ICE CRE AM and cake ! 0 CfcSa the dUh at the Weston Dakcry Freah llroetl, Cake ami I'aatry. Camilla. iiud Mel t All Hour. We Nrllii In Lu! aial I'prty Kiiwi. ZIIIIM the linker Dupula HulklliiK, Main awl Wat.r E0 Shiwa ainl Harm ralrd nvxt ihwr. eeee-eeeeeeeee iThe- x White House CIIOK'K CANDY t'ICAKH and TOIIACCO CAHllS. HII.I.IARDS and IHM:KKT ItXlL Mazclwood Ice Cream gjT Popular Sufi Drink a J. B. Farrens Weston Meal Brandt Building, opjx tsite IVwtoflicc. Good, Fresh Meats Fish in Stuison Cash paid for HIDES Perry &LundclI New Groceries New Notions New Canvas Gloves For Msn and Women New Summer Underwear at Economy Store I'llONE NO. 233 ALMA BARNETT DR. C. H. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Office In Brandt building WESTON OR BOON Ice Cream Cigars Tobaccos Candies Kirkpatrick's Confectionery. Marke glim BREVITIES ('nohtva ftf all kinds at 14 rents lha (liini'n. Watnn llakary. J. It. r'1lia and family hav bti vlalllna in WmIuh from Ihalr Morrow i wiinly ranch. lireamland motion plHur at Wal ton pra houa not Monday and Tuaaday awnlnga. Mra. J. II. UUnda of Walla Walla haa ln lltlti her arnia and frlanil at Waalon. Kmrana irouuH to drain and I r li ra la lO.tot airia of rli h land bi-twean (ha Wlllami'tt and MrKanala rlvrrs. Kalllna; In uvurt rt-llcf from aalh mailc trouliln. Hart Vrauaon left ra rrnlly for I'orlland to cunault a ape clallsl. i- r.i.nii ni.i. ad In f'ooa rounty, haa art aalda 10 iifi'i of land lo be ot-ruplrd by far. torl and mllla. Mlaa Unllna f.lmmarman of Topcka, Kanaaa, a lifelong friend of Mr. and Mra, K. U. lMaa, is mntr gui-at ai thrlr home on Water alreaL William Drown haa flnlahad paint ing hla own home on llrnad atrart, thua adding another to the aavaral rr. cent Iniprovemi'flta In the neighbor hood. Hherirf Taylor and Deputy Katae wire up thle way Tucaday on an off!-, rlal vtatt, and It la currently repnrtod that Hoyd "hid out" whrn thvy paaaed through Athrna. Mra. Krn r la reported to be Im proving In health, afiar a protracted lllnrea. Hhe waa reritntly removed to the home of her mother. Mra. Calvin Kerguauu, on Wralon mountain. J. II. Hough haa returned from the i mountain, whers he haa flntahed lalnllng llxulat March' new bunga-Ltat low. It looka attractive In a brown body, with cream trlmmlnga and black aaahra. The rndletnn, Adama, Athena and Weaton auto atage Icavra Weaton twice daily for I'rndli'ton at a. m. and I p. m Hound trip. 11.71. Headquarter at OnodMln'a drug ator. A. M. Uoy den, proprietor. A am waa born Ralurday to Mr. and Mr. Andy T. Harnett at tht-lr home In Weaton. The proud young A l.lMb fal her. who la aaatatant to l'oelniatT Van Winkle, haa alnre been happily receiving congratulation. Mr. Itobrrt Troudflt and mother. Mra. J, W, Ingram, have gone to Spo kane, where Mra. Ingram will aubmll to an operation for the removal of a ratarart. Utile Mary I'rnudMt ac companied her mother and grand mother. Included In a fine batch of chick. 100 In nuntbtT, lately hatched In Geo. II. rarmlchael'a poultry department. ., .... in.,.. n.i. ..k.... I sre inrr. prei.y ante. He plowed up a phcaaant nrat . ..i. i ,L- .w the above pleaalng reault. Dale Rothwell;; Optical Specialist I give all my tima to the (It- titifC ami grinding; of kIhs. I J hava practiced In Pendleton aix , , years. All work guaranteed. ; J American Nat'l Hank Bid. ' ', (Uwtaira) Pendleton Oregon X J. H. Hough Practical Painter Will be glad to do your work, and guarantee satisfaction. 10- Materials furnished by my self or patron. Leava order at Henri March's residence, S. Broad St. Worn ton . . OaaaoN I Dr. Farnsworth f DENTIST jpgF Phone or write for -i, Temple Building Pendleton Oregon Dr. J. G. McMATH OSTEOPATH Oflice one block north of the bank ATHENA, OREGON Electric Treatments Oiven CT fhone 521 Fine Jewelry Expert Repairing I will appreciate a call when you visit Athena. L S. VINCENT Hawk's Drug Store ATHENA - - OREGON Sunday last, ha Waal on ball (mm naarly luat In rather corpulent but nsvorlhalia capable young ratrhsr, "fat" Wood, who waa toaaln balla on lha atraat whip ft an aulomoltlla turned lha corner and atrurk him a flaming blow, Had ha aiumblad ha might hava been dancaroualy hurt, but ha kapt hla fiat and aarapad with a brulevd la;. Tha drlvar of lha car, a alranarr hi'ra, aamod to hava poor oonlrol of hla machine, aa ha after ward ran Into a cart drives by Joe lllomiri-n and wrvrkrd It. Joe waa llftrd Into tha air aad performed a faw atunta that would do rmdlt lo a rlrt'Ua aiTolmt, but found hlmaalf un hurt aflar he landad on the alrret. The raaretful motorlat promlaad full raparallon for all damagra. Tour pxopla ware In the rar, and war ald to be a Walla Walla party. At a mtoilna of awlne brradar at North Portland arrengamants were parfarlad for furnlahlng the boya and alrla of all eerllone of the alate with breading animate wlih which to make a alart In the ralalng of pork for mar hat. The plaa waa Inaugurated by the i I'nlon lo'fcyrd aume wsrka ago. but the call for aowa waa ao great that It waa found necraeary to enllat the aid of proff-aalonal hog breeders In order to aupply the demand. The alnckyarda will receive orders for aowa, already bred, paaa them on- to tha breeders who hava agreed to fur nlah etork, and on receipt of a prop erly Indoraed note from boy or girl, the animal will be ahlpped direct. The notea will bwome due and paya ble at tha time the plga are mature end ready for market. T. P. Johnson and (lay Johneon, brothera who have been employed at the upper ramp of grader on the Dry creek road, came Into town tha mat of the week and reported that they had been dlarhargd by roreman Jack ('rum becauee thry Irft the boarding houee and Inalated on "baching." The brothera claim that Mr. Crum had no fault lo find with their work and gave no other rraaon than tha one vouch safed for letting them go. They left Tuesday for Hood lllver, and aay that jthey Intend to preeent the facta to the labor commlaaloner at Halem ifhe men employed on the road work .... - - . a A m.m I Via ...iml receive It per day from the county and pay Oil per week for board to private partlea. The ladlee of All Saint' Guild mo tored out recently to the home of Mr, t'arl McOonnell, where an enjotahle time waa had. fifteen member at tended and the ladli-a present a gueata were Mra. O. W. Maybee. Mra. J. M. fianUter, Mrs. J. W. hpln. Mra. W. 8. Kanlater, Mr. George lianlater of Athena and Mra. A. U Hchaefer O" prndleton. Mr. Maybee and Mr. J. M. Hanlater became member of the guild. An elaborate luncheon waa aerved by the hteaa. Two very pleas ing aoloa were sung by Mr. R. G. Bal ing, and a reading waa given by Mra. K. K. Gelaa. The next meeting will b held June i at the home of Mrs. A. Juinra. Illllv Karrell leat Krankle (Joe) Con ley In tho fifth round of their engage ment at Pendleton Tuesday night be fore the largest crowd. It I said, that ever attended a boxing match In that r rMl'l .,lh,,' h seconds threw up the sponge, although II B 1 f I T-ll it, wufiiv m, in- -".' that Conley waa not In dlatreaa but waa merely stalling. Enraged by thl act. Conley aklpped acroaa the ring and alnpped hla offending aecond. and wa later taken In cuatody amidst conald- lerable tumult. Prior to the match. Hobby Kvna waa Introduced by the referee and challencgcd the winner. Some wide-awake Juvenile reporter haa contributed the. following sporting note to our Item box: "The Mllton Weaton game played at Weaton Ut Saturday wa a very vlctorlou one for the young Weston boys. The score waa SI to 1 In the sixth Inning, and the Weaton boya never countod any more score from the sixth on. on their aide. The Westonltea knocked three vleltlnf pitchers out of the box. The battery for Weston was Read and HurifV, Jimmy fanninjr 15 men In I Inning. The Milton battery con sisted of Harder. Mllby and Harder. Struck out by Milton pitcher, t." Joel O. Davla, who until the present year waa auperlntendent for three yeara of the Weaton schools and haa lately been teaching at Waahtucna, hna been elected to the prlnclpalahlp of the Proacott. Weah., schoola. The many frlenda and well wisher of Mr. Davl In thl community regard Prea cott a fortunate In accurlng hla serv ice. Mr. Davl and family will re main In Waahtucna until August. The program committee for tho pioneers reunion at Weaton, June It and IS. hna been promised aome number by Mrs. ltavla. who la a girted humoroua and dramatic reader. The third and championship ball game between the Weaton Mountain and Dry Creek teama wll be played on the Weaton grounda next Sunday at S p. m., while the local league team la keeping Its Athena date. Each haa won a game, and this battle will be "for blood." John English la man ager for the "Brush Monkeya." while George Bade haa the Dry Creekera In tow. and It will be worth while to be on hand and watch these rival mag nate glare at each other. The Rogers place In the foothill near .Weston, consisting of S70 acre of farming and pasture land, haa been eold by J. W. Wolfe of Walla Walla to Joe McClellan. The consideration 1 aald to have been In the neighborhood of SIS, 000. tt .V. Warner, who haa been farming tho place, haa disposed of hla Intoreata to Mr. McCellan. and will move to Walla Walla with hla family. Glenn Morrison, son of Mr. and Mra. R. Morrison of thl city, waa among the aallor boya who tried to raise the TTniteri States submarine which eank last month In Honolulu harbor. He wrltea home an Intereettng account or the fruitless rescue work and also a deacrlntlon of Honolulu, with which ha la delighted. Wet but happy, four local fisher men returned Sunday evening from a day'a aoort on the north fork of the Walla Walla. They took about S00 trout, and felt well repaid for being caught out In a drenching rain. In the party were Geo. B. Carmlcnaei. Roy Key, "Frenchy" Dupula and Bob Proudflt. 81m J. Culley left on a trip to aouth ern Idaho Wednesday In hla Ford au tomobile, accompanied by hla brother. Cliff Culley of Walla Walla, If j(ou want a good atalllon at a bar rain price, read the announcement elsewhere of J. K. Justice, Importer. Fred Kyle, tha Milton builder. Is In town thla week, doing some work on the Charlea Crawford residence. The ho:et of eliorulslea oo per pound at WcsUjd Iiakery. If. Ooodwln returned Monday from business trip to t'ortleixl. If yog want le knew about that new Weaton aUore. read Walla llogerr ad. Geo. L. Horseman ha been eonBned lo Ills bonie by I lines during th week. A bargain la gasoline thresher and a potato planter. Mee big ad. Wall Roger. It. .. Drlskell arrive.! yesterdsy from Ilsyuiti, and will again become a Wrstonlan, Yut Hle.Hpao of horses, carriage ami heme.. AlaOgotxJ farm wagon. II, Waikllngliain, Dr. Farnwrth wa up from Pendle ton Haiurday night and me Willi th Msaunlo ''blue Iodic. J. 8. Km Is here from Walla Walla to visit hi son, Arthur Itoaa, who con tinue lo slowly improve. Joe Wood ha gone to lledmond, Oregon, to demonstrate In allalla cul lure during the summer months. After another rainy week. Weeum la nesr to look ng for an ark. alol Lure around hare la geulng lo be bit loo moist. Motor car eervlr to all points, da or nlaht. Alao livery and feed alabv ounoallo the Meuallen llcKmltn shop. Lafa McUrlde. Monroe and Floyd Turner enjoyed sn earurslon to Lew 1st on Sunday In their new Haynea car. which they found to be good traveler. C. M. Ohmert, a photographic e pert, late of Springfield. Illinois, ar rived In Weaton this week and haa be come associated with J. I Abrami. In the Ohmart Abrams atudlo. Ilecoifling frightened at a steam rol ler on the Dry creek road the oilier dsy. Goo. B. l annlchaera leam u(el hi buggy, throwing Ills wife and him self lo the ground. Mra. t'armlcbael s Quite severely bruised about llie shoulders. The Crow (Ftlsck Crow) suto Is sure ly proving all claim Four-cylinder en bloc motor with Atwsier-Kent igni tion: four Sliced, full floating axle, and the eaeiest running ear of it size on the merest; 27 horse power. 8ee me for Lee lire. A. Hbillip. The baccalaureate exercise of Wea ton High School will be held next Hun day at 1 1 a. m. at the school auditor ium. The address will be given by Kev. N. D. Wood. The graduating exercise are announced for next Fri day evening, May 21, at eight o'clock. Uobliy Evans bested Harney Mullln In the third round of their taxing match last night at Weston. Mullin wss plainly out of condition, and only In the tlna round did this veteran rlng ier chow occasional flathes of hi old tune form. There were iwo good pre liminaries. A mar belonging to the Ross boys has a "kink In her neck" which It la Duixllna them no little to eradicate. In some curlou manner she twisted a halter chain twice around one hind foot and threw herself In the manger. When released ahe was unable to move her neck, although It had not been broken and had Buffered no apparent Injury. The safe In the O.-W. R. ft N. depot at Milton waa blown with nltro-glyc-erlne Sunday night and robbed of Ita content. 181.15 In money. Th Job was apparently done by expert cracks men. County offlcera took a couple of uspects In custody at Weaton Tuea day. but soon found that they were not the right men and they were re leased. Now la the time to get your photo graph taken. It la our aim to pro duce nothing but the best, for only by ao doing can we hope to please you and merit your fulleet confidence. We take an active, personal Interest In our work, ao that our patrons derive th full benefit of our large experience and knowledge. We also do Kodak fu nning. Ohmart & Abrams, upstalra In Brandt building. WESTON'S BEAUTY BABES ARE HIGHLY LAUDED "One of the principal things to at tract the attention of a atranger In Weaton la the marked beauty of Its children." Thla remark cornea from Ohmart A Abrams. photographers, who have lately fitted up a studio In the Brandt building. Aa arttat of experience, they may be aald to be speaking with authority. The same observation haa more than once been made. Weaton stand with distinction as a city of fine children, aa may be noted In viewing the hand some little flock In baby buggies and tripping upon tha lawns and streets of thla fortunate burg. Commenting fur ther. Ohmart Abrams observe: "The fact that Weston contalna ao many beautiful children might not Im press others ao much aa It doea the man who makes a profession of pho tographic art. We have been study ing faces for years, and know what we are talking about when we say that Weston can boast of aa handsome a lot of little people aa any place we know of and that Includes aome large centers. Weaton haa much to be proud of, and ita children count for a good deal In thla respect" TO THE PCBUC Are you trying to build up your home town? If you are not, why not start In today by buying your bread at the Weaton Bakery or the O'Harra Store, which la handling Weston bread. We spend our money at home and have invested our . money here, and furthermore are here to stay. Are you, reader, guilty of spending your money for bread that la made at Walla Walla? If so, you are not help ing your town and you alao get stale bread, aa It haa to be a day old in or der to ahlp and la kept two or three days more. We bake every day and our bread la freah. Come In and In spect our bakery. Cleanliness la our motto. ) Our new Ice cream parlor is the best and neatest In town. Our Ice cream and cake, 10c. Our Ice cream aundaes. all kinds, at 15c or two for J5c. Our soda pop at 6c the-bottle. We believe In large sales and amall profits, and do not hold up the pub lic. Our freah roasted peanuts at It He the pound. E. E. ZEHtt. XJ Do you own or have bought a HOME or FARM or bulnee In Weaton or eielnltyT Are you renter, laborer, clerk or profeealonalT Thon your values ami your welfare depend on your home town. Boost It. Invest at h me, buy at home, atay with your friend, "United We Btand, Divided We Fall." - The Bualneaa Men and the Home People- are ihe best frlenda yow have. They are here tn tin e p-oa. peroue and thoy are here when you are In need of help; You know that our Interest are Mutual aid you know that we are not aelflah. Now make yourself at home. Show o that you are credit to your loan, as well as you want us to be. What do you think of the fellow who exist a miserly apona;s-ager to take In everything food hfnutelf but never doinf or investing: to better others as well aa himself? For answer-watch his funeral cortege. Now, Good People, take hold of this WESTON STORE propoeition. Booat-dWt knock. Iks I your atore. Every indutrious girl, boy, msn or woman can have personal Interest. The manager will le under bond, and if you catch him or the directors selling any goods on credit you may have your money out of the btulneaa at once. How hi that for safety? 8tock to negotiable. You can sell, buy or borrow money on It. This U go rlcbt now -In three or four days-or it will be turned down flat and Weston will Joe the best ehsnee for a HUMMING SUCCESS she ever had. Now Boost for the Weston Mercantile Company! We have a bargain In Bundle Oaaolin Thresher; on truck, 4 horse, move anywhere, 40 to M bosh els per hour, S to 6 men can run it; $625.00 take it-cash or good as gash. Also a bargain in slightly used Potato Planter. Coat $75 Uat year. Will take ca.h or good as cash ny CmVand see the new Unders-McCormick and John Deere, Wfkef, WUkaM 14 Jets Dettt Wires. PLANS UNDER WAY FOR WESTON STORE WutM MercMUl Cettsuy U vrfaa- txel With $!. ClflUL Prosnects that Weton will soon have a large new mercantile alore are regarded as very encouraging. The enterprlae w the outgrowin oi a movement set on foot a few day ago and which i now actively in progri. A corporation to be known a llie Wev ton Mercantile Company, with capital stock of .I0,U00, is pruKjed. Of this amount r:5,000 is lo be fully paid, half fK-uher. this tear, ami hair uy Jan uary 1, 1916. by the Bubscribera. The remaining vKHW is lo be set astue as treasury stock. The manager and largest sharehold er will be J. F. Slover, a successful Milton merchant, who will come to WesUin and take personal direction of the store. .Mr. Slover has ubcriled for IjOOO worth of stock. Enough fnetlixrKulMci-itnions have Wen taken by Weston business men and farmer or are immediately "in sight" to bring the total to I15.000, and the promoters feel confident that the remaining 10,- 000 will be readily secured. Manager Slover will give a bond of 410,000, and for aa much more aa ihe directors may require. An absolutely cash business must be done, or anj .i,,...,i.i,w will, on demand, be enti tled to the redemption of his stock at par. After paying for their stock shareholders are absolved from any further liability, under Oregon law. Ti..iej in rinse touch with the busi ness situation here are con8dent, as is also Mr. Slover, that the enterprise will nay at least eight percent aunusi dividends from the start. Practically everybody here ia "boosting" for the movement. The committee in itnuie .lisie ehsrire of the subscription con sists of Dr. F.'D Watts, Frank Price, J. M. Banister aod K. C. Kogers. Mr Slover met last Mommy itu mo local people interested, and will be llHffl at 1 Hill today. He says the new store can meet catalogue house com petition and still pay good prouis. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF FORMER WESTON DRUGGIST W. J. Morrison, formerly, until a year ago. in the drug businesa at Wea ton. died at hla home In Portland last Friday night under clrcustmancee that Indicated aulclde. In fact, hla death was reported aa a suicide by the Port land papers. The Evening Telegram of Saturday said: 'Preparing a special poison which naMroA Into rsnsuleSL W. J. Morrl- son, part owner and manager of the Rose City pharmacy, iwun. iny-e-enth atreet and Sandy boulevard, took the drug to hla home, 664 East Flfty ..v.nih trpo North, last nleht and swallowed Beveral of the capsule. Morrison died before aid couia oe sum moned. "Morrison was despondent over bus iu nonriittons. Shortly after he went to bed Mrs. Morrison noticed that her husband was breathing heavily. tne called him. -Ooorthv . rasned Morrison, and lapsed Into uncotisclousnses." An autopsy was arterwara neia ma the physicians could find no trace of nnin The suicide theory waa thua exploded, and the case la pusiltng the authorities. "No natural cause of death could be discovered," says the Oregonlan. . a.. uiviirltai oiatailtrd 4MT HO irnuv we" " . . . . ftV, HNt amurtW. lwtchcj thOM 4UM. t .-.i..- araa T gt Bit BAM aaJ NPOTt M rMhfrtiltrjr. Umiak rtfvwt PATENT BUILD rOKTUFia w mu. frva, bMkM UtU fcow. W tac4M sum! bwv Ttm MoftrT. Write TflNtajr B. SViFT & GO. a a rryr LAWVEII. ,303 Seventh St, Washington 0.C ssjtallMalMa ; New The World's Closest Slrimmer The U. S. not only won the World' Record in the greatest el all separator contests, but has continuously retained and strength ened this wonderful record at all important International and State events from the beginning of this century, in the Agricultural Colleges and in actual ever day work right on the farm tinder all conditions. In competition the United States has been able to prove that it can always skim closer than any other cream separator, mainly because it is the only well-known separator that is built to skim according to Nature's laws; cream from the top, mule from the bottom therefore, no conflicting bowl currents. Aa yet we have never heard of anyone who has improved on Nature. Have you? At "finish of the run" do you know that most cream separa tors lose considerable cream? - The U. S. never does, for it flushes perfectly clean. The vertically arranged skimmer and open center of the bowl render it impossible for creaa. to lodge in the bowL We shall appreciate further chance to prove these facta to your satisfaction. Weston Imported and home-bred Percheron, Belgian and Shires, now at the Model barn, Walla Walla, for a short time. Extra good, big and rugged, with the best of pedigrees, and for sale at bar gain prices. If you are in the market for a fine stallion, you should see these horses. J. R. JUSTICE ww (The Galesburg, Illinois, Importer) WALLA WALLA, WN. T -"" "Mvm jue..n. -WM '.' '..WW it! WlllJlawoi.a.w "I'll buy at the r DeMOSS FURNITURE My Davenport Chairs lugs Dressers Beds Mattress Kitchen Articles Tables . ' . - Where I can get the NEWEST at a price within my reach and prepare my home for Picnic" Hold, tha World'. Record in tha greatest akimminy; contest aver held EDWARD TUCKER Oregon