The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 07, 1915, Image 4

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- ' - - S-baf aal la aalnaiaa traa.
W U-Uaeaeaaeal ot a.lNe eae re. hl
m -t. . 4U I, f hJ temturv.
kaJUHrtt BBue. !' Saraa) ft.
t rim
M tl bart ssakasad. ot a aadato a4 "7
t it Aats aB Co- MS . r".
fMWl MAN, M A UIHi. lr
Uxi rem eea rei a.aia ae aaoieait
. i t. . . . i . a -- 1 1 roan In tMM.
mm (ten free MlaWaw. .
iuuj.. iot4. I.UK.MK, ra.o. i--
to K.a.haa, Ho Varaa. Barry aad rYelt ' r
MtUuv. Ulnwil wrd-aapr a afc""-
Pit Game Chickens
a. knrf hr Onwea Owatoe dartre. En ILM
rr It Klark. MM W wiot""'"ot. .
9. UJSkKHa. lf ea UUmi Sc. . OK
Th. anr, XHrtlT Vk-yrl )! d
aa Bke ki Peruana. rttOT tat aa Mtce
taaa. HI W 1KA 8U Oun-r
Is im man mn y
allOS. arars
I ein-
HMII Veulealliel
I MOW ar ot eejaKaaa, rea aa
HiaaiiBiaaMi aaavraac.
araawM. at was far "Km
eaeha Tyaaaaar SHUa at Tr.k.1 Varrae
MaiSli fraaa aae. aai Saaear fraa Tyeaaal Certaaja.
lie ojrrrt iasomtoiv. kmiuy. cau
Do You Want to
Sell Your Farm?
W ar tnliuin farm dealers, and oar lone
ezperieore mmkm our facilities for ending
perctueers anaxrelled in thai Mctioa. Ifyo
ami re U sell or trade year farm lands, writ
a, rTU( full oVacnpOoa and VocaUoa of
your property, boat pric and term, aad jwet
what ;oa want ia eichanfe. We Kara a party
wasting a stork ranch ap to 00.000. aad will
trad 13 acre, of timber, coataiatng Mty
aulboa feat of timber. Submit propaaiooa.
122 N. 6th St, Portland. Or.
Painting Point.
When preparing paint remember
that better reaulu are obtainable from
eral application! of thin paint than
from beTler coats. Of coarse, it
take Vonjer to do the work. Paint
put on in thin coat and allowed to
dry, laaU much lonier and will not
flak off al la often the case when
1 heavier coata axe applied. When very
fine reaalta are wanted rob down each
noat after It haa thoroughly dried.
Drink Water and Live a Century.
A Roumanian scientist claim that
anyone can lire to be one hundred
fear old. barrlnf accidents. It he
drink enough water. He declares he
has disco re red that old age la due to a
decrease ia the amount of water in
the system and that Father Time may
be checkmated by systematic water
drinking daring middle age.
Must Put Country First.
To make parliament a decent work
ing machine all the considerable par
tie must be willing to subordinate
their party and personal interests to
the need of the country. This is
what no party ia any parliament of
any country will at present do. Adri
an Boa.
Removal of President.
No president of the United State
was erer removed from hi high offlce.
The attempt was made to remove
, President Andrew Johnson, but it
failed by one vote, and Johnson served
out his full term.
Master Clock Can Operate Many.
Testa made by an English elec
trician have shown that It is possible
for single master clock to operate
600 other clocks Strang along fifty
nOes of wire.
Unci Eben.
"Bora men gits credit fob babbin'
S good disposition," said Uncle Eben,
"moaly because dey 1 so fixed dat
dey'a In position to have purty
much deir own way."
Fat Trade.
"Jinks doesn't look like literary
mau. But be says he makes his liv
ing by his pen-" "So he does. He
raises pigs." Baltimore American.
a F. SWAGGART, Prop.
"Jala L. SaUiraa-aS-raar-okJ
raiaad oa this farm.
Broaden of
lack: Tfceraasatrei
Saddle, Baiar aad
Eaaaiac Hetaaai
Barkahira Has
Lexington, Oregon.
$17.50 Per Ton
f. o. b. Warehouse
Full information furnished upon
418 Corbett Bldff
PUt Ex ml Portland, Or.
r. n. u.
'KK wrha
tto aaaar.
Washington Stirred by German
Attack Off Sally Islands.
Seriousness It Admitted, and Note to
Berlin Speaking of 'Strict Ae
countabillty" Recalled Dam
ages May Be .Demanded.
London' '.Th American oil tank
steamship Gulflight was sunk by
German submarine Saturday at noon
off the Scilly Islands, according to a
dispatch to th Central New agency.
The Gulflifc'ht sailed from Port Arthur,
Tex., April 10, for Rouen, France,
The captain died from Dean lauure
as a result of shuck, and two seamen
jumped overboard and were drowned.
The other member of th crew were
taken off by a patrol boat and landed.
The vessel was towed into Crow sound
and beached.
Washington, D. C Press reports of
the torpedoing of th American
steamer Gulflight and th loss of her
captain and some member of th crew
created a stir in official circle here.
where the seriousness of the occurrence
was'everywher admitted.
In the absence oi rresiaent rt usun.
officials made no comment as to the
probable action of the United Sutes
government, beyond saying that a
thorough inquiry as to th manner of
the torpedoing and th responsibility
for it would first be required before a
decision could be reached as to the
kind of representations to be made.
If first reports are born out, the at
tack on the Gulflight constitute the
first case of an American ship struck
by a torpedo, with the consequent loss
of lives. Two American vessels have
been sank by mines, the responsibility
for which never has been fixed, and
one American, Leon C Thresher, was
drowned when the British ship Falaba
was torpedoed.
It was generally recalled that in the
not sent by the United Sutes to Ger
many in answer to Germany's procla
mation of a war cone around the Bri
tish Isles and Ireland, the Washington
government asserted that it would hold
the German government "to a strict
accountability" for the loss of any
American lives or vessels, the phrase
ology being so drawn as to cover at
tacks on belligerent vessels on which
Americans were traveling.
America's Right to Ship Anns Coo
ceded, but food Should Be Free
Philadelphia Dr. Bernhard Dern
bure. former colonial secretary of Ger
many, protested at Sunday's session of
the annua meeting or the American
Academy of Political and Social Sci
ence, against a declaration at a recent
meeting of the academy that Germany
had declared aganist the right of the
United States to sell and distribute
arms to belligerent countries.
Dr. Dernburg came here as a listener
to the discussions on the effect of the
European war on America's interests
and at the close of the session made a
brief speech in which he said the
declaration was "absolutely false."
The address in which the statement is
said to have been made was delivered
by Charles Noble Gregory, of Wash
ington, D. C, who spoke on "The Sale
of Munitions of War by Neutrals to
Dr. Dernburg explained that Ger
many had only complained of the in
equality of the treatment that his
country is receiving in that foodstuffs
are shut out of Germany, whereas
there is a free transit of arms to Great
British Win in Africa.
Cape Town The following official
statement regarding the operations in
South Africa was issued Monday:
"General McKenzie s mounted forces
which were designated to cut off the
Germans who, after the evacuation
of Keetmanskop retreated northward
along the railway, inflicted serious
defeat on them in the vicinity of
Gibson, captured a whole railway
train, several transport wagons, a
great quantity of live stock, two
field guns, several Maxims and 200
Vancouver Bridges Fired.
Vancouver, B. C Two outbreaks of
fire took place Monday and Monday
night at Granville street bridge, and
coming on the heels or recent Oleas
ters, there are circumstances with
both that it is now accepted as truth
that these fires are the work of Incen
diaries. The first one was late in the
afternoon and the second shortly after
10 o'clock at night On the last oc
casion three men were noticed rushing
from underneath the structure and in
five minutes the center span of the
bridge was in flames.
Flirt Recruits Tommies.
London Flirting can be made an
effective recruiting expedient At a
recent recruiting rally a girl beld ap
her hand and announced that she had
sent five young men to the front At
the end of the meeting she indicated
the young man at her side and de
clared, "Here's the sixth!" This
caused the speaker to say, "Flirting of
that kind is the right sort" He ad
vised the young girls of the audience
to use their wile in behalf of country.
Hail As Big As Baseballs Falls.
St Louis Hail stones ss large as
baseballs were hurled upon scattered
sections of Missouri Sunday. The
damage to crops and livestock will run
into thousands of dollar. At Stur
geon, Mo., a boy was killed by light
ning. In St Louis th streets were
flooded in places by several feet of wa
lUaa ball hai arowa lo lantte propw
laa allhln the aaol dile eae me mi
.aim arurk af the taama haa ba Ik
J-llahl of KtlllloM l aOTOIalOT 1 '
tre au many Ihlnc to admire la the same
that II I Imnoeelbl IO dearriD mem.
Hitttoor eietvlee la one of Nature s teal In promnlln Keen an airenia
.n.l kevnliia the blood rtrh and pure; but.
nvrhaa oa are one of Ihe many wno
.ra 4.m.a that brlvlleaT. Tol lead a
aa.l.ntar life which always haa leu
lanrv to mak th liver laay, the bowel
rkiaead and dlfaelloa pw. Oftentimes
ru or n.rvoua, el)lea, aav a appa
ll! and frel run down.
fn.t. th.aa conditions rota wiu amour
annr.-tate Ihe ealatanr to be derived
rrura a trial of HoaloMae' Hlomach Hit
i.ra. li h.liva Nature by tonlns and
tn.n.tkMitii' ihe tltomarh. IJv.r and and with thee oramaa In a tew
mal rundillon your system I well forti
fied acainet an attack of 8lr Headache.
Heartburn. India-ration, Cramp. Conatl-
patton, Uiltouenea or Malaria, Fvr or
tiarave lake aim! rare rf your health
tnd ru will be ll reald. while care
lenea only brliur eutferin and die
troaa. Let ltoattier'e ftonieoh
help you to maintain our health.
Batuc's Hatred f Tsbaee.
Perhaps no celebrated author was
mor hoattl toward tobacco thaa
Italiae. It I true that Lamartln
speaks of th novelist's teeth as black
ened by dear amok, but Lamartln
waa not intimate with Baliac. Gait-
tier on the other hand knew him well
and wrcte eloquently about his hatred
of tobacco, ltaliac's ruling passlan
was coffee, which Injured htm and
perhaps killed him. In some or Bis
novels he anathematises tobacco.
When he allows seme of his character
to smoke there is veiled contempt "As
for De Msrtay. he was busied In
smoking his clirars "
Dr. Pierce s Pellets, small, sugar
coated. eay to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate alomacn. uver ana oow
els. to not gripe.
Wouldn't Hsv Sister Hurt
When Walter was a tiny fellow b
accompanied his older sister to th
dentist s. Sh was to have a tooth ex
tracted and as the dentist commenced
to pull Helen began to scream. In
stantly, face aftre. Walter scrambled
from his chair and grabbed th dentist
by th leg. Tugging with all his
might, he shouted fiercely: "Ton bes
ser stop dat if you know what's dood
for you."
If Arms Ar Too Fat
If the arm ia too fat vigorous mas
sage will help to reduce; but should
be supplemented by active exercises.
To massage the arm. grasp with th
open hand, near the shoulder; and,
treating It as If it were a wet sheet
lifted from the washtub, twist th
flesh with a wringing motion. Oo
over th entire arm la this way sev
eral times.
Yea Co Get A the-, root- as ntfC
Write Ali.n. Olmird,Le Roy, S. Y., lor
ff?e sample of Alkn's FooC'Ea. It rnrrs
sweating, hJt awolicn, aching- feet. Xl aiakf
hew or HM ahoe ay. A cvrtaia euro lot
coma, hwrowint oaib and bunluna. AUdruf
luueailtl. ic Ixm'l accept any tutaulut.
Some Climate.
The northern parts of Norway and
Sweden extend well up Into the Arctic
circle, while the southern parts come
down to the latitude of Glasgow; so
there is a wide range between the
winter temperatures in those coun
tries. The same applies to Canada.
"I hate the smell of mothballs and
there's the woman next door hanging
up the clothes she has had put away
with them." "Why object to that?
She's doing you a neighborly kindness
t airing your grievances."
HI Preference.
She (fond of ragtime) "Now that
you have looked over my music what
would you like to have me play?" H
"Whist or casino." Boston Tran
script Ocean's Richest Prix.
Sperm whales are the richest prize
f the ocean, yielding spermaceti
from the cavities in their heads. Ivory
from their lower Jaws and rich yel
low oil from their sides.
A Weak. Nervous Sufferer
Restored to Health by Ly
dia E PinkhW. Veg
etable Compound.
Essoia, Minn. "I am glad to say
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
lampoona os acme
mor for me than
anything else, and I
had th best physi
cian here. I was so
weak and nervous
that I could not do
my work and suf
fered with pain low
down in my right
side for year or
mor. I took Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, and now I feel like a
different person. I believe there Is
nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound for weak women and
young girls, and I would b glad If I
could influence anyone to try th medi
cine, for I know it will do all and much
more than it Is claimed to da" Mrs.
Clara Franks, B, F. D. No. 1, MapJ
erest Farm, Kasota, Minn,
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced of th ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health by the many genuine
and truthful testimonials w ar eon.
stantly publishing In the newspapers.
If yon have the slightest doubt
that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vesretav
lle Compound will help yon. write
to Lydia K.Pinkham Medici neCo.
(confidential ) Lynn, Mass fo- ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman.
nd beld ia strict confidence.
IVtrtland Wheat-Rluwtem, 11.31
forty-fold, fl.tT; club, l.S; red Rus
Oats-No. 1 whit feed. 31IS.
Barley No. 1 feed, 24; bran, $i4
short. tU lO.
Millfeed Spot price: Bran, $2
ton: shorts. 12s: rolled barley, ISO
Corn Who!. 138 ton: cracaeu, sao.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $1(J
IS; valley timothy, llZbtllftO; grain
hay. flOtuil; alfalfa. Ill.o0am.60.
Veretable lu-umtvr, nouiou,
t ltd 1.60 dosen: artichoke. 76c; torn
toe. fScrat; cabbage. StQtStc pound;
celery, $4.50 crate; cauliflower, 7 60(16
tl.SS dosen; head lettuce, crate.
spinach. 6e pound; rhubarb. Untie;
asparagua, 76e 11.10 doaen; egg
plant K6c pound; peas, 7.8c; twana,
1 2ic 1.16c. : carrots. $1.60 sack; beet.
$1.60: parsnip. $1.25; turnips, 1J
Green Fruit Strawberries, 2
crat; apple, $lm,1.75 box; cranber
ries, Hindi1 barrel; gooseberri. Sat
He round.
rotatoe Old, $1.70 U .Xo sacs;
nw. (u8e pound.
Onion Oregon selling price, yoc
sack, country points; California. Job
bing price, yellow, $I.7Bit2; wrm.
$2.25 crat.
Ejtm Fresh uresoo ranch, caa
count lfcitlflicdoien.
Poultry Hen. 15c: broilers,
27c; fryrs, 1 8(4. 20c; turkeys, dreea-
ed. 22ii24c; live. 18.20c; ducks, 12
MISc; gee, 8it9c.
Butter Creamery, prints, extras.
25c pound In case lots; ftc mor in las
than cas lots; cube, xitjixze.
Veal Fancy, 1 Impound.
Pork Block. lOutlOtc pound.
Hop . 1914 crop, nominal; con
tract. 11c pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon, medium, 25
4i26c; Eastern Oregon, fin. 16fl8c;
valley, 28(S0c; mohair, new clip, 32)
Case ara bark Old and new, 4tl4i
Cattle Best steers, $7.50 it 7.76;
choir. $7d.7.25: medium, $S.?5J:7;
choice cow. $,25l.75; medium. $6
K5.75; heifer. $50(6.25 ; bulls. $44f
& 75: stair. $5616.60.
Hog Light, $T(ii8.05; heavy, $6(9
Sheen Wethers. $6.75ul7; sheared
ewea, $5.50 it 6.75; sheared lamb.
$7.758; full wool $1 higher.
T aroma Annie Wineaap and
Yellow Newtown Pippins, $1.66fJ.75.
Comb Honey Yakima, $3.60 crat;
strained honey, $5.60; Idaho, $3.50;
Nevada, $3.50.
Strawberries $1.85 to $2.25 crate,
according to siie.
VegeUbles Cbbg,Winningtadt
$3.25 ewt; carrota, $1.60fftl.65 sack;
beets, horn grown, $11.25; turnips,
$1.25; potatoes, Yakima. $3436ton;
Idaho, $3; sweet, $4cwt; new po
tatoes, 6Je pound; tomatoes, $4.60t
5.50 case; onions, green, 20c dosen;
Walla Walla, $1.75 box; Oregon Yel
low Danvers. $1.60; Yakima, $1.60;
California, $1.60; garlic. 30c pound;
radishes, local, 20c dosen bunches;
California, 25c; partly. S0c: lettuce,
head, $2.25 crat; spinach, local, 6c
pound; Walla Walla, 75c box; cucum
bers, local hothouse, 50c$1.25 dosen;
celery, $4 4.60 crate; rutabagas,
$1.85 sack; artichokes, 75c dosen;
rhubarb, local, Se pound; asparagua,
Washington, $1.15011.65 box; green
peas, 8c pound; green and wax beans,
13(S14e pound.
Fresh MeaU Steers, 1212Je
pound; cows, 12c; heifers, 12&12ic;
wethers, 14Jc; dressed bogs, Hie;
trimmed sides, 15e; combination,
16c; Diamond T. C, 161e; ewe, ISe.
Poultry Ducks, liv, 10(12c; hens,
dressed, 1618c; live, 16c; springs,
dressed, 22c; live, 1416c; squab,
live, $2.60 dozen; dressed, $6; tur
keys, live, 18c; dressed, 28 80c;
geese, ZUc
Butter Washington creamery, tw
26c; Oregon, 24c.
EggsFresh ranch, 17Z0c
Quick Digging Is Urged.
Sookane. Wash. Immediate action
in ditreinsr many miles of trenches ex
tending through th center of Wilson
Creek vallev will be the only means
of savimr the south hslf of th valley
fravn th devastation from the Coulee
cricket, declared Cecil W. Creel, cereal
and forest insect expert, connected
with th United States department of
Agriculture, who arrived her from
the cricket-infested district Trenches
three miles long hsve been plowed on
the 6000-scre farm of W. C. Mading
and a natrol of six men is being main
tained in the destruction of millions of
the wingless insects.
Wallowa Crop Outlook Good.
Wallowa, Wash. Th recent rains
have been great help to the Wallowa
valley and the outlook for crops is ex
cellent The fall grain has never
looked better. The acreage of spring
grain will be large, owing to th high
prices. The season Is at least three
week earlier than usual. The fruit
trees are blossoming and unless' un
favorable weather conditions prevail
th prospect is fsvorable for much
fruit, ss the rains have not damaged
the buds. The spring so far has been
quite free from hard frosts.
Potsto Acreage Double.
SUnfield, Or. Th potato acreage
which haa been planted and will be
planted here this season is more than
twice a large as usual and there will
be many carloads for shipment this
fall. Another feature of the potato
crop here this year Is thst it is being
planted mostly on former alfafa fields,
rich In fertility, whereas In former
years potato ground has been mostly
new ground without humus and harder
to control as to moisture content Ex
periments prove that a farmer can well
afford to plow up alfalfa for potatoes.
Douglas Ssnds First Brris.
Roseburg, Or. C. E. Henry, a well
konwn rancher of Dillard, has th dis
tinction of ahipping th first crate of
strawberries from Douglas county to
th Portland markets. Th berries
left her Saturday. They were large,
of excellent color and war well fla
vored. They met ready sal at, fancy
prices In the Portland markets.
mm 1 1 jj 1 v
MEJfS 2.00 3 '3.50
WOMEN'S 2.00 2.00 '3.00 '3.00 a .u mum
BOYy .73 2 .OO 3.00 MISSES 2.CO G, '2.00
w. t- neaela he are a, at
aaaaKa Iskdaft ah Mat M6tlirl erl. i.a eexpet will. W.
fkmsittniB mmim - "
a ill. at at
aa aaaari
Th aad 4 ehaos ..III
aaMkaraakaaeaallaa e.V la
A SO .boa eoaapate faa.eble
oat faaarabl. wll
e4er wmmmwm -
Iheroar aaaar aaaoaad weea wear
.haaa. a.ult I haa. aad Ike. will tall
taeealaa efcaae eaaooi ae -
caution 1 zxxniA
avtia ia. arw. aae. rm -f r - "
tiLri-li. . a- k aai allae
If ir oaaier eaaa. .rer r-a.
treled CelahMf ekaela bao la uraa. of
Imprale H Mak.
now tru It I that th child Is f
tber of th msat Whenever a man
come In her, tor Instance, ana D
sin to boast bow powerful and Im
portent h Is In th community, If not
lb stal. Ihe nation and the world al
large, our mmory goes back to tb
dava of our Innocent childhood when
w boy used to aasur on another
that w spat nickels and maybe an
occasional dim, though really w
didn't at all. Columbus (Ohio) Jour
nave Healthy, Streaf, Meaallral Kre
. .uJ Maria are
taaear aiaa( roof bafor II aaa offered a a
Uooieait aje aiedieiae. stertae ia aw vva..
. k. w I. . .i.u au aaaraaleed
l Ikeei aa a Mailable K.llet for SreeUal Meed
.are. Iff II 11 r i ia aa. ia eaw
NeMertlef-Jael Kjre Coaifwr. r Hortae
jl tour lamas let-aaveH a babeuiuia, aad II
.aiere-led writ for of th rvea.
Mtauaa bi a mkmsu to, cuicauu
Waterproof Match.
Before you go camping, or away on
voyag. prepare some waterproof
match, and se that they ar always
at hand. In a small tin vessel well
son paraffin, and, while It la stilt hot
dip th end ef each match Into this,
and lay It out carefully until cool and
dry. Th coaling of paraffin make
th match absolutely waterproof. Mo
Call Macatlu.
True Art ef Life.
Th art of llf I to b kind, to
ndeavor to look si everything from
'Ji point of view of th other fellow.
o be more eager to giv man to re-
elv. to lov one's nelfhbor. and to
y th protector of th wek and hetp-
ess. whether they be Utile children
jr tb flower that grow by th way.
lid. Sidney Dare.
Toe Wis a Bird
Can you tell me, sir." asked the
adroit panhandler, -'where an honest
man can find hard work In return for
square meal?" "I could." replied
the experienced and disillusioned cltl-
ten. "but I mak It a rule not f. an
swer questions wholly Idle and aca
demic." Rlcbmondvlll Time CM
in th naat twenty year, literally
thousands of physicians have written
hner auccnaaful the realnol
treatment I for eciema and similar
ikin trouble. The first use or rrsinoi and realnnl anal) usually
stop the itching and burning, and
tney soon clear away an trace oi me
aruptlon. No other treatment lor mo
ikln now before the public can show
uch a record of professional approval.
Sold by all druggists. Adv.
Dye From Nettle.
a Una vellow dva I produced from
lha rranta of nettles boiled In alum
The intra nf the stalk and leaves Is
used to dye woolen stuff a brilliant
url oermanent rreen.
Placing th Blsms.
t.w "Hnt back your letter on
nrumad ehT WhV did Sh do that?
Tom ''She said the postman who de
livered It kicked her nog.
Mow it Comes to Pas.
(from tb verdict of a coroner's
irvi "The deceased came to his
death from a railroad In th bands of
receiver." Philadelphia Ider.
Something of a Hint
Mr. Blowboy (calling on girl) "You
seem er rather distant this ve
nln." Girl "Well, your chair ism
nailed down. Is Itr Brooklyn Eagle
Honeymoon Us
A hnnevmoon produces mora lies to
the squar mlnut than any other pe
riod of a person s lire -ine imnj
Days," by Hubert Wales.
They Who Hav Larnlng.
Oreal talkers, without knowledge,
are as the winds tnst wnisue;
ihnv who hav learning enouia speas
sloud. Mollere
Overlooked In Proverb,
m.. .lt.Mril nroverb ixnores the
fact tbt th early fish also catches
tb worm nd the boon tnei os
with It
Whn Reform 8em Easy.
Vben a good talker is on de plat
form," aid Unci Eben, -rerorm
seem so easy dat It almos' looks Ilk
common amusement.
Alwsys Something to De.
Ufa I Just on swat after another.
Tint It is candldatea for office and
hen it Is carpet and fllesvCblcago
World' High Trs.
jamh trees in th Australian for
ests grow to a height of 120 feet; karl
trees to 200 feet I
Dally Thought,
f count life Just a stuff to try th
toul's s'""1'' r"i"n1nx.
In On -j, utc- of Al.
In on "butt" of si tber are 109
rations. I
Cala. aaam sds lae" d Msfcwr ealm ahaa aoy el
Mcfcass. Wriw laj f aookkl "Hea at Lvt MS
4.00 4.B0 5 0.50 SHOES
la aees
. ' ' i -asfT
I. . IMala
- " sT WMBHSal
" -
a Ive ajj toad
.aa II
la. w.uiiaa
.alkat W.
10 ri
- . , .L,
. as Wo
-. -
lure Way t Dtc a Married Man.
"It requlrt i no peculiarity acute de
duction to ascertain whether or not
man I married," said Bsckrlll Mo
Kautt. "Nearly every man rarrle his
! money In his right hand trousers
! pocket, rmiseouently If lh outer
x1 of that pocket la In a frayed con
dition from frequent ntrnt- to th
sourc of supply It la a cinch that
th wearer I no bachelor" Kansas
City 8tar.
Veur Dog th tst
Another certainty Is that every
youngiter who revels in th compan
ionship of a faithful mongrel pup that
Is all his own will refus to accept
th dictum of Ihe Judges al th West
minster Kennel rlub show flial a par
tlculn wire-haired fox terrier Is "lb
best dog In lh I'nlted Hlalr " Top
ka Journal.
Conscience tn Accussr.
Hear my voice; ) wive of lmech,
heaxken unto my speech: for I have
alain a man to my wounding, and a
young man to my hurt If Cain l. II
be avenged aevrnfold, truly Ijniiwh
seventy and sevenfold. Oeneela 4:
13. !.
Thar Ar Other.
"I think I'rofrssor lllbrow I a won
derful lecturer." said lh Old rtgy
"II bring things bom to you thai
you never saw before." "That's nolo
Ing." replied lh Orouch. "I bav a
laundry wagon driver who can do
that" Cincinnati Enquirer.
Ho Girls View Them.
On writer says that a freckle "la
a wild flower the sun baa placed cm
their cheeks," That Is a pretty
thought, but many girls will continue
to regard tb freckle as a thorn In lb
flesh. Toledo tllade.
Two Bait.
"The belt worn by Napoleon at Ihe
battle of Waterloo shows that bis
girth was 41 Inches Bom belt, ehf
"Yes. but not a circumstance to tb
belt that Wellington av him."
Be Clean!
Inside and Outside
ant that the
ImtNiriUe caused
f v k li -d-Ainf.- jrUJ L l F ,
aaaaaaaiaaWf VV ' - , - -MsSBaBhaaW
-- - -
I -
"" e
or by inactivity of the livr.
Golden Medical Discovery
(la Tab lot or Liquid Form)
Cleanses th system and mora. It puts Ihe liver In sorh condition of
health the! It purifies th blood-as It should. It helps the slotnarh
digest food ao that It makes good blood rich, rod blood to nourish and
strengthen all th organ. ...... . ... .
Yoo may avail yourself of it ton!, revivifying Influene by retting a
bottl or boi of tab lata f rum your madlclM dealer or soml toe f or a
trial bos. Addr as below.
Tr, Plane's Common ftenae Medleal AdvMr"-a rvatx-h ekMh bom hat er
louapaeeson reaeint nf SI one aenl suraps to auvar aaauia ehafa. Addraa
pr. VTm. I"ler jiuffaio, N. Y.
Mysteries of Rheumatism
Practically Solved
Action in ifsa Tissasi ef
S.S.S.UI Regular Wizard
Rheumatism Is often th effect of soms
ether blood afrilotlon that ha left It Im.
press In th Joints, muscle and muooua
coverings of lh body- It work Into th
tlseu calls, thos tiny, Iitu noeias ia
which nutrition goes on. And It la her
that a most remarkable medlcln known
as S. . 8. do Its most aotlv and moat
ffectlv work.
It action Is marvalou. Bed riaaen
vhaumatle eat on their feet as If by
magic That cold, clammy sensation that
mad you hug a red not stov is son in
a twinkling. That xoniclallng pain that
mad a feather lay aa heavy a a ton oi
coal oa th skin is gone. You gst up and
eano with gla.
Your rhtumatlsm I gon apsoiutsiyi
It Is an actual logical fact, that Swift's
Bur 8pelflo fluho your blood, glv
your ontlr blood circulation a fin
thorough bath. It Just naturally and In a
twinkling irrigate vry atom ia your
rdr. EWack.s-.aardl.eri SUk. Waal Cellea sod Mlsed (M St ens billa. UeaatS
i Cetera.- uiwau. MMMn. .1. MOWBOB PBUO COWAKY. Pigsrksissl Z. Qvtcy. lUewai
II aa eoald Stall the
W. I. lleaalal laetarj
al aroehie. Maaa.,
aad aae hew earelalli
ike ahaaa ar made.
aad Ik hlh grade
ealhers Meed, la
uU a heai autder-
elead mhf Ihey luoh
sad HI better, e
aaakM lee lb prire.
L. Day. lea
she., are
Ihreusa aw
alere In Ihe
larse sine
n .nee
rmuMMai. i-kvii
tiimiAr uwKAsni
-afr W I . Ji,
.... . .'. A V f V,t..a.
Cures lh alk and art aa a preventative for other.
I.louid in." mi Ihe I. man. rfe Iu.hI mere end all
uth.r Heel kidney remedy, se i elite a Iwltle, I a a ,..
H..UI by all iliuail.t and lurf -Hla huiiaea. or T.rea
tHii.l. iy Hi iiiaiiuU. tul.f. Ilwklel, "iHeleiiipar, Caua and
l-uie," Iree. iP0MN MtOICAt C0M
Chemist and iactef lelogials, Ooshcn, Ind., U. B. A.
Shoe Polish
CUaa . Compact
Always Rdf
V ft. r
Alia twk.ieui
kbui) nt,rrtT
(ArwHt U M 4
hierllraoeiera rarllaa. Ore,
. ....... . I
Na Dlr t B Ray f Bunshln.
The signs on th order of 'Kei
Smlllni. Ther t'p." etei glv m a
larg pain." said fUckvlll McKnult.
who ha a vary somber east or counte
nance "Id you ever e a picture of
Abe Lincoln that had a stnllo on ttf
And did you ever see one of Ooorg
Washington with a broad grin? I am
proud lhat I resemble Lincoln aad
Washington." Kansas City 8tar.
Art Hsr Hobby.
She had a vast amount of money,
but It had come lo her quite recently.
On day an acquaintance asked her it
she were fond of art- "Ftmd of art!"
Sh exclaimed "Well. I should say I
waa! If I ant ever In a city where
there an artery I nrr fall to visit
But That's (srlou.
Bom girl seem to slip along
through llf without any mor serious
worries I ban bow lo keep lh shoulder
straps of their evening gown In place.
-Columbus lO Journal.
Tr Them Carefully.
All human things of dearest valu
bang on alendor trlfig. Edmund
If yon would be
healthy, strong and
happy. Hatli keep the skin
clean ami in good condition. JJut
what about tile inside of the body?
can no more alfonl to neglect it
-Js7i iiV. 'xS
Saaaia SS a mm f VA V J; ST M
than the outside. HI just a import
avatem be ckaruMNl of tli poisonous
by weakness of the digestive organ
a Reaarkable Aniidsii
la Driving Out Eheaatatiam,
body. It rushes Into every en, cans
very ban, muscl, ligament, tendon,
muoau surfae and every nrv to thrill
with freedom, with health, with new
found springiness.
And beat of all, 8. B. 8. though a pew
rful searching, overwhelming enemy t
pain and th causes of rheumatism I a
pur a th dew on a pach blom, a
powerful aa tb herolo work of nature,
ss searching as th peremptory demand ef
th moat exact science.
Ask for and Insist upon gsttlng 8. B. 8.
th world' euro for rheumatism.
ror private, protial advlo a stub,
bom ehronlo rheumallsm writ at eno
to tb Swift SnMlno Co., 101 Swift Bulie
Ing, Atlanta, (la. Their medical depart
ment I famous on all blood diseases, and
la equipped to make paraonal bleod tests,
approved by the highest medloal authori
ties. Oat a bottl of S. 8. S. today. Thss)
away goes rheumatism for all Urn.
ter. I