The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 20, 1915, Image 3

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    Dr, Alfred F.Scmpert
GrmlunU aim! Rogtt4rl
Prices Reasonable
gW BRANDT HU)U., upstairs
n a i l
' net i
Cloud cows for Ml. J. U McClallan.
It. O. Haling hu tuna m wiiilitn
Idaho lo look after hi land lntrts.
Mr. J, II. Prlr hu brf Visiting
Mr. 0. L. I'lnksrton At hr bom on
t(d and II wiry mountain.
je tuntur.iroof UrM may
I had at my plac of puslne In Dr.
I Watts' former offlr. A. IMlllps.
Ileal assort nient of ilMia In town al
KlrknatrU'k'a onfootloiiar. Alan a
cuinplot Block of cilgni ml lobeenos,
The Leader la In receipt from Super
Intendent Young of premium I let
for the flrat Annual Ikihool Fair of
Umatilla County, lo be hslr1 at Via
rant Neptember 10 and 1 1. The pur
pose of the fair la lo glvs amphaala
to the work In the schools along n.
duatrlal lines, anj large I let of
money prise la offered. Two boya
and two girl who make the beat
showing In thla rounty will be sant to
the Hiale Fair Camp fo Iloya and
fllrl at Halein. On boy and on glj
will be chosen at the Vincent fair,
and the other boy and girl from -llona
of tha county aot eihlbltlng
there. The you n vet ere ao fortunate aa
to win tha Htate fair trip will leava
I'endleton for Hnlem Heptembaf ft.
worth ovr t.
Kir broke out Saturday vnlng In
Italph Klnneara barn on Couaa creek,
jliirln Mr. Iclnneer'e ebeence. Ilia
4 wife tlreleaaly foughr. the flame.
Aobert lleynolda ha returned from carrying water from a trough om
Manderann, Wean., where ha haa baen i dlstanc away, and had them nearly
spending tha aummer on hi bruthrVUbdud when neighbor began to ar-
Brandt Building, oppo-
-.,' site Poatomco, .
Good, Fresh Meats
Fish in Season
Cash paid for
Perry &Lundcll
Physician and Surgeorr
Offlc in nramlt LulUIIng
Nutlet 1 herebv given
tu of an rntlw or 11
tiial he vlt
tli C'tMinir Court uf
rinaiiu tosiity. iireirim. tuativ on
June 17. I'M j. In lb Matter uf ilio K.
lata of KlUalaMh I'rlne (mi times
railed Kline I'Hm .) uWea-d, 1 will
aril al pulilia auction ii tin highrat
lilikler lor cash, al X o'clock p. m. on
Natunlav, the I lilt tlar uf Hjirnjlwr,
1WI6. at ilia front door of Ihu Oiuntjr
Court IIoum) In aalil County, In the
Ctljf of t'emllclotl therein, all of lit
real property lielongtnir Ui aald Mim
tleacrtlMMi a n numlwml 12 a oil I.I
In lllnck n'linlwrrO ft in the Town of
It eatun, all In the tlty of Netm In
aaUICminttr andtitat, ami all of the
right, tills aiul interval which I. a
AdminUlralor that ratal, ran sell,
the asl to I, tondtf Miil)tvi to confirm
iIimi lijr MtlilCouiit t'ourt.
Dated Augua II, IMI3,
K. t. lKMts, j
Administrator "' the Ktil of '
Klixalx-iU t'rine (sometime cnllcO j
KlUn I'ritir,) tlrrenwtl.
Tha celebrated Crawford and Malta
peachea ara ripe and may be had from
Arthur H. Iiadley at Teach laland,
I The Weeton brickyard ha received
carload of briquet, which lla fuel
department la Introducing In thla com.
Motor ear enrvic to tit point, day
or night. Alao livery and feed efabk
oppoelt tha Ueuallvn blackamlth
ahop. Ifa Mcllrld.
J. P. Thompaon, th well-known
dock man of Ulbbon, haa lately been
enrolled among th rord owner a
thla part of th county.
I.lnua Anderaon'a crop In tha foot
hill aaal of town la reported to be
averaging about It buahela of barley
and It buahela of wheat to th acre.
Mr. and Mr. J. M. Ollarra, Mr a.
A. O. Winn. W. , I'rlc and family
and a, W. Winn left Tueeday for
''Ingham Spring for a week of camp
ing. ,
' Mlea Artnnia Iavenport, a member
laat yt-ar of th M eeton arhool faculty.
will leave eoon for f'ocatello. Idaho,
having been elected to a teaching po
altlon there.
An old-timer . Informe Th Leader
that tha remarkable number of yellow.
Jarketa In th mountain mean a
hard winter, according - to old-ttm
weather doe.
Clyde Miller, a farm laborer In the
employ of Uu Wyrlck, loel hi life
by drowning gunday white awimmlngi
with a companion in tn umatina
river near Harnhart,
lir. M. P, Kern and Fred Lampkln,
manager of th Kaet Oreaonlan, mo
tored through town Monday on their
return from a daya hunting at th
doctor' mountain ranch.
Mora than 000 aack of barley
wer harveated from ISO acre by
Mra. Z, C. I'rk and Haud Prtca from
the 1'rlc homeatead north of town.
They at one marketed their crop at
12! per ton.
Joe Itlomgren baa bought th Bam
Capllnger piaca tn the foothill, con
taining fit acre, from William Nlch
ola of Milton. It adjoin the Plant-
mren ranch, which It "round out'
quite ndvaatageouaiy.
rlv. For a time both houa and barn
wer In grav danger of deatructlon.
Karl Klnnear, helplea with a crippled
leg could only drag hlmaelf to th
window and watch hi el.Mer-ln-laW
deaoerata atruggla agalnat tha red
demon. It la aald that with her Indi
vidual "bucket brigade" ah emptied
th trough, whlrh contain 150 gal
lona, and only aucceeded In controlling
tha flra until after It had reached
within a few Inchea of th hay.
Weaton grower wer tempted by
111 per ton to let go of conatdrrabl
barley during th paat week. Bom
It. out aacka wer bought on thla ba
il by 0. A. Parnea. Weaton agent of
tha Pacific (it-aat Elevator company,
held-over barley going at BO cent
lee than th above flap re. About
1000 aack wer purchaard by Prank
Prlc. manager of th Weton Ware
house company. Uiat taturday Mr.
Daraea bought ttOO buahela of wheat
on a baela of 10 cent, thla being th
only recant transaction reported In
thl cereal. Wheat la now quoted at
tl rent, with none offering. Barley
la lower and quiet alnca Ita little
pi urge.
A very pleamnt birthday aurprla
party waa given Ralurday evening to
Mia Morten raker at her home on
Broad afreet, her Kth birthday anni
versary being thua commemorated,
After a delightful evening diversion,
pursued with th feat of- youth and
health, dainty 'refreshment wer
served. Oueata wer th Mlaee Rena
Panleter, Hope Peeler, Dorothy and
Ruth P roe betel, planch Cooper, Min
nie Johnson, lUxel Duncan, Ada Bea
mer. Vlds Oeer, Clertrude Van Winkle;
Messrs. Herman Htaggn. Worth Watts.
Lewta and William Van Winkle, Ted
dy Barnes, Kendall Smith, Frank Lav.
ender, Neil Graham, tieorifa Banister,
Rev. N. D. Wood Went '- to Milton
Monday to meet Ptahop Waller R.
Lambuth, who gav an Intereetlng ad
dress that evening at Columbia Col
lege on "Eight Hundred Mile on
Foot Through tha Heart of Africa."
Tuesday th bishop presided at the
laying of tha cornerstone of th new
away an artlui
big Ad. , . s I..
A flna linn of Iki Hiatlonery at
Klrkatrick't Confooi'nry jfoln-f at
half ilc. .
II. A. fUrcx-V threshing outfit
moved through town Weliely Ui
wurk la ilia lumuuia.
Thus Calcutta grain tacks going at
on cent halow market, lleiler gut
tour. Waits ilog"r.
Frank Ibiger motored up from Pen
dleton Waiinesiiay and stient several
buura In tha llest llurjf on
Cmstllla county contains 7UI0 pupils,
WW nisis ami JH') latnaie, aoooruing
lo th annual report of Uupriolna-
nl Yountr. ' .' '
3. W. Jon aentli us tt.&O In food
Montana money ami write that "w
cannot do without tha UKADkH." W
wieb tool HKJpla fIt lli same way.
Frank Taylor, alio has ln In fail
Inif health for several montha, la un
Uurifoing- iraatmant at Pendleton. Mr.
Taylor lilnes I aacrtuetl lo unv III -a
disc a.
Mia Klotenca K. March, a normal
oliuul gradual and auuwssiul young
lalir ul Weston, waa aiuung I be
Uwaiilla ooutuy taacliaia uo waiw
ratsaiill grant! tat Ilia oertllicatv.
Willi driving in from th
house Jjrestorua two (rival gang vl
Wttslou wheal ouca tiieu to "oust
avo other. All ouiumiikmI vr dual'
ly sin I led in lb tvaU aud uutu rig
t'liou their recent arrival in Albany
Mr. autl Mrs. ttiaoley Noclaud ttm
giv n a aiiuaer by irtanus oi tu onur
grvoin, wIjo has rvstued I hero twenty
ave) ear and la a wall-known eng
ouei. Tney liava guoe to liouskeeu
lng in a lioiu ol their own at lAM
r ioiit streot. Mrs. Iceland waa lor-
uiurty alias ly Noiiaol una city.
The fore of carpenter employed
on th Dr. Watts building waa con-
aldsrably Increased thl week, and
la expected that It will be ready for
occupancy by Weeton a new store on
or about tha first of Beat month. fc
iE. Cleaver waa engaged thla week
putting on th prepared roofing and
In palming it with bla Ulack Cat roof
paint, which it expect before long
lo handle on a large acal through
out tb Northwest
Say th Oregon Journal of Tues
day: "8am plea of wheat from tb
ranch of K. A. Dudley near Athena,
Umatilla county, were received today
by William Mc Murray, general pa-
aenger agent of tha O.-W. R. tt N. and
will ba placed on exhibition In the
city ticket office. Th asm pies are
from a tOO-acre field which la yield
ing to buahela to thavacre. Th heada
average 100 to ISO kernel each. The
wheat la of tha German red variety.'
W. T. Jeaaup of Walla Walla, gen
ersl advertising agent for Frontier
daya, waa In Weston recently on an
exploitation trip, accompanied by his
mow the some mm,
of Davis-Kaser's Great
August Clearance Sale .
Soon thin giraatMt of all bargain event will ba history. Thcae remainlt f
day are to be the buait daya of thl great !. W mean thia to ba a thor
ough house elonnliig a well aa the preateot of money aavlnjt avattU. Wa have
ton through our atuckt and made another cut n tha prlca of humlnxia of
itatna, ami we hv pyt on tale at aensatiuiial price other hundred of new ar
rival. No matter how many time yrni have yisitwl thla great tale, no matter
how much you have bouijht, thia week' special offrinita juatify your coining:
again ami again. You'll find new and unexpected bargain every time you
come, If you'll only look around. Over 50,000 hem ara especially reduced for
thl great sale. How many of them have you teen? Few people have gone
over one-half of them. Don't you owe It to yourself to coma and take a good
look? You'll aurety b glad you dui.
Th reduction re rarely lea than 15 percent, even on the newest, anappl
at good; aometime to half of the wlmleaal coat on thing that have outworn
their welcome her. You must graau thlt great opportunity to aae. INow u
tha time to buy. Don't delay a tingle day. Do it now.
s Complete' Furnlthem of Hornet, Offices, Churchea, School
10-80 Aider St. - (Odd Fellow' Temple) WALLA WALLA, WASIL
i 111 1 1 1 I -
il-'il v
j , ; f i I U !
I'ialUgt 1'iajaK' "-Tgy,l " "7"
MwIIMHHVlla)TtCHt AutlfMe U 6
With bulltlln. better eaatpmenl. en-
arsml araueiU. ana eir altlos to It
rulr.lte t;iitvenltf reavHWiii aesia ii"
fnrlteth rear. Tuemtar, Heeewr 14. lata.
MHlal tralnlna In tiewaseeee. Jaarwallaw,
Arrhltertnre, lw. Medicine. Towhlua. UIIr.
r tVerk, Mlt. Phlil Tralulna ami "liie
Art. lreiiltrwileMrtmeMtsl Ulber
al Kitueetlmt. ...
Library eC mora thaa AS.OOO vnlaatee. thlr
teen bullilina tnllv eulIMl. two aplemllil
riiinetum. . . -!
Tnliioa free, normltnrle lor ae aud for
women. Kaieaa Lowe!.
Write fur free eatnlac.allreslna IteaUlrar
Come in and see that fine line
of McElvvain & Barton Shoes;
offered at the lowest prices pos
sible. Also inspect our" McKib-
a : - sag ek, AT
bon Hats lor Men. -ca to
up will cover th entire northwest on
hla publicity mission, carrying four
men on hla staff. Naturally he la
booster for Frontier days, and aaya
that It will be a wonder this year. The
aeat aale, he aaya, Indlcatea a bigger
crowd than ever beford, the proceeds
of th opening day of the aale alone
totaled l 100.
ftouth Methodist church at Walta assistant. Jack Fembertoa Mr. Jes-
walia. Bisnop iamnutn waa oorn n
China, hla parents being th first mis
sionaries aent to that country by the
M. E. Church, South. When he grew
up he also became a missionary, and !
established the African mission of
th earn denomination.
Condon Globe: One of the largest
essh real estate deal ever closed In
thla county waa made last week by M
Fltsmaurtc when th Sam McQllvmy
farm of acres was sold to John
Harder of Milton, Oregon, for 1 11. COO.
This farm la In th Mayville country
and la practically all fine land, only tt
neree being unfit for farming. Mr.
Hurler la a farmer and owns 400 acres
In th Milton country. He Is unde
cided a to whether he will move here.
He aaya that the land her looks bet
ter to him than th land In hla horn
neighborhood. ,
Milton Eagle:' The Milton city
council at Ita meeting laat Monday
night, authorised tha second applica
tion of oil for Main street, and or
dered a car from Portland, which la
expected to arrive at any time. The
county sprinkler la now In the city
waiting for th car of oil to come.
Thla car will be larger than the flrat
on which held about 000 gallona.
but Freewater will take a few hun
dred gallona of the oil In the second
car, leaving about 1000 or tOOO gal
lons for use on Milton streets.
: A. C. Allen of Davenport, Iowa, an
old-time friend and former partner of i
Contractor a T. Oore, dropped In upon I
Mr. (lor at Weston Monday while
making a trip through the west. In,
early years Mr. Gore and Mr. Allen
were associated together In Iowa In
contracting and building, having pre
viously st u died architecture at the
same college. .
Nearly !5.000 worth of wheat and
farm machinery . burned up Monday
night on th Hungate at Son ranch
between Walla Walla and Waltaburg.
Starting supposedly from sparks from
th thresher engine the flamee wlpea
out more than S0.000 bushela of Back
ed wheat and destroyed two headers.
Four mulea were alao loat In tha fir.
George H. Roberta, leading-Birch
creek farmer, la being boosted by his
neighbors for appointment a county
commissioner to succeed the lata H.
A. Waterman. Mr. Roberta waa a can
didate laat campaign for the repub
lican nomination aa county Judge, but
withdrew to aupport Douglaa Belt
against T. JP. Ollllland.
The (Leader la requested to an
nounce that th Church of the Breth
ren will begin a seriea of meetings in
Weaton on the 17th of October. Its
member are alao arranging for the
district conference ot thla denomina
tion, which will be held at Weaton
from August tl to September t. .
Jo Dupula and Sid Crow, Pendle
ton carpentera, came up Wednesday
to work on Weatoa'a new store build- j
Ing, Mr. Dupuia la a brother of J. B. j
Dupuia, pioneer Weetonlan, and lived i
her hlmaelf more than a quarter ot
a century ago. -v. ,
Chester Fee haa returned to ', hi
father's ranch near Pendleton, atter
having won the honor of being the
third beat all-around athlete In the
United SUtea, at the Saa Francisco
Dr. Farnaworth camevup from Pen
dleton Saturday night, and went gun
ning Sunday In th Bluea with a Wea
ton party which Included IS. M. Weeks,
Fred Dupuls and Roy Read.
For Sale Eighty acrea Improved
land one and one-quarter miles south
of Weaton. Prloe tSOOO. For term
Inquire of Q. R. Dlssmore, Amity, Ore
gon. . ,
Just arrived, a line line of hl?h
jrntde Knives and Harmonicas at Kii'k-
patrlck uonieotionory.. .
Manager Stover Writes Interest-
- Ingly of Market Conditions.
J. F. Slover, manager ot the Wea
ton Mercantile Company, writes to
The Leader from the Hotel Continen
tal, New Tork City, under recent date,
'I have gone over thd ground very
thoroughly with aeveral large manu
facturer and practically all aay that
from a business point of view we have
reached and paused the low ebb, that
a readjustment la due and that all
bualneaa Interests will doubtless soon
show a marked improvement. I have
likewise talked with many retail mer
chants from all parts of the country
and all aay that bualneaa la about nor
mal, wlhch report la very encouraging
to tne manuiacturera.
"Nevertheless, the war haa had
very depressing effect upon business
and many lines of merchandise are
practically exhausted. A year ago,
when the war started, nobody thought
It possible to clean up the millions of
dollars worth of European goods In
the New Tork warehouse. It's sur
prising, too, how dependent we are
upon Europe for thousands and thous
ands of article ot merchandise, and
nearly all (roods that It seems impossi
bla to get along without. I have Just
gone over my list and find S 7. classes
of merchandise, all manufactured in
Europe, that are mighty hard to find
even in this great market. Hunting
for theae required aeveral days, ai
many large house wer cleaned up,
and their answer . waa always tha
same: .'All gone and no more to be
had. Thla la a serious condition we
buyers are up against, but I consider
myself fortunate, aa I have by constant
pounding aecurtd the gooda desired
for our people and enough tg carry
ua through a long aleg.
"Now I must not forget that the
women folk will be anxious to know
about the latest atylea In costs and
auit for the approaching fall and
winter, s '''
"Coata wilt be made of plush cor
duroy and fancy - wool and Stevens'
mixtures. Length will be 45 to 48
Inches except aa to full, length, which
will be tt and 54 inches.. The 45 and
48-inch coata will largely predominate.
however.' Then cornea what la known
aa th "aport' or ahort icoat, which
will be In moderate demand. Suits
will be shown in poplin, gabardine.
serge and fancy wool mixtures. Pop
lin will be In greatest demand, gabar
dine next, and fancy mixtures are ex
pected to rank third In feminine fa-,
vor. There haa always ; been and
likely always will be a demand for
suits made of all-wool aerge and
nearly every manufacturer Is showing
them. Suit coata will practically all
be in SI Inchea, with a few SO-lnch
coata for misses. '
"I am anxioua for the people of
Weston and vicinity to understand
that when the new store opens we
will be well prepared to take car of
them In everything for men, women j
and children. In fact, we will have
In Weston one of the beat equipped i
stores In the northwest, regardless of j
the else ot the town. I feel that my
buying experience In the big markets)
justifies thla statement and we will j
have the merchandise to back It up.
Sailing up $alt Creek is agreeable and pleasing is
When You Meet "Jake."
Part of our song last week threshed out to a DIRGE and The Boys
Pulled Her In. Now watch for "Jake."
Those CALCUTTA GRAIN SACKS are going. Better get yours. One
cent off the market
We have a small building about 6x8 that we will give to the party who
convinces us that he or she has the best use for it or needs it the most earn
estly. It would cost over $25.00 to build new. Good for hen house, tool
house, smoke house or for Its original purpose. Now make your wants known.
We are receiving the best Utah and Wyoming COALS.
Weber, Winona and John Deere WAGONS. , -
Wafcts j
AxU Staet Schasala
A. it. Going West. P. M.
L.V Weston t:00 Lv Weston l:tt
Athena t:lt Athena 1:1$
Adams !: " Adams l:lt
A. M. Going East. ' P. HU
fjy Pendleton 10:00 La- Pendleton 4:00
Adams 10:tt " Adama f :St
Athena ll:lf " Athena' t:lt
Pares. . "
Weston to Athena, ISc; Weaton to
Adama, SOc; Athena to Adams, ISc;
Weaton to Pendleton, 11.00; Athena to
Pendleton. 7ic; Adams to Pendleton,
Round trips. If mad In same day:
Weston and Pendleton, tl.SO; Atbena
and Pendleton, IMS.
Headquarters: Weston, at City Drug
Store; A'hena, St. 'Nichols Hotel;
Adama, Inland Mercantile Store; Pen-
dictoa, French Restaurant,
A. at B0TDEX.
and cake
10 OtB.
the dish at the
Weston Bakery
Fresh Bread, Cake and Pastry.
Fine Candies. Good Meals at All
Hours, 25c. We specialise in
Lodge and Party Suppers.
ZEHM the Baker
Dupuis Building, Main and Water
y Shoes and Harness
, repaired next door.
This Briquet Man
hasn't got the STUMMY
KAKE, as you would proba
bly think from his looks; he
is merely asking for more
kake of the kind his wife
bakes when she burns DIA
range. DIAMOND BRIQUETS is tha
cleanest and, we think, the most econ
omical fuel on the market. W have
carload now in stock and would b glad
to supply you with m sample order.
ler-T" """ -rr-Mrr' r!
New Groceries
New Notions
New Canvas Gloves
For Men and Women
New Summer Underwear
' AT :
Tha Ecoacmy Store
Something New
Something Swell
Something Cheap
One Settee
One Chair
One Rocker
Solid Mahogany, panel back, upholstered
with 'brown Spanish leather, spring seats, and
fitted with casters. .
We invite you to come and see this beautiful set; also our
line of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Linoleum.
Practices in all State and Federal
Courts. . . , , -ATHENA.
UvestocK Auctioneer
Will cry Farm Sales in Uma-
tilla County. . .
Phone 1457. Res. 1007 W.
Main street
r P ' KiCQ Ucefmed
H.Q y Q tiPUBUUUUU Embalmer j
R9, gaj . swsjssjsw ' gf gM
JLa - 1-. alia ' CslLwi
To D
all iiitliils'a)
- If you need anything in Drugs and
Medicines, be careful where you buy.
- Selecting a drug store is very import
ant in many ways. Ability, carefulness
and promptness are necessary. AH
-this you get with your purchase at
( jaaaaiaM)M V mW J SOS. 4- ,w
Weston, Oregon