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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1915)
ICE CREAM and cake 10 cfcs. the dish at th Weston Bakery Fresh Hread, Cak ami t'milry. Fin Candles. ;hm1 Meets it All Hours, Bc. W Mirialls In Lodge Miid farty Hupiwr. ZI2I1M the Baker Dupul Hulslliig, Main and WsUr 8 bora ami llanwas repaired nest door. The White House CHOICK CANDY CIU A KM and TOBACCO CARDS. HILMAIUUi and I'OCKCT I'OOL liazelwood Ice Cream CtT P(KiUr Sofl Drinka J. B. Farrcns J Weston Meal Women's Siaifcs SACRIFICED Beginning Saturday, we will offer our entire stock of Women's Tailor- made Spring Suits at greatly reduced prices, livery size, every color; new est designs. . $45.00 Suits reduced to $24.87 $17.50 Suits reduced to $9.63 All others In proportion. The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Tnde BREVITIES Market Brandt Duildinpr, oppo site Postoflice. Good, Fresh Meats Fish in .Season Cash paid for HIDES Perry & Lundcll New Groceries New Notions New Canvas Cloves For Men and Women New Summer Underwear AT The Eccscmy Stirs PHONE NO. 233 ALMA BARNETT DR. C. H. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Office in Brandt building WHS I ON OWKOON Ice Cream Cigars Tobaccos Candies Kirkpatrick's Confectionery Meronri-hand furniture bought and old. K. K SCehm. Mr. (Jul ManaMeld of Athena la tailing her alater, Mra. J. B. Harris. Iireaniland motion pictures al Wes (on ntwra house nest Monday and Tuesdsy evenings. Wat la A linger are hollering now bout Hata up lha streets, Other larted It. Head big ad. lira K. K. Xhm at lha Weaton bak ry If you want neat woramanahlp In ho and harness repairing. Mr. and Mr. K. C. lingers hv anna In Washlurn. Wash., on a btisl nrM visit, cspectlng to return tomor row. A amall force of mm were at work hla week under tha direction of illy Marshal Wilson al tha new water worka dam. stopping tha Irak.. Kor Bale Tha O. T. Douglea home. roumla 1J0J40 feet. It all goes. Tor terms, we owner, or Oeo. C'arml rharl. tlO I'nlverslty alreit. Walla j Walla. I Itert Winn, well-known young fer 'mer of the Helix dlstrlrf. hobnobbed iwlth Weston frlenda I hie week while ! convalescing after Ihe loaa of hl ap- j pendli. MIm Ida 1. Narkaua haa begun learhlng In district No. S for the um. mer term, and ha II pupil. Tbla I i her fuurth consecutive term In her j home district i Owing to all-knew It waa Impossible ' for l)r. l-nwe A Turner to be In W re- Inn Thunnlny. April ; but they will he here Thurauuy. May 6. Instead Walt for them. lAdv How many team and day would It take to put the gravel that la under the treet (bridge on top of the atreet. and then a far of oil over a .and layerT Walt A Kogera. Jim Jonea killed very obese bear lat Hunday near hi home on Wanton mountain. Clay Hmlth, rural mall carrier, got a piece of the meat, and aay thai ha never tasted a better bear Floyd Hmlth. Clay Hmlth' four- year-old boy, waa brought bark from Walla Walla thai week. Tha young ter'a raee haa been programing very favorably ulnre the operation upon hi kutl for the relief of brain preaaure. Vernle O'Harra drove In Ihe other day with an automobile load of young royotea whlrh ho dug out of their neat. They numbered eight In all, whlrh meana 121 at current rate. Purina thla month the county haa paid out 1000 for coyote acalpa. The Prestnn-Bhaffer Milling com pany, Wcston'e large suburban enter, prise In Ihe Athena district, la reported to be grinding on an order for 10.000 barrel of flour from lha National Bis. cull company. Thua doth Induatry flourish In thla particular commercial center. Mra. M. I. Marah. Mr. W. B. Maya and Mra. Llna II. Sturgla of Pendle ton motored to Weelon Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. U 8. Wood. Mr. Lillian MrMorrla accompanied them to Pendleton for a few daya' vlalt prior to returning to her home at Portland. George Klnnear loat a hob-nailed ahoa on the road tha other day and hurried lo Ihia office with an an- nouncement to thai effect. He recov ered the ahoa before the paper got out. hut needn't think he could rob ua of an Item, and will be charged five cent per line aa uaual. Service will be held at the Baptist rhurch at two-thirty o'clock next 8un- a. .... it .... j 1 1 n nAM tiny .lirrnuun vy rvu.. mnw v.. ley of Athena, and a cordial Invitation to attend la extended the people of Weston and vicinity. "What Baptists Believe and Why They Believe It." will be tha aubject of the aermon. Mra. Btlllman Dempaey, formerly Mlaa Bessie Winn, waa operated upon for appendlcHIa last Sunday at Walla Walla by Dr. Suttner and Smith. The result waa favorable, and her early recovery la expected. J. V. Boll, who sustained a similar operation last week, la also reported to be getting along nicely. Three general campa have been es tablished by gradera on the county road leading out of Weston down Dry creek to Milton, and ! men are on the pay roll. The work Ja proceeding rapidly, grading having been finished nearly to the top of tha hill beyond Dry creek along the new route aelect ed for tha highway, which la much more favorable than the ona so long In uae. With both paid and volunteer labor the Saturday Afternoon Club la mak ing a beauty spot out of tha little pub. Ho park In Ihe center of town. It haa been fllowod and cultivated and aown to blue graaa and clover, while bridge and arbor frame have been painted white. The arbor frame will be cov ered with wire to support a roof of green bough. Much admiring com ment haa been heard aa to the good work of tho ladles- club. Much Improved In health, It. (I. Banister haa returned from Hulphtir Hiring, Wash. Mr. ami Mr. F. C. King and arm Lexer war in lows Tuesday from Pendleton, the guests of Mr. King' brother, It II. King-. J. It. Ahrama, well known photogra pher of North Yakima, announce that lie will be In Weston about the third of May. prepared to do hlgb else work In hla llna. W. A. Ilaaly of llealy Ilro., promi nent f urnlt ur men of I'onland. was ber yesterday to era K. O. De.Moa. Ha reimrt a marked recent Improve ment In Orejfun business oomllilon. Tha Mlaaea Ad Darker and !rma King motored up from their himie In I'endleton In company with Mr. I)c Lano. representing tha Overland far. lo le tha guest of their aunt, Mr. Joe Meuallen. I'mei 111 count v horsemen and home and mule breeder will meet at 2 p. m. tomorrow in tha Commercial Club rooms al Pendleton to oryanlie a coun ty branch of tha Oregon Horse itreed- ara association. Wanted 100 to 2n0 arrea rood farm landno mountain land not too far from Weston or Athena. No fancy price considered. Ktate price and lo cal Ion in nrst letter. Address uoi 228, Pendleton, Or. This week' caaiiallie at lha ball nark Included a wounded otitic for J. A. Hough which required three aor geon'tltche, and a din located wrist for larry Mitchell whlrh required a I aster est. Tha local magnate In- - ft .. ..! t orms II inst n is oeginning io regret fie tremendous power behind hla in field drive. Know and rain fell at Weston yester day In unprecedented volume for thla season of the year. J lie total precip itation for the dar was 1.42 ipcftea ac cording lo Herbert llaker, government observer. Tast night the mercury registered three below freezing. Home six Inches of snow fell on tha moun tain eight mile east of town. John Hone win lately received a letter through tha local powiofllce a hlch contained a silver dollar and the following message written In a sprawl ing hand: "I atold 1 chicken from you here la the pay forgive me to your fiod." Mr. Booewitx says llist be haa often read of conscience money, but thi i the first time be ever received any. He feel grateful for hla un known oorreaponilenl'a contrition for he needed the dollar. A large crowd wa present and en joyed a most Interesting program at the silver medal contest held Halurday evening at Westen Mountain school houae by the W. C. T. U.' Rla glrle and one boy delivered Ihe conleat selec tion.. nd esch on showed skill In msny wsys In handling the subject se lected. Mia Pearl Dowd wa sward ed the medal, and each of Ihe other contestant received a beautiful .con test souvenir. On of the audience aaya: "The mem be re of thla class have the ability and show a good spirit to do much work along this line, and It la lo b hoped Ihe Mountain W. C. T. U. will continue the medal conteal from time to time." Hon. N. J. Slnnott of The Da I lea. Oregon congressmen from the second district and one of the ablest repre sentative from Ihe Pacific coast In either houae, hss accepted an Invita tion to give an address at Weston on Friday, June II. the first day of the twenty-third annual reunion of I'm.. till county pioneer and Ihe third annual reunion of their sons and daughtera. Aa President Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural college will be Haturday'a orator. Ihe committee on speakers for the event feels sstlsfled thst the reunion crowd this year will be esperlslly well entertained In this particular. Henry Uirkrnblll of Walla Walla coasted a half mile at lop .peed In hi automobile Sunday down the Pea Itldge canyon grade, after a visit at the home of Ixwls Klllgore, end reached the bottom In aafety. The key In Ihe differential gear sheared off, and the emergency brakes wouldn't hold, leaving the car to Its own device on a steep and dangerous a-rsde. Mr. Lurkenblll wss able to steer It. however, and used good Judg ment In the process. He had need to. for the car contained eight people, fuur of them being children. Through one of those typographical lapses thst sometimes occur In the best regulated neoter .linns, the nsmee of two successful pupil In the over since made hla home. In recent division spelling contest al Weston yVtn he resided at Hermlston. He were omitted from last week's list, j member of the Woodmen of the They were Km ma Thoeny In the World, but wa not connected wHh fourth grdc and Blanche Thnrson In any church. He waa a kind and ym the third grade and we are not only D,tnf tc m.n especially in alckness glad to print their nanus, but a.lsoiaD trouble. Hla lllneee waa brief, congratulate them on their ortho- !n(j his death haa caused much aorrow graphical achievement. Me admonish i,0 tils friends and loved one. But- "The silver cord Is loosed, the golden bowl Is broken. The pitcher Is broken .. . .... mwA V. . m I. George Sower, lately bought himself broken ,he ctetem- du n. turns to the earth, from whence it was taken, and hla spirit haa returned to God who gave U,' We have a bargain in a portable gas engine bundle thresher. Capacity 40 to 60 bushels per hour. Move anywhere with a four-horse team. Four men to operate, and does excellent work. Come and see it. Three or four Banner buggies left, at bargain prices. A carload of Weber wagons, some Winona and John Deere. r Alfalfa seed still going at 18 cents. The current Triangle announces that the Hudson Six wins the title of Lightweight Champion of the World-at Roadside, Boulevard Park, Every where. Points: Economy of fuel, tires and upkeep, service and comfort Certified railroad weight less than 2900. We also offer the Ford the universal car on one condition, viz: If we can get the cars. The rebate is now a certainty. Now let's get together and fix up our streets with a good layer of creek gravel and then a carload of oil. We can do it in less than 10 days. Car of oil for about $200, and that beats sprinkling 5 months at $40 per mo. Wafe & Rogers OID BITS OP XKWS. Delta f Oarta C Els Charles Grant King wa born In Harrison county, Missouri. December 1. !M, and died of brain hemorrhage In Pendleton. Oregon. April 14. ll at the age of 4t years, four month and II daya. Mr. King waa married to Miss Letha Stamper October (, lift. In Weston. Oregon. To thla union were born nine children, six of whom, together llh the widowed wife and mother. survive. He is also survived by four brother and two sisters Frank. Wil liam, James and Roco King. Mr. Joe Llruallen and Mra. B. H. Decker. All but William King, who lives near Portland, are resident of Umatilla county. Mr. King was only six year of age when he came weat with hi parent to Umatilla county, wherein he had them to keep on and on, until they can spell aa well a the local printer. Into a Job with the purchase of Ihe Henry Stamper re!Jence property on North Water treet. Aa the house had been gutted by fire, leaving the brick walls only Intact, there la much fixing up" to do, and George haa en gaged himself to do It feeling sure that he will not quarrel with his boaa. Contractor Aahworth la exercising a nominal supervision over the building activities, which include a new porch and an addition aa well aa the re newal of the house Interior. The "widow partlea" at Weston have already becomo a recognised so cial function and a very enjoyable one. The widow met last Saturday In goodly number at the home of Mra. Martha (Grandma) Van Winkle who despite the fact that aha haa aeen more than fourscore years, waa the gayest of the gay. The houra were pleasant ly passed In social chat and In listen Ina to tales by the hostess of pioneer days. Dainty refreshments were served by Mra. L. II. Van Winkle. Athena haa decided to give town nlcnlc to replace it annua) Caledon inn event. Frldsv and Saturday, May 28 and 2D, have been selected aa the date. The list of enorta will inolmle baseball game Fridav between the Athena and Weston league teams. Athena will nlav a return exhibition game al Weston on Friday, June 11, the first day of the pioneer' reunion. Kaon team will nay Its own expenses and keep it Dome town gate receipts. Fred DuPuls. Geo. B. Cermlchael, Bob Proudflt and le Cralgen In dulged in piscatorial pleasures Sun day hurt on the north fork or tne Walla Walla river and returned with well-filled baskets, despite the ract that the river was rather high for first-class sport. They took a few rainbow trout measuring twelve Inches and better In length. The Crow (Black Crow) auto Is sure ly proving all claims. Four-cylinder en bloo motor with Atwater-Kent Igni tion; four speeds, full floating axle, and the easiest running car of it slxe on the aiarket; 27 horse power. See me for Lee tires. A. Phillips. The Pendleton. Adams, Athena and Weston auto atage leave Weston twice dally for Pendleton at I a. m. and 5 p. m Itound trip, $1.75. Headquarter at Goodwln'a drug atore. A. M. Boy don, proprietor. All labor towarda fixing the atreeta with gravel and oil would be a good Investment all gain, no lose. Not ao with water sprinkling. Watta Roger. Motor car eervlce to all points, day or night. Also livery and feed atabm opposite the Lleuallen blacksmith shop, Late McBrlde. Earl Rose haa returned to Weston for a period of rest and relaxation, after a few boute with old Mr. World at Portland and other points. Harve Readland family arrived yes terday from La Grande for a visit with hla mother and other relative. i inl Wfiei Sir It EMI a Sapport. The Weston Odd Fellow were taken Into camp by their Milton brethren Monday In a ball game which la said to have been odder than the three linkers themselves. The contest took place at Milton, and provided amusing comedy for a-large crowd or specta tora aa well a for Che players. Bar tholomew and Kenlck were In Mil ton' line-up, but Weaton overcame thla handicap by Insisting that every player be allowed to pitch one Inning and one only. Weston led by a wide margin until Chief Wilson took the mound and permitted aeven or eight runs to the opposition. Harry Beathe assert that the chief purposely threw the game for the price of hi dinner, but we never did think that he could be bought o cheaply.' Anyway, Wea ton loat by a formidable score of seventeen to fifteen. It list of base ball atara Included Beathe, Blomgron, McConnell. Read, Turner, Wilson, Goodwin, Shlck, Jamea and Van Hoy. (Shorty Jamea. not the redoubtable Bill Jamea of the Boston Braves.) Galesburg. 111. A lady In thi city, cleaning a ailk dresa with gasoline, took tha garment out into the yard to dry. She began bruahing the silk briskly with her hand, causing a apark of atatlo electricity, which. Igniting the fumes, burned the lady aeverely and deatroyed the dresa. Hampton Roads, Va. In the list of suppllea requisitioned by Capt Thler Irhens. of the German raider. Prince Eitel Frlederlch, waa an Item of 60.000 bottles of beer. 100 bottlea for each man on board. The navel board cut down every Item on the list except thla one. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for I'matUU County. In the Matter or the Estate of Mary J. Powers, Deceased. To all whom It may concern: No tlce la hereby given that Hettle Powers la the duly appointed, qualified and acting administratrix of the estate of Mary J. Powers, deceased, and all per sons having claims against aald estate are hereby required to preeent the same, with proper vouchera attached thereto to aald administratrix at her home In Weston, Oregon, within six months from tho ltth day of April. 1915. HETTIE POWERS, Administratrix of the Estate of Mary J. Power. Deceased. Clarksburg, W. Va. Mr. Kathe Dent wa struck and fatally Injured at Barnes Crossing nesr here by the aame engine that struck and killed Ulysses K. Waters at a neighboring crossing the aame day. Lo Angeles. CaL William Flynn, 17 months, and Alene Houck, 17 months, "eugenics babies." have been betrothed by their parent. They were winners In the recent baby ahow her Blnghampton. N. T. After giving all his wage to hla wife every week for Jl years. R. H. Walker la now suing her for a share of the money. She refuse to split up with him. even though ahe haa now eloped with an other man. New Tork Mary Ounoa asked her teacher to excuse her for being tardy. She wa delayed In reaching school by saving her three-year-old elster and 1 t-months-old brother from suffoca tion In a fire. Washington, D. - C. Few people realise how many women hire out on farm for field labor. In ihls country there are a million and a half women field workers, more than all the women dressmaker, milliner, women tailors, hat. cap, collar, cuff and shirt worker combined. Turbotvllle. Pa. William Grlttner. a shoe dealer, fitting a shoe on John Barlow, a customer, grasped the up per and bade Barlow "push hard." Barlow pushed hard, Grlttner'a grasp lipped, the heel of the new shoe truck Grlttner body, breaking three rib and causing Internal Injuries. ILUAA MacKCNZie. Prstldcat J. It. PRICE. Vk Pruidmt E. M. SMITH, CathJer E. L BLOMCREN. AisUtaat Caahwr Established 1891 The Farmers Bank of Weston GREAT DESTINIES re being founded every day upon amall ving from slender income. The savings fund, started today and built upon faithfully, cresting eventually working; capi tal; then investment directed with the good judgment which the savings bank implants thus destinies are wrought. Your working capital ean be built safely and surely by depositing your savings in this bank. DIRECTORS William MacKeniie, Dr. F. D. Watts, Joseph Warxer, G. W. Staggs, J. H. Price. J. C Price, E. M. Smith. rai T tha Frillc: Wall Paper House Lining Inasmuch aa a rumor is going the round to the effect that J. S. Soar r 1st of Olympia, Wash., is coming to Wes ton to hold some meetings, we want -L - 1 . I.- . .I... T u Seacrist ia no longer either a minister , k or member of the t:iiurch or toe Kretbren. John Bonewitz, J. U. Gordon. DR. W. G. HUGHES Dentist Office In the F.lam Building, Milton, Hours, 9 to 13 and 1 to 5 We Simply Ask the Men to Stay Sober OUR factory rules de mand "sobriety," not "abstinence." Wbat our employes do' after knocking off work is up to them. We don't tell them they can't go into a well run saloon under penalty of being discharged. If we did, they'd be justified in leaving us. . . Our best men sre those who drink their healthful, stimulating beer. They are the one that Enoch the time clock promptly I the morning and do the most work during the day. They are good boy and know that drink ing beer moderately mean True Temperance. If we told them they couldn't drink after work we'd drive them to secret indul gence and deprive them of use ful, harmless pleasure. Result materially diminished mental and physical buoyancy and low efficiency during working hour. Our meat pursue their own lives and gratity their own taste without molestation. Most of tha officials of thia factory drink beer moderately because it ia benefi cial and refreshing. They would n't ask the boy to give up what they themselves wouldn't think of quitting. HOUSE LINING 5c Per Yard Wall Paper Spring Styles 8 cts. to $1.00 per Double Roll COME AND SEE E O. De House Liniug Wall Paper E. D. Ulrica, Chamber ef Cenawrc Part land, Ortjoa. a! and Kodak Supplic Films Developed and Printed. Branch Agency for American Express Money Orders H. Goodwin Druggist, Weston, Oregon