The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 23, 1915, Image 2

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    the (round that ths who have no con
Your Spring Apparel?
We would like to show you some of the Sea
son's latest in MEN'S TOGS bearing
the marks of quality.
Tics, Gloves, Shirts, Handkerchiefs,
Hosiery, Hats, Underwear, Suspenders,
- Collars, Etc,
Each article measures up to the exceptional
standard which this store has
ever maintained.
We specialize in
Fresh Vegetables
in our Grocery Department
JU L' O'Harra
(Phone Main 241)
scientioua scruple In thus spending Sundays are entitled to consider
tlun aa wall a the church-goers. How
ever, If It la accompanied by betting to
any rotisUleralile extent. It becomes a
thine of avll, and I ha opponents of
Sunday ball art f Wan just (round fur
It condemnation.
Whan vUittiMT "sport" offers to
bark hla teem, local fai will ba doing
wall to tall him to keep hla money In
hU pocket.
PwUut Batty mat WU1 TUl aa
Larry atltcattt.
i " " .
, ! '
: f i
- U. "
- - . ;
is ' m 1 1""""11111"11";' ' 1 1 I
(Cortland Bobby Kvana.)
Bar! Coutta haa arranged a ten-
round boxing match between Portland
Hobby Evana and Larry Mitchell, to
ba staged tomorrow evening at Weston
operw house. It la expected that a
number of follower of the fistic gam
will ba present from Pendleton and
Walla Walla, aa both the men are
well known experts with the gloves.
Tba prelimlnarlea will Include a to
between Aba Gordon, a fl little fly
welght, and 'The Paaco Thunderbolt."
Later on another match may be ar
ranted between Bobby Evana and
Hilly Farrell. who wan given a decision
over Evana at Pendleton that waa
thought to ba unjust by the Evans
contingent. Evana will alao box at
Krone Irk during the open river cele
bration there. Ha find the Weaton
climate admirable (or training.
Music will ba furnished between
bouta tomorrow evening by the Orioe
4t Fischer vaudeville orchestra.
llova will ba admitted for 50 eenta.
ial Tksll AD tu Wutat, tot II
batik to it U lalMatl.
Expert Auto and Gas Engine Repairing
All Work Guaranteed
CUKK WOOD, feblUhtr
Strielh in AtTbtnct
The Year
I Six Months... t
Fonr Months
I Per inrli par month
Per inch, one inaertion 20
l-oraia, r line each insertion 06
0 7ft
0 M
...:o W
APRIL 23. 1915
nmday, April 25
At 2:30 p. m.
Calms' at lha settefflce at Wales, Orttsa,
Mceatf-claii null awttcr.
vnxsnm axe boohed.
Admittance 25c.
I been in the habit of overdrawing will
Grand Stand rrcc to Ladies and I heir tscorts be1ob"5itoi"tinue1the p"6
as me wpnrimvm manes no vxcep-
Under the new bank and currency
law the government i much more
strict than formerly with reference to
the regulation of banks. Aa evidence
of this they are already advising: the
banks that overdrafts will not be coun
tenanced by the department. The de
partment ia cooperating with all the
states to have the state banks do the
same. While it has been the custom
to allow overdrafts the department has-)
always looked upon it as an unsound
method of banking. All banks through
out the country have instructions to
this effect and bank patrons who have
Mrs. Ralph G. Baling entertained a
number of Weaton ladles last Tues
day afternoon In honor of Mrs. Lillian
MrMorrta of Portland.
The rooms were tastefully derorated
with apple bloesoma and white lilacs.
nd a pleasing proaram waa given.
Mra. Lillian Fredericks played a piano
solo, and also accompanied Mrs. galln
In the rendition of aeveral vocal selec
lions. Other diversion waa found In
needle work and aoclal chat.
The hostess waa assisted In senrtn
Ice cream and cake by Mra. Robert
Proudflt and Mrs. C. II. Smith.
The Invited guesta were:
Mrs. Lillian McMorrla. Mra. U
Wood. Mrs. Geo, U. Horseman. Mra.
Ellenor it. Warreo. . Mrs. Robert
Proudflt, Mr. Marvin Price. Mrs. Geo.
Proebstel. Mrs. Lillian Prederlcka,
Mra. Cart McConnell. Mrs. Albert
James. Mm. C. H. Bmlth. Mrs. E. O.
DeMosa, Mrs. C. f. Bulflnch. Mrs.
E. gating, Mrs. O. DeOraw, Mrs. Mary
Banister. Mra. W. 8. Payne. Mra. J. M
Banister. Mra. Harry Warren. Mrs.
Sidney Warren. Mrs. 81m J. Culler.
Mlaa Nellie Nelson. Miss Qladya Ban
later. .
In the Weston dlvlelon spelling con
teat last Saturday, Id which five dis
tricts were represented, the Weaton
schools won nine of the eleven repre
aentatlvea. The following are tba win
ners of the division contest:
Third grade Artoulne Robinson
and Eugene Lucas.
Fifth grade Arden Lucas and Tru
man Tucker, the latter from district
No. .
Sixth grade Ruby Hall and Jamea
Seventh grade Joyce Wood and
Maxlne Sciimsher, the latter from dis
trict No. 11.
Eighth grade Wlima Harbour.
These winners will go to Pendleton
May 1st to meet the winners of thea
thirteen other, divisions In the final
county contest.
Pioneer of 1M it CaUea by Deals,
Wall Paper House Lining
Wall Paper
Spring Styles
8 ds. to $1.00 per Double Roll
Wall Paper
tions the bank have no option in the
matter, and will be required to dis-
I honor checks where payment thereof
would result in an overdraft. . ,-. ,. ,
Following the department's instruc
tions the local bank at Weston has ex-
I ercised no small degree of prudence in
this particular, with such success that
a few days ago every dollar of over-.
draft had been wiped from its books.
!Io :se Liniug
Betting on baseball demoralizes the
I great national pastime, and the Leader
is glad to notice that this pernicious
practice has been conspicuous here by
its absence during the present season.
We hope that the sport will be kept
locally clean until tba 1915 season is
over. !
Strife, enmity, trickery hatred be-
Itween town and town are the especial
fruits of betting on amatenr ball. It
will be well for the future of the East
End league which makes its bow to
the sport-loving public this year under
such favorable auspices should gam
bling be discouraged upon every dia
mond in the league. Otherwise the
success and welfare of small-town base
ball is sure to be endangered.
In the smaller towns, baseball is al-
imoat of necessity a Sunday amuse
ment, since the amateur players are
I otherwise employed during the week.
Freed from the taint of gambling it is
I quite tolerable aa a Sunday game, on
Mrs. J. C. McFarland. wire of J. H.
McFarland, died April f at her home
three miles southwest of Eugene, Ore
gon, at the age of 11 years, after an
illness of three months' duration.
Mra. McFarland was among the
earliest pioneers of Oregon, having
crossed the plains In 111 with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. It. R. Boothby.
She was born at PltUfleld. III., AugiiM
, 1838. Her parents first settled at
Eola In Polk county, acrose the river
from Salem, where she was united In
marriage to William Duran. Six chil
dren were born to them. Her second
marriage, when she became the wl.'e
of Mr. McFarland, took place In June,
1884. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland were
former residents of Weston, and are
well remembered here. They moved
to Eugene In 1900.
Mrs. McFarland waa a member of
the Christian church, with which she
united In her young womanhood. She
Is survived by the following children:
Mra. O. C. Beck of Eltopla, Wash.;
Mrs. Emma J. Phillips of Brewster,
Wash.; R. R. Duran of Buhl, Idaho;
A. J. Duran of Centralla, Wash.;
George W. Duran of Medical Lake.
Wash., and Henry H. Duran of Buhl,
Idaho. She also left three brothers
and two sisters.
Ui&t SU&ftsf
Weston...., 3
Milutn-Ki-sesaler ....... 4
Athena ...... I
Hells 0
LsafM SctiM
WmimiII, Mlhim-Preewaiar 4.
Athena J, Hells 3.
When Mr. Ilarthoolmew of the Twin
Clltea neat appeals on the Weston dia
mond he should be presented with a
huge bouquet of narrlsaua and rhrys
anthentuma and Immortelles and
daisies of the d.ll and johnny-Jump
upa. and a few sprltrs of dogweed and
dandelion and foxtail and uhatever
elM may arem appropriate,
rnr thla kindly Islrler presented
Wee'on with a game of ball that It
appreciated very highly. He ahot
soma straight onea over In lha first
canto for no other reason, apparent
ly, thus la try out Weslon'a youngvr
players and see If they had any holes
In their bats. When ha had finished
hla Interesting experiment his offer
ings had been slammed to every cor
ner of the lot and the locela were five
runs ro tho goext. Jimmy' Klrkpat
rick broke auaplcloualy Into bush
league baseball by twnnglng a three
hr to left field and ckarlng the
basra of hla rompalrloia. A wild
heave enabled him to complete the
circuit, amidst Joyful aournla and loud
Mr. Bartholomew waa now satisfied.
He proceeded tu llifliten up like a
Mmliminloua deacon at a church fair,
He put shoots and twlata and hops and
slanta on lha ball and pitched lute a
major leaguer for the remainder of tho
game, but It waa everlastingly and
hopelessly too late. Mllton-rreewater
tried hard but In vain to pull off Its
celebrated come-from-behlnd-and-avt-
'em-anyway atunt. It put over three
runs In the final canto and only need
ed one more to tie the score while
the hearts of local fans had Jumped
from their throata and wars dancing
and throbbing on the aide lines and
local players were going up like a
flock of army aeroplanes but at Inst
Farmer Ollarr whiffed lha third
man and all was over but the shout
Which reminds ua that Farmer
O'Harra heaved "rm across In steady
and conslatent. fashion throughout.
With faultless support behind him he
would have held the vtaltora to about
two runs. At times both teams played
ragged ball. The chief offenses of lha
visitors came In the first and Ihoae
Weston In tho final Inning. Both
ts triers, however, were auatalned and
encouraged by gilt-edged back-atop.
Before we close let ua hear from
Mr. Sidney Barnes, whose beautiful
song of victory Is sung below:
Weaton AB R H Pi)
Rlomgren 2b 3
Fullonl 3b 3
Kennanl as 4
Hnmes cf 3
Woode 3
F. Turner lb 3
Klrkuatrick If 3
Smith rf 3
O'Harra p 3
Electric Service
Our tariff has been DM with the Oregon Railroad Cummlaskwi,
and tho following rule must be strictly pheemdi
Uy bill not paid before the Wh of each month
ueiit and tha supply of alattrlell may be dis.
Rtil.1 1 Ar
continued, without nollcs tu the eu.totn.r. n !' "
additional payment f W "'' required ti turn elee
?.'? : Zu. Vk- .j.m U reserved tu discontinue the
.", .ly or to refuae t l-l'ty "' '"Icily
In debt to the Company.
Wt want la be square with pur patrons and to them fo4
service, and only aak them to be square with ua. If you are dUat.
IsntHl with your mater readings or for any other reason, alndly nolUj
us and we will emteavnr fo make amends.
Any mn! all contracts for aetvlce muat be made wllh the
See Ihat your recelpta are countersigned by C A. lerba by
Laura Smith.
Our tariff may be found at the UaMoaa Furniture Stow or !
the Weaton Leader office, .
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
AthcM, Ore jon . Wilbur j. Wih.
IUIAM MscKtNZIC, nMleent
j. n. mice. Vkt rtttistai
t . m. SArrn. cesM
I. L plOAUttTN, All blast CssSwr
Established 1891
The Farmers Bank of Weston
are being founded every day upon smalt savings
from atvntlrr Incomes.
The savings fund, started today and built Upon
faithfully, creating eventually a working capi
tal; then investment directed with the goud
iuditment which the aavlnga bans Implants-
thus destinies are wrought.
Your working capital can be built safely and
surely by depositing your savings In thla bank.
DIRECTORS-William Mach'omio. Or. P. 0. Watts. Joseph Warier,
G. W. SUggs. J. II. Price, J. C. Trice, II M. Smith.
I 0
0 a
1 1
0 0
0 M
1 12
t I
0 I
0 1
Total 28
(One out on In II eld fly.)
Mllton-F. ad
Cruxdal 3b 5
Kverett 2b S
iU'olck e 4
Kaegsr ef 3
Henderson If
Sheldon rf 3
Duff lb 4
Jenkins aa . 4
liartholoinew p ..... 3
Miller (in tli) 0
& 4 2b 12 4
H ft) A
I 1 2
0 2 I
1 W 2
1 0 0
I 0
0 0 (Vol
0 10 0
0 12 2
Total 35 4 5 24 9 6
Scors it Innings
Weston 5 0000000 -
Mllton-F 0 OO10OOO3-4
Stolen bases Ful ford, Henderson.
Hacrlllce bits Uartliuloinew.
Two-base bits Henderson.
Three-bate bits Ktrkpalriok, Crox-
Base liiu-olT O'Harra 5, Bartholo
mew 4.
Struck out by O'Harra 8, Bartholo
mew v.
Hases on balls off O'Harra 1. Car-I
tholomew J.
Umpire, Hbarp; scorer, S. Ilarnes.
Hut Soaiir'i CaoMt
Athena at Weston, 2:30 p. m.
Helix at Milton-Freewater.
To the People of Weston:
Now is the time to buy your next win
ter's wood. We have contracted for
several hundred cords cut from largo
pine trees and are prepared to sell you
wood cheaper than you have bought it
for ten years. We will , deliver this
wood, for cash only, to any place in
FIFTY CENTS ($4.60) per cord. Or
ders will be taken at any time and de
livery made as soon as possible.
Weston Brickyard
In trfe County Court of the State of
Oregon for I'maXJll County.
In tha Matter of the Estate of Mary
J. Powers, Deceased.
To all whom It may concern: No
tlce is hereby given that Hettle Powers
la the duly appointed, qualified and
acting administratrix of tha estate of
Mary J. Powers, deceased, and all per
sons having claims sgalnst said estate
are hereby required to present the
same, with proper vouchers attached
thereto to said administratrix at hor
home In Weston, Oregon, within alx
montha from tho'ltth day of April,
Administratrix of theiEstata of Mary
J. Powers, Deceased.
UMbll la tat Uses.
Under the management of John Eng
lish, Weston mountain has organ
ized two baseball teams, the Brush
MonkfU's and the Red Squirrels. A
nicked nine from the two played a live
ly k-ame with Dry Creek last Sunday I
on the r.oiriiu diamond, the score be
ing 8-7 In lavor ot the locals. Btoliie
and Hall pitched good ball for the
Mountain, while Captain Could starred
behind tbe bat. Hade. Barnes and
Crabel on the mound, and Mitchell and I
mini at the receiving end for the Ury
Creekers in vain tried to win this, the
tlrso matcn game, from the duughty
Mountaineers. Umpire George Hade
was Arm aa adamant in his decisions
and once he said a man was safe the
odds could not prevail against him.
Probably 2'K) people witnessed the con
test. NexC"Hupila the Monkeys and
the Squirrels will settle an old score.
and on Sunday, May z, a return game
will be played with Dry Creek on their
own ground.
Umatilla GMef
la five-year-old, pure-bred, brown-black stallion, registered in the?
Ktud Book of the American Trotting Kerlster in rule 1. Height. 1
hands; weight, 1150 pound Standard llred. Sire, Allen B., 86406;
dam, Priacilla J.; sire of sire, Altamont, 3600; dam of aire, Teeors;
sire of dam, Bonner N. II., 24270; dam of dam, Eugenie Eddy.
TERMS-To insure mare with foal, 120.00; season. 115.00. Best of
care taken to avoid accidents, but not responsible should any occur.
WESTON, at Stamper's 8tablo-Aprll 9, 10, 17, 18, 211, 26. Hsy , 4,
11, 12, 19, 20, 27, 28. June 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, 21, 28, 29. '
THR0N OLSEN, Owner and Handler, Pendleton, Orefort
Dr. J. G. McMATH
Office one block north of the bank
Electric Treatments
gm Phone 621
Office In the Elam Building, Milton,
Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5
and Kodak Supplies
Films Developed
and Printed.
Branch Agency for American Express Money Orders
H. Goodwin
Druggist, Weston, Oregon