The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 30, 1915, Image 1

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    1 f
NO. .
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Oermsny la purchasing foodstuff fur
alege of fuur yeara duration.
David Warfleld ha appear)! In lh
play "Th Auctioneer" fur th UOOtb
Twenty-one Jitney bua driver
Baattla ara arretted fur doing business
without having bonis.
El-president Taft la scheduled
maka aavaral aneerhe In Oregon and
Wsshlngton aarly In tha fall.
A plague of cricket la reirted In
Grant county Washington, and niur
damage to crop la tha raault.
Ona of Villa' major general haa
resigned, at tha reouest of hla mothrr,
and joined tha lirltlah force.
A holdup man In Sitokane, Waah.
klrki hla victim on tha Ire and break
it; aeruraa 12 In rash and floea.
Tha commerce Investigation In Chi'
cago iroteta an increase of freight
ralea on meata, which I protoaed by
tha railroad.
Theodore Rooeevelt, who I being
auad for libel, admit on tha atand that
ha waa on eaay term with New York
political bosses.
All record for April heat ar being
broken In tha Eastern elates, and I
acme loralitlea the thermometer regla-
tera 97 degree.
Four masked men maka raid of
Eastern Oregon ranch, killing 30 head
of aheap and destroying farm houee
and barn by fire.
Prominent women of all natlonalitiee
of Europe are in convention at Tha
Hague and ara pleading fur pear in
their reapertiv countrlea.
Methodist minuter from many
atatea ara meeting in Chicago for the
purpose of establishing f 10,000.000
fund to be used for old ag pensions
for member of tha clergy.
T. Broil Brooke, a mlllloniar real
estate owner of Portland, plungea to
bla death from a eecond-etory window
of hla home. Business worries ara
thought to hava unbalanced hla mind.
Tha Exchange Telegraph company'
A then correepondent aays tha news
paper In that city report the Greek
government haa negotiated with Amer
ican capitalists for loan of 17,000,
The all lea ara reported as having
landed large force on both ahore of
tha Dardanelles traits, and ara at
tacking tha fort and position of the
Turk who are defending the city of
Slgnorlna Ma Bonora, consort of
Mario Lambardl, died at 10:45 o'clock
Tuesday night in the Good Samaritan
hospital at Portland from tha effect of
poleon taken after Mr. Lambardl a
death on April 22.
Governor Johnson, of California,
signed the Meek convict labor bill,
permitting prisoner of the tt pen!
tentlarie to build atata highwaya. A
atstement waa Issued by tha governor
In which h aaid that appreheniion
that free labor will be affected 1
German in Puland offer 10 rouble
each to Russian who will desert.
Europe' purchase of leather good
la atimulating the hide Industry.
The French government haa decided
to adopt all children made orphan , by
the war.
General Villa la reported to be gath
erlnsall available forces for a final
crucial ttruggle againat the Carrama
When Russian evacuate town In
Poland they break all windows, o that
the German will And poor ahelter
from the cold.
A celebration waa held at the San
Franciico exposition in commemora
tion of the recovery from the earth'
quake and Are.
Betglan prlionera in Prussia have
opened regular university, many pro
fessor being among them, who give
lecture regularly. .
Both Russian and Austrian make
desperate attack upon each other
position in the Carpathian, all of
which are repulsed.
' Two men - were drowned in the Mc
Keniie river near Eugene, Or., while
trying to lead aome cattle . across the
river from a rowboat.
Governor Lister, of Washington,
won hla fight against the emergency
clause in the recent appropriation bills
passed by the legislature of that state,
and thereby $3,260,000 la made imme
diately available for road building.
French airmen drop bomb in many
town in the Black Forest country of
Germany, and many women and child
ren are reported killed or injured.
A call haa been received by the New
fork war relief clearing house from
France for artificial limb for aoldiera
wounded during tha early atages of the
The blockade of Germany by tha al
lies I preventing the latter from ob
taining maay necessary drugs, which
are sent to the United State from
Germany and then purchased here by
the warring nation.
Rooscmr on stand admits
Syracuse, N. V. Theodore Ruue
veil admitted under croas-eiamlnation
Tuesday In the suit for alleged libel
which William Barnea haa brought
ualnst him. that while governor he
had freely consulted the "boss" of thi
Republican party In New York atate
in reference to the apoliitment of .off!
ciala in the atate government and var
ious legislative and political matter.
The "boaa" named waa Thomas (
Piatt, who at that time represented
New York In the United State sen
ate. The ex-president aaid he took
the advice of the senator In many mat
ters, among them appointing a Pern
orrat to the office of tax com m I m loner
to "please Grady," whom the Colonel
described aa a "lieutenant boss" of
Itlrhard Croker, then leader of Tam
many Hall.
Th testimony resulted from ques
tions asked after letter of a eerie
that MUMed between Colonel Roosevelt
ami Senator Piatt had been read to the
jury. In these letters, both writers
discussed all manner of political and
legislstive affairs. In one. Colonel
Roosevelt asked the senator's advice
about making apeechea.
In another, Senator Piatt told the
Colonel he had received a ropy of a bill
introduced by Grady, in which the sen
ator aaid he considered It inadvisable
to rive Tammany from 3,000,000 to
112.000.000 on an appropriation to ex
pend upon th water front of New
York, as "it would simply be putting
an unnecessary club In the bands ol
those people with which to knock our
brains out.'
With another letter, the colonel sent
the senstor a proof of his message to
the legislature, which dealt with,
among other thing, nubile utilities,
the franchise tax, Uie trust. Indus
trial condition and labor. The part
dealing with the trusts, the colonel
wrote, "had been submitted to several
"experts. including Elihu Root, Pre I
dent Hsdley, Professor Jenka, of Cor
nell. and James A. Dill, who was
described In the letter a 'a big cor
poration lawyer.'
Commander Gives Notice of Intent
to Intern Cruiser Kronprinz Wilfidm
Washington, D. C Announcement
from Newport New late Tuesday that
the commander of th big German sea
raider Kronprin Wllhelm had given
notice he would intern for the war
without waiting expiration of the
time allowed her by the United State
government to make bia ahlp
worthy, waa received with aurpris
and relief by government offlciala.
The raider action relieve the
Navy department of the necessity of
keeping watch over the Wllhelm and
an eye on the cordon of allied ahip off
th Virginia cape to assure the main
tenance of American neutrality during
the time the cruiser had been allowed
to make repair. It I understood that
several day of that period still re
The Navy department had deter
mined to permit the Wilhelm to take
on 4500 ton of coal, and on the heel
of reports from Newport Newa that
the cruiser had begun to coal, came
Lieutenant Captain Tbierfelder's un
expected announcement to the collector
of the port. The German commander'
communication waa laconic and gave
no reason for the Internment aa had
the letter presented by Captain
Thierichena when h interned the
Prin Eitel Friedrich, the first of the
raider to seek haven in Hampton
It waa suggested here that Captain
Thierfelder'a announcement waa made
after he had received instruction
from the German government through
the embassy here not to attempt a
dash through the line of hostile war
ahip off the cape.
Heat I Damaging Crop.
Washington, D. C A aeorchlng
heat wave is hovering over the East
era half of the'United States from the
Mississippi valley to the Atlantic
coast, causing suffering in the citie
and serious damage to wheat and other
crop in the agricultural districts.
Reports ahow new temperature records
for April established as follows: Wash
ington. D. C. and Richmond, Va 94
degree; Toledo, O., 80; Grand Rapids,
Mich., Cincinnati, O., and fclkins, w.
V,, 88; Port Huron, Mich., 86, and
Green Bay, Wis., 84.
Wirales Record I Made.
New York A new distance record
for wireless telephony in railroad serv
ice ia claimed by offlciala of the Lacka
wanna railroad. Communications by
wireless concerning the movement of
Lackawanna trains' were exchanged
between railroad superintendent at
Scranton, Pa., and Binghamton, N.
63 mile. - Train between those
two cities were moved for several
hours under order sent or received by
wireless. .
Czar Lose 29 Tranche.
Vienna The war office baa issued
the following: "Our troops, pursuing
the enemy, occupied 26 Russian
trenches which contained much war
material. The Russian before Uisok
Pass, after their attack failed, re
treated in full flight. We gained
ground ot the southeast of Koxiowa.'
Relief Fund $26,000,000.
London The national relief fund of
the Prince of Wale reached the total
of 6,000,000 (J26.000.000). King
George haa opened with donation of
$2600 subscription list of th British
committee for relief in Belgium, i
Oregon Hens Make Fine
Record at Panama Fair
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vellls Having led In both the pen rec
ords and tha Individual records for tha
paat month in egg-laying at the I'ana-ma-Parlfle
Exposition has placed the
O. A. C. florka very close to the lead
in both these divisions for the entire
time of the contest. The throe flocks
entered by the college represent the
White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and a
jxn of cross-reds, ten In each pen.
The Leghorn took first place for
the month ending April 16 with a rec
ord of 237 eggs, while the Barred
Rorks took second place with 226
egg. The beat Individual allowing
waa made by an O. A. C. cross-bred
hen, which Isid -0 eggs In tha 31 day.
The fifth best record waa that of the
College Barred Rock biddy that pro
duced 26 eggs.
The Leghorn Kkewlae took second
place In the term rare to date, with a
record of 660 egg, flnt place going to
the Canada flock or l. V. Adam, with
607 eggs. The fourth place haa been
taken by the O. A. C. Barred Rock
and th fifth place by the crosses, the
number of egga laid by each pen being
627 and 624 respectively. Second,
third and fourth places ar now held
in the Individual term record by an O,
A. C. cross with 83 egga, another O.
A. C. cross with 82 eggs, and an O. A,
C. Leghorn with II eggs.
Th official report from which these
figure were taken aaya that no other
exhibit on the ground attract more
attention from the thousand of dsily
visitors thsn this egg-lsying contest
with its fine flock from different parts
of the world.
Dairying Sure Road to
Wealth, Declares Expert
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallla That th history of dairying
has proven it to be sure road to
wealth, ia the assertion of dairy ex
perts of Oregon, Washington and
other atatea, who occasionally address
students and dairymen at the Oregon
Agricultural college. A means of
wealth, dairying la said to furnish
about the most steady and sure Income
of any farm product, and It also
affords a renewal of soil fertility. In
all these features dairying particularly
lends itself to profit because profit
must be aecured from those resource
that are ure and steady.
Th history of dairying In countrlea
other than the United Statee affords
evidence of the relisble chsrarter of
dairying a a profit maker. Denmark,
a country the speaker to
have had an exhausted soil and an ex
hausted people, has become through
dairying one of the wealthiest and
most productive of all foreign eoun-
Daylight Is Let Through Last
Tunnel On New Coos Bay Line
Eugene "Daylight" was broken
set week in tunnel No. 7, the longest
bore on the Willamette-Pacific. For
18 month compressed air drills have
been born in Into both aides of this
4200-foot tunnel that pierce the di
vide between the Umpqua and Cooa
Bay valley. For two week the
sounds of the drills could be heard
from both aides and finally a ahot
opened the tunnel.
This was the Isst tunnel on the line
to be pierced. There are eight in all,
the first being at Noti, 30 mile west
of Eugene, and jthe last in the lake
region north of Coos Bsy. The last
two tunnels are not completed, how
ever, as a small bore preceeda a few
feet ahead of the main body of the
A. O. Peterson, sub-contractor for
Hauser A Hauser, arrived in Eugene,
tellinir of the tunnel progress, and of
the peed being made in the comple
tion of the trestle work along the
lake. C. R. Broughton, bridge en
gineer, accompanied him from Acme,
where a large force of men has estab
lished camps for the erection of the
Siuslaw drawbridge.
Dogs Shot on Sight in Baker
to Prevent Epidemic of Rabies
Baker So serious has become the
rabies epidemic both in the city and in
the country that every effort is being
made to stamp out the animals that
might be affected. Chief of Police
Jackson has armed all policemen with
shotgun and revolver and has given
orders that all dogs be shot on light
unless muscled.
We haven't time to remonstrate
personally with owners of dogs," he
said to his men. "There ia too much
dancer from hydrophobia to take any
chance and people who do not live up
to the law will lose their pets."
Hunters and trapper will be em
ployed to wage war on the coyotes in
the Mi nam National forest, according
to Ephriam Barnes, forest Bupervisor,
who aid that he had been requested
by the United State Biological survey
to furnish the name of men in thi
section most experienced in work of
this kind.
Park Along Road Planned.
Hood River Citizens of the county,
co-operating with the Commercial club,
have begun campaign to secure ade
quate atrip of land along the Neal
Creek road leading from the Lower to
the Upper Hood River valley and thus
prevent the land along the route from
being denuded of it growth of large
fir tree. But few of the highways in
the lower valley are lined with forest
trees, and it ia proposed to purchase
outright this land and make a park of
the area adjoining the highway. The
land ia not valuable for agriculture.
Sunday Closing Stir.
Tillamook Aa the closing of stores
on Sunday in thi city has caused con
siderable discussion. District Attor
ney T. H. Goyne has asked the attor
ney general's office for an opinion aa
to the constitutionality of the Sunday
closing law. The candy, cigar and
drug stores have decided to remain
open, and Mr. Goyne ia determined to
close them If the law ia considered
constitutional by the attorney general.
trie. The Dane ar now remark
ably prosperous people and bave reno
vated their soils so that they are leav
ing a valuable heritage to their pos
Examplea of aucceaa ar being re
peated in our own country. In the
atatea of Wisconain, Minnesota and
those further East, they have re
deemed their Mils from exhaustion
through dairying. While doing this
they have made substantial money
profits, established a large trade in
dairy products, and perhape best of all,
have built up Urge dairy bard of won
derful producing ability.
From th fine, high producing dairy
cattle from thee herd many Western
dairymen are now going to get founda
tion stock for the improvement of
their own herd. A lot of money from
the West 1 streaming into the states
of of Minnesota, New York and Wis
consin in exchange for dairy aire de
veloped through cientific breeding by
progressive dairymen.
Recess Lengthened and Farmers'
Week Will Be First in January
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallia Of great interest to fanner
and homeseeker a well as to regular
college students s the announcement
that the next term of Farmers' and
Conference Week will be held at the
college during the first week of Janu
ary. Since the instructors' time ai
well aa housing accommodations an
needed by the thousands of people tak
ing the work of the week, it is impos
sible to conduct the exercise of the
week while the regular degree work i
in progress. Hence the Christmas re
cess has been lengthened to January
10, permitting the regular students to
pass their vacation at home.
Another important change in the cal
endar ia the arrangement whereby
commencement will be held prior to
final examinationa of the second semes
ter for the three lower classes. This
change will give the undergraduates
an opportunity to attend commence
ment exercises and at the same time
to leave for home aa soon aa their last
examination has been given. It has
also been announceed that vocational
students will have commencement
recognition and will be given diplomas
upon completing their course..
Pioneer Women To Meet,
Baker Old-time residents of East
ern Oregon plan an organization. At
a meeting held at the home of Mrs. M.
F. Harper it was decided to ascertain
the possibilities of having a pioneer
society and to include the gathering of
historical data of this part or tne coun
try. Mrs. Harper has been in this vi
cinity 40 years, and has had several
gatherings of the pioneer women with
such success that the organisation
seems assured. If Baker old settlers
take kindly to the plan, other cities
will be asked to co-operate.
Farmer Demand Water.
Baker More than 1000 acres are so
involved in a water dispute north of
here that State Water Superintendent
Cochran at La Grande has been ap
pealed to. Farmers along laterals on
the Baldock and Shaw ditches allege
that the Sunnyslope irrigation farmers
have been taking so much moisture
from Powder River that a shortage is
threatened in the Fairview district
Assistant Water Superintendent Hol
land waa aent from La Grande to make
a survey. '
Oregon Ha 17,000 Cars J
Salem Secretary of State Olcott
announceda that approximately 17,000
automobiles, more than 2400 motorcy
cles and 2300 chauffeurs have been
furnished licenses thi year, and he
believed that motor vehicle registra
tion for the entire year would reach
22,000. There were 16,847 motor ve
hicles, 2898 motorcyclea and 1800
chauffeurs registered last year. Mr.
Olcott thinks the increase In chauffeur
license is a result of the jitney bus.;
Calf Ha Only Three Leg.
Roaeburg E. Harper, of North
Roseburg, ia the owner of a calf bav
in only three leg. The can waa
born few day ago and ia apparently
in aa good health aa it more fortunate
brother and sister. The animal baa
only one front leg, which Mr. Harper
says is somewhat larger than the leg
of normal calf. The calf display no
ill effects as a result of its deformity,
and Mr. Harper believe it will live."
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Emperor William pailiig through the ruined atreet of Lyck, East PniMla, Jut after bis troops had driven the
Russians from the city. He Is seen In front of bis automobile. At me len is a pnotograpa 01 we aaiser as ne ap
peared when last visiting the eastern war tone.
T" ' " j-wh T. ' "atari i ii mii.ii." in hi i i
-T" - '"-t''r, s-!etfv
rrj xr ' "jrrv
T "i - -.V . -"j- " Aw . 9 t "eip- . . " T 0,1 .
Owina to the shortage of copper in Germany the school teachers have
been Instructed to tell their pupil to bring all the copper articles iney
have at home to school. The picture snows tne resuii 01 one uaj
tion in one school.
f J
m .a -il'l fir
1 W fS
Th world ha been watching with great interest for Bulgerta'a decision
abetter or not to enter the European wax. TMa 1 tne parliament. -
tbe capital of that nation. ...
4 v .
r ' ' Hv.
' v f !y 1
?4 '-
Philip Scheidemann, a prominent So.
clallst member of the German relcb
tag. haa Joined with a number ot hla
fellow in demanding that the govern
ment take stepe to end the war at
once. He protested vehemently against
the uppression ot Socialist writing
and speeches. '
Regulating the Watch.
If one has an opportunity to con
pare hla watch dally at a certain time
with some source of standard time,
aa with the time a sent by telegraph
or by wireless signal, or by regular
comparison with aome accurate clock,
aa one daily passe a Jeweler' (tore,
for instance, it would be well to es
tablish the habit of winding th
watch at that time, a it is better W
have such, dally comparison tfs the
time the watch Is wound, and mon
regular winding will usually .