The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 13, 1915, Image 4

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    ret SAlAUT0WCD!LE3
T jS
A Sara fee Track t Bur
vol. for Hi tnonay a. a mw truck. Kf
riullt we moan that the Irurk la entlraJy
lakon tpMV Mh part eaamlnad and If
Pai-aai r rll"d f a naw part aaade
at lha Krdnrml factory, the nUr truca
rvpalntad end rannlaheS, and everythlnc
an in irara prau
paaary done ta malt
aliv aa fond aa paw tn every datall
U'hm imj huv a rebuilt Fadaral
ra proterird by I ha aama policy and la
iflwt that ara aiva la all tradaral ewaere.
toe oprata a repair drpartmant, la waK-a
Ida vtvicmM ara apat-iauaia on rravmia,
aur eunpty at Federal nana la complete,
and tha aturk mam orvanlaatlon high
oMae. trh Inaur-ea lha prompt inline of
au pane ordere. v a aiao operaia a ear.,
department, which la opca day and
want, at your cau." rna reoeraj
aainr a rood truck In tha ftret place and
protected by company wnira w equip
ped and aia tha diapoatuoa ta lra ye
Service m eoneequenuy
A a Aire I'tk'll TBI-nf TO KTTT.
If you ara In lha ntarkat for a track
from Ilea ta 110. we urere yott to cora
pare naad Federate with pew trucks at
elmllar prices. We think caa coavtaee
you ef their au parlor value.
Klnc and Waahtngtoa 61a.
Malaa and arkWee i
ata laaraacatr eaar.
Pneea leaaaaaMe.
Cawuwt aaaaanr ad wark
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund
m Mereaa Baildlas. eta Fleer. WaaVkujaaa
Dalles-Columbia Line
Btata a Waaainiaaa. far Taa TJaDaidaOyas.
Vanaay II p. aa, Laaae Delta, daily as. alee.
IZaL ftiamaa f N. TaaL Inlui kmir.
Twta Qttm far Upper Columbia aad Saaeerhnr
la. layka-St. Uack. XaLMaiaaU,
Kbee aai Ceaaraa law Teaae; Ca, rwBeal
TOCTW MAN. BK A BAKSE. Laara a Trade.
Urn ladi'paanrat, Trada taarat la aval a kc
aaaaj baa. Ciejaiimui a paal white karanaB
CwttiMM amwH. Wrlta far fraa catakc
UU COULEGBf. PartlaaC K N. tad 8U
Saaaaaa, Aa MaiaAaa Saattia. AK Mat 8.
Tha ConnolaMura,
Two farm era. kttlred In cordnroya
and galtera, were trolling throcgh a
picture cillery, where they looked,
and apparently felt, decidedly out of
place. Bat at last they brought np
before a picture which really seemed
to please them a portrait of a toreiy
girl with a particularly giy bulldog.
Tils Is sometbinf nice. Dick," said
'What to It called r
Dick referred to the catalogue.
" 'Beauty and the Beast.' " ha said.
The other man looked closer at tha
"He Is a beauty, too!" . ,
True To Life.
"What's all that noise upstairs T"
called tha mother. "I thought you
vera playing house.
"We are, mamma," tha little daugh
ter replied. "Johnny Is the papa, and
be has Just come home from the store,
rat arguing with him about money
of Confidence Noted ia All
lines cf Industry.
Wet Weather Does Good to Wheat,
Livestock and,Dairy Industry
Big Yields Is Now Seen. '
Washington, D. C The former feel
ing of arprehension, of "something ia
going to happen" because of tha
'European war." has almost entirely
disappeared, according to a special re
port submitted Monday by tha com
mittee on statistics and standards of
the chamber of commerce of tha Unit
ed States.
Even with the possibility that the
United States might become entangled
in tha gigantic world conflict, there
still remains a pronounced belief that.
rorUsnd Wheat Bluest, H
bushel: fortyfold. 4c: club, Jci red
Fife. 02c; red Kuaaian, Xto.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $23.60 ton.
Barley No. 1 feed. $ii.50 ton;
bran, (24. SS; shorts, tU.ti.
Zizi prices, : Cran, $77
ton; ahorta, 28; rolled barley, 127.60
Corn Whole, $58 ton; cracked, S9.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $lf
IT ton; valley timothy, $16; alfalfa,
Vagtrtablae Cucumbara, Oregon, IS
ft 20c dosen; artichokes, sue; toma-
toas. 6041 7 5 box: cabbage, l&m
pound; head lettuce, fl crate; beans,
J i ot 4c pound; green corn, SOe dosen;
rarlie. 7(it7o pound.
Green Fruits umtaionpes, si.ou i
125 crste; apricots, 0e t $1 box;
peaches, 60 60c; watermelons, 1 (J
lis pound: plums. T5ci$l box; new
apples, Astrechan, 76cii$l box; Gray
anstein, $1.60tl.75; peaches, 11.60;
grapes, $1.60al crate.
roUtoee New, T68S sack.
Onions 76e sack.
Eggs Oregon ranch, buying prices:
No. 1, tie dosen; No. t, 19c; No. S,
16c Jobbing price: No. 1,24c dosen.
Poultry liana. 131 it 14e pound;
springs, 17c; turkeys, 18(19; ducks.
olSc; geese, WfClOc
Butter City creamery cubes, ex
tras. S7c; firtu, 16c; seconds, tic;
prints and cartons, extra; butterfst.
No. 1. Z8c;
mm occupy
Periscope Believed Brourjht
Point of Perfection.
UaS.W Force Used to hk
National CepM
Ltit IftatfvMeiil Cnehiee Cemmsnd-
' ef ta Be fVaetlsatly ura That
Deadly Torpedo Will Rh
hip Ha Wsuls DeetrsA
i :
Miss Hannah Wessling Is the bread-
making expert of the United ttatea
department ef agriculture.
Her Work Cut Out.
"Bow ara you going to spend tha
"Fa's rented a cottage again, and I
Suppose I'll spend it in the kitchen
cooking fish for our city friends to
eat, tha way I did last year." De
troit Free Press.
Letter for Letter..
"Why does a poet begin so many
or his sentences with O r said the
"There's no answer," replied Mr.
.Penwiggle. "Why does a speechmak-
er begin so many of his sentences
with TP Washington Star.
Thousands Have Ben Helped
By Common Sense
5 Suggestions,
notwithstanding such untoward con
ditions, business is bound to show dis
tinct advancement.
Confidence in the future, according
to the committee, of which A. W.
Douglas, of St. Louis, is chairman,
has grown apace with the steady prog
ress of the crops and the slow but con
tinual improvement in industrial af
There still continues, however, to be
conservatism and caution in buying
and in new commitments. The reason
seems to be that it is better business
to wait until the results of the crops
are known beyond question before ven
turing a more extended way. and as a
consequence stocks of merchandise
throughout the country continue light.
The continued wet weather has done
more good than harm to the crops, it
is said.
The conditions of mining vary
sharply ax to the commodity mined.
Copper mines are running full time
and new. ones are opening up. Zinc
and lead mines are busy and the min
ing of iron ores is improving.
There is little business in naval
stores because of lack of demand.
Phoephate mines of Florida still re
main dosed on account of the Euro
pean war. Unfavorable reports come
from the fisheries of Oregon, Washing
ton, the Gulf and the Atlantic Coast.
Manufacturing varies much, accord-.
big to tha article made, though in gen
eral it is quiet. Steel and iron bus
iness shows distinct improvement,
with increasing orders. The manufac
turers in different sections who have
country creamery cubea, 20fe2Sc.
Veal Fancy, 1&12, pound.
Pork Block. 91c pound.
Hops 1916 contracts, ISc; 1914
crop. 14: olds. lZtfUSc
Wool Eastern Oregon, medium, S3
tfX2Stc: Eastern Oregon, fine, 1821e;
valley. Z&SSOc: mohair, new dip, 30
Cascara bark Old and new, e
Cattle Best steers, .50ffit7; good.
$6.25a.60; medium, $6.25; choice
cows, 16.3605.60; heifers, l.75
6.60; bulls, tS.505; stags, S5&6.25.
Hogs Light, 17 J 7:16; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, S4.76Q6.05; awes.
S3g4.z5; Iambs, S5g6.
Chicago Black rust reports ara
coming in thick and fast, and so also
news of wet weather damage to wheat
in tha shock. After an all-day ad
vance tha market closed steady. Corn
gained lle to lle, and oats t
Zi to 31c In provisions, tha outcome
was 10c to 2?i30c decline.
Black rust reports becoming mora
numerous gsva tha wheat market a de
cided upturn at tha opening. Accord
ing to one expert, 50 per cent of the
crop in Southern North Dakota was in
danger. There were also advices in
dicating that all tha winter wheat still
uncut Jn tha fields south of the Nebras
ka region would virtually be a com
plete loss.
Com, stimulated by cold that sug
gested lata autumn rather than mid
summer, kept pace with the rise in the
value of wheat. Shipping demand
from tha east was of a lively sort, Mit
could not be taken advantage of.
supplies here were too limited in vol
Independent strength developed in
tha osts market. A huge short in
terest was said to exist, mainly be
cause or Dig sales lor export ana Be
cause of lack of corresponding con
tracts for deliveries from first bands.
Owing to wet weather, the country
was ssid to be offering virtually noth
Stop-loss selling formed tha rule In
provisions. There seemed to be no
demand except from shorts.
Peaches Plentiful and Cheap.
Portland Peaches are abundant on
Front street and sell fairly well. Ore
gon Hales brought Z to 60 cents, ac
cording to size. The larger part of
the offierings were small size. The
best California peaches were held at
60 cents. .. Local apples were more
President of Senate Cables Protest
tn Name of Haitien Repuclic,
Which Falls on Deaf Ear.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti American
naval forces Monday took poasesston of
tha office of the port, tha national
palace, and tha Haitien gunboat Pa-
During tha movement to take tha
office of tha port, the Americana open
ed lira on tha Haitians and one Hai
tien was killed.
Tha occupation of tha office of the
port and the national palace gave tha
Americano the last positions held by
the Haitians. The populace has been
grade, t less; I thrown into consternation by the opera
tions of the Americana.
Tha president of the senate. In the
name of tha nation, cabled Solon
tienos, Haitien minister to tha United
States, a new protest against the oc
cupation of Haitien territory by tha
American naval forces.
Tha American authorities have noti
fied tha diplomatic body and tha con
sular agents that Colonel Eli K. Cola,
United States Marina corps, and com
mander of tha American expeditionary
forces, is entrusted with the main
tenance of order and tha safeguarding
of life and property.
Captain Edward I Beach, chief of
staff to Admiral Caperton, remains in
charge of tha . work of settling any
differences of an sdministrative nature
which may arise with the Haitien authorities.
Dr. Bosalvo Bo bo, leader of tha
revolution, arrived her on board tha
United States refrigerator ship Celtic
On landing, ha- was cheered by tha
A meeting of tha national assembly
has been called for Sunday to elect a
new president. -
Ex-President William H. iTaft will
be in Portland Monday, August 23.
He will deliver an address at the
Heilig theater. Ex-President Taft
has accepted an invitation to address a
Joint convention of tha Bar associa
tions of tha states of Oregon and
Washington. His sddrees will be open
to the public generally, and his subject
will be "Law and Government.
Other speakers will be Senator
George E. Chamberlain, of Oregon,
Governor James Withyeombe, of Ore-
Kverjrbody knows tha simple srta
cipie or uie periscope, but few are
aware of tha minute reflnsmsata ot
tha acstruct!oa of lbs perfected In
strument, us delicacy aad Importance.
Down In the eoanirg tower, la tha
semldarkness, with lha throbbing ol
machinery and tha hushed hunt of
tha watar slipping past Us
lookout scuUles, tha commander ot
tha submarine has beett carefully
studying tha course of his pray and
making calculations as to Its speed,
carefully laying bis own course la ac
cordance. Now the time has corns
to take a chance, for soon lha pari
scope splash will be observed, to
suit la a fuslllsda of projectiles, aad
a twisting, dodging course oa tha part
of tha cruiser, aad tha submarlas
would be baffled.
The officer takes his final observa
tion, lays his courts, presses a but
ton, and tha clrcutsMrsmsd picture
before him Is extinguished. Ills pre
viously calculated period ot blind run
nlng expiree. If ble calculations have
beea correct, and tha cruiser bss sot
changed Its course or speed ha should
be within torpedo ranee, with the
tubes pointing toward tha target, la
Tha periscope la pointed carefully
In tha direction which should reveal
tha ship, pointed aa carefully and ac
curately as a gun would ha pointed
Everything Is la readiness, the crew
Is standing by the torpedo tubas, and
the second they receive their signal
tha great claarshaped missile will be
on Its way. The commander presses
a button. The hydraulic power Is re
leased. As quickly as a rattlesnake
strikes and withdraws, tha periscope
shoots np aad down. For a fraction
of an Instant an overwhelmingly large
vision ot the enemy ship Asanas up.
Ills calculations have bees correct
and with tha speed of thought ha
reaches for the signal buttoa which
will send tha "messenger ot death'
oa Ita way.
Too late the lookout aad tha officer
on the bridge of tha cruiser observe
the furrow which marks tha approach
of tha torpedo through-the water. Tha
helm Is thrown bard, but without avail.
Before the ship answers tha furrow
hss ended la a resounding thump
against the bull, tha exploeloa follow a
and tha work Is does. .
With the old sty! periscope this ac
tion would have been Impossible,
granting a sharp lookout had been
kept on the cruiser, for tha only way
the captain of the submarine could
have taken his observations would
have been to bring hla craft sufficient
ly nsar tha surface to push the rigid
periscope out of tba water, and with
draw It again by diving, a much slow
er process, and one which would have
given time for tha splash to be sees,
tn which case quick maneuvering by
Purity Guaranteed
under all State and National Pure
Food Lawi. You can pay a
hicher price, but you cannot jjet
a baking powder that will raise
nicer, lighter biscuits, cakes and
pastry, or that is any more
Your money back if K C fails to
please you. Try a can at our risk.
ij ' i ' 1
mm aa hu
UIHM. iMal. 111
IMH. ., tMM mit
!. M4f
.i ,i 1 1. ...'t mkh Map
.. i aul mm -.! a
ifMhf Haw aaa
re-1 aaaate mum us aania Sat. Sr-alya, . t.
A-4- ' I"- XH-L.
Lloht Flnosred.
Al a dinner stvea by the prime min
ister of a Utile kingdom In Hurltanla
a diplomat complained to his boat
that the minister of Justice, who had
bean sitting on hla left, bad stolen his
"Ah. he should at have dona that."
Id ha prime minister la tunas of
annoyance. "I will gel It back lor
yu " ....
Sure enough toward lha and or ma
evening the watch was returned to Its
Hh-hf" rsutloned Ihs host, glsnolng
anxiously about htm. "He doesn't
kdow tbst I bsve got 11 back.1'
Te Sreat la New Sheas,
Alwara ihata la a lUa-a rot -- a aawaaa.
It euraa a.H. aarann. ei-alas. aweiiaa teat
i'araa-M,luriia alt aud etiMioaa, at
tlldnifaiata aad aaua (, iw. Duetereapl
tnyauUiliuia. eaaivlaaallr4raAta Addreat
alias A Olaulad. La W X. .
A Daughter ef Eve.
He hsd been to a "slag dinner, and
hla wife wanted to hear all about It
when he sot home. "Well." he said.
one rather odd thing occured. Jim
Hlanktoa got up and left the table
because some fellow told a story he
aid not approve or."
How noble of Mr. Mlankloa." ex
claimed the wifw, "and what was
the story, Job or
Taa aaw eavetaeevptanentl.
far laa mall mvm at II a af ta.
rrtvlfa ana in-aa, Jutty
al.MUN. axuthlns frMa I (a M
pauaaa, aatlvvrwl telrwwr maim 9
aeaal fr-a. la ayry la.
atama aa auarantae taa foa at
arrira la prune aamliUua. aa laa
aiwiiittalwta ul a Aa. aNa aur.
wminlad a-lia Wa. M laa aaate at
atlaar raid af warta a-aa'are, at
ItM eaprwaa aaavpaalM kp pat.
I taa aaw toe mm taa Sa aa I at
aa laa at lea ewlia lua aaal
eat a airaat at laa ee .t-il-nai
euwaniaa It la arrive la i.
M U aa ap.41. aa aa aaaaittlal;
ediMe aawdiiaMt. laara aaute aa
aatie laa a. ana awU arrve
tarwa evarae aiant fatatlanj aaa
if: wiia am la aeara.
S mm vaari aa rr ka-al WaV,
an-pias Aee. Ul
teteaM 1111 OSaaal UUM 0t
IS4 Bad A. rMaai ae.
The Heckler Hssklsd.
Mrs. William If. Thompson, wlfa of
Chlcsio's now mayor, did much to
help her husband win.
Mrs. Thompson. In the days when
It was dm-rni-d unwomanly to want to
vole, was once prevailed on to make
a suffrage ipt-rrh. She spoke superb
ly, but. In the midst of her argument.
a you in with a cigarette yelled:
"Don't you wish yott were a masf
"Ikin't your" said Mrs. Thompson.
and went right oa with her argument
A few minutes later the heckler.
having recovered, tried another bout
wlih the fair speaker.
Don't you think mothers ought to
stay home with their children" be
r ,,-r.,iI
i d
? i
W H.Taftj!.
gon.and Ex-senator George Turner, of I
Spokane. Wash. The meeting will ex-
Astrachans were quoted at I tend over three days, beginning Au-
Women suffering from any form of
female ills are invited to communicate
. promptly with tha
'woman's private
t correspondence de-
1 pertinent of the Ly-
kine Co., Lynn,
i Mass. Tour letter
will be opened, read
i and answered by a
woman and held ta
strict confidence. A woman can freely
talk of her private illness to a woman ;
thus has been established a confidential
eorreepondence which has extended over
many years and which has never been
broken. Never bave they published a
testimorJal or used a letter without the
written consent of the writer, and never
has the Company allowed these confi
dential letters to get out of their pos
session, as the hundreds of tlionaands
of them in their files will attest .
- Oat of the vast volume of experience
which they have to draw from, it is more
than possible that they possess the very
knowledge needed in your case. Noth
ing Is asked in return except your good
will, and their advice has helped thou
sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor,
should be glad to take advantage of this
Eenerovs offer of assistance. Address
ydis E. Pinkham Medicine Ca, (con
fidential) Lynn, Msss. -
Every woman ought to have
Lydif H- I'inkham's 80-pago
'oxt Book. It Is not a book for
general distribution, as it is too
expensive. It Is free and only
obtainable by mail. Write for
IS today.
orders for war contracts ara exceeding
ly busy.
Haitien Brigand Taken.
Port-so-Prince The presidential
election to fill tha place of General
Vilbrua Guillaume, who was removed
from tha French legation by a mob of
Haitiens July 28 and shot to death, has
been postponed indefinitely. The Amer
ican naval forces at Croix-des-Koo-1 ,,,. . verv noor oualitv.
part of a band of brigands. The chief
of the band was taken prisoner and
placed on board tha United States
eruiser Washington. Other disorders
are reported to have occurred at St.
March and Aux Capes.
75 cents to SI and Gravensteins at
31.25, with an occasional sale at $1.60.
Huckleberries are coming in In a more
liberal way. The general price is 8
cents a pound, but fancy large berries
from the eoaat are sooted st 10 cents.
Hop Growers Want Hot Weather.
Portland Hop crop conditions in
this state do not improve, and unless a
hot spell of weather sets in very soon
the quality of the crop is certain to be
spotted and the quantity reduced.
Where yards hsve been thoroughly
sprayed the vermin attack hss been
kept down, although in some instances
the attack is still persistent, even
after the third spraying. Tha worst
reports, are from yards where growers
neglected to spray. It is difficult to
how these yards can have other
Airman Falls Into Bay.
San Francisco Charles F. Niles, an
aviator formerly in the service of Gen
eral Carranza, sustained painful but
not fatal injuries when engine trouble
st the outset of what was to hsve been
a practice flight at the exposition com
pelled him to plunge into San Francis-
eo Bay with hia aeroplane. In falling
he was thrown sgainst an iron bar.
Three upper teeth were broken and two
lower teeth torn out by the roots.
When trouble developed he managed to ;
glide out over the water. A nearby
mo tor boit brought him ashore.
P. N. U.
No. 33, ISIS
VTS wrlilur a aaYertSaara. plaaaa I
tt(M tbnt PM.
'Male Zebra Born In Zoo.
New York A lively 70-pound male
zebra baby was added to the Central
Park menagerie Monday.
The zebra is three feet tall and
three and one-half feet from tip to
tail. Both mother and baby are doing
well and the new pet will be shown
to the public in few days. This
zebra is the first that hss ever been
born in this country, and so far ss
records show the first ever born In
Oats Bought at Higher Level.
Portland The feature of a recent
session at the Merchants Exchange
was the firmness of the oats market.
Five hundred tons were sold at $28.50
for prompt delivery. The demand for j
oats, however, is not large.
Wheat was steady to firm, and bids
were raised 1 to 2 cents for the various
sorts. Asked prices were in no es
less than t cents above offers. A lit
tle business is being done in the coun
try in club st 82 to 84 cents.
Portland Wool buying In this state
is now slmost at an end and the atten
tion of the trade is centered on the
selling movement In the Eastern mar
kets. About 500,000 pounds of wool
is still left scattered throughout the
state in small lots. Buyers are con
tinually after these lots, but the hold
ers are indifferent as to letting go. A
considerable quantity of consigned
wool remains to be disposed of here.
Poultry I" Moderate Supply.
Conditions were not chsnged on the
Portland market In the line of country
produce this week. Poultry wss in
moderate supply and sold welt, hens at
I3lSJe and springs at 17 cents.
Dressed veal continues weak.
Eggs were firm for tha best grade
and other kinds were week. The but
ter market was steady and unchanged. 1
gust 23d. Lawyers and Judges all
over the United States and Canada are
expected to attennd. Extensive prep
arations are under way for the enter
tainment of the visitors. ' Hotel ac
commodations will be arranged by sd-
dressing Mr. A. B. Ridgwsy, North
western Bank Building, Portland.
Among other entertainments, it is
planned to take visitors for an automo
bile trip over the new Columbia High
way. -
Warship Fire Explained.
Philadelphia After a thorough ex
amination while the damage wss being
repaired, officials of the New York
Shipbuilding company are convinced
that the fire which swept the bold
of tha dreadnought Oklahoma several
weeks sgo wss caused by spontaneous
Work on the latest dreadnought is
being rushed. . The Oklahoma was
to have been resdy for delivery In Oc
tober, but it is expected tha fire will
delay completion . until early in Jan
uary of next year.
Ohio Village Sacrificed. .
Dayton, O. In line with the plans
for prevention of future floods, such
ss wrought disaster to this city and
the Miami valley in March, 1918, the
entire village . of Osborn, Greene
county, with its population of more
than 1000, will be wiped from the face
of the earth, to make room for a
reservoir. The flood conxervance com
mission has perfected plans for ac
quiring sll the property of tha villsge
at a eost of approximately $1,600,000,
Property owners bave agreed to the
Rails Going to Russia.
Seattle The Great Northern liner
Minnesota sailed Monday for Vladi
vostok with 8000 tons of steel rails for
ths trans-Siberian rairlosd, to be used
in building sidetracks that will relieve
the blockade - st Vladivostok and ex
pedite the shipment of munitions to
the war front in Europe.
The rails are valued at $1,500,000.
The remainder of the cargo, part of
which goes to Japan, is valued at
$500,000. ;
Anatomy ef Modern Periscope.
the cruiser might bave saved It, and a
broadside directed toward tba splash
"destroyed" tha submarine.
Tha periscope Is ths Invention of
Hollander, Telar van Elves, who In
LS59 built a semlsubmerslble boat at
Amsterdam. As bis craft was intend
ed to run low In ths wster, la ths
condition known as "swssh," and ths
difficulty of observsilon, dus to waves
wssbing across the low conning tower
some other method than the lookout
scuttles was necessary. Van Elvsn
ringed op a contrivsncs of Inclined
mirrors at each end of a Ijng tube, the
simplest form of periscope. His craft
wss not successful, but the Instrument
of observation was, snd proved ma
forerunner of tha complicated and deli
cate Instrument In nsa today.
Diverse Emotions.
Tva bought so automobile."
"Have vouT"
"Tea. Why don't you congratulate
me." '
"I'm waiting to bear what make It
There la Immediate relief for skins
Itching, burning and dlafltured by
enema, best-rash or similar torment
ing skin trouble. In a warm bath with
realnol soap and a simple application
of reslnol ointment. The soothing,
heating reslnol medication sinks right
Into the skin, stops Krblux Instantly,
and soon clears sway all trace of
eruption, even tn severe and stub
born cases where other treatments
have hsd no effect. After tbst, the
regular use of reslnol snap is usoslly
enough to keep the skin clear and
healthy. Every arnxtlat sells reslnol
ointment and reslnol soap. Adv,
As Modified.
The ususl crowd of loafers wars
seated around tha stove la the t li
lac grocery.
'Tell you what," began ons or the
bewhlskered bunch, "I never Hod to
my wife In my life"
At this point be was interrupted
by a unanimous laugh that was loud
snd long.
"That I didn't get -caught at
It," continued the speakar after tha
laughter bad subsided.
Whereupon silence reigned su
prems for nearly 23 seconds.
' Useful.
"I've got to earn soma money dur
ing my summer vacation," remarked
the law student, "but I'd like, If pos
sible, to work at something that will
be of use to ma later on.
'Why don't you get a Job aa waiter
In a summer hotel T" sdvlsed the
professor. "The experience you will
set In making out bills will coma tn
mighty bandy when you begin tha
practice of law."
Ha Knew.
The teacher was giving tba geog
raphy class a lesson on the cattle
ranches. She spoke of their beet all
coming from the westnd, wishing
to test tha children's observation, she
asked:; -
'And what else comes to us from
these reaches?"
That was a poser. She looked at her
shoes, but no one took ths bint She
tried again.
'What do we get from the cauls
besides beef?"
One boy eaxorly raised his hand.
"I know what It is. It's tripe," ha
answered triumphantly. -Tba Youth's
Oa 8. P. R. R. ia TUIameek, Le. Or.
Trala etapa at ear aaap, Plaoe at aural rear
taaattaa ear laa) aaanaae. Vaa will aad H
aWUaairal aa aU aa ao.aia.ira. Wa km
Nil raraMaad M " Taala, Irla4ias
elattrte apaia aad nw, traat S par aat ap.
Iiaaae erarv a!at. kowtia. pwd aad SU
Sard Barf rtaelae aad Safe Hataia. far
part!eat write ar aaU aa WISS lX(T4t.
Ca. IIIH raUiae- M al WaaV
laa aw. fur (land. Ora. a A ar at SUK
liar Vtrw. TUIaMMea Ue Ore.
T sCTaO' Vrta mmt aal mmm)
III dVJaV M.Ma etts. mf
lossts $utiY rirvDmi
CatW IMH Ptita la. ,
ma, auiw: mtmmimm mw
i Hiwaai mmm avaj fa
Piih i a
raai a
mt mmm avn-ba. M IVMr-a h
Taa ipaauH. mi ivht Mu mmt A
eaa at v-u"H- la aaM.i aaa eaa a.
lata mm crita P .-".a'.
I'.l Sums txsoaatesv, , CaHwala,
Matter af Orsmmer.
Housekeeper How's Ibis? Yon
promised to saw some wood if I gsva
you a lunch.
Tramp 1 recall no surh promise,
"The Ideal I told you I'd gtve yoe.
a lunch If you d saw some wood, and
you agreed."
"Pardon we, madam. Your exact
words were: 'I'll give yon a lunch If
you saw that wood over there by the
gate.' "
"Eiactly. That's Just what I said.'
"Well, madam, I saw that wood
over there by the gate ss I came
In." Tit Bits.
Is, so I'll know
sympathize." '
whether to laugh or
Constipation rauaes and seriously ss
gravstes many diseases, It is thor
oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pallets.
Tiny sugar-coated granules.
- . ' Correct. ,;
A Canadian named Casey wss ap
pointed to a government place, ssys
Law Notes. Technically, it bad to
be held by a lawyer, which Casoy
was not. The benchers of the law
society, however, undertook lo obviate
the technicality.
"Well, Casey," said the examiner;
"what do you know about law, any
"To tell Ibe truth," replied the can
didate. "I don't know a single thing."
Tha examiner reported in his affi
davit, "that he bad examined Mr.
Casey ss to his knowledge or tha law,
and, to tha best of hla information
and belief, he bad answered the ques
tions tbst he bsd put to h Ira cor
rectly." The aspirant was therefore
admitted. "
V - i . .-ill' r,
A Genius.
Hubbv wss late, but ha had a tat-
fectly good excuse so good that his
wife could make no use ot the lec
ture she had prepared for him.
AH she said was: "John, ir me
ability you display in thinking up ei-
cases for staying out late could only
be turned into some userui channel,
the world would hall you as one of
tha greatest Inventive genlusus thst
aver lived,"' ;;;
'I never hear Col urns complaining
about business depression." ;
'I should ssy not He's sn expert
accountant, and he's rushed to death
straightening out the books of firms
that have gone into bankruptcy."
Ita Status.
"They tell me you have a nsw baby ,
at your house, Tilly." ,
'They say it's new, out us an so
creased up, I believe It's second
hand." Baltimore American.
Msrsly Trsdltion, ,
first Politician Ones thers wss a
man who said he would rather be right
than be president
Second Politician Yea, I remember
readies something of that kind w a
book of ancient history.
As Time Rolls On.
Miss Overten Mrs. Nswed thinks bef
husband Is ons man Is a thousand.
Mrs. Old wed Oh, yss; all brides
think tba same thing but a year later
the man In the case figures ss one ol
ths ciphers.
A Contradiction. !
"Here's a scientist says that ths
color of hair can't turn gray to a sin
gle night"
"He's never seen Mayme's when
she's forgottaa to bsve her bottle refilled."
Banish the wBIue3lw
If yen have that depressed feeling it's more than Ukekf that fWnT
blood is out of order Impoverished or poisoned.
Thure is only one thing thst will alter your present condition
that's to restore your stomach to normal health and strength. For
a weak or diseased stomach cannot make good biood. If your
itlirsation Is bad vnnr food will not make tha eood blood Which
nourishes body, brain, heart and nerve. - --. ' . .
' Tpfir-OjteHV" '?.-., "' .-Jfi-.i-.' - -.'.-iW Juris-.( ' ...-...,!..:.
M1ileaaaftaatel i ftsl Mil isH riiWiitt.liiiffl'frwWiiW
helps tha stomach to do Ita work naturally and properly. Stimulates
the liver, 'ins system is xreea irom poison, ine otooa is punnea.
Every onrsn is reiuvenated. Instead of tha "Bhies." yoa feel fit snd
strong, equal to any task or op to any pleasure. -
This creat remedy has proved Its worth year after year for ever
forty years. Let it prove its worth to you. Sold by medicine dealers
la tablet or liquid form or send 60c for trial box by mail.
gaait It aaeaatataawaaapay aaataf auMaf enlv aa a fraa aapy af Dr.'Plafae'aCoaar
. MOP pasaa. alaiaiaaiaMt. Add! aa isr.YJa. reeaaa.Pailaia,