The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 16, 1915, Image 2

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:nn n nuiiFO.T II Q 0 1
, - . -
We are better prepared than ever
to take care of your harvest wants, and you
will also find our prices attractive.
Lids Clamp
and all the jar extras.
We carry all of the standard sellers
including Economy, Schram, Golden State
, Mason and Ball Mason.
Step in and see our Fruit Display
Canteloupes and Watermelons
Royal Ann and Bing Cherries
for canning.
(Phone Main 241)
tTfUUM MmKENZIE. Pntitkrt
j. H. MICE. Vk PmMcnl
E. M. SMITH. Caihier
E. L BLOMOREN. AuiiUat CuhMf
Is Farmers Bank s
If you are figuring on
or later, come in and
talk it over with us.
Electric Service
, C Our Uriff ha been filed with the Oregon Railroad Commission,
and the following rule must be strictly observed:
- Rule 2. Any bill not paid before the 30th of each month
becomes delinquent and the supply of eleetncity may be dis
" continued without notice to the customer, in which case an
additional payment of 50 eents will be required to turn elec
tricity on aain. The right is reserved to discontinue thu
supply or to refuse to supply anyone with electricity who w
in debt to the Company.
4 We want to be square with our patrons and to give them good
' service, and only ask them to be square with us. ' If you are dissat
isfied with your meter readings or for any other reason, kindly notify
us and we will endeavor fo make amends.:
Any and all contracts for service must be made with the
Company.- ' ';
See that your receipts are countersigned by E. A. Zerba or by
Laura Smith. . ,
Our tariff may be found at the DeMoss Furniture Store or at
the Weston Leader office.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. '
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
Stridh in Adbtnc
Tim Year l M
8is Months 0 75
Fonr Month..... 0 H
Per inch per month.... .-f
Per liirh. on insertion 20 iwr Hue Mrlt insertion 05
, . i
JULY 16, 19)5
Eatcrtd t lbs pestelflc al Wstl, Orejes,
m Mcoatf-claM sssll aultcr.
The coal miners of South Wales ap
pear to be "Welshing" on the' English
Uncle Sam and Kaiser Bill continue
to correspond, but the same cannot be
said of their views.
the kaiser ia said to have dclrd that
th war will be end In October, but
may find that It waa far easier to start
than It will U to finish.
. .
Portland baa t her Buyers' Week
for August t to 14, according to an
official notice sent us, but the moat we
could do if we went down would be to
stimulate the dairy trade a trifle by the
purchase of a milk shake.
Mn DimiwBV refers to the nrohibl-
Hnninta ii "oirates." and we fear that
she intends the term to be oppro
brious. ..
Althnue-h a sTave issue has devel
oped between the United States and
Germany, there-' seems to be no way to
bury it.
Curious, isn't it, that our republican
friends should be easting about for the
"rieht man for president" when he is
president already?
About all we are able to learn from
the United States Cashier company
trial at Portland is that somebody took
the cash out of cashier.
Carranza is "restoring normal eondi
tions" in Mexico City, which probably
means that it will continue to be an
elegant place to stay away from.
Harry K. Thaw has been declared
sane, which verdict will tend to shake
the rooted conviction of the rest of us
that sanity is a desirable condition.
We 'Will try not to be so unkind as to
infer that the Baker, Oregon, man
who refuses to'etay out of jail finds it
the most attractive place in Baker. -, ...
We would prefer to remain live
coward than to qualify as dead hero
by dropping 6000 feet, as did Captain
William Mattery, upon Mexican soil.
A Pendleton mob compelled a dirty
citizen to take bath, but we are not
s-oina- to be hypercritical enough to
say that the county seat may have to
augment its wster supply if this prac
tice becomes general.
Warned by German bankers that his
empire is about to become bankrupt,
We cannot avoid observing that am'
pie liberty has been vouchsafed the es
teemed Oregonlan to publish Liberty
Bell poems. , . .
A dark deed was done when those
German submariner 'kicked a bunch of
negro muleteer into the briny.
"The greatest cereal crop In ths his
tory of Oregon, Washington and Idaho
I now being gathered in," says Hy
man H. Coheu in the Oregon Journal
"The crop of the three leading grains
will reach a grand total of 113,300.000
boahels compared With 109.100.000
bushel for the same crop in the north'
weal in 1914.
"Both the wheat and out crop are
greater than a year ago. but the out
nut of barley ia smaller. Decreaae in
production of the latter ia not due to
any diminished yield per acre, but to a
heavy loss in the acreage. The acre
age of both wheat and oat is greater
than a year ago and the average yield
per acre is also better.
"While all crops suffered somewhat
from the reactionary weather just pre
vious to the opening of harvest, wheat
was the greatest aufferer and the Ore
gon fields stood the brunt of the losa.
Early promise for wheat In the three
state wa close to 63.000.000 bushels,
while the actual crop is close to 66.000,
000 bushels. "
"Washington and Idaho produced
their greatest crop of wheat this sea
son, while Oregon fell somewhat m
the rear because of unfavorable weath
er appearing just as the wheat was In
critical stage.
The Oregon crop was damaged
fully 20 percent, while the total dam
age in Washington was scarcely more
than aeven percent and in Idaho lee
than five percent." ...
Mr. Cohen put Oregon' wheat crop
at 18.900,000 bushels, Washington's at
36,020,000 bushels and Idaho's at II,
380,000 bushel. He predicts that
Umatilla county will harvest 3.900,000
bushels of. wheat, and Walla Walla
county 4,750,000 bushels. Whitman
the banner wheat county of the north'
west-will have 11,000.000 bushels.
If we were running the Oregonlan
we would let Dean Collin have a
month's vacation at full 4 pay, and
turn the Courteous Office Boy loose
on Collins Vcolyum" In the Sunday
issue. To the place that Collins
knows so well he could o. and run
and loaf and aoak his system full of
ozone and contentment. Ilia prose
poem aa follows in the Sunday Ore-
conlan. ought to melt a heart or stone,
and W we were his manaainf editor
we would even provide him with rod
and reel and line and brown hackle
and coachman files and supply the
bait liquid or otherwtsee. We'll bet
tbe Investment would Justify Itself in
a moving song of forest and stream
greening glades and. speckled .trout
Hear his lay. It surpasses the best
effort of a champion B. P. II. hen:
"I know a place where the sun is
like gold and the forests a mase of
green, where the streams of the moun
tain are swift and cold, where -the
fighting trout are seen. I know a
gentle and mossy nook, where one can
settle and cast his hook, and dream
and read from the rippled book of
the wlmpllng water's sheen.
"I know a place where the akles are
so blue that it chokes up your throat
to see, and you almost feel that you're
looking through the depths of eterni
ty. I know a place where the hemlock
flings its spears up, up. where the
white cloud swings and you follow
Its rush with a. soul on wlnga burst
forth from your body free.
"I know a place. His a place that
rails on the voloe of the winds tuned
low. on the distant drone of the water
falls' and the cries that the bloe'ays
throw. Mother, mother, my mother
the earth, from a year In the city's
dolor and dearth, I have learned your
love and I know your worth. Call,
mother, and I will go."
The Leader man is gratified much
ly by the following compliment In the
He rm Is ton Herald,-which his modesty
almost but not quite prevents mm
from reprinting: ' .,,
The Weston Leader, a venerable
n.tri,rh nt the Ores-on newsoaoers.
has just completed its 3th year. Not
all of this span was unaer tne pres
..r n,nttnmnt. None. -J however.
fcawa hn mors rsneble or accom
plished more for the nome communi
ty and the state at large than the man
now at the wheel, Clark Wood."
w. Awi knnw what we have done
for the state at larsr. but what It has
done to us in "doing" tne normal
school Is pretty considerable.
Fremont, O. While Lester Pawsey
was automoblllng guiiday. a bug flew
Into his ear. The services of two phy
sicians and the aid of chloroform were
necessary to remove the bug.
in.tiiani Holland A workman
employed at thisseldorf in tbe manu
facture of ammunition tor me Her
man army, has averaged 17 working
hnnra rise for it da vs. This is con
sidered here a world's record. The
man's total earnings for th time were
$89.60. about 18 cents an hour,
iw.w Tnric V. T. When Mrs. len
Reaven went to buy some things from
Marino CastragivanL a peddle?, r.
asked her for. a kiss. She refused
fca Italian nlrked UD S Stick and
truck her over the head, cracking her
skull. .--,- -
Hunbury. Pa. Mrs. John J. Carr
i... .nniiarf far m. divorce, alleging
that her husband sqneesed her so hard
bs broke her breastbone.
1 , i
n.. Rack tWO OUt of
thee, the Athena team became the
baseball champions or "
ty. and Doc Ueburn'a ttuburbanltes'
are entitled to end do herewith re-;
celve ths compliment of this metro- i
potttan sheet for upnouung tne num.. ,
of the fast Knd league against thej
hi... u....iin oreanlaatlon. Ths i
gloiy Is the greater for the reason that
the Pilot Kmk rebhiea nan not i.i
a nme in their own league.
ed their first defeat of the season
when they met Athena,
u... n h oM.tlt la reflected UoA
Weetnn, aa It bested the Athena rham.
plona twice during the season, more
over, on of Ita star men. Krnle
-nllateil by Athena for
the third and decisive gam with the
Rock, and contributed two otngies o
the festivities.
In a beautiful pitching duet at
Athena between Bhlrk and Darling,
which lasted It Innings. Athena nosed
nut a viotorr bv the score of to I.
Sua.lsy at Pilot Hock the Pebbles
turned the tables, winning an air
k. the trnre of 1 to I.
Harlan, a Heppner twirler who had
been pitching for Ulanfleia in tne
Blue Mountain league, was ueea j
the Rook through the courtesy of
Mansser Osburn of Athena, and beat
Tuervk by an eye-lash.
ri.. tkir.t Mme wee Blared Monday
at Pendleton and drew a big crowd of
fan from all over the county, it
waa marked by atroneer hitting and
linear fleldlna- than the two previous
enniMta. Athena developed the
brighter batting eye, and took kindly
to the offerings of Harlan and IMrl-
Ing. The Pebble also connected wun
the shoots of Tuerck and Uhlck. out
arraWlvalv. After trlng the
score and getting a slight lead they
went to pieces under the strain of an
Athena batting rally and lost me
came snd the championship by a final
score of 1 to (.
pilot Rock's regular pitcher. Darl
ing, had a bad flinging finger, which
imnf.nj with hia work, and Ita
catcher and first baseman hsd been
crippled in an automobile accident.
To these misfortune. In large meas
ure. Manager Walter Smith attributes
his team'a defeat
Local Lodgo Directory
8TKVKNS l.OtOK NO. 4. K. Or V.
Meets every J-'l"-;.
J. K. Enifllnh, O. C. Crk Wood,
K. of it. tv n.
WUSTON NO. tt. A. r. A A.
.. .. .. ...,,.1 and loo rill
Saturday In each "" ll'rU
Morrison, W. M. I Hw-
...o'lx.u I ittWlM KtV iH. I. O. O. K.
ur-.i'" w,'. . - ...
I'l.nt'M.latf tft.lnir. l .
ww ni i.. n. n. nwa. .'
oo.l K. U. IMosa, Fin. Hec.
..,iuw.U I'lUII Kit it W. O. W.
,ul ihliil Natunlavt
in, in " . i.
of each nmnth. Monroe jurner, v.
C ' J. J. Iteeier, v tera.
L l.llL'lJ' AUM.'Mltf.V NO. Si. l'N
'....' Mala ilia Hi-si and
4Vn. ...
third Monilat In earn nnnum re
He Malw. M. A. r rnc-a t!. Woial,
Kl.s kit. Uaall tits UftMIIMl ftlMt hill ft Is
Tuemlaja of each month. Anna O-
llarra, N. O. IMIewMl mrapatrwa,
Hoc. tie. Mima nramit, r .... new.
ti.Mf.'W fllAITKlt Nt. 47. O,
tl. M. Meets the aeeonii aim luunn
Krlilsjs of each nmtuh. Mary r
Harnea. W. M. Alice r I'rlce, Hee.
We am htehlv tileaaed with ths
Ql'tCK action of buckthorn bark." gly
nrtn air., as mixed In Adler-l-ka.
the appendicitis preventative. ONK
SPOON FUu relieve sour stoma.-n.
gas. snd constipation AT ONCE. it.
Ooodwln. druggist.
Evansvllle, lnd. 1 never uee-love
powder. I simply win them. Men are
easy to get," So says Mrs. Polly Ann
Weed Strode, seventy years ottt. wno
Is seeking a divorce from her thlr
lunik huahand. Harrison Strode. It
year old. Mr. Strode say as soon
aa she gets her divorce she win weo
her fourteenth husband.
A Strong Rsssenblan.
-What funu tukiug tun thai con
din-Mr Is.' said Mr jiKuie on tb
-Ye," W Jwgiea Tv lni trying
to think Imm ks.Hi. ilk Ml face
M vry famlihii In nw
-Oh. I kuua who it m." Mt Mrs.
JlKKle. "It nw f"ldlln."-JurtipA
The Sense. -
If yon h-le ymn eye yoo wewken
four eense of beann If ymt ip
glawt ol rul watet ou will lucre
lot a abort Hum four e.we of vtwon.
If yon Mil yur mouth with water "U
will greets strengilii-u four shim of
smelt- liHllaiwHrils .New.
Hi Job.
-What k yowr tstitisttioni" aked
tbe Judge of wit nee
-Home le thing " Mine i-rayln tot
ralu or blne they re nenletl n pro
dk-tln' the end o tbe whenerel
the alns P'lnt tnatuway.'-Atlanta
Constitution '
The Inssnlty.
-How waa he ai-.inllie.lf
"Insnnlty-" :
-11 dein't seem rrasy "
-fie lent It was the Jnry that wss
tg - Kansas Hty Time
re two vast ' wonderland The
Greatest Shows of The Age. You
cannot afford to mis them. The
opportunity will toon pas. Go Now,
Choice of several routes
at low fare for the round trip,
Railroad & Navigation Co.
Ask W, W. SMITH, Agent
Expert Auto and Gas Enjrine Repairing
GASOLINE & OIL and occessoriei
All Work Quarantced
Get Your Ice from 7 to 8
a. m. or 5 to 6 p. m. .
Orders for hauling promptly
S. PAYNE, the Drayman
Physician and Surgeon
Office In lirsmlt building
wi'sroN s owruun
Ittk ( AlalsliUtUrt ttlt
I 1st) Prtr.
Srfln la lieral.l slvrii that lit ties
lini.if n oi.ler ol thel'iiy Court uf
iheHiai nt Oregon for I tun. Ilia eoun
iv muun June II, Iwlft. In the mailer
of Ids estiileiil KIUHlei li I'rln (sttnt
times esllr.l r'.llsa I'rlnr) OeeesMril, I.
aa adiulnlsiiCtur of said estate, will
sell at imlille auction lo the highest
bidder for cash, at t o'elo. p.
Hatunlsy, th Hih day of July, 11,
at the rr.inld.Mir of th County (.'our
House In th IM oi rtointn, in
said County, all of lh rl prourty
IwUmglng to aaltt Mat ileserled a
f.ill.ias: UiM no ml. red Jt and II In)
Ithwk nuitilier-tl 6 In tbe Toe a or u
tm, sll In th City of Weston. In ssltl
mmity and Htale, ami all of th right,
..... . ... 1 -. - LLk I aa
line, iiuerea mifi wnn. , - -
ailinliilMrsior of that -elate, can all
the sal to ho sul.Jeel w contrwMloa
by ssld Count v Court,
tlsted Hits IHth .U.r of iun. 10 1 a.
K. ( HkM.ums A.lilnMrlor.
IVactlces In all Htat ami IVIeroI
time In lh Klatn Ilulldlng, Mlhoo,
Hour. to It ami 1 to
Che. II. Carter
Pan P. Smyth
Carter & Smythe
in all sorts of Trustworthy Merchandise
suitable for immediate needs.
Call and see our nifty line of Men's
Trousers, Hats, and other
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum)..... $0 75
One hundred 1 W
Two hundred 1 60
Each additional hundred 0 30
Nature's Food
for horse and cattle I the grail that
frrows on meadow and hill. The next
test thing i sweat, clean, hay and
feed that come from our mill. When
you need rolled grain of the right sort
for keeping your livestock in fine fet
tle, look for our sign and the good
things for for your dumb servsnts
stored in our bins. Ws handls Steam
Rolled Barley, Oats and Wheat; Haled
Hay, MillHtuirs and Chicken Feed.
We're local agents for Peieock Flour
and Blatchford's Calf Meal. Thou 281.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
tmi marka uni wfyrirhu Uairkntt or n
; rHu 1 PRCS ftCAWOH rwvarX
eraia. l-te kwwLsAa t.41 IkOW. WlMt Ur iMWt
ml mv yM twmt-r. Wrtw ttwtmjr.
PATinr L wrtss,
MAA . tL. fit kl. n
W OOTCMtq 7e TV StMiilftW.. a, nr. f J
Liggett & Myers'
Headquarters for
and Ice Cream Soda
Dr. J. G. McAUTH
Office one block north of th bank
Electric Treatment Given
'C0T Fbon C21