The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 16, 1915, Image 4

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    A .....nm a.-r.l "
re. II. a, aayeit. nllar-Ja. ri.e BulMlny
..... - flUe lOwtWI Hi
far trmm .m l H-k.ln el M-at
U4 laaual Beifcuaa. farOae
1 TOfXO MA. Bit A BABriTB. Uare Trad
. t.wai.uui Mud vhiM keraiae:
L.,1 rem n.t,. rwn.nd. N. t( el.;
. Mais AneHaeUle. e.l Kale V
, n tadi hen end fWt r"i
4 . kirn. St. hataUil
rhooeer wni """f
M. tHM- ee r""T
I baaa-lle.
llrr. Ul, St, U.-.4. S
lllrar. tew
A ei cm
oa a; ?
Ii.iaal 1m
Dalles-Columbia line
.a. VhAImM. tor The rml-J dr M
It . Ml Lmx Pallas IIIJ elorJaj
II M. lanHll J. ti. Taak
inMUMl lUVWW am
T.1H GtMa for Upper rlaraMe an SmU rlrer
Sanaa, lut BL Hock. WVwU.
VawM sal CaWeaW. km Tti b, IwBssL
tew n w tm t m
UAUI rkl NiLLUi,. aed UM
Imi .aMa. 1 i,a mil
W(Ml) 1 at
Belt hail.
BASeae) WUM, ISS Are. BtMklja. B. W
r carnr areas
KM. hok. Rtekn: erawraa l
Mn . Woo- e ere-
Ml wfcr Mt ' talk
rM fnr MtM aed WU
leaa eieaws r
M am alee. Kuk PMH M
f ruuar amdwru la K vr
Mil af JlH.'.n M - 'J.
fit Ciim tAB10. H. CMMrkX
Dngroua Mtthod. -"Wltat
.r yoar usual mode of pa8
Uhmantr vas amoo( Iha question!
submitted to teacher la a rural dla-
triet la Ohio. Her auawer was. "t trj
moral aaaaion. first, and U that doe
,Bot work I u capital punishment
X It vaa a nelihborhood where moral
.suasion had not been a success, and
" the children were scarce, the commit
tee took bo risks.
I Her Own Business.
The charming young woman who
expected to be married soon, went t
the reels tratloa hook lor the first
time. The men la charje asked
"With what party do you expect to
'be affiliated?" "That's none of jronr
'business," ah replied. "If I csre to
' tell his aame I'm not folnj to regl
:ter, ao Uere."
Loved Daddy, Too.
Pinning a flower oa tny little fon
rear-old boy's suit oa mother' day.
aaid to him: "Ton must wear this rose
today to show that yon lore your
mother. Edward." la a little while he
returned to me, saying: "Mother,
please pin another rose on me so peo
ple will know I lore my daddy, too."
Exchange. - '
Perseverance Beet.
Perseverance la more prevalUng
than violence, and many things which
cannot be overcome when they are to
Bether yield themselves np when ta
ken Utile by little. Plutarch.
Means that you keep
the middleman's
profit in your pocket
whenvou buy
Lamber, Shingles,
Lath, Moulding,
Doors, Windows and
other Building Ma
terial from
Sam Connell
Lumber Co.
Portland, - Oregon
Send us a Hut of what you require
for your buildings and we will name
you prices delivered at your station
and Guarantee to save you Money.
Write for our y
Illustrated Catalog.
-l v
On S. P. R. R. in Tillamook, Co. Or.
Train ttnpm at en door. PUee to spend your
vanttioa ben ihim Hummer. Yoa will find it
delightful es well ma inejipeiwiv. W hsre
fully t amiahed Houaekcepins Tnts, including
electric light end water, from per week up .
Dane every nifrht. Bowline. Pool end Bil
liards. Surf FieUns end Safe Bethinr. For
aertiealars write or cell on WWB UE.VTA1,
Co. Booms 21142 Failing- Bldc Sd at Wash
ington. Portland. Ore., phones A or at or
Bar View. Tilluaook Co, Ore.
C Gee Wo
Bnmmtnl Hm
al Rmedics can all
kind of milmmitn c
men and women with
out operation, tuod
from tiw woodrf ul
Chioawa barb, rootm.
bud and rrtAbk, which r tmkaowa to
ttt mariteal cien of thic country.
VVri; for biavnk and cirrulavr. SomI tfrtm.
He C Ctt Wt Chinese KetHdie Ca.
16ZH Ffnrt St.. Portlmad. Or.
MtmtiuD Papor. . ,
No. 29. If IS
SEN wHtiac to mrmrtimr $lmm
tm thim amw-r.
of flandcrs Heights Wei
Night Attacks Spectacular Reports
Say Teutons lose 120,00 Men
Curing 120 Days Battle.
Paris After baUlirur ISO days for
the hilly country between Bethnna and
Arras, the French forces are in posses
sion of all the emtrtoncee rooking out
noon the plain of Flanders. Lille,
Doual and Cabrai all are visible from
Every position alone the broad na
tional road between Arraa and Bethune
haa been won except Souches, and last
night another quarter-mile of trenches
in the Souches web was torn away.
The attack was made ander parachute
rocket lights, the French burning
bluish white and the Germans greenish
white, covering the scene of the dea-
nerata conflict with a ghastly flow.
The most desperate Dgnung nas oeea
along the snort 10-mile front from
Arras to Aix Noulette, which began
March 9 with the taking of a few hun
dred yards of trenches oa the water
shed of Notre Dam de Lorette, where
there are the ruins of an old Merovin
rian military road. Every day since
then some section of the German
trenches have been taken, lost or re- j
Each side hsa been employing for
midable artillery, both of small and
heavy caliber, the French guns being
somewhat the more numerous and
served with unlimited quantities of
hioh-exDlosive shela.
A correspondent of the Associated
Press went through five or six miles of
the trenches formerly held by the Ger
mans and reconstructed by the French.
Upward of 100,000 Germans have
fallen or been captured in these
trenches, according to the French offi
cial count, since the second week of
March. The French losses, the cor
respondent was confidentially informed,
while serious, have been much smaller
than those of the Germans. There are
thickets of little crosses made of twigs
tied together marking graves between
the trenches. Some of these graves
have been torn up by the shell fire.
Two-ceat Rate Causes Pibafc to
Wi&draw Kany PiiLSc PiMeges
Chicago W. J. Cannon, assistant
general passenger agent of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad,
continuing his testimony In the west
ern passenger rate hearing here, said
the two-cent fare laws had wiped oat
the practice of granting special rates
to fairs, conventions and resorts where
the hauls are short ones.
"Experience," he said "has- proved
that the institution, of reductions like
tourists fares hss generally stimulated
travel and as a large percentage is
carried on regular trains the railroads
can afford to make such reductions.
Tourist fares of all characters are open
to the public and necessarily reduced
the average rate per mile. Ham check
ers fares, which apply to round-trip
tickets, have been made for many
years to the West. Southwest and
Northwest, and the demand continues.
The carriers are vitally interested in
inducing settlers to take np or pur
chase land.
Experience shows that the bargain
rate principle of granting such con
cessions on certain days is a factor of
consequence in accomplishing the de
sired result."
, - Pacific Trade Growing.
San Francisco Big increases in im
ports and exports through the San
Francisco customs office for the year
ended June SO are shown by the annual
report of the collector. During the last
six months the increase in exports over
the same period last year is about two-:
thirds. Exports for the last six months ;
were $39,673,826; same period in 1914
24,326,152. Other figures for the
year ended June 80, lio, are: ex
ports 1915, 179,731,766; exports 1914,
$62,535,648; imports 1915, 976,068,-
028; imports 1914, $66,394,389.
Francs Wants Leather.
Washington, D. C. France bas of-
ered to lift her embargo on raw hides
in return for a supply of American
leather goods lor military purposes,
according to advices received here.
The plan, if worked taut, will release
for manufacture in this country a vast
quantity of raw hides which accumu
lated in France as a result or the em
bargo and because of the extensive
slaughter of French cattle for food.
Paris dispatches also contain requests
for American wheat flour for the use
of civilian bakers.
Vatican's Lights Dimmed.
Borne, via Paris. German Zeppe
lins, according to reports' received in
Rome, have been transported to the
coast of the Austrian Adriatic sea.
Their object, it is said, is to reach
Rome. The Italian government hss
notified the Vatican and the Pope has
ordered that the lights of the apostolic
palace be dimmed or extinguished at
an early hour. The Pope also gave in
structions for the removal of art treas
ures from places exposed to damage.
50 Passengers Held Up.
Los Angeles Fifty passengers on s
westbound Pacific electric interurban
car were held up and robbed late Sun
day night by two masked men about
mile west of Pomona. The robbers
poked their guns under the nose ef the
conductor when he was throwing the
switch. The robbers then went
through the ear and took money and
jewelry amounting to about $200 and
Ana set of Teeth, A guU
and porcelain brUltfe or
a cast aluminum plate
will Wat a lifetime. Let
me examine your mouth
and tell you la advance
what It wiU cost.
Dr. Eiof T. Ilcdlund
BalMlae-. WMklaeMa Nw
mv. huA OnvMk
When W War feel
Astasia and sprint are the best
r. vVwraurh
tal and physical work are depressing.
Mental work reaches Its highest effl-
Jeacy at a temperature of SI degrees.
wail pfeysloal work reaches Its maxt.
mass, at It degrees for mea and (0 de
grees tor women. Recent laveatlga-
tloas show that weather variations are
dlsttaoUy good for as and promote ear
mental efficiency.
If your skla Itches and burns with
ecsema or any such tormenting, un
sightly skin disease, simply wash the
sore Blares with reslnol aoao and not
water, dry and apply a little resinoi
ointment. The itching stops IN
STANTLY, you no longer hare to dig
snd scratch, sleep becomes poiDi,
and healing begins at once. That la
because the soothing, antiseptic res
lnol medication strikes right Into the
surface, arrests the action of the dis
ease, and almost always restores the
tortured. Inflamed skin to perrec-i
health quickly, easily and at little
Prescribed by doctors tor twenty
years, and sold oy aa arugsisi.
Te Appreciate Colore.
Only a tew of the great painters
hare been great "colorlsts." tor the re
grettable reason that they could not
divinely sea color, and to such paint
ers the master colortst has been called
crude and garish. The fine thing tot
everyone Is to cultivate the eye to a
close and ever observation of all hues
and shades In nature, for In that way
only one can have the pleasure of the
highest appreciation of nature, splen
did as the wondrous revelations ot the
spectrum Is In Its divination of the
composition ot rays ot light.
. All Have Three Forma.
All things In the world have three
forms; these are gaseous, liquid ana
solid. Everything Is moving from one
of these forms Into snother. For In
stance, the sputum Is a liquid. Dried
la the open air. It soon becomes a
solid. Then, pulverlxed. It Is taken up
by the air and circulates in minuie
dust particles, soma of which are too
small to be seen.
Expert In 8llver Unlngs.
Hall "Blythe Is a pretty optimistic
character, I hear." Wall "1 should ssy
so. If be failed In business, he'd thank
heaven he had his health; if he tailed
In health, he'd thank heaven he bad
his business, and if he tailed In both,
he'd say there was no use having one
without the other."
Poor Diagnosis.
"What you need." said the eminent
xsedlcal man, "is more bodily activity.
Ton should exercise your back and
limbs and teet What's your business."
"I sm the leading tango expert on
the champagne floor ot the elite Iod-
ster palace, rcpnea me unnappr
patient C1''" Plain Dealer.
Outrageous y punny.
111 necr esjuu """" 1
slonal humorist to ainner, "xciaimea
Mrs. Newlyriohe. TVhy. he made on i l iw fa New York, caused the ex
Engllsh butler Iaugh."-Philadelphia and fire t ua in u,, opinion
The Inventor seldom profits by his
production. Ths Chinese invented
gunpowder. South liend Tribune.
Optimistic Thought.
The generous nan grows rich la
giving. ..
Mr. Baker So Weak Could
Not Do Her Work Found
Relief In Novel Way.
Adrian, Mich. "I suffered terribly
with female weakness snd backache and
got so weak that I
could hardly do my
work. When I
washed my dishes I
bad to sit down and
when I would sweep
the floor I would get
so weak that I would
have to get a drink
every few minutes.
and before I did my
dusting I would have
to lie down. I got
so poorly that my folks thought I was
going into consumption. One day I
Found s piece of paper blowing around
the yard and I picked it np and read It,
It said 'Saved from the Grave,' and
told what Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegeta
ble Compound has done lor women. I
showed it to my husband and be said.
Why don't you try it 1' So I did, and
after I had taken two bottles I felt
better and I said to my husband, 1 don't
need any more,' and he said ' Yoa had
better take ft a little longer anyway.'
So I took ft for three months and got
well and strong." Mrs. Alonzo E.
Baker, 9 Tecumseh St, Adrian, Mich,
Hot Well Enough to Work.
In these words is hidden the tragedy
of many a woman, housekeeper or wags
earner who supports herself and is often
helping to support a family, on meagre
wages. Whether in house, office, lac
tory, shop, store or kitchen, woman
should remember that thrre is one tried
and true remedy for the ills to which ell
women are prone, and that is Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Ckmpoond. It
promotes that vigor which makes work
easy. -The Lydia E Pinkhaa Medicuie
C-. Lyoa, Mass.
V.: 1 . i
S.YV .11 If 1-0
Kt M u It wm
Sail Freely in War Zone.
German Reply Makes Conditions for
Travel Under Own Flag or On
Neutral Passenger Ships.
Berlin, via London Germany
offer, embodied in the reply to the
United States' note regarding the sink
Ing of the Lusltania and submarine
warfare, was delivered to James W
Gerard, the American ambassador.
Saturday night. Its essential features
First, reiterated aasurancea that
American ships engaged In legitimate
trade will not be Interfered with nor
the lives of Americana upon neutral
shit be endamrered.
Second, that Uerman suDmarines
will be Instructed to allow American
passenger shins to pass freely and
safely, Germany entertaining In re
turn confident hope that the American
government will see thst these ships
do not carry contraband; such ships to
be provided with distinguishing marks
and their arrival announced a reason
able time In advance.
The same privilege is extended to
reasonable number of neutral paaeen-
rer shins under the American flag and
should the number of ships thus avail
able for passenger service prove Inade
quate Germany is willing to permit
America to place four hostile passen
ger steamers under the American flag
to ply between North America and
Europe under the same conditions.
Gensaa Reply Viewed Here As
Quite Mi to Bring Cnss
Washington, D. a Arrival of the
press translation of the German note
confirmed impressions which havs been
current in official quarters for several
days that Germany would refuse to
rive the assurances asked for by the
United States that the lives 01 Ameri
cans traveling the high sess on un
armed ships of any nationality be not
The press copy arrived too late to De
read bv many officials, and those who
saw it said they could not comment
until the official text from Ambassa
dor Gerard bad arrived.
Assumption of liability for the loss
of Americans in the Lusltania tragedy
was considered to have been, wholly
evaded by Germany, and the chief
principle for which the United States
announced that it would omit "no word
or act" to see observed was viewed as
having been passed over lightly.
The general feeling that the now
would be unsatisfactory and bring to a
crisis ths friendly relations thst havs
existed between the United States and
Germany developed more strongly in
official quarters.
Sterner ITinncfiaha Arrives ia Port
After Terrific frptaioi and fire
Halifax, N. 8.-A bomb placed
.hn.l the Atlantic trananort liner
ub, b , ,t
I of the officers of the steamer, which
put in here for examination Saturday
with the fire still unextinguished.
The explosion occurred in No. 8
hold, and was of terrific force, shaking
the vessel from stem to stern. Thosb
of the crew who were forward at the
time were stunned by the shock and
two sailors were hurled into the air.
Flames followed, and for two days and
nights the crew battled to save the
shin."'' - --''
There is no doubt In the minds or
the officers that Erich Muenter, alias
Frank Holt, or confederates, were re-
I sponsible for the explosion, which oc
curred st 4:15 o'clock on the afternoon
of July 7, the data on which Muenter
predicted that soma vessel, as to the
name of which, he appeared uncertain,
would be destroyed.
London's Assent Lacking.
Washington, D. C Germany's pro
posals of last February for the reopen
ing of her cable communications with
the United States failed because they
were conditioned on the consent of
Great Britain and the London foreign
office, which never replied to the
gotiations communicated by the United
States. State department officials
made this explanation in the light of
published assertion by Herr von J ago
who laid stress on the lack of cable
communication as a means of an ex
change of views on submarine warfare.
Food Is Denied Civilians. .
Rotterdam, Holland It Is reported
here the German military authorities
in several of the Belgian provinces, In
an effort to force the civilians to work
for the army of occupation, have with
held food suppliee sent in by the Com
mission for the Relief of Belgium. In
Malines the supply of food is ssid to
have been stopped because the me
chanics refused to work in their shops.
At Courtrsi the workers are reported
to have been deprived of food because
of their refusal to work in barbed wire
' Liner's Sinking Forecast.
Washington, D. C Sir Cecil Spring
Rice, the British ambassador, formally
called the attention of the State de
partment to the Fatherland, a German
paper published in New York, pointing
out that it forecast the sinking of the
Lusitania and predicted internal ex
plosions on ships sailing from the
United States for the allied nations.
Without making any request, the am
bassador declared it Indicated "guilty
foreknowledge of a crime."
. Wheat lllueetem, 1.0; fortyfold.
$1.04; tlub, 11.03; red fife, 3c; red
Russian, 5c
Oats No. I white feed, 125.80 ton.
Cexle, K 1 feed, 133.(0 ton.
Bran 14 ion; shorts,
Mlllfeed Spot prices: Bran, f J7
IT. 60 ton: short. IIS fil til. 60: rolled
harlev. l2S.BOflf2d.B0.
Corn Whole, 131 ton: cracked, $3T
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, f 1
af IT ton: alfalfa, f It BOM 11. BO.
Vegetables Cucumbers, Oregon,
stanoc dosen: artichokes, 7Sc; toma
toes. I1.B0 per box: cabbage, 10lU
pound; head lettuce, ft crate; spinach.
Be pound: rhubarb, iqisc; pea. iate
beans,. XJ(tl3! I" ""V Ka'7&e
Green Fruits Cherries, 4 4 10c
pound: cantaloupes, ft tt 4.75 crate
loganberries. 75c: raspberries, 19
1.10; currants. T5ct$l; aprlcvU, lldC
1.35 box; peaches, 7Acti; watermel
ona, lft2,e pound; plums, ll.SB box
new apples, l.TBmXBO.
Potatoes New. lldtllc pound.
Onions Yellow, $1 sj 1.60; red,
11.75 sack.
Eggs Oregon ranch. Buying prices
No. 1, S4e dosen; Me, a, 80c; ao.
16c Jobbing Prices: No, 1, l"c.
Poultry Hens, 10c pound; broilers,
18l30c; turkeys, nominal; ducks, old,
10c: young lMlSOc: geeaa nominal.
Butter Creamery prints, pisin
wrappers. tOe pound; cartons, 80c
rubes, ordinary, 13 J S4c; fancy, SfkiC
Veal Fancy, 10iJ.lie pound.
Pork Block. 10c pound.
Hope 1915 contracts, nominal; 1914
crop, l&itUie pound.
Hluea Salted hides, lc pound
salted kip, 16c; salted calf 18c; green
hides 13c; green kip, loc; green call,
18c: drv hide. Sic: dry calf. Hoc
Wool Eastern Oregon, medium, Z5
:28e pound; Eastern Oregon, fine.
18 sc Site; valley, Zt?suc; mouair,
iw clip. SO&Slo pound.
Cascara bark Old and new. 4(fte.
Pelts Dry lonar-wooled pelt. 16e
dry, short-wool ed pelts, 111c; dry
shearlings, each, 1016e; salted shear
lings each. lBOIZSc; dry goat, long
hair, each, 13c; dry goat, shearlings,
each, 10ffi20c; salted long-wool pelts,
Uav. Ilff2 each.
Grain Bags In ear iota, 80Hej in
leas than car lota, about 1c more.
Cattle Beet steers, 7t7.t5; good,
$6.75C7; medium, 8.50;t8.76; choice
cows. $6(:.26: good. 65.7WW; Mir
ers, I4.76&6.76; bulls, $3.60(0.6; stags.
Hogs Light, l7.6CHtf7.eo; heavy,
Sheep Wethers. 15 CS 6.60; ewes,
$37i4.50; lambs, $5.6X($.80.
Australia Demands' Mora Butter,
The atnns' California export demand
for butter Is keeping the Portland mar
ket verv firm and a higher range of
nrices for cubes in the near future Is
nrnhabla. The belief prevails in we
trade that the l.fiOO.OOO Bounds of but
ter already shipped from San Francisco
to Australia will Bod its wsy later to
England. It ia the understanding here
that. Australia butter shippers con
tracted to supply the British govern
ment with a large quantity m. pukst
to make un for the deficiency in Dan
ish shipments, snd. being unaoie 10
Mwnnlat the contract because of the
Australian drouth, they have turned to
the Paelfie Coast for a SUnplv. What
pussies the trade la why the American
butter, if Intended ror cngiana, is not.
sent direct to London Instead of by
we nf Svrlnev
Egg buying prieos were nnetiangea
th the oneninsr of tna weex. IDS
noultrv and dressed meat market were
quiet and anchanged.
Demand for Fruit Is Renewed.
That retailors nf Portland Sold UP
lnal i the holldav rush was indi
cated by the good demand for fruit and
vegetables on Front street this ween.
Watermelons ware mioted lower at
11 to 3 cents loos and 2. cento crated.
Cantaloupes were firm at last week s
price. Oregon peaches were steady
at 76 cents to SI and California peaches
at 90 cento to $1. - Among the receipts
was a mixed ear of California apples,
iwu-hM anrl rtlnma.
.There a e-nod-slxed shipment of
strawberries from Eastern Washington
point, but there was not mucn aemana
for them. Raspberries sold readily at
f 1 to $1.10. . Loganberries war quiet
at 76 cento.
A lot of fancv green corn arrived
from the Imperial Valley and was put
on tale at 76 cento a dozen.
WaterZFamlna Is Feared.' -
Ellensburg Charles E. Hewitt,of
North Yakima, water commissioner of
Kittitas and Yakima counties, after
going over water conditions in the val
leys, sound a general warning for all
rancher to be economical In their use
of water, "The-reclamation is releas
ing 2.000 acre feet of water every day
In an effort tn keen th ditches sup
plied," said Mr. Hewitt. "This is cut
ting into th storage at a last rate ana
unless there I co-operation among th
renmers tnere is aanirer oi a critical
condition in lata summer."
London Sets Wool Market Psc.
The verdict at London ha been ren
dered In accordance with general pre
dictions snd if there were those who
prior to th sale, were in any wise
skeptics! as to the maintenance of
prices, the general support accorded to
wool sales in London should be ample
demonstration to them of th world's
belief in the strong position of wool,
ssys the Boston Commercial Bulletin.
The sale In Sydney, Australia, this
week followed the lesd of London. In
Boston, too, prices arc firmer and in
soms instances higher.
Wheat Not Badly Hurt.
Eltopla, Wash. The dsmsg Satur-
nieht from a wind or nurricane
nronortlona did not shatter th stand
ing wheat as much as was lesrea. me
early grain probably will be damaged
from three to five bushels an acre.
Turkey red and blues tem and the lata
sown rife were not hurt materially.
The wind blew down several windmill
towers throughout ths district, and but
for prompt action a largs grain ware
house here would bsv been leveled.
The patrons of our first class hotcts and restaurants are exact-InjJ-they
demand the best Women go where the pastry and uket
iro noted-for their excellence. Men are attracted by hot bread arul
fclscuits when fresh and moist and Ufiht.
TK nittro iwiW in US. a rmntallrm liaos. K C Riklnd Powder
because ho knows that results
a . a-.a.a.
is as goou as ms dcsl ,
Then, too, with K C Daklng Powder he can mix the various
Kinds of batter before the rush of the meal begins and bake as
needed so that every order goes to tho tablo fresh and hot, yet th
last no oaKcs are jusi as goou as uis imu ,
The reasons behind these reasons is that K C Is
really a blend of two baking powders. One commences
to give off loavenlntf gas as soon as moistened. The
other requires both moisture and beat to make It
active. Douch or batter will remain In a partially
leavened condition for hours, and when put In the oven,
will come up as ltfiht as If mixed a moment before.
For cookies, pancakes, doughnuts and the like,
which cannot all be baked at once, K C Is Indispensa
ble. For all baking thcdoublc raise makes doubly certain,
fWW IA jmurbJ r M pnfrtomt
as took and awttr bklmg trill eyirsl to Ala.
Brooklyn Nsvy Yard.
The Brooklyn navy yard was estab-.
Ushed Fsbrusry . IS 01. when th
Brat land, twenty-three acres, was
bought from on John Jackson for MO.
000. Th yard bow comprises 144
acre and has a water front of nearly
three mile, protected by a sea wall
ot granite.
flare Meavllhr. Btreaw. ReaeUrel Bree
Oceitata u4 Vareteteae wa Marlae are
BaaeSf steer faere eelere II ae em aa a
PuaMeita ae MeJwiM. Marlae la atlll (See
aaeela ky Our rajraieUue see teareateee1
ar taeal aa a naitawa nailer ror r- wwm
l-are. Tr It la I our Brae aaa la Beer'e Btae-
NeSatanlac Jue Bjra UMafnrv " ""
el rear prU ameat ae SabatUnM, see II
laWMHt write fnr Bnee or we rrae,
T Msk Bandsges.
Bandages can be prepared from the
good parts of worn sheets or pillow
slip It perfectly clean. Rolls six to
eight yards In length are most con
venienton Inch wld for fingers, two
Inches for feet, two and one-half to
three inches for head and -arms and
four Inches for legs. A good way of
keeping them la condition for us Is
to seal th rolls In a perfectly dean
(las fruit Jar.
Dr. Pierce's TelleU. small sugar-
coated, easy to take as candy, regulsto
snd invigorate siomacn, nver ana now
sis. Do not gripe.
Killing Insects In Sseds,
Inlurlous Insects found IB seeds
may be killed without affecting th
germinating qualities of th seed by
treatment with hydrocyanic add a
In a vacuum chamber.
. Deserved Tribute,
Ynu aeav we case dona everything
possible to preserve th Plymouth
Hocf "And I don't blame ye. New
England owes a heap to that breed
of hen."
wms aun m. uim.ira, le nojp, . i.,mr
tre lampla ot A Urn's Tti-K. It ruraa
weatltis, hot woilrn, aenlns Irel. ll msae
nvw vr Itgnt pnusa m7i A cvriairt pnif lur
e-r'tn, Ihrrorstng naita and Umiuri, All druc
Old You Know Thst
As a rhyme In fit. Nicholas point
out, th owl Is most umrsmmotloal
In saying "To whoT to whor Instead
of "to whomf to whom?" Dut then
you can't eipect much from an owl.
and even less from a boned owit ,
' Woman's Advsntags.
"Women undergo greater trials than
men. True, fair one. but no matter
whom they have murderod there' al
ways an acquittal or a bung Jury.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Why Vaeclnstlon Psys.
Statistics show that to vscclnat a
person against srnilipoi at public ex
pense costs about, twenty-fly cent,
while the disease Itself costs th pub-
Uo on an average about ISO per cas.
Power ef th Individual. '
'If only one person you makes up
his mind to do his best for th meet
ing, from that nucleus the contagion
of best-doing will spresd through th
society. u '
- Such Is rsll numsnlty.
Many a man," said Uncle Ebsn,
dat kin hesltsta or tango for mllss
while d music Is goln' couldn't be
persuaded to walk two block to ds
grocery store."
Hon; Ffefii Oa ..Tbcb1'
fXf nttt1ilfl Napoleon so said A man
aJ&y&Mii-eJ with a weak stomach I
pretty surs to be a poor fighter. It is dllilcult
almost impossible lor anyone, man or woman.
if digestion is poor, to succeed in business or
socially or to enjoy life, In tablet or liquid form
. Dr. Pierce's V -- "
Golden r1cc!lcal Discovery ;
helps weak stomschs to strong, healthy action
helps them to digest the food that makes the good,
rich, red blood which nourishes th entire body. ,
This vegetable remedy, to a great extent, put
the liver ioto activity oils the machinery of
ths human system so thst those who spend their working hours at the desk,
behind the counter, or in tb bora ar rejuvenated Into vigorous health.
Has kreoeKt rellrf Ss many theoeasde every rear for evar forty yaere. It eaa
rallere yoa end doubtlm raatora to yao ynur former fcettth and atrertfrth. Al
trait roe awa it to youraaif to elva It a trial. Boid by Irfna DaaUra or am!at)o tttf
tnaj bosot Tablets" Ot. f Mroa'a Inrelkla' iiotel A tlursteei Inaututa. buOalaJi. Y.
Tm sea havs Br, Pisrat't Cemat tens tftdtoal Mvissr f foci Psge far St.
akimg Powder
are certain; every time everythlrnJ
Rebuilt Federal Trucks f
A Befe feed Truck U Pur. 7
A RKUt'lLT r-Kl'KRAL Is aa s4
Value lor the motta aa a Bew Irvrh. Vf
rebuilt we mee that the tru H I, enltret
kmm apart, earn part eiaralnad and If
- ralar4 br a new part ina-le
the radarnl lailorr. the enure lrtt
at the II
rr-painlad and rfinlnh-l, and erarvihlnr
an-Mawy dune lu make the Inirs twit
tallr aa fnud as new In every d.tall.
Whan ymt bur a ranulli FnUral ym
are armaria by the name paltry and In
terval thai a give I" all Pad. ral trernare.
We ona rale a rtalr dauariment. In wiili-H
the workmen ar et-K-lnllete en fadarele,
eur aupt)' "f adrl aris la romplote.
and lite aliM-a rwwn ersanlaallr.n hgh
rlaaa, wnlra Insvitae the promft filllns of
all rle otdare. W e aleu operate a ear
Ira daparlmant, whlih la itn day and
nis-ht. alwara at iwr rail," The federal
bl a swal Iru.k In the flral pla.a and
protertad by a company whir a la aqutp
pad end has the diapoaiUon la give Jretl
ear v lie la coneatiuatiily ,
If you are In the market fnr a truck
from liooe t llln we urs you la enm
pare uaad Kadrrnla wlin new trunks at
aimller prlrae. We think we eaa cuuvUM
yen Of (hair su pari or value. t
King and Washtiurten Bis.
Merchants. Attention!
WiU trade elegant Portland, Or., horns,
all new and modern, value fSuOu, for
stock of Shra or General Merchandise).
Royal She Co., 22 Morrieoa Ot i
: Insect r signs Datn.
Th death watch bcetl hss tb la
variable habit of feigning death when
seised or disturbed. Tb simulation
Is so persistent that when Immersed
In water, or rrn In alcohol, th In
sect remain perfectly Immovable, and
will allow Itself to be burned allv
rsther than betray Itself. Th tie
mad by tb deathwatch resemble
that wads by tapping th flngsr pall
upon th table so much so that th
Insect may b ld to recommence hi
sound by doing this.
H Corns.
. "Wher do w And th most miser.
able or nuf eiclaliued th sbortr
fervently. "You don't hav to find
him," responded th man In tb fourth
row, center, "he hunts you up and tell
yoa all about It." Philadelphia Publlo
Ledger. i
Daily Thought
The calm or disturbance of our mind
does not depend so much on what w
Heard as the more Important thing
of life a In a judicious arrangement
of th little things of dally occurrence.
Lai Kochefoucsiild. ' ,
Price of Drugs Fixed. .
Tb aermaa. government has for
years fixed th retail price of drugs,
ren to the extant of designating what
must be charged for bottle, cork, lay
on! or ointment box used In dispensing
th medicine. 1
-Shew Rsspset fr Bee.
Attention Is called to th fact that
no on ever sssms to think of a be
as a bug. Insect Is about th worst
thing they srs ever called. '
Unci thin.
A wall-fed boss," tald Unci Kbsn,
"Is a better re command fob 4s nuts.
dat owns him. dsn fancy harness.''