The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 07, 1915, Image 3

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and cake
10 CtSm
the dUh l th.
Weston Bakery
Fresh Bread, Cake ami I'eatry.
Fins Candle. UhnI Meals st All
Hours, it. Ws specialise In
trudge and I'arty Kupra.
ZEHM th Uakcr
Dupuls Bulkfiiig, Main and Wsler
8 hoes and Harness
Repaired next dwr.
-, - m-s ,Hsa- r v
Ice Cream
0- Popular S.ft Drinks
J. B. Farrcns
Weston Meat
Brandt Builtlin, opjx)
site Postoffice.
Good, Fresh Meats
Fish in Season
Cash paid for
Perry &LundelI
New Groceries
New Notions
New Canvas Gloves
For Men and Women
New Summer Underwear
iis Eiibdij Store
Physician and Surgeon
Office In Brandt buildin,
Ice Cream
Walla Rogers ail. puis your
"Ihlnk rap" on.
r...M of nil Minis en 19 .n! the
di n. Welon Hakery.
Mm J. r. Yandel of Joseph. Ore
gon. I vWtlng her daushier, Mr. Her
bert Maker.
A Mnsonle pin picked up nenr the
opi ra house may be had by liwulrlm
al Ihla i.ffii.
Iteanilaml motion pictures at WV
Mil opera house nrxl Monday nmt
Tueinlny evenings.
! Mm. D ,H. Jarman and little daugh.
tors f Freewater were week-end
guests of the li. (I. Baling.
Think how good Ihla main street
may be msde by two or three days'
work. Walla Rog.-ra.
Mm. J. II. Farrcna vUltcd Monday
and Tuesday In Freewater. while look
In aflor her properly Interests.
Iicrl Ferguson returned Saturday
from Pendleton, where he has been
receiving: treatment for asthma.
Mm. Cora Rlmpsnn and Mine Zllla
Simpson of Watla Wnlla. were vlsltlng
with Weslon relatives during the week.
Motor car service to all points, day
or nlhl. Also livery and feed slab!,
opposite the l.leuallen blaikumllh
shop. Lafe MoUrlda.
Our soda fountain Is now connected
and our newly-fitted Ire cream parlors
aro ready for you. Ice cream and
rake. 10 cenla the dish. Woaton
Frank Hlldebrand haa returned to
. .... I ..... a nJ MUaftllpI BftAe
n cmiiii tii.iii ' wiiii . - t
an absence of five years, during which j
time he became convinced mat mis is
the place for him.
Mrs. Oeorge I Horseman returned
Unn.lnv nvunlni from a visit to her
stepdaughter, Mr. Frank Elliott, at ,
. . mill-.. I n v l
leppner. mrs. roiun in kivivihh
from her recent Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. 81m 3. Cullcy and Mr.j
CI. DeOraw left Monday In the Culley
Ford for Walla Walla, from which
city they accompanied the Ford auto- I
mobile excursion to - the Columbia
river. j
The family of A. W. Lundell. now a :
member of the local firm of Perry &
I.unriell. are expected to arrive next I
Sunday from Athena to make their
home In Weaton. They will occupy
the Charles Crawford residence.
The household of It. I Wilson,
Weston's popular chlot of police, re
ceived a welcome visit Monday eve
ning from the kindly stork which docs
so much more for thla terwn than the
Immigration bureau. The new arrival
la a girl, weight eight ana a nan
Following were tho first place win
ners In the county championship spell
ing contest held Saturday at Pendle
ton: Klghth grade. Opal Glagebrook
of Frecweter: seventh grade, Faye
Price of Milton; sixth grade, Jeeao
Stewart of Forndale; fifth grade, Veda
Watlenburger of Echo; fourth grade,
Lurlndo, Dell of Athena; third grade,
Dorothy Koepke of Athena.
U 8. Vincent, the newly-appolntcd
assistant to the atate game warden,
was In town from Athena Friday. Mr.
Vincent Informs The Leader that the
prospects are favorable toward secur
ing a fish ladder for the natural falls
obstruction on Pino creek In the Hud
son Bay district. These falls have
long been a detriment to good trout
fiahlng In Pine and Dry creeks.
The county's sprinkling carl la now
at work on the maradamlned road b-tet-n
Wriliin and Athena, spreading
California oil over the surface. The
oil proircts the road by minimising
the damage from automobile wheels.
The "binder" la held together more
firmly, and la In Ira danger of being
whirled away. Commlwlon Cock
hum, who was here Monday. Informs
The leader that the county board will
1 have a run unk of oil Khonted In noon
at Ihv Dlue Mountuln siding, to be
applied so soon as a aufflclrnt strip of
(the Wenlon-Mllton road t In readl
ne to receive It. Mr. I'ocMiurn e
ifui much pli-iieore over Iho bul'd
ln of ihl I'nk. which he worked long
and hard to achieve.
j The Iad.T ernd on
' cnatrvtlsm last week
the aide of
in reporting.
the unexpected snow storm on Wcs-
;ton mountuln. About 1! Inches fell St'
:the Hluc Mountain sawmill, and 10!
Inchrs at the school house. On Iteed
and Hawlry mountain K. F. Johnson
reported 12 inches of snow to the
iKast Oregonlan, with this comment:
"FruK crop undoubtedly all destroyed,
large Icicles d(H-orntlng everything.
' Public roads obstructed by bending
'and falling trees. Nothing like this
belated winter weather ever experi
enced hci before during my 34 years
of residence. If this weather Is right.
I hen all of ihe calendars are wronjf."'
X'pon returning Sunday from their
visit to Washtucna, Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Ilogcnt were accompanied home by
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Dowd, who r.'
' malned for a few days with Weston
(friends and relatives. Mr. Dowd wish
ed to try his skill In navigating his
' new Ford car, with the result that he
now feels safe In employing himself as
his permanent chauffeur. Ho reports
'a prompting wheat outlook In the
Wanhlncnn dlatrlct, notwithstanding
Ihe fact thai the hybrid variety suf
: fered to some extent from the winter
cold. Th recent rains brought abun
dant moisture.
While looking somewhat gaunt and
Impecunious In Weston the other day,
Link Swaggart waa kindly Invited to
dinner by Amnsa, Phillips. Much
cheered and encouraged. Link drove
up In front of the Phillips garage,
where hla hark suddenly parted asun
der and he struck terra flrma with a
dull, sickening thud. Never, except
on one previous occasion which will
not be mentioned hero, have we seen
the East End porker magnate so
greatly embarrassed.
The famous Bonnlevlew ranch near
Prlnevllle, Crook county, has Just beei.
bought by W. W. Raymond of Walla
Walla for tlSO.000, of which S50.000
was in cash. The grantor la D. P.
Donovan of Portland, who took two
plt-cea of farm property In Multnomah
county on the deal. Tho ranch con
tains SOOO acres, and TOO head of reg
istered cattle go with It. Robert Ray
mond of Athena, the purchaser's son,
will take charge of the property.
John Lucas and Roy Hewitt, enter
prising representatives ; of Weston's
Young America, have been testing
their skill of late In canoe building,
with much gratification to themselves.
Their canvas canoe Is now nearlng
completion, and will be about 15 H
feet In length and Itt feet wide. It
will be launrhed soon on the Winn
lake near town, where It will be Im
mune from galea, shoals, submarines
or other perils of the deep.
RavamI window nanoa vnm latelv
broken In the church building of the
Church of the Brethren, on Water
street. It Is supposed that reckless
hnvB tiw rMnnnilblA foe thA mischief.
and if they are not more careful in
future, steps will bo taken by the
church authorities bring about their
The Pendleton, Adams. Athena and
Weston auto stage leaves Weston twice
dally for Pendleton at S a. m. and 5 p.
m Round trlp $1.75. Headquarters
at Goodwin's drug store. A. M. Boy
den, proprietor.
Gasoline and oil and accessories al
Weslon Uaixe. U. L. Hedrlck.
I have some pure-bred White Leg
horn chickens for sele. E. E. Zehm.
Mrs. William Zehm arrived Wednes
day from Spokane lor an extended visit
wuh her son at W'esum.
Fred and Joe Henderson came down
from Weaion mountain jcierday to
see the ti-iil ' llie cil-v-
Jess Powls has retmed from Wal
lows eouniy, with lit fondness for
Weston considerably increased.
Keturmnjr from a business visit to
Portland, Mayor Harbour was amontf
the not a bleu present al the 0a river
I r. Al.mi.i. the North Yakima
photographer, is now here with, a com
plete and mouern equipinenu imw
lion upstairs in Brandt buildlnjf.
J. K. Snider has leased bis Msln
street building- to a Mr. Kay no, late of
Helix versus Weston
At Weston
2:30 p. m.
ihe Sound, who comes here with his
family to conduct a oaroer snop auu
panatorium. , '
Mm M HmmI and her two sons of
Spokane have been visitinjf her sister.
Mrs. A. I. Mew. lliey leu jeaii-rusj
for Wheeler county to look up some
lanu claims.
An oil stove explosion caused a fire
hich totally destroyed the residence
of Karl Reynolds and all its contents
at Pasadena, t'alir. xne loss was
almul K.M00, with small Insurance.
it- A r. tt,li.ofA tit Pandlnton.
in la. ck i . .." .v. . - i
f.......1u Ml. f 'aWt.lrtA Mnnrhousa. is
HH III.--1 I J ... loo wo - '
a truest of Mm... JaitUUn Frederick.
Aim. senaerer was a nwnutrr ui uv
1895 in'RihiRiinir class of the Kastern
Oregon Normal.
. .l inn si Oiil snpaa rtwwl farm
out u ni sv nv w . - ---
Imwl n. nwtuntain I fit! nil. t.fWl far
fixim Weslon or Athena. No fancy
price considered. State price and lo
cation in first letter. Address Box
228, Pendleton, Or.
I IVJiUM i.iHua r
match for next Thurstlay evening al
... ... II . 1 1 ! II
Weston wun rtarney muiuo, m wen
Ln..iH BAiaimn nf rim elnir. Kvana as
serts that Hilly Farrell crawBshed"
... . .1 , . k. K
out oi ineir proitoseu awcu. m
nit.u PHnw fnluulp r?rttw auto In sure
ly proving all claims. Four-cylinder
en bloc, motor with Atwater-Kent ijfni
tion: four speeds, full Boating axle, and
1. aauimL Mmnlnir iup nf its aize on
the market; 27 horse power. See me
for Lee Urea. a. runups.
Th, rnvular monthly social and
business meeting of the Young Peo
ple's Christian Endeavor ot the unuea
Brethren church will be postponed
from Saturday. May S. to saturaay,
May 15. and will be held at the
Charles Ptnkeiton residence on Water
Mr Karl Coii its and Mum Barbara
Culp were united In marriage Monday
night by Justice of the Peace joe .
u.. hi. nfflea in Pvndlcton.
Tho ceremony waa followed by a mid
night aupper at the 5t. ueorge grin,
t . nai-tv f friends afterward es
corted the newly-married pair In auto
mobiles to their future home in Wes
ton. For severs months th oride
groom has been located here as pro
prietor of the vtesion uar.
Cream to the top, skim milk to the
bottom, both in their natural courses,
as when milk is set in crock or pan
that is Nature's way, and Nature has
not made a mistake.
The United States Separator bowl
excels because, differing from other
separator bowls, it is built to skim
Nature's Way, by producing cream
. from the top, skim milk from the
The 0. S. way la Natura'a way m Intensified and
hastened by mechanical fore that cream of finest
known quality and cloaest skimming are the result.
The CalUi SUUt bowl haa patented construe
tion that appliea mechanical force M aertocUy that the
cream globules, which compose the delicate part of
the milk, art fretectel a by Nature's way when she
eenda cream gently to the top, the skim milk settling
' to the bottom.
This is why cream made by the 0 sites SUtes Sen
rater is aeUa fai loa wMt 1st 1U smarts, Isof -kettlaf fsiUty.
Vernle O'Harra, Earl and Billy
Mackenzie went out the other day on
another coyote-grabbing excursion
and brought bark another auto load I
of pups. As before, the luckless cs-
nines were eight In number and were
cashed In for !. These boys are be
coming expert In locating coyote nests.
Mm. Theodosia Llttlefleld of Port
land, grand chief of the Pythian Sis
ters, wss In Weston during the first
of the week on an official visit. Mrs.
IJttl field was entertained while here
at the respective home of her cousins,
the Prices and the McBrldes.
First prize was won by Miss Hatel
Wyrlck of Pendleton and second prlxc
by Mlsa Zola Keen of Athena, In the
recent oratorical contest of Umatilla
county high schools.
D. N. Van 8klver was brought
home Sunday from Pendleton, and his
many friends are glad to learn that
he la recovering from his long- and
serious illness.
Making the trip by automobile to
T'mmllliL Sim Barnes. John Banister
'and Lew Van Winkle were among
I Weston's representatives at the Celilo
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Avery were
most Mandav and Tuesday of the J.
i k Kinfi..k.1. while In town from the
Blue Mountain sawmill.
Olowing with new white paint, the
front or the DeMoas furniture store
looms up Imposingly among Main
street establishments.
What about the graveling of our
streets? Tell Watts & Rogers what
you will do. It will soon be O, so
that helps pay your tajtes, improve your town, build up values, and keep your schools, churches and com
merce alive? The merchants, their money and your money.
Who gives and helps in times of sorrow, distress, sickness and accident? ,
Your neighbor, your merchant and your home city people.
Take this moral keep your money at home. You get security, the basis of all success. You get
protection, an insurance, the basis of safety and prosperity.
You get the greatest value in the goods and we are here to prove it and our name is the guarantee.
We want your cash we deserve it and we earn it. We are pleased to give worthy people credit, but
it is not fair to you nor to us, nor to your town to buy of your home merchants on credit and at the same
time be sending your CASH out of town. What will the OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE do for you when you
want labor, employment, help on some enterprise and Improvements, contributions on church, school and
aocial work? ,
Now THINK, and THINK AGAIN, is the above truth, or is it fiction? What will the people hundreds
and thousands of miles away do for you? What do they care for you outside of the money they can make
out of you. , ; , ...
They are beyond solicitation, they never contribute to your welfare, and they give you nothing even on
a cold cash basis, for you csn do better elsewhere.
A fine stock of Garden Hose at 10 to 18 cents per foot. Lawn Mowers, so easy many a wife will be
glad to push one. Garden and Farm Seeds; Alfalfa 18 cents- - .
The Domo Cream Separator, the greatest guaranteed bargain a 300-lb size for $3S.75; others ae
cordingly. The best lock Galvanised Hog Wire for 22-26 cents, etc
AO other cream separator construction so
operate that they luea to greater or leaser degree
the advantages of NtuiV Ideal principle.
Their wrong constructions produce cross current
that not on! olwtnict free passage of the cream,
but mix and remix it with the separated milk.
The result is poorer cream and leas cream.
Toe United States Cream Separator keepe
the milk and cresun entirely apart from the
instant separation begins.
Constructed on this plan, the United States
separator makes a cleaner extraction of cream.
We have never heard of anybody improving on
Nature, 1 y opposing her p'an have you?
Get our catalogue whkh makes perfectly plain
all these most excellent United States features.
Call us by 'phone. We will gladly demonstrate)"
this superior construction to your satisfaction.
Saturday Afternoon Club.
The Saturday Afternoon Club met
May 1 at the home of Mrs. P. D.
Watts. A short program consisting of
a vocal solo by Mrs. C. H. Smith, and
a violin solo by Mrs. Luella Pinker
ton, waa rendered.
A very pleasant afternoon was spent
In playing progressive flinch. First
prize was won by Mrs. R. W. Brown,
and second prize by Mrs. William
MacKcnzle. Appropriate tokens were
awarded by the hostess.
Delicious refreshments were served
by Mrs. Brown, Mrs. V. E. Woods.
Mrs. J. F. Snider snd Mrs. J. H. Price,
assisted by the hostess.
Guests present were: Mrs. Ella
Lavender, Mrs. Frank Price, Mrs. F.
C. Greer. Mr. Clara Toung. Mrs. Ells
worth Woods, Mias Emma, Johnson.
The club has received tlSS.50 from
various sources during the year, and
has paid out til, mostly for civic
Improvements. Free of charge from
the grantors. Dr. Watts and J. F. Sni
der, it has secured a tease for ten
years on the tract of ground now beln
improved for city park purposes. At
the expiration of that period the club
has the privilege of renewing the leese
if it so desires.
Last Saturday's meeting closed the
club year, and It will now take Its
summer vacation. Its activities will
be resumed in October.
Rxtavla v t. Albert H. Call, a
swine breeder, has discovered that
soft coal will prevent hog cholera. He
dumps a quantity of coal into tho pens
and the hogs consume it
See E. E. Zehm at the Weston bak
ery If you want neat workmanship in
shoe and harness repairing.
Watts ' Rosens-
Sarprfae M the Boaowits Home.
A pleasant surprise party was ten
dered Monday, Msy I, to Elder and
Mrs. John Bonewlts at their bom.
ncsr town, in honor of the elder's sixty-sixth
birthday anniversary.
An enjoyable time was had In a so
cial way, as well as in the reading of
scriptural selections, la prayer and la
the singing nf some beautiful snd sp
proprlate songs.
Thos present were:
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonewlts, Mr.
snd Mrs J. H. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Booher, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bui
finch. Mr. snd Mrs. C. W. Metz, Mr.
land Mrs. Van Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Eph
! Tucker and child. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Miller and three children, Mr. A. T.
Metz. Mrs. Isaac Miller, Mrs. Heard,
Mrs. Susan Tucker, Mrs. Olive Nevln,
Mrs. Lou Davis end three children.
Miss Sarah Miller. Hiss Katie Tucker,
Miss Mary Von Hoy. Miss Cora Gor
don. Masters Ray Gordon, Leonard
BuuTlnch and Frank Nevln.
After a few remarks by Mr. Bone
wlts. Mr. Gordon and Mr. A. T. Meta.
tokens of remembrance snd gifts of
appreciation wore tendered th. ffucst
of honor. .
We Invite Public Inspection.
Patrons are herewith Invited to In
spect the Weston Bakery at any time.
We keep It in a thoroughly clean and
sanitary condition, and the recent rat
ing made by the atate inspector was
based only upon insufficient ventila
tion, and the lack of a sink and water
Patronize borne Industry by buying
bread made in your home town. .
For fine photos see Abrams.