The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 14, 1915, Image 4

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    Colombia Grafonola Mignonette
fir ercry nuki! decision,
for ranoal (Usees, w fct
nute kome honrs tie Colombia
Cnfonola b lie ideal nnstcal
llus perfect indnnnent cu
be bd, isdadlfl 32 selec
tions of assorted musk, for
A Real Source
of Health
Brief Resent of General News tits.
From AH Around the Earth. f
th Stomach, but the
most reliable barometer of your
physical condition is the appM
Portland Wheat) Blueatem, 11.81
fortyfold. 11.17: club, $1.16; red
Pif, tl.SS; red Russian, f 1.19.
Millfeed-Spotprlcet: Bran. I2B.B0
If itia Door, you can look 28 tni t".6otf28; rolled
an Avoru-nrkMl anil nvprs. I "
twn wnoie, 30 ion; craokeu, jo.
llavKaatern Ore iron timuthv. f 14
Liver and liowels, which prevent 4tl8 v,ne tmth,, tittcitso
taMIU rf?,n Kt hy' ,10ll,,i ,,180"
I I 11 1 11 . t r
I vegwtaoiea tuoumwn, vrrrm,
UACTCTTnmC IIUkhIW doaen; artichokes. 76c
1111,31 LI ILIA hJ tomatoes, $5 crate; cabbage, J(,t3Jc
- ipounu; niwj, ea.ootii; crate; rauii-
Cf-U Rallaolllower. 76.till.85 dogen; hMd let-
iJIUIIIUIII DllltSI O tuce, $t25 crate; spinach, 60 pound
I .k..iv..k 1 e A lli ...tsaaeeaiMia UU r
will help Nature restore normal ti.m eggplant 25e pound; peas, lot
trenirth and regularity throutrh- : beans, lotuiaic; potatoes, old,
Write for Catalogues
a- 1 1 iail WaV
M the bast wli'vrf. nest to dale end tT
BrarUeal AltMU) ScSoel hi tM IWKIWit.
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and
La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist
It a good, lui nouung- else. Aav.
B Imt'eee list Trade wusrkt Is eiht weeks;
oia free. Cmmmiii m while learawe;
Motions imW. Write for free cataioc.
tip CM Km A uK MS Hu sc
Origin of tha Slavs.
Tha Slavs belong to tha "Indo-Bo
ropean race, although it la a quea
tion these daya a to whether tha
Aryan, aa the raca la ' sometimes
called, bad their original home a
A.ila (around tha Caspian) or In Eu
rope. At any rata, the Slavs appear
la Europe contemporaneously with the
other Indo-European families to which
they are related.
Inherited Weaknesses.
Whea tha causes of short life now
adays are counted up. it la found that
most of the deaths are due to disease.
Vary few people die from old ago And
tha reason why people die from any
one disease is that they hare been
weakened by other illnesses which
they have had. or which have been
handed down to them by their ancestors.
Charley's Compliment.
Little Charley was saying good
night. After kissing his grandmother,
uncle and father, he came to his mam
ma. "Why do yoa kiss me last?" she
said. "Ob, well,- said the little fel
'low, "yon aea I don't want your kiss
to coma off."
Not Hard to Please.
"Da man dat likes to hear hlaself
talk." said Uncle- Eben, "is mos' al
ways mighty easy Interested.'
Oils and Greases
an the rcodj of QUALITY.
Om mi Crews far ADTOXOZHES.
Oh sal Grew fa TWXnOM mi HARTEIHS
02s sal Cream far 5TEAI ENQHEi
OD com fat 1. K, 15. 32 und 5S ril. pkca,
C tmnm in L tVi. & Mt 15, 2S lb. and op
Write na for pricea and particular.
121. rkaaiar.
Monument Shone as GJieet.
"lee aeed dat ghoet dar avry atgbt
fok a week." declared Henry W.
Locksmith, a local colored man. as
be stood with chattering teeth oa
North Hanover street, with his ayes
riveted oa a white object la Potto
tewa cemetery. Henry was frightened
aura, and Robert C Hawk, a well
known printer, to whom ho had told
his story, saw. too, the ghostly figure,
Hawk, however, ridiculed tha Idea
of such things, and the colored man
became angry, but finally agreed to
aocompany him Into the cemetery.
The "ghoet" sever moved, and this
caused Locksmith to tote along vary
slowly behind. Hawk braced him up
with words of encouragement, and
when they came close to the "thing in
white" they found that It was a highly
polished granite monument upon
which the reflection from a distant
arc electric light had played and
made it aeom pure white. Pottstowa
(Pa.) Dispatch to the Philadelphia
Proper Care of Books.
If a volume is left long near srtia-
lsl heat, ahrinkage and consequent
bosenlng will ensue Just aa certainly
as with a piece of furniture, says a
writer la the Youth's Companion.
Leaving a book constantly in the sun-
ahlno will have the same effect, and In
addition wUl fade the covers. Damp
places should also be avoided.
Keep Mice From Gnawing Pasta.
Scrapbooka and wall paper are fre
quently cut to pieces by mica trying
to eat the paste, or aa la often the
case, apparently for no reason than the
pleasure of gnawing. A little cayenne
pepper put In the paste aa soon aa it
la made will prove effective In keeping
the mice and cockroaches from It whea
applied to the paper.
I Live New Items From All Nations,
Pacific Northwest and Our Own
Commonwealth Condensed for
Our Many Busy Readers.
Seward. Alaska, Is visltedby a
f 100,000 fire.
Neutrals in Italy are hopeful that
their country will keep out of the war.
Anti-German riots are occurring in
London and have gotten beyond control
of the peace officers.
Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, and
the "wixard of electricity," is to pay
Portland a visit in July.
It is declared that Turkey lost 45,-
000 men in killed and wounded, in the
battle on the peninsuta of Gallipoli
It is reported that Clarence Fisher,
an American ranch foreman in Mux
ico, was brutally murdered by Mexican
President Wilson's draft of note to
Germany on the ainking of the Luai
tania is unanimously approved by the
General Nelson A. Miles, retired.
asserts that the sinking of the Luai
tania is only one of many disasters
while the European war lasts.
The body of Alfred W. Vanderbilt,
the millionaire, who was a victim of
the Lusitania, is reported as having
been picked up on the Irish coast.
The Navy League of the United
States passes resolution to congress
asking 1500,000,000 appropriation
which is "needed to provide this coun
try with adequate means of naval de
fense." . ,a w a
Colonel . Roosevelt declares that
Prussian treaty with the United
State, which permits freo traverse of
Americana in waters where nations are
at war, was treated aa a "mere piece
of paper."
An official communication issued
from Petrograd says: "On the I Oth
our Black Sea fleet, after bombarding
the forts of the Bosphorus, exchanged
fire with the cruiser Goeben, which,
being struck by many projectiles,
made off rapidly."
A Turkish 'official communication,
coming by way of Berlin and Amster
dam, say i the Australian submarine
AE-2 has been sunk by Turkish war
ships while trying to enter the Sea of
Marmora and that the crew of three
officers and 29 men were taken prison-
out the entire system and thus
help you maintain health. Try
a bottle today.
Tfc m i-rfkti.-ti. fcakfel ttarttaft
farsiMMa tt la Max tf MtUrf I
- W a r.r sj arm, Maatt mi mm tost
tM 4rwf iMi'V Mf
M- t MwtAralst, OaW Mm -tad
rash t-vfc.T tJl U I
yjff fsMMaV Amsb lifwef t-
0Mf1at Iff aiaBf weojff. U
fcUeaMr. MeUk Ihsv4 smk
life aMU,fe
Ml Ma. tv-
75c the suit
V ym aWatar cwuwt I
V V'S r4 0Wk raarfn mraal I
rvrvtat a 7r vaik I
a N rDrruThe,
Suit 1 lUalj Kip
.Levi Straaee A CeSaa Praadsco
liappy or Brave.
When you cannot be happy, yon
:an he brave. There are things co-
body can enjoy especially, sches.
pains, disappointments, unkludueases,
and things of thst sort Nobody ex
pects that yoa boys and gtrls can bo
fust as happy over vour troubles as
you are over vour blessings. Hut
that does not excuse you for fretting
and whimpering. Just as soon as things
go wrong. If you cannot be happy,
you can be brave.
Il.76iS sack; new, 6t7e pound; car
rota, f 1.60 sack; beets. 11.50; pars
nips. 11.25: turnips. Iltl.50.
Green Fruits Strawberries, $1.2!k'C
160 crate; apples, SI 66 1.76 box
cranberries, 111(11.12 barrel; cherries,
12.26 box.
Onions Oregon, selling price, 76c
sack; country points; California, job
bing price, yellow, f 1.75; white, 12.25
Latin Fresh Oregon ranch, case
count. 18Wlc: candled, 19it20c.
Poultry Hens, ISliigMe; broilers,
28(30c; fryers, 18oj.20c; turkeys,
dressed. 22t24c; live, 18l20c; ducks,
l(Xi13c; geese, 8(t9c.
Butter Creamery, mints, extras,
25c pound In case tots; e more In lees
than case lots; cubes, 21tiC22c.
Veal Fancy, lOtlOJc pound.
Pork Block, lOoilOJc pound.
Hope 1914 crop, 94uCi0ic; con
tracts. 10((tl0ie.
I Wool Eastern Oregon, medium, 25
(l26c pound; Eastern Oregon, Ana, 16
((l8c: valley, !3(it,28: mohair, new
clip, 82l33e.
Cascara bark Old and new, 4C4Jc
Cattle Best steers, 17.60 t 7.90;
choice, 7o7.60; medium, 6.75i7;
choice cows, IG.2ikd6.C5; medium, $5
(.15.75; heifers, $5ot6.75; bulls, 13.50
(.15.75; stags, $56.50.
Hogs Light, $7.5O(;t8.10; heavy,
Sheep Sheared wethers, $5. 60(47;
sheared ewes, I40C5.75; sheared lambs,
6,(7.60. Full wools 11 higher.
assy Jr. m
1 !
H Baking Powder
Those who have had cakes ruined bv Jarring the
stove, slamming the oven iltxir or a heavy footstep, may
have wondered how the dining car chef can turn out such
marvelous biscuits, hot breads and pastry when his oven
Is being Incessantly jarred and Jolted and shaken by the
motion of the train.
To net pastry ti raise and jtay raised under these con
ditions, a ruklnv powder must he used that continues to jilvc off
Its leavenimt lias that auutalna the until the dough is
baked through.
Dining Car Chi f have found a KiklnJ pmvdcrexatily lulled
lo their lirwl In K C ami you Will llnd It iuat at Veil aullod Id
your nxiulrvnivnlt, K C l rv.illy a blind of two baking puwdrra,
one at'llve as aoon aa molatcncj, I ho Mhrr m)ulrtng (h mots
lure and heat lo start thocimeralkm of kavenlng gia, Nomallvr
how moll and rlth you nuke your cake, K C lUklnit IWdrr will
auatain the rabe until ciut U lunucd aiiJ all daiificf ol Ulllug
K C Baking Powder U pure and healthful It I guaranteed
under all pure lund laws, and la euaranleed tuple you. And It
la auU at nsaotuble pike no biking powder should wil lor ruore.
TVy a cm ml eer rUk und a rewWrnW.
Msmmy's Expedient.
Little Rastus was becoming very
objectionable In school because his
srool was growing longer and longer,
ar beyond the cutting stage. The
teacher tried hinting to no purpose.
and then told him outright to go have
bis hair cut, giving him a quarter
for the purpose. Rastus broke out
crying and said: "No, ma'am, I dassn't
bab It cut My mammy she wants a
new switch and she's done a-growln'
It on me."
rota owi wm rrn rot
Try Maria K ttcawd, lur KJ. WM. ,1D
Kerosene Pasts Fire Klndter.
The safest and most satisfactory
dndling I have ever used Is a paste
made of ashes and coal oil. It can be
kept In an old can or Jar and a table
spoonful is sufficient to start a fir
without other kindling. It should be
it the consistency of corn meal dough
tnd la absolutely safe from explosion.
-Henry Norton.
Announcing the Arrival. i
Three-year-old Arthur's mother re
cently commenced taking piano les
j eons. Arthur was much Interested In
I everything the teacher said and did.
and when he aaw her coming the sec
ond time he ran into the house an
nouncing, "Ob, mamma, here comes
that OU3, two, three."
"Jaka U Selllna
a t-rcar-oM Jack
rataad an this farm.
Breeder f
Jackai Tawnatkkead
SaUta. Beiar
KaaBlac Harsaaj
Barkakir Haws.
r n
Lexington, Oregon.
Free Government.
No free government or the bles
sing of liberty can be preserved by
any people but by a firm adherence
to Justice, moderation, temperance,
frugality and virtue, and by a fre
quent recurrence to fundamental
principles. Patrick Henry.
To be closed out at Actual Cost
We an mbi out of tka Bicycle Buai
naaa and will aefl at Retail all our High
Crmit Ivrrjahnton WhttUtX the follow
taspricao: LaoW Boadatae. Model 1487-L. complete
wit Coaater Brake, Mudguard, and
Tina, itexuiar $35 Wbeala, at
Mena' Roadster. Model net. equippad aa
above. KsuJar f 3S. at
Heavy Smitt Wheat, Model 1JS. fuDr
qutpped. Th Finest Whtl in America.
raaular (50,
Special, $40.00.
Thla win be nmr only opportantrr to cat
the Htfhest CraoV Wheel manufactured
at actual cost. All wheela fully suaraateed.
110 Third St, Portland, Ore.
P. N. U. f No. 20, IBM
IWUms wrltla ataVnrUaara, plaaea aw I
Man's Peculiarity.
Man, as has been remarked several
times before. Is a Peculiar Cuss. Jude
Johnson, who beats his wife, thinks it
is a shame that Short Jenka criticizes
Mrs. Jenks' grammar. Atchison
Communion of the Spirit.
Just the being with someone whom
you Jove, and know loves you, gives a
feeling of rest 'and comfort "Time
o Day," by Doris Egerton Jones.
Seldom, In Fact.
Ton never can tell. The college stu
dent with the broadest shoulders isn't
always the one who carries off the
most honors.
The First Requisite.
There Isn't much use In telling a
girl you would die for her unless yon
carry a pretty heavy life Insurance.
Awful Recollection.
When we consider germs we shud
der to think of all the slates we licked
during childhood. Kansas City Judge.
British Columbia Timber.
The annual cut of British Columbia
timber la approximately 2,000,000,00
feet !
China's Deadly River.
During one flood of tha Tanctse-
fclang, in China, 100,000 persona were
You caut preterit this loathsome disease from running
thToufli your atatle an 1 cure aU the colls suffering- with H
when you bfrin the treatment No matter bow young-.
SPOHN'8 Is ufe to uae co any colt. t is wonderful bow Tt
prevtnte all distempeta, no matter how col la or horaea at
any ae are "exposed." All rood drja-eista and turf goods
feoiuve and manufacturers sell SPOHN'S at i rents and II
a bottle: it and f 10 a doaen. IPOHN MEDICAL CO., Cham.
lata ana Oacierjoiofl'sts, esensn, ind , u. a. A.
A deputation of prominent German
residents and business men called on
the Lord Mayor of Bradford, England,
and handed him a written protest
against the "inhuman methods em
ployed by the German government in
waging war against non-combatants,
including women and children, . which
have culminated in the sinking of the
The sailing from London of the Cu-
nard line steamer Mauretama, sister
ship of the Lusitania, advertised for
May 29, has been canceled. The
steamship Mauretania recently had
been doing duty as an auxiliary cruiser
in the British navy. It had been the
intention of the Cunard line to have
the vessel renew her regular passenger
service between New York and Liver
pool at the end of the present month.
Ex-president Taft commends Presi
dent Wilson's policy of strict neutral
A Pennsylvania labor leader says he
advised his followers to learn to shoot,
to resist constabulary.
Portland makes arrangements for
the usual Rose Show to be held during
the coming Rose Festival.
Bryan Issues a statement reiterating
this country's intention to adhere to
the open-door policy in China.
Germans report driving allies from
the Ailly forest with heavy losses in
killed, wounded and prisoners.
Fighting in the Dardanelles is being
pressed by the allies with satisfactory
results, reports the British commander.
Germans prepare to attack the Rus
sian porta of Libau and Riga and
threaten communications with Petro
Abbas Hilmi Pasha, deposed as khe-
dive of Egypt when Turkey entered
the European war, believes be will re
gain the throne.
Vienna dispatches declare the Rus
sian army in the Carpathians is in a I
trap from which it cannot escape, and
is doomed to capture or annihilation.
The locks around the falls of the
Willamette at Oregon City - were
turned over to the government and
dedicated to the free use of the people.
The left front wheel of a Portland
jitney bus came off and the machine
overturned on the streetcar tracks,
killing one of its passengers instantly.
The driver was injured but the three
other occupants of the ear escaped
with a slight shaking up.
Japan insist that her "national dig
nity" is of more importance than the
observance of her treaties with other
nations regarding the independence of
Portland will vote! at the coming
June election on the question of in
stalling water meters for all consum
ers, the project involving an outlay of
about 11,000,000.
Upon receipt . of aaf dispatch from
Berlin, the German school in Rome
was closed and the teachers, with a
number of German residents, left im
mediately f or4Germarry.
Ere and uraoulauea Eyelids; No ttwartinr
luae-Ke Co s fort. Wiile for B .oa of the Cya
BBMurree. anmaeayeieaMayi.,t,aieag
Great Generals All Used Snuff.
Suggestions of a revival of snuff
taking may recall the love of some fa
mous commanders for tobacco In that
form. Both Napoleon and Wellington
were prodigious snuff takers, so was
Washington. As for Frederick the
Great, he was Impatient of the con
fines of a snuffbox and carried a pock
etful of snuff that he might convey
It to his nose without stint
Mental Overwork.
In mental overwork the brain cells.
being In constant use. are apt to it
main alive after work baa been aban
doned. In this esse sleep is prevented
Worry bas a like effect on the cerebral
cells, and If anrthlnc worse.
Most Accurate Clock.
An observatory at Berlin holds the
world's most accurate clock, which Is
kept In an airtight cylinder In tha
basement of the building.
Mrs. Aselin Was Restored to
Health by Lydia E. Pink-
MInneapolia, Minn. "After my little
One was bora I was sick with pains in
my sides which the
doctors said were
caused by inflamma
tion. I suffered a
great deal every
month and grew very
thin. I was under the
doctor's care for two
long years without
any benefit Finally
after repeated sug
gestions to try it we
tot Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound. After tak
ing the third bottle of the Compound I
was able to do my housework and today
I am strong and healthy again. I will
answer letters if anyone wishes to know
about my case." Mrs. Joseph Aseun,
606 Fourth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful
drugs, aad today holds the record of
being the most successful remedy ws
know for woman's ills. If you need such I
a medicine why don t you try It 7
If yon hart) th allglitest doubt
that LydU E. PInkliam'a Vegeta
ble Compound will help yon, write
to Lydia n.Pinkbam MediclneCo.
(confidential) Lynn,Mass for ad -
rice. Tour letter will b opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and, held In strict confidence).
Tacoma Apples: Wirt sea pa and
Yellow Newtown Pippins, Sl.66tstl.75,
Comb Honey Yakima, 13.60 crate;
strained honey, 15.50; Idaho, $3.60;
Nevada, 13.60.
Strawberries, fl.3M(2.Z9 crate, ac
cording to sise.
Cabbage Winnings tad t, $3.
Carrots 11.76.
Beets Home grown, $lr1.26.
Turnips 1 1.25 sack.
Potatoes Yakima, I38&40 ton;
Idaho, 138; sweets, $4 ewt; new po
tatoes, 6M61e pound.
Tomatoes 14. 60((t6. 60 a case.
Onions Green, 20c dosen; Wstta
Walla, fl.60 cwt; Oregon Yellow
Danvers. $1.60; Bermudas, $1.75('t
2.26 crate.
Garlic SOe pound.
Radishes Local, 20c doten bunches.
Lettuce Head, $2.25 crate.
Spinach Local, hothouse, tOeUt
Celery $4(34.60.
Rutabagas $1.85 sack.
Artichokes 76c doxen.
Rhubarb Local, 3c.
Asparagus Waahingtton, $1.60 box.
Green Peas 8c.
Green and wax beans lOfti I2c.
Fresh Meats Steers, 12itl2c;
cows, 12c; heifers, 12(jil2Jc; wethers,
late: dressed hogs, 111c; trimmed
sides, 161c; combinations, 15c; Di
mond T. C, 16e; yearlings, 16c;
ewes, 13c.
Poultry Ducks, live, 10f, 12c; hens,
dressed, 16jl8c; live, 16c; springs,
25c; live, 12ftU5c; squabs, live, 18c;
dressed, 2830c; geese, 14c.
Butter Washington creamery, 24
Eggs Fresh ranch, 170120c
Bluestem is quoted at $1.31; forty
fold, $1.28; club, $1.27; red Fife,
$1.25; red Russian, $1.22.
Hay Clover, $1617; wheat, $143
16; Idaho timothy, $19320; Ellens-
burg, $17619; mixed, $17jl8; al
falfa, $1616.
Feed Corn, $37; wheat, $48; whole
barley, $330134; rolled barley, $34firj
85; shorts, $21; bran, $29; oats, $37;
rolled oats, $38.
Seattle Wheat: Bluestem, $1.31; I
forty-fold, $1.26; club, $1.25; red
Fife, $1.24; red Russian, $1.18.
Barley $24 ton.
Despatch Comet for Cargo.
Reaching Seattle from Southeastern
Alaska, after having gone through the
stormiest passage recorded this season,
the steamer Despatch discharged cargo
and reloaded part of her outward
freight, sailing from there at mid-J
night Monday for Astoria, where she
takes on cannery supplies for the
North. The vessel belongs to the Bor
der Line Transportation Co., which
operates also the Alki and Northland.
Bids are to be opened for supplying
2,000,000 feet of lumber for govern
ment railroad construction In Alaska.
Depends en the Man.
Any woman can have any man she
likes If she pursues him vigorously
enough or eludes blm either dues.
There are two ways fur a worosa
to get what she wsutt. Kit her rhase
It for all she is worth, or run from It
In the same manner. It depends on
the man. 'Time o' Day," by Doris
L'lertoa Jonea.
Constipation causes and aggravates
many serious diseases. It Is thornturhly
rurvtl bv Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
The favorite family laxaUve.
Prayer fer the Dsy.
Forgive us If this day we have dont
or said anything to Increase the pain
of the world. Pardon the unkind
word, the Impatient gesture, the hard
and selfish deed, the failure to show
sympathy and klodly help where we
bad the opportunity, but missed It;
and enable us so to live thst wt may
dally do something to lessen the tide
of human sorrow, and add to the sum
of human happiness. F. II, Msyer.
HQW'NI) k HfhTtlk - saw. aa eilwM,
i I .I Cfc.,kj. St. . ,m . iii tt.4.
Sllr. 144, (I
arttowae II
Ueuee. I-
iu.ia. all.., Vii lima. ,
at. ilia, Mwliim a 4 fall Sri lie)
a. fWtenl . 4 retplr tHwaae
el OartaaMIs heMaSM ktMk
At leaal once a day uaually twice
I bathed my face) for several Minute
with plenty of rvalnol soap and but
water and applM a little rvalnol oint
ment very cently. I let this stay oa
for ten minutes or so, and Iben washed
It oft with realnol p and more hot
water, finishing with a dash of cold
water 10 cloae the pores. 1 was salon-
Is lied how quickly the healing realnol
meditation soothed and cleansed the
pores, removed pimples and baark.
brads, and left my complexion clear
and velvety.
Physicians have used realnol oint
ment and realnol snap fnr 30 years la
the treatment of Itrhlnc, burning, skin,
eruptions. At all druggists, Adv.
Cheap Household Cement
Plaster of parts and guru arable
ji the proportion of four parts plaster
f parla to one of gum arable makes
a very good cement for mending china
and other articles. The Ingredients
are rulied In a pulverised form, water
added and used at once. If smoothed
over with an old knife blade while
soft thla cement will be glossy and
bard as china when hard.
The Residue.
"After coal, whatr asks aa es
teemed. In manner of speaking, con
temporary. Our own experience In
dicates aahea, to be followed at more
or less long Intervals by an ash
wagon. Cleveland Plain lealer.
On Traveling,
One was telling Hocrates that such a
one was nothing Improved by his
travels: "I very well believe It," said
he, "tor he took himself along wlib
him." Montaigne.
Sex and Ships.
It Is Impossible to tay just why a
ship Is always, or generally, referred
to aa "the." It Is a custom, and Ilka
most cuatoras, especially those thai
ar ancient. Is veiled In mystery.
Probably there Is no particular "rtav
aoa" for this custom.
Dally Thought
There must be work done by tha
arms, or none of us would live; and
work done by thi? brains, or the Ufa
would not be worth having. And tha
aim men cannci do both, Tiuaklo.
This B is for You I
If Yoa Suffer From ffStnmZmf&i
ingr down pains, nervousness all nro symptoms
of irregularity and female disturbances ami are
not beyond relief. mmm
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
la directed to the real cause and promptly remorse the disease,
suppresses the nalna and nervous symptoms ami thereby brings
comfort in the place ef prolongeu misery.
ll.uo per bottle, sivlng general aatlafaetlon.
sugar coated tablet form, aa motilnetl u;
DSL pmcn
It has bsea sold by drogglatg for ever 40 years, la fluid form, at
Klvlng general aatlafaetlon. It can now be had m
it form, aa modified by K. V. Pierce. M. D. Bold by
all medicine dealers or trial bos by stall oa receipt uf frUo In stamp.
Every sick wemaa may ooniull oa by letter, absolutely wllbsat charge.
Write without faar aa without fas, to Family of tha Invalula' Hotel,
Ir. V. M, I'lKHCK, freakier, I, u M,a MUM. Buffalo, Hw Ifetk
rucAaAjrT raxara MxuctATK tbe umca
Columbia Run Resumed,
Wenatchee, Wash. Navigation on
the Columbia river between Wenatchee
and Pateros ia resumed. This is the
first navigation on the Columbia be
tween these points since the C. aV O,
Steamboat company tied up their boats
at the time of the completion of the
railroad one year ago. The steamer
Douglas will make the run daily from
Wenatchee to Chelan and every other
day the trip will be made to Pateros.
The Douglas is owned by the East Side
Transportation company, of whom Cap
tains Gray and Proctor are stockholders.
Wheat Moves Along 8nake.
To move between 60,000 and 70,000
bushels of wheat from the Snake river
country, the steamer Lewlston, of the
O.-W. R. c N. Beet, has been ordered
into service by "Captain" Budd, su
perintendent of the water lines of thst
company. It is said that considerable
wheat hat made its . appearance from
where growers had it cached, awaiting
Wonderful Blood Remedy
That Works in tho Tissues
Tha Very Ufssi Tbsery Abut Hon end Why fb
Bleed is Dlmimi,
S. 8, S. Means Port Blood Which Inaur es Long Lift and Health.
The great experts In Chemlatrv and
Physiology now declare what baa all
blong been contended by the Swift lab
oratory that the germs of blood disorders
And lodgment la the Interstices of tbe tie.
And herein Is where B. 8. 8. a-oee to
work rapidly, effectively and wkMt won
derfully noticeable results.
This famous blood purifier contains
medicinal component Just as vital ana
essential to healthy bleod as the nutritive
elements of wheat, roast beef, and fata
and the sugars that make up our dally
As a matter ef fact there Is one Inarw-
dlent In B. 8. 8. which serves the active
purpose of stimulating each cellular part
of the body to the healthy and judicious
selection of Us own essential nutriment.
That la why It regenerates tha blood sup.
ply; why It has such a tremendous ln-
hicrher nricea. the recent status of tha
market having drawn small lots from JT''' ,Un-
And In regenera.lng the tissues 8. B. a
has a rapid and positive antidotal sCeol
upon all those Irritating Influences that
cause rheumatism, aore throat, weak
eyes, lose of weight, thin pale cheeks, and
that weariness of muscle end nerve that
I generally-experienced, by all sufferers
with poisoned blood.
Get a bottle ef 8. 8. 8. at any drug
store, and In a few daya you will not esiy
feel bright, and energetic, but you will be
the picture of new life.
S. 8. 8. Is prepared only In ths labora.
tory of the Swift Bpeclflo Co., 101 Swift
Bldg, Atlanta, da. Who maintain a very
efficient Uedloai Depertment, where all
who have any blood disorder of a stub
born nature may write freely for advtoe.
a 8. a Is sold everywhere by all drug
store. ,
Beware of all attempts to sell yea
something "Just as food." lnalat usesi
a a 8.