The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 06, 1915, Image 1

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    Weston -Leader
NO 7.
Brief Resume of General News
Frcm Ail Around the Caitli.
LK-9 News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Hawsllsn pearl divert arc hsvlng a
hard tint M result of the war. The
entire absence of a European market
la given as 0 main mum.
The bursting of a big dam at Erla,
fa., causes tha loss of 15 lives, sub
merge a groat portion of tha elty
and eiuwt property loaa eatlmeted In
the millions.
Fruitgrowers of Palestine stand to
lose 1.10,000,000 because of tha Euro
pean war, according to a latter re
ceived In Philadelphia from George
Kist, general comlsslonmer or com
mere, with headquarters at Jaffa.
Member of the executive council of
the B'nal B'rith In woe I on at Atlantic
City, N. J., declared the condition of
the ewe In Rueala baa not been Im
proved, and that Jew were being used
aeehlelda by Itueelao soldiers In the
Great Britain In answering Amer
lea'a note on the tobjeet of blockad
ing neutral porta advises that her
course In thla reepect will not be
altered, and red tee that during tbe
war of tha rebellion tha United Slatee
exercised aimllar rights.
Juvenile Judge Llndsey, of Denver,
CoL, baa been adjudged In contempt
of court for refueing on the wltneae
atand to Impart evidence given him in
confidence by youth of 12, a wltneae
agalnet bia mother, who waa being
tried for the murder of her husbsnd.
Nipping projected Chinatown long
war - In the bud, Chief of Police
Snively, of Loa Angela, eummoned to
hi office Wang Hong and wang wing,
and in the eenc of the mayor
forced tha chief of the warring clan
to ahike band and agree to perpetual
Nine hundred and eighty-one pereon
Inat thai Ilea In the (Learner Eastland
diaaater, according to final figure
given out by the Weetern bisctric
mmmik. after eomnletlna: the check
ing of Its employes and friends who
boarded the vessel. Tbe Identified
dead number 838, unidentified dead
two, and the final list of mlalang 141.
In a 40-mlls gale which raged on
Lake Ontario Wednesday, me worst in
several years, according to the weather
bureau, the freight stesmsr Alexan
dria, of the Canada Steamship lines,
ran ashore. Tha surf wss too hesvy
to permit the launching of a boat, but
Contain Iltnnmflald and his Crew. 82
men sll told, iesped Into the breaker
wearing life preservers and were
dragged sshore by sn amateur life
saving brigade. ' '
Tha establishment of a department
of journalism and printing at tha high
school In 8an Diego, Cel., as a regular
part of the curriculum ha been an
nounced by the board of education. A
newspaper man of many years' exper
lonce, baa been chosen as hssd of the
department. A smstl newspsper and
commercial printing plsnt will be In
stalled and everything connected with
tbe publication of a modern newspaper
will be taught
Mora than 100 applications have
been received for tha position of
"member of the family" of James W.
Packhurat, a wealthy farmer near Chi
cago. . Pankhurst, who Is 75 years old,
wrote to the Federal employment bu
reau her offering f 3 a week to "an
unmarried girl not less than 17 nor
mora than 40," who would take care
of him end his wife fos the remainder
of their lives, his will to contain a
$10,000 bequest to the "right person."
London hss reports of a decided vic
tory over the Turks In Asia.
Two Federal inquiries have begun in
tha steamer Esstlsnd esse in Chicago.
A Belgian steamer and a Swedish
brig were torpedoed by submarines
Friday. , V
Tha French chamber of deputies hss
Increased the limit of the French de
fense bonds to $1,400,000,000
' American Imports from Garmsny
have decressed within tbe past year
from $14,894,685 to $1,153,257
A spot six times ss large as the
earth has appeared on the sun, and
will be visible until August 10.
English soldiers have uncovered an
tique Greek relics of great value while
digging trenches at the Dardanelles.
Michael Damphoffer, Jr., aged, 70,
of Vancouver, Wash., Is deed, and Is
survived by his father, aged 100 last
Jsnusry. ' Both were Grand Army
veterans and fought shoulder to shoul
der In the First Oregon Volunteers.
Ch arias F. Becker, former police
lieutenant of Kew Yoi City, was
electrocuted Friday morning for tbe
murder of Herman Rosenthal, a gam
bler, on July 16, 1912. He protested
and declared his Innocence to tbe laat
f -
J. Putnmm afawan af Partland. Mc
elected to the office of Imperial poten-
ism a ine meeting er wi mpin
aaunrll. Anelaat treble Ordlf ef Ne
llie of the Myttlo Shrine n Seattle.
Thla placee Mr. ttsvsns at the head
af all thrlnere In the United ttatee,
Canada, Mexlee and the Hawallse
WatM-aton. D C. The United
States hss decided to ask the co-operation
tit Smith and fntrl America In
tha next stop to restore peace to Mex
ico, l ne amosaaaaors irom Argen
tina, Braxll and Chile and the minis
ters from Bolivia, Uruguay and Guate
mala, have been asked to confer with
Serrteary Lansing.
This announcement was made at tne
State departments -
"On Thursday afternoon there will
Ka an Informal atMiferenea at the State
department to consider tha Mexican
situation. Those taking part in the
conference will be tbe ambasssdors
from Braxll, Argentina and Chile, and
(he threa rank in ministers of the
American republic, nsmely. those of
Bolivia, Uruguay and tiuatemaia. as
to tha details which will be considered,
nothing can be ssld at the present
time, as tha conference will be en
tirely confidential."
While tha State department charac
terised tha coming conference as an
Informal one, tha sentiment hss been
growing among American officials that
the next atep in the Mexican situation
should be one which would meet the
approval of the world and should be
tskenln concert with the nations of
Central and South America, even if In
the laat event the trend ahould be to
ward military action.
Tha three ambassadors ware media
tors la tha Niagars conference in the
summer of 1914. The three ministers
are. In point of seniority, at the head
of the Central American legation
A Minn In MMMrt with the
Central and South Americas would be
In lino with President Wilson's pisn
for a closer relstionship between the
tf-ll Stataa and thflaa vauntl-iea. and
is plsnned to show that ths United
States considers tha Mexican question
tha common cause of the Pan-Amer
ican group, and that thla government
entertaina no Idea of territorial ag
gression but is acting solely as Mex
ico's nearest powerful friend and
neighbor. : 1 '
Aastre-Gennass Take Russia's
- largest Seaport Oa Baltic Coast
London The Germans hsva cap
tured Mi tail, the capital of Courland,
ami are now within striking distance
of Riga, the seat of the governor gen
eral of the Baltic provinces ana kus-
sls's greatest port on the Baltic.
Warsaw la ready for ths evacuation
which was Intimsted by the Russian
war minister in hie address in the
Duma. For days there hss been sn
exodus of the population. Factories,
government Institutions and hospital
have been moved and tha city ha been
stripped of everything that might be
of military value to the Teutons.
That the German empress will not
accompany Emperor William should he
make entry Into Warsaw, If the Po
lish capital Is occupied by the Austro-
Germsns, Is indicated by a report
from Berlin that the empress hss re
turned to Berlin from East Prussia,
where she hss been visiting tha battlefields.
' Powerhouse Sinks; 3 Die.
Hudson, N. Y. Three laborers were
killed and eight injured when the
power plant of the Knickerbocker Ce
ment company, at Greenport, half a
mils esst of here, wss submerged In
quickssnd. The dissster occurred ss
the night gsng employed in the power
olsnt waa about to be relieved. With
out warning the plant, together with
land about it to the extent of three
acres, caved In to a depth of 80 feet
Official of ths company declared it
would be several . months before the
plsnt could resume.
Army and Navy Is Prepared to
Aid la Mexican Move-
mrnimm kg mmi
Last Chance Will Be Given Warring
Factions to Adjust Differences
Within War-torn Republic. -
Washington. D. C Definite steps
toward restoration of peace n Mexico
will be taken Immediately on President
Wilson's return to Washington. Whst
specific action tha President may have
decided on has not been disclosed, but
it was authorltativsly announced that
tha executive departments of the gov
ernment were preparing to carry out
the program determined on.
Oulv an unexpected movement in
Mexico itself to and the strife, it is
Simeon C Baldwin. formr governor
af Connecticut, ha been mentioned for
the place of eouneelor ef the atate de
partment, left vacsnt by the appoint
ment af Robert Lansing as secretary
ef atate. He la new aeventy-elx years
said, would further delay affirmative
action by tha United States to restore
constitutions! government in tha war-
torn republic.
Armed intervention Is not believed
to be contemplated in tha President's
progrsm. Many officials believe no
forcible measures win m required.
Persistent reports have reached here
that tha faction laadera are Inclined to
yield to the demands of this govern
ment lor a peace conference.
Reports are generally credited that
nuin will ha aant to the ODDOainir
leaders giving them a final chance to
cease hostilities within a limited time
and assemble a conference to settle
their differences. Possibility of an
other failure to do so, in view of tne
last refusal of General Carransa to join
in a mnfarence with his adversaries.
Is being considered by the President,
it IS declared, in formulating a pian oi
action. ' " "'
Whether In that event a general em
bargo on arms exportation will be
Imposed or Americsn troops employed
aaanra tha tramiiMrtation of food to
the starving people csn not be predict
ed. It Is Known, nowever, wist me
army and navy have been preparing
and now are ready for any eventuality.
Secretary Lansing said that the rep
resontations sent to Generals Car-
HSnA Villa and Zaoata ui-ins that
routes to Mexico City be opened to
provision trains, were lorceiui. io
messsge to Carrsnss, who controls the
railroads from Vera Crus, was partic
ularly emphatic. While not couched
ss a "demand ' that the rauroaa to
Mexico City be opened and kept open,
its purport was to that effect.
Ni inr from anv of the Mexican
generals hsd been received. It was
ltlut hnwaver. that nrovision
trsins would be moving to Mexico City
within a few days under guara ox ir
rania troops,
nfflniaia wr led to this belief bv
reports that General Gonxalea ' had
driven off a Villa column under Gen
eral Fietro and returned to Villa
Guadeloupe, just outside of Mexico
City, practically occupying tne capiuu.
Roving bands of Zapata soldiers, which haan harraaslna' the rslirosd. are
being driven off, it was said, and gar
risons stationed along theoailroad...
; Recruit Stsndsrd Lowsr.
Ottawa. Ontario A new policy re
specting recruits has been adopted by
tha Canadian military authorities.
Hereafter men with poor teeth and
other minor physical defects will not
k. l.4 hnt will be accented and
sent to dental and surgical depota for
.. Itl .
treatment, alter wnicn wey win i
trained and sent to Europe. Two Van hn takan nff the Siie
standard, and men below sixe In cheat
measurement will be taken if Uie aur
geona areof the opinion that training
will give them tbe proper chest site.
Branding Rules Aduted by .
Cattle and Horse Raisers
8alem Methods prohibiting dupli
cate brands, to be used In adjusting
conflicts in brsnd by csttle owners.
wers decided upon at a meeting of the
advisory committee of tbe Ststa Csttle
end Morse Raisers' association, and
W. H Lvtla. atate Veterinarian.
Tbe advisory committee Is composed
of William Tollman, of Baker; Grant
Uaa of Tha Dallae. and GarrV Snow.
brand Inspector appointed by tha cattle
.a tie .a a . M
aasoclat on for tna norm roruano
Among tna ruies aaopieu vj u.
committee are:
In comparing brands in those that
m i . v. ktani i haa ram on
record tbe longest will receive prefer
ence over brands with which it conflict.
lit-amia nartlv similsr. but on differ
ent parts of the animal, will be al
lowed to M used.
Brsnds which are duplicated and
must be changed, owing to conflict,
must nrst be vented.
Owners of conflicting brands will be
notified, so they msy negotiate with
them for any adjustment desired.
n torana nt brand law all brands
must be used on some stated place.
Rabbits Rush Harvest.
Baker A sudden invasion of rabbits
In the grsin fields of Pleasant Valley,
a rich agricultural district near Baker,
Is making the socceaa of tha season's
crop extremely doubtful Tbe animals
are of tha "blacktail" variety, and
with grain resdy to besd. hsve de
scended on tha fields and are doing the
mowing themselves in a most thorough
Almost simultaneously with the at
tack of the rabbit army hss come a
plague of grasshoppers, and with the
two together threatening, rancners are
bending every hasten tha hsr
Biggs Cora Ripe Early.
The Dalles Whst Is regarded as the
earliest corn crop of the season in this
district Is reported by Harold Fish,
who has a farm aekr Blgga.
C L. Smith, agriculturist for tha
O.-W. R. & N. company, arrived In
town recently with several specimens
of the Fish corn crop. It Is of the
Yellow Flint vsriety. with small ears.
but an abundance of cars to tha stalk.
It will yield about 28 "bushels to the
acre, aaya Mr. Smith. Mr. Fish
plsnted the corn on April 14 and har
vested It on August 1. This, ssys Mr.
Smith, is one of tha earliest cases of
maturity on record.,'
Poor Emigrant Dies Rich.
I C.wnAa Inhn nn Rlnrlcland. an
early resident of Union county, who
settled here in 1864, when he hsd $5
In hi. rvwkot and no nrorjertv. died
here one of the richest men in tha val
ley. He was 82 yeara old. Hetssur
ivaH h two sons. Gsrrttt and An
drew, who own one of the finest Here
ford ranches In the valley, ana a
widow and two daughters, Mrs. Case
and Mrs. William Webster, of AliceL
In 1847 Mr. Blockland reached Iowa
fnm Hnll.nH and IS vears . later
tartiwi wat with a anan of mules.
finally locating in Grand Ronde valley.
Nine-Mile Road Is Sold.
ni-aimn A deed eonvevinsr the
Canby-Molalla railroad from the Port
land, Eugene & Eastern Railway com
pany to tha Southern Pacific has been
filed with Recorder Dedman. The con
sideration is given as $115,606.43, and
lathe largest transfer in Clackamas
county since the government took title
to the Oregon City locks. The road is
nine miles long snd wss the first built
Into the Molalla country. The trans
fer is part of the general plan to put
ll Portland. En rana & Eastern prop
erty under the control and operation of
the Southern rac inc.
v '. . ; .' . -Hood
River Apples Fewer.
Hood River While it is still too
early to make definite estimates and
while the opinions of various experts
differ slightly, market men and grow
ers agree that the Hood River apple
crop will be far smaller than that of
. . 1 . Ar AAA
last year, when approximately auu.wu
ku nf fruit were ahlrjped. Thla sea
son's crop is estimated at from 60 to
70 per cent of that of laat year. On
account of the smsll wop nere ana toe
ith iM the entire nation, it is
predicted that growers will get profit
able returns on i yex bibuot.
' Home Falla on Tenant.
La Grande Collapsfng with a deaf
ening crash, their residence carried
Mrs. J. M. Mcsnsin oown wim mi on
bris into a newly excavated basement,
in which Mr. McShain waa digging,
: tuah In tha warlcaire. Thev
escaped serious injuries. Mr. McShain
has been devoting his spare time to
digging the cellar. It was while thus
engaged at noon mat me propa
way, precipitating the noma into uw
Texas Man After Angora Goats.
Monmouth R. E. Tsylor, of Sonors,
Tex., is inspecting the goats on the
big fsrms of Polk county and expects
buy two carloads ana isxe mem w
Texas. Mr. Taylor purchased two ear-
loads of Angora breeding stocs issi
Z " i if
t I j f i I f i x
r a.
runsral procession of Archbishop Jam Edwsrd Qolgiey of Chicago as sees oa Michigan boolsvsrd, the au
tomoblla hearse escort d by members of Cstbollc soclaUea.
If i 1 .
if '
It ' '
, - i
a.. a .. . a-.mnt . fAv.fna rmnp nfiiJ Huerta was twicfl arrested tr tttft
lletDllS OlS prO-CtsfLS Ula, OB - vwisiuiaii HV.U.MB - s - m.-.i
federal officer In Texas. The preliminary hearing In the federal building at El Paso la here pictured. Those
sealnlTd (1) tCuJoroxcc, (2) Jcaa Zorara. (3) Frank AldereU, (4) L Alderete. (6) VlctorUno Hu.rta.
(() Marcelo Caraveo.
I if W
t;. ?! V!h
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Till im
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!LZ! Ji
Uutlod States mine planter Gen. K. O. C. Ord photographed off Fort Du
n,iwirA. where she made a series of tests lt high power marine
mines. Below are shown several or me mines.
x..- ".,,"'.,..1' ;. v r
interior of the German wireless station at SayvUIe. U U Wch was
seised br the falted 8tstes for slleged breaches of neutrality. At the right
la Capt Vlllism H. O. Bullard. V. 8. N, In charge of the navy radio aerv-
lcc who took possession of tne piani lor me goverumeuu
Triale of the Great
Rieht Hon. Secretary of State You
have long been a leading aupporter
of mine. Colonel BuiTer. and I shsll
be glad to do whst I can for your
son. but r whst can be dot
Fond Parent By uaa. sir, ne
could do anything, I ahould aot think
of troubling yoa! Passing Show.
TK. Braakmakar Exults.
"What a beautiful girl that Is,
standing over there."
"I'm glad to hear you say so. She
is my daughter."
"Hallelujah!" he said to bia wife,
when the mother had departed, "for
once In my life 1 struck it rthti
Detroit Free Press. ,
Queen Victoria of Spain presenting
to tha Academy of Infantry at Toledo
Ita new standard, the design on which
she herself had worked. Her majesty
also delivered a patriotic address.
Unbroken Chsln.
So subtle snd so persuasive Is tbe
law of associstlon, that it Is Influen
tial, even when we are hardly con
clous of its existence. The chance
word from the Hps of a friend, fall
ing upon tinder; the vision of soma
grave or wise one, held up to the
glance of fancy ao often that It has
become the Ideal model of the heart's
aspiring; the music of some old word
greeting the ear with a strange melt
ody, have fixed the tone of a spirit
and have fashioned the direction of a
life. The world is lust one unbroken
chain of these actiona and re-actions.
We are bound by them, we are en
compassed by them; and we can no
more escape from them than we can
Sing ourselvea beyond the influence
of the lsw of gravitation, or refuse to
be trammeled by the all-embracing
Many Changes In Cabinet
There were more changes In the
cabinet of the ninth administration of
the United State than any In tbe his
tory of ths United States. Tbe cam
paign which preceded it was known as
"Tippecanoe and Tyler, too." which
elected Genera William Henry Harri
son, with John Tyler as vice-president
Harrison died one month after
his Inauguration on March 4, 1841.
When Tyler became president he re
tained ths ssme cabinet members, but
they soon resigned, snd by ths end of
four years ths country bad bad 8v
secretaries of state, four of the treft
nry, four of war sod 3e of er.
The csuse of these rapid chaii?
wss owing to the fact that Tr'''r oa1
broken faith wita tbs frty ti i J
elected tlm.