The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 11, 1915, Image 3

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    ! ' -'
; and cake
10 cfcs.
tli dish it th
Weston Bakery
f'rh Bread, Cak ami I'natry.
1n Carolios. Cl Meale at Ail
Mourn, Vie. W eciel!xs In
Ualgo and I'arly Supper.
ZliMM the Baker
Dupula Hulkllng, Main ami Water
' 8 hoe atxl 1 1 urn cm
repaired next door.
iThe x
CUM ItH awl
CAItDS. lllt.l.lARDS ,
ml POC.KKT 11M.
I Mazelwood
I Ice Cream
yr PHjlr Soft Drinks
J. B. Farrcns I
Brandt Buiklinpr, oppo
sitc PoHtoffice.
Good, Fresh Meats
Fish in Season
Cash paid for
Perry & Lundcll
New Groceries
New Notions
New Canvas Gloves
For Men and Women
New Summer Underwear
Economy Sim
niONE NO. 233
AaU SUct Scbtdult
A. M. Going West. V. M.
L Weiton 1:00 V Weston 1:00
Athena 4:15 M Athna 1:1
n Adam 1:11 " Adsma 1:15
A. M. Going East. P. M.
I Pendleton 10:00 L Pendleton 4:00
" Adams . 10:10 " Adams 4:50
" Athona 11:15 " Athena 5:16
Weston to Athena, 15c: Weston to
Adam. 50c; Athena to Adams, 16c;
Weston to Pendleton, $1.00; Athena to
Pondlotoo, 75c: Adama to Pendleton.
Round trlpa. If made In am day:
Weston and Pendleton, tt.50; Athena
and Pondlelon, 5115.
Headquarters: Weston, et City Drug
Store; Athena. St. Nichols Hotol;
Adams. Inland Mercantile Wore; Pen
dleton. French Restaurant
Weston Meat 9
' ' - ,
" Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing
GASOLINE & OIL and accessories'
All Work Guaranteed
Ohmsrt A Abrams, photographers.
ilirsndt tlulldlnf.
j Jake Narkaus left Tuesday for Port
i land to attend the Hus show,
Photos! Pholoat photost plrnle
day photos. Ohmsrt A Abrams,
Hrsndt building.
J, A. Del,teur, an eipert baker
from Aberdeen, Wsh has taken
position with 15. K, 'ehm.
Mr. and Mrs, O. M. Ulehmond mo.
lorrd over to Weston Tuesday from
their home In Walla Walla.
II. t Kail It siul llan I tjmt ll
A Wails anil Rovers bargain at the
I'loneer I'lcnlo. ties lug Ad.
D, N, Van Dklver has so far recov
ered from hla long Illness as to be able
to lake occasions! walks down town.
We mske pictures day or night. We
do not depend on daylight. Come any
lime. Ohmart A Abrams, llrsndl
Help along ths rsuse of civic lm
prnvement by attending the Haturday
Afternoon rlub dinner today at the
Marshall House.
Motor car service to all points, day
or nlsht. Also livery anil feed slshl"
nnnoelle the Ueuallen blscksmllh
shop, tare M IlrMe.
Ilert Itlt'hards, president of the East
Knd league, Is recovering from his re
rent Illness, snd wss sble to attend last
ftumlay's gams al Weston.
Msnager llswla Miller announces
Ihsl the iM-vemUuid motion pictures
will be resumed at West on on Monday
and Tuesday evenings, June tl and II.
1. 1 mn, lltan It. I.iaa af hta
tappendlx to knock' out Vennard Hell,
, sml he was able this week to go bark
I to his mountain ranch and take hold
For sale cheap, by owner, K acre
ranch, well Improved: a coxy horns
place Hi miles from Weston. If Inter
eiel write (hhj. It. Dlnamore, Amity.
During the recent picnic at Athena
a young eon of William II. Coppock
was knocked from the running board
of en automobile and suffered a
broken leg.
lint l.tiMnHh tfan. ft. Carmlrhael
snd Hob 1'roudflt found fishing fine
last Hiinday nesr the ranger ststlon on
the I'matllla river. They took more
than 109 trout during the dey'e sport.
Wallace Nelson, agent of the O.-W.
R. N. ("o. al The Dalles, was a re
cent visitor with his psrenta at Wee
ton, accompanied by his fsmlly. He
returned Monday to his work, but M-s.
, Nelson wrnt to pomeroy. Wash., for
a visit with her mother.
' Henry Kehroeder. a former Weston
'mechanic, wss here this week, greet
ing old-time friends. During seversl
veers of his absence Mr. eVhroeder
wss lorsted In Catgary. Me left there
seversl months s. and hss Just re
turned from a visit to the big fslr at
Hsn Frsn Cisco.
Among the Weston student whom
vacation lime hss brought home from
the valley are Mb Kdna llsnlsler.
Ijrnnsrd Itlomgrrn, .Kane Usnsdsle snd
llermsn Ollsrra. all of whom have
been attending Oregon Agricultural
College, Klmer tlllsh) Tucker re
mnlned below. Miss Agnes MacKrnsle
Is bark from Portland, where ehe fin
ished her course In business college
Every one Interested In lawn tennis
U requested lo meet at the residence
,.r tor snd Mrs. ('. H. BmKh Wednee-
jdsy. June 14, ! I:H o'clock In ths
afternoon, for the purpose of assist
ing In the preparation of the new ten
nis court at Weslon. This court la to
I be for Ihe benefit of the public, the
j players being merely required lo fur
nlh Ihelr own racqueta and other
Lloyd Itltchey came up from Forest
'ilirovs into wees 10 in ia ivun.
I ana is a guest or ine joe nrapora
Meadowbrook farm. He has grown
'into a young man since leaving Wes-
lion, and had much fun puxxllng local
people as to hla Identity. He ae that
hla father. "Jim" Bltchey. expresses
much regret at being unable to be with
hla Weston friends again this year at
j picnic time.
Blate-wlde prohibition la not going
'to make all brewery equipment In Ot
legon entrlcly useless. The Northwest
Ftult Produce company has been In
j corporated at Salem and will take over
the buildings of the present Salem
Brewery association for the manufac
ture of loganberry Juice and for the
canning and preserving of frulta of all
kinds. The new company Is capltallied
at $75,000.
A huge chunk of hillside fell out
recently on the east elde of Pine creek
jat the C, F. Bulflnch place above
town, eoverins- end aulte badly dam
aging part of-the orchard and potato
patch. The land slip Is said to have
been caused by excessive moisture, and
hi ascribed by Mr. Bulflnch to leaky
water pipes. He haa presented a bin
of I10O to the city for damsgoa to hla
land and orchard. A bill for 515 was
presented by John Uonewlts, who had
the land In crop.
Lee DoJe. accused murderer of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Ogllvy, la In Jail at
Pendleton, and a special grand Jury
waa convened thta week to Investigate
the charge against him. Dale Is
charged with shooting his victims, and
Is auppoeed to have been obsessed by
a drunken frenxy when the awful deed
waa done. Mrs. Ogllvy waa killed In
stantly, but her husband lingered for
a while, and left a dying statement Im
plicating Dole. The murdered couple
were prominent and highly reapected
pioneers of the Pilot Rock neighbor
hood. One of their daughtera, Mr
Karl Dudley, resides near Weston.
Bert Brassflsld, who lived at Wes
ton when a boy, eimi back this week
after an absence of about 15 years.
Uert haa seen something of the world,
snd not long ago spent seven months
In Boston, whsre he came Into pos
session of a champion bull dog. Hex
la Ihe dog's nsms and he Is of Kngllsh
bull terrier stock. Last Msrch he look
first prise, a silver cup, at ihe "est tie
bench show. Last February he took
second prlss at Hsn Francisco, but wss
beaten only by the world e champion
bulldog, owned by Oeorge Isrsel of
Olympla. Its Is reglslerea witn me
American Kennel (tub, hla pedigree
la recorded for 14 generstlons, and Is
a bit mors fsmoua than his mauler
I but Ihs latter Isn't Je alous and Insists
thst Ilex go with him everywhere.
Bert Is a son of John llrnssfleld, snd
his parents ars now living In Puvallup,
The Ladles' Guild of tbo Kplscopal
Church held Its June meeting at the
home of Mrs. A. Jamea. A large
membership and the following gue.u
were present: Mrs. O. C Turner of
Knterprlse, Or.! Mrs. William Mao
Ken.le, Mrs. Him J. Culley, Mrs. A.
L. Douglas. Mrs. Culley Warn a
memlier. No program had been pre
pared, hut Mrs. It. O. HBltne; sang a
solo by request. Delirious refresh
menu csmslailng of nut sinuses, eake,
oofTee and atulted dates were served hv
. . l Mrs. (!. If.
Huiltli and Mrs. L. I. O'Hsrra. The
nest meeting of t he guuu win ue v
ihe home of Mrs. O. L. Horsemeo the
Orel Thursday gflernoon In July.
Ths Main street fountain has boon
rebuilt under the direction of Let
Wilson, local chief of police and wa
terworks suoerlntendcnt The old cen
terpiece, wrecked by a runaway, has
hn rci.lsrad with concrete and rub
ble, above which Is the earns little boy
holding a pickerel, net in ine ruooie
Is a variety of ore specimens furnished
amidst much laughter and acclaim by
local Investors In mining slock. These
ere expected to furnish a permanent
and valuable object lesson for the
growing generation. The eertlfieatee
would be pretty and effective, too, but
are hardly durable enough to qualify
as "wstered slock."
Andy T. Barnelt was Istely elected
by the council ss city recorder to euc
ceed J. F Bnlder.. resigned. He wss
raited upon Monday lo preside In a
"speeding" case, and plastered the
minimum fine of $15 upon Ed. Wright,
Hulck agent of I'emlleion. who wss
accompanied be Mr. Kdwln Hoortter.
Jr. Chief of Police Wilson halted the
motorists Hundey evening on a charge
of violating Weston's speed limit of
twelve miles an hour. Mr. Mourner
promptly paid Ihe fins. The aame
men are said to hsve been fined for
speeding In Athena Thursday and Fri
day and In Walla Walla Sunday.
Thai Malheur county la rapidly
coming lo Ihe front ae dairy section
i. inu-aiad hv the reoort from ths
cheese factory at Nysss. This Is a co
operative Institution snd at ne pres
ent rale of operation, tna atsourse
mcnts for this year for milk and wages
will amount to at least 415.000. The
factory Is now paying 10 cents per
nnimn 'nr hlllOr fSt. Several Of the
heavy milk producers In the county are
arranging lo materially Increase their
Mr. ami Mrs, It. K (DicH KnplNh
have arrived at their home near Wee.
ton after a wedding lour of the princl
...uiilunl it maai. Their weadliniT
occurred recent If at the home of the
hrlile a parents si ieonon. wrrgon.
Mrs. Knirllah wss formerly Miss Laura
Mae Miller, a successful teacher of the
Willamette valley. The bridegroom
Is a Weslon mountain stockman and
Hosier, a Silt dog and beloved
household et, had a One funeral the
other lav at the home of Marion
O Harra 'below town. The children
mourned him aa one of themselves,
ami heaped hie grave with flowers
Doner was run over by an automobile,
and although left for dead, dragged
himself home to die Jrotn a point two
miles away.
G. W. Cralgen, mountain pioneer, la
recovering from a aerloos Illness at t he
home of hla daughter, Mrs, Charles L.
Dick Gerberdlng- was able to come
down town for a few hours yesterday
and circulate among his friends.
Just see what a little cash wilt do
Ihe two Honeerl'icnio days Wait
it Kogera' store. See Uig Ad.
Measles has made Its unwelcome ap
pearance In the F. M. Weeks house
hold. Postala. groups or any style photo
st Ohmart A Abrams. Brandt build
ing. Bronclraa Are Goinc.
The European war promises to mark
the final passing of the wild horse of
the range, the disappearance of the
bucking bronco so long associated
with the west. Even now there are
no wild horses such aa once roamed
the ranges, and with the Inroads being
msde upon the west by the war, his
half civilised brother, the bronco,
promlsea to disappear Thousands of
horses have been taken from Colorado,
Wyoming and other weatern states.
Not only have the British and French
buyers Invaded that aectlon, but rep
resentatives of the Italian government
have combed the country for months.
During the last few weeks an Italian
buyer purchased several hundred head
of horses and so great was his haste
to get them to hla country that they
were aent by express from Denver to
the east. Instead of by freight. There
they were hurried aboard a ateamer to
It Cant Sting.
The editor of an Illinois exchange Is
a publlo benefactor and when he dies
the peoplo of his county ought to erect
a monument to the honor of his mem
ory. Ho haa discovered a new way to
get rid of moequltos. He telle you
simply to rub alum on your face and
hands. When the mosquito takes a
bite It puckers his gasoople so It can't
atlng. Then It elta down In a damp
place, trie to dig the pucker loose,
catchea Its death of cold and dies of
8t. Louts. Mo. Miss Katherlne Bes
se, IS year old, ate her first break
ast, dinner and supper one day last
week. When a child an accident caus
ed the closing of the channel to the
stomach. An operation permitted her
to be fed directly Into the stomach.
Last week a surgeon who had become
Interested In her case, restored her to
slmoet normal condition. She had lit
tle Idea of the taste of various foods
until after the operation.
Everything Is practically In readi
ness for the pioneer's reunion, which
promisee lo be among 'the most suc
cessful snd enjoysble evi-r held within
Ihe past twenty-three yean that hsve
marked the annual gatherings of
Umatilla county's old settlers at Wes
ton. SUroet Illumination will bs anions
j this year's features. Through ths ef
forts or Msyor itsroour several strings
of globes were secured for the streets
snd the pavilion, and free Julre and
wiring have been donated by Ihe Pres.
ton-Hhaffer Milling company of Athe
ns whose kindness IS spprecisiea.
The globes are the property of the
Pendleton Commercial association, snd
were secured for e. nominal rental.
Bssebsll will be s tesdlng amuse
ment feature. Ksst End league teams
will rlssh on Ihe local diamond, be
ginning each day at 5:10 p. m. end
I hoe who have grown suspicious of
"picnic haaeball" will nna insi ineac
gsmes will mske up for sll psst dls-
sppolntmenu. Helix plsys Weslon
rrid.v ftodsv). Athena will come
over Ihe hill Hslurdsy lo receive
long-delsyed drubbing, ma weston
team will meet the Invaders each day
artih a rrluvrnated llne-uo. snd will
try ss hsrd to win thrss exhibition
contests ss any or the games reguiany
scheduled. Nobody need etsy swsy
through fesr of seeing a poor exhibi
tion of the national sport. "Pep" and
.Irnor" and other Maenail conoi-
mnta wilt be used without Stint
maka each conteet a lively one.
Prominent among me music
numbers on each dsy"s program will
ha ih rhorusea drilled under the di
rection of A. W. Lundell. There will
also be a number of fine readers and
soloists. Mrs. F. D. Wstts Is again
this yesr very rspsbly besring the bur
dens of reunion accotnpsnlst. and her
services are appreciated by the pro
gram committee.
The stated speakers are iwo or vr-
gon'e foremost menCongressmen
Slnnott of The DaJleavend President
Kerr of Oregon Agricultural college.
In addition. Superintendent 1. E.
Toung will give a brief address Sstur
dsy morning along educational lines.
There will be plenty and to spsre
for avarvhoil to est doting the picnic.
Supplementing the meals served at the
eeverel eating houses, the ladlea of the
Saturday Afternoon Club have ar
ranged to give a speclsl dinner dunnc
the first dsy of the picnic (today) be
.i.nini ai il:ie a. m. This dinner
will be served In the dining room of
the Msrshsll House, wnicn wss aino
ly placed st the disposal of the club
i.i. hv Mia HaaHnn. Tender
chicken will be on the bill of fare, and
strawberries and cake will be served
for dessert.
Th nramni committee snnounces
a speclsl number for Ssturdsy. secured
too Isle for listing. This will be fur
nished by Mr. Oeorge Haeka thorn of
Pendleton, who will do a monologue
and song or two In costume.
The high school play. "Engaged by
n'n.irliv " wilt be oreaented Satur
day afternoon at the opera house for
the benefit of civic Improvement
There will be free band concerts
each evening et the pavilion. Dsnc
Ing st the opera house will conclude
each day's festtvltlee. .
Karl Coutta has arranged a sparring
match for the first dsy of the Weston
picnic between "Bobble" Evens, well
known locally aa the premier Oregon
lightweight, and "Toung" Cessell of
Spokane. This event will be staged st
Waaton on re. house at two ociocs
this (Frldsy) afternoon, and will be
(Portland Bobbie Evans) ,
accompanied by the usual preliminar
ies. Those who have seen Cassell In
action at Spokane, Walla Walla and
Hlllyard. say that while he to not so
fast and clever aa Evans, he haa an
extremely dangeroua punch and that
the latter will be put to sleep If he
gets In the way of one of the young
ster's haymakers. The men are about
evenly matched In weight around 135
pounds each.
Dea Moines, . la. In bankruptcy
proceedings here It came out that a
Miss Dottle Morgan, a former resident.
had for a loan of $10. pawned her
body to Mosea Levlch, to be delivered
to him after death. The woman
moved to Denver and Levlch haa ask
ed the court of the pledge can be
counted aa an asset.
Oakland, Calif, Alex Jacob! and
hla daughter Grace were motoring on
a boulevard last week when a bee
stung Jacob! on tho face. The sur
prise and pain caused Jacob! to lose
control of the car, which overturned
and fatally Injured his daughter.
Columbia. S. C. Mies Clyde Tar
borough haa been awarded $1000
damages for the loss of three Inches
of akin from her rosy cheeK. sne
waa thrown from a street car, and
aued for $10,000 damages.
Tonkers, N. T. Peto, a monkey,
owned by Mrs. Libblo Dixon, saved
her and her gueeta from death by fire
when he dragged her down from her
room onMhe top floor to the basement
where. brisk blase waa burning.
Praotloea In all State and Federal
; - - Courts.
Office In the Klam Bulkling, Milton,
Ilours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5
TlOSt TBI TlWJSAJn) f DTK ICS are going; preWjr fast, but w will keep them g ring.
try EN PERCENT OFF mean lot. Supposing you buy or cash every time yog go to town and you go
rj ' on or more time a week? That means 82 or more time that yoo get 10 percent off, and that
Z means a total of 620 percent, or more than flv time the eost of the article. Did yon ever think
of It in that way?
Mere are some CASH BARGAINS for Pioneer Picnic Week
The time when we guarantee that some people are going noma richer than when they came.
We'll make that fellow who remained at borne wish he'd been here.
We havo six or eight new ROAD CARTS-built alike, look alike, same atyte, same color. Forth
two picnic days price will be W.M, 8 M. 110.80, 112.60, $14.60, $16.60, ate Wo defy anybody to ohow aa
On Dollar difference between any two of them.
BICTOES worth $28.00, $30.00 and $46.00 will go on the toboggsn for those two dayt at 11.00 off every
hour from a, m. to 6 p. m. W have six style pf WA5HH8 MACHIna and they will go the gatmtlet at 25
cents off each hour. A $EWDf8 MACHIIf on of th best made, rotary, for 535.00, and New Royal at
$20.00. Put blanket over th two and take choice for $25. ....
There will be three top and open BUGGIES placed on th street each day at price that will mak you
blush, and you will hsve ehane to get WAG Ml that will not happen again this year, -
The new ator I A SURE GO.
Wafcts is Rogers
la the Circuit Court of the Wat ot
Oregon) for CmatUto County.
The Farmers Bsnk of Weslon. a Cor
poration. Plaintiff, vs. Mslcolra Ste
vens, Defendant.
To Mslcolm Stevens, Defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon.
Tou are hereby required to appear
and anawer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled action on or
before the trd day of July, I (IS. and
you will take notice If you fall to
answer, or otherwise sppear In said
action, on or before ssid day, plaintiff
above named, for want thereof will
take Judgment agslnst you for the
sum of $107.71. with Interest at the
rate of S per cent per annum from
the l$th day of Msrch. 1(15. $50 rea
sonable attorney fees, and plaintiffs
costs and disbursements of this sctlon,
snd will spply to the court for sn or
der for the sale of the property at
tached herein on the 10th day of
March. 115. to-wit: One threshing
macntne, setr reeoer sna oiower, J. t.
Csse. 24-Inch cylinder, snd the sum
of $92.41 In money, all being now In
the possession of the sheriff of Uma
tilla County, State of Oregon, under
said attachment, and for the applica
tion of the aald money and the pro
ceeds of ssid sale to the payment snd
satisfaction of aald Judgment, princi
pal. Interest, costs and attorney fees
snd the costs and expenses of ssid
This summons Is published pursuant
to an order of the Hon. Charles H.
Marsh, County Judge of Umatilla
County, which said order was signed
by said County Judge foe the reason
the Circuit Judge of the Sixth Judicial
District of aald State was absent from
I'matllla County, on the 14th day of
May, 1(15. That said order provides
that the first publication f this sum
mons shall be made on the 21st day
of May, 1(1$.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Cownty Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County,
In the Matter of the Estate of Elisa
beth Prlne (sometimes called Ellxa
Prlne). Deceased.
To Frank Prlne, Mrs. Cora McDuft
and John Prlne, heirs at taw ot Elis
abeth Prlne (sometime called Ellxa
Prlne), Deceaaed:
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
Tou, and each of you, are hereby cited
and required to appear In and before
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Umatilla County, at 11 o'clock
In the forenoon on the 14th day of
June, 1(15. In the County Court room
In the Court House of Umatilla County,
then and (here to show cause. If any
exiat, why aald County Court should
not make an order directing and au
thorising E. O. DeMoss. as admlnlstra-i
tor of the above named estate, to sell
the real property thereof particularly
described as Lots numbered 12 and 13,
In Block numbered 5, In the City of
Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon, for
the purpose of paying expenses of ad
ministration and the debt presented
snd allowed of and against said estate.
This citation Is Issued pursuant to
order of Ihe above entitled County
Court made and entered In the above
matter on May 5th. 1(16.
Witness the Honorable Chaa. H.
Marsh, Judge of said County Court and j
the Seal of said Court hereto attached
on thla 10th day of May. 1(15.
( Seal of ) FRANK BALING.
(County Court) Clerk.
l Dr. Farnsworth 1
HF Phone or writ for .
Temple Building
Pendleton Oregon 1
Chaa. H. Carter
Dan P. Smythe
Carter & Smythe
is i i iiiijTeyi' !,!. i wtr',;;.." ,'.m,iisat,lM, uim'i'-u 's.Hwey a, newt
sJ "
Eight-Foot Cedar Fence Posts
tarred or untarred, at right prices
Large supply of
Lehigh Portland Cement
Kemmerer Lump. Coal
Dry Wood, sawed or 4-foot
rr- I, iiiiiniiiwiii ii ii r - ii i ii'Tl
-Vih.1 ji-,tiai. iii,n,,,,lr-.ri..;.-im....' .wi.'iiau
See Our Excellent Line of DRESSERS
and Kodak Supplies
Films Developed
and Printed.
Branch Agency for American Express Money Orders
H. Goodwin
Druggist, Weston, Oregon
Going For
SI 5 0