The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 11, 1915, Image 2

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    ..... . .. .
TT 11 "' ' .
tot Mn
We have just received a shipment of
Men's Oxfords, which we have on display in
our window, showing you many of the differ
ent styles and numbers of this superior line.
Remember, we have all of these numbers in
stock, and it is our pleasure to satisfy you in
fit, style and quality.
All new, this season's styles servicea
ble and comfortable. We haven't a left
over shoe in our store.
L. L O'Haua
(Phone Main 241)
VHUAA RacKENZie. rmUnl
J. H. Mice. V PruHnst
E. H SMTH. (Mutt
E L BLOMGREN. AnMasi Cashier
Established 1891
The Farmers Bank of Wesloa
If you are figuring on
or later, come in and
talk it over with us.
Electric Service
Our tariff has been filed with the Oregon Railroad Commission,
and the following rule must be strictly observed:
Rul 2. Any bill not paid before the 80th of each month
beeomes delinquent and the supply of electricity may be dis
continued without notice to the customer, in which ease an
additional payment of 60 cents will be required to turn elec
tricity on again. The right is reserved to discontinue the
upply or to refuse to supply anyone with electricity who is
in debt to the Company.
We want to be square with our patrons and to give them good
service, and only ask them to be square with us. If you are dissat
isfied with your meter readings or for any other reason, kindly notify
us and we will endeavor fo make amends.
Any and all contracts for service must be msde with the
that your receipts are countersigned by E. A. Zerba or by
Laura Smith.
Oar tariff may e auujw w . - -
the Weston Leader office.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg. Wash.
SMcih ht Afbtnct
Tim Year
8ix Months
fnnr Mnnllis...
.$1 M
. 0 78
. o no
Per inrli per month ffl BO
Per inch, one insertion 20
l.oes.1. per line each insertion 05
. . . JUNE H. 1915
f stats' at tht pe-tefflt st Vestea, On tea,
st M(m4 aull sutler.
era rum se mat be iext.
The resignation of William Jennings
Bryan as secretary of state indicates
quite clearly that there win be no back
ing down on the part of the United
States in its demands upon Germany.
Esther Germany must curtail its sub
marine warfare to such an extent that
sea tragedies like the Lusitania horror
will never be repeated, or she will lose
the official countenance of this repub
lic. War may soon follow the sever
ance of diplomatic relations.
President Wilson stood for firmness,
and with the single exception 'of Bryan
was supported by every member of his
cabinet. Bryan stood for conciliation
not to say vacillation and weakness.
A great pacificist, the author of thirty
arbitration treaties, he would tempor
ize at a time when Mars is so plainly
in the ascendant that even the United
States must read the portent.
It is improbable that Germany will
recede an iota from the privilege of
using her submarines at her pleasure,
of sinking passenger boats and merch
antmen when she sees fit, of drowning
non-combatants when they get in the
way. The so-called rules of "civilized
warfare" will be broken when she
wills. In this respect Germany isjiot
illogical, since no warfare can be civ
ilized, and making rules for it Is like
trying to regulate a Jungle battle be
tween gorillas and orang outangs.
From the standpoint of its material
welfare, and laying altruism and ideal
ism aside, the United States would
perhaps lose little and might gain
much through entering the war as an
other German opponent. As a neutral
which neither side is able to use to its
advantage, both sides are beginning to
hate and despise us. The English are
coldly critical, the French sneering,
the Germans frankly hostile. The
Germans are especially wrathful be
cause some of our factories ship am
munition to the Allies, not stopping to
realize that if Germany were not rhut
off from the high seas she alo would
be our customer. The World's Work
estimates that we furnish from one
eighteenth to one-twentieth of one per-
cent only cf the ammunition used by -
the Allies, so that the German have
very little reason to hat u on thl
ground, Th point i that they do hat
ua-just bit less cordially than If they
wer actually at war with us.
Th prospect, w may suppo,
not lost upon th admlnlatretion that
It the United States remains neutral
utvler further provocation from Ger
many, it will aland aloof In Interna
tional regard at th close of th wr,
no matter how th war ahoukt snd.
Th III feeling of Franc and England
that we are not one with them will
hav become crystallised into animos
ity. To German dUlik will hav bee
added contempt of us that w a ere so
spineless and easy. Perhaps also th
prospect I not lost upon th adminis
tration that if we now become on
with th Allies they will protect us
later on from whatever designs J span
may hav upon as. Moreover, deeplt
th awful damage and perhaps signal
defeat that Germany would b able to
inflict upon us in dual combat, ah is
now in position to do us little hurt.
Calculations of this tort may sound
selfish and cold-blooded, but we'll b
bound that they are receiving attention
at this moment In high official circle.
Germany la doomed to ultimate de
feat W said so when th war start
ed, and its prosTisa has hut strength
ened our view. Despite her wonderful
fight; th odds are ton heavy against
her. W will say again that had Bis
marck been living and In power she
would never hav found herself In such
desperat plight, since he would hsve
awaited a time when Germany eouki
hav mad it plainer to the world that
she was more sinned against than sin
ning. There would be much more of
sympathy for th Fatherland wer it
not so manifest that she could if she
would hav avoided the war which has
brought such misery upon the whole of
Self-interest, then, would prompt the
United States to aid in the almost in
evitable defeat of Germany, since if it
continues neutral it is threatened with
political as well as geographical isola
tion. War with Germany is therefore
a probable development of the next
few weeks. It is certain to follow any
further loss of American lives through
German submarine activity. Uncle
Sam is infinitely patient, but knows
quite well that he haa almost reached
the point when his patience will b re
garded aa cowardice.'
SastifctttUi level Istttaf Mr!-
rltrtt aUaattt he WttU.
LNfM SUtalnf
w. l. ret
MIKon-Freestaier 1 MJ
Athena 1
Wton 2 i
....4 T '
Lsigs teens
Athena K Weaion 5.
Mlltou-Kree-aier S, Hells 0.
Rut eaasaji Bust!
Weston at Hells.
Ntitou-rYeewster at Athena.
Hale. hale. Immortul burd. awl hale!
Thow hast, with in thy strange In
The ways meena, tnrksnlks A tech-
Wherewith I fashun perdoore
That gustljr 'a me us froot upon the
Deependeth awl the hsppy ness, pros
perity thrlrft
' hour braird bewtch u land,
r thow kanat lay the well-nown a If.
at fetchetth. In the blasy hants ov
full (0 sense purr dunefit
The lce full (roarer gettcth his:
The Jobber, eak, he duth knot Job 4
the kold stoar age man, he, t.
Duth thrust a gelid finger In the py;
The keeper ov the kuntry stosr
A rake off draggeth down
aV the plethoriek farmer
The hone and alnnoo ov hour glory us
Is In the deel. yew b-tt!
4 duth he knott demand
A bout a sent a pecce 4 them there
Tew bet he duth.
Oh. glory us Hcnn!
Oh. vlrchue us. vsckue us, tlmmer us.
Fstchue us farmer man!
Don't try to bully the world. It
does not psy. Whoever ontere the ring
for a rough and tumble fight with
public opinion Is pretty sure, eventu
ally, to be "knocked out." Society Is
a Brlacrus, and who would think of
encountering with a Single pair of
flat, a hundred-armed fellow T Bet
ter shake the multitudinous hand of
the giant, good nsturedly, than un-
necesaarily provoke lUe wrath. De
spise the world If It so please you. but
ss you hsve to live In the world end
to lean on the world, It Is Just sa well
to treat It dvllly. Shrewd men, who
understand their race, never seek a
quarrel with society.. They under
stand that It Is possible for an individ
ual to lead and quietly control a com
munity, but not to fight It down and
not to force It to their way of thinking
by means of narrow laws. If you do
sire to reform supposed or real evils
or disabuse your fellow men of their
prejudices, the surest way not to suc
ceed Is to resort to denunciation and
abuse. Kindness, conciliation and the
Influence of a good ,eampl these
are the true and effective means of
reform. Exchange.
Here's to Isughter, the sunshine of
the soul, the happiness of the heart.
the leaven of youth, the privilege of
purity, the echo of innocence, the
treasure of the humble, the wealth of
the poor, the bead of the cup of pleas
ure. It dispels dejection, banishes
blues and mangled melancholy: for
It's the foe of woe, the destroyer of
depression, the enemy of grief; It Is
whst kings envy peasant, plutomts
envy the poor, the guilt envy the !
nocent; It's the sheen on the silver of
smiles, the ripple on the wster's de
light; the glint of the gold of glad
ness; without It humor would be
dumb, wit would wither, dimples
would disappear and ' smiles would
shrivel, for It's a glow of a clean con
science, the voice of a pure soul, th
birth cry of mirth, th swan song of
sadness. Exchanre.
What Do Ton Know?
Do you know that aa editor or a re
porter for a newspaper can In his
rounds stop and ask a hundred per
sons. "What Is the newer snd ninety
out of the hundred will reply, "Noth
ing special," snd yet 10 out of that
number know something that, if not
found In the next psper, will aston
ish them greatly and disappoint them
more, and perhaps make them madder
than hornets? Don't be afraid to let
the newspaper man know it. - ,
1U4.IH1 In Blto of Colon. lkvJ
.III gall Ik fats SB-Ill -1 r.
Consult rt to in vifuiom in in am
a -i..t..k ..M.u. it l.. ultl.-l
IW1 frig (III VHIItUH, 11 ; a ,-.--...ll.
a ln.s .! lusasa as .sL 1 1 k If
UUIII ' SSS vsw. "
..,... IS II I BJk.ia.
iaaa.1 la t tal ft ft t-tkt V 1 I II lbs ftt
horn: ,f nil th loeaU eoiiHI hnv
oloketl Mr. NMrt wun in Mm
.I..hh.Imsi ImuimI.iuM Bast ! . mil 1
VHgil HHt'H 1 isawwvi'' we
ttlomgrvn sml "SneckeUlonner" Ians-
uaie, returning coiiegians-inm wun
ii'uiam k.M mmimI an iiihilarl
,nvi, .-'"- " " - -
L.m.Iw kail ffntm IKm IkttHirn
cllmhlng crew of Invaillny atitnirb
anltea. Ho there now, t'ol. llti.vd !
It waa a reullnjf ginal game to see,
for Ihs as KjhI bunting ll eoukl and
did aeaimiiate Its defeat with at least
an outward show of resignation. The
Fanner was accorded support that wss
quit brilliant In ots, the collegian
amreaaiu iinhutmii m "
. 1. ... t K. Itli.nltfMIt MlllSaiM
home twice on tihlck In the beautUul
and prornl.ln third sewion, wnen uie
kval reifitered three tallle. Un the
Ant lime doa Jonea fouled the ball
but the doughty "Dumpy" tried agaii
ftflU UU I V' VI.
Mnifrr('Urk WihhI wm to UvoriV
1 sseliK lllitMtLsrwtn'ai irnrs!,.
Ill llllMTTSPVT svssss -tw.g
Indirstlng Ihsl he has prorlied by his
.. in- ...1 k: 1.. L xvii.
11. m.' n,kintfthat he haa annolnted
this Tounirater plsrer niannger. Hloro
rreo'wlll have sole power in selecting
snd placing the plsj era. Wood re wins
the business nisnagewent wnj.
authorlaea us to aa that he haa relln
..UKrt !! amlildon to become a bush
leairue Walter Mot'redle. II share
the yearning of Hill Mcllrid to reatl
the Athena Tress and rettr to rest
with nothing on hi mimi.
tvl.k. wI.ImK nrefWh 11 US IMS
hasten to Mr. SlUuey Ilarnes' romantic
venkon ut sunoaj s an air;
6 0 0 0 0 0
ft 0 1 0 0 0
6 2 Z 14 I I
HnMk 3b
K. Williauisas ..
Sioue ct
King e
Krani If
V William lb 4 0 3 8 0 0
n,irxlle3r 4 I 1 I 0 1
Harmon H 4 13 0 0 0
Shickn 4 1 2 0 2 0
I Hlomgren If...
Kullord 3b
Jones 2b
Kennartl II
Harnes cf
Mitchell Ih
Lansdale ss
Wood e
., 41 8 17 27 6 4
0 I
0 0
5 3 0
2 o
0 1
1 6
1 1
0 0
3 0
1 I
3 0
33 6 6 29 10
ScN Ij ruiBg
2 0000204 0-
0 0310000 1-&
Stolen bases-Brook, I Hlomgren
u.IA hlia MiLehell.
Two-base liiia-L. Hlomgren, Laos-
dale, Fran. V. Williams, Harmon.
R.u Kits off O'Harra 17. Khlck
Struck out hy 0'Harr7, Hbtck 13.
Hsses on tiaiis on nines 1.
, Passed balls-Wood 1.
Umpire, Christian; scorer, Ilarnes.
Canfleld, Or. Mrs. John Monro, of
this place, haa a ton of children. Mrs.
Laird welgha only lit pounds, but
her heaviest son, 10. weighs 1st
pounds. Three others weigh US
pounds esch. There are 10 children
and their combined weight is zvs
Devil's Lake, N. D. K. O. Ander
son, sbout to leave town for his mar-
rlaas. depended upon the town cioca
Ths timepiece wss slow, Anderson
missed his trsln, wss late for me weo.
ding and was rejected by the angry
"bride." Anderson hss sued the city
for f 15,000 da magna.
Huntsvllle, O. The boys In ths
graduating class here sppesred at ths
exercises clad In overalls, while tne
girls sll wore gingham gowns. Prof.
Plerson, of the Ohio University, who
delivered the sddress, complimented
the young people.
Milwaukee, Wis, Louis Mueller,
born In Milwaukee and employs of a
big factory, was down town one day
last week for the first tlms in 11 years.
He Is 45 years old.
Grand Rapids, Mich. Joseph Ben-
dell of this city, celebrated his 17th
birthday last week and says he wants
to live to be an even hundred. He
would not make a very good subject
for sn snti-tobscco lecturer, for he
smokes llks a house afire and has dona
so since he wss 14. Moreover, much
to the regret of many good ladles, hs
takes a dally nip of brandy, a habit he
contracted while an officer In the Brit
ish navy. He rlsea at ( each morning.
Oulfport, Miss. John Keating, or
this place, died the other day and his
obituary wss published. A barber was
called in to shave the corpse, as tno
rasor passod over the man's check his
eyes opened, his lips parted snd he
said, "Don't cut me, kid." Ths barber
dived through the window and is
somewhere In Oklahoma by this time.
Keating Is alive and well.
Dublin, Texas W. M. Stewart, for
merly a brakeman. In a nightmare
dreamed that he was on a freight train
and that, going under a bridge, a
beam struck him on th head, fractur
ing his skull. The next morning It
was found thst his hair had changed
from a Jet black to a flory red. Phy
sicians say that It will be white In a
few months.
Brooklyn, N. T. Caroline Kllnk,
only 17, of a rcspectablo family, col
lected 12175 In 10 days from friends
for whom she promised to get Jobs In
the customs service. Her own fsther
paid 150. She had no means of mak
ing good and she is now doing It days
at Blackwell's Island. j
rh.i is. HI 606 reuulred capital
for th Weaion Msrvaaill company
k.J .11 k.. aliha.rlhd Was IhS Wl
come announcement msde this week
by ths aubaorlpllnn commute. m
ihst Woatnn'e lira nW mer
cantile store Is sn assured fact.
J, P. Mover, ths manager-lo-P,
it... -,,.i,n.d n,.r from Milton several
times this week, seemed In very happy
vein over the consummation 01
xisn m conduct a business establish
ed In Weston by a Iocs! stock corw
pany. He again gsvt the assurance
that such a business conducted as It
absolutely cash basis
could not possibly tall t be success
ful and to pay a nice prout in sucn
substantial field.
rta subscribers to the stoc are Sll
of them Weston farmers, business
men snd cltlaens, snd are sumnenuy
numerous snd Influential to give th
new store a verltsble host of friends
Of the capllsl stock IIM remslns un.
.k.i, ,iMinatd aa treasury stock
and to be sold laier on at Ihs opium
of the directors. Ileports sre current
h.l all nl 1 h La Bniolint WOUld b
snapped up. If It could be Issued el
once. In fact, now mat me nana
aMM. u full of the wide-awakes.
there Is much disposition on the part
of others to climb aboard.
Manager Hlover Informs The Leader
thai ha has alreadv ordered part of
his clothing stock for the new Weston
store. Embraced In hi men s nom
ine Una will be the widely known
make of Hsrt, Hchsffner Msrs.
The question of a location is not yet
rinttiv settled, and will not be until
ths directors are chosen. It Is quit
likely, however, thst the Msrsnsu
t...a win ha mmitrfalsd Into s modern
.(am hitllillne. with a nisi slase front
and a large corner entrance. It Is a Id
Ihsl plsns for thl Improvement nsve
hasn drawn and submitted or Arcni-
ted 8. T. Oore of Walla Walla.
Tha ntiia town of Weston Is murn
mhiuail over the enterprise. Msny
people go so far aa to say thai It will
prove of more benefit in a material
way than the late lamented normal
school ever was or would have been.
Pha fa- thai mi many oeoitls hav
subscribed snd hsve Identical Interests
ha. hanuaht attAui s better, more cor
dial snd harmonious feeling smong
our clttariwhip.
u.r Ml,,ver will brine his family
to Weaion. make his home here, snd
la looking scout slrcsdy for a suiiaoie
residence, fnder ih contract terms,
however, h need no! eetsbllsh his re
ii).nn until within sis month after
the Weston Mercantile company
doors hav opened, in order lhat he
may hav ample lime In which lo
choose or build a sallsfsclory nome.
Local Lodge Directory
Meets ver v stinesiisv """"V
4. K. Kngllah, f. V. Clark Wend,
K. of It. ft,
M. Msvis ery vomimI ntl foHrtll
HstuiiUt In each mimth. Itlchsrd
Murrlson, W, M. I H. Il, .
Meets ! Thurwlat enlng. W.
Il.thnilil, N. O. A. A. Keen, lie.
He-. K. O. HfMitea, Fin. He.
WKsTtJN ('AMI Nt. IH. W. O. W.
a . ..1 .1.1.-1 Malt. Mia,
MUKij in inn mini '
..1 ..nh nmnih. Monroe) Turner, tt
U J. J. Hrwlrr, I'rerh.
Kt'ltKKA AKMKMHI.Y NO. 14. 1N-
ISaaal A I ssss i st Ma! lliM & Fti A 11(1
I v-si ' " - - - - ----- -
I hint Momlaia In each iiiunih, Nel
lie Majlwe, M. A. Kranre Wootl,
M.i MS Maala tha enUltl Slul hHirtn
Tiieatlnj wf esch mcniih. Ann O'
1 1 SITS, K. tl. taieeaa nirapwrHii
lies. rie. liltl HrawH, Fl. He. .
K. M. Meets Ih svoonn gnn rounra
Krltlsj of esch month. Mary K.
Ilarnes, w. H. Aiie r. i nee, swe.
Penler Point. Tcnn J. F. Orsvc.
mall carrier between Ihla place snd
Nashville, has a gray mare. Orsre. who
I a veteran In the service. h hss
msde 117 round trips lo Nsshvlllo
snd hss covered 7.0 mile. Bh ap
pears lo be good for many more year
of service.
arrtrtM h yggg OganOM ej
aatai ltinir. Saa n
M, IWh.lHa)lSU.tSI."
. . a - WHS, kala.
i SOS leveath SI.
fla, 0. 0.
Fine Jewelry
Expert Repairing
I will appreelst s call when
you visit Athena.
nswk'l Druf Stor
Physician and Surgeon
Offlr In Itranrh bofkHna;
werroft owhoom
For More Than Twenty Years
while either in or out of business, we
have been living in Weston and enjoying the
confidence of its people,
OUR MOTTOi Reliable Merchandise , Reliable Method.
A full line of Men's Dress Shirts.
Men's Mercerized Sox, 15c per pair.
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $0 75
One hundred 1 00
Two hundred 1 60
Each additional hundred.......... 0 30
Nature's Food
for horses and csttls is th grs thst
grow on meadow and hill. Ths next
Dest ininff is sweet, ciean, auj ana
feed that comes from our mill. When
you need rolled grain of the right sort
for keeping your livestock in fin fet
tle, look for our sign and th good
things for for your dumb servant
stored In our bins. We hsndl Steam
Rolled Barley, Osts and Wheat; Haled
Hsy, Millstuffs and Chicken Feed.
We're local agents for Pctcock Flour
and Blstchford's Cslf Meal. Fhon 281.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
f Dale Rothwellf
Optical Specialist
I give all my time to th fit
ting and grinding of glasses. I
hsve prscticed in Pendleton six
yesrs. All work guaranteed.
American Nat'l Bank Did. .
Pendleton Oregon X
Ice Cream
Dr. J. G. McMATH
Office on block north of th bank
Electric Treatment! Given
Phon 521