The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 13, 1915, Image 1

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    on Leader
NO. H.
Brief Resume cf General News
From A!! Around the Earth.
usvDBtt mmm n a nibhp1
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
A 'pauper" round dsad In bit cabin
Mar Toledo, Or., h dlscovsrsd to
b worth 118,000.
Th Ktualana I dm to th Germsns
soother Important fortraaa In thslr
flight from Warsaw.
Tha "son of hata" against England
and written by a Carman, ia deplored
by nwspaprs of Bsrlln,
Tha retnslns of Mrs, Joha D. Rocke
feller have baan Intarrad and tha pises
of burial la being guarded.
Tha British raport regslnlng 1000
yarda of front in thalr campaign
gainst tha Carmana In Belgium.
A prominent Chlnaaa apaakar. at San
: ' t ' ')
TOTAL 14,398,000
Mr. Idlson hss aeeaptad tha peal
tlon of hssd of tha naw navy fcarssu of
Invantlon. Issldss Ma othar grest M
sempllshmsnts, ha la an aipart an auh
marine and haa In hand several im
prevsmsnts for tha undsrsea era ft.
elarew thla la tha on great nation that I
haa not abused China,
A enfrne for auprem "sp
pal" for pea In Msxleo la baiiig
bald by tha mlnlatara and ambaaaadora
of South Amerlcsa republics with tha
Unitad Stat govenunant bssds-
rlld to accent pay for tha ataaroar
William P. Fry, aunk by Carman
aubmsrfn. but In doing ao bold that
tha traaty of 1828 will not b watvad.
Tb bulk of tha 11.050,000 UU
laf t by John R. Llndgran. lata vie
praldant of tha Stat Bank of Chi-
esgo, will go to raligioua and dura
tional Institutions, according to hia
will, which waa approved In court.
Tli preliminary work ,of ralalng
F-4, the United State aubmarln
which went to th bottom March M
with a crew of tl nan, haa begun. Tha
aalvors hive succeeded In pawing a
four-Inch Una under tha derelict a hull.
'Tha mlnlitsr of tha Interior of tha
Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany,'
aava a messsg from Karlaruhe, "on
conferring with tb Socialist deputise.
announced that good crop toon would
permit of an lncraa tn bread portion
ami ox decrees in price."
Wshtnston,'D. C Powsrs of North
and Bout. America already have
ssreed noon a definite plsn for deal
ing with the Mexlrsn problem, and
when the Pan-American conference la
resumed In New York the program
III be formally ratified.
Thla Information cam from Secre
tary Lansing, who though he would
not dlacuaa detslls, aald he waa decld'
sdlv encouraged over the prospect
Th eonfldonr expressed by orn-
ctala gpnerally here, that th confer-
who are repreaenting m unitca
State. Brasll. Argentina, nolivia. oua-
temala and Uruguay will oe am to
ehap coura likely to bring peae
and realor constitutional gOTernmont
In Mexico, le due to the fact that ail
are agreed that moat of th people of
th revolution-torn republic are thor-
oushlv aick of war and with encour
agement from friendly powera will
promptly Join la the movement to
clnan houa.
A large aectlon of th country and
a vaat majority of tha people have not
been involved In th righting which
followed the overthrow of Huorta.
Moreover. It haa been reported to
President Wilson and Secretary I -an
atng that only the fear of reprlsala by
the military entertains naa sept u
people in subjection while tha country
How Dairymen Succeed.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vail la Bueeful dairymen are tbos
who produce th largaat amount of
milk and butler at th lowest ot pos
sible. Largs sod cheap production de
pends on the use of sowa that have In
herited th function of producing large
amounts of milk, and supplying them
with economical nutrients. Inherited
productivity is determined by teat ap
plied to ancestors and to th individual
cow, and economical feeding calls for
food In eoch forms and amounts as
will enable tha w to ssarcls bar in
herited ability to Its full aitent with
out drawing upon her own body for
milk material.
From th foregoing, taken from
Professor Graves' bulletin on feeding
th dairy cow, it Is seen that profitable
dairying ia rapidly being reduced to an
sxsrt science, and that It will be
profitable just to the degree that it is
conducted on acientlfte lines. System
In breeding and feeding, and tb right
sysUm at that, is requisite to steady
consistent success. Hsp-hsxsrd meth
ods of selecting th dairy cows and
maintaining th dairy herd may occa
sionally win when conditions are
favorable, but assured euoeeee only
awaits those who enter systematically
upon th work of Meuring real dairy
cow for th dairy and then feeding
them In such. way that their- bodies
will b maintained and their milk flow
kept at tha maximum for th amount
of feed consumed with th least wsst
and at tha least cost.
Of course, th handling and market
ing of the milk and dairy product are
part of this system, but that Is an
other atory. Those who are interested
In proper methods of fsedlng may get
copy of th bulletin, "reeding toe
Dairy Cow." prepared by iroieeeor
Grave and issued by th college ex
tension division. Corral lis, Oregon.
$600,000 Rant to Rise.
Uedford Two industrial projects,
vital to th futur economic and agri
cultural prosperity of th Rogu River
valley, are assured: Tb beet sugar
factory promoted by the -Western
Sugar company, backed by Mormon
capitalists, and th Portland Beaver
Cement plant at Gold Hill.
Both projects represent an outlay of
mora than l,iwn,w. a aauv.uw
factory will be built in tha Rogue
River valley in tlm to handls th 1916
Th Portland Beaver Cement plsnt
at Gold Bill has Issued s call for ft
Th auamshlp Seward sailed from haa bn Impoverished by the bsttlc I .uporintemlents, foremen and employee
aasawB o am nsffwiraigrBH. a .a-Miar i iiisvt i v ves-w - . -
with (00 tone of heavy steel rails and
1.600.000 feet of lumber for th gov
ernment railroad. Tb rails will be
used for construction of four miles of
yard tracks at Anchorage. Tb lum
ber will construct bridges along the
Matanuska river.
Hiram Maxim la credited by the
London correspondent of th Petit
Parisian with having invented a simple
and Inexpensive contrivance to protect
aoldiers from th effects of deadly
gas employed In battle. Thla device
ia designed to cause the gases to rise
the heads or th men
Reaching their conclusion on these
reporu. th ran American coi.rerees
are understood to bav determined to
present the situation to all of th ver
loua element In Mexico, addressing
directly not only Oeneral Carranxa,
Villa and Zapata, but th governors of
states, all military Icadera with any
considerable following and other Influ
ential men, urging them to come to
gether for a caucus at which a sub
stantial provisional government might
be framed.
A government ao aet up would nave
th support or tha united states ana
other American republics.
Since Recent Death of Wife
nd pass over
against whom they are directed.
Pop Benedict has determined t JchfJ D. ROCkefeflCT OaHgCd RTjO
mss a new appeal iur penes, grain
ing to th newspaper Roma, which de
clare th pontiff la resolved to use
very means within his power to bring
bout th desired result. H will aK
tha help of th Episcopal and, the
newspaper asserts, is even considering
the convocation or a universal council
of tha church at Rom.
Germans finally take Warsaw.
Germany makes apology to Norway
for sinking steamship Mlnervla.
Five hundred Austrlsn troops on
train war burned to death whan Ital
ians shelled it.
Taller, darker women, clothed In
more sensible dress, hung from ths
shoulders, will typify th "eugenic
woman" of th futur. Dr. A. J. Reed,
orofessor of hygiene in th Normal
School of Physical Education at Battle
Creek, Mich., predicted in an address
befor th Second international Con
ference on Rsc Betterment at ths
Panams-Paclno Mposltlon.
Reports from Simla say intarces
' atonal services are being held in tha
churches, mosques snd temples
throughout Indis, all sections of ths
British and Indian communltiea par
ticipating. Numerous pstriotle meet
ings also havs been organised by In
dian eitlsens. It estlmsted that
$5,000,000 bss been subscribed to ths
British war loan through Bombay and
A eomet, long "dead," to reported
to bs coming back and will cause
meteor shower. ,
Wheat yield In th Palouae country,
Wsshlngton, ; reaches an average of be
tween 88 and 40 bushels to ths acre.
Bait consumed In the Untied States
amounted to 0,998,620,660 pounds dur
ing 1914, an Increase of 41,676.800
pounds" ovsr that consumed ia 1913,
That amount, announced by the Geo
logical Survey, would mean a per cap
ita consumption of utmost 100 pounds
for ths yean. Sugar's per capita con
aumption during 1914 was 89.14 pounds. ,
Cleveland, O. There Is a changed
master at Forest Hill, the big feast
Cleveland estate of John D. Rockefel
ler. That is whst Rockefellers clos
est frlonds are saying after visits to
rest 11111. ,
The oldest Inhabitant who has cared
for th lawns and drives ot Forest Hill
for years knows wby their master has
changed. It la because their mistress
haa gone, they aay. For th nrat time
Mr. Rockefeller tramps and drivee
about his estate without the oompan-
ionshin of his wife.
The attendants tell, too, now me
changed master broke down and cried
st his first breakfast at Forest Hill
after his return because ot th vacant
chair. Rockefeller used to play golf
with keen delight He plays seldom
now, and without the old-time seal.
Crop Found In Army Waks.
Berlin, by wirelesa to Sayvllle, N.
T. Among the news items prepared
by the Overseas. News Agency for;
transmission abroad is the following:
"Reports from ths front In Poland say
the Russian announcement that farm
crops were devastated ana mat tne
RusHlana left a desert oemna mem is
greatly exaggerated. The farmers
dlsoboyed orders to destroy the crops.
snd a full harvest ot rye. wheat and
oats la being brought In with the ss
slstsnoe ot German soldiers. Only ths
villages were burned.
. Csnsl Soon to Be Clear.
Washington. D. C.IIalf a mile ot
earth which slid Into the Panama Ca
nal last week, reducing th depth
through Oaillard cut to 19 feet, will
have been dredged away within the
next three daya, canal officlala report
Ten steamers are awaiting passsge
through tha cut -
Tsft Is Grsndns New.
Bsr Harbor. Me. Announcement of
the arrival of ex-Presidont Taft's first .
grandchild waa made her Wednes
day. The child, a boy, waa bora to
Mra. Robert Taft at her summer home
three days before, but the fact did not
become generally known until now.
to report for work at one. Th plant,
which haa bean in course of construc
tion for th Isst 18 months, to now 86
per cent completed and practically all
of th machinery baa been received
and insulted. Tb analysis of rock
near Gold Hill show on of tha finest
deposits of cement material In the
Tests made by th bet sugar expert
of seed planted in th vslley this year
shows s high degree of saccharine and
sis and productiveness. On soma land
sowed to beets tha crop is estimated st
from 20 to 24 tons to th sere. The
beets have not yet reached th height
of their development.
In th best sugar beet districts or
th Rocky Mountain states, th avr-
sg tonnsg is from IS to 20 tons an
scrs. Th bottom land la highly
adapted for th growth of beeta. Mr.
Bramwell will arrive in Hedtord soon
snd with th sugar interest expert A.
Storey will pass a month Inspecting
conditions her. V
Too Few Sign Petitions.'
Marsh field The movement for bond
ing Coos county for $370,000 to con
struct "permanent" roads met a rebuff
when tha petitions were circulated for
two daya and. Instead of the required
1000, less than 600 signed them. The
camnaisn was opened aa a plank road
proposal, but th plan waa criticised.
Ths petitions were drawn by District
Attorney Llijeavlst. and too promoters
stated th word "permanent" would
be construed ss hard surf aes when the
court would finally pass upon the term.
It is planned to obtain another 600
names and ask ths County court to
grant a special lection.
Sewer Plsns Approvsd.
Forest Grove Plans, specif! nations
and estimates for th construction of
sanitary sewers in th city have been
completed by Consutling Engineer Ri.
E. Koon, of Portland, and A. A. Kir it
wood, city engineer, and approved by
the city council and Stat board of
health. The final date for remon
strance has been set as August 24. Ths
work will consist of about 14 miles of
pipe sewers and a disposal plant Ths
estimated cost is 130,600. Th en
tire plant will be constructed in one
district .,, "
Woman Runs for Offics.
Roseburg Mrs. F. E. Alley, wife
of a former Roseburg lend attor ney
and prominent horseman, has an
nounced her candidacy for the efTSco of
city treasurer. Miss Agnes Fitehford,
incumbent of the ome has declined to
accept another term. After August 1
shs will pass her entire tlm looking :
after other Interest in this aectlots.
France hXbdts Dead teat
Abci 50,000.
Number of Killed Almost Equal to
That of Wounded Losses of
Serbia Are Not Included.
Paris Th tosses of Europe In the
present wsr op to May SI, as
pllad by tb French ministry of war,
ar as follows:
VIM WaomiaL PrtMMrs. TotaL
VwMa.... hp.u iMisue l.u.m
lal ., IU.CM . " S7I.O
tiifnia . 4i.o 'uo lu w
till- -. 1 "' I J "1 SM.OI S1Wi.UA
-i r-if 1.MA.V im am tMt.a
AMna...U"e 1.x Smous ..
larius ... Ilo.uuo IM.U st.ouo M i'l
Touta...ljioas MTsu ls.oot iu
Thistsbl originally was prepared
for publication, - bat finally was with
held bwesuss authorities fearsd the
enormity of th figures might bsv bad
a bad moral fleet spoo U population.
Th computations, whil probably not
exact, may be takes ss th most com
ply record of loss which has been
oat torether. Tb losses of Serbia
are not avsilsble. but as that country
has suffered from nlsgua in addition
to tb war, thee must be considerable.
Tb largest total loss is charged to
Austria-Hungary; th largest propor
tions! loss to Belgium. Tb number
of killed in Eorop up U Msy 81 '
6.290.000. or enough Individuals to
populat a country Ilk Sweden.
Th French ooeaaiv norm ox Arras,
wher 16.000 ar aald to bav been
alain; th Aostro-Itslian engage
ments: th great battle in Gaiicia and
th German offensive in tb Argonna,
all go to swell th totals, and th war
is not over. Tha most astounding lea-
tura of this table is the ratio of killed
to wounded, in previous modern wars
th number of wounded has been to the
number of dead aa four or flv to one.
Her th two categories ar approxi
malclv aauaL
Many of th wounded bav reioineo.
their regiments, but many ar crippled
for life. Th aick, who bav been
numerous in all armies, ar not listed
bar. ..
Germay Es Hna ia frye Case;
Washington. D. C Germany Is un
yielding In ber refusal to concede that
th sinking of the American sailing
shio William P. Fry by tb auxiliary
ernieer Prins Eitel Fierdrich in th
South Atlantic last January was a vio
lation of American rights under tha
Prusslsn-American treaty or of inter
national law.
In reply to the last representations
of th United States, th German fore
ign offics, in a not mad public her
by the State department, reiterates a
previous justification of Germany's
course, declares again her willingness
to pay for tha ship, and accepts a pro
posal first advanced by th United
States that the amount of damages
be fixed by two experts, one to be se
lected by each country.
Such a sum th German government
pledgee itself to pay promptly, with
tha stipulation, however, that th pay
ment ahall not be viewed as a satisfac
tion for violation of American rights.
Should that method be unsatisfsctory,
Germany invites th United States to
arbitration at Th Hagua.
Th unofficial view her Is that rep
aration through a commission of ex
perts probably will b saitsf actory to
tha United States, with tha express
provision, however, that it is not a
waiver of treaty rights for which the
American government contends, but
applies only to th matter of damages.
, essswsnassaw ...
1 , ' Dominions tolrlsv Vole.
London Andrew Bonar Law, secre
tary for tha colonies, speaking at
Folkestone said it was his belief that
as tha result of the war tha time would
coma, and coma soon, when th whole
self -governing dominions in proportion
to their population and resources would
take their part in th duties of govern
ing th British empire.
It waa already understood, he added,
that , when the tim cam for
peace negotiona th dominions would
have their say in tbos negotia
tions. - . ' .-"'
Business on Up-grade.
Washington, D. C General busi
ness conditions throughout th country
continue to show improvement, but
antil crops ar harvested tha full
measure of this improvement cannot
b judged, according to th monthly
bulletin of th Federal Reserve Board
just issued.
Crop prospects ar unusually bright
and in several reserve districts wsr
orders have brought a boom to many
Industries. ,
Villa Loses 7000 Mon.
San Antnloo, Tex. Seven thousand
VTUa soldiers wsr killed, wounded or
captured snd "immense spoils of wsr"
take at th fall of Agues Calientes,
Mexico, according te a report of Jesus
Acuna, Carranxs's minister of foreign
affairs, received from Vera Cms by
th Carranas consulat her.
-r '
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A ar romsnce, which Is the tslh of Winnipeg. Canada, where the principals of ths story reside, b Just
culmlnsled In ths marrlags st an English hospital of Miss 8tonehouse to her soldier sweetbesrt. who was brought
back from the front Ineapaellsted by wounds received In heroic sctloa on lbs fighting Uses. Ths bridegroom lad
Canada with ons of ths first of the Canadian contingent. Ills nsms listed sroong tbs wounded Impelled Miss
Btonehouse to leave her home la Winnipeg to make the long journey of 4.000 miles to comfort her wounded soldier
sweetbesrt Ths photograph shows ths happy pslr. groom with hesd bandaged, brids st his left Tbs groom Is
being congratulated by his sunkls, who had been wheeled out to the grounds ot lb hospital In order to he present
st the weeding.
f' -
. J
. . . -i
H aaasjeesavii'y f V f '"'""f
Elliott Wood Is the superintendent
of the t'nited States cspltoi ana
grounds In Washington, snd hss en
tire charge of the policing of the building.
Osvics for Fsstsnlng Doors.
Plarln a vedse under a door ft
on ot the most effectual means for
kiwninv it dosed, for pushing upon
the door from the outside only In
creases the effect of the weoga a
onnvMilant device ot this kind is
mad of metal, and it not only aerves
to wedge the door but aiso conisins
mnrhanlcal bell mounted on the
same base and behind the wedge in
such wsy that pressure on tna xace
r th. wedce bv the door causes the
bell to ring. The bsse carries a set
ol short points underneath so that It
ca be put In place and grips upon
the carpet or floo-ing so ss not 'o
slide out ot position, sucn a ue
vtc can be carried In the pocket and
It Is to be recommended for travel
A Prsysr
tj ma hiTH s good sense of propor
tion. Let me live more in today, in
stesd ot living so greatly la the past
mm, a M,iniin. kb tersely upon the fu
ture.- Teach me to realise that regrets
over the past will get me noimng
while too great preparations for the
future many find me In my grav and
unable to cash la on the climax. Teach
to realise that the man woo spenus
hi. ..m inn i simply snd solely an
ssset to his relatives. Enable me to
get Into the cheerful frame of mind
.v wi. .iw.v. look fair and
bright, wher all th disagreeable
things In the past are forgotten and
wher the future does not assume a
vastly overrated importance w me
Foreigners In Chines asrvlc.
ir.n fnr!enera are enssged by the
nrnment In Its vsrious de-
psrtments. either in the customs, rail
ways, post oinces, or oioer orai.-u.
to the 1st st informstion
ths total is , persons, whose na
tionalities are as-roiiows: oni..,
U05; French. 1.003; Germans. 633;
Russian. 463; American, 174; Japa
nese. 107; Italian, 75; Austrian, 69;
Belgian, 171; others. 16L
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Virginia day at the Panama Pacific exposition at San Francisco wss
a great success. Our Illustration eh owe the color bearers ot the Rich
mond Light Infantry Blues on parade, and, at th right. Governor Stuart
;Jih ,Q'i
Lsunchlng of the newest American torpedo-boat, destroyer, the Conyng
ham. at the Cramps shipyard a. Philadelphia, and little Miss Anna Cocyngbam
Stevens, who was sponsor for the vessel.
When Tommy "Put Out to Sea."
- Describing the death or a British
Tommy who had been riddled with
shrapnel, sn srmy surgeon in London
on leave said:
As we told the poor fellow tenderly
on the hospital cot, suddenly be be
gan to sing Tennyson's 'Crossing the
Bar.' to Sir Joseph Barnby beautiful
setting. His voice wss on of th
sweetest tenors I sver heard. Doctors,
nurses snd orderlies gathered at his
bedside listeoln in silence, deeply
moved, while he sang the song through
to ths end. his strength waning with
each versa it was almost la a whis
per that he finished the line, 'And
may there be no meaning at th bar
when I put eut to sea. A moment later
he was dead."
; ?
Grsattst Llvlnj Poet, -
Thero Is no "greet poet" living to
day. Between the few so-called poets
ot today there is but Uttl choice.
This Is not sn sgs ot poetry. Ths su
mospher of tbs time would instantly
choke a real poet to death. Ths
chsnces are, lowever, that w f'.'l
hove soejs real poets latr ta
this war Is over, snd tiss real soul cl
humanity beetos to &ert Itself.