The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 09, 1915, Image 2

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    ... " , ,
D .
Kobbors Lids Clamps
, and all the jar extras. '
We cany all of the standard sellers
including Economy, Schram, Golden State
Mason and Ball Mason.
are in the market now and are of good can
ning quality.
Strawberries are almost gone, but we still
have a few.
Leave your orders for canning berries.
Step in and see our Fruit Display
Gonteloupes end Watermelons
t .... ,
Iron lamia slsswhor, Germany did
not car for Faria, and won hr first
victory whn ah captured th Iron
mine of Bslglura and Franc. Con
tinuing bald: -."-
"But Carman la destined (o los.
What I think of th devastation aha
na wrought In Helgium 1 tremble for
Germany. I think I ha United Htatee
mad an vrlating blunder whan aha
d not. with othtr cMIliad iMlUta.
protest against Germany's violation of
Belgium' ,
If Dr. Hlllla la right, than will all
tb Iron ah acquires ntr Germany 'a
aoul In Ui luaa of million of har brav
at aona, .
i . . i " m '
Rather than rock tha boat Ui Itrvan
I plunged overboard into tha dan blue
laaa. Kxchanf. t.
Put perchance tha boat may have
boon rocking Mr. Bryan.
' l L Kit ,
A foollah Oregon City man want to
tha troubl of hanging hlmaalf on th
day Ka waa to ba married, whan ho
could Juat aa wall Kara Jumpad over
tha rail.
Doaa tha announcement that 'Statu
measure will ba takan to restore paac
in Maxico" mean that Carrenaa will
lb attacked in th raarT
Mohammad muat have to huatl for
houria In tha If oalam havn, tha Turk
having kiat 180,000 man in tha lighting
aroond th Dardanelles.
A divining mule ia uaad to locat oil
I welt nar Dallas. Texas, but jackaaaea
will still b railed upon to supply th
Villa doasn't want to ba president af
Mexico and neither do w.
rumen 4 Ms, to iranii
(Phone Main 241)
Hyman H. Cohen, the Oregon Jour
nal market editor and crop expert,
this to say under Pendleton
"Umatilla county's wheat croo thia
aeason will be eomewhat above normal,
but slightly leaa than it waa a year ago,
indication pointing to harvest of
about 4,000.000 bushels.
"Ten daye ago proapecta war more
encouraging. 1 b ao called belter land
acctiona gave promiae of yieWa aa high
aa 70 bushels per acre. The light land
aections bad DrosDecIa of from 25 tu 40
buahela and more. Then came tb hot
rinds, and high hopes went gllm-
mering. j
and Athena in particular, and the eaat
end of the county in general, offer
their full Quota of thia aeason 'a pro
pects. Wheat on the Umatilla reser-
vation ia good, and though it haa fallen
below the expeclationa of soma, the
snowing is auit satisfactory. In view
of tha increase noted in th slat at
THE UViCB OF fltt.
OI IHTtt or NKtVg.
Lancaster, llo.-J, Kelly TVrtght,
lecturer for tha aula board of r.
cultura waa hero lest vmK Inspecting
th elephant farm of William l Hall,
(Diamond UUI.) Althoguh Hot gen
pua iu.uftuo4 mt uo HV,U 1tt
- iuo !! M ( sauna Aau
sine tha war, tha largest In either
Kurop or Amarlra. He controls tha
Irphant trad of thia h.mlihrt,
Philadelphia. ra.Old lolnr glorh
la doing hi brat to maintain his rv
ami at th home of Ulohaal Kiln,
riv yvara to h left at tha Kline
horn s Uny lrl that wlhid but I H
pounds at birth. Last waok tha Kllm-a
bvrama tha proud parvnta of snolh.r
child, thia time a boy wel(hln 51
pouada. Both rhlldran ar thriving
and the Kllnva can nnw boast the
amallMt sir I and th fattoat baby la
rl atat.
Waahtnston. IV, C.w. J. Itryan I
against voting nn prohibition In UK.
and pradlcta that nslthar the rapubll
can nor damorratle partita will put
prohibition plank In thatr platforma.
although h wants tha latt.r to b
known a dry party. - It bwJIavoa
that th other lauta will out-rival
prohibition at that Section. Person
ally ha would Ilka that plank Insertod.
bnt doea nut blave that It la poasitls
to do so.
Haslaton, Pa, Jacob Oetskl, an
armleaa man. haa keen arrested for
beating hla wire. Mayor James Har
vey la wondering how tha wife will
prov her charge when the case comae
to trial.
Seattle, Wash. Miss May "tehl la
chars of th cloak room at tha hotel
hers, la untlppabla. If aha would
take tips, ah could make IliOa a
year la addition to har salary. "But,"
aha saya. l would to my self-respect."
Th hotel manaoment could.
If It desired, fir Mlsa Btehle, and aav
har salary, and. to boot, sell tha cloak
room "prlvlleg for III a month.
Wapakoneta. O. A pebble, pinched
between the pavement and an auto
mobile tlr. waa hurled against a
nearby plate glass window with such
fore that It pierced the glass In the
sam msnner aa If a bullet had been
fired through II
Expert Auto and Cos Engine Repairing
CA2CLIMS & OIL and accessories
All Work Guaranteed
Local Lodge Directory
Meet vry WstlnewlKt evening.
3. R. English, V. V. Clark Wood,
K. of 1C A a
WKSTON tX)IK)tt NO. AA, A. r. A A
M. Meets averv seound and fourth
Rstuixlay In each month. Itlchard
Morrlsou, W. M. I H. Darls, Heo.
WKSTON UltVIK NO. M, I. O. O. r.
Meets every Thurwlav evening. V
U. Uould, N. a. A. A. Keea, lleo
Mac,) K. a ItoMuas, Mn. He.
WICSTllN CAM I NO. 113, W. O. W
Meets th flrst ami thlnl Haturtlata
of each month. . Monroe Turner, C.
U J, J, lieeier, t irk.
I let I Artisans, Meets ths first and
third Montis a In each month. Nel
lie Maybe, M. A. Kranoe C. Woud,
No. OH. Meets the second ami fourth
Tueadaa of each month. Anna O'
Harra. N. O. Oilnsaa Klrkpatrlck,
Keo. Heo. iottl tlramll, rin. Nee,
K. H. Meet th aeound and fourth
Krldsva of each month. Mary K
lUrnes, V. M. Alio K. I'rlce, Heo.
Physician and Surgeon
: VUIM MacKENZIE, Prwldtai
A ft. MICE. Vic Proiaass
t U. Sum, Camicr
E. L BLOM0REN. Assittsat Csshisr
Established 1891
m mm B
ank of Weston
. SMctfr In Atfhsnct
Th Year...........
I Six Month.......
Ponr Mont lis....
Per Inch ner mouth..
I Per lurli, one insertion 20
lrsM, wr line each insertion 0ft
II 60
0 7S
0 AO
.10 SO
JULY f. 1913
I Eakrtd at the pteffic at Wctte. Oregon,
as seceaaVdsss mail surtcr.
If you are figuring on
or later, come in and
talk it over with
p s
We fancy that the administration
I feels considerably relieved after Lans
ing the cabinet boil.
In view of the fart that the stats-
Ids campaign Of the ' Oregon Social
Hygiene society hss noar extended to
Weston., tha following facta and fig-
urea furnished to The Leader by
gentleman who is thoroughly fsmlllar
with the work of the society may be
of Interest to our readers:
Between tfl.OOS and IS BAA hi In .4
people In th United Slates sre In that
deplorable condition because of the
mints lies of their father. Many more
thousands of mutilated and unsexed
wives csn attribute their suffering to
diseased Husbands who 'thought them'
selves cored.' Thousands of abnormal
children, enfeebled or Idiotic, come
Into the world tainted he thele f.ih
era. Thousands and thousands of both
sexes unneauny, inefficient, men
ace to society bear further witness
to th messes of venereal disease.
"If humanitarian reasons are not
aufflclent for fathers and mothers to
Instruct their children In the vital
facts of physical development and sex
life, there are others. It la reported
that one-third to one-half of the girls
and boys In the State Blind school
became blind as a result of the germs
of gonorrhea getting into the eye at
childbirth. T ie Mennlsl report of the
Ar your neighbor very bad?
Pass a lawl
Do they smoke T Do they chew T
Ar they alwaya bothering youT
Don't they do aa you would do?
rasa a lawl
Ar your wage awful lowT
Pass a Isw!
Are the prices much too high?
Do the wife and babies cry ,
Caus th turkey all roost high?
Pass a lawl
When M. D. finds new diseases.
Pass a lawl
Oot th mumps or enfermlsls.
Mi-sale, croup or "pxpertltls?"
Lest we all fly to pieces,
Pasa a lawl
Ar the light a-bumln' red
Pass a law!
Paint 'em green, or paint 'em white;
Close up all them places tight.
My! Our town Is such a eight.
Pass a Isw! .
OAc In Brsndt building
J RMI f fsytitr.
Nolle I liereh; given I hut h tlr
IumiI sn oiiler of ihefnamy I'ourtof
lit Hi air of Oregon for I'matllla aoim
i mad on June IT. I HI ft. In th matter
of I he estate ol Kllinlieih IVIu (soma
tltnealletl Mlsa nine) deceased, ft
admlnKOt'siur of said est si, will
sell at pulilla auction to th hlglieal
blddor fur rash, at 3 o'clock p. m. on
Saturday, tha i7lh day of Jul;, MIA,
at th front door of th fount? Court
House In th i lly of Pendleton, la)
en Id County, all of th real property
belonging to aald rwet rleaerllied a
follows! I A la numbered II and II In
likick numbered a In I he Town of We
. -II . J 1 Itl . 4.1
uo, in n i fi ui i rnuili in sura
t Wnir ami State, ami all of ilia right,
title. Interest ami ratal which I, aa
administrator of that ratal, can ell
th aale to be subject to Mmnramloa
by said Count fours. ' r
Dale.1 this IMh tlsy of June, 1911
K O. tlKMumt, AUmiuUtrator,
fraotloes la all Htat nnd.rUral
Offlc In th r.lsm Hulldlng, Wllioo,
Honrs. I to IS ami I to t
Chaa. H. Carter
Carter &
fan P, Drnjlhw
Coeor d'Alene mine; are now paying
huge sums tn dividends-bat not tolaUte board of control shows' th.t each
I Umatilla county investors. I of these wards burdens tha stats to
the extent of 18.15 every two years.
I The asms rennrt shorn that 1 nt imt
.Gotham now has the ernst to adver-1 men In one of the tate asylums for
I tuw itself as a summer resort, and nog-1 ,he Insane have 'general paresis,'
i.. ..... - - i ...Li
No matter what the trouble Is,
Pasa a law!
Goodness sakes, but ain't It awful.
My! What ar we going to doT
Almost anything ain't lawful.
And th judge I human, too.
Pasa a law!
Rochester, Mich., Clarion.
in all sorts of Trustworthy Merchandise
suitable for immediate nees.
Call and see our nifty line of Men'
Trousers. Hats, and other
. accessories.
1 Won! ar Tar Arsst kmlrerf.
A revolver la a nlckle-plated substl-
I sibly it is for the gmt men.
Yet the Ship of State will sail on.
Isail on, so lone; as Torn Marshall
I doesn't resign the vice presidency.
Electric Service
Our tariff has been filed with the Oregon Railroad Commission,
and the following rule must be strictly observed:
RULE 2. Any bill not psld before the 30th of each month
becomes delinquent and the supply of electricity may be dis
; continued without notice to the customer, in which case an
additional payment of 50 cents will be required to turn dec-
tricity on again. The right is reserved to discontinue the
supply or to refuse to supply anyone with electricity who ia
In debt to the Company. ,
W wsnt to be square with our patrons and to give them good
service, and only ask them to be square with ns. If you sre dissat
isfied with your meter readings or for any other reason, kindly notify
us and we will endeavor fo make amends.
Any and all eontraeta for service must be msde with th
See that your receipts are countersigned by E. A. Zerba or by
Laura Smith.
Our tariff may be found at the DeUoss Furniture Store or at
the Weston Leader office.
J Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
!' Established 1865
; ! Athena, Oregon Waibburg, Wash.
which Is on of the final Mage of
syphilis and has no other caus than
I syphilis. These wards each coat the
state 'mora than MOO annually for
tneir care.
"Those who follow the biennial ap-
! proprlatlons of the state legislature
know that the largest Items of expense
10 Billing nunseii tne late rrang Holt Those who look Into tha r.rt. know
at least displayed a laudable degree of that the greatest factor In peopling
Ijtxvrment in his final selection of I these institutions Is Immorality result
victim I ant from Ignorance and lack of proper
unfile training,
"Such meetings as are being held at
Upon perusal of the following otiin Weston today are of algnlf icance to
in the fh-won i-j taxpayer as well as ths consclen
tr. h. t I .. "ou -Pent' "' nord
........ u-v i, ,n aioaiin luu-Mnr nlihr " -iv
"The czsr is renorted in tha news tn
be going to the front. The news also
makes it clear that the front ia dim.
! n: i I. a . ..
lruHt mem. toe oar.
wmie acraientng mosquito bite an
eastern parsgrspher relieves his sys
tem of the following:
Th Chicago Herald suggests tha
"oilowlng aa a National Creed by
wnicn tne men, women and children
of America may affirm, their Americanism:
I believe in the United States, one
and Indivisible; In her mission as the
tute for bravery, which has practically
drivsn the original article out of the I
market. The revolver gives a punv I
msn with a K-ineh brain and the pluck I
of a coyote a l10-yard reach and make I
him more deadly itian a buck Mormon.
There was a time when this eountrv
hsd no dangeroua animals, except
besrs and wolves, and White Slavera.
and life was safe, eioent on eertsln of I
the frontiers, but now vast hordes of!
lo-year-old boys who use tbelr skulls
for a dime novel bookcase, roam the
st reels with cigarettes In their face and I
portable eannon In their hip pocket,
producing obltuariea with the skill and
entnusiasm or a cholera microbe. Ite-
volvers are now so generally tised In
aeoste, domestic quarrels and repartee
of all sorts thst 8,i Amerioans die of
them each year. Mitchell, 8. D. Ga
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum).... .,;..,.......,.$0 75
One hundred 1 00
Two hundred 1 60
Each additional hundred 0 30
And Maybe They Can.
' One-third of the foola in the coun
try think they can beat a lawyer ex
pounding the laws. Ono-hslf think
they can beat the doctor In healing the
alck. Two-thirds of them think they
can put the minister In the bole ex
pounding the goapel, and all of them
think they can beat tha editor running
a paper, aaya a grouchy enchange.
The QUICK action of buckthorn
bark, glycerin; etc., ss mixed tn Ad-1
ler-l-ka, th appendicitis preventative,
astonishes Weston people. ONE I
SPOONFUL of this remedy relieves
sour stomach, gas and constipation AT
ONCE. H. Goodwin, druggist. .
'A summer vacation is a thin sitae of Lh.m.i.. .....!... a
rest between two thick layers of get- f the weak and distressed ; in tbe
ting ready to go and twins- anxious to .. r
get back."., v American citlaenshiD: fn the validity
of our national traditions; In peace
nn rertW Oris) . I wnn il n-
-- mmm. tlnna ha natu nil- In
tangling alliance with none; in rex-
Conspieuous among the many reasons ! sonsble preparations for national de-
set forth for the European war, that
adduced by Dr. Newell Dwight Hillia,
Chautauqua lecturer, piiesesses at
least the merit of originslity. The
Leader's own war college expert ad
mits bis willingness to tsk a back sest
and to give the learned doctor the floor,
Speaking at Salem, Oregon, Dr. Hil-
lis said that Germany started the war
to obtain the iron resources of Belgi
um and France, and thmt the conflict
could aptly be calked "the iron war."
Germany, be declared, realized that
her iron resource in Alsace and Lor-
(raine would be exhausted in 25 years,
and believed it necesssry to acquire
fense by sea and land; In shirking no
sacrifice needed to hand down to tha
future tint priceless treasures be
queathed to us by the past; in the ns
oesslty of keeping the western hemi
sphere free from the Intrusions of
European Institutions and ambitions;
In the capacity of free men for aelf-
government; In the love of home and
country: end in the unflinching reso
lution that government of the people,
for the people, by the people shall
not perish from the Csrth. '
Tbe Freewater postmaster geta an
iceressa in aalarr from I.VK) ta lfUMI
a year, and the Echo postmaster from
l?oo to I1M, A drop from 1X to
11200 is note J at Athena.
Get Your Ice from 7 to 8
v a. m. or 5 to 6 p. m.
Orders for hauling promptly
5. PAYNE, the Drayman
Nature's Food
grass that
traMle marks ami VJ rlshf oMalanf r na
W. Imn SMtl-t. Afflrliai ar pbota saS
"Hpooo raes sr asch aasnant
a pslmtalmilx. BmS rfiaa,
PATgnra build gonruwes tm
yoa. Oar fnj kookMa bll boo, "lau la laeal
303 SeveRtk 6L, Washlnglos, D. C.
for horses and cattle is the
grows on meayw and hill. The next
best thing is sweet, clean, hay and
read that comes from our mill. When
you need rolled grain of ths right sort
for keeping your livestock in fine fet
tle, look for our sign and the good
things for for your dumb servants
stored In our bins. . W hand! fiteam
Rolled Barley, Oat and Wheat; Baled
Hay, Millstufr and Chicken Feed.
We re local agents for Peseoek Finn
ana uiaicnrord's Call Meal. fhousZBl
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
I Dale Rothwell
Optical Specialist
I glv all my time to the fit
ting and grinding of glasses. I
lu ... t D It.. : 9
'';au ill mnuieuin SIX
years. , All work guaranteed.
American Nat'l Bank Bid.
Liett Myers
Headquarters for
and Ice Creani Soda
Dr. J. G. McMATM
Offlc on block north of the bank
Electric Treatment Given
tW Pbon 621