Are If Going? Where? Why, fishing:, or camping, or hunting, or autoing or anywhere that you will need lunches. We have everything that is eata ble, and can assure you of something nice for a lunch. And don't forget that we have a nifty line of Men's Furnishings Summer Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underclothes, Outing Shirts and Light Summer Shoes. STRAWBERRIES, Green Peas and New Spuds are the new additions to our vegetable counter which holds many appe tizing green goods for the table. 3U L O'Harra GROGER (Phone Main 241) - - HABERDASHER WtLUAA JfacKEKZIE, Preside J. IL PRICE. Vic PruMtal E. H. SAITO. Cashier E. L BLOMGREN. Aunts Cashier Established 1891 The Farmers Bank of Weston GREAT DESTINIES are being founded every day upon small saving from alender incomes. The savings fond, started today and built upon faithfully, creating eventually a working capi tal; then investment directed with the good judgment which the savings bank implants thus destinies are wrought. Your working capital can be built safely ai surely by depositing your savings in this ban and k. DIRECTORS William MacKeniie, Dr. F. D. Watts, Joseph Wurzer, G. W. Staggs, J. H. Price, J. C. Price, E. 14. Smith. Wall Paper " House Lining SPECIAL HOUSE LINING 5C Per Yard Wall Paper Spring Styles 8 cts. to $1.00 per Double Roll COiiE AND SEE o House Liniug Wall Paper WE8TO N LEADER CURK WOOD, Pablbhtr an tffort to settle the Autro-8rvln dispute, and that Germany did actually Invade Belgium. The German chancel lor 'a oft-quoted ofllelat utterance on August 4lh last agaif become per tinent: 1 Gentlemen, we are now In a slate of necessity, and necessity knows no law I Our troops have occupied Lux emburg, and icrhapa are already on Beliilan soiU Gentlemen, that is con trary to the dictates of International law. It ia true that the French gov ernment has declared at Brussels that r"rance is willing to respect the neu trality of Belgium aa long as her oppo nent respect It, We knew, however, that Krenco stood ready for the in vasion. Prance could wait, but we could not wait. A French movement upon our flank upon the lower Rhine might have been disastrous. So we were compelled to overrule the just protests of the Luxemburg and Bcl srian arovernmenta. The wrong-! speak openly that we are committing we win etHteavor to make good aa soon aa our military goal has been reached. Anybody who is threatened aa we are threatened, and is righting for his high est possessions, can have only one thought how he ia to hark his way through:" The German mlrld ia studious, inquir ing, analytical, with passion for re search and fact-seeking. Very well. Let it seek and produce the facts to show that Germany was "threatened" by England and that "Franc stood ready for the invasion" of Belgium. Otherwise the neutral world will be prone to believe that it ia a mind ob sessedthat the most colossal, the moat disastrous, the most terrible con flict in history waa of pyehol.gical origin in the tragic delusion of a peo ple. "Militarism" will no longer ex plain it, since the whole of Germany, prepared for any and every sacrifice, ia devotedly back of the kaiser, his army and his government. That the war has but begun, that Uars for years may continue to work his bloody will, is now a sinister prob ability. Germany haa failed in her ag gressive campaign, but will he well- nigh inconquerable in the defense of her own soil. Mesnwhile the utmost circumspection, the most tolerant good nature, become the constant duty of thia republic and its people. In view of Italy's probable participation, and Japan's ultimatum to China, the mer est spark may yet involve us in a world-wide holocaust. ELEVEN HITS FAIL TO WIN FOR WESTON MmiUIihii Dra 0h Mat U Kill fem ale!, Tknwfk htUM Errtrt. L. a 3 3 4 Leapt SUaslaf W, Mllioii-Freeeater 4 Weston 3 Alliens 3 Helix 3 Lufttl Scertt Helix . Weston 4. Athena 4, Mllion-r'rcewater I. Rut Jmi4t Camn Helix at Weston, S: p. in. Allien at Mllton-r'retr. IVt. inn MO Am) 3J Although the Columbia river has been opened, we are glad to note that the Celilo celebrants from Weston were tactful enough not to regard this as an invitation to drop in. A Philadelphia scientist asserts that roses fall in love, and we are not sur prised to note that the confirmed bach elor rose leaves so early In the spring, The Republicans themselves have eliminated Governor Whitman of New York aa a presidential possibility, and the Democrats will do the rest in 1918. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Striclv in Aifbtnct The Year l 50 Six Months 0 75 Vmr Months 0 50 ADVERTISING RATES Per Inrli per month fO 50 Per inch, one insertion 30 Iworals, iter line each insertion 05 PRIDAT MAY 7, 1915 Estate1 at Ins petteflkt st Wtilen. Ortges, m Mtead-clssi awll sutler. facts rasas usatno. There can be no further question tnat tne entire Oerman people are a unit in believing that their beloved Fatherland is prosecuting a righteous war for the defense of its integrity. Further, that they firmly and earnestly believe- That Russia is in the war to acquire Meditteranean port and to bring about a Pan-Slavic onion. That France is in the war as Rus sia's ally, and to preserve its security as Russia's greatest creditor nation. The desire of France to re-acquire its lost provinces, Alsace-Lorraine, is re garded even in Germany as purely incidental. That England is in the war to crush Germany as its commercial, naval and military rival, and has constantly eon- spired to that end itntil the hour was ripe to strike. In the German view there would have been no war bad net England supported and encouraged Russian mobilization. In Germany no bitterness is felt toward France and Russia. Intense hatred shared by every German of whatever degree, politics or religion ia felt toward England. The arguments set forth in the Ger man propaganda now so actively dis seminated on thia side of the water are plausible, almost convincing. One is de to feel that the Germans are wholly sincere in asserting that they were compelled to fight and are fight ing for their national existence. How ever, it is possible for a man or nation to be sincere and yet be mistaken. What the neutral, disinterested and dispassionate observer requires is proof, not assertion. The Germans being painstaking and thorough, and possessing the finest intelligence bureau ever known, may eventually be able to furnish this proof before the moving causes of the great war are finally set down in history. Convincing evidence that France and England were plotting to violate the neutrality of Belgium will go ' far toward supporting the German conten tion. Meanwhile the evidence is with the allies, in that Germany ignored their invitation to unite with them in Data si Mrs. trai Wuui Dcaqt sey. Mrs. Bessie Winn Dcmpsey. wife of Mr. PUllman Dempsey a teacher In the Tckoa. Washington, schools and daughter of Mrs. A. (J. Winn of Wes ton, died May 1, IIS. at S:10 a. m. In 8t Mary's hospital at Walla Walls, after a few weeks' Illness. Mrs. Dempsey was bom July S 1SS7, and until her recent msrrtacc had resided from girlhood on the Winn farm near Weston. She waa an es timable and lovable young woman possessing many grace of heart and mind, and a host of friends unite In the sorrow of those bereft by her death. She wss a graduate of the Eastern Oregon State Normal Hchool, and had also been a student at Wash ington State Cotlege. She as a mem ber .of the church, whore the funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon In the presence of a large congregation. A feeling aor mon waa preached, by Elder John Bonewlts from the text: "Set thine house In order, foe. thou shalt die and not live." The last words of Mrs. Dempsey had been committed to paper, and were read by the minister. They were embodied In the following prayer which she uttered sbout 20 minutes before she passed away: Dear God, what have I done to suffer so? O Saviour. If It la possible, let this cup of death pass from me. It Is appointed once for every man to choose between life and death. If this hour Is to be my last, dear Saviour, save me, save me. I feel as though my life work Is not finished, but Thou knowest best Not my will, but thy will, be done. Dear Father, there la my dear hus band. Dear Ood, guide and direct him through his life work. I love him so. And my dear mamma. Dear Ood, bless and keep her. 'Save me, save me, and take me to glory." AX EDITOR'S COMMISSION. Says the Litchfield (III.) News- Herald: Not toner ago a man came Into thia office and stopped his paper because he said it waa always print ing a lot of things about the same peo ple and he aald he was sick of it Now when something goes wrong with the country the government appoints a commission to Investigate and find out what is the matter, and the first thing a commission Investigates Is the man who made the holler to see If the hol ler waa a reasonable holler. So we appointed s commission consisting of ourselves to Investlgste thia man. We Just followed the man's career ever since we knew him. The first thing that happened to that man was that he waa born, but he had nothing to do with It However, we mentioned him, although hla parents were enti tled to the credit When he was In his early twenties he got married. We mentioned that. Including the name of the bride, the preacher, etc., In fact we mentioned everything but the preacher's fee, which was not worth mentioning. We never men tioned the fact that he .never won any premiums at the county fair, because he never exhilbted anything. We never mentioned his name In the list of committees, because he never at tended anything. , We never mentioned his nsme in the list of donors, Be cause he never donated aa much aa a doughnut We certainly have been treating this man shamefully, but we will agree to run a nice obituary when the time comes. The Helix Jsckrsbhlts (liunnlos for hortl have evened to be timid Itltl snltnals. and Sunday last turned fero rlousty upon the Weston Mountslneors. whom thoy trimmed In nine inning of nnmlescrlnt bast-ball. The nomlssvrlDt baseball was fur nished by Weston, Helix pulling up nifty exstntile of the national sport While rarmer O'Msrra works better on a hot clay, and the wintry atmos phere Uat Hiindsy was not to his Ilk In, he nevertheless held the ftsbini to three scattering hits. Ilsaehall lur decreed thst these should mine with men on bases. glvn life and hone by the blunders of Weal una Infield. It a perfectly gd inneiii. nw, cmim-ie-n and groomed with much pnlns by ths Weston mscnale, but hsd an off day Fverv man Jack of It erred more r less except Illomgrrn the Swede, wh supplied the stiver lining to the dark some cloud and whatever other eon solatlon wss In order. The Swede a nice little consoler. , Tho Mountaineers garnered no li thsn eleven full-fledged swsls FUI ford. M. Turner snd Kennsrd starring, with the stick which should be enough to win slmost any old bal game. It wasn't enough st Helix however, for the rcaann hereinbefore coaently staled. ' Tho lliinnles slao connected quite freely with ramie O'ltnrra's slants, but were not hilling safety, and their efforts would have gone for naught hsd the Tea Klilge slabster been accorded belter support They sre herewith warned of more skillful irsntitng when they come to Weston next Sunday. The game waa almost a constant Iswfeet. with lit-tlx leading the Jaun diced conversation. and t'mplr Sharp never hsd a dull moment. I'm plr balling must be a fsmlllsr sport In Ksbbltvllle. Don't keep It up, our bucolic friends, until Helix you Irry Mitchell made his debut In center field In a Weslun uniform and pulled down a high one In pleasing fashion. He hss the lok snd action of an accomplished ball looser. We are Indebted to Mr. Sidney Parties for the sppended grewsome Isle of the tragedy: Wrsion ah K ll in Hlomgi-en 2b a I I 2 Ku I ford 31 4 I Kennsrtl m 5 I Mitchell cf & 0 Wood e 4 0 M. Turner rf 4 0 F. Turner lb 4 0 Smith rf... 4 1 3 0 O'lisrrs p Total Helix- Mills If. 3 2 2 2 0 I 1 .1 2 1 0 J 1 I I 0 M 4 11 27 II t AH II a i Thome e tt 1 H.Thome 2li 4 0 lirvao as 4 0 M Thome p 3 0 J mid cf 4 0 Clark lb 4 2 Oelsi rf 4 2 Pierce 3b 4 0 Tula) H Pi I II 0 13 5 3 27 6 1 37 6 Seen lr Inolnfs Weston I 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1-4 Helix 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 Sumaarv Stolen base Hlomgren, Fulford. Two-base hits Turner, fierce. Hase bits off O'Harra 3, Thome fierce a. Struck out by O'Harra 4, Thorn 0, i'lerce J. Hit batsmen Smith, C. Thome. Umpire, Sliarpe; scorer, H. Barnes. THE LOAFER. They say that I am worthless and guess, at least, I be: 'cause kids and other people'a dogs they all shine up to me. While decent men Is scram- blin' to nail a dollar down I spend the best part of my time In aimless ram blln' roun", I pity lots of well-dressed folk thst coolly psas me by; the wearl ness that's on their Hps, the pain that's In their eye. In winter, lust a corner near to some one else's fire; In summer-time a patch of shade's the top of my desire. A gun when fall winds whistle, a pole when fishes bite; three meals, or less If need be, and a place to sleep at night To turn a little fa vor for a stranger or a pal, to get a tender smile from a youngster or a gal; to grin with them that's grinning, and weep with them that weep, to never mind my enemlea and like my friends a heap, to never hurt a wo man's heart nor do a man a wrong- ask for nothing else except to drift and loaf along. Exchange, j (No. m) ' RHIHIH f Of TMH CONDITION or The Farmers' Hank of Weston, at Was ton. In th Stat of Orejjw. at the e itaanr business msj nKMOUNl'K. Dr. J. G. McMATH OSTEOPATH Office on block north of the bank ATHENA, OREGON , Electric Treatments Given Phone 521 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the county Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary J. Powers, Deceased.. To all whom it may concern: No tics Is hereby given that Hettle Powers Is the duly sppolnted, qualified and acting administratrix of the estate of Mary J. Powers, deceased, and all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers attached thereto to said administratrix at her home In Weston, Oregon, within six months from tho Uth day of April, ltlt. HETTIB POWERS. Administratrix of the Estate of Mary J. Powers, Deceased. fastis snd discounts .... Momls and warrants hanking house Furniture and fixture... Other real estate uwned lu from approved reserve hanks Check aim other cash Item Cash on hand. Kxpense Other resources Total I.IAHtl ITIK.4. Capital stock paid In uri'ius num.. ttmlivMed prolUa Due to banks and bankets Individual deposit subject lo check Demand certificate or de posit ; Time certlneate of deposit Hills payable for money bor rowed ., lllll.MO W 12, im m J.MHI 00 I.IHKl INI 87,0otl 75 11, M0 M Itl5 Ml MIO 51 2.7H5 M 1 4ft ilw'i'jt 81 Nature. Pood f.,r horses and tattle I th grasa thai grow im meailiiw and hill. Th next f , K1, (KM) 00 bt thing ' Clean, nay na IIUMi to ; fd that rome from cur milt. Vhrt K,4kl INI , you need rolled ifraln f the rlpht sort iit .m i ..- l ..... st.ur In fin fU I tie, look lor mir sign nd Hi good iH.4f4 Wlthltm f.'r for uur dumb rvsnl 1 slot vd In our bins. W hsndl Ktesm SA'W l I Kollcd Hsrley, Ost nd Wheat; JJalrd 2,CUi7 03 May, Mlllstuff and t'hltkn Feed. We're hcl sgenls for I'esotfk Flour and lllatrhfoH'sCalf Meal. I'hoitslMl. Total Stat of Oi 5,000 00 f IK4.SM 31 if tireeon, J County of Umatilla, I. K. M. Smith. Cashier, oi in above-named bank, do solemnly swear thst the Ih.v ststement Is true to the best of my knowledge- ami belief. K. M. SMITH, Cashier. Crkkt-Attkt: Wm. Mai'Kknkik, J. II. THICK. Director. Sul'scritied ami sworn to before me this 6th day of Msy. I'M. K. I- HlOMiiHKN, (Skai.) Notary 1'ublic. HOMER I. WATTS Attdrney-at-l-w fraetleea In H Htate Court. and Federal ATM! NA. OKliOON I will rsrefully look after your lis In the Wvst.m cemeteries for a rt-oson. able fee. J. U Fuson. I). K. WOOD the Feed Man Dr. Farnsworth j DENTIST Thou or writ for an appointment. Tempi Uuiktinsj Pendleton Oregon a DR. W. G. HUGHES Dentist Oltlc In the Klsm Hulldlng, Milton, Hours. Bio 12 and I toft It's a Great Satisfaction to thl Arm to see our store trwliig so rapidly, to see hundred of new fsce and friends among out petrous. It is our conftdene lo our method and our merchandise that will Inspire us on to a blf ger sml better store. We have demonstrated within the last few months the great principle of economy In a cash system, It means economy not only in buying, but economy right down the line. The tDWF.K of CASH 1 evidenced lo you In our I.OW PRICKS, ami behind each purchase stands our Ironclad guarantee of Satisfaction or Money Back THE BRANDT STORE Hvm4mm44vHHW4M4W4444444HMH - ... nr-tr "iT-f-- ...... r m:mmrmatmimMmnmammm To the People of Weston: Now ia the time to buy your next winp tor's wood. We have contracted for several hundred cords cut from largo pine trees and arc prepared to sell you wood cheaper than you have bought it for ten years. We will deliver this wood, for cash only, to any place in Weston at FOUR DOLLARS AND B'IFTY CENTS ($4.60) per cord. Or ders will be taken at any time and de livery made as soon as possible. Weston Brickyard WESTON GARAGE H. L. HEDRICK Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing GASOLINE & OIL and accessories All Work Guaranteed KODAK and Kodak Supplies Films Developed and Printed. Branch Agency for American Express Money Orders H. Goodw . Druggist, Weston, Oregon