The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 30, 1915, Image 4

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UPSETS; 1000 D!E
J . .. J "Jl r .
5 suro to nbe uteouns
J- Yo Oka"? always matt everything Hurt aa. Somctlm yoa will S
J? Ml la mm thtwtenlag than asual; or mak th bttr a iittt thin; or
my ant b. convenient to put a cak In th even the moment It w
ntUtd: or your oven may not oak evenly and It Is nccauary to turn
th put around trt of thee lilt) uncertaintta auk UM alidhtett
tlUlerenc to wtulta M yoe
Portland Wheat: Bluwatem, S
buahel: fortyfold. 86c; club, 6cj red
Fife, See; red Kuseian, 80c
Date No, 1 hltt food. (21 '
feed, bran,
Miiueedspot price t Bran, J7
Few Feci From Shore.
toy dead snu firm in wath
JM Baking Powder
Thh madorn, double-rats baking powder has unusual strength- and
Is absolutely certain to rata your biscuits, oktt aod ptry llwht and
tMthary. it Mncrataa an abundance of leavening (a both In the mix
ing bowl andla lb oven. Tin raiting U aurtatnoJ until U dough la
cooked thfougt.
Houscwtv who ate K C rawer have "Vad hick with their baking.
Try K C fr risk. Vour grocer will refund your money U you ara
not pkatad la tvey way. m
7iimnm 1 1 1 invv
Local and Federal Authorities Busy
Endeavoring to Fix Blame for
Awful Steamer Disaster.
Mean that yon keep
the mlddleman't
profit tn your pocket
whan yoa bo
LamWr, Shiaf lea.
Lath, Mealdiag,
Deer. Wudewaand
ether .Wilding Ma
terial treat
Sam Conncll
Lumber Co.
Portland, - Oregon
Send o a list of what yoa require
for your building and wo will name
yoa price Delivered at your station
and Gaaraate t aave yoa Money.
Write for our
Illustrated Catalog.
A Dull Life.
1 dont know how wall get along
without you. Nora."
"Thank you, ma'am."
"You've hea with us a long time."
"Tea, ma am. Nearly aeren month."
"And yoa atill refuse to tell ua why
you are leaving?"
"Welt ma'am. If yoa Insist on know
In. It'a berauaa I cant atand the com
pany here.
"The Idea! Our house la frequent
ed by toe beat people."
"It'a not that, ma'am. I waa apeak
ing of my own company. Where I
used to work moat o( my friends were
chauffeure, ma'am. The only man
who haa aaked ma .to take a ride with
him at nc i ve been here waa a vege
table pedler." Birmingham Age-Herald.
K. ttetehar Ballanor. tha taadtac Dwlnt tV
art sad Inatructor tat Nw York Cttjr, nw "I
aavnnaad AUJ;N'S FUOT-kASB. UNUOWtk
swste ttbaahakaa fck th for M roar.
ami in lannimil H at all nw papila." It aura, ana
Hiinantut Said ay ail Druran Daparo-
nt S
una, fge. Sampl IkUK. Addraaa, Alim
ami. La Bar. N. Y.
8hopptng Again.
: "There" a delivery wagon driving
op to our door," aaid hubby. "Been
ahorplng again."
"Well. I didat have anything to do"
replied wUey, "so I went dovn to Wan
acooper" and listened to the concert
in their auditorium. It waa juat
splendid, too. After that I went up
to the grocery department and tried
aome new cereal they're demonstrat
ing. I managed to get three helpings,
ao I didn't need to spend any money
for luncheon. Then I looked at the
faahion parade and apent the rest of
the afternoon in the art gallery. After
that I didn't feel as if I ought to leave
the store without buying anything; ao
I had them send ma up a spool of
. -V- No fight.
Dont you know. Johnny, that If
yoa refuse to strike beck there can'
be any fight with Tommy Bifkins?"
"Yes'm." replied the small boy.
"There wouldn't be any fight Tommy
would have it all bis own way and I'd
get a plain licking."
' The Real Test, "
1 dont sea how that little Mrs.
Grumpy can seem ao well aatlsfied
with her husband. Ha never kisses
her or shows her any mark like that
of affection." J
"Maybe not, but he gives her spend
lng money without her aver having
to ask for it."
Dangeroua Topic
"Ton are In favor of peace, are you
. noir-
"So much tn favor or It that I de
cline to make it a subject of discus
sion." Washington Star.
: Resemblance.
"Why do yoa call him the human
"Because he gets up so much spec
tacular speed and always finishes just
wnere He started." Washington Star.
Why She Waa There.
Judge (of divorce court) Aren't you
; attached to your husband?
Plaintiff Certainly. I came here to
be detached. Boston Transcript
Oa a P. a S. in Tillamook. Co. Or.
Trafastowatswaaar. FWa to oa roar
vacation hara tab mwiaar. Yoa will Sod it
delurbtful as vaO as inaxpansi. Wa bar
fullr furaiahad BoBaakaajnac Tents, including
aleetric Hants and wsiar. fraaK par wank o.
Dane avarr niaht Bowline. Poal and Bil
liard. Burt Fiahina- and Safe Bathing-. For
particular, writa ar eaU an WiSR DENTAL
Ca.. KonaH) tll-12 Failing- Bldg.. ad at Wash
ington. Portland. Or., pkonaa A ar M BUS; ar
Bar Vinw, Tillamook Co. On.
It Seemed That Way.
The farmer, wearing a long face,
entered the country drug store. "I've
got something wrong with my stom
ach," he announced, "and I want you
to give me sometnlng for It."
"AU right." replied the apothecary.
cheerfully; "what ara your symp
toms?" ;
Every little while something seems
to rise up and settle hack and then by
and by rises up and aetUea back
The drugeist stroked his chin, re
flectively. "Look here," be said,
gravely, "you haven't gone and swal
lowed an elevator, have you?" Ladles
Home Journal
Chicago A thousand parsons lost
their live (a the Chicago River Satur
day by the capalsinf of the excursion
steamer Eastland, while warping from
ita wharf with mora than 2400 em
ploy of the Westara Electric com
pany and their relative and frianda on
board, bound for a pleasure trip acroea
Laka Michigan.
After ceaseless work all day and far
Into the night, the bodies of 841 vic
tims of tbe catastrophe, most of them
women and children, war collected
from the temporary morgues and taken
to the Second Regiment armory.
When these bodies had been tagged.
Coroner Hoffman, taking Into consid
eration estimates of bodies thought to
be in the hold of the steamer lying on
ita aid In the river and in the stream
itself, aaid ha had hopes that the total
dead would not exceed 1000.
The) Eastland, aaid by marine archi
tects to have been top-heavy and bal
lasted in an uncertain manner, turned
over inside of five minutes after it
began to list, pouring ita passengers
into the river or imprisonin-r them in
ita submerged hulL
Every effort waa made by thousanda
of persons on the river wharf to reecue
the drowning men, women and chil
dren, but many drowned almost within
grasp of the river bank.
Mothers went to death while their
children were anatcbed to aafety.
Other children died in the arms of
their parents, who were finally aaved.
Bunrdeds of girls, freed for a day
from their tasks of making telephones
and other electrical apparatua in the
factory of the Westeron Electric com
pany, dressed in their smartest whit
frock a, drowned miserably.
STM ton; ahorta, 2H32o.lO; rolled
barley, 2687.60.
Corn Whole, S7 ton; cracked, 118.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, f 16
1T ton; alfalfa. I IX. 50(3 13. 60.
Vegetable -Cucumber, Oregon, 40
75c dooen; artichokes, T&C( torn,
tore, 6)cfll$ 1.60 bos; cabbage, 11.
pound; head lettuce, $1 crate; spin
ach, 5c pound; bean, SSc; green
corn, S6tS0c doaen.
Green Fruits Cantaloup, flqTtTS
erate; apricota, tOci&tl box; peach,
40(86e; watermelon, llitfie pound;
pluma. 60C76o box; new apples, $1.11
tJl.SO; blackberries, 75ct,fl crate;
peer. $1.7S1 box.
Potatoes New, le pound.
Onions lldtl.M sack.
Egg Oregon ranch, buying prices:
No. 1. 14c; No. t tie; No. 8, 17
Jobbing price t No. 1, ISc
Poultry Hena, ISe pound: broiler.
18lc; turkey. SOQtle; ducka. old,
10c; young, 14$lc; geaaa, nominal.
Butter City creamery, cubes, ex
tras, 28c; 6 rata, 26c; seconds, 25c;
prints and cartons, extra; butter fat.
No. 1, 29c; second grade, le leas;
country creamery cube, 2526,
Veal Fancy, He pound.
Pork Block, 9f9i pound.
Hope Contracts, ISic; fugglea,
15e; 1914 crop, UJc
Wool Eastern Oregon, medium, 25
t28c; Eastern Oregon, fine, 18 &
111c; valley, 266230c; mohair, now
dip. 104t3 le.
Cascara bark Old and new, 4dj4c
Cattle Beat steers, 16,50(37: good.
$6. 15:6. 50; medium, 6(t.15; choice
cows, 5.76U.10; baifera, 4.75dt
6.50; bulla, 3.6Xtt5; ataga, $5ftt6.1o.
Hoga Light, S7&7.60; heavy, $
Sheep Wether. t4.75$5.50; ewee,
3J4.S0; lambs, t54.7o.
Talio a Talldng Machine and Latest Records to tha
. country with you, from Eilers Music House
The jollicst thing for dancing under the trees, on the veranda, at the ica
' aide. , - -
Here are some used ones:
Several, regular price $25.00. reduced to $18.G0
Reduced pric induuca ont dot. or Uat recordi (24 ickKtlom).
Two. regular price $35.00, reduced to 1521.40
Reduced price includes 3 selections of best records.
Two, regular prico $100, Machines reduced to $65.00
Reduced price includes SO
selections ox best records.
Quite a number of others,
some old-style ones for $3,
$10 and $12, records included.
All of these and other
machines sent by mail upon
receipt of price. Will also
be sold on the well-known i
Eilers easy payment plan. $
2d Floor Eilers Bldg.
PWaawaa t. W -af
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first
put up 40 years ago. They regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Sugar-coated tiny granules.
Woman's Place.
First Able-Bodied Male Woman's
place is In the home. As I waa tell
ing my wife
Second Able-Bodied Hale Bv the
by. Bill, what'a yer wife doin' now?
First Abie-Bodied Male Workin' In
the cannery. Puck.
Chicago Bodies of 809 persons
killed in the capsixing of the steamer
Eastland at ita wharf in the Chicago
river had been recovered Sunday night
after 40 boars of searching by divers
around the steel hulk, still lying on ita
side, half-submerged, where it rolled
Saturday while laden with 2408 excursionists.
The total dead as a result of the
turning over of the ship still remains
at approximtaely 1000, according to
estimates made by Coroner Hoffman,
whose reports indicated that probably
200 bodies still were held in the mud
of the river by the superstructure of
the overturned boat.
Playing 8ate.
"What are your views on the mod
ern dances?"
"Well, my wife thinks they're out
rageous, and my daughter says they're
just too sweet for anything; so. of
course, I have to preserve a strict neu
trality." St Louis Post-Dispatch.
' A Large Order.
Modest Suitor I have only $5500 a
year, sir, but I think I can support
your daughter on that
Father (enthusiastically) Support
her, my dear boy? Why, yoa can sup
port her entire family on it .
All Up.
"Well, Jones, did your suburban
garden come op to the scratch V
It sure did after my neiehbor'
hens got into it" Baltimore Ameri
C Gee Wo
Bit aarnaiifal bri
al lauaiiei cur ail
kinds af ailments of
aut aparatttn.
baa and vaaetabtos. which ara ankaowa to
th. iMtieil KkiM af thi. eountrv.
Vvnte for blank and circulars. Sand
I-ie C Gee Vfs Okies Ketone Cs.
tem Firat 81.. Portland. Or,
atantiaa Papar.
r. n.u
No. SI, if u
tfg tJw-ef) pfeW
IN SUCH Pillli
Suffered Everything Untfl Re
stored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Florence, So. Dakota. "I used to be
very sick" every month with bearing
aown pains and
backache, and bad
headache a good
deal of tbe time and
:V5t-4- very Btue appetite.
V, t The pains were so
oaa mac x .rata to
sit right down on the
floor and cry, be
cause It hurt me so
and I could not do
any work at those
tunes. An old wo
man advised me to try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and I got a
bottle. I felt better the next month so
I took three more bottles of it and got
well so I could work all the time. I
hope every woman who suffers like I did
will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. P.W.IjLNSENO, Box
8, Allyn, Wash.
Why will women continue to spffer day
In and dsy out or drag out sickly, half
hearted existence, missing three-fourths
of fiie joy of living, when they can find
health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
For thirty yean it has been the stand
ard remedy for female ills, and has re
stored the health of thousands of women
who have been troubled with audi ail
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc
If yea want special advice write to
Lydia E. Plakham Kediclne Co. (coafl.
deatlal) Lyaa, Mass. Tour letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
weaua and held ia strict coafldeace.
Chicago "Who ia to blame?"
Chicago faces a task of fixing the
responsibility for the Eastland ca
While divers are still groping on the
river bed and in the hold of the East
land for bodies of victims, while the
morgue are filled with lamentations
of bereaved and cemeteries are receiv
ing a harvest of death, all authorities j
having jurisdiction will open their investigations.
Tbe federal government, state,
county and city will search for causes
of the disaster. They will determine
who waa guilty of negligence and take
steps for the punishment of those re
"Who Is to blame?" is the vital
question to which the combined au
thorities will aeek an answer.
The chief questions to be settled are :
Was the Eastland overcrowded? . If
so, who is to blame? '
Waa its water ballast out of adjust
ment! u so, woo is to blame?
Was the earrybur capacity of the
Eastland overrated by the inspectors
of the Federal government? If so,
who ia to blame? Was the hull of tbe
vessel modeled on lines giving tbe
requisite stability? If not, who is to
blame for granting it a permit?
Tacoma In a few day there will be
an unusual scarcity of watermelona on
the local market, according to some
commission man. Tbe growers are
aaid to have miscalculated the melons
ia the fields and made big orders thy
could not fill. As a result dealers have
canceled all order for Southern melons
and will await the arrival of melons
from Fresno and Tut lock. Report
from the northern sect Ion say the
melon crops are large and when once
the commodity begins rolling la there
will be plenty on hand.
Fancy green corn ia moving out ' a
never before on the local boards. The
commodity ia coming from Eastern
Washington and ia juat the aaise as If
it was grown in local field, arriving
her lee than 24 hour after it haa
been picked. The corn la now moving
at 25 cent a dosen, aaid to be a rea
sonable price at this time of the sea
ton. Cherries are just about through.
Lamberts and Binga ara no longer on
the market What few eberriee are
to be had are of the Royal Ann and
Late Duke varieties, going at 8 and 0
cents a pound, respectively.
It will not be long now before Mala
ga grape begin arriving from the
South. Already there are some Sweet
water grape to be bad at 12 a erate.
They ara small and good and the trad
haa taken to them instantly. Report
from tbe South say the crop of grapes
this season is about the same aa last
year. ...
Eggs are firm and another rise would
not be surprising, i , :
Butter is the same, but if the hot
weather continues s rise may be expected..
Refcsilt Federal Tracks"
A ctafa tTand Truck to Uuy.
vaiti for lb mon.y aa a Haw track. Ilr
robuilt wa moan Inat In truck la ontlralir
tak.a apart, aach part lamina an If
a.t.aaary raplacad by a now part mad
at tha radaral fartorv, I ha anllra truck
rapaiaiatt and raflnlahad, and v.rythln-
naraaanr aon la maaa in intra praclt
callr aa suod aa naw In ovary rtalall.
Wh.a you bur rabullt radaral row
era protorio bv U aama pU y and In
taraat that wa aiva la all a-odaral owntra
W oporat a rapair dapartmant, la which
in workman ara anariaiiaia on rMtran,
our aupply of rVtaraJ part la romplata.
and tha Block room organisation high
claaa, which Inaurva tha prompt II Ulna of
an parte oraarn. w auw oparat a arv.
Ira oapartmsnt, which la open day and
aia-ht, valwara at yaw mil " Th 'adaral
bain a Bond (ruck In th flrat plaro and
prataetad by a company which la aouip.
pad and haa th dtapoalUoa to iv veal
aarvioe as eortaaquenur
If ytm ar In th markat for a truck
from ties to tltoa, w. urs a row to eoni
par aaad Vadarala with daw truck a at
similar prlca. w think wa cava coavlne
of thatr aupartor valua.
such aa moistened sugar ere spread.
Any fly that come near th pip will
be quickly uckd In and dropped Into
a iol can tor future attention,
Saturday Kvenlog Poat
King and Waahliurtoa Sta.
Yakima Schedule I Adopted.
North Yakima, Wash. The Yakima
Valley Fruitgrowers' association has
decided to follow the same schedule of
advance on soft fruits a was in effect
last year, 10 cent a box on peaches,
and 25, 20 and 10 cent on pears, ac
cording to grade. Advance will be
made on summer apples according to
th market The association has ap
proved the action of th North Pacific
Fruit Distributors in applying for cre
dentials under th Growers' Council
plan, but will make deductions her of
th amounts to be paid tbe Council.
Hot Weather Save Hay Crop.
Albany, Or. All danger of damage
to the hay crop in this section baa been
Submarines Destroy Six. avercea py tne recent not weatner. Had
ru m. ti.t.u . un rsiw nmunuga, uib injury wouia
London-Tbe British steamer Firth, I serious. Th present hot
Rain alarms ar now mad for peo
ple who wlah to leave th window of
their home open all night, yet fear
that a rainstorm may come up la th
night, and th drop blow In. Th
alarm 1 a Utile busier Inclosed In a
wooden box, which la to be placed on
tbe window sill.
When rain blow la the first drops
on th top of th box swktch on aa
electrlo current from a battery tn th
box and th alarm begins to sound. At
th sam time a tiny electrle light ap
pear on In sid of the box, to that
any person who Is wakened by th
busser may quickly discover Into
which window th rata is blowing.
Th slropl tdea that make the in
ventor successful i illustrated by a
new vest-pocket screwdriver capable
of fitting screws of any also. It la
nothing but a disk of metal about th
alia of a large coin. Th edge of the
disk is put Into th slot of a screw
Ilk th blade of an ordinary screw
driver. On edg I thin, for small
screw, and another is thick, with a
graduated thickness between th two
extreme for th purpose of having
aa edge that will fit any slot
, A hoi In th middle of the disk
gives a chance to slip in a nail or
pocketknlfe, or anything else handy,
to se used as s lever on tight screws.
Who Will Car?
Who will car If my hair I grayt
Who will car what I hav to aajr?
Who will care If I go or slay?
Who will car when I'm le?
Who will car If I'm fat or thin?
Who wilt car If I frown or grin?
Who will car If my toe turn la?
Who will car when I'm fto?
Who wilt care If tears 1 shed? '
Who will rare If my no Is red?
Who will car If youth la fled?
Who will car when I'm fto?
No en wilt care, se I've been told
No on will car it my feet ar cold
No on will care my band to bold:
Oh, I'll just hate to be 40.
nth-nut roMMKMtAi, rnu-ftnt.
A Ik I I 1 1 ll frauua akal " tbam
prarllrai. aapart. raUaMa. Naw kalalla. la,,
wall.lihlaa t ann.ka nuiilii a aaam
an" lay (ras li a in aakania aa4 r
saUM rnJaa4,
tw nu man. bn a use, un m,
ka Traaa laaafct in atswl
fraa, Ci ninnii i. f wklla IrmtMm
t ......a WrlM far fra aatakaj,
ol.aa O'l lH.kJf, Partlaari. k N. f4 k l
aakaaa. ksa) MaW i, Saatthk KM alata B4,
He Wafit Hissing th Shew,
On of th usher approached a man
who appeared to be annoying thoee
about him. -"Don't
yon like the show?"
"Yee. Indeed!"
"Then why do yoa persist la hissing
ue performers r
"Why. m man alive. I i-tuo'l
hlsslagt I w-was s-s-lmply ssesylni
to h aanimy that th a-t tinging
The soothing, healing medication la
resinoi ointment and reaiaol snap
penetrate th tiny pore ef th akin,
clear them of lmpurltle and stop
Itching Instantly, iteainol positively
and speedily tie is eciema, beat-raah,
ringworm and almllar eruptions, and
clear away disfiguring plmplea aad
blackhead when other treatments
have been almost useless. -
Raslnol Is not aa axptrrlment. It It
a doctor's prescription which proved
so wonderfully successful for skin
troubles that It has been used by
other doctors all over th country for
twenty years. Every druggist, Mils
reslnol ointment and retlnol soap.
AdV. , . - iV
or 400 tons, of Aberdeen, was torpe
doed Sunday by a submarine in tbe
North Sea. Four of the crew were
killed. The Grimsby trawler Perseus
wss also destroyed by a mine. Her
crew of 10 were killed. Tbe French
steamer Danae, bound from Liverpool
for Archangel, Russia, was sunk off
Cape Wrath, Scotland. Th trawlers
Henry Charles. Kathleen. Activitiv
and Prosper were sent to the bottom
In the North Sea. Th crews of all
the vessels were aaved.
Red Cross Recalls Aides.
Washington, D. a American Red
Cross doctors and nurses will be with
drawn from th European battlefields
October 1 because of lack of funds to
maintain them at their stations. It is
possible that the two unit in Belgium,
where the greatest need exists, will be
continued, but th other 14 detach
ments will return to the United States.
The Serbian sanitary commission, sup
ported by contributions, will go on as
long as contributions are available, but
the general fund in the United States
will be exhausted by October 1.
Vegetables to Be Seized.
Vienna, via London Confiscation of
tha 1915 vegetable crop, including
peas, tenuis ana Deans, Has been or
dered by the government, to prevent a
repetition of the speculation and un
warrantably high prices that hav pre
vailed throughout Austria.
All existing supplies of vegetables
from the 1914 crop will be seised
after August 1. Th confiscated
crop will be told under atate supervision.
weather not only prevent further dam
age, but will mitigate what loss was
threatened by th rains. Farmers re
port that a few more warm day will
put all of the wet bay In shape for bal
ing and that practically no loss will
result Th weather is also exactly
what wa needed to ripen grain. The
harvest will be a little late.
Chehalis Cannery Begins Run.
Cbehalis, Wanh. Th Lewis County
Canning association plant in Chehalis
received its first consignment of fruit
Thursday. It was a shipment of logan
berries and raspberries from Matthew
Smith, of Winlock. . Other growers
turned in enough fruit to make a good
run to start. The association has just
completed a fin new plant her, and it
is intended to turn out fruit and vege
table from th Cbehalis cannery which
will rank with the best
Big Sslmon 8hlpmnts.
Astoria, Or. Two thousand tons of
canned sslmon will be shipped from
Astoria to New York by way of the
Panama canal, it was announced here.
The first consignment of 600 tons will
go July 29. One thousand fiv hundred
ten will be Columbia river salmon
and tbe rest Alaska salmon.
. First Appls Contracts Filed.
North Yakima, Wash. Th first
apple contract filed thia season with
the Yakima county auditor calls for
delivery of the crop of George Sher
wood ranch, in th Lower Nsches, to
Fred Eberle and W. W. Scott The
prices vary from 66 to 80 cents, cash
Just before Christmas a darky en
tered th post office at Thomasviiie,
Georgia, which Is a dry town In a dry
"Boss," he said to th elerk at th
money-order window, "will yoa please,
son, mek m out er order tor Jack
"For bow mnch?" asked tbe clerk
aa he drew a blank to him and noised
bis pen.
"Jew fo quarts, please, euh," said
the darkey.
- Damon Runyon and Bid Mercer,
New York sporting writers, were fish
lag ia Oreat South Bay on Saturday
afternoon la the autumn. Mercer
caught fish regularly. Runyon had
never a nibble. Finally he reeled In.
"Come on. Bid: let' quit," he aaid.
"Why?" inquired Mercer. "There's
an hour yet before dark?" ,
"I think I might a wall quit" said
Runyon sadly; "my worm's sot try
ing!" , . ' . .
Th small son of a Washington of
ficial waa asked by hla mother what
he Intended to be when fa becam a
"I think I shall be a burglar." he re
plied. .
"Why, Willi," his shocked mother
protested, "that isn't nice."
"Oh. It will be alt right" be assured
bis mother. "I shan't steal anything
from you."
Catching files with aa electric mo
tor has been proved to be entirely
practicable, and such machine have
now appeared on the market The
motor does not chaa tbe files round
the room, but Induce them to come
near and then captures tbem.
The mach lne operates like a suction
cleaner, a fan creating a strong suc
tion. Round the pipe through which
the air is sucked la, some sweets-
Wee ef a Card Flayer.
"Sitting up with your sick friend
again, : ehf "Exactly, ' my dear."
"Now tell me the truth, ia that friend
really sick?" "He's sick this time, all
right lie held an ace-fall against my
tour sixes." Houston (Tex.) Post
' Courtship end Boredem.
"I don't se how you caa tolerate
that man." "Oh, but he I a foreign
nobleman, my dear." "I don't care."
aaid th American girl. "I'll be jig.
gered If I'd marry a man who doe his
courting with a bored air." Louisville
Dalles 'Columbia Lino
Btaaa a WaUilaWan. ftw Tha fWllaa aaria an.
Sar II a. . a.a talla aaliy aa. Mi laf
II U KtaaMrs J N. lalaaJ f-iwtn, ani
tan. Clli-a far t'w-v t'alaaaaia 4 anaaottoar
tatata. Taylor Mb ttaaa. Tat Mala tta,
Am m Cawawt Urn To Cs, rwOini
"sj BBBavwwaasaanywaig
ttsi'jvae sMad) u
4UUM. hM.Mssa,
". efeas !) wl
-. M..7
, ' jt stf tafj
eaut fj.4 aU ea?
tfMwta f tblatt.
" aMahaaa) au
9pa, ana aanlwai
a. aaxwail Now av raw pkyaniaa. pa (a
fvar fanJiy. a fc) man vaal Ma taniM'iiwa,
at row aartlctaa. sragftai, wm lay Ha
any aai TytaaMr" I.MM af Tyahal,
Mam haw naa, aw) liign fraa) Tnaaa) Canton,
It cvritt utecAiotv, arvanrv, cal.
Taking f rcsutina
A rosy eheeked youngster drsd ta
hi best clothe entered th village
poetofflce and carefully laid a buae
tile of Iced cake on the counter. -
"With my sitter the brides complt-
msnts, and will yer please eat aa muck
as yer can?" he said.
The postmistress smiled delightful
ly. -
how very una or tne enae u re
member me." she cried. "Did she
know of my weakness for wedding
cakef . .. ...
She did," answered the youngster.
coldly, "and the thought she'd send
yer a bit of ll this afternoon Just ta
take the edge off yer appetii before
aha postsd any We off to hr
friends." London Tit-Bits.
. Sure Thing.
"Never sneer at anybody, Rotlo."
"No, one!."
"Some peopl poke fun at vegetar
ians her. But you'd be mlgbty glad
to meet 'em If you were cast away in
th Fiji Islsnds." Louisville Courier-
Journal. .-.
Not a Doctor.
While little Dorothy was visiting.
her hottest' dog came running up and
stopped before her, panting. Seeing
hi tongue hanging out Dorothy aaid:
i s not a doctor, doggi." Bostoa
Transcript -
;: HI Stetu.
"Were you a bull er a bear la Wall
I wasn't either. I was th man
who has to run for a tree when the
menagorl break loose." Washing
tea Star.
Putting It Accurately.
"Have you got any mosquitoes
around here?"
"No." replied Farmer Corntossel.
"We1 haven't got them, They'v got
."Washington Star, ' , .
teans Vafuabl Land. " '
Vincent Attor has lent land worth
11,000,000 to New Tork city children
for a playground.
Lisps. -.:-;.;.'"';
Father What did yon and John talk
about last nlxht dear? -
Daughter Oh, we talked about eur
kith and kin.
Small Brother Yeth, pop, 1 heard
'em be seth, "Kin I her a kith?" and
tbe seth, "If Kh you kin I" Yale Rec
ord. ... , - .
Thra In One. '
"Now, this typewriter 1 equipped
with all th tummar attachments."
"Summer attachments?"
"A tmall mirror, a mtnlatnr clock
and a thermometer; everything a girl
hat to consult frequently." -Loulsvlll
Come) With Dr. Pierce)'
GsMea IMcal Kscovaj
This Is a blood dacnaer and altaratlva
that starts tbe Uvar and atooweti fnte
viforowa action. It time Mania th
boily to atanafaetare rich rod blood
whlcJi faada th haart aarraa brala
aad orrana of tha bodf. Tbe ertana
' werk aasoothly like -aachbar)-tanning
ia eu. Yoa faai alsan, ttroag and
strati pons inataad af tirad, waak and
&hit, Nowaaav yo aaa ebtaia Jr.
PiaWs Coioaa) Mad leal IXaeovary
Tabtata. aa wail aa tba Uqsld form
from ail esadiala daaUr. ar trial bos
ef tablafa by wuill, on raealpt ef 50a.
fM Plarao's Ccaat lOO Pan litonrated
CmM Sanaa MWaaJ AaViaar w'.U ka aaa
on delivery.