The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 28, 1915, Image 4

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    WHY NOT 9
KC is pure. KC is health
ful.' It really does make
lighter, nicer biscuits, cakes
and pastry than the old
fashioned single acting
baking powders.
And you pay only a fair price for it.
No baking powder should sell for more.
'j-is a..
formal Notification Is Delivered
in Vienna by Government
Portland-Wht i BluesUm. $1.16:
forty-fold. 11.14: club, 11.11: red
Fife, 1.M: red Russian, 11.04.
Millfeed Spot price: Bran, $26..
5fc,7ton; aborts, $27.5023; rolled
barl.y. I27.6CH.12M.60.
Corn Whole, $85 ton; cracked, $S.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $16
C16 ton: valley timothy, flKMCIII.bO;
grain hay, flOotlS; alfalfa, IllSOdf
Vegetable Cucumber. Oregon,
75c(l$1.10 doten; artichoke. 76 dot-
en; tomato, $5 crat; cabbage, ti
OlSle pound; celery, $3.60 crate; head
Brief Resume of General News
From All Around the Earth.
Thirty Thousand It&n Residents Are fflST NtwS lten" " "fV"1
Sixty bead of th. nx brad Mm end
Colt. Wladine I to i roar old UoMrnae, br.
(or Saddare aad Kaciae. Will m,.tr trad,
til rhr land.
Frt Ud of ntrt tart ) w aa
ilml Jack tar hard hm),
A Bargain for a Short Tone
faaaeforeaUina-le th. tord In la
county, mm! tit transformm at my Wot men
took fane into wlmt ld. I must cWia,
ni tkw eaerk. Will eoaaalar trada, Waal
ImiM rati
& F. SWAGGART, Prep.
Lexington, Oregon.
eaanjBaaaajpapaiajBenk biiimo.n. ,t,,.,
lirifjk&VrJ3 :l . dl
-r i 7 I - : -l
Y. .in T n i r r I
Detained and Fate of 600 Who
Left Trieste Is Unknown.
uuu eoMua, u nud . araire, a. .
Her Criticism.
Wee Mabel bad a little disagree
ment witli her grandmother one day.
She was relating the affair next morn
ing to her parcnti aad to conclusion
he aald with a sigh. "Well, drandma
U certainly a Terr tweer lady."
Wanted Point Remembered.
When little Bllhe waa TlilOag at
ranch on day he had strawberries
aad there were but a few on each
one'a plate. Blllie looked at the am all
aaeortment at hi place, then whim
pered: "Remember, A ant Marie,
that Tm company.'
CASE of Mrs. HAH
Declares Lydia E. Rnldbam'a
Vegetable Compound
Saved Her Life,
and Sanity. ;
f Ramroei, Ma "I feel it my duty
- to tell the public the condition of my
health before using
your medicine. I had
falling:, inflamma
tion and congestion,
female weakness,
paina in both aides,
backaches and bear
ing down paina, was
short of memory,
nervous, impatient,
passed sleeDless i
nights, and had
neither strentrth nor
energy. There was always a fear and
dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous,
weak spells, hot flashes over my body.
. 1 naa a place m my right side that waa
so sore that I could hardly bear the
weight of my do thee. I tried medicines
- and doctors, but they did me little good,
and I never expected to get out again.
I got Lydia E. Finkham' Vegetable
impound and Blood Purifier, and I cer
tainly would have been in grave or in an
asylum if your medicines had not saved
me. But now I can work all day, sleep
Well at night, eat anything I want, have
no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells.
All pains, aches, fears and dreads are
gone, my house, children and husband
are no longer neglected, as I am almost
entirely free of the bad symptoms I had
before taking your remedies, and all is
pleasure and happiness in my home."
jnrs. wosm iUat, K..F. IX J, Box 22,
Shamrock. Missouri,
If yon want special advice writ
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,
a... nt j ii
Hie "DauoMerJn-Law."
My huiband and I had lust been
married and my small brother-ta-law
overheard his mother refer to me as
"my daughter-ln-lew." A abort time
after that the little fellow netted me
in my new home, and upon sending
him to the store the groceryman, see
ing he was a stranger, said: "Well, lit
tle boy, I have never seen you before.
Do you live in this neighborhood T"
"No, sir," said the child, "but my
daughter-in-law Uvea serosa Ue
street and I am visiting her."
Odd Wedding Custom,
la north era Africa they have a way
of providing for the wedding of their
daughters that is lntereating. When
the guests arrive a man at the door
receives the pence they give, and
writes it down in a book. This means
that when any of these gueats hare
a wedding the host will give each of
them just what they gave him. Aa
it is, the guests pay for the wedding.
and each one has either already re
ceived as much as ha gives ar will
receive tt later oa
Optimism Not Always Reassuring.
"I read with Intenae Interest," said
Noyes E. Brewmore. "the story of the
boy with a smile who worked his way
np rung by rung until he became pres
ident of a trust company. Personally,
however, whenever a man with a smile
approaches and gives me the glad
hand, I feel inatlnctlvely that I am due
tor a touch." Kansas City Star.
Try Mantne tym Kerned far Bd. Huk. W.Mr
Itut-Br Comfort. Writ for Book of lb. ire
bjmaum. MarlaBoml7 Co-, Chios.
Human Nature.
It is human nature to want to throw
something. The babe of yesterday
which started in by throwing lta dishes
on the floor Is today throwing a ball.
tomorrow he will be throwing a brick
and tt won't be long before be is a man
throwing the bull. Philadelphia In
Buying "On Tick."
Buying "on tick" is not new slang,
but goes back to the seventeenth cen
tury. It is stated in a letter dated
1661: "The Mermaid Tavern is late
ly broke, our ticks amounting ta
1500." And in another document a
little later it is said: "Every one
runs upon tick."
Stone That Is Elastic
There is a stone that is as flexible
as rubber and that, when set up on
edge in a thick plate, sways to and
fro in the wind like a piece of leath
er. This stone Is called Itakolumite,
an the Scientific American says it
la the mother rock of Brazilian diamonds.
Rome, via Paris Contemporaneous
with the issuance of a general mo
bilisation order, the Italian govern
ment Sunday night officially announced
that it had declared war against Aus
The first skirmish of the I talo-Austrian
war occurred between Italian and
Austrian troops at Forcellini di Mon
toxso, in the pass between Point di
Legno and Pejo,
An Austrian patrol crossed the fron
tier, but was attacked by Italian Al
pine Chasseurs and driven back over
the border.
Baron von Maechio, the Autro-Hun-garian
ambassador to Italy, received
his passports at S :S0 o'clock.
The Italian ambassador at v lenna.
Baron Avarna, has been recalled.
The report reaching Rome that the
German and Austrian governments
have prevented 30.000 Italians from
leaving theterritory of those countries
bas created a profound impression
The Giomale d'ltalia declines to be
lieve the truth of this report, not only
because this would be opposed to the
rights of nations, but for the reason
that the Italian government not only
permitted the departure of Austrian
and Germans from Italian soil, but
protected these nationals.
From the Austrian side of the fron
tier, news reaches Udine that the Ital
ian residents are actually being hunt
ed, that the fate of 600 who left
Trieste, hoping to reach Italy ia un
known and that the greatest anxiety
for their safety is felt.
At Rovigno, in Istria, 62 Italian
citisens have been arrested. These
include the mayor. Signer d'Avanxo,
and the secresrty of the municipality.
Ail Italian citizens residing near the
fortifications of Polo have been taken
into custody by the police and at Cor
mons, on the frontier, 1000 Italians,
for the most part women and children.
have been concentrated and prevented
from leaving the territory.
A Verona dispatch ssys that Mario
Weber, of Trieste, who, notwithstand
ing his German name, was an ardent
Italian, enlisted in the French army
when the war began. He was taken
prisoner by the Germans and when it
was learned that he had resided in
Trieste he was handed over to the Aus
trian authorities and wss hanged at
The town of Trent, one of Austria's
strongly fortified towns, hss been ter
rified by the explosion of mines, with
which the military authorities were
destroying houses, bridges and every
thing within the fortified cone that
might interfere with future artillery
paragus, 75tsi.xs; eggplant, xoc
pound; peas, 7ta7.e pound; beans, 10
Of 12c; carrots, $1.60C1.75 sack;
beets, $1.60iCa: turnips, 1.5CV2.
Green Fruits Strawberries, Ore
gon, 75o(tl.60 crate; apples, $liU.76
box; cranberrries, SIlouS barrel;
cherries, Oregon, 8(tl0c pound; Call
fornla, $1.6(Xi(. 1.75 box; gooseberries.
4(jC6c pound.
Potatoes Old, $1.76C2 sack; new,
6c(6c pound.
Lggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case
count, 19c; candled, 20c doten.
Poultry Hens, 12ClSc; broilers,
18 tt 25c; turkeys, dressed, 22 C 24c;
live, 18 dS 20c; ducks, old, 9 fj 12c;
young, 18ii20c; geese, 8(a9c
Butter Creamery prints, extras,
25c pound in case lots; to more in less
than case lots; cubes, 21,(ii22,c
Veal Fancy. lOotllc pound.
Pork Block, lOdtlOJc pound.
Hops 1914 crop, IOhIOJo pound;
contracts. He pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon, medium,
25c; Esstern Oregon, fine, 18d2lc;
valley, 23i(28c; mohair, new clip, 32)
Cascara bark Old and new, idiHe
Grain bags Nominal, 7J(ii7c
Cattle Best steers, $7.60(8.20:
choice, $7dt7.R0; medium, I6.757;
choice cows, $6.25oi6.80: medium, $5
(a 5.75; heifers, $5i6.75; bulls, $3.60
(il5.75: stags, $5i6.75.
Hogs Light, $7.15(tt8.25; heavy.
Sheep Sheared wethers, $6 ( 7;
sheared ewes, Ufa 5.75: sheared lambs.
$3si7.60. Full wools $1 higher,
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Imk-.- mJtJmmlk mm i.' t y'gfWP' v'!r y J)
I W.iiYM Sheea (Si Whole M, , glYh
mm Al Fire ftkes! m 1 n
y Badr Sows. 10c Cull Skees, 50c
VVfl CMuVn'i Skm, 49c bdiet Shots, 75c I Pi
V 1 Boys' Shoes. 50c Mta's Shoes, $1.00 1 V-,1 fJT
I actions.
Eligible ss a Graveside Orator,
"When I die," said Noyes E. Brew-
more, "I would like Tennyson J. Daft
to make a few remarks at my grave.
'A man who can write such ambigu
ous poetry ought to be able to deliver
a well-soundlog funeral oration with
out really exposing my true history."
Kansas City Star.
Same Breed.
The men and women who would be
willing to use the Constitution to
wrap a nickel's worth of liver in
would not halt at carrying their salt
mackerel home fn the Declaration of
Independence. Houston Post
Why Do They Count 'EmT
"Statistics are always uninterest
ing." "So? Then why does every
body count the elephants In a circus
parade?" Judge.
Dally Thought
What we want is the old spirit of
our forefathers; the Arm conviction
that not by criticism, but by sympathy
we must understand; what we want is
more reverence, more love, more hu
manity, more depth. F. W. Robertson.
Wasted Energy.
Some day the people who are con
cerned In conserving energy are go
ing to turn their attention to the
man who sits up all nlgbt working
out chess and checker problems.
Satisfaction In Work.
All thinking men and women set
tbe main satisfactions of life, aside
from the domestic joys, out of the
productive work they do. Charles W.
Ship's "Draft"
Draft Is the distance in feet from
the lowest part of the bottom of a
vessel to the actual water Una at
which the vessel is floating.
For Real Enjoyment
Oct out of yourself, and fling your
self into the service of someone
else. The Bishop of London.
Mr. AMI CmrUlnfr, wi
(Mar St, Cain. IIL. rM
"l Mnd tl eenti tor ytm Com
noa 8mm Modus! AdviMr (or
mr dmugfctor who ku roeontlr
MiTMd ond 1 know ui. book wul
boot mock mla. to hor. ibav.
i-Md .n4 nod for 6 yman tfa.
vojublo uomtiBont. eontminoil
Is tho Hodical AdviMr' and
b.T takea uuir bottle, of Dr.
Flora.'. Favorite Proscription,
ad bavo boon roitorod toboalth
oaebtinolmodlt. ltkoaroat
romod t or womoa m a atrongtk
aianl komlta."
TlfOMEN who are restless, with
constant change of position, "fidget
iness," who are abnormally excitable or who
experience fainting or dizzy spells, or nervous
headache and wakefulness are usually sufferers
from the weaknesses of their sex.
Favorite Prescription
is tbe soothing, cordial and womanly tonic that
brings about an invigorating calm to the nervous
system. Overcomes the weakness and the drag
ging pains which resemble tbe pains of rheu
matism. Thousands of women in tbe past forty
years can bear witness to its benefits.
Toor d W fa medlctaaa an It fn Boaid or oaear
ea. tod tabiot form; or foa can aend 60 one rant atampa
for a trial box of Dr. foreo'. Favorito PraaeriDtJoa
tableta. Addrox Dr. V. M. Pierea. Ia valid.' Botal
and Sorcfaal laatitnto, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Piaret't Haaaaat Pefirt. KarakU 4 bvifwate
Staanch, Lirar aad Bomb, Saiar-Coated Toy CnaaUa,
truptJon of Mount Lassen Terrorizes
Residents of flat Creek Valley, Cal.
Redding, Cal. Lassen Peak poured
out another large eruption of ink-black
smoke Sunday night, it wss reported
by returning automobile parties late
Monday, who said that a rift in the
rain clouds when they were at Viola
bad shown billows of smoke ascending
to a considerable height
Tbe volcanic avalanche from the
crater of the peak was diverted in its
ruinous rush into old lava beds and the
lower part of the fertile Hat Creek
valley was temporarily saved from the
threatening flood. In spite of the lull
in Lassen's activity, a feeling of ter
ror prevailed throughout the danger
zone and more than 100 refugees re
fused to return to their homes.
Ranchers took advantage of the
mountain's somnolence to return to
their lands and drive their stock off to
the high lands.
War Cost in Year Figured.
Paris Captain Edmond Thery,
widely known as an economist, esti
mates that the total military expendi
tures for the first year of the war will
be 60 billion francs ($10,000,000,000)
for the seven allies and 37 billion
francs ($7,400,000,000) for Germany,
Austria and Turkey. This makes an
average of 7,250,000,000 francs ($1,
francs (48,400,
francs ($2,000,000) an hour. He be
lieves Great Britain, France and Rus
sia can support the strain more easily.
Mills Buying Wool.
Tbe Eastern Oregon wool market Is
still inactive. A number of buyers are
out but they are making no deter
mined effort to procure wool, and the
growers seem content to await the
regular sales days before offering their
clips. The rain and cold weather has
delayed shearing for over a week and
some of the scheduled public sales will
be postponed until a later date.
In western Idaho, a little business
has been done on the basis of 23 to 25
cents in the grease, the scoured cost
being estimated at about 65 to 67
Wool purchssea in Utah to date are
estimated at over 6,000,000 pounds.
The recent buying has been on the
basis of 20 to 22 cents for fine and 23
to 25 cents for medium, the scoured
basis being 60 cents and upward for
fine and 67 to 68 cents for medium.
Dealers have offered 25 cents freely in
the Soda Springs and Triangle section
and have obtained some wool, though
most growers ask more. The famous
wool clip was among those sold at
Italy places all blame on Austria for
going into the war.
German diplomats are busy trying
to keep Roumanla out of the war.
The Austro-Germana are reported
having raptured 23,240 Russians near
The French are reported having
taken another German trench after a
two weeks' battle.
Lord Kitchener still rrtains the post
of Secretary of War In the new made-
over British cabinet
Italians invade 66-mlle front of the
Austrian, beside tbe fleet damage
two Austrian battleship.
A Dayton, Ohio, girl is suing a
Linn county, Oregon, man for $10,000
for breach of promise, which waa al
leged to have been contracted by mail.
All property of the British-American
Tobacco company In Germany has been
placed under berman supervision, ac
cording to the Berlin correiondent of
the Telegreaf.
South American busine men are in
session at Washington, D. C, and the
needs and opportunities of their na
tions are laid before the busine men
of the United State.
Baker, Ore., give reception to wel
come new Americans, which included
a German, Englishman, Scotchman,
Italian, Norwegian and a Swede, all
of whom have sworn allegiance to the
United States.
A.Vancouver, Wash., man, while de
livering a coffin, was thrown from his
'dead wagon" and killed. While
passing a rural mail carrier the team
became frigthened when the latter
opened an umbrella.
A Durham-Holstein cow belonging
to A. W. Stevens, of 1 1 syncs Inlet,
near Marshficld, Or., gave birth to
three calves last Satunlay, two male
and a female, all lively and finely
229 Morrison Street. fVnT tim nnP
i. i vaiiaini, viu.
between 1st and 2d.
Mushrooms temswhst Ntglsctsd.
The artlflilsl production of mush
rooms Is carrld on In Europe to an
ittrnt never attempted here, though
the trowing of ibnia In America Is
rapidly Increasing, niuahroout "barns"
being available In cellars, raves.
stables, Ml. nuthouaes of all kinds.
It Is one of the many attractive spec
tacles of the great markets of Paris
to see high pyramids of mushrooms,
fresh from the "farms.' whit as snow
and of who lunclous edible qualities
there can be no doubt.
Aiding the M.mory.
Concentration and erne tic are the
chief needs In nietnoriiliig poetry snd
dramatlo Hues. Competition seem to
be the best sv to stimulate concen
tration In children If they are not suf
fering trout nervous troubles, and
Touussters will find It moat Interest
ing to do theae memory feats against
time. A race to learn a ptwin may be
ss interesting ss a hundred yard dash
Adding columns of Hsu re against
time Is not only Interesting but el
ceetllngly practical.
Dr. P.eree s Pleasant IVIIet reiru
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowela. Sugar-coated, liny granule
Easy to take aa randy.
Bound t Be Seen.
Little Mr. Klustelo. a traveling
salesman, found himself far away
from home, and naturally very Ion
some. lie knew not a soul In the ho
tel at whlcb he waa staying aud be
decided that he must attract soma at
tentlon at an cost. Presently a bell-
bop came through the lobby paging a
Mr. Murphy. "Mr. Murphy!" be snout
ed. At thla point Mr. Einstein Jumped
np and hollered: "Say, boy, vat Inl
tialsr Everybody's.
ACVNTS H.II Or" rua ". Ik
taaammmm Kr. t, t-i. il. mitl. B..l rtiwmiiatiMta,
RAI.I.M NUHnkHi U., KolMa, One.
at Iho boat euulprwd. nwwl u-Im-4.Io and oats
tiarttral Aul.mtutMlo Hvh-r-J in Iho HnflhuMI,
. a at. Auto Kn-.w t o.. Jo lai tnv. hramL w
VOI'Nfl aU. Itg A tMfta. IMID a Trojf.
Ilo tn.l-1-.n.i.nt Tral. laxaht In -lanl -ka
tt.-U ffo, t'ummtMfc'ti, ih! nll b-amtnel
C.tii, MN-iiml torlta fur frao ratal..
OHI.tN 1)1 I Kt.M. f-.wtland. I. N. tnd MM
r.H.. Mala Aoo4 Baaiua. be Mala Sk
ISO Prize Chickens Lost.
Kennewick, Wash. The houses,
coops, pens and practically the entire
flock of pure-bred White Leghorn
chickens owned by Mounsey Bros, on
their poultry ranch three miles west of
town were destroyed by fire one night
this week. The incubator-house, in
which is located a mammoth 300-egg
incubator, was saved, however. One
hundred and fifty birds, many of which
were prize-winners and with splendid
laying records, were burned, while less
than two dozen birds escaped. Moun
sey Bros, for a number of years have
been the largest breeders of fancy
poultry in this section and among the
largest in the state. Hardly enough
of their famous strain has been left to
start another flock. R. C. Mounsey,
manager, announced that they will
start another flock.
Walla Walla Has Heavy Rains.
Walla Walla Rains of the last two
weeks have practically insured a rec
ord wheat crop in the Prescott district
unless unfavorable weather conditions
should prevail later during the grow
ing and maturing season, says E. H.
Leonard, manager of the Portland
Flour Mills, of Prescott. S, C. Con-
Fifty persons were drowned when
the Chilean steamer Maximiano Erra-
xuris struck a reef and sauk near San
tiago, Chile. The Maximiano Erra
turia waa a vessel of 1 186 tons and 250
feet long. She was built in 1872.
The Supreme Court of New York
has denied a new trial to Charles
Becker, the New York ex-pollce lieu
tenant, who waa found guilty in the
first degree ofjaiding in the murder of
Herman Rosenthal, a noted gambler.
Thousands of hot apple pies were
distributed st the celebration of "Spo
kane Day" at the Panama-Pacific Ex
position. A large delegation of the
Spokane Ad Club was there to partici
pate in the exercises. There were
addresses and a musical program In the
Washington building.
Julia Walcott, one of the oldest ac
tresses on the American stage, is dead
in Chicago. She waa 70 and had been
playing parts . since she was 6. She
was playing at a downtown theater
and waa stricken after the show. She
played with Richard Mansfield in
"Peer Gynt" and with Arnold Daly in
At a meeting of the National Con
ference of Dunkards of the United
States and Canada at Dayton Ohio, the
denominational representstives unani
mously decided that members should
not own autmobiles. This question
has faced the church for years. It wss
also decided not to sell whatever food
is left over after the conference, but
to give it to the poor.
A black'rust scare sends up wheat
prices on the Chicago market
Roumanians engsge in demonstra
tions against the Austro-Germana,
General Leonard Wood declares that I
danger of invasion of America Is in
Patriotism is at fever heat in Rome
over the entry of Italy into the Euro-1
pean war.
Ten days' run at the Cornucopia
mine, in Eastern Oregon, gave an out-1
put of $20,000.
Tbe Italian parliament has con-1
Tribute to the Ancient Romans.
The Aveuano region was not un
known to the Itomans and the old
Roman roads across the mountains
may still be traced In places. A man
beside tbe way of whom the distance
waa atked, replied: "My the Roman
road It Is so far." Thomas Nelson
Psg In Scrlbner's Msgatlne.
A Orsst Truth.
This seems to be a great truth. In
any exile or chaos whatsoever, thsl
sorrow was not given us for sorrow's
sake, but alweys and Infallibly ss a
leason for us from which we are to
learn somewhat: and which, the some
what once learned, ceases to be sor
row. Thomas Csrlyle.
Hsr Wsy of Putting It
"When I proposed to Iilanche h
asked me If I was a new recruit."
"What did she mean?" "She wanted
to know If I had ever participated In
an engagement before." Boston
Transcript .
Wlss Kid.
A confirmed tippler remarked In
the presence of his little son that al
on period he didn't touch a drop for
two year. "Pa." said the little fel
low, "was thst your first two years?"
Ths Pries Thsy Psy,
Little Lola "Do people have to pay
to get Into heaven?" Small Elmer
"Sure, they do. Tbey have to be
good " Chicago News,
A guaranteed remedy for Colda and
l.a Grippe Price 2nc of your druggist
It's good. Take nothing else. Adv.
Dalles-Columbia Line
Hiato nf Waahlna-ti-a. for Tho Palloa dallr oa.
SutMla, Up tn. l.- llWo ilallv a. Muodaf
13 at Ku.-n.ii J N TmI, lnl.a.1 nielro and
Totnt'ttl. ft I'l-prr C.4.intba and Nnafc. rlwe
Iminta, Tajaa- Hk liurn. Tl. Hawaii.
WaUeoltt aaf) Cakaax lm Tma C , fatlaa!
Thst Bey Again.
The boy stood on the burning deck,
whence all but ha had fled. The
smudge pot filled the air with smoke,
the red Are glowed real red. Tha
thunder roared, the lightnings flashed,
and still be would not go. "For If C
did I'd spoil." quoth hs, "the motion
picture show." Tbe camera clicked,
tbe film rolled on, the boy was burn
ing money. Thst picture made him a
repute, and bought bis bread aat
The truly efficient nisa Is so much
of a unit, so absorbed In bis vocation,
that tha selfconsclousness due to self
analysis, whlrb eats up strengths Is un
known to him. If a fellow does a
thing well he Is caught la the arms
of a joy that takes bis atlad away from
himself; If badly, he becomes cor
roded by snxlety. Illahop lirsnt ,
Fsshlon Editor's Idea.
There Is nothing more Important to
a woman than saving her soul." shout
ed the evsngellst. "t'nlas It Is keep
ing her shape," murmured tbe fashion
editor, who had been tent to report
the proceedings. Bt Louis Globe-Democrat
Keep KidsKleen
II fsvnat trtrtVil wetaJitifwl, UrtisM
tttlMM. ni Immpi I of gltlMftw I
Ip I f tg. Mtstt tm mm B4r
Kd tft taafk. Ilf WKf4 M M
CidVHaS Uar4a to at up fin 11 ha
lit tvlwt VtlK sVAff Mw ftft
WbM wCtwatr ..)) ft UI t.r
lskat AtM II ( Mlffcl
tMiMiai fa mmmH wmt. All
tiMM wmmH mnk M w
Um mm. Ma 1ft twrl sMVB 4W tirtm 4Vtt4 kith
75c the suit
If rtMt aWWf nmmat mp9if fwt.
Ww vllt tm4 tWaa, rtuifge MtMinl
M tmtifrt art (Mim. ?W mth,
A New rnrP If They
Suit g IkUfvi .
Moo. M
.Levi Straass 4k C, Saa Franciace
Jogging Your Horses?
Your etalllans, ss well as your raring prnaperta, ar shed
dins Ihnlr cmila, or have dorm ao, ami nro auai-nilhl In the
WMithxr rhnrisf. Have on hand your "alnmthy" aPOMN'S
COMPOUND. II tm altxxl tha M-al fur 17 your. All tnift-
Sinia aril II, nr hora goods houaoa. llullla, to cents and II;
an, 16 and 110.
POHN MIOICAL CO., Chemists, Ooahen, Ind. ,
Hood Disorders
Quickly Driven Away
,rlv. nJ netulfs With tho Greafesi Blood
,000) a day, 10,000,000 said that exceptionally heavy rains in t .,,,.. i ,-. ... """" "
ft nnn i ww t I.L n j ,t..J n WW UU03UUI1, I S tlOtl WW B. B
runner ever uiscoverca.
tbe Freewater and Hudson Bay sec- -
tions have leveled much alfalfa, and A fruit steamer on the Atlantic
farmers are expecting to have some coast reports having sighted the "at-
P. N. U. No. 22, uta Some Truth In This.
"Ef some men," ssld Unoio Ebea,
1"sot up aa late o' nights thlnkln' sd
dey does playln' cards dey'd go aa' tal
d doctor dey had Insomnia."
difficulty in harvesting tbe first crop.
Brownsville Cannery Plant Sold.
Albany, Or. Arrangements where
by the Linn and Benton Co-operative
Growers' association will take over
to maintain absolute neutral- the Brownsville cannery were complet
ed at a meeting of the directors of
both institutions here. The associa
tion gives $10,000 worth of its stock
for the Brownsville plant The asso
ciation will use the Brownsville csn
nery to handle its excess fruit and veg
etable output this year. It is expect
ed that two canneries will be neces
sary next season, and a new one prob
ably will be built in Albany.
Walla Walla Apple .Crop Bumper,
Walla Walla The "Walla Walla ap
ple crop will be approx imately 450 car
loads this year. This is the estimate
of H. G. Barnes, manager of the Wal
la Walla subcentral agency of the
North Pacific Fruit Distributors and
District Horticulturalist Charles Gil
breath. The Baker Langdon orchard
will have nearly 150 carloads and In
addition there are many new orchards.
Last year tha cro p was $ 00 carloads.
Pope Justifies Position.
Paris A dispatch to the Temps
from Rome says : "It is announced
that Pope Benedict has prepared a doc
ument justifying the Vatican for its
ity, but leaving Italian Catholics free
to act in the war according to their
own desires, without engaging the re
sponsibility of the Holy See. It is
said that the Pope will protest formally
against tbe expulsion of the Austrian
ambassador and the German ministers
accredited to the Vaitican, declaring
that it is contrary to the guarantees."
Italians Close to Enemy.
London "Austrian and Italian
forces are facing each other at some
places only a half-mile apart," says
the Geneva correspondent of the Daily
Express. "The forces at the front
are estimated at a million men on each
side. Tbe Austro-German headquar
ters ' staff hss arrived at Trent and the
Austrians have mounted artillery in
the Stelvio Pass. A continuous
stream of troops from the Tyrol is ar
riving near tha Italian frontier." j
tacking fleet" of the American navy,
which is engaged in practice maneuvers.
Advices from Mitylene confirm the
destruction of the Turkish forts at
Kilid Bahr, on the Dardanelles, and
state that tbe bombardment of other
forts still continues.
senior student in the mining de
partment of the University of Cali
fornia has invented a process for elim
ination of the poisonous gases given
off .in copper smelting.
Riga, a Russian port on tha Baltic,
is reported captured by the Germans
and a big naval battle is said to have
been fought
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., denies
having had anything to do with direct
ing the Colorado operators' moves
against the coaTstrikers.
Food has become so scares in Mexico
City that the inhabitants ar facing
starvation, and General Carranza baa
been appealed to by the International
committee there. Tb American Red
Cross society also has been asked to
take steps to relieve tha situation.
Slrenglh, Power, Accomplishment ar all Typified In S. S. S.
Boms blood dianrder booome deeply
rooted in the (lands and tlaaue. and the
mlatake la made of r.oortitic t drastlo
drug.. Theae only aggravate by causing
oilier ana worse trouble. A hoat of peo
ple snow this to be true. Thsy know
from painful experience.
To get light down Into whw the Mood
Is Vitiated require. B, 8. 8. tbe greatest
blood purlflur ever dlacovared.
This remarkable remedy contains ens
Ingredient, the active purpose of wblck Is
to stimulate the tlasuas to the healthy
sal action of Its own essential nutriment
nd tha medicinal .laments of thla match
leas blood purifier ar just a eeaentlal to
wU balanced health a the nutritious
elements of the meata, trains, fats aad
sugars of our dally food.
Not only this, but If from the presence
of some disturbing poison there la a local
ar general Interference of nutrition to
caua bolls, carbuncles, sberaaaa snd
kindred trouble, g. a. a, so directs the
lecal sell that tela poison Is raj acted and
eliminated from their preeene.
Then, too, S. 8. 8. bas aunh spaolfla
stimulation on theae local eeil as to pro.
aerve their mutual welfare and a prop
relative aaalatanc to each other.
la a very brief time 8. 8. 8. ha the
reconstructive proeeas so under oontml
that remarkable change ar obaevad. Ail
eruptive places heal, myaterlou pain and
aches have disappeared, and from bead ta
foot there Is a conscious sensation of re
newed health.
From the fact that 8. 8. 8. Is par!
a botanical preparation. It la accepted by
the weakeat stomach and baa great tonie
Influence. Not one drop of drug ee
minerals I used In Its preparation. Ask
for 8. 8. S. and Insist upon having It.
Aad If you desire skillful advice upoa say
matter concerning the blood and ekla
write to Tbe Swift Bpedfle Co., toi twin
Hide. Atlanta, Ga. uo not allow om
soaloua clerk to larrup the atmosphere la
eloquence over aometalag "Just aa rood
as 0, 0, & Xewar s aU awuBtartaila.