B I Dr. Alfred F.Sempert Gradual ind llgf tered ' DENTIST Hire Reasonable gS"T BRANDT UI.Dfl., upUlni BREVITIES flood kiwi (or Mia. i. U Mi-Clsllsn, I llfffl I ' . ' ifl weston Meat; L MarH 1 i It Rifinrlf ntitllinrif nntv. I Bite rostoflice. I Good, Fresh Meats I Fish In Season n Cash paid for I HIDES I Pcrrv & Lundcll I Hound H, delivered, fur Ml Quire uf Mr. II. N. Uhsnss. New arrival al ro lure, rug, ohalr and bed, In. Kelim, Mr a. Lotil "oholl, Jr., or Bho. la lb guest of Mr. and Mra, II. U Hod rich. Mra. Josephln Duncan wa visiting In W talon last Wash. - Tha peculiar Uala of lha local tu tar as ao4 considerable regretful comment about Iowa of lata, sad not tmw families art resorting lu ffvlla for Ihelr drinking water. I'lpe and reservoir wer cleaned out by Muper Intendenl Wilton, but nothing of a ausplcloue nature waa found. Tha taint ta aarrlbed to tha oakum used Ik caulking tha new steel pip laid In lha crees bad thraa nillaa above town. and will harm nobwlv, although from noonJ-liaml lnr" ' month may lps bvfora na arrai-t upon ine water uiasppesr. Consumer may at least coneole tham. selves over tha fart that for tha first tlma In year theg now have plenty of water for lawn Irrigation. Harvesting outftla hava alao barn auppllad from lha analna, lhanka to Weaton'a naw weak from rmisy. A remarksbl yield for thla season nd an unusual ana for any aeason Just arrived, a Una Una of Mgh. rtlaKnlvMia MliiaraioiiloaaMKiil.. " . - I f Ir..iT,l. I ,in(l,.nr I waa obtained by William ft. ferguson, palrluk Confectioner, one of tha Kurt End'a largeat farmera. Mra. C. H. Rmlth and llttla aon re- from a quarter Bert I on of tha reaerva turned Bunday from her vletl with J Hon land ha la handling aouth of Alh. relatlvaa In Ulympla, Wuh. na. Ha had III errea of thla tract In . Maritime ran wheat tthlrh vlalita till Walter Melton baa returned lnm!Mln, or approximately 10 buahela to for a vacation vlalt from tha u, W, ,n- aCr. jrrom a total of Is acrea In tha aama neighborhood ha had an average yield of between It and ft aarka per acre, tha remainder being Jenklne club. Mr. Ferguaon aaya that lha Oerman red atanda up aa straight aa a pine pole and cute beau tifully. K. A. Iudley planted more than 100 acrea of It. and la alao aald to be getting a big yield. Oadgett farm near Mlaalon elation. 1 Mr. and Mra. Will Payna were vlalt- Ing nundey al lha noma of Trank Montgomery al Blue Mountain atallon. A aon waa born Katurday evening lo Mr. and Mra. 11. B. Klcherda al their homo In Athena. Waaton frlenda pre aenl congratulation. ' Motor car eervlee to all poinia. da or night. Alao livery and feed atehV opposite tha IJeuallen blacksmith ahop. Ufa Mclirlde. 1 lllllv rarrell. Pendleton lightweight. la scheduled to meet Tommy Clark, j While thla to by no formerly of Seattle, In a It-round bout al Athena Auguat to. DR. C. H. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Offirg in iirandt bulbllnf H-H.TON . . UHlidOM After a month of ramping out on Pine creek In Weelon, Mra. 1. O. thivle and bar two eona left Wedneeday Jr their future home at Preecott, Wash. K. R. Zehm haa been appointed dis tributing agent for part of Eastern Oregon for tha relebrated "Klenso ftoap," lately Introduced In thla local- ny. County Commlaalnner II. A. Water s'. M. Dan later la getting good crop thla year from hla Kat Kad holdings. Although pretty badly "down." 71 acrea on lha old home place west of town, threshed by Art Coppock, yield ed 1 191 aacka of club and red chaff. meana m poor ahowlng, the same tract two year aao produced no leea than III aacka. He had a satisfactory yield from tha Olnn ranch, and 10 acrea of the Mra. Taylor place averaged about 10 buah ela to the acre. Hla own outfit la now threshing on the Klchmond place ad joining town, which I yielding well. On the reservation he had an aver age of II buahela per acre from II aci-ve. J. N. Yrk liaa house li la harvest Inj outnt, aner a ucrerui run u li days In hla own grain. With a 14-Inch ABBOIISTMTOrS UU Of nxu piormr. Nottoe la herwby given that by vir tue of an order of the County Court of an automobile Uvst Wednesday al Pen dleton, died Haturdsy night of hla In juries. After an extended vlalt with her dauahter, Mra. T. K. Xehm, Mra. M. n wii.la left thla week to vlalt an- I'maillla I'tmnty. Oregon, mmla on other itsnshtsr. who resides at Wal- June U, II4. In lite Matter of the Ke-: re, Idaho, tale of KIUtth I'rlue oim-UtiiM I railed Kllia 1'Hnf.) deceaaotl, I will lll Price. Hob Proudflt. Clar omlth nil M pulillo auctlim Ui tha highest end ueorge Marbee went runing mud tkler for eash, at SoVliwIt l. m. tin 'day lo the Umatilla river. They found the trout to be biting wen, ana nea no man of Hermlsion. who waa etruck by :p.r.,or mni , lt.tmi header he .....l.lt. I WMtHcailaM al Pan.) .... Haiuniay, the llih lay uf HiieitilNr, ivia, at tug front diwr of the t'uunty I'ourt House In aald County, In I lie VUf of 1'entlletoa therein, all of Hie real property lielongltig to aaid eslale? .UeeertlMMi aa lx numlwrrj II ana 13 difficulty In filling their baekeu. Harry Bhlck. aeparator lender with John Hanlstrra outfit, became en taneled Maturday with a set screw In Work numuerrj S In the Town oliand lust all of hla clothing. At that Meaum, all In (lie Cliy of tVenton In al4 County ami State, ami all of the right, title ami Interest which I. a Administrator of that rut ate, ran sell, lha aale to he mule subject to cuntl mi nt Ion hr saltl Count v Court. Dated August II, lI V K. (. DrtVhmg, Atlmlnlstrautr of the rtte f l'.IUabetti t'rine (soinetimes called KIU I't lnc,) dvceet). he had a bit the beet of "Heptember Morn," aa hla auapenders were left Intact. Prom hla home place northwest of town Allt-k Johnson harvested 1M7 sarka from lit acres. The name ground haa yielded 1104 aacka. which Indicates the degree to which Mr. jnhnson'a crop waa damaged by thl year bum. Your time can not be employed to better Hirpnee than by taking advanUg f Divte-KaMr'g GREAT AUGUST SALE. You can malt worth-while aav- tngfl by buying now at Retl Tag Price the thing you wouUi have to buy very won anyway. You can make a double saving by buying now, for you not only Mr the big Sale reduction now in effect, but you also the atlvance in price on many thing wh ch must become effective very aoon. Speller ha gone from 6 to SO con I a a pouiul; copper haa doubled; aluminum la much hlghvr ant wool and diea and many olhor item also. The result I that gooda made of the thing are advanrklg right along. Manufacturer have advanced tricea of galvanised tub over f&OO tr ck4tn and further advance are pre-fJkUd-snd ao it goes. There la every indication that it will be kmg time be fore we can attain maintain the low level of price of the past few month. So w gay, buy now and save. A bushel of wheat never bought to much aa right how, and may never again. - If you do not know the caving poitTt( of a DAVIS-KASER SALE, by e)ll meana investigated Come in and read the Red Tag-they tell the story. You'll (Ind that Red Tag Price will avo you from $15.00 to 50.00 from our own kw trice on every f 100.00 worth you buy, and proortionatly on emaller Iwrehaata. You owe it to yourself to grap thi opportunity to ave. Qver 60,000 item bear the Red reduced price Taga. You cannot fully appreciate the importance of thi aale until you e for youreelf-ao come. THE DAVIS-PSER CO. Complote Furnisher of Home. Odleo, Churches, School 10-80 Alder St. - (Odd Fellow Temple) - WALLA WALLA, WASH. 7k l L lit, "3 ' i - JoiOAt Mali,' . jL- HmMMMIIlMlM MN U Olt- THE -GREATER OREGON" With new bttlMles. better tilpuiHt, e InrsM srnMn.U. alol manr atilltluHS It raeultr.the t nUer-lljof Oreeos will becln II Inrtleth r. Tweaitaji, NenteHtber I. Hoerlnl trainlHe foemwn Jorntl. Arrllteetnr,lJtr, MnlMne.Tearhlne, I4lir rr tVork, M !. PhMlrel Trelnlee ml H Aria. lrsawUtrilie.riMeMlif l.lber sl K.luratU,n l.lhrmrr of more than 5B.0OO vntnmea, tlilr Iihih bnlhllne fullr etulieil, two slemllil Twit Inn free. Dormitories fur men anil Ar women. Ksiwmses fcoweat. Write for free eatnlos,aillreaalna Keslstrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KI OKNK. OITKOON. aSf?i"sie a ulioesi Shoes I Come in and see that fine line of McElwain & Barton; Shoes, i offered at the lowest prices pos- sible. Also inspect our McKib-T bon Hats for Men. Yn t$ THE BRANDT STORE T ....... covered considerable territory, 4 acres being hla beat day' run. Mr. York cropped 1709 aacka or No. I wheat from III acre on the east aide of Dry creek. I Backs from II acres on hla home place, and Z7 sack from-1 SI acrea on tha Bob Killgors place. He alao had tt buahela to the acre from tt acre of aprlng-eown barley. While he haa had a better average la other year, he la by no meana dissatisfied with hla Ifli har vest. Thomas raider, a brother of Jack C'alder or thla city, waa drowned few daya ago while bathing In the El bow river near t'alirarv. He member or the itlh I'anadlan Volun teer infantry, enlisted for service In Europe, and waa given a military funeral. . More than 199 people are aald lo have attended. Including one battalion of troops, numbering 0 of the dead soldier's comrades. Mr. Cat der waa a native of Scotland, II years old. ' A grain fir on the reservation Monday morning destroyed about Iti acrea belonging to H. P. Klrkpatrlck and 10 acrea belonging to George Per- Inger. An autoomblle which had been driven rapidly for extra for the Klrk patrlck combine and became very warm, waa left standing In the field and caused the fire. It waa alao de stroyed, but the combine waa aaved. Both larmera carried Insurance on their wheat The Kpworth Lea rue will be ad dressed next Sunday at T.I8 p. m. at the Methodist church by Mr. Mct'al land, who will apeak of hla missionary work among the Mormons. There will be preaching morning and eve ning by the pastor. Ite v. N. D. Wood, who haa returned from hla trip to Itedmond, Oregon. The usual union aervlcee will be held In the evening. Ilenjamln Franklin DuPula, wdio came lo town the other day to gain a few metropolitan Impressions, la rather Inclined to congratulate him- self that he possesses a homestead In the Oregon hills. From 100 acre of the "light land" near Vanaycle he had 15 bushel to the acre of good wheat. But for the burn hi place would have averaged ten buahela more. Mr. Stanley Zealand of Albany, Oregon, and Mis Iva A. Nolte. daugh ter of Lou I Nolte of Weston, were united In marriage Saturday at Pen dleton, where the bride haa been em ployed la the restaurant annex ot the Golden Rule hotel. After a brief visit with relatlvea of the bride In Weston. Mr. and Mra. Neeland left for Albany lo make their home. The following motor car party was In Weston Sunday while on a trip through the East Endj Mra. Jan Hartman, Mra. M, J. Marsh. Mra Llna It. Sturgla, Mia Naaon (county li brarian) and County Judge C H. Marsh of Pendleton; Mra. 8, P. Purdy and Mtaa Jessie Purdy of Medford, Oregon, Fir broke out in a slashing at the Dr. Kern place on Weatoa mountain last week and raged for 14 hours. About 100 corda of wood waa endan gered for a time, but the fire waa finally subdued by Oeorge Ferguson, who conducts the Kern place, and neighbor whom he eummoned to hla aid. : ; , -. j F. Q. Luck returned Tuesday from across the mountains, having taken Albert Jamea and family to Wallowa j county In hla Maxwell. He reports a pleasant and successful trip, and fine fishing In the Wallowa river. Mr. Jamea and family are now with the O, C. Turners near Enterprise. Mr. and Mra." Will it'hodea andMr. and Mra. Dirk Bush motored from McKay Sunday to Weaton, and were gueata of Mr. and Mra. Joe Ueuallen. J. A. King went out of town recent ly with a Caae aeparator tor use In hla grain fields. , Mr. Charles Wlek of Lone Rock, Oregon, waa a visitor during the week of Grandma Llnuallen. Mrs. Wtcka I an Oregon pioneer, and lived at Wea ton during the Indian war excitement ot 1871. . Raymond McGrew ckma up from Portland thla week to feast his eye for a few day upon some real good country and to enjoy a season ot bu collo activity at the McOrew ranch. Charles English, the aon of Ken Rnglish, formerly of Weston, died a few daya ago at hi home In Auburn, Wash., after a lingering illness. , He wa ta year old. Mr. Lillian Frederick returned Tuesdsy from Visit if 1'ortlsad aad th besrh, ( A fin line of It" Ktatlonery at Klrkpatrluk' Confeoihwerjr got Of at half uric. j , . . Watta k Hoger Mill hare f rain eck for local people at on cent be low market. Mra Alice KlrkiMiUIek was U Alke. aa Tuesday, visiting her niece, Mra, It. A. Thompson. , Mr. and Mra William Walling of McMlnnvllle are gueata of Mr, and Mra. Porter Orahsm, Jr. - Mr. Will fl athe Mine down from the mountain tlila week for a ll with her mother, Mr. Kate lleath. Ili-al assortment of pipes In town at! Klrkpatrlck a t oulocllutiery. Also a complete stuck uf closes and tobacco. A mountain dance will be given at ( snip t old Mprlng tonunrjw evening, with music by t Danes itevn or chestra. C'isrenc illschoff returned to Walla Walia Tueml.y. after visiting Ills father, I. UIslIioIT, aod sister, Mr. J. Wurxer. Mr. and Mr. M. I. Norltean have become reelilenla of Normal Height In a cottage iHirebaeed by them of Mr. Cora Tucker. Mr. and Mr. O.- H. Fontaine and Mr. Craig DH.kell of Dayton, Wash., b ive been visiting at the borne uf Mr. ami Mra. . K. Drlskell. Mr, r. L. McNelT of Con ley. Ore- roo. baa been Hie gueat uf Mrs. Harry Warren while on tier way to rreaootu Wash., to join Mr. lc.-e!T. Mlae Daley Waddlnghara of Weston, waa among the aevea L'malllla coun ty teachers receiving life certificates a result of the last June examina tion. Lot LlvertDore, Fendloton' first mayor and on of It earliest postmas ter, haa just celebrated his WHh birth day anniversary. Ueerosend the plain In IBoU. . . , Mlae Virginia Funk if Walla Walla I visiting her grandmother. Mr. I. B. Baling. Mia funk motored to Wea ton with her cousin, th Misses Baling of Pendleton. ' Counties yellow jacket are causing much trouble for camper in the Blue mountain, according to Martin Unser uf the Forestry office, who baa just returned to Walla Walla from the Wrnaba reserve. Two young burglar were caught loot In if the house of J. li. Mot wk, I'emlleton bank cashier, and euiifoserd to lb police that they and two other boy bad been systematically robbing North Hide residences. 'Much plunder which they bad cached away ha been recovered. t During the past week Wait ft Rog er delivered to U. W. Queenerlo be half of Mm. Heaaodt of Milton a fine Internal Unia! Titan gas and uil en gine, 12 li. p. portable, and the same tirtn delivered to Llnua Anderson and liobert lilonigreo a thresher operated by ga engioe on the au truck. During the past wet-k S. A. Baroe has purchased about 2i.0U) bushel of wneat at a range of price between bXI and Wo cent. Thi constitute tlie sum total uf local transaction, a the ma J trity of farmers are, wall Ing lo sea ahlcn way the "eline will project Itwlf. Vestertlay the local wiieat tuat ket closed at U3 cents. Barley I siruog at vii per ton. While driving hi Mats car on the Allieua-W eatoo roatl last Wednesday, Worth Watts reached uut casually to leel of tlie sprocket chain to aee if it needed oiling. Hi band came in con tact with the sprocket wheel and he lost tlie enda of three Soger. Jimmy Head, who waa with . him, drove the car lo town, and the wounded vountf ler reported at the tiome of hi pa rents, Dr. and Mr. V. D. naiu. Dr. at', assisted by Dr. Smith, trimmed ami dressed the tuangled digits, and a odder but wiser boy will drive that nifty llttla car In future.. A car containing Llxsle Rothrock. a half-breed woman of Pendleton, and Orvllle Jackson of Echo, plunged It feet Into the Byer mill race Monday night and turned completely over, alighting In the water with wheels upward. Jackson, who waa driving, mistook the outline ot th headgate tor a wagon bridge. , The escape of both occupanta of the car from death I considered miraculous. The woman la In the hospital with Injuria that at not thought to be serious, and Jackson escaped with ' a tew t alight bruise. t " . ''' ' On of the friends Up thl way who especially rejoiced with- Karl Qulott of Pendleton In the restoration of his vlalon la Logan Oalbratth, who has been wholly blind for five years. Mr. Qalbraith I led to hope that In the course of time a similar blessing may come to him. Hi misfortune wa due to rheumatism affecting the optic nerve. Just now he Is" doubly unfor tunate, having been crippled about eight weeka ago by a horse stepping upon hla right foot An old Injury waa thua aggravated, causing Intense pain. Amputation of part ot the foot may become necessary. ' I The International Sterling thresh-' Ing outfit taken into the foothills thla week by Robert Blomgren and Linus Anderson la reported to be doing ad mirable work. The outfit la easy' to transport and to handle, and ta thought to be especially well adapted to threshing bound grain in the mountain and foothill. A six-horse power gasoline engine drive the separator, with which it la directly connected on the same truck, and the outfit will easily handle too sacks dally or better. Watta A Rogers ex pect to place a number of order for this Sterling combination next year. Milton Eagle: There la now in op eration at Blue Mountain aiding on the O.-W. R. N. between Milton Freewater and Weaton, the first pri vate grain elevator to be built In this end of the county, owned and operated by Grant and Will Steen. It has four bins In the main structure with a ca pacity of (000 bushels' of wheat each, and a fifth bin with a capacity of about 4000 bushel, besides two dump ing bins under the platform that will hold 1500 buahela or more. Motive power for the conveyor la furnished by a 7-horae power Economy hopper cooled gasoline engine. It take less than one minute to dump a load of wheat Into the bins. J . I X AND YOU SHOULD SEE - BLOMGREN & ANDERSON with that little three-man Gas Thresher shelling out barley better than a sack per minute. It will make you feel as though you are an heir to wealth. We still have CALCUTTA GRAIN BAGS for local people at one cent bo low the market f" We have WAGONS galore Weber, Winona and John Deere. How about your COAL ? We are now receiving what we think are the best coals of Utah and Wyoming. Come and see or place an order for de livery to your home.' ' V WOOD on hand, sawed or unsa wed. Wafcfes Rogers WESTON - PENDLETON Ait SU(t fckeiol A. K. Going West.' P. M. Lv Weston I.0 Lv Weaton Athena I:1S " Athena 1:11 Adam l:tt " Adam l:St A. M. . GotB East, P. M. Lv Pendleton !: Lv Pendleton 4:M Adam !: Adams Athena 11:1 " Athena t.li , Fares. Weaton to Athena. tSc: Weston to Adams, tec; Athene to Adams, lie; Weston to Pendleton, $1.00: Athena to Pendleton, 7tc; Adams to Pendleton. fOe. Round trips. It mad In same day: Weston and Pendleton. 11.50; Athena and Pendleton, f 1.Z5. Headquarters: Weaton, at City Drug Store: Athens, St. Nichols Hotel; Adams, Inland Mercantile Store; Pen dleton, French Restaurant. A. K. BOTOX fw iwm W Try: mm J WW rrwav I!1 J J iijtfr'r' ftnpmewt' p,M ep m i fe-saw 1 v ' i JGE CREAM and cake 10 OtB. the diah at the Weston Bakery Fresh Bread, Cake and Pastry. Fine Candies. Good Meals at All Hours, 26c. We specialize in Lodge and Party Suppers. ZEHM the Baker Dupuia Building, Main and Water Shoes and Harness repaired next door. Cedar Fence Posts tarred or un tarred, at right prices Large supply of Lehigh Portland Cement Kemmerer Lump Coal Dry Wood, sawed or 4-foot WE5T0N BRICKYARD L.-pw,,. , ..rieejeeir--v.. wissyW-ejB New Groceries New Notions New Canvas Cloves For Men and Women New Summer Underwear : AT ' - Tlsjttpj Stsre When the New-Comer Arrives !!! PHONE NO. 233 ALMA BARNETT HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Uw Practices In all State anij Federal ATHENA. OKEQON Carnerlo, Kas. Following strictly the scriptural Injunction, Roy Harris, SO, amputated hla right hand at the wrist, claiming It was a devil. The operation waa performed in a pasture at midnight. ' C:l.J.L,ErJi Livestock Auctioneer Will cry Frm Sale in Uma tilla County. Phono 1457. Res. 1007 W. , Main street W4LU Willi WASH. Welcome it with this delightfully attractive and comfortable crib. j BeBoss F urniture Store PflSTBSES I It will Pasr Yom If you need anything in Drugs and Medicines, be careful where you buy. Selecting a drug store is very import ant in many ways. Ability, carefulness and promptness are necessary. All this you get with your ; purchase at Goodwin's Drug Store Weston, Oregon lctjl--r- ,!..-... . i.