Through city streetsalong country lanes DRIVE A 1915 REO ' "The Car, of Comfort Te tneare get- ecc-a a eper - Re Car er la greater demand thaa ever tbla year, tine- veer car slac rear order early. Re financial ability sad fwrfeeering skill km inJ mnii nrira. LVery Kara er Orchard ahald Let the Hunt Rm DeaUv show yea th MriU of Ula weaderfal Car writ as for FN Booklet, The Rco Four $1030. The Reo Six $13S5 F. O. B. Factory. Km Serrk extends fx th CaaadUa border to the Calf of California. LIMITED TERRITORY OPEN TO AGENTS. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Diatribatora for Pacific North weet F. W. VOGLER, PraMt Broadway at Couch St, Portland, Oregon. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND DRIVING at the bsrt x)aiprd. avast p--ats snly aremaal Aatomotxl 8chJ ta th. North w.L CM. Ants KspsirCn. isi. raws. MOTORCYCLES and BICYCLES Hnr end Ssrsnd-hanil Aim tat Thor and Sc aisr. Wnit f.-r Ctou. nd rr LM aKI HCtOi OA. IM-U. 13a tl, r4kt SAVE YOUR TEETH Wine '"imthf n7 Utxot rUM nh. UB.A.W. att-n tsm uiimi PU Psrtlasd. r 5J I Comi I yalaaaMl FBTLAKD BARBER COLLECT Teaches th Trad t WhU Scaln I-i Pas a 8osrMty. Tooi Fm MUM Cusranw-d. FAT while LEARNING. RUPTURED fart and eisnr ok ferments 11 with aanJwt minim Writ for FKtK book. HOTEL CARLTON Mtt aaa Waalataa Bbv. Farlaui. Ora. Boaa with bath. SI. 90 per day. Eoona without , ., talk. U-Wasr day. . Al OsUaat rUeets Frcarsof CtarfradiM - . special Ratal far iiaanmiit sweta. Boat Ftnneran. Mar. Victor Brandt. Prop. BICYCLE BARGAINS ALL MAKES Th ontr Mrirtlr Bfcjrd Sahara end pair Stop in Portland. Pre bat oa applica tion. Writ 108 Uts SL. Corner Wsiaine-ton. SCOVILL'S CYCLERY a iu.i LIST VOIR BKAL ESTATE AND J Buhimm Opportunity with aw. SO ilM ectrn nksmen aonttn- far casta an an taethn. Rami glaataad BaiHtaa-Maraaiaa Coalauo aa) disunisa of nty ptoperuss, (anna, stock ranches, tirnbar and buaiaen opportnaitMa fornl-and achanaa. Pcrkaaa it caataiaa laat what yaaaralnltn far. Scad far It Tea eenta, leiatrtampa. S. W. MCOT. tararat RaiHr Admlhar. JSS CbaaibaT af Caauaaraa Partlaad. Or. aa.oOO offffrrMf for aarialo TnTaatloaa. B"Hwio01Hi Patent" and " bat to InTenl it I rua. Brod rootb akatrb lor fna I noort M to DalHlDibltltT. FattDta ad 'nirtiwd foraiioaloareiDeaaalalUB. afurtnfvn Journal. CMANDUl A CHANDUE, PanM Uttr! riaviavaaa 1034(.at,uabataa.B.C. ' Hi Mascot. Which la tha most significant mo tor car mascot? I think tha palm goes to tha ona that a doctor friend of mine haa had put oa his car. He la a verr food doctor, but his mascot is the ace of spades. It is nailed on the front of the bonnet aa a memento ' marl to all men. Spades and a doc tor! London Express. . Worth While fiuotatlon. Soma people are alvays srur tag because rosea hare thorns I am thankful that thorns have rosea. . Selected. - Worse Than Work. "After a man has loafed awhile," aald Uncle Eben, lie generally de cides dat he'd rather go to work dan bo ao lonesome." ' Hava an Arctic Bunkt A "bunk" bouse la aa ArcUo hotel mad of toga, vita woes chlnka, a dirt roof and a dirt floor. A graaA sheet Iroa stove keepa It vara. Two rows of banks, covered with grmaa or brush, extend along tha walla. Tha old-fashioned string and latch hold tha whtp-aawed door cloaed and there la a place to cook tha meals. To stay over night coats a dollar. Cam WaBa YaaWaMu af Allm'a root-Eaa la a tanala rara far act, wratlair.raltiu.and.woUaB.arbt&a'Iaac Boid br all I'rucfMta. PrtraaVs. Ioo t aecvnt any Mibotuut. Trial partaaa I'aJU. Addraat AUeaa.viautu.M aoy. a. T. , Do Your Best. Play the game! We are not her to whine and complain, to star down because wa are knocked down, to blame the Inequalities of tha ground or tha unfairness or ue umpire. can ba no vicionea. wa miw nerv to win If wa can in every condition that confronts us. to do our best to any case, and to do It to tha and. Te tha Bitter End. taa what do you think of tha new baseball league? Gratae It means war la tha hall world. -Sura: it will be diamond cut dla HE CENT LETTER POSTABE EONS AGITATED. One rant saata rata aa ratters la aaala (wing brwueht Inta prumlneave and snaay blah ttfrivtala dec-tare that It la aura ta aaraa la the near future. All elaa of bualnaas would be graally benrrlted by Its adoptloa, and aallmaled atatlalltv ahew there would be auoh aa Increaeea d.mand for aumpa (hat tha apparent loaa af reveaaa would ba more thaa mad up. It to aa Impoaalblllly ta Ur en aall vatvd value aa beallh. It blra a atoat artcalaas auaanelua bat prhv yoi bare baea raralaa or nll(nt anj have allowed waakaaaa to dvlu until you are aow la a badly run-down condition. with poor appetite, Impaired dtgaelloa aad eoaatloatad bowela. la ardar to sat bark te beallh and strancth you tnuat flret help Nature re tore tha atomarh, Unr and Itoweu aorvaal eondltroa. This auctaata the fH sadly aid of lioatetler'a atumach Kit- i. Tea will find It aa eirellent tonie, eppettaar and slrenath maker and well worthy of your It la aa abealulaly pure medlrina. adapted to all ordinary family sulmenta, aad your health will ba greatly Improved by giving It a fair trial at once, lie aura you get the geauine lloalettor'a Stomach Rlttere with our Private Stamp ever the aack of UotUe. Great Minds Had tame Thought "Ha gtveta bis beloved slrep," la aa ancient saying which la merely an other xpreaatoa of the thought that ha who Uvea a pare and upright lite will eleep aa a lovely aad healthful babe sleeps. The mentally feverish Lord Byron, alee pleas and distraught, wrote: " Ood bleea the man who Brat Invented sleep. 8o aald Bancho Pania and so say L" Thus giving a new Im mortality to tha Immortal creation of Cervantes, Spain's greatest writer. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. Portland Wbaat-Blueatera, 11.10: forty-fold. 1.18 elub, 11.17 red rife, ll.tSI; re4 Russian, Millfecd Spot prices: Bran, M toe; ahorta, $28; rolls J barley. ISOdJSl. Corn Whole, 3S ton; eracked, 3. Hay Eastern Oregoa timothy, 14 Qll; valley timothy. lltfitll.SO; grata aaj, 11011; alfalfa, tlLMHS 18.60. V age tables Cucumbera, hothouse. raverita Stan, rrea ancient days Rsguhis las beea eae at tha favorite stars aiartnera aad so-called astrologer Tka aaclaat asm eg designated It as tha king of stars, la lia apparent passage throuia tha path of tha iodise the sua la almost betweea aa e3 Regulue, aad once a taoath tha mooa la aau It and at tlmss comas ainrct- ly betweaa It and our earthly vision, or "occulta" It t"or thta aloaa Regulua ought to ba one of tha fascinating start tt this lima of lha year. Act Met ceverea By a-so la a aegro district a member was oa trial charged wlta stealing cnicteaa Tha evidence went lo show that tha . crate; cauimower, 7tili-io. I defendant had beea found with his artichokaa, T66) doaea; tomato. I foot la a steal trap at tha door of the p. H. U. No. 17, 115 I WHEN wrttia te adTorttoera. aleaas aua I " tia tble paaer. Happl Happiness lies in tha consciousness wa have of It, aad by no means In the way the future keepa Its promise. George Sand. Resourceful Ballora. A tale from the Pacific relates that a steamer whose rudder unexpectedly broke was steered for several days by packing boxes hung over the sides. Dally Thought. No man at bottom means Injustice , ft Is always for some obscure distort d image of a right that he contends. -Carlyla A Definition. William "Pod. what's a paradox?" Father--" A paradox, my son. Is a wom an who wears silk stockings and tries to keep it a secret." Puck. Chase the Mice Away. Mice will not reopen s bole which haa been filled with any mixture con taining lye. Flour and lye make a good pasta for the purpose. Photography and Tact A photographer has to be a man of rare tact In order to get bis subject to look pleasant Instead of laughing himself. Cured. Skinum "1 want to interest you ta a mining proposition. It's a good thing." Flubdub "Perhaps it is; but I'm .not" Judge. What It Depends On. A man's as old aa ha feels, they say, but the age ha feels depends a good deal on what he's been doing. Greatest Fault The greatest of faults is to ba con scion nt none. Thomas Carlyla. Dally Thought It Is must easier lo be critical thaa correct Disraeli. Gets Right Twist On Rheumatism Hakes Short 7ork of Cleaning Oaf Yccr Eniiri System Aches and Pains Ga Fast. EAST OREGON JACK FARM a F. SWAGGART, Prep. . "Jaea L. SaHrraa as-iaai old Jack Lexinp;n, Oregon. Bwedereef Jaaaj Tkafeachbted It crate; cabbaga, t(!tS pound; cel ery, 14.00 crate; eauunowar, loctit fl.Mdosea; head lettues, 11.15 per crate; hothouse lettuce, Tbctftll box; spinach. Be pound; rhubarb, 764180 boa; asparagus, tlJ1.7S; eggplant, 30 pound; peas, ?(8c; carrots, f 1.60 sack, beeta, $1.60; parsnip, 91.15; turnips, $1.75, Green Fruits Strawberries, $4 crate; apple. 60ciCtl.60 box; crao berriea, $lltlt barrel. PoUtoasOregon, ll.8Mtl.60 aack; Waahtngton, $1.26 tt 1.60; Idaho, $1.60; new potatoes, 8e pound; sweet potato, lc. Onions Oregoa selling price, 76c sack, country points; bing pries, $1.76 crat. Eggs Freeh Oregon count 17i(ttl8dosen: candled, 19c Poultry Hens, 16Jlc pound; broilers, J5(J27ic; fryers, 1820e; turkeys, dreoaed. KdiXSc; live, 16t lc; ducks, 12416c; gwewe, c Butter Creamery prints, extras, 7e pound la case) lota; e more In leas than rase lota; cubes, 22Kt2S& Veal Fancy, lli$12o pound. Pork Block. i(t(10c pound. Cattle Beat steers, $7.25 ft 7.75; ebolc. $737.26; medium $6.76t7; choice cows, $6i.60; medium, $5t 5.76; heifers, $5.i6.25; bulls, $3.60!jt 6; stags, $fi-6.60. Hogs Light $8.60(37.65; heavy, l5.90Cito.65. Sheep Wethers, $78.25; swss $6 7; lambs $7.26(d9.26. hennery, while sa empty sack lay aear by. Th declsloa of tha Judge was to this effect "De sot flndt dat do fend ant hsdat as criminal tentlona. Iah balnt so law to ent a gemmea frua nutttn' hla fool la a steel trap of he wants tar do If vVftNDFRfllL HOW RfSINOL STOPS ITCillNG AT ONCE To thoea who have endured for year tha Itching torments or scacuia ir other such skin-eruptions, the relief that tha first use of rvelnoi ointment and roeinol eoao slvea la perfectly lu- ireUlble. After all th suffering they Have endured and all the useless treat meat they spent good money for. they -an not hfflleva anvth ns ao elinpie. California, Job- mild and Inexpensive ran stop the Itch n and burn Ins INaTANTLTI And ranch, case I (hey find It atlll more wonderful thai the improvement la permanent ana that reeluol really drives sway tha eruption completely la a very short time. Perhaps there la a pleaaanl sur arise Itke this In store for you. Kre inol ointment and realnol soap are sold by stt druggists. Adv. lyes af Fishes. The eyes of ashes are ta constant sse except whea they are asleep. Moot flanee have no eyelids, their eyea be ing protected from Injury by a shiny material or by a thick transparent skin. The puffer, or swellnab. which habitually burrows In aand at the bottom of th watsr, has eyelids which cover th eyeballs wbea closed, the lower eyelid being larger thaa lbs Pr. DAMAGED WHEAT BARLEY AND OATS FOR HOG FEED $17.50 Per Ton f. o. b. Warehouse Full Information furnished application. upon WALTER A. GOSS, 418 Corbett BIdg.. Pveat Eirf 6312 Portland, Or. Europe's Richest City. Which Is the richest city in Europe? Neither London or Paris nor Milan, but Basle, the great Swiss railway cen ter, Zurich. In a neighboring canton, coming second. This is proportionate to th number of Inhabitants. Baale's richest cltlxen boasts a fortune of 1 600,000; another has $1,500,000, while no fewer than 18 residents pay income tax on a round $1,000,000. Seattle Wheat Blue-tern. $1.29; forty-fold. $1.28; club, $1.26; Ufa, $1.26; red Russian, 1.22. Barley $25 per ton. , All of Tomato Utilised. Italy harvests about 23.000 seres of tomatoes yearly, aad the wastage amounts to practically nothing. The aklna and aaada. fnrmarlv dlarardaid. Jacoma Apple Cooking, 76Q90c; t BOw utUIsetl. ths former aa stock wines pa, $1.85(31.60 boa; local, 85c. feed and th latter as a source of oil. Th crude oil Is suitable for soap- Have Healthy, imw, Beaatlfal Kyee Ocoiiata and Payeieiaoa aaed Murine Hjt Remedy auay year before It waa offered aa a Domeatic Bye Medicine. Marine to Still Com pounded by Oar Physician and eaaraateed by them aa a Bella We Relief for Syce that Need Care. Try U in your Rye aad la Baby'e Rya No SmartlAf JaatRyaCoatfort. Buy Marin of your Dragglet accept no Snbstitnta. and 11 Interested write for Book of the Bye rrea. atcavuia sm auux co ciucauo Tha Way of Life. Life no doubt Is paved with enjoy ments, but we must all expect times of anxiety, of suffering and of sorrow and when these come it Is an inesti mable comfort to have soma deep in teres t which will, at any rate to some extent enable us to escape from our selves. Sir John Lubbock. la a 8. S. Ton Get a Twist oa Rheumatism that Settles It Many Aeumatlo sufferer bas been to the drusr atore for a bottle of B. B. B. ana bean banded something claimed to be "Juat aa aood." Truly, to ask for bread and be given a stone is stlU in practice. If rou are troubled with rheumatism in any lurm am mi. w ii. o. w. Its wonderful Influence. S. S. S. baa the peculiar action of soak ing through th Intestines directly into tha biood. In five minutes its Influence is at work In every artery, vein and tiny capillary. Every membrane, every organ of Uie body, every etnunctory become in eifact filter to strain the blood of Im purities. Tha stimulating properties of g. 6. e. compel the (kin, liver, bowels, kid neys, bladder to all work to the one end of niimi out every irritating; every pain. tip-'!:ne- atom of polaon; it dislodges by all accumulation in the Jcinta, them neutral and scatters those peculiar formation in the nerve centers that cause such mystifying and often baffling rheiimatln paina. And best of all this remarkable remedy Is weleom to the weakest stomach. If you hav drugged yourself until your stomach Is nearly paralysed, yoa will ba astonished to And that 8. B. 8. gives so actuation but goes tight to work. This Is because it ia a pur vegetabl infusion, is take naturally into your blood lust aa pure air Is Inhaled naturally Into your lungs. Get a bottle of S. B. 8. today, and ask for S. 0. 8. Ton mar depend upon It that the store that sails you what you ask for Is a good plac to trade. Writ to tha Swift g peel So Co., tot Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Oa . vv od accretions te disulye, readers fog their Book oa Bheumatisnv, Dr. Pierce a Pellets, small, suprar- eoated. easy to take as candy, retrulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow els and cure constipation. Leavea as Fertilizer. Thousands of bushels of first-clasi fertilizer are wasted every fall when the burning of the leaves begins These same leaves spread over the gar dens and spaded under in tha spring would prove of great good, but the smoke given off in burning them pro duces nothing but choking coughs. Warsaw 8wlne Market . Warsaw's swine market is ona ot ths most original In the world, snd th first view obtained of it by the traveler Is startling. On tha stone- paved market-place the bodies ars laid in irregular rows, and here come the buyers to examine and purchase at will. " Potted Plant. When potting plants put a piece of coarse muslin over th hols In the pot before putting In the bits of stone and sod, which keeps tbs drainage good. The muslin prevents ths earth from washing away. The Amusing Part of It "Wasn't that funny story you laughed at rather old?" "Yes. Bat the man who told it was ao Important snd dignified that his condescension In tell ing any kind of a funny story struck mo as highly amusing." Phantom Bubbls In Sapphire. In the National museum at Washing ton is a sapphire weighing nine carats that incloses a bubble which changes of temperature cans to appear and disappear. To Fasten tsbele On. To fasten labels on bottles or cans. aa a small piece of adhesive plaster. Tais will stick to any surfac. Comb honey Yakima, $3.60 crate; strained booey, $5.60; Idaho, $160; Nevada. $3.60. Vegetables Cabbage, Winning- stadt, $3.25; carrots. $1.60(31.66; boots, home-grown, $11.26; turnips, sack, $1.25; potatoes, Yakima, $300 82 ton; Idaho. $28(330; sweets, $4 ewt ; early rose seed, $60 ton; toma toes, $4.60 eaae; onions, green, 20c doson; Walla Walla, $1.76 box; Ore gon yellow usnvtrs, i.o; iasima. $1.60; garlic, 80c pound; radishes, lo cal, 20c doMn bunches ; California, 25c; parsely, 80 doson bunch ee; let tuco, bead, $2.25 crate; spinach, local, 6c pound; Walla Walla, 75e box; cu cambers. Iocs hothouse, 75cg$t.60; celery, $4 & 4.60; rutabaga. $1.86 sack; cauliflower, $2.26 erst; Ore gon, $3; artichokes, 76c dozen; rhu barb, local, 8e; asparagus. Walla Walla, $1.86 box; Kennewlck, $1.26 35; green peas, 9c Freeh Meats Steers, 12 (i 12e pound; cows, 12c; heifers, 12Ccfl2c; wethers, 14c; dressed bogs, llgc; trimmed sides, 15Je; combinations, 16c; Diamond T. C, 16Jc; yearlings, 16e; swes, 13c. Poultry Ducks, live, 1012c; bens, dressed, 16 18e; live, 10 6314c; springs, dressed, 22c; live, 14(tl6c; squabs, live, $2.50 dozen; dressed, $fl; turkeys, live, 18c; dressed, 2830c; geese, 20c. Spokane Csttle Prims steers, $6 7 ewt ; heifers sad cows, $66. Sheep Wethers, $67; swes, $5 6; lambs, $67. Hogs Heavy live bogs, $6.25 ewt; light bogs, $7.25. Wheat $45 ton, delivered In eity. making and for lamps, and the redned product la aald to bo edible. True Oreatneaa. True greatness Srst of all la a thing of the heart It Is all alive with ro bust aad generous sympathlea. It Is neither behind Its age. and ahead ot It only Just ao far as to b able to lead Its march. It cannot slumber, for activity la a necessity of Its sxlstenc. It Is ao reservoir, but a fountain, Roswsll IX Hitchcock. USUI $VMIT PtrfaTTB t cmrt sm wa u BLACK Vtmun Mwtawa SMf f. M ri trt eftw Ml umI.h fait. B B.'AT wm. ht kalM and wleahll B r a . . BiMi. picm V snf kuter. M CMUrt ". The ewluiWi si ruu. vmfrtt U 4m te w S iNn r MMcuuisna mi .ssii.w mmm - ism m a ir n..MaiMu w4i n4. Vil Cvma iASOSATOSV. SsrWay, CaUhwala Ts Amateur Qerdener. For amateur gardeners ths surest wsy to tell the weeds from tbs flowers Is to poll them all out The ones thst corns up again are the weeds Life. Uncle tben. "Do only time some men over com mands any respectful attention," said Cncls Eben, "Is whea dey whistle to do dog." One Reason for Lying. Some people tell untruths because they lack moral courage to refuse to answer questions which should not bo asked. Albany Journal. Would Surely Help. According to a decision by a blgt. court bogs can bo muxxled. If this de- Oat $34 ton whole; $36 rolled, do- clslon could bo spplled lo bogs seen la sweu restaurants it would neip sods, Ilvered in city, Bran $25 ton; shorts, $32; bran and shorts, $27 Hsy Timothy, $16 ton; $15 In ear- loads; alfalfa, $15, delivered In city; $14 In carloads. Corn $37 ton; cracked, $38. Barley Rolled, $82 ton. Oil Heal Soy bean meal, $60 ton. Cucumber On Market Tscoms Green encumbers from tbs local hothouses are now on the market and enjoying large opening sales at 75c to $1.60 a doson, according to sit. The Eastern cucumbers have boon Ths Quest Aa unfortunate being whom custom Imprisons between linen sheets sod obliges to use embroidered towels.. Smart Set Age of the Ostrich. Ths average age of an ostrich Is thirty years, snd ths annual yield of a bird in captivity Is from two to four pounds of plumes. Is it possible there ia a woman in thl country who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia IL Tinkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. I Icre arc three never before published: Prom Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. raoviKSNt a, R I." For tint iHMit flt of wurnon who suffer as I hate doiio I wbth to sUto liat loilla K. llnkhaiu's Vcgftalile tkirtipnuntl iiiMtlotte for mo. 1 did soma Iwavy Willi and the doctor said It caiwtMl a dutplawiwnt I hum always trrn weak and I overworked after my haty was Utrn and Intlauinutlkin art In, then ifrvoiis proa, tratlon, from wtileh 1 did not rw-ovt-r until I had taken Ijrdla K. link, ham's Vegvtuhlti 0mntund. Tha ('tiiiinnd Is my tt frlt-nd and when I hear of a woman w ith tnmlile like mlno 1 try to Induce her to lake your mUciiw.M Mrs. 8. T. Kicumomu, ti l'rugroaa Avcuue, lTovidi'iHvj, Ri From Mr5. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y. Itar. N.W-" lkforo I took Iylla K. llnkhama Veiretable Com round I was very irn-ifuuir and hal mudi latin, I hail loot thrra ehlldn'n, and felt wtirn out alt tlio tluio. 1 iiis splendid ttiedk lna ImIih1 me as nothing eh luid done, ami I am Unuikful every U that 1 took It" Mr. Mauia lawix, RFdH 1, lViru, h.Y. From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, V. Qulncy, Mass. Horcn Qi'iNcr, Mass. fcT1io d.K-lorsaid that I had organic troub!o and he detoret mo for a War 11 mo and I did not get any relief. I saw Lydiu K. llukhntus Veio-UhUt toniomiml a. vertU'd and I tri.d It and found relief U-furw I Imd flniidiiHl Uie lirt Uttlo. I onullnued taking It all tLrouxU mlddlo lifo and am now a strong, healthy woman and earn my own living." Mr. Jaks I). Duxoam, Forest Aventw, West tjubiey, Miwa. r-Maa--a.WriletoI.Tni4 R.rniH4 sttniflXECO. I V H0XIIt:irUI.LlJIX,)IAHS-fora4vlc. Vonr lettor will Im ottenrd. rcl and anawcrrxl ij m woroava od tield tn strict coulldcutfc m FOR DISTEMPER fink gyo, fCHostie Snipping s-w and Catarrhal Fever SPOHN MEDICAL CO. Hur cur and positive preventive, no metier how boras al any ars inilK-l ur "p.se4i " IJ-iui.t, ivn oa the tiau; art on lh bll and aland.- i.l lite nHio Mm, frum lh IhI fr li.imt.r In I Net and and fbo)ra III I'milirv, ji..l ll live l."-k rmd. t.'iire I lrlpp mnoii him.ii llna and is a fins Kldnsy r .incur ' snd II lul, 14 "l lie a dn. Cut Into out. Kp II Hhuw In vmir dniaaial. who will get It fnr . t li.M.VUl. "tlt.inir. Ciwh and Curve. " MpsctaJ a.nta wantsd. XZXThTtt Goshen, Ind., u. S. A. Worry snd Nervous System. Inasmuch ss worry Is primarily a dtseaao of tha mind, and sine every portion of the body Is Intimately con nected with every other part or a net work of nervous tissue of great com plexity,, ws naturally seek for ths csuses of these manifestations, first of all, la ths nervous system. Reason for War on Rata. War upon rats for the purpose of preventing the spread of ths bubonic plague Is conducted not because the rsts themselves spresd the plague, but rather the fleas which sre carried by tbs rodents. Meet Haxsrdows of Occupations. Observations of dog fights, side walk arguments snd bleacher disputes bould convince anybody that there Is no occupation so bstardous as thai of a neutral. Animal Weather Prophets. Regarded as weather prophets by th natives, th "black bowlers," largest of the Panamanian monkeys, set up a roaring howl almost sugges tive of the Hon for volume of sound. They bowl oftenest before or during a storm, hears the native belief. Daily Thought Ths golden moments la ths stream of life rush past us, sod we see Both Ing but sand; ths sngets corns to visit us, snd we only know them wbea hey sro gone. Oeorgs Eliot Remarkable Visitor. Mead Walter "What's ths mailer with that fellow over there T Walter "I don't know. He doesn't dance, he doesn't rare for singing, be says he hasn't got a date with anybody's wife. I'm beginning to think th tool actually came In to sat" Puck. ,. ' , ... . -.-j... a i.i ..aii Worth While Quotation. It Is a good thing to be rich snd a rrvwl thins- Ia ft slsnns- ttn It f torcdofTthe market Apple prices In Lett,,, mttg to bo loved of many Eastern Washington have again Uken I triends.-EurlDldes. a rise ana are raw leaving we com storage bouses st $1.35 s box. Prices here, however, have not been effected, but sdvsnces will be made soon. Deal-1 era ssy ths movement of spples Is en couraging to the growers, who are I cleaning up their stocks rapidly. B PIMPLES n ACHES 11 BOILS M CHILLS y CARBUNCLES 0 PAINS Are "Danger Rlgnala" the human system's method of giving wsm Ing that th blood ha become Impoverished and circulation poor. In this condition the human body is almost powerless to resist the more serious illness. Don't delay. You need DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery It gets to work Immediately at the seat of yoor trouble the Btomaoh. It lends a helping hand. Helps to digest the food. Tones up the etomach. Boo brings back normal condition. Food la properly assimilated and turned Into rich, red blood. , Kvery organ Is strengthened and every tlasoe re-vltalised. ... Made from root taken from our great nmeriran forests. Try this remedy now.. Bold by Medicine Dsalero in liquid or latitat form or sead BOS to Dsv l'lerea's Invalid Hotel, Buffalo, N, Y., for trial bos. Ye can have Mm teatto, "Slealcal Adviser" of I ee aaaee-rteni Bwaad-tree-ky ssadias Or. fierce Sle tor wvaawiag aad i Oregon Mohair at High Price, The Oregon mohair market is hold ing steady. Prices hsve reached a I high basis in the Willamette velley, I purchases having been made st 81 snd 82 cents, but in the past few days deal ers have not been so keen to buy at these figures. The New York Journal of Commerce says: "Prices on Eng- lish mobsir-fllled goods snd luster wool- filled men's wear fabrics are to be ad-1 vanced for the 1916 season. Luster wools have gone up so rapidly on ths British markets tbst ths seling sgente expect sharp upward revisions." Wheat to New York. Seattle The American-Hawaiian liner Oregonian began loading 1800 tons of Washington wheat for New York. Two other liners to ssll this month for New York will toko 1,000 tons each. These ars tbs first isrgs shipments of wheat by steamer to New York, snd tbs business promises to be come fixed. Tbe same company Is aleo beginning to carry Oriental ric to New York regularly. All tbs steamers I use the Panama canal. MEN'S 2.50 '3 '3.50 4.00 4.C0 5 '5.50 SHOES WOMEN'S '2.00 '2.50 '3.00 '3.50 & "4.00 SHOES BOYS' 1 .75 '2 '2.50 '3.00 MISSES' '2.00 Ct '2.50 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. Le DOUGLAS SHOES W. X. Dourlas shose are made of the beet domestic and Imported i laathera, ss the 1st., aneaai, caremiiy eoseiraeisa. ow ins mo ezosrt laat and paUara maksr la tnis country. emsr ansae ef sqoal nrics. sa compete with W. t, . Onnglaa altoce for style. workmanship and quality, av. eoaeieruuMe, easy watatng shoes they are Binary ,!. If ye eoald visit the W. 1 ltatuglaa f salary a Ureshtea, Mass., aad see bow earef ally the shoee are anade, high grade leathers need, yea would Shea audev stand why they look and St better, bold their shape and wear longer thaa other makss for the price. The aa.OO. SJU and 04.00 ahoee will glee aa good aarvloa aa other make costing .0O to SS.OO. Ths aad OA.SO shoe eomparn fsvorably with J othsr tasks co.Ua OA.OO to 0.oa. fY th.r are many msa and women wsar I eHos. Consult tbsm and thsy will tell Uenglae ao eaaaot ee eaesuea tor CAUTION 1 TZTJttZh wtrm paVM tar tiMO. War fmn W U Dout- Wbftrwrwevr you ltr IBB T,L.rOalftl ruu tbt W. th pries). DtMflawr tnhsMg til) ruKm DMtt M ttM if, tlvai fartnei r an.srantawhrl fhaitr vmltlM aUid fmtJaflfMl tlM ff'IfsT Usllll Bbttl Brteearor Infrwror ab.aM br tutv-lDf bM NAM K AND tH.H U, IauunpM on tixi bottoa tMforti thajr iav urn lavtor. no tun b pewsHuuSatl u ta a a mtm other mmm fl$vlmyj to M jtatt M 9001L If tMi r fMsyiufl vtMir omnmt Sh.4 w mUUmA to Uta beawu III jour OMi4f mntvr itippiT jm, wriisi inv iuof tntAt. CsiAlotr aajsvtrtff bir lo ordr bf malU W. La. iPcptsttiMe wio Hp-xr-i m., freBi totlf mm. f 7 1d aad Ue V T w ,',;: T,-rw mm. -a- "aa ' T-mSS"- -, . . jfiyssaaA ' jl- '. 'J -A , .'hw. ' 3 ' m . l 1 aani u it iitx..'.'k -aw- $M& BEWARE OF J.-..' t'0 L. Oousla sho. are aald through bo In tne larse cltlea ana nee everywhere. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Cwar. asDa.faMsB4srlawsienaanvsnWsV. Bvenrsicaasa susrsnMni tsetaar Silk. WsJ, Cum and Mbnf Oeaas at WrtM 1st tm httot "Hsw Py a Ml Colon." MlaWn, .hKwnj w. MONBOB DKUO COMPANY. I Z. Qutaey. IUsms