The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 18, 1915, Image 3

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and cake
10 cfcs.
the dish at tha
Weston Bakery
Freeh Ill-rut, (' ami I'wlry.
Kin CimII. (wd Mi-nil lit Ail
lllMir, 8W WK MH-Illlt In
Lodge and Party Hupwr.
ZEHM the Maker
Ihipule Hulkllnif. Main ami Water
f0" Khoe mt llartiee
rHiiril iirxl tluor
I Freeh bread every morning at (ha
i Waalon bakery. W Iwki each night.
, K. K, Kehtn.
Mi Kugenle t H hnll of K h.i,
!wa the uml Hunday of Mr. and Mia
,11 I. Iledrlik.
Come now for thoae photo. Wa
leave Wnln July lal. Ohmarl
jAbrame, pholographeia,
I I' fi. ItoMina waa In I'nrlland laal
week attending the convention of the plied thai ha had forgotten the a1
Hiale t'nderUkeia' aeaoclallon. (number of years. A neighbor there-
I uuun wrote to Mr. Foster" homa
Mr. ami Mra. W. I', l.ih and Mie.!rlinly i Krigland. and found from
Henrietta l.eah ere yraeweier via
Utoia at Wealon' big annual want.
J. II. foeier of Nya, Oiegnn, la
thought .to be Ilia oldaat resilient of
Umatilla county and par ha pa uf eaat
ara Oregon, having reached tha at
uf 101 yaara. George U lloraeina
uf Wealon, who haa known tha uld
etillaman well for thirty yaara, eae
that ha U atlll nulla apry and hearty.
and lilda fair lo ralahrala aavaral
mora birthday annlveraarte. Mr.
Foeter haa llvad la thla county for
half a rentury or mora, havln a
amall alutk tunch "n UlaT Hutler
creek heluw -Vlnenn. Ma seldom
leavea hla ranah. and la known to
hut fa people a a centenarian out
til of hla own neighborhood. Not
long ego an argument over hla age
an brought up nmong hla frlenda
and ha waa aakad to aallla It, but ra
riiturn CANDY
ami rOCKKT I'DOl,
Ice Cream
0T Popular Soft Drlnka
J. B. Farrens J
llalph and tllanadlna l.araon of
Walla Walla liava barn vlaltlng thalr
giamlparenla, Mr. and Mra. U. De
draw. Following har long lllneaa, Mia Al
ma Harnett la reported to ha In nulla
a eerlmi condition from nervuua
K. K.
tha record that ha la 101.
Milton F.agle: A. Lewi of North
Milton, had a Jar of plum buttar
apoll, and to make aoma uaa of It. ha
mlnad It with tha elnp for tha plga.
Tha pla-a partook, and for five or all
houra there war 10 of tha moat glorl.
oualy happy-drunk hoge ever aaan In
tha city. Tha ruiioua thine about It
waa that not ona of tha It showed any
aymptorna of being anything but In
tha happlaat kind of humor during
... rived laat week froml'ha "epree," nor did they appear to
neve a oig naau nw mumms.
Waaton Mounuln paopla ara ar
ranging a flna celebration of tha
Knurl h of July. Aa tha Fourth falls
on Hunday IhU yaar. tha avant will ba
hald Haturday, and avary affort will
Wllda, mother of Mra.
Whltefleh, Montana, to ramaln during
tha aumniar,
Mr. and Mra. It. A. Do ad and Mlaa
llarel Imwd of Weahtucna. Waah.,
ara guaala of tha llanry
I'linl'Hi prrarrva mamorlaa aa noth
ing rlaa do. (Irt llinn mada now. aa
wa Irava Waaton July lat. Ohmarl
A Auraina, photographara.
Kound, at tha phnlr pavilion, a
lady'a puran containing monry. Ownrr
may rarovar aama from J. M. Aah
worth by proving property.
Jrorge rhllllpa. who la now farm
ing In AOama rounly. aah . conn.
Iiloan to great hla Waalon frlanda
'during tha pioneer' picnic.
i Mr. and Mra. . M. Kit hmond, Mr.
land Mra. Onkley Taylor and Mlaa
Hernica III. hmond Wera among tha
Walla Walla Vlaltora at tha raunlon.
Karl Huge, ion of K. A. Hoge, for
mir agent at tha Wealon depot and
now a Waahlucna. Waah., farmer,
wa a raunln gural of Karl Ijeuul-
Weston Meat
Brandt Building, Pjx
site IVwtoflice.
Good, Fresh Meats
Kish in Season
Cash paid for
Perry & Lundell
New Groceries
New Notions
New Canvas Gloves
For Men and Women
New Summer Underwear.
T.s Ecoacny Store
Auto SUft Scheduit
A. M. Oolng Wrwt. P. M.
Waaton 1:00 Lv Wuaton 1:00
" Athena " Athena 1:15
Adama :IJ " Adam 1:15
A. M. Going V. M.
IjV Pendleton 10:00 Lv Pendleton 4:00
" Adama 10:50 " Aclama 4:60
" Athena 11:16 " Athena :16
Weiton to Athena, J6c; Wraton lo
Adama, 60r; Athena to Adama, 25o;
Wealon to I'enilloton, l.0O; Athana to
Pendleton, 75c; Adama to Pundloton,
Round trlpa, If modo In aame day:
"Weiton and Prndlntnn, tl.60; Athena
and Pendleton, 11.35.
Headquarter: Wcaton, at City Drug
Stores Athena. Bt. NUhola Hotol;
Adama, Inland Mercnnttla Store; Pen
dloton, French Restaurant.
A. M. B0T0 EM.
Iit. belaeen Wealon and Milton
the lop cover of an automobile
Pmiler will kindly leave the tame at
tha WYalnti la.ler office or the Free-
water Tlmea offlc a.
Homa doohtlraa deaervlng youngater
la tnlnu a go.ra.rt, whc-h wa l!t In
, front of the Wealon bakery during tha
reunion. Mr. Zehm will be glad lo
reatore II to It baby owner.
I VI .,! lira t.-riink flrham have
gone to I'lnghum Wpring for a two
week a" oullng. tnirlng hi abaenc-a tha
ever genial Happy" will b mlaaed
br tha muny patron of the O'llarra
.Carl llrutwher, Weaton atudent at
tha Oregon Agricultural follerfv re
turned Friday for varatlon. He waa
an-oinpnnlril by hi rniialn, Lionel
Kramlnn. a tuclent of Pacific foliage
at Newberg.
If you want to buy or ell aecond
hand furniture, call at my new aecond-l-ond
ature In the Wealon h'lel build-
lug I now have a good aelectlon of
houarhold and kitchen furniture to
offer. K K. Zehm.
tleorge Neabllt and Jea Powla are
ringing up J N. Vork'a threahlng en
gine, of which Mr. Neabltt will be en
gineer for tha tenth aucreaalve aeaaon,
: Mr, Tork expecta to atart July 4 In
.mbBrley. He haa added a 14-foot Mc
cormick header to hla equipment.
Nolle e pouted by the arhool clerk
announce that the annual meeting of
Wealon arhool dlatrlct will be held
next Monday. June II. at the arhool
houae, beginning at 1 o'clock p. m.
Three will be one director and a clerk
to elect, and tha maintenance of the
arhool to provide for.
George W. Proebalel. ar., a promi
nent Umatilla county pioneer now re
aiding In Portlnnd, came up from the
metropoll to atend the recent re
union. Mr. Proebetrl waa entertained
by hla daughter, Mr. Mlllan Kreder
Icke, during hla atny. Mlaa Margaret
Proebatel of Walla Walla, waa alio
Having completed the courae In
pharmacy at Oregon Agricultural Col.
lege and received the degree of Bach
elor of Colence. Klmer Tucker haa re-
! turned to hla home In Wealon, He
! expert to make a hand, aa uaual.
i during the Weaton harveat, and In
'tteptember will take a poult Ion In the
ifreacent drug alore at Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mra. J. K. Klllrore of
Cornelius, Oregon, former pioneer
resident of the Weaton country, came
up for the reunion. They expreaaed
much delight over the occasion, aay
Ing that It waa the beat among the
many good onea they have enjoyed.
Mrs. Kllgore personally complimented
the program committee upon the auc
ceaa of It effort.
leaving household rarea and their
respective famlllea behind, Mr. and
Mra. 8. A. Barnea and Mr. and Mra.
W. H. Gould hnve hied themaelvea
away to the sylvan shadea of the
Umatilla river, where they will camp
out and flah for a fortnight. (If they
bring back any flah for The Leader
man they will be given another and
a longer notice In theae column.)
R. W. Fletcher, circulation man
ager and Indispensable factotum
around the Kant Oregonlaa office,
represented that paper at the plo
neera' reunion. Mr. Fletcher la a
young pioneer himself, and ' hasn't
missed a reunion for the past doxen
years. He haa promised tha porgram
committee to provide an entertain
ment feature for the next event, and
will be held strictly to hla agreement
Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing
GASOLINE & OIL and accessories
All. Work Guaranteed
MJEBAIX-Weston vs. Helix.
Sunday, June 20, 2:30 p. m., at
Weiton. Last game of the
aeaaon on the home ground.
ba put forth to make It euoeeaeful and
entoyable, The mountain country
will then be at Its beat, and will
smile a welcome to all comers. A
peclnl Invitation Is extended lo Wes
ton people, whose preeenre will be
' Hobble Evana of Portland, knocked
out Young Casaell of Spokane and
W.tlia Walla In the fourth round of
their picnic engagement at Wealon.
Caaeel showed that he poaaeesed a
dnnxeroua punrh, hut waa outeluMed
In ring science by hla cleverer oppo
nent. Kvana could only uae hla right
hand to advantage, having damaard
hla left while training with Maacott
at Pendleton.
President Georae Groaa of the
t'mntllla County Pioneers' aaaorlatton
hna appointed the following members
aa an executive committee lo look af
ter the amorl.! Inn's property and
transact lis bualneaa: . M. Aah
orih. Lester O'llarra and 8. A.
f'arnea. The committee has leaed
th ravl'lon canvae to Helix for use
turlng Ita Independence celebration
July 5.
Paul Pitl finch woe a recent vliltor
at his former home in Weaton from
American Falls. Idaho, where he la
aervlng the newly-created Power
county as county clerk and auditor,
and also hna farming Interests. Hla
brother. Charlea Rulflnch. left Tues
day to Join him there and "grow up
with the country."
The Doctor's order on weather ar
rived one day late lnt wcok, but at
that he was notrjutte an slow aa some
of yon people who didn't, catch those
two blcvcle In front of our store, at and H'.'.OO durinif the last hour
of our dav'a himineK. One l worth
'S, the other 30. Watta & Hotrers.
Znne Lanadale haa gone to Idaho
Falla. Idaho, for vacation, accom
panying hla school chum, I). O. Piatt,
who reside there. In another year
Mr. Lanadale will have finished the
civil engineering course at Oregon
Agricultural College.
Ernie Ulomgren and "Frenchy"
Pupuls left hv motorcycle Wednestdsv
for La Grande to attend the cycle
rarea there purely a epectatora.
Neither expreaaed any dealre to rlak
hla own bonea on the speedway.
Alex. Walker, a pioneer Weaton
farmer, now residing at Montavillo,
la aerlotialy III, and la undergoing
treatment at Pendleton. A. J. Mcln
tyre and family motored to Pendleton
Wednesday to visit him.
O. F. Jonea. a rancher in the
Spring Hollow district between Alba
and Pilot Rock, lost 460 head of
freehly-ahorn aheep In laat Friday's
Manager Rawla Miller announces
thnt the Dreamland motion pictures
will be resumed at Weaton on Monday
and Tuesday evenings, June 21 and 23.
Mra. W. H. Stamper has g0ld her
com aye on noith Water at reet to J. C.
Turner. It will be occupied by Malt
Turner and family.
Mrs. Wllmuth McKlnney, wife of
Dr. McKlnney of Helix, waa a reunion
guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Fuson.
After a visit with her parents at
Weston, Mra. H. A. Walker and chil
dren left Wedneaday for her home at
J. N. Tork la making further Im-
provementa at Neverfall farm by
painting hla residence and yard
Mra. Sarah McDougat haa gone to
the Umatilla river, accompanying the
Barnes-Gould expedition.
Mra. Will Wyrlck of Pendleton waa
a guest during and after the reunion
of Mra. J. E. Stanfleld.
The best of friends must part, eo
we leave you July 1st. Ohmart A
Abmni. photographers.
Mrs. Gus LI nd berg of Walla Walla,
haa been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Anderson.
R. Tj. Rf yoatid haa moved hi barber
ahop Into the Snider building on Main
Joe Hodgson and family are ytaltlng
this weak lo Portland.
flood sawing machine for le or
rem. Zehm'a Hecond-hand Htore.
Mlaa Meryl Meat of Pendleton waa
recent guest ol Mia Joele Lavender.
Mlaeflladya Hmltli left Tared? for
The llallee, where) alig will visit with
Mr. J. II. karren lie gone) to Krae
ater for a vlalt with her mother and
Mr, and Mra. J. M. Handler ware In
Portland last mirnk, attending Ilia Itoae
Mlaa Kaudle Wuraer has returned lo
her work In Milton, after visit with
her parent at Wealon.
If evry body enjo)ed I'lrnle Day a
did "It Waa anunoeaa." r now
we fell In lllg Ad. Waue Itogers,
Mr. and Mrs. Hluhard Morrison are
alUMMllne' the aiaaoiiio and r.ailom
Htar grand lodge aeaalona lo I'ortlaod.
Mlaa lUliel Wtcldingham la la-eom-In
oulte exirt In oirilng a new
Koitl auto purchaatxl laat week of
Wails A Itogers.
L'nder auatiloea of the Saturday Af
ternoon t.'lub, work was la-gun Wed
nesday on the public tennia court lo
the lower part of towo.
After a visit with relative and
friend In Wealon, Mra. O. C. Turner
and children will return tviuorrow to
their home at KnterurUa.
For ie cheap, by owner, HO acre
ranch, well Improved; a cozy home
olace 1"; miles from Weston. If Inter
ested will Geo. K. Disainore, Amity.
Mra. Jane Hart men. Mrs. M. J.
Marsh, Mr. Una II. Kturgi and Mlaa
Naaon. county librarian, were among
Satunlay'a reunion dt-legailon Iruiu
Two inackinaw oooi were left dur
ing the picnic west of the Meiliodiat
church. Kinder will kindly return
same tw-Mrs. -'. W, Ferguson, or notily
the LfcAUKH ofllce.
A graiihaplione lecture win oe given
Kunday, June 20, at 2:30 p. in., at Wea
ton Mountain school liuuae, uiainci
No. 4U, under auaplcca of the Inierov
liunal liiltle Htudenta. H. K. Johnaon'a
graphai'liuue ha been secured for the
C. K. and K. R Lundell, prominent
farmer of the lone dlaincl In Morrow
county, are vialiing their lirotber, A.
. lundell. anU are much pleoaeti
with the Iwautle of the Wealon conn-
try. K. H. Lundfli I an oRlcial of the
Karinrrs' I'nion. He U accompanied
by lua family.
A meeting of stockholder of the
Weaton .Mercantile company will be
held Tuesdav. June 22, ai 2:3(1 p. to., at
the K. P.-l. O. O. K. hall in Weaton,
for the purpose of organixatlon. A
ttoard of director will be elected and
by-laws adopted. K Is dt-sired that
every stockholder attend.
While attending the Oregon Agri
cultural College Mia Kdna Hammer
wa aignally honored by election to the
preridencv of Waldo Hall. .MiM Hon
liter was also one of 12 student lo the
doim-atic science department chosen
from among Lit to demonstrate at the
Panauia-l'auiUo Kx position.
The annual Pendleton Chautauqua
Is to be held thla year for aeven con
secutive daya. beginning June 22 and
closing the evening of June 25. The
program for this aeaaon la the atrong
el ever aasembled for the west. The
great European strife made It possi
ble to secure the beat talent In the
world of entertainment, education
and Inspiration.
Among the famoua lecturers are:
Dr. Newell Dwlght HUH, paator of
Plymouth church, Brooklyn; Hon.
Nela Darling, Community Expert;
Col. Q. W. Bain, the fiery Kentucky
apeaker; Roland Nlchola, of national
fame; Eugene Baker, the enemy of
superstition, and Father P. J. Mac-
Corry, of Wichita. Kansas, the dra
matic orator who created auch a
furore In the east.
Slgnor Salvatore Ciricillo, with hla
renowned Italian Concert band, la to
be back again. The II Trovatore
Grand Opera Co., with alx Interna
tionally famous aololata cast In tha
major roles, la to sing Verdi' noted
"II Trovatore." Other : musical at
tractions are: Schumann Quintet,
stringed artists; . Saxony Singers;
Swiss Todlera; Ruthven MacDonald,
Toronto baritone and other numbers
equally attractive.
The merchants of Pendleton are to
conduct special sales and bargains
during the week as an added Induce
ment to the people living near their
city. Each day special bargwlna will
be available at the leading atores In
the city. These sales are to be con
ducted so. that the buyers may attend
all the Chautauqua programs and
have ample time to make their pur
chases. In order to make the Chautauqua a
great aurceaa, the merchant are to
offer their goode for sale at the low
eat possible prices. Thla la the first
time that auch a aarlea of aalea have
ever been planned for Pendleton.
Dally aalea will be held for each day
of the. Chautauqua. New goods will
be offered and special rates will be
In. vogue. This Is the greatest buy
ing week ever conceived locally.
Every resident should take advan
tage of thla great opportunity. Bring
your grocery list, your merchandise
memorandum, your hardware needs
you can purchase any articles you
may need at the big Pendleton Chau
tauqua Community Bargains and
The following live wire merchants
have signified their Intention of mak
ing special efforts to care for the
needa of all vlaltora during the big
Chautauqua Salea Week:
Peoplea Warehouse.
Alexander's Department Store.
"Sayres," The Ladies' Store.
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Pendleton Drug Co.
Fraaler's Book Store.
G. C. Baer 4k Co.
Byera' Mill.
R. M; Sawtelle. Jeweler.
Taylor Hardware Co.
M. Gale fc Son, Merchandise.
Griggs Grocery Co,
Hamley Hardware Co.
Standard Grocers.
Tallman Drug Co.
Vogue Millinery Co.
Bond Bros.. Clothiers.
Warren Music House.
Boynton Grocery.
The Delta.
Djchc Grocery Co.
one has immediately following a strenuous and
anxious day's labor!
That is the way we felt last Saturday night.
For two days we had gold dollars lying around loose offered at 65 cents
each, and when Saturday night came and our loss not so great as to break us
we surely rested fine.
That Gas Engine Thresher averaging 40 to CO bushels per hour, porta
ble with a four-horse team and practically new, all for $625.00. The engine
is worth that muchjif you couldn't get another.
Come and see the McCormick and John Deere binders.
Binder twine, Plymouth and International. 12c. and 16c.,
Fishing tackle galore. "Bob" is a connoisseur. Hell tell you the fly
for the fish and when and where you'll catch it.
Watts ii Rogers
Like every preceding pioneers pic
nic, I think that this one la the best of
all." eald Preeldent Bentiey from the
platform during the twenty-third an
nual reunion or Umatilla County Pioneers.
The remark may be aald to have
fairly epitomized the opinion of all
who attended. Despite the many auc-
ceaaful reunions that have been held
since the association waa organized
twenty-three years ago. that of ltlS
waa quite generally regarded aa of
aurpaaalng Interest and enjoyment.
Rain Interfered to some extent with
Friday's attendance, although the
program waa carried out aa adver
tised. Bright weather Saturday
brought one of the largest crowd
that ever thronged the streets of
Weaton. and the people were enter
tained aa never before. Not a dis
cordant growl marred the general
chorua of approval, and the several
commutes felt and expressed their
gratification. Moreover. everyone!
was on his best behavior, and Chief
Wllaon and his aides were required
to make but a alngle arrest.
The speakers were Congressman N.
J. Slnnott of The Dalles, who held
Friday the close attention of a re
union audience no mean feat Itself
with a masterly address along his
torical lines, hla deep, resonant voice
reaching every ear; Professor Hetzel
of the Oregon Agricultural College.
who spoke Interestingly of the col
lege's extension work; County Super
intendent I. E. Toung. who briefly
but forcefully advocated the advan
tage of public school consolidation.
Congressman Slnnott was especially
congratulated upon giving what many
declared to have been the beat speech
ever heard at a reunion gathering.
The following talented people con
tributed largely to the success of the
Mrs. W. W. Smith. Mr. Zane Lane-
dale. Mr. Walter Rose of Pendleton.
Laurel E. Davis of Washtucna. Mlaa
.Larretta Ferguson of Pendleton. Mr.
Winifred McKenzle of Walla Walla.
Mrs. David Stone and Misa Zola Keen
of Athena, Miss Blondell Rlchey of
Milton, Mr. George Hackathorn of
Pleasing son its were sung by the
Weson Glee Club, led by Mr. A. W.
Lundell: a mixed quartet, consisting
of Mrs. E. M. Smith. Miss Ruth Read,
Mr. Carl McConnell and Mr. Lundell;
and a male quartet consisting of Mr.
McConnell. Mr. J. C. Price, Mr. Lun
dell and Mr. Clark Wood. As usual,
Mra. F. D. Watta proved entirely
equal to the exacting demand upon
her aa reunion accompanist.
Excellent music' waa furnished by
the Milton band, led by Mr. Clyde
Simpson, and Its evening concerts
were especially enjoyed. Nor should
the musical activities of Joe Hodg
son's celebrated colored trio be ig
nored In thla connection.
The drills presented by boy and
glrla of the Weston schools, under
capable direction, were highly divert
ing features of the two days' enter
tainment. The picnic crowd was delighted, as
always, with the old fiddlers' contest
held Saturday afternoon under the
supervision of Sim Barnes. Prizes
were awarded to the following vet
eran performer In the order named:
Al. Johnson, Bill King and Dr. Dell of
Athena; Joe Lieuallen of Weston.
Each received a new hat.
At the close of Saturday' program
Goerge Gross of Athena, wa elected
president of the association to suc
ceed J. M. Bentiey of Pendleton, who
declined re-election. Mr. Bentiey re
tires with the encomiums of all for
hla ability aa a presiding officer. Geo.
D. Peebler of Pendleton wa elected
vice-president. S. A. Barnea and J.
H. Price were kept in their respect
ive posts aa secretary and treasurer.
Friday the Son and Daughter of
Pioneers elected the following offi
cers: Frank Price, president: Mra.
W. O. Read of Athena, vice-president;
Odessa Klrkpatrlck, secretary; J. C.
Price, treasurer. George W. Winn 1
the retiring president of the younger
society. 1
Athena defeated Weston In Satur
day' picnic ball game by a score of
seven to three. Rain prevented the
game scheduled for Friday between;
Helix and Weston. A sporting feat- j
ure waa the match race won Saturday I
by young Still of Milton from Emery
Worthington of Athena.
II 13 S.7-&i
Eight-Foot Cedar Fence Posts
tarred or untarred, at right prices
Large supply of
Lehigh Portland Cement
Kemmerer Lump Coal
Dry Wood, sawed or 4-foot
"You Going to be Married To6?,,
"June, Oh I The Month' of Brides!"
"Say, Jack and I bought our outfit
and saved a lot of money. Before
you buy your furniture, too, see
The Furniture flan
and if you are going to spend your
honeymoon at the seashore, in the
mountains, camping or motoring,
be sure and buy several of those
Motor car acrvice to all points, day
or night Also livery and feed atabl
opposite the Lieuallen blacksmith
shop. La fa McBride.
and Kodak Supplie
Films Developed
and Printed.
Branch Agency for American Express Money Orders
H. Goodwin
Druggist, Weston, Oregon