Leader Weston WESTON, O It EG ON, FHIDAY, JULY 30, 1915. NO. C TOL. XXXV. WORLD'S DOINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume of General News Frcni All Arciind the Earth. L72VDBAL HAPPDONCS IN A KUTSII01 Uve Ncwj Items of All Nations and Picific Northwest Condensed (or Our Busy Readers. Eight miner are killed In a mine iploalon at Christopher, III. lUporU My that th Russian have materially checked the advance tf the German on Wrw. Flatting amacka are earloualy hin dered. In Lba war son baeauaa of tfc Carman eubmarln warfare. . Japan wlralaaa tatlon succeed In eommunicat nr with th atatlon lo iiawall, dlsune of 83H0 miles. French Uka Important poaitlon on top of high mountain In tha Alaaca district alter fierce bombardment. Cabla dispatche from Earl In to Washington aUU that Germany will amend reply to UUet American nolo. Tha French submarine Marietta waa destroyed by a Carman aubmarlna on ' July 26 In tba narrowa of tba Darda Mllaa, according to dispatch from " Conatantlnojila. About doaon bomba were dropped In Verona, Italy, by an Auatrlan aero, plana. There war no victim of tha Ir attack and tha damage dona to property waa Inetgnlflcant. . Evidence offered before tha coroner's jry In tba esse of tba overturning of U Kcurlon etearner In Chicago river, howl tba boat waa overloaded, and tba water ballaat pumped out to keep ' tha veaeal from ecraplng tha bottom. Official of tha Nary and Army da partmanta have begun a aerie of eon. fereneee which will haa to do with the betterment of National defense. Pindlnga of tba conf eraneaa will ba presented to rreeMenl Wilson. Tba temperature roee to 90 dagraaa In tha shade at Seward, Alaaka, and It waa 108 at Kenal Lake. Tbero bava bean only four rainy dare In two months. Several Area are burning In tba Sugab foraat eeat of Anchorage. Tba governor general of tba French Congo, wblcb adjoins tba German col ony of Kamerun, telegraphs that, after a series of combats at Honeo nceam and Aaaaobam. a French column occu pied tha Important Carman poet of Lomla, June . Charging that aha bad bean da freuded of 910,000 In a stock deal, and that aha had been beaten and injured and falsely arrested whan aha triad to get her money back, Mrs, Bertha M. Leland, a former realaurant cashier, Alas suit aggregating $100,000 against Frank Rockefeller, brother of the "oil king.". - , : . Efforts to teach English to Chinese crew on Pacific Mail Steamship com pany vessel at San Francisco have failed. Tba experiment waa made In tha nope of complying with require menta of the seaman's act, affective In November, which will require that 75 per cent of crews In all department hall understand any order given by their offlcera In tha native language of the officers. ... . . . Three persona were killed when a roller coaster on tba "Rough Rider," an amusement enterprise at Cdhey Island, New York, Jumped the track Wednesday while traveling at high speed. Mrs. Clarence Moles, of " Spring Valley, N. Y and her 7-year-old son Edward, who were passengers, eecaped Injury. Thrown clear of the car, aha clung to tha track, holding the boy on one arm until rescued by police men, .. A Norwegian naturalist loat both his hands In the Arctic region by frees I ng. Many straying Britons are returning from all parte of the earth to aid their country.' n. Ruaalana are reported to have burned tba eity of Wlndau before leaving it to tha oncoming German forces. Charles Jameson, one of the two ul timate heirs to the great Arbuckle estate of f SO, 000, 000, la dead. . French hospitals and German pris oner In Siberia have asked the Amer ican Red Croaa society for help. Those well Informed claim that Ger many has supplies to laat several years and a good crop la being harvested. Two months ia reported as tha aver age Ufa of a horse after he goes Into active service In the European war. The Carrania commander confirms report that his aoldlera executed be tween CO and 60 Villa aoldlera for loot ing at Cananea. i For the first time since the begin ning of tha war, a whole week has paaaed without tha loaa of a British vessel of any kind. Washington baa a report that Gen oral Carranaa has given notice that he will sever all diplomatic relatione with ioreign nations who do not maintain ministers to hla government at Vara Crus. This will not, however, affect his relation with the United Statee. CLEW DtflANT HUH UIE mm wMf noAis am Waahlnirtnn- T) C. Dutmetlon (tf the American ahlp Leelanaw by a Ger man submarine orew anarpiy to me attention of officiate of the United Htataa rnvarnmant the fact that Gar- many was Insisting on bar own Inter pretation or Uie nrueeian-American treaty of 1828 In disregard of two Amrli-n note- en tha sub led. , Tha Leelanaw. from Archangel, Jul I. for lialfut. with a earn flea, waa sunk July Zt by a German ubmerlna off tha northwest coast of All the member of tha crew were caved. They were Uken Into Kirk wall In thalr narn hoata. In three Instances of American eh Ids destroyed or oamagea we uuimgoi. tha Nebraskan and the William Fry Germany baa agreed to pay damage. In the laat ease the Berlin vovarnment took the DOSltlon that had not violated tba treaty of 1828, but had axarcfeed a rl.bt liven her by inference from uie languag in toe pact. OtTiciala of tha Washington gov ernment were apprised ol toe oee mic tion of tha Leelanaw, but beyond edd-ine- another Incident to tha already trained relations between the two mnrmMti. there waa no Indication that the caae would lead to a new turn In Ha Hiuml altuatlnn. ffca f the! the mem hers of tha crew were saved caused a relief In offi cial elrclaa. but there were many evi dence of amwehenaiona that If Gar- many continues to promise payment, at daatmva mora American ah I Da. a hm aliuatlan mla-ht ba created which would require further warning to the Berlin government. Tha far that the Laalanaw carried a unt nf li danlarad irmLrahand bv Germany on April 18, doe not alter the view of tha United BlalaS government Ikai tha Mnlrahaml mle-ht have been removed and the vessel spared. Under tha general rutea or international iaw, tha destruction of a neutral veeaal mln. mint r. hand area Rot admitted until the famous "night commander" raae in the Kueeo-Jspanoee war. Definite SfJ ia Kexkss Affairs Prenusd Sees by ftp CffiCEis Washington. D. C A definite step toward settling tb Mexican problem will be Uken by the United Statee government In the near future. Au thoritative announcement to tbl effect waa made at the Stat department, al though th nature of the contemplated action waa not disclosed. President Wllaon Is understood to be revolving eeveral surras ted course In his mind. Hla decision probably will not Become known before hla return to Washing ton from Cornish. N. H. Mr. Wilson ia known to bava been reviewing the situation for soma time. the warring Mexican faction having failed to heed hi suggestion of two month ago that they accommodate their difference and restore peace in the distressed country. Apparently ba ba determined that th other meaa- urea which the Washington govern ment announced it must take If the battle of th faction continued must now be resorted to. Tha President' most probable course, it ia reported, would be to urge General Carranaa for the laat time to confer with other faction leader In an effort to bring about peace. Should Carranaa again refuse thia plan. It is said efforts will ba made to assemble other Mexican leader who will repre aent a majority of tba Mexican people. Such a conference, it was suggested, might be held In Northern Mexico, if it ia possible to free it from military interference. If not, It might be held across the border in the United State. The conference would arrange for a constitutional convention which would plan for an election and eatabliahraent of a government. British Take M City. London Official dlapatchea concern ing th operations along tha Euphrates river In Asiatic Turkey announce that tha British forces, after rushing and capturing tha Turkish advance and main entrenched poaitlona, occupied tha town of Naalriyeh on the morlning of July 28. :v A British gunboat abetled th city on th previous night, and the Turk, disorganised, retreated northward. The British, during their advance, captured 11 gun and two machine guna. Several hundred prlaonera were Uken and 600 dead Turk war found In the main position. . ' Mailman Bicycle To Go. Washington, D. C Us of bicycles or motocytcle in the rural delivery service la prohibited by an order just issued by Postman ter General Burleson affective January 1, 1916. In announcing hla order, Mr. tsurle- aon bolda that vehicle of these type do not have the carrying capacity needed for the parcel post service and do not afford necessary protection for the maila in bad weather. The order will affect about 8000 carrier who now use bicycle or motorcycle to cover their route. Vienna Press Doubts U. S. Vienna, via London The Neue Freie Presse axpreaaea itself as unable to understand why tha United States re fuged Germany's proposal for protect ing the live of American citlsena at sea. and although seeking the sanctity of American passengers, declined the practical means offered for securing this end. "It la a question, tha paper aays, whether the eame atiff-neckedneaa would b observed againat England." OREGON NEWS OF U. S. Has Free Employment Bureau. Tb United SUU government here by notifies faarmera, ranchmen, stock man, fruit growers, bop raisers and all other employer that through th Em ployment Branch of th Department of Labor It la prepared to furnish free of charge workers In any number, mala or female, (killed or nnaklllad, native horn or foreigners. Enallsh-epeakinf or those of alien tongue. - Tb government employment aerv lea la a national affair, with branches la ovary large eity of the United SUte. Through an Interehang of information between tbeee numerous office, all tha tarloua districts or tone are kept advised of labor conai tiona throughout the country. If op- portunitlaa for work can not b filled by the district In which they originate, they are referred to other branches for action, A large number of men and women have registered for work at the Port land branch. From thia number It abould not be difficult to secure help of any particular kind. Many of Uoae lu hawa fnnnd amnlovmant through th government' service ar English- speaking alien woo nave naa uorougn agricultural training and experience in their native lands. Their thrift and steadiness, together with their knowl aitra nt I nt naive cultivation, makee them valuable aa farm hand In thia country, -1 The government I particularly well fitted to supply seasonal labor, such as berry and apple picking and packing, knn nUklne' eraln harvaatlrur and other tasks that require the concentra tion of a large number of hand for a short but busy season. Thia waa damonatrated in th Hood River valley during th recent atraw berry harvest, for which tfc govem- numt amnlnvment branch aurjolied the majority of pickers, aa Inspector being deUlled to Hood River to personally supervise the distribution of worker. Arrangement have already been made to register hop picker for uta ap proaching harvest, and applications are now being received from the grow ers for parties of pickers to be sup plied at the opening of the season. Amw mtmuta. nv aa-ant nf tha de partment of Agriculture ia authorised to receive application for help from employers or request for work from those desiring same. Or, batter at ill, euch applleantiou may be aent direct to th Employment Branch, Depart ment of Labor, 424 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon, by which office they will be promptly acknowl edged. . . : , ,- Delay of Line Arouses. Wh.arhaa-plnai at the attitude of a few RoSeburg citlsens who, by le gal procedure, are attempting to block the progree of Roaeburg' proposed railroad and aawmilL aeveral hundred i.ranti nf tha eitv aaaembeld On the buaineaa street of the city her re cently, where they neia an inuignuion meeting. , Among too speaxers were v. n. Porter, representative, and Charlee uKrljR. aru Roth eald that IIUH.IW J . - thaeppposition to th bonds represents less man o per eeni to. vu f . tha eltv. and that the bonds were originally authorixed by a vote of more loan s to i. flu maj.lntf araa ana nf tha moat enthusiastic ever bald In Roaeburg and more than three-fourths of the tax payer of the city wera represented. . T". nM. fA ,K hnfwllna1 nf tha city were invited to speak, but none . n . . i t- J accepted, loe Kosaourg juvenile nuu furnished music - Accidents Many in Week. Raiam Tha SUU Industrial Acci dent commission announced that 19? accldenU for the week ending July 22 war reported to the department Two ware fatal. Steve Dencheff. a loeirer of North Bend, waa drowned, and Wal ter H. Howell, a logger of Th Daiiee, was killed by being caught in a bait, nr tha accldenU reDorted. 93 of those Injured were subject to the work- men a compenaation act, oft were em ployee of public utility corporationa; II antra amnlavaa of firms and COrpora- ttana havino- reiacted tha act. and aix were employee of companies not em ploying persona in nasardou occupa tions, . s . ' - -;-.. k. i v-'' Forest Fires Have Begun. T Rraiu'aFnMat Area In tha tim ber belU of thia and Wallowa countiea and grass fires in La Grande Indicate that ths month of August will be a busy one for the fire department and for the force combatting forest Are. T- ,k. kill. mA tlmHa halta about La U Mill Bl't. - Grand th Union-Wallowa Countiea association guards and looxouis are kant Mn...tv at amrlc with flames bV which, fortunately, have to date been in slaabings principally, me oiggeev r AimimimrmA he tha InolcOUta OO Mount Emily waa near Elgin, on In dian creek, near the Wisdom mill : Sheriff Is Not Shocked. Roaabure- Actirur upon the ccm- olaint of RoMburg' woman juvenile officer that many of the bathing uiU worn by women In the umpqua river were too abbreviated, Sheriff George Quine recently inspected the public rimming resort near una city. u;k.n ka MtiiOTMut ha waa ao nleaaed with what he aaw that he purchased a bathing ault for his little daughter, i. vi. nin.i.i MMirt ia tha district at torney be said the bahera were garbed much the same aa uoee at me m fashionable seaside resorts. GBIERAL I'lTERBT mrssssm All Convicts at Work. Salem For tb first time In several year all UU convirU but four or flv physically IncapaclUUd becaua of age, were put to work Wednesday by Harry P. Mlnto, auperlnUndent. The population of the priaon la 820, the largest In it history, and sine tb contract sysUm was abolished It ha been a problem to provide employment for th prisoners. More than 200 men ar employed pulling flax, and tb outer ar at work building a eonereU floor in the flax factory end at tba priaon rock quarry. Tba aix gangs onUide th peniten tiary enclosure were guarded, and Mr. Mlnto aaid there waa little danger of any of th men eecsping., "Our men are doing good work," aaid tb superintendent, "and they ap parently enjoy working away from the prison. It will Uke about ten days mora to complete pulling the flax, when employment will be provided in the priaon preparing the flax for mar ket." Ut. Mlnto and John C Cedy, sUU flax expert, ar euperinUoding the harvesting of tb flax, which ia ex pected to yield the sUU a revenue at least cool mensural with th cost of production. Tb plan of growing flax to provide employment for th con victs waa originated by Governor Withveombe. the recent legialature making an appropriation to inaugurate tba induatry. - New Work Is Indicated. A.rla That tha Duboia Lumber company ia preparing to log a portion of IU timber nouunga soon ia iuicun by a mortgage given by n w n. o. Powell, trustee, of Clearfield, Pa., and filed for record .here. Tba mortgage pledgee 21,089.85. acre of timber land In ClaUop county and 8980.0? acres in Tillamook aa security for $1,000,000 In 6 per cent 25-year bonds. The mortgage provide that ths com pany shall havs the right to begin cut ting timber any time after July 1 thia year, and th company ia to pay the trustee $1.60 a thousand for the tim ber cut up to 85,000,000 feet, snd $1 a thntiaand ahnva that amount. No mention ia mad as to what the money borrowed is to be osea ior, rnian understood tha amount is to be ex pended In constructing railroad and operating logging camp. Brighton Mill Runs Full. Brighton Th big mill at Brighton running full tim and withaeom pleU crew of men. Logging opera tions along the Nehalem river have been active in aeveral of the entailer camps In preparation for the resump-1 tion of work here snd several hundred thousand feet of loga have been cut. Manager Thomas Watt haa been to San Francisco to interest shipowners to i.i,. -aira nf lumber from Brighton and feels that hie hope of water trans portation for the prodoct or ine.miu soon wiU be realized. The work on the south jetty at the Nehalem river wiU be completed with- mmmAm anI tha eratar conditions 1U V.1W ar most favorable. In apito of the absence of freshets during ine spring, kii.. nanailw mw the bar to a eon- alderable depth, the channel thia year ia deep enougn to aiiow freight carriers to cross. : Coast Road Is Inspected. Newport A party consisting of flanrsa H PV-il district forCSUr Of th Northwest ; Shirley Buck. Mrs. Buck and B. J. r lnch, all oi rorwano, made the first auto trip around Cspe Perpetua on a road constructed jointly by Lincoln and Lane counties and the Forestry service. ; ; u. rwil'a trin waa to inspect the road,' and he found tha work done sat isfactorily. Lane county naa nc yet completed IU share of the road, from Waldport. Alsea Bay, to Florence, on the Siuslaw. ; When thia road ia completed there will be an auto etage through country noted for iU grandeur and hunting and fishing resource, and also will connect the Columbia river with San Frenicaco Bay by a coast road. Polk Oila Roada 60 Miles. Monmouth Fifty miles of Polk county highway have been oiled the past few days, according to J. W. Finn, county roadmasUr. Approxi mately 80,000 gallons were used, the entire work costing $2600. ThoCoun- - .-m,- jwimmiirrial cluba. tOWnfl and subscription have furnished the sup port necessary, avery roaa in rut : . i. tnr tmirist travel, and rouuvj - - more cars have passed through here this season than at any previous um For flv yeare gravel haa been placed on the roads in the winter months. 100 st Sesvey Fsmlly Reunion. ss,.n. Mam than 100 members of the Seavey family, one of the oldest famillea in Lane county, Baentuiou the summer home of J. W. Seavey. on the McKenxie, Wednesday, for a fam ily reunion. For the past four years it baa been the custom of this family to hold an annual reunion. The cele bration began with a picnic dinner served on the lawn under the big cedars. - Grants Paa Plana Pool. Grants Psbs A public maaa meet i KaiH rMntiv at the Commer cial Club rooms to decide upon the plana for the new municipal bath house. The bath house ia to be erected in Riverside Park on Bogua Kiver. COMMITTEE K i t - - , -ii ........i.i y Profcaaor Plpln's Columbia university expedition to aid Serbia, known aa the Committee of Mercy, photo rrapbed on the steamer Themlatoclee a it sailed from New York. At tha rlht la Prot Elbridge Colby of Columbia. acUve bead of th committee; below are Dr. George Baehr, Dr. Peter OblUky and Dr. Henry Polta, who weal with Jie expedition. , . ; ' '. H- - '' , " -.- " """"" W"(: -, ' fvv .. ' ", i . y - . j . r. If ' r,t ft It - J VV"- Within th next few montfi agncuuurai lanu w e-. .--- ""," .a... t m .. .-i.-ii.a.ee Dnfta lwj-f ar tlut nmifwr In NOW M ft 1 1 CO added to the wealth of tne nation urouga we openun vi t-"-" " , V. " in the valley of the Rio Grande river. The United SUtea reclamation service is now putting the finishing touches . ,.' ... .... jt i. .i, t ka miisa north nf the Mexican boundary line, and when in one Ot tne wonu a areaieafc uama w ww. - - - . the water fills up behind this great wall of masonry a lake 45 miles long will be formed, covering 40.000 acres of "and. and with thia water reclaiming 180.000 acre ot what la now aa arid desert The completed daiB will b 1$ feet tblcK on top, zia iee mica at un ITALIAN ARMY'S A feature ot thia new Italian field so aa to afford wide range ot fire. . OUR ONLY WOMAN MAIL CARRIER L I HH 111 HI II 1 I M 1 ir.l"1 T- I I-1-" I 1 aMIMW U-ffJIWM I NaT vv, j ....... , , .. , J Miss Ada Pearce ot Manhattan. Kan, the only woman mall carrier la the United States, la here aeea delivering mail to a farmer. Her rout is IS Bile long and h cover it each dr. OF MERCY SAILS TO V v -l,)aliitm.. -"' ELEPHANT BUTTE IRRIGATION .--- s .. a uuiium NEW FIELD GUN ltoS."- rC M,.;.n- gun Is th base, which can be moved If. -..- A 1 AID SERBIANS -r '' Z DAM Mawi-h nf fVtaa tm Q iTsat tttkt TsV III sl SHE REPRESENTS ELECTRA Miss Florence Caasssa, selected to poae for the figure ot Electr in th design that Is to be the keynote ot th nation-wide campaign preceding the celebration of Electrical Prosperity week. November 29 to December 4. More than 100,000,000 copies of tha design, on posters and placards, will be distributed all over th land. Llvea After Heart Stopped. H. O. Harris lived 20 minutes and retained consciousness after his heart had atopped beating. Harris, a fruit merchant of Los Angeles, ws strick en In his shop snd was rushed to the receiving hospital, where Dr. A W. Hlller said he wss dead. Then Harris opened his eyes and began to talk. For 20 minutes he spoke at intervals. He waa able to tell hla name and address and de scribe his sensations. During this time his heart did not beat perceptibly and powerful heart stimulants failed to bring any re sponte. Not all Kinds, "Don't you think, after all. war t som ethftig of a toti'cV Tr !:.; It. mf b. If I?' Tea tonlo.' -SalUiuor AscsrtfiAa. If """" " i ' '