The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 11, 1915, Image 4

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    - - -. - aa . w.aaaa. I . TW.
h. 1. r i it - Twe imm I !
ii waue Mnunai
mom mm W" aetafca
Wihm CM l .. Par"', N. t4 u
lpMUtta.lmtaillt)i Mate M.
MMal Aaa
LAat. Aaael
Dalles-Columbia Line
I r weehiaeia. s ,V.?J,"t3L,T:
. .. i rkii .it
I. M " J N. TnL IMMi K
patak. lalahM TLalaJal.
I U-M Bn Tswag Ce. MeA
I. c I
. Mself
eat, mu 4 nM
Cm eJlis
wssiVr .
IAMI MUM, m Mtt Am, B.
Kortr head f h aaet Wllwri
Calta. btrhaltiw lot IH eal (WW mn
bWMu WlSllsilHarwaae
i4wi ton.
rv Milnn ton taM wit ae
kw.t Jm4 ha U.
A Brgjn for a Short Tim
totfcl h He mm lew Is ithm
mtr. ana the u eg ma ana
Lexington, Oregon.
UmI Sam Will Teet Yewr Watch.
Bead rw watch to the b areas
standards at Waaelagtea. aad aa
pert will toat It aad lira a eertiSeato
-ehowtag Ka aeeurecy exactly. A faa
of M aaata to $t ia reeulred. A bul
letin haa Veea leaned by the pwi
meat ahowtag feat hew to take car
at year watch. .
Ha Renyembereel.
lbs. BUkara we reeding taa latcat
war aewe fxem aerooa th poad. "La
aia a," aaa maeed. "when waa It war
waa deelaredr -Is It aoaaibl, my
dear," rejoined Bar l si band, "that you
hare fartottaa wa wcra married J aaa
s, ier
Natural Preeusnatlew.
Mr. Qordoa waa apendtng aoma
tlae at Palm Baach. and during bar
tar aha wrota bar husband eaytng:
"Dear Will I tncloee hotel bllL" WU1
wrote back: "Sear Edith I Inctoee
check, bat plaaaa doat boy anj mora
batala at thia price."
; Nat at All Time.
Haabed "Ther" oca thine I eaa
say for myself, anyway. I have risen b)
my owi efforts." "Never la tha mora
log. John. I aotic that It takea twt
alana clocks aad all tha member ot
tha household to vat yon np than."
Another OM saw Brakan.
Grnba "Erary man la tha matter
of his own daatmy. Ha eaa ba what
v. t. mm." Stubbi "Not la
rwr caaa. Taka. for axampla, tha
Inmate of tha penitentiary who desire
to ba aa aeronaut"
They Surely Weula.
Bodetlee that shot oat reporter! and
refuse lo (Ire out aewa tha pnbflo
waata woald ba awful mad if taa press
were to let them eererely alone.
Mflwaakaa Sentinel
" Lucky Individual.
-A. man la mlxhty tacky." aald TJay
Kbea. "If he'a bora wif a good
voice dat makes what he aaja
aoand solemn aa' serious eTsn if tt
doat amount to much."
Mara In Silence. :
" A maa who Htos rifht, and m rlcht,
aaa mora m hit ailanca than another
by bis words-PhOlipe Brooks. .
Because of Terrible Back-
ache. Relieved by Lydia
: E. Rnkbam'B Vegeta
ble Compound.
- DuwwHur . - - -
fsptacamant and inflammation, and had
IhAckaeha ao that I
1 could hardly stand.
V I took six bottles of
? frj Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Com-
pound, and now I can
!ao any amount ox
work, sleep good, eat
srood. and don't have
0 a bit of trouble. I
1 recommend LvdisE.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to
eTery suffering womam." Mra-HAKsr
Fisiua,1625 Dounton St, Nice town, Pa.
Another Woman's Cass.
: Providence, R. I. "I cannot speak'
too highly of your Vegetable Compound
a it baa dona wonders for me and I
would not be without it I bad a dis
' placement, bearing down, and backache,
until I could hardly stand and waa thor
oughly run down when I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It
' helped ma and I am in the best of health
' at present I work in a factory all day
long besides doing my housework so you
' can sea what it has done for me. I give
you permiseion to publish my name and I
peak of your Vegetable Compound to
many of my friends. "Mrs. ABE3. Law.
son; 128 Lippitt St, Providence, R.L
Danger Signals to Women
' are what one physician called backache,
' headacha, nervousness, and tha blues.
' la many esses they are symptoms of
soma female derangement or an inflam
matory, ulcerative condition, which may
bVoVVconie by taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands
ofAmeriSaa women willingly testify to
Its virtue.
T. N. U.
No. S4, MIS
TVKDf wridas to
Arizona Posse Crosses Maa
Border end Defies Troops.
ia do'G mux Aa quickly
Two Boys, Victims of Raiders, R
turned to U. S. Soil Coloneij
Menaced With Guns.
Nogalee, Aria. A posse of 10 Amer
ican cowboys and miners rode eight
mile aeroaa the border Into Santa
Crus, Sonora. late Sunday, and, level
ing their guns at the colonel command
In the rarrlaon. while 160 Mexican
soldier looked on, secured the imme
diate release ot two American boy
kidnaped by three of the soldiers on
the Ariaona side of the border earlier
in the day.
The colonel gave up hi two i f-ysr-
old prisoners, George Vaughn, eon of
the storekeeper at Duqueene, and
Henry Chang, eon of a Chinese-Amer
ican citisen or wasningion vamp.
Aria., without demur, and the posse
rode triumphantly back to the United
State. . .
Armv officer had been notified of
the affair and a posse under Sheriff
McKniffht of Santa Crux, started from
here for the scene.
News of the affair was brought in
byO. K. Franklin, a miner. Franklin
said he saw the Mexicans oa horseback
near the line, marching the boy ahead
of them on foot. The dots nanaa were
tied, be said, and the soldier kept
their prisoner covered with revolver.
Being unarmed. Franklin rode back to
Doquense to summon help.
Santa Cms. ia nrrisoned by forces
of Jose Maytorena, the ViUa governor
of Sonora.
ASa Report Extensive Gains Oi
Tsrkssk lias Afcst Madles
London Official announcement wa
made Monday that the British troops
at the Dardanelles, a a result of their
nw offensive movement last week.
captured two lines of Turkish trenches
along a three-mile front ine state
ment in part follows:
"On the night of June 3-4 the
Turks, having heavily bombarded a
mall fort in front of the extreme
right of the French position, which
previously had been captured, launcneo
infantry attack against it, which was
repulsed with heavy lose to the enemy.
At th same time the Turk set fir to
ivmh in front of the left center of the
position occupied by the British divis
ion and attacked, but met witn no soc-
"On the morning of June 4 Sir Ian
Hamilton ordered a general attack on
the Turkish trenches in the southern
ma of the Gallinoli Peninsula, pre
ceded by a heavy bombardment by all
guns, assisted by battleships, cruiser
and destroyers.
"At a riven siirnal the troop rushed
forward with bayonet They were im
mediately successful all along the line
except in one spot, where the heavy
wire entanglements were not destroyed
by the bombardment.
'Indian troooe on our extreme text
made a magnificent charge. They cap
tnred two lines of trenches, but owing
to the fact that the troops on the right
were hung np by the wire entangle
ments, they were obliged to retire to
their original line."
Austria. Cable Is Cot
Prima Th follawW official state-
ment wsa issued bv the War depart
ment Monday: "Naval detachments
vesterdsv cut the cable uniting the
continent and the islands of the Dal
matian archipelago. All lighthouses
and outlook stations of these islands
ware destroyed. The railway between
Cattaro and Kagusa were bombarded
and seriously damaged.
"The same day a group of our de
stroyers, which were unsuccessfully
attacked by aeroplanes, again bom-
hanHed Monfalcone and sank several
sailing craft laden with merchandise."
San Francisco la Shaken.
San Francisco Two slight but dis
tinct earth shocks were felt generally
throughout the city at 9:15 Monday
morning. No damage was reported.
At the University of California at
Rerkalev. aproaa tha bav. where the
shocks were felt, Professor A. C. Law-
son, of the mineralogy and geology de
partment, who supervise the seismo
graph records, said that the temblor
was comparatively insignificant
Observers at Lassen peaic reported
the volcano somnolent and that no
shake was felt there. ,
Storm Derail Trains.
St. Paul Heavy rains, in some
places accompanied by destructive
winds and electrical storms, caused
three deaths Sunday, together with
considerable property damage, in
Western Wisconsin and Eastern Min
nesota. A Chicago, Milwaukee & St
Paul train saotknnnil left the raill near
Lake City, Minn., the engine and coach
going into a ravine, kiUing the en
gineer and fireman. A cloudburst near
Roberts. Wis., caused the derailment
of a Chicago, Minneapolis A Omaha
tram and the death of the engineer.
Passports Are Revoked.
Berlin, via London The passports
of two American citizens living in
Dresden, Leon Raines and Karl Reck-
nairel. hava Kan nrAmrmA mwaItaH hv
the American embassy on Instructions
from the State department at Wash
ington. Tha ffnn If la aawf mAvmXw jwifl-
taed the American government's pol
icy in we present crisis ana reported
in newspaper circles that they were
ashamed of their citizenship.
viu snxs w io comr
wc ff wrcmrvT wucnM
i U VI HUJtvuu nawvn
El Paso, Tex. General Francisco
Villa ha decided to aak General Ven
us 1 1 ano Carrensa to agree to a neutral
territory for s conference to eonaWee
tlia suig-satlon contained In rreaident
Wilson' aote, according to a telegram
received her from Colonel Enrique
Panaa RuL nrlvate secretary to Villa.
The'telegram waa dated Ague Cal-
"General Villa ordered hi
Urles to come from Chihuahua to
Agua Callentee to draft the note to
rarranaa" eav Colonel RUL "and
also the reply be will aend to President
nriiaon. Villa'a minister have
reached Agues Call en taa."
Tha Rul statement relate that Villa
decided to Invite Carranaa to agree to
a truce "to prevent further sacrifice la
the republic which might produce In
tervention, " that when Villa, In keep-ina-
with thia auovaation. ordered hi
tmona to retire General Obregoa tart
d ia pursuit, "bringing on a battle la
the station of Leon.
"This obliged our force which came
rWm Silan. commanded by General
Villa, to attack the enemy vigorously.
dispersing them after tnntcung neavy
Tha Villa force have retired to
Lagos, state of Guanajuato, 38 mile
north of Leon, according to nui a
statement, "without the lose of many
men or any war material." it aiao
say that Villa retains quantities of
military equipment captured in toe
battle of Silao last week and ha or
dered Bom brigade south to recapture
Leon and continue the campaign.
Rul declare that in the ngoung at
Silao the Villa force captured a train
containing powder and apparatus for
manufacturing ammunition; that this
train wa burned to prevent It recap
ture by U bre goo.
Canadka Aviator Blows L'p Huge
ZeppeOfl, IQSbs Latin Crew if 28
London For the first time on record
a Zeppelin in the air ha been destroy
ed by an aviator in an aeroplane.
Reginald J. Warneford. a young Cana
dian sub-lieutenant in the royal navy,
who mastered aeroolaning only thia
summer, ha performed the feat, and
ia somewhere within tne nntisn iinee,
while a Zeppelin lie in ruins, sprawled
on the roof and ground of an orphan
age near Ghent
Falling a blazir.g mass alter neing
struck by the young aviator' bombs,
it crew of 28 men ware killed, a
were also several occupant of the or
phanage building.
The theory i advanced that this
Zeppelin was the craft which raided
the east coast of England Tuesday
night, for the fact that it was in the
air over Belgium, between Ghent and
Brussels, at 3 o'clock in the morning,
leada to the belief that it was return-
m from an axnedition.not Starting. hraaka earlv these davS and
the huge Zeppelin could be sighted far
off, and it ia presumed that the crait
waa headed for her home hangar wnen
Warneford came winging swiftly un
der the gray skies.
The ZeDoelin. which was nying com
paratively low, began to mount at
once, but the British wasp wa speed
ier and climbed into the air in long
spirals, reaching a position at length
over the German's vast bulk. From
this mint of vantage Warneford burst
the Zennelin's ahell reoeadedly with
his incendiary bombs.
Portland, Or., Youlb Escapes from
Mexicans After Awful Experience
El Paso. Texas Forced to act aa
mvedireer for Vaill's execution
souad in Juarez for a month, James
Ellsworth, whose home is in Portland,
Or., where be left two year ago, es-
paned Snndav nisrht and came to the
American ailfa. hatlflfla. his clothes
covered with blood stains and slashed
where the Mexican officers had beaten
him over the back with their swords to
maka him work.
Ellsworth, who is 22 year old and
of rood appearance, says he went to
Juraez on a sightseeing trip when he
was arrested. He waa forced to dig
the graves and witness the execution
of nine men during his imprisonment,
hauline each of thera to the grave
from the adobe wall after they were
He left for hi home in Portland im
Berlin Hebrew Protest.
London The Exchange Telegraph
company has received a dispatch from
Rerlin bv wav of Amaterdm savins
that the Berliner TageDiati declares
that the German anti-Semitic organs
ara atartinir a new eamnaiam to Pre
vent Hebrews from becoming officres
in the army after the war. The Tage
hlatr. which la owned by a Hebrew, i
urging the government to put an end
to these attack on ueDrew, inasmucn
as German Hebrews are dying glori
ously by the thousand on the field of
More Dynamite i Found.
El Paso. Ter. Thirtv-two additional
eases of dynamite have been found in
a deserted adobe nouse near uie spot.
Iim. tha Msxii-ana earlier had at-
tamnted to transDort 20 case of explo
sives across the Rio Grande. The dy
namite wa confiscated by the United
State custom officials. The case is
being investigated by the El Paso po
A Mexican, who srave the name of
Antonio Villalobo. and was held by the
notice, denclined to give information
as to the identity of his companions.
Roumania Thought Bound.
London The following wireless dis
patch waa received here Tuesday from
"Political discussions in Bucharest,
Roumania. brought to light the fact
T . I
that there exists a formal treaty be
tween Austria-Germany and Roumania.
Thia treaty, which runs until 1920,
regulate the relation among weee
countries and bind Roumania in case
of war, not to attack her allies."
Port land Wheat: Blueetem, II.
forty-fold. l.0titi club, ll.O&ll
mr II 01' red Kuaalan. tl.
"-- nrleaat Bran. If7li
tT.W ton: short, lSt.K) rolled
barley, X.60j:rr.0.
rnrn Whnla. tSS ton: cracked. ISA.
Hav Eastern Oregon timothy, 111
Oil ton; valley timothy, llSitf;
rraln hay, iotfis; euaue, ei,ouu
Veretablea Cucumber. Oregon,
tt?fie doaen: artichokea. Tie; toma
toes, IS crate; cabbage, 1 fj U
nound? relarv. t.l &0 prate: head
tuce, l!il.l5; spinach, 6c pound; rhu-
barb, 1 le; asparagua,
erato; eggplant I6c pound; peaa, sc
beans. Tc: cauliflower. 11.16 crate
carrots. 11(111.60 sack: beet. 11.60
tumlna. II.3JL
. -- - - ,
Green Fruit SUawberriea, ure-
gon, II J 1.T5 crate; apples, Hbcut
11.73 box: cranberries, 1114(11 bar
ral- eharriea. Oreaon. Sdi'ge pound
Wert 11.25 box; fooeeberrlee, gSc
pound: cantaloupea, 2.60( crate.
FVutoee Old, 1.75tt,J sack; new,
S.f ae nound.
Oniona Yellow. II kt 1.26: White.
11.76: red. 12 sack.
Ea-ea Freeh Oregon ranch, ease
Mini IQarfoaan.
Poultry liena, lie; broiler. itt
23c; turkey, dreaaed. 22C24c; live,
16Cl8c; ducks, old, iVuUlc; geeae,
Butter Creamery prints, extras,
t?e pound; cube, 24c
Veal Nominal, c pound.
Pork Block. 10c pound.
Hop 1914 crop, 10 10ic; con-
trata. 1(V,11
Wool Kaatern uregon, meaium,
25c; Eastern Oregon fine, 18o20c;
valley. 26t28c: mohair, new clip, SO
j31e pound.
Caacara Bark Old ana new, imc
Cattle Beet steer. T. 306(7.(6;
mod. 17 it 7.28: medium. I176tt7;
choice cow. .S5ii.60; good. I&it
6.35; heirera, I5(ti7; Duns, s3.ovu,o;
stags, 5ii.60.
Hon Ught; neavy,
Sheep Sheared wether. 6it7.25;
beared ewee, i(5.25; sheared lambe.
I&&7. Full wools l higher.
Grain Bag Shortage Seen.
ntvmnia . In onler to warn araln
producer in Washington of the poaai-
ble shortage or grata page uus season.
owing to the handicaps to ocean ahip-
nlnir inridant to the EurODeaO WBT.
Governor Lister ba token up with the
board of control and the state grain
department the question of supply.
Inquiry Dy the gram ueparunens re-
veals that grain bag dealer in the
West have order placed for 50,000,000
ham fmm ralnitta and that thev ex
pect to receive them, though no assur
ance is had that shipping lacuiti
rill ha availahla.
Tha atata hoard of control report
that the penitentiary mill ha now on
band l,Z6U,uvu.
It ia also learned that there erenow
i nnn MM) ham availahla In Portland:
that the private manufacturer In this
section will produce S.oou.uvu ana tnst
the California penitentiary will pro
duce 8,000,000.
If the ahinmenta from Calcutta are
handled as they would be were ship
ping not handicapped, there will be no
trouble in supplying the need. Should
the ahinmenta be held UP. however, it
might be necessary, think Governor
Lister, for the farmer in many case
to handle their grain in bulk.
Prune Crop Will Be Large.
Prune price are going to rule lower
this year from all indications. The
Pacific Coast ha a large crop and but
liU rhanj-a to axnort tha surplus, a
the war has paralyzed the foreign de-
. . ..... . . j
mand. A little pusineae is oemg uora
by packers on the basis of a materially
lower market than prevailed at the
opening last season.
Various estimate have been made
of the size of the California prune
crop, but a fair average of the yield is
175,000,000 pounds, in uregon, nraaa
ington and Idaho tha dried prune out
put will run at least 25,000,000 pounds,
according to the best-posted prune
men. It is, therefore, almost assured
there will be a tonnage thia year of
9na ana nnn nonnda on the Pacific
Coast, against 100,000,000 pounds last
For the past four or five year, ac
eordine to official statistics, the ex
ports of Northwestern and California
prune have been about o per cent oi
the total production. Thi year, a
conservative estimate ia 10 per cent
Fruit to Go to Chicago.
Albany, Or. As s result of the re-
nt nrmnlTiiInn of tha Linn and Ben
ton Co-operative Growers' association.
plana are being made to snip irun out
of Albany in carload lots direct to Chi-
From Indieationa this section of
the state this season will have the best
opportunity it ha ever had to market
it fruit crop on a satisfactory oaais.
Aa a atan In tha nlana now beins? devel
oped, the Great Northern Express com
pany has petitioned the city council
for permission to use the Oregon Elec
tric spur for loading car.
Look for Big Apple Crop.
Th.t tha annla o-rowera of the Yak
ima and Wenatcbee districts and other
sections of Eastern Washington are
highly confident of a big crop and that
nnHitlnna at nraaant warrant the pre
diction that the yield will be a prolific
one, although not as large aa ine vi
yield. Is the statement of T. O. Mor-
aaaintant commissioner of agri
culture, who ha returned after an ex
tended visit in Eastern wasningion,
ssys an Olympia dispatch. The froeta
that hit Western Washinirton in April
did not strike the eastern district.
Wool Market in 8tronger Position.
Tn Mmnumtlnr on the wool market.
the Boston Commercial Bulletin size
tin tha altnation as follow : "Confl-
Amnrm aaama tn hava beffotton more con
fidence in wool, and the market i un-
donbtedly In a stronger position than a
TIT! tL.. H Bute aalMfhlsBTal
week ago. Whether or not clothier
hav given the manufacturer reason to
be more optimistic by placing order
more freely is not clear, but there is
no doubt of the fact that wool the
world over is in a very firm position.
Are V Tee Fatr
It yes are toe stoat deat take ml
radaela medlclaee. Cat dowa Ot
Ma AiaL Bat Mt-afdoor exercise. BBC
yes Ul assume Bormal Usee and re
aaae la aerate! Waiaht Avoid
egi. cresas, fat maata. and especially
.ia Ua arialnl oa Isttuc
ipiaeca, cabbage, raaa Beat, young
oataaa. eelerv. UMsiaioee, ee, "
aaiiaA toaat laataa of bread aa but
tar. It yos eeaee to give your sod
tt.a..kiBa tnoSa ea will eeaee ere-
Ug tat sell. It I ae trick to reduce
If yea practice lMeatal.
There la bo eaa able er aatloas to
dear the vela ot a method. But there
,m at waa realise thai maiBoa
w . - a
at aMrvthlac aad that strict adher-
aaa la n Bosaatlrao Become a bui
so. There le a madnee la bard sad
r..i Miat Tha atriel adhereac to
aome method to almost aa bad a hav
ing bo method at alU We should re
member that ear aetioaa save, at an
time, to be gaided bv clreemaUBC.
Natural Maaull at Creee.
Oaa da Lather lurbaak waa walk
mg U hi tardea, whea b w acceet
d by aa eaeleu aequalhtaace, who
aakir "Walt what are voa worfelni oa
sowr "Trying le eroaa aa eggplaal
aad miuweee.- aaie Mr. pureaaa
pact lo get from thair Mr. Barbae
calmly reeamed his walk. "Cvaler
pie,- he said.
A Problem et the Life te Came.
Basil Jahaav wa wrlllUag aad
twutlag la a vala endeavor lo put hi
anna throusb. U sleeve ot aa under
ganaeat aad tbea gat It over hi
head. After several ratue eiiewpia
ha aallad out te his Bsothar; "Say.
mamma, wbea I get le be sa easel,
aad have wlag. I doa't see how 1'U
ever get my ehtrt eat"
late and invigorate stomach, liver end
. . .
Doareia. nuirar-coatvu. unv irMimni
easy to lake aa randy.
That maa has the wldeal Influence
ka haa the deeoeet sympathy, for
maa epea their heart to sympathy
aa flower epea to the sua. aaie
Kmanoa: "Tla aood to give a
etrangar a meal, or a Bight's lodging
Its better to be hospitable to bis good
meaning aad thought sad give cosr
age to s compaaloa
New Jenrf npkiu S.aJ I Rm May
Cam I Hu Crtia.
Dm DIU'L' XT .1 Sn.alAi(vlpaa
. . ' . . ... . . - - -
from every direction fully confirm pre
vious rriorU that the remarkable
sa.aia.ant at ni laasnmes riawincv Blmmll.
tered by the consulting physician or the
mine iuraiori- wi wtm
.hl.winv vmularful raaulta. Old and
stubborn case hav been greatly bene
fited and many patient claim to hav
been entirely cured.
Persons suffering from epilepsy
should write at once to Kl'ne Labors-
fn a Itinnlv AT tha MmaHv. which la
oeing aiainuuico graiuiuiuaiy.
Make Our Own Wrn.
Wa maka ouraalvea mora tniurlea
than r offered to us; they many
tlmaa naaa for WroBt la our own
thoughts, that were sever meant so
h tha haart of him that soeakelo.
The apprehension ot wrong hurt more
than the sharpest part ot lb wrong
done. Feltham.
Toes own oauonisT wai tut rou
Try MnrlM Haaiailr lor Md, Wk. Wawry
Kynao4 UraaalataS Bjrallaal Ms Baartlafw
luaWKra Coarori. Wrila tut PobIi or tk
b;ulrm alartaaaaauercs.,caicasa
Definition of a Drop.
Ia the BriUsh Pharmacopoeia a
drop" la defined aa coming from a
tuba of which the external diameter I
exactly three millimeter. 10 soeli
drop of water at IS degree Centi
grade being equivalent to one milliliter
or cublo centimeter.
Take It a It Is.
Then must content thyself to see
the world Imperfect It I. Thou
wilt paver bare any quiet if thou vex-
aat thvaair because thott CSaat not
bring mankind to that exact notion
of things and rule of life which thou
hast formed In thy own mind. fuller.
Opsl Is Deedly Omen.
Tha annaratlilon haa CO ma down the
ages that to And an opal I a deadly
omen. It mean that you nave picaeo
up someone else' misfortune. "Bet
tar let the (tone lie, no matter what
11 value may be," I an old adage.
Dally Thought
v.... ar,..k in of a nerson unless
you ar ur of your fact! and, even
If you could ewear to it as a youraoii.
Why do I make It knownf n. i-avs-
Artistic Cuff Protector.
Take paper napkin and fold each
. . i -n VrtA one of these
one ui. awn....
napkins about either cuff and fasten
them with cuff pins. Tbey sre oft
ind ollsbl and will ty in plac
Opinion React
S man rannot SDeak but b ludge
and reveals himself. With hi will, or
gainst bis will, h draw hi portrait
to the eye of other by every word.
Every opinion react ea him who ut
ters it Emersoa. n
aaaaaaaHaaaBaaaaaaaawaaBnaBaaaiBiiaaaHaawae , ,
"Left-Hanaed" Parrot.
Parrots a alia ebiect with tb left
claw by preference or exclusively, and
they hav been found to maka a read
ier uae of the left claw for climbing
than the right
Ne Argument.
Anv wr experts In thl communi
ty 7" ssked tb nw arrival. "No," an
swered the native. "We're all toller-
bul friendly hereabout.
The Spring Eye.
Flatbnsh "How's your garde look
ing r Bensonhurat "Well, 1 saw a
rooster looking t It through the pick-
it of tb fence, thl morning, ana
eemed to look good to him."
Caav mm mm. tumw mU seishM mmn ummT
Vms iec le keaklet "Hew t Dye eas"
t 'Z.
Cut tho Cost of Living!
A plate of hot biscuit! of mufEru, t
rcih. home-baked cake, a loaf of brown
or nut-bread, rescue any meal from tho
commonplace, and mow expensive thingi
are never miased.
rt ?m
) -"
A With K C
. St
powder, good result! are doubly cert aia.
There! economy too, in the cost of K C
Only Partially Informed.
hi, i. rmai hlaiurv that we must
leara to Judge the future." remarked
the rtou ctllsea. "Ter repiiea ibs
observer; "bul ovary day re
mind u that hlatory I sol yt eem-
You are nervous. You hay "crylntf pell. .You are
dejected. You don't sleep wcIL You have backache. You
have lost ambition for your work. You are beginning to
M old and look old.
These symptoms, more than likely, sre produced by some weakness,
derangement Of IncguUilty peculiar lo Ihe leminlne enianiam.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
In ToWc or Liquid Form)
wffl U you In regaining youlhlul health and thM Jfljb-TJ
doing lur over lortyyeat fur women who hav been In Ihe same conUltion o,
hlh younow 6nd your.H. It soothe and Invigorsle. ItupoulldaandupUnt.
Your medklne dcW win wpp' Vu or UquU b""? W
onent sump fur UUl box. AJdrea Dr. .M. I'lerce, Buffalo, N. T.
Dr. rkra'i rWht Nkts ttfsUls Sanaca, Lhet iss pewdi. tuy Is bU
Arrang Pleasanl Memarie.
It la a witty and s keea saying that
pleasant memoriae must be arranged
for la advenes." The way lo hae a
bappy road to look back ever to lo
maka ti haeav aa one travela slang.
by doing kindly and loving things.
and by recognising ail tne possioie op
portunities for rboer na courage.
Modern Gardening.
Thara la a entwine Dumber of peo-
nia who raal it imDrovldeut and waste
ful lo put time aad money Into a gar
des wbea you caa supply youraeu
from your aetchbor' any dark night
Merlden Journal.
Dent Humer Superstitious Whim.
ADDllratlon for tb renumbering ol
three house bearing the fateful Bum
har IS have been declined bV the r0
ord committee of the London county
A Big On.
"Italy thouih always dashing with
Austria. I Ml preserving her neu
trality." "Ye. nd doing her preserv
ing Ilk a housekeeper." "How
lhatr "Io a Jar."
Ancient Almanac.
Almanac are In existence that were
compiled In Ihe eleventh century, but
they are In manuscript; the first print
ed almanac wa Issued about the year
Out ef Style.
"Come on. bold lop. lei's "ave s
brandy band soda." "Dear m. do.
Hit not the ftshlon, since the king
stopped drinkln'." Detroit Free Press.
Just Frightened.
"Bom men." said Uncle Ehen,
prides delrselve on bela' patient
an' forbearin' wbea dey's only Jes'
scared to make a mote
Willie' Trouble.
U.a Mnrnhv "What la that th
school doctor reported about your
uiiii. ?" Mrs. Rvan "lie aald (ue
child ba them aelernld In hi DOM."
Some Drawback.
"Opportunities," said Uncle Ebon
Is as thick as mushroom.' Do only
trouble 1 dat som of 'em la toad
Oally Thought
They can because they think they
can. Virgil
Wonderful Hood Remedy
That Works
Tha Very Latest Tfcssry
Cl::d is
& a a Means Pur Blood Which
Tb treat ex parts In Chemistry and
Physloloxr now declare what haa all
along been contended by the Bwlft lab
oratory that the forms or blooa aiaoraers
find lodgment In the In tart t lose ef the tie.
And herein Is where B. S. B. goee to
work rapid), effectively and With won
derfully noticeable raaulta.
This famous blooa puriner contains
medicinal components Juat ae vital and
sntlal to healthy blood aa tha nutritive
element of wheat, roast beef, and fats
and the suave tbat make up our dally
Aa a matter ef fact there la one m gra
dient in a. s, a, which servae the active
purpose ef etlmulatlnc eaoh cellular part
of the body te the healthy and Judicious
selection of lie own eaaantlal nutriment.
That la why It regenerate the Mood sup
ply; why It hae such a tremendous in
fluence In overcoming; acsema, rash, pln
plea, and ail akin aOllcUoaa,
T. ijriflBDR DHUC aWPAMY.Oraafwaeal Z. Qukwv. Km.
Mis Calais.'
the double acting baking
I 111 a
iitLj a
Student aad Teacher.
Ia each classroom there I one real
stadeai-the olltary. upright Sgure
by the aide of the blackboard, whll
40 or 19 little being ea the beaehe
ar the true leaaber. British Review.
To the Woman Who
Realizes She Needs Help
I au. muMie Haeanvao I
' Keep Kida KIen
TW aae rA UttW. tkntot
ILA pim ff kiant f loam I
k a W i.hmwii Hwa wan
Tt aaa , fe-fc. Imif ai,a- mt m
v. a. SMly mH .
Maw Ua at mm wa.lawa
Ma atweMa. m4 u M
.at Shfey . r to u
l aM aaa atut mmt
aaH14 tt mtmmm aaf. AS
IM .i - Urn h4 m
ataa r aw u Park m
75c the) suit
Ml mtm m ft 1M
A NtwrnrP UThey
Suit 1 1VUU Kip
kLevi Straaee dk CeSea Praatliee
Only True Church.
There la a true rhurch wherever one
hand meet soother helpfully, sad
.. .. .... ... . I ... h .kHIwk
mat ia tn only aoij or wmwi
which ever wa or vr baU b.
Would B Oeod Buelnee.
it r.rm.ra i-miM huv city street ear
bog at their real value and tl them
f aaea war k t 11 W think ft.v ar vortha
iwr sv - - -
farm Butomoblle would multiply more
rapmiy tnao moown.
Thrown Out All Right
Mra Fiaibush "Mi nelxhbor hus-
baud and brother were thrown out of
work by the war." Mr. Ileoaonhurat
"Bure, that' nothing. 1 know a
woman who hid two husband thrown
out or worn oy piaeia.
at . a
Ne Kick Than.
Pill "I e a British agent buying
..i. .ataxia all erav mules. He say
they can be seen too far." Jill "Well.
I should think a mule I safer at a dis
It Hurt Her Peeling.
Pond Prent to Teacher "Plea
don't mark Alice xmple wrong
any mor. 8b I so sensitive!"
A Nest Definition.
"A skeleton I bone with th man
rubbed off,'' ald Mary in the physiolo
gy class.
in the Tissues
Absai Hen end Vfhy tha
Insure Long Life and Health.
And In rnaratlng the flames g. g. 8.
haa a rapid and positive antidotal effect
upon all those Irritating influence that
cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak
area, lose of weight, thin pale ebeeka, and
thai weariness of musole and nerve that
Is generally experienced, by all aufferare
with poisoned blood.
Get a bottle ef B. a. B. at any drug
store, and In a few days yon will not only
feel bright, and energetic, but you will be
Ue picture ef new life.
B. B. B. la prepared only In the labor,
tery of the Bwlft Speolne Ce., lot Swift
Bid, Atlanta, Oa. Whe maintain a very
efficient Medical Zepartmnt where all
whe have any blood dnorder of a stub
born nature may write freely (or adrtoe.
B. B. B. Is sold everywhere by all drug
Beware ef all attempts te eell yea
something "Just aa good." Inatat upes)
S. 8. 0,
DBUC COMPAKr.Prsafwaeal Z, Quavy.