The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 30, 1915, Image 4

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MAMtOM ao,
U. U
: i Mult for Cokis and
CLpM rMckof yourdniggtat.
l.- .,a Taia notbinff slae. AUV.
Gala, eU MUCH . u rweaa, "
aeit. I
ed, I
Come In rlTZj?-
I e.e?a... l- A. W. ft El
4 Weriil.ta - frt
.. " . i ya tab Free,
fAI W--
Th.tTtTlT nsde8elerea
Im. Witt Ml mil SC. Can -.
, Ancient tdeee Concerning World.
Asm on axe of ths growth of hu
man reason lapsed be for thers wa
the least glimmering among ths
wisest of mankind of th rotundity of
earth. Other ages vera submerged
In the unmeasured paat before tbere
came the cnideat of clentlfic asser
tion of this rotundity. The greatest
of phUoeopbera of antiquity not ao far
distant bettered the earth waa flat;
that It had thla or that tor a founda
tion; that foundation haTtnf thla or
that monitor animal for iu founda
tion, or that the whole rested on the
River Names.
Kansemoad. the name of a river In
Vtrglnla. Is from the Indian word
Kawnschlmund. "the place from which
we were, driven away." The Flint. In
Michigan, was called by the Indians
PerwonlfO. "the river of the flint"
from the abundance of this stone on
tta banks. Humboldt river. In Nevada,
waa named by Fremont in honor of
Baron Humboldt
Esrly Marriage Arrangement.
Sometimes at the birth of a Japa
nese baby a tree la planted which must
remain untouched until the marriage
of the child. When the nuptial hour
arrives the tree ia cat down and a
skilled cabinet maker transforms the
wood Into furniture for the bouse of
the young people.
Oils and Greases
ere the (rod of QUALITY.
QfcaW Cnaasat TMCnOR ael HAIYETESS
Oh mi timm far STUM OUSEL
00 bom laLfcliatandBsal. pkm-
Cii .ill In 1 f'1 " " 1 "
Write n for prion end particular.
OK. ahritMak.
"Jeas L. SeUlrea
aS-nar-okl Jack
raiMd aavthia lann.
Jack TaanaaUral
Barkaaire Has.
Lexington, Oregon.
$17.50 Per Ton
f. o. b. Warehouse
Full information furnished
. application.
418 Corbet Bid.,
JW East 6911 Portland, Or.
To be dosed out at Actual Cost
Wa are t ef the Bkrde BmI
naaa and will Mil at Retail all ear High
CmOtletrJotuum WhtltU the feUew-ina-Brieaa:
Udiaa- Roedrtar. Modal 1487-U earaalato
with Coaaur Brake. Modcnanla and
Tine, Basilar 3 Waeela, at
Mana- Boadatar. Modd 1487. sauippad aa
abora, rasular $3. at
ftrnW WhaeL Modal MM-aMlr
Special, $40X0.
cuUteo. AU whaala lulljr suaraBlaad.
110 Third t, Portland, Ore.
P. N.U
No. if. ltll
WHKN wrlttaa a
" tiaa thla paaar.
326 Vessels Available; 77 More
Buildinjj or Authorized.
N Guns Outran I nose or rnT
Nation Lessons Are Taken From
Vera Crui and European War.
Aviation Being Developed.
Washington, D. C Secretary Dan-
iela Sunday night made public letter
he has written to President Garfield of
Williams college, detailing the work
in the navy during the past two years.
Mr. Daniel wrote.ln reply to Mr. Oar
field' request for material to meet
statements that the United State is
unprepared for military emergencies.
Excerpts from tne teiier
TWoar now in active service.
fully comm issioned, 225 vessels of ail
characters, which Is 36 more than
were fully commissioned when I be
came secretary. There are also 101
vessel of various type, in reserve anu
in ordinary and uncommissioned, cap
able of rendering service in war. We
have under construction and authorised
77 vessel (nine dreadnaugnts, u w
trovers, 38 submarine and seven aux
iliariea) as compared with M vessel
(Ave dreadnaughta, 1 destroyer.
submarine, three gunboats ana nine
auxiliaries) which were under eon-
Mu4iAfi Marrh 1. 1913.
"All vessel in active service arm
in reserve are supplied with munitions
of war. Within the last two years
the quantity of all ha been steaauy
and greatly increased. For example,
we have increased the number of
mine on hand and in process of manu
facture by 244 per cent and torpedoes
by 90 per cent By the enlargement
of the naval powder factory we shall
soon be able almost to double its
former capacity, and like enlargement
of the torpedo works and the equip
ment of a plant to construct mines win
still further increase the quantity 01
such stock, and the possession or tneae
plants in times of emegency will en
able the department to oe in a un
state of preparedness as regard the
supply of ammunition than ever be
fore. " "The personnel of the navy ia at
present composed of 4355 line, staff
and warrant officer and 53,171 enlist
ed men.
"For many year officer have writ
ten and talked about the formation of
advance base material and the practice
of exercising landing parties of sea
men and marines, but never until Jan-
nr lut war waa the navy thus ex
ercized. Then, under instrructions
from the department. Admiral Badger
parried out a comprehensive exercise,
in which the professional advantages
rained bv officer and men were in
Shasta limited Kits Automobile;
Kills Four Children, Injures Driver
Creswell, Or. The northbound
Khaata Limited of the Southern Pacific
company Sunday struck an automobile
driven by F. E. Sly in front of hi
home here, smashed it to fragment
and killed four small children who oc
cupied the tonneau, besides injuring
Mr. Sly so badly that it i thought he
Mnnot recover.
The dead: Beulah Moras, tgeUli;
CenrvK Robinette. seed 8: Vincent
Treanor. ajsed 8: Dorothy Treanor,
itsreA 6.
D ... T 1 J
Mr. Slv is an elderly man. ne naa
just brought his automobile from the
earaee and aligbted to open ue gw
leadin? to the Southern Pacific track,
intending to cross the Pacific High
way, when the lour children came
alonir on their wav to Sunday school.
They were invited to ride and clamb
ered into the car. It was apparent
that, neither thev nor Mr. Sly saw or
heard the approaching train, for Mr,
Slv eot in and ran the automoDiie onw
the track directly in iron oi it.
The horrified witnesses Heard
crash and saw the automobile buried
high in the air and fall at one side of
the track. The train sped on without
atonninir. its entrnie crew unconscious
of what had happened.
Dankl Expects Long War.
Geneva General Dankl, of the Aus
trian army, is of the opinion that the
war will not come to an end soon. This
Austrian commander, who has been
active in defending the Carpathian
passes against the Russians, expressed
this opinion to Major Tanner, of the
Swiss army, who is also correspondent
of the Basel Nachrichten. He declared
the war would last for a long time, and
said he could not fix even an approxi
mate date for it end. He said also
that the Swiss government had pre
served its neutrlaity splendidly
PribilofF Inhabitant Get Supplies.
Seattle, Wash. The power schooner
Bender Brothers, which left Seattle
March 5, with a cargo of supplies for
the inhabitants of the Pribiloff Islands,
in Bering Sea, who were threatened
with starvation, has returned to Se
attle, after an uneventful voyage.
Much of the time the weather waa
summerlike. On St. Paul Island, the
natives had been reduced to their last
barrel of salt meat, but the food sup
ply on the other islands had not been
exhausted. Soring was far advanced
when the Bender left.
Flood Recur in Texa.
" Austin, Tex. Another heavy rain
awent Central Texas Sunday and the
Colorado river and smaller streams, al
ready swollen out of their banka, be-
eran riainir raoidlr. No additional
death have been reported from the
floods and the casualty list remained at
oi which 14 occurred here. Prob
ably score of peraon ar missing.
Your digestion, your gen
eral health will all be
greatly benefited by the
timely use of Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. It is
compounded from abso
lutely pure ingredients and
those best known as real
aids to the Stomach, Liver
and Bowels. It exerts a
jeneral tonic effect and
elps Nature promote
lealth and strength in
the entire digestive sys
tem. Try a bottle today
)ut be sure you get
Stomach Bitters
(Nets Handed Down.
Noah and the other patriarch dtdnt
have nearly many dlaarent kind
of diseases to face, berauae they
hadnt enough ancestor to hand them
down a variety. Consequently tneir
constitutions were not constantly be
ing weakened as are our today. Tot
example, there Is no reference la very
ancient literature to a cold In the
head. The Greek and Roman seem
to hava been the first peopl to suffer
from IL
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Telleta regu
late and invigorate stomach, l;ver and
bowel. Sugar-coated, tiny granule,
easy to take. Do not gripe.
Paper Cover a Protection,
fndentably, PPr coTers are ot
soma aid In preserving the fresh ap
pearance ot books, but neither tne ap
pearance nor the feeling ot a covered
book Is agreeable. Still, for thoae who
have no objection to them, cover are
good thing. Nothing 1 better man
ordinary brown paper, except in aome
unusual cases, as. for example, the
cook book, which, as every good house
keeper knows, should be covered wna
Here Is a simple, inexpensive treat
ment that will almost always stop
dandruff and scalp itching, and keep
the hair thick, live and lustrous: At
nUht, spread the hair apart and rub a
little reslnol ointment into the scalp
gently, with the tip of the finger. Re
peat this until the whole scalp has
been treated. Next morning shampoo
thoroughly with reslnol soap and hot
water. Work the creamy resinol lather
well Into the scalD. Rinse with grad
ually cooler water, the last water be
Ine cold. Reslnol ointment and reslnol
soap are aold by all druggist. Adv.
Hard to Abolish War.
More war than peace has reigned
In the world as far back as records
can be obtained. The Temps, com
mentlnc on the action of the Socialist
wngress In London, warns the peoP1
against the Idea that war can b abol
ished. It saya statistics show that
from 1496 B. C, to 1861 A. D-, there
were 227 years of peace and S130
nreara of war: that Is. one year of
peace to IS of war.
No matter bow young a nan may
be jn hi sympathies, be can't help
feeling more or less depressed, aa he
get along to between forty and fifty,
when be walks down a fashionable
residence street and sees some of the
ample of the future fatherhood and
motherhood of the race. Columbus
(Ohio) Journal.
Whan a Small Boy Waahea.
A bor waa recently asked to give
description of water, and thla la what
he wrote: "Water Is a white liquid
which turns completely black the mo
vent you put your hands in it
Though Sick and Suffering; At
. -. i i:
Last rouna neip in iyu
E. Finkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Richmond, Pa. " When I started
takine: Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
tompouna i waa in a
dreadfully rundown
state of health,
bad internal trou
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
bad given in to my
feelings I would
have been in bed.
As it was I had
hardly strength at
times to be on my
feet and what I did do was by great
effort. I could not sleep at night and
of course felt very bad in the morning,
and had a steady headache.
"After taking the second bottle 1 no
ticed that the headache was not so bad.
I rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued it use until it
made s new woman of me, and now I
can hardly realize that I am able to do
so much a 1 do. wneneverxxnowany
woman in need of a good medicine I
highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg
etable Compound." Mrs. Frank
Clabx, 8146 N. Tulip Ht, Kicnmono,ri
Women Eare Been Telling YTomea
for forty year how Lydia B. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound ha reetored their
health when suffering with female ill.
This accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast. If you ar
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women whv don't vera try Lydia E.
PinVham'a Vegetable Compound T It
will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink
bam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
OiHicutrality of bnbarfo k Re
asserted by Chief Cxccuuvc
Reply Aume Von BmtorfT To 0
Laboring Under "Certain FaUa
Imprestlon" President Pent
Not and Bryan Sign It.
Washington. l. C- The United
State government replied Thursday to
the recent memorandum in which
Count von BernstorlT. the German am
bassador, declared that "if the Ameri
can people dealre to observe true neu
trality, they will nna means to np
the excluaive Importation of arms to
on aide, or at least to us thia export
trad as a mean to uphold the legiti
mate trad with Germany, eepooaiiy
the trad In foodstuffa."
The American note, which la ign
Secretary Bryan, wa drafted at
the State department, but waa finally
penned by President Wilson himself.
After pointing out inai me ianguav
used by Count von Bernstorff is ua
ceptibl of being construed as impugn-
. - ... at f 2 a 1
ing the rood faun oi im nmm
State In the performance of lu duttee
as a neutral," the not "take it for
granted that no uch implication waa
intended" and uggeau wai eviuenuy
the German ambassador "I lanoring
under certain false impressions."
It I then declared that while u
relatione of th United State with
any one of th belligerent "cannot
wisely be mad a auoject oi aiscuamun
with third government," uch cor
respondence between th United State
and the allie aa ha been published
ahows "th steadfast refusal" of th
government "to acknowledge the right
of any belligerent to alter th acceot-
rule or war at aea insoiar as wwy
affect th right and intereeta of neu
trals." The attitude of th United btatea on
th question of exportation ox anna
ia restated namely, that to place any
embargo on arms during th progrea
r a mar would be "a direct violation
of the neutrality of the United
States." Th note refers to the spirit
of friendship which the United State
desire always to manifest toward Ger
man v and its people, and concludes
th the declaration in I ine neuixai
ity of the United State ia founded
the firm basi of conscience and
good will."
Profits to Railroads is Grain Are
daisied by fanners' Ti Be Great
Chicago Statistics of operating ex
pense and iretgni revenue on iw
lesding Western railroad were pre
sented before W. M. Daniels, Inter
state Commerce commissioner, to sup
port the objection of the National
Council Farmers' Co-operative associa
tion to a proposed advance of 1 cent a
hundred pounds in the grain and grain
product freight rates, which are among
the increase asked by 41 Western
railroad systems on certain commodi
The tabulated figures were compiled
by Jean Paul Muller. an expert rate
case atatitician, formerly connected
with the statistical department of the
Interstate commission.
After reviewing in detail the metn-
ods he used in assembling the figures
showing gross profit and operating ex
pense of railroads, Mr. Muller said:
"It is my opinion tnai grain iraiuc
ia more profitable to these four ear-
Hers, the KocK island, me oanva re.
. ... .. . rt .
the Burlineton and the St. faul roads,
than the average of all other traffic
carried b? them."
Hi deduction were made irom re
ports and statistic furnished him by
the railroad officials.
In the review of the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific operating expense
ami revenue. Mr. Muller declared.
The total road cost divided by the
renorted number of loaded freight car
miles, with an allowance for the cost
of empty return haul figured at 40
per cent of the loaded give a roaa
movement cost per loaded car per mile
of 69.28 cents.
Apples To Be Released.
London American shppers are com
plaining vigorously to the American
embassy because they ars compeleld
under the regulations of th British to
bear the expense incident to delays in
the examination of cargoes of ships
detained at Kirkwall and other British
porta. Charges for loading and un
loading cargoes and expenses mcurreu
in the examination of suspected goods
are assessed against the owners of the
cargoes. The urocurator general gave
assurances that efforts would be made
to hasten release of American apples,
Astronomer Is Rewarded.
Berkerley, Cal. Professor Armin
0. Leuschner, director of the astro
nomical observatory of the University
of California, was notified in a tele
gram received here that the Watson
medal for astronomical research work
has been swarded to him by the Na
tional Academy of Sciences now In
sion at Washington, D. C. Professor
Leuschner is the 7th recipient of the
honor within 85 years and is the second
American to receive the medal. S. C.
Chandler, editor of the Astronomical
Journal, is the other American.
Pilgrim Shelter Saved.
Plymouth, Mass. The old Howland
House, th only building standing in
America which has sheltered passen
gers who arrived on the Mayflower in
1620, will not be sold for debt. This
wss announced by Mrs. Lilisn V. Ti
tus, secretarv of the society of the De-
eendents of Pilgrim John Howland of
the Mayflower, who said that'judgment
on a not against th society, had been
PortUnd Wht IMueetem, fl.f.;
fortyfold. 11.81 1 club, l.Mj red Fife,
S1.I5; red Russian, 11.23; oat. No. 1
white feed, 133.(0 ton; barley. No. 1
feed. $25.60; bran, $24.00 ehorta,
Corn Whole, $35 ton; cracked, $30.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $14
J15; valley timothy, in is is-ow;
grain hay. $lOalt; alfalfa, $l.50J
Vegetable Cucumbers, hothouse,
$1. Jfctf 1.75 per dosen; artichoke. 75c
down; tomato, $8 crat; cacoag.
2(sS0 pound; celery, $4.50 eral;
cauliflower, 75cta$l. dosen; oeau
lettuce, $125 eraU; plnach, 5
pound; rhubarb, lUtS; asparagus,
75ct$l.lS dosen; eggplant, toe pou'"i
peaa, 7at8c; beans, lMlTe; car
rota, $1.60 sack; beeU. $1.60; pars
nips, $1.25; turnip. $1.75.
Green rrult Mrawoerrie. .
crate; applea, IlftU.lo pox; craniwr-
rlea, $H4tl barrel.
Potato Old, $1.75 ack; nw, 7tf
8c pound; sweet potato. Sic
Onion Ore iron, selling price. 75
sack, country points; California, Job
bing prlcw, f i.7
Egg Freeh Uregon rancn, caae
count. 17t)Cl8 dosen.
Poultry Hen. 16c; nroner. i
27e: fryr. HkitSOc; turky. dre-
ed, 22(.i24; live, !8(20c; ducks, 12
fttlSc; geese, sV.tOc.
Butter Weamery, prima, m,
25c Dound In case lots; e more In lee
than case lota; cube. 2 1 (it 22c.
Veal Fancy, llitl2c pound.
Pork Block. lOutlOtc pound.
Hop 1914 crop, nominal;
tracts, 10(.Uc.
Wool Eastern Oregon, coarse.
25c pound; Eastern Oregon, fine,
18c; valley. 28 t 30c; mohair,
lip, 31!t32.e. . ,
Cascara Bark Uid and new,
Cattle Best steera, $7,25 0)7.75;
choice steers, $7t7.26; medium. $8,75
7; choice cow. $6i.76; medium.
$5 i 6.76; heifer. 5 C .xo; ouii.
I3.60t6; stags, $5(6.60.
Hogs Light, $.6lXli7.BU; neavy,
IX 9(Vn 75.
Sheep Wether. 78.s;
$6t7; lamb. $7.25it9.60.
Seattle Wheat Blueatem, $1.83;
fortyfold. $1.30; club, $.2t: .
$1.28; red Russian, $1.23; barley.
$25.60 ton.
Taenma The Dredicted advance In
Dotato price cam sooner than expects
ed. the vegetable this week going to
$35 a ton. Dealers say price win gv
still fsrther upward and will In all
probability reach $40 within th next
few dava. Dealer explain wi
rises are certain because the bolder In
Eastern Washington are demanding JU
a ton for the tubers in tne neiu.
that pries it costs commission men
hers $33 to lay ton down and they
cannot sell with a reasonable profit at
ins thev sav. The supplies in east
ern Washington are now rv
.leaned no. it ia reported.
Local potato growers nave oeconw
active atrain and are planting many
times mors spuds than they did last
year. The local crop will not make It
annearanra until about the first Of
-r i
July- . . e
Rluestem i auoled at l.3J; ion;
fold. $1.80; club, $1.Z8: redrue,
II 2H1. and red Russian. $1.23.
Pmah Meats steer, it unites.
cows, lzc; neiier. iaiici
sides, ISic; combination, ioc; dia
mond T. C. 16ie; yearlings, 16c;
ewea. 13c.
Poultry Ducks, live, iwuzc; no,
dressed, 16il8c, live, 16c; springs.
dressed. 22c. live. 14&16c; squaD.
live, $2.60 doten, dressed, e; iur
key, live. 18e, dressed. 28 (it 80c;
o-eeae. Z(k
Butter W asm ngton creamery,
... . t t rh
25c; Oregon, 24c
Eggs Fresh ranch. ICitzic
Vegetables Cabbage. Winning
stadt, $3.25 cwt. ; carrot, tl.60Atl.65
sack; beets, horns grown, $101.26;
turnip, $1.25: potatoes, Yakima, $34
P5 ton; Idaho, $33; weete, $4
cwt; new potatoes, 7c pound; toma
toes. 14 ROMS case: onions, green, 20c
radishes, local. 20c doten
hnnohea- eelerv. I4M4.0U: caunnow
... . . ur.n.
r. zz.zo craie: unirwu,, "
Walla. $1 box; green peaa, use pounu.
Yakima Growers to Psy.
North Yakima The board of trus
tees of the Yakima Fruitgrower's asso
ciation adopted resolution directing
Itaofllpera to collect tne assessment
called for by the Growers' council for
support of its work ; but only after sat-
afartorv evidence naa neon piwjhwju
that at least 85 per cent or tne iruu
tonnage of the Pacific Northwest tnis
season pays a similar cuhuiuuhuii.
Five fruit cTowers were elected ss tne
Yakima members of the new board of
tmateea of the North Pacific Fruit
Bartlett Pears Injursd.
Ouinabv The recent frost did little
damaee to prune and peaches, as they
were too far advanced, nui iruu grow
ers renort a steady dropping of Bart
lett pears. The shortage of Bartlett
waa marked last year and there are
few Hriei nr canned ones held over
Other fruits are looking well and ail
n.,H.n atiifT is far in advance of for
me veara. outstripping- mo can gar
dens of last year, wnicn Droxsin
..nrH nrevlouslv set for earllness, but
hinh fell short in ouantity. owing to
the intense heat that prevailed.
Mohair Prices on Down Orads.
The course of the mohair market, as
shown by the pool sales already held in
Oreiron. is downward. The first pool
aaU nf the vear. small one
w.lkea ten Hava as-O. WSS at' 821 Cent.
Then, on Monday, the Eddjrvills pool
l no nnn nnnnrla broufirht 824 cents.
Later the pool st Kiddle was sold and
it brought 81 cents. Th Riddle pool
wss bought by Southern Oregon
Healer. Mohair dealers regard the
market aa entirely speculative.
.,1 the alack condition of the
plush and dress goods trad many of
them consider th present prices un
"The Most Accessible
"The Incomparable Four
$I0M . O. a Factory
Rea Road Service, Keo Hlaipllclly
pr.mlneatly th Car for th eo.Mry.
He fc nearest Ke Dealer or writ Is for free IWoklrtS.
Umlted territory ' rellabl agent.
nUtrlb. for Pl Nortkt. W. VOCLKH. IWdeal
Broadway at Couch St., ToHland, Ortgurt.
k-ur fNush. "' tll"lr. h H'
nf anr au.-h ailinani. ! small eaM l th
r.m..l. ' lha rwl " elaim-e
New Vrln of Old Sena.
Grandpa wa bolu llltl Helen
th picture In a popular maiasine.
Comlus to page which adrsrUaed
man' wearing apparel, h called cer
tain garuirnt -breeches." Whereupon
the little three-year-old. hearing a fa
miliar sound that carried uggesilons.
begsa to sing "London breeches fall
Ing down!"
iwi, a .m
A til .iita
ew, II M.ilia. e
i4 .,4 rir
lliwil mmmm
Had Run Out of Kla.
tittle Irene abll sy vlalllng had
groa wsary of th caressea shord
upon her by adoring relatlvea and
friend. So when on dmontrtlv
young lady bgd. Vonl you glv
m Just on kisT" sn snooa nar can
head and llid: "No; I haven't any
kiase left only bites."
American Historians.
Th most emtnaul lUIng historians
of Amerlrsu history Include James
Ford Rhodes. Henry Adams, Frederick
Turner. Herbert U (aood. Vi Hilars
A. Dunning. Albert Hushnsu iisrt.
John lisch McMastar, J. W. Iluries.
Jame Bchoular, aad Charle A.
yot a owj Miwjwr win Trii io
Ur Manna aa H-.l l He. Wa. frf
Kraa an llranalaiwl SralkUl Ha SarHM(
luawKa Coaif.l. Write lot tbwS ol ika Cra
Vj auui rraa. a(laa Cj, ,Ckiar.
Bsst Wood far Furniture.
Th latest us for loeut wood Is In
th manufacture of flu furnltur and
Interior finishing of An residence.
Th wood bss a grsln and color not
found In any other timber.
Nsw Mov Again! Stump.
Because boring stump preparatory
to blasting la an arduous task sn In
ventor has dsrlaed an auger driven by
portable gasoline engine.
Ar troubled with th !us" anKldy-sleertmncia and warnings ot pa.n
and distress ar sent by th nerve Ilk flying messenger throughout body and
limta. Such feeling may or may not be accompanied by backache or
headachs or bearing down. Th local disorder and wiUmmaUon, II ther
Is any. should N treated with Dr. i'larce'i LoUon Tsblrts. Then th.
nervous system and ths entire womanly rok-up tesUtba tonic iloct of
Favorite Prescription
Taka thla In liquid or tablet form and bs a wo woman I
mis. ea ryiet oo. wmwa my
j . l t ' KhHmmI Imm
rrai raan. Mawanw,anwiin.n..i'-i""-.- Mm
yourTavoflta I'raKrtpllan- baa lm lha matt nllal ol an.
Ihi.a I kaa aver tried Am vary much bailer Hum I save
io ln una lima. I slaOly rarnmiiMiMl
MiaualaaaadatatoaJc." Wrtaiwr. V. M.
Dr. fHttroB'm Pfmaumnt
rmvulatm tommoh, Urmr,
All Blood Disorders
Astonishing Results With thi Greatest Blcsd
Purifier lux Discavere.
Strength, Power, Accomplishment ar all Typified In S. 8. S.
Boms blood disorder become deeply
rooted In the elands and tlaauss, and ths
mistake I mads of reaertln to draatlo
druss. These only aggravate by causing
other and worse treublaa. A boat of peo
ple know this to be true. Thar knew
from painful elparlanre.
To ft light down Into where th blood
Is vitiated requires fl. 8. B. th greatest
blood puiiltar var dlaeoversd.
This remarkable remedy contains en
Ingredient, th active purpose f which Is
to stimulate the tissues to the healthy
selection of Its own essential nutriment
snd ths medicinal elements of this match
leas blood purifier ar just ss essentia! to
wall balanced health aa ths nutritious
elements of ths meats, grains, fst aad
sugar of our dally food.
Not only this, but If from th preeene
of some disturbing poison there Is a local
or general interference ef nutrition to
rauae bolls, carbuncles, abacesees and
kindred troubles, 8. 8. B. so directs ths
local oell that thl poison Is rejected ao.
Car in the World"
1915 REO
The Six of Sixty Superior Ulf."
$ts83 r. a a rccy
aad Res Accessibility waks II
Watch Your Colts
Sl4 at the first erntplems
a I wiiaiiM
s r.i a and II a twlila; S II lha down, f anf Srug.
.1.1. hariiaea Uaalar. r d.n.r4 t
CMmillt s cterlo'la, Qua Kan, l U. . A.
Keep KidtKIeen
Mt aw k. r-9 rteoele,
al.M la WW awe. M Ma,
akat auwaf
9t f nl Aba Mt atM
aMi4 m,. . a
J I aM MaM la B e
I , Mh mna aaSaiai
y iJfrN aaia a4 Ium eema,
fy 75c the suit
1 Vi J H M le) taaeal eealf
"l-lVJ a, U .. iaa .Kt lajM
A New rprC Thry
u.i flUX Kip
.Levi Straas At Ck.Saa FraMlscai
H Hsd Not Spent It
A small boy sending the
Fourth of July with hi foci Btdujr.
who a a f year older than be.
HI parent, not wlUlng to truat such
a small lad l(h money, had glfa
hi I'ncle Sidney th money with
which to buy Biwracker. candy, ts
Th neit day hla grandma said:
"Well, IJord. how did you spend the
Fourthr II replied: "Why. grand
ma. I didn't spend It. Wdoey did."
Avoid Fate Move.
No false mov should ver b md
to sitrlral yourself out of a dim
cully or to gala an adantag. Tbr
can be no pleasur In plsylng with
person one detected In such un
fair practlces.Hfnlaniln Franklin.
Succsssful Entertaining.
On of th tnot uceessful means
of enieHalntng a man I let him brag
n hioisalf. Athlon OloM.
i ry'rcvj V. .i. , Jk
Ci l1 iu a-a e-oal UUM, m
3'nsV 4 UWt t (tiuraa I
IT ( Vf . umh k M IM
1 aat4e.
v - .a. aHr m f
r. I
n.rrnn.n... I
la Girlhood
IMa ranwlr to snj
luickly Driven Away
eliminated from their presence.
Then, too, S. a. 8. ha suck peeifi
stimulation en theae loeal sails aa to pre.
servs their mutual welfare aad a propel
relative aaslatanre to each other.
In a very brief time & a. 8. feaa the
reeonatruotlve preeees so uader oeatrot
that remarkable ohangas are ebseved. All
erupUve places heal, myatertena paJaa aad
aches hare aissppeared, and from head to
foot there ts a oonsolsua sanaatlem ef re
sawed health.
From th fact SVat 8. B. 8. la ptrrely
a botanical preparation. It la eoaeeted by
ths weskest stomach snd baa great tealo
Influence. Mot on drop ef drugs or
minerals Is used In Its preparation. Ask
for 8. 8. 8. and Inalst upoa having It.
And If you dealre skillful advice upoa any
matter concerning the bloed and akin
writ to Th Swift SpeoUo Oo. tl fwlft
Bid. Atlanta, Oa. Do not allow some
sealou clerk te larrup the atsaespbare In
eloquence over something "Just a good"
as 8, 8 8, Bewax st all uitrHa.