Caarante t save yaa Meay
Writ for our .
Illustrated Catalog.
He Dtslred It
A boy walked Into the office ot the
telegraph company at Chicago and
asked for a lob. He said bis nam
waa "Missouri"
The manager happened to want a
meseenger boy just at that moment
and gave him a message that bad to
be delivered in a hurry.
"Here' your chance, my boy." aald
the manager. "These people hare
been kicking about undelivered mes
sages. Now, don't you com back un
til you hive delivered It"
A little whtle afterward the tele
shone rang. On the other and of the
wire there appeared to be a building
watchman somewhat terrified.
"Have you got a boy they call Mu
ourtr Inquired the watchman.
"We did bare 10 mlnutea ago," re
plied the manager.
"That Missouri feller cam ovet
here and aaid ha bad to go to one of
the offices. We don't allow no on up
at that office at thla hour and I told
him ha couldn't go."
"Yea. yea," said the manager.
"Well." said the watchman, "ha said
be would go and I bad to pull my gun
on him."
"But you didn't shoot him?" ex
claimed the manager.
"No." meekly cwine back the re
sponse over the wire, "but I want my
gun back." Philadelphia North Ames
High Finance.
"Did Swift borrow money to buy an
"No, be Is a higher financier; he
bought an auto to borrow money."-
Philadelphia Bulletin.
"Do ,u boys expect to catch any-
thing In that filthy pond?"
"No, sir. we've been vaccinated.
Philadelphia Record.
Restorer! To Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
MontoeHor. Vt "W hay great
faith In your remedJes. I wa ve,y it.
regular ana wa
tired and !eepy all
the time, would have
cold chills, and my
hand and feet would
bloat My stomach
bothered me, I had
pain In my sido and
a bad b tadacbe most
of the time. Lydia
da Pinkbam'l Vega
table Compound ba
don me lot of good
and I now feel fine, I am regnlar, my
stomach i better and my pain hv all
left me. Yon en ne my nam if you
like. I am croud of what your reme
dies have done for me." Mr. Mart
Gauthiek, 21 Ridge St, Montpeller.Vt
An Honest Dependable Medicine
It must be admitted by every fair-
minded, intelligent person, that a medi
cine could not live and grow in popularity
for nearly forty J7ars, nd to-day hold
a record lor thousand upon thousands
of actual cures, as haa Lydia E. Pink
ham' Vegetable Compound, without
possessing; great virtu and actual
worth. Such medicine must be looked
upon and termed both standard and
dependable by every thinking person.
If yon have the slightest doubt
that Lydli E. Plnkham's Vegeta
ble Compound will he! pro rewrite
to Lydia n-IMnkUamMedlctaeCo.
(confidential) Lynn, AlasnWfor ad
ylee. Yonr letter wul be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and be Id in strict confidence -
Negligence Ait Made.
Company Officials Accused cf Guilty
Knowledge and Ballast Was Not
Understood by Engineer.
Chlo4o-!ndlctmnU charging man-
alaughUr and criminal carol nsnss
war returned befor Judge KrUa la
th criminal court Thursday la eonnee-
Uoa with th Eastland disaster.
Th captain and engineer and four
officer of the 8t Jop-Chleaf
Staamahlp company, earner of th
boat war named. The Indict ad
war: Ceorr T. Arnold, prwaldetit
th company; William 11. Hull, vice
prealdent and general manager; W. C.
Steele. UrytrwufW: Ray W
Davis, assistant ascrUiy-tnaaurr
Harry Pdern. captain: Joaeph al
Erlekaon. angineer.
Bond war fixed at 320,000 each for
the company official and f 10,00 each
for Paderaea and Erlckaoa, Th two
last named ar charged with criminal
carlna. and th official with
Separata bill war raturnad against
th captain and th wigtnMr, whit
th four official war Darned In a Joint
Indictment Th bill against th offl
eial contained fir count, charging:
1. That they knew th Eaatland
was nnaea worthy and had no stability
L That they parmltUd 350O pase-
flgr aboard th vi, wnica
or than It carrying capacity.
S. That the war negligent In
blrinr aa Incompetent engineer, who.
because ot hi lack of aklll, waa unable
to control th boat Mwperiy,
4. That th craw did not number
enough hand to manage and control
th Eastland properly.
6. That th ballast tank war al
lowed to b out of repair and not filled
with water.
A gal net Captain Pederaen
charge war brought:
1. That ba permitted aboard th
boat a larger number of passengers
than sha could safely carry.
1 That ha neglected to warn th
passengers to tear th Eastland when
it beeam apparent to him mat an
wa about to turn over. f
S. That h was negligent la not
Melng that th ballast tank
nroparlyJIllad and In good repair.
4. That h wa negligent la not
Ming that tha chalk holea and gang
ways war cloaed when th ahip was
Th count in th Indictment of
Erkkson ar In essential similar to
thoa aralnst Pederaen.
The report of th grand jury find
that th disaster wa caused by "in
stability under condition of loading,
and say that th Instability waa du
to "on of three main eau, or any
two, or all three of them," a follows:
First Th everloading of tha vassal
with passengers.
Second Tha mishandling or
Third Th construction of th v-
hlh Should Bite tie Buttle to
Be Safe it Drkklss fsstit
WaaMnsfort TV f!"Rlte tha bub-
bl" Is th latest "health hint" fram
tha United State Publle Health and
Mnrinn Hnnnital awrvlen. An SIDrt
for tha Marin Hospital service say
"II improperly eonsxrueiea or im
mnnsrl naeri. tha bubbllnar drinking
fountain may b greater menace to
health than th common drinking cup,
Th other dav an Inspector of th
Ptir.Ha Haatth aorvfea tnnk a Bast be
tid a bubbling drinking fountain In a
railway station and watched th way it
wa used. Forty-seven different per
sona, 11 men, 22 women ana l chil
dren used the bubbling fountain, in
almost every eaae the lips were placed
alrtMMt eomnletelv around th metal
ball from which th water spurted.
Nary 8windle Charged.
Washington, D. C George D, Will,
clerk In th bureau of navigation of
New department was arrested
Saturday on a warrant charging eon-
racv in that he was concerned in a
scheme to obtain .ram of money
from enlisted men of th navy for
Government Investigators say they
have found evidence of a conspiracy to
collect paymenta ranging from 325 to
rrom enneuhi men ior irsnsi urn
nromotlona to which they were
rightfully entitled.
Clinton, la., I. Flooded.
Clinton. Ia. A cloudburst struck
this city let Thursday. Ten square
blocks, including the business district,
ar under four feet of water. Street-
ear service haa been susoetKiea. i no
big tents of a circus playing her wer
swept sway. Th spectator capo
from th wreckage by wading In water
above their knees, i d property toss
will be heavy. Bridge and culverts
were washed away by the onrusn oi
waters. Streets became rivers and
hundreda ware imprisoned In upper
floor of boose and store building.
Northwest Business Big.
Washington, D. C Report re
called by comptroller of the currency
from bank examiners In the Northwest
on business condition In that section
digested a follows by the comp
troller: "There I unusual activity in
Alaska trade. The livestock, agricul
ture, fruit dairying and salmon in
dustries are also active. The lumber
and building trade alon ar reported
being depressed. The cereal crop
will be unusually good."
1 n
g i
i .i .. ,1, i . .u i ji i i am isi is sis, .a. il hi t. i iu 111 ju....." ).' '
I Mltftl milr ataaa
Cut tlio Cost of Living!
A nlato of hot blscuita or muffins, a
fresh, home-baked cake, a loaf of brown
or nut-bread, rescues any meal from tha
corTiuiOTipijkCC, stiid Cioro cspwiivc Lin3
are never missed.
With K C the' double acting baling
iwder, cood results are doubly certain.
... . i A rir-
icre i economy too, m me cost 01 rvv.
Plmnlna. raahea. rlnaworm. prick
ly heat and, worst of all. that red
ii.IiIh, aala trtrananl araama. Vanish
when you us rlnl ointment and
roatnol aoan. Tker is a aouut
about It. Kn though yonr akia Is
so unsightly with eruption that you
hua your friends and your friends
haa you, reslnol usually make It
tleer and healthy, quickly, easily and
. t .1 , 1 1 . VI' ka. am all- k
of wasting time, and money oa ted-
Inn. t.n -I trnjatmanta. ant raalnul
ointment and reslnol oap from tha
Bra re at arnggist ana you win quirsij
s why physicians hav prescribed
them (or twenty years for Just such
trouoies as yourai urvat iut iis.
How do von know that Blink haa
Bad a raise In salary V
"II argue that th world I gal
ling better, that the danger from moa
epollea baa been greatly magnified,
and that human nature las t ao bad
after all." Philadelphia Publlo Led-ger.
Offhand Comment
'Btlggtn aay tobacco I disagree
able and unnecessary."
"Yea." replied the eardonie smoMr.
"but It' all matter ot opinion. I
should aay th sain thing about Ullg
gins." Washington Bur.
' . Wee f an Author.
"How's your new book coming oa?"
"Paaaably well. Th demand lent
what It should be. I mean among th
purchaser. And. of course. If people
don't buy the book there nothing In
It for me."
I see. By th way, I'm reading It
now. Kink loaned n a copy thai
Tompkins borrowed from Bradley.
Pretty fair story."
t t , ..."
la ,,, J
,m I M Ml at
. t, mm saw
aaaaM seaaaa, m aBai Am. asanvira, T,
One day Dr. Reed bought a new
h,in- nrlifc whlrh ha waa much nlaa.
ad until h dlarovered thai th animal
had aa Insurmountable objection la
brtdgee of all kind and could not b
mad to eras on.
Inasmuch a al that period It waa
neeeasary lo cross certain bridge la
order to reach any one of lha sur
rounding towns, th doctor decided lo
aall tha horse. He did not think It
nereasary lo mention the animal' pe
culiarity but waa murn too noaeei to
mlerwrreaent bint and, after nm
(hoiiar.. bmlurad lha followlns adver
tisement which b Inserted la a local
Via An la A bsv borsa. warranted
aAnrnt ar.rl hnA The only rvaaoa for
selling Is because the owiwr Is obliged
to leave iiostoa." Pittsburg varolii.
MM MH.J .a,H.
"It aay her thai blu I lb only
color that ran b determined by lb
sens of touch," remarked th Old
Fogy. "Io you belter Ihair
-our I do." replied lb Orouch,
"You hav often fell blue, haven V
your Cincinnati Inquirer.
Intent araaim.
"What ar thoa. slrllr
"Bummer fur." - -
"To ward off th scorching rays of
tun. ehT I suppose when you want lo
keep cool al horn you put oa a burra
lo rob klnvoo." Loullll Courier-
Winchester Rifle end Pistol Cartridges or
all calibers ere loaded by machinery which
sizes the sheila, supplies the exact quantity
or powder, and seats the ballets properly.
By using flnt-cUia materials and this
up-to-date system or loading, the reputation
Of Winchester Cartridges for accuracy,
reliability and excellence Is maintained.
They cost no more than Inferior makes.
Ask for them, and insist upon getting them.
"Mister" aald th small toy who
wa sitting on a rock by th roadside.
"do you a'poa tbey'a any kidnapers
goln' through th country this tlm ot
year In automobile r
"I haven l beam oi any.
"But sometime they com along un
expected, don't they t"
"I suppose so."
"Well, I'm goln' to hang on her a
little while longer. There enough
chore waltln' fur me at home to keep
me goln' till 10 o'clock tonight an' I
ain't never had an autnmobt: rid In
my Hf." Washington Star.
fir Plaree'a Pleasant Pellet re mi
ls te and Invicorat stomach, liver and
bowels. Sua-ar-coattd. tiny tranulca,
easy to lake a candy.
a . Foro of Habit
A veteran car conductor In Boton
recently lost bis Job and was obliged
lo Uk the next best thing he could
find, the position of sexton in church.
lie presented the collection box to
a pillar of the church one Sunday and,
In fishing out some change from bis
vest pocket the man brought to light
two cigars. , -
The former conductor leaneo over
htm and In the most solemn ot tones
said;: , ...
gmokln' In the three roar seat
only." Philadelphia Publlo Ledger.
' Leav It to a Womanl
He As it I to bo a secret engage
ment dearest It would not be wise
for me to gtv you a ring at present
She Oh. but I could wear It on ma
wrong band, you know. Boston Transcript
in 19SC.
Owens (driving his neromotor)
Gee whixl I must hurry and get be
hind a cloud; here come my tailor.
Boston Transcript '
A Cood Job.
A certain collage and Its old mis
tress had Improved so greatly In com
fort and appearane that a vlalior
.kn.JI, aurmlaait thai the BOfl of th
house, a lasy n'r-do-well, had turned
over a new lear. ne mquireu auous
It "Ye lr. my son' In work now,"
said the smiling old mother. "Make
good money, h dm, too. Atl be ha
to do I lo go twice a day to lb clrcu
nd put hi hnad In the lion's mouth.
Th rest of 'Is tlm ' 'a to himself.
lluffalo News.
An Advantsg.
"To what do you sttribulo your re
markable health r
"Well," replied the very old g-nll-man.
"I reckon I got a good start on
moat people by beln' bom befor
germs wr discovered, thereby bavin'
less to worry about." Washington
umritn n st stiii. iwh sm fkeisl).
II Lw),.ll., CSolrUfc . BHwta.a -el tl.
II..,. l-,S, 11. UM. ", Kl 0""i, J'.Ti
WI1UMWV li. M-.(lias.t"aj fall aflralln.
UaUst, Iwl.nMMal Oulwaawl Hattanal Baa.
; Psrfsctly Dry Now.
A stranded but still haughty ".ced
ing larty" was obliged lo put up at a
dilapidated country hotel. She glanced
frownlngly about the office, reluctant'
ly signed the rpglster and took th
brass key from the proprietress.
"Is ther water In my room!" lb
"Why, there was." replied th pro
prietress. "There waa, but I had th
roof fixed." Kansas City Times.
How Old H Dodo Thstf
Designing Widow Speaking of eo
niimlriinis. can you tell m why th
letter "d" I Ilk the marriage service t "
Blowboy I'm no good at oonun-
drums. WhyT -Widow
Because "we" can't b
Hwd" without It Boston Transcript
A helping ; EsasSP Erfeadcd to . to?
;Usf die Am& Woman
rrTIERB comes a tlm In every woman's
A. l(rn. aa,V.n kna AVfftn I SM SI IV Irtr fTYnM Atl
ln.M.eaAM ananira Tht I A 4HUCftl
JiA i im m timA a-TiAfi ia woman naedf
fl- j..ft L.laln yaaaMwi 1t9 vmit ATjrtl
akd yoa should ftnticSpAta this turniog polntw
aSsaw- -WAWA lit! W. U I I II lltk.Vl I I it t m
111 II 'r n3rl
Dr. Pierce's Favcrlto Frcscrlplloa
Isal tcieaee I
contained ia Dr.
Piercer's Common)
Sens Medical
,M anitma mi
Vasaa, anlr f
rMDr. rSaV..', In. h
has been recommended for over forty year as a
tonic for women who are a omit to experience - uw
turn of life," It la helpful in th equalisation of
the circulation cf the blood and In regulating tha
action of the bowels. Nervousness and lowsplritsdl.
appear. Happiness and contentment take their place.
i stawf.awaS a a H nil I A farm, ttt AfttHlctf
IMolert or ttnd 60 can' or tampU aaa