The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 23, 1915, Image 1

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NO 44.
Long Cablegram Sent to Wilson
by Americans in China.
President li Urged to Tall Jepsn le
Withdraw Her txcesslve Force.
Toll Amounting to I0OOO,
Paid by Pakln Official.
Pekln. Intervention by the United
Bis lee in III negotiations now pro
ceeding between Cblna anil Japan la
recommended to President Wllaon In
the appeal recently aant to bin by
American tnlaalonariaa la thla coun
try. Tbo meaaaie ot aooo worus was
aal.lail in Waahlnaton liandar. It
characterises tbo Japanese demand
On CHID a acta OI aagrwaaioa suca mm
eventually will present a menace to
tbo United State.
Kocalllng tbo fact that Japan baa at
proaoni in una country ooudin nor
uaual quota of troop (amounting to
(O.OOO man), tba missionaries urge
tbat Japan bo notified that tbo exoees
of troop abould bo removed.
Til. i.rwtralnilln hara la that
f'ainaaa orflnlal or antraral otflclala
paid tba rablo charges, amounting to
nearly IfQOO. on the message 10 itosi
dent wllaon. Tbla communication waa
init k mlaalonaiiaa all connected
with tbo American Presbyterian mle-
ion at ream; hot. cnauocay uwa
rl-t, nf I ha Amartran board of Com
nlaatonara for foreign mlaalona, who
la ataUonad at Tien Tain; Rev. IL Jl.
Lowry. of tba Methodist Episcopal
mission at I'okln, and liar. C r. Hub
bard. '
Tba petition aaka Frealdent Wllaon
to demand of Cblna and not of Japan
American participation In tba confer
enrea now under way. It la suggested
tbat Oreet Itrltaln and other nations
bo Invited to participate.
There aro la Cblna several hundred
American mlaalonarloa, of whom tba
great majority have not eeeo tba mee
aage. Home of them who were re
quested to algn It. declined. Tha Amer
loan board recently requested It mis-
aionana to avoid puono esprwaiu
of nnininn n nollilcal affairs and al
tbougb It ta aatd tba mlaalonarloa gen
erally alda with Cblna In tba present
Controvert, lew oi mom bbtw uotm
active politically.
rha nlaalnnarlaa aatr "that tha OV
ernment of both China and Japan be
notified tbat tba preaenca ot unusual
bodtaa of Japaneaa troops on Chine
awtl MAI At l aaiharraaaaa tha ffwadom
of negotiation, but constitute an out
rag to tba rlghU ot Cblna and a sort
oa monaca to tbo peace and safety of
Americana ana foreigners, general?,
and recommend tbat "pending tha re
moval ot oioaatlva contingent of Jap
aneaa troops all negotiations should
b suspended.-
Ex-Governor West Wins VcrdkJ
ta CcppaTtdd, Or., Salcoa Case
flaha Op ITTnfnrnDr West won
In tba suit brought In circuit court
bora against him oy wuuatn wiegan,
Copportleld saloonkeeper, for damage
iiMit tn haa haan caused bv tha re
moval ot liquor and saloon fixture
from bta saloon, wben uovernor west
deolared martial law In Copportleld,
after rem Hobba visit on January 3,
Tba Jury returned the verdict after
being out seven hours. Nine were lor
tha ex-governor and three dissenting.
Tba first several ballots the jurors
stood eight for the defendant and tour
The verdict was a surprise here, be
cauae It waa thought tbat the length
of time occupied by tha Jury in lta de
liberations Indicated an anti-West ver
dict, and when the verdict waa read by
Circuit Judge Anderson the few pres
ent seemed dated.
Ex -Governor West also was not pres
ent, although he waa notified in time.
At the Oelser-Grand hotel, while pack
ing to leave for Portland, ho clearly
showed elation.
"I came here convinced I would get
a square deal, even should I lose," he
said. "I was naturally anxious that
the verdict should be in my favor, for
the case baa been one which attracted
statewide attention involving the great
question of human rights. Tha ques
tion, I believe, Is now settled tor good
and all, and the rights ot the human
being are acknowledged to be superior
to those Involving mere property."
' Road Buying Equipment.
Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania
Railroad company has entered the
market for approximately $20,000,000
worth of new equipment and for new
material for cars and locomotive
which It will build In its own shops.
The equipment program includes 144
new locomotives. 148 all-ateel pasaen
ger cars and about 10.000 freight car.
All tha locomotive, 64 of the passen
ger cars and 1101 of tha freight cars
wUl be built at the company's shops
at Altoona, while the remainder will
be plaoed with outside companies. The
new equipment is to be vsed for re
placements and will not be additions
to the present equipment
Allies' Campaign Is On.
" Parte. The allied offensive on the
western front Is developing. Accord
ing to the military authorities here,
tha offensive movement has been In
progress for several weeks at strategio
points from the sea to tha Alps, with
successes In Champagne, at Lea Epar
gea, Neuve Chapelle, Notre Dame de
Lorette, La Bolstelle, Dlxmude and
south of Meti and In Alsace. Hard
fighting was in progress Monday In
northeastern Prance and In thla way
tha preesure is gradually being Increased.
New York At a dinner here Tuee
day welcoming them home from their
recent minion to Japan a represent
stives of the Federal Council of the
Church of Chrlat In America, Dr,
Bhaller Mathews, dean of tha Unlver
slty of Chicago, and Dr. Sidney L.
Gullck eipreesed the necessity In thla
country of a better understanding of
the Japaneaa in order to allay what
they deacribe as the unjuat suspicions
entertained for the motives of Japan.
Both speakers brought message of
peace and friendship for tha United
Bute from Count Okuma, tha Japan-
ese prime mlnlater, and other Japanese
sta teamen.
The dinner was attended by mem
bera of the council, of the Japan so
ciety, of the New York Peace euclety
and the Church Peace union.
The irtsent situation aa regsrd
China furolshee a supreme opportunity
for the United Bute and Japan to
show tha meaning not only of their
friendship for each other, but lor
China aa well, declared Dr. Mathews.
It wss difficult at present, be said, to
hold an unqualified conviction that
Japan's plan toward China were mag
nanimous In the Interest or inina,
and herein "the United 8tatee and
Japan have an opportunity to demon
strate the power of diplomacy baaed on
the giving of Justice."
Dr. Mathews, discussing the, de
mands made on Cblna by J ln, said
that If Japan's only purpoae was to
build up an Aslstlc Monroe Doctrine
the American people can hardly feil to
sympathise with her, particularly as
we recall her need for territory Jn
which to expand.
Kaov Scalers Rash U Take Up
Govensmest Land a Alaskan Port
Seward. Alaska Rumors that the
Alaska Engineering commission had
decided to throw open to settlement
the 60-acre terminal tract here ac
quired by the government with the
min-haaa of tha Alaska Northern rail
road caused a atampede of squatters
l at al--
who have occupied almost an oi inm
Many prominent business men an
several women are among we squsi
tra whs hava armed themselves with
lltaa In nravant claim iumolrur. There
hsve been several minor quarrels, but
as yet no one nas neen nun.
United State District judge r roa
M Rmarn had nlanned to obtain Use
of this tract aa a temporary camp for
the hundreds or men who are hurrying fmtn all narta of Alaaka and
from tha United States as a result of
the announcement that Seward would
be the tidewater terminus of the gov
ernment railroad to Fairbanks.
rtaantta a annw tnrm. which blank
eted Seward, the stampede continued
and squatters were busy setting up
tents and clearing their lota.
Itsly to Fight, Is Report.
Rome The Giornale d'lUtlia pub
lishes an interview with an unnamed
neutral diplomat, who is quoted as
k.vlni, I.I "That Italv will uartic-
ipate in the war has been decided on.
What now Is necessary 1 to agree on
the delimitation and distribution of
a Eaatarn mast of the Adriatic be
tween Italy and the Slave. Italy can
not risk a war to drive out Austria
tmm tha Adriatic and have Austria re
placed, In a military sense, by the
Russian advance guard. uaiy must
have her strategic points completed.
Atteck on Kiel Forecast.
Vancouver. B. C That 800 SCOW-
shaped, self-propelled lighters, capable
of carrying 300,000 troops, are being
constructed in Great Britain, is the in
formation received bv A. E. Short of
this city, who is a member of an Eng
lish shipbuilding Arm. These ligniers
are to be completed by June 1. Mr.
Short irava it aa his ODinlon that the
scows would be used to land troops on
the German coast line ot acnieswig
Holstein and that the Kiel canal would
be the objective point
Britain Charges Murder.
London The admiralty issued the
following statement: "Sunday a Ger
man submarine torpedoed and aank tnb
Vanilla Tha trawler Farmo
endoavored to refcue the crew, but
was fired at and driven orr. Ail tne
crew of the Vanilla were lost This
Irllllnsnf flWfnllr for no military
purpose should not escape attention.
It is the second murder oi this cnarac
ter committed within week. A care
ful record la kept of these evento."
Troops Move on Straits.
Rarlln A cahleoram received here
from Athens says that unusual activity
prevails at the Port of Mudro, on I-em-
noss island, in the Aegean sea on me
entrance to the Dardanelles straits.
Almost all the French troops on the
Island hava been eent away on trana-
aporta. A total of 85,000 British and
French soldiers were landed at Mudroe
last week. It is reported that the
operations against the Dardanelles are
about to be resumed.
Two Who Mulct Bars Freed.
Chicago Two men who were arrest
I attar thav rafuaad to nav for drinks
which they ordered in a saloon Sunday
were discharged by judge uemmiu in
the municipal court here. "You don't
have to pay for drinks you get in Chi
cago on Sunday," declared the judge.
'If the saloons are open tney are open
In violation of the law."
64,000 Acres
Valley May Be Opened
Ilaker Bt have been taken
which, If carried through, will compel
the Powder Land 4 Irrigation comiany
to give up lta proposed plan of carry
ing the Thief Valley project, In the
Powder Valley northeast of Ilaker, to
completion. It will mean that If ue
ceeaful the 84, 000 acre now tied up
by the company will be thrown open
by the proceeding to entry and there
I a possibility that If the Powder Val
ley company's contract I cancelled a
co-operative irrigation district will
be organised.
Acting upon the requeat of severs!
fsmiliee In the Lower Powder and
M..rtk PnwHar Hl.trlrla and In Baker.
ex-Governor West and Claude C. Mc
Culloch, attorneys of Portland, have
havim tha nrallminarv work toward
.! (n., a ,llll.n In tha Rtata Daacrt
Land board at Salem to cancel the
Powder Valley company's contract and
to the Interior Department at Wash
ington, V. C, to restore the lanas to
entry. It is expected that by the
time the petitions are ready to oe pre
sented there will be at leaat 60 sub
scribers. It Is thought they will be
resdy within 60 dsys.
The reasons given for tne request
State Places
On 11 Oregon Counties
Salem. To prevent the spreading of
rabies, the State Livestock Sanitary
Hoard, at a meeting held bera recent
ly, issued an order placing 11 counties
under quarantine. It waa announced
that the disease had been communi
cated by coyotes to horses, dogs, cats
and other animals In eight counties In
the eastern part of the slate. Tha
counties Included In the quarantine
are Lake, Harney, Crook. Baker, Uma
tilla, Malheur, Wheeler and Union,
where rabies prevails, and Multnomah,
Clackamas and Jackson, to which It la
feared the disease may spread.
Tba order requires that all dogs, un
lets used In herding livestock, be mus
sled. State Veterinarian Lytle, who
attended the meeting, said that all
violator of the quarantine would be
punished to the fullest extent ot the
lew, the penalties being fines from
iso to 1100 for each offense. Mr. Lrtle
announced that all peace officers
would be called upon lor assistance
in enforcing the order. The veterin
arian declared that conditions were
eaiieclallv alarming In Lake county,
rabid coyotes and dogs running the
range In large numbers. He said that
All-Dan Community 3feet
at Scio Well Attended
Albany. Mora than 600 people at
tended the all-day community meeting
held at Scio Saturday and it waa one
ot tha largest and best gatherings of
the kind ever held In Linn county.
People went from a distance of 16
mllea to hear school questions, good
roads and dairying discussed by ex
perts. The meeting waa held In tha assembly-room
of the Scio High School, but
with a good many unable to gain ad
milnn at tha mornlne session, an
overflow meeting waa held later In an
other achooiroom.
M. 8. Plttman, of the extension de-
narlmant nf thn Orcffnn State Normal
School, was the principal speaker at
the morning session. n aiscuseea
school problems and said It was the
miaainn of a school to find out what a
person la fitted for, Inspire him to fol
low that line or wore ana men pro
mm him fnp It Tha remainder of the
..inn itavntatt to ennteata amonr
the schools ot that section ot the coun
ty in school songs, solos, declamations
and dramatisations. Songs by the
Scio High School Glee Club were a
In the overflow meeting Froressor
Q. V. Shelton gave a practical talk on
thi Atnatmlrtlnn of ffnod TOada With
the material available. Professor
Schrant substituted lor state Dairy
Commissioner Mickle, who waa unable
a .Mini) V. Xf Paacan and others.
representing tha Albany Commeeclal
Club, explained tne proposed county
svolf nmarara' aaaonlatlon. A basket
dinner was served at IS o'clock.
Improper Packing Hurt
Price ot Good Applet
itauI nivar Worth waatarn annla
market men declare that indifference
ot growers in maintaining a good sys
tem of grading and packing resulted
in more harm the past year than any
other detrimental influence.
H. F. Davidson believes tne cnange
In system of packing apples baa been
responsible for much ot the1 deteriora
tion ot grade and pack. Formerly the
growers paid a dally wage to their
packers, who gave tha fruit close in
spection. Sorting and sislng for the
mn.t nart vraa dona hv hand. Now
the fruit Is sited and graded by ma
chines, payment is maae on yiem
om n namnhall. who for the cast
two years has been chief Inspector for
the Norm racmo htuk uisu-iouiorm,
lukm that low nrlcea ta a Brest ex
tent have been caused by poor pack,
and that the remedy lies in the control
of the growers themselves, rather than
with the marketing agencies.
Albany Janitor It Thrifty.
Albany. What a man can accom
plish who attends strictly to business
and works steadily, on a small salary,
is Illustrated by M. E. Bllyeu, Janitor
at the Linn county courthouse, who
has attained a record ot ten years'
continuous service. Ten years ago
Bllyeu. a widower with five small chil
dren to support began work at the
courthouse, his salary waa mw
month, and during all of thla time it
has not averaged more than x&O a
month. Besides his other duties, he
takes bride In tha courthouse lawn,
in Thief
for csneellstion are that Carey act
projects have proved unsuceeeaful, that
the Powder Valley company has not
done any work on the land, that it has
shown itself unable to finance the
project, and these lands having been
Idle and pt no use to anyone for six
years, should be thrown open to those
who seek farming land.
According to Mr. McCulloch, the
assertion that Carey act porjeeU have
not proved success is baaed on in
vestigation m all parts of tha United
States and he says that Secretary of
the Interior Lane has committed him
self as Jbelng against tha Carey act
Idea and la for tne co-operative aia
trict plan Mr. McCulloch declare that
at the lest irrigation congress at Den
ver, which was attended by Mr. West
and other governors, it wss shown
that there are $12,000,000 of Carey
act securities in default. He ssys that
there Is only one euceeaaful Carey act
project in the country and that is in
Idaho, and its succesa is declared due
to unusual circumstances. Ir. Mc
Culloch added that only one Carey act
project has been completed in Oregon,
that of the Central Oregon Irrigation
company in Crook county, and he said
this baa not been a financial success.
many cattle and a number of persons
had been bitten there. ,
"We shall try to get the city authori
ties of Portland to enrorce me oraer
there," continued Dr. Lytle. "It will
require that doga be mussled, and,
wben on the street, In leash. The
board will see that it is enforced in
Multnomah county outside the city.
"Stock owners have suffered severe
ly in eastern counties. Tba altuation
Is especially hard for tha poor home
steaders, where some of them have
lost their only cow through being bit
tenby a hydrophobic coyote or oog.
Bven cats are becoming afflicted with
tha disease and they are being killed
bv fear-etricken owners."
Everett Ooodmaa was appointed spe
cial agent to Investigate abeep scab
reported In Douglas county. Mr. Lytle
aald that be haa no fear that tha dis
ease is of serious proportions.
The board made arrangements for
Darment to the owners for horse and
mulea It may be found necessary to
kill bees ue ofgie-tre. Anl Rials un
der 1000 pounds will be paid for at the
rate of 125 a head, and animals weigh
ing more than 1000 636 a bead.
Bayocean To Have Water-grade
Highway From City of Tillamook
Tillamook The matter of the con
struction of the Bayocean road was
amicably decided upon here at a meet
ing of the county court and represent
atives of a realty company. It was
agreed that the county court expend
$10,250 which is now available on the
mat and in addition to this the Bay-
ocean people are to build two miles
and a half of the road. About lour
miles and a half remain to complete
the road, which will be on the south
;.la r Tillamnnk Rav and on a water
grade from Tillamook City. It will
have deep water for vessels Dy tne siae
of it nearly the entire distance.
Tha ennntv court will call for bids
for work on this end of the road and
the Bayocean people will take hold or
tha nthav and. commencinflr work at
onca with their dredee. It will be
open . for travel probably early next
year. The progress oi eayocean naa
been kept back for years for want of
a mad. hut now that this is assured a
large number of lot owners are ex
pected to erect substantial cottages.
A nart from this tha Bavocean neonle
will expend $500,000 in improvements.
Last year a large natatorium was
erected costing $75,000. . '
Newberg Lays Plans for Great
Agricultural and Horticultural Fair
VawKotir A rArwnt mMtinflr of the
nf tha Commercial club to
discuss the feasibility of having an
agricultural and horticultural xair
held here this fall waa enthusiastic
To enlist the co-operation of farmers
and fruit growers, meetings will be
halri at tha achnnlhousea in the vicin
ity. Prixeswill be offered to boys
and girls on various lines of industry.
Newberg is the center of one of the
most productive sections of the Wil
lamette valley. Immediately after the
club adjourned a conference was held
Kv tha rnnwrnnn and an adviaorv com
mittee in regard to arousing the inter
est of farmers boys, who wui ne ex
pected to make displays.
Boy Earns $6; Fined $4.15.
Ashland Verl Baruthouse, local
Southern Pacific call boy, motorcycled
to Medford with a passenger fwho
missed his train and overt ook it at
that station. The distance, 12 miles,
waa wtvAMul In 11 minutes. He re
ceived $5 for this service, the regular
fare being 40 cents, tor speeaing on
the Pacific Highway he was arrested
ami finail 1 1 PL Later on he received
a check from the stranger for $5 to
square the fine. The passenger wnom
Baruthouse accommodated turned out
to be a British army officer.
Six Astoria Dealers Fined.
Aatnria In the Circuit court here
six Astoria wholesale liquor dealers
nlaaden oniltv to indictments charging
them with selling liquor for delivery
in dry districts. Jbacn was nnea ou,
but the penalty was suspended, provid
ed the defendants refrained hereafter
from violating the law.
Rcsnme of World's Important
Events Told in BricL
Two Turkish destroyers are reported
lost by coming in contact with Kuaatan
British destroy own submarine In
Dardanelles to prevent capture by
Germany announces that advance of
ber lines in the west war zona have
been made.
P1.c, bt.M Hamaiita of mora than
$1600 a pan la claimed to have been
found in Alaska.
Berlin haa closed its free war soup
house because of tha splendid econom
ical improvement.
Japan is said to be hard hit by the
war, aa the French demand for ailks
has materially declined.
The United States District court of
Chicago baa granted a receivership to
tha Rock bland railroad system.
San Francisco refuses to bond itself
for $34,500,000 to purchase the prop
erties of the Spring Valley Water
A Eugene, Or., man who became
alarmed about the war. buried $500 in
bis garden, but has dug it up and de
posited it in the bank.
Many women in Portland aign peti
tions to the city council to allow men
the privilege to smoke in the three
rear seats of the street cars.
Eiirht towns in Illinois went dry at
a recent election, and none went wet.
Fifteen towns in South Dakota also
were added to the dry column.
a mmrnmMit a frrl cultural exDert
declare that the larmer aenves no
nmfit fmm o-rowinff' oat, and that
only two mill is made on a bushel of
Camnza soldiers fire on an Amer
ican aeroplane which was flying near
the border. Seventy anota are aaw
to have been fired. The aircraft land
ed safely. ,
Tha riamatra an it of Theodore Roose
velt, brought by William Barnes, a
political boss of New York, is pro
gressing at Syracuse. Barnes claims
$50,000 for alleged libeL
A Reuter disDatch from Sofia says
that the government of Adrianople and
towns in that region have ordered the
inhabitants not to go outside the limits
of the towns without authorization
Wnrlr on tha raisins' of the sunken
submarine F-4 has been halted by bad
weather. The hulk is now closer to
the shore than when first located, hav-
irnr haan raiand 12 feet and towed in
until it touched again in shallower
Twantv thousand flv traDa will be
part of the apparatus : employed this
year in the anti-fly campaign in Port
land. The traps are to be made in the
manual traintnfr ffonartmantS of the
public schools and will be distributed
throughout the city.
Sixteen thousand Chicago carpen
ters go on strike.
German submarine sinks Dutch
freight ship while at anchor oft The
Tnhn Rnnnv. tha noted motion pic
ture comedian, la near death at his
home in Brooklyn.
Tmt 7.nnnalna raid Rna-IIsh town On
the eastern coast Friday and do con
siderable damage to property.
T.. qannma rialrlaa aro cloaed bv
health authorities, who claim milk
from tubercular cows waa freely sold.
Twalva thnnaannV man emDloved by
the Calumet ft Hecla Mining company.
Calumet, Mich, and subsidiary prop
erties, received an increase of 10 per
cent In wages. The wage rate In ef
fect prior to the outbreak of the Euro
pean war is tnereoy reaioreo.
The British government has offered
...,11 ami amnia annlorv" to the Chil
ean government for the sinking on
A3 arc a it in i;aueaa wrnwiuu ww
ot the German cruiser Dresden, the
InlammAItt of which had already been
ordered by the maritime governor of
. - . . . 1 T, t .1 - V.
Cumberland nay wnen uie oriumi
squadron attacked and aank her.
eaiat mil common councils of Phil
adelphia have decided to allow the his
toric Liberty Bell to be sent to the
Panama.Pactfln Rrnoaition. Resolu
tions providing for lta trip across the
continent were unanimously auuyicu
by both branches. Mayor Blanken-
liiin annnnncaH that he would SlKTt the
resolutions and only minor details now
remain to complete tne arraugomeuia.
V.k.mantlv aaaartlns- that he had
nnlhlnr tn rfn with tha death of Fran-
cisco Madero, General Victorlano Hu-
erta, ex-provisional president oi Mexi
co, issued a long signed statement in
Maw Tnrk aattlnv forth what he term
ed his side ot the Mexican question.
General Huerta ueciarea uiai n anew
who waa responsible tor Madero's
(loath, but that he waa keeping It aa a
"professional secret"
Germany declares Russian Invasion
t t . - . f.llup mnA that tha
ui xi uii,-u j wmn m
Cxar's army haa been brought to a
Fait meltina- snow In Arisona wash
out two dams near St Johns and
drown eight persona, besides doing
halt million dollars' damage to prop
erty. P. C Jenkins, a prominent resident
of Butler county, Kentucky, waa found
guilty tn circuit court and aentencea
1a tmtr vaara and AflR dav in the peni
tentiary on tha charge ot being con
nected with night raiding operations
in western Kentucky.
Armour Says Working Classes
Have Other Remedies.
Industrial tUlattona InvaUgatlon
In Chicago It Concluded
Lut Vnmt PrtdlcUd.
Chicago. Tba Chicago hearing of
the United Bta Us commission oa in
dustrial relations, begun two weeks
ago, waa concluded Saturday with a
flitting glance at working conditions
and wages la local packing boosea.
Tha chief witnesses were J. Ogden
Armour, president of Armour ft Co.,
mnA tiratnF on tha hoard a of aeveral
railroads and banks, and J. E O'Uem,
his superintendent or plants.
Host of the questions airectea at
had been submitted to
him la advance and ha repeated the
questions and read tne answers rapid
ly from a typewritten document
Tha aaaantlal Dart of hla testimony
bearing on repeated testimony of oth
ers that organisation la the remedy
through which worklngmen may attain
their rights, waa to the effect that be
waa opposed to the unionization of his
employee. He cited the strike ot 1904,
wben the offer of the packers to arbi
trate was declined, he said. The union,
ha rfalanwt waa rruahsd. and since
then organizers had been discouraged.
Mr. Armour expresses tne opinion
that industrial unrest in the United
stataa ta alowlv decmaine. Hla Own
employes, he said, were adequately
protected througn tne privilege ot ap
plying to the respective foremen.
Tha wttnaaa aald he keot in touch
with employes in their homes through
foremen and tha company's welfare
worker. Employee were pnvuegea
to appeal to the president of tha com
nanv whan thav thouiht subordinate
officials dealt unjustly with them.
"Do yon believe a proper sianaara
of living can be maintained by a week
ly waee ot $12.60!" Mr. Armour was
"It la a broad and diincuit question,-
he replied.
Ha danlad that his company took
advantage of an overupply of Immi
grant tabor to pay lesa tnan uving
wage. -.'
u, Armonr aald that he did not be
lieve that anions were necessary to
the welfare of employes.
"The success oi an employer
ruina in tha rnnnlAfA." aald he. "and
nt tha haat Work of the employe
tha best wsgea the market affords
must be paid."
Ex-Senator Aldrich Die
Suddenly at Ripe Age
v.. VorV Vol arm W. Aldrich. 30
years United States senator from
dm. taianit and intimately associ
ated with tariff and currency legisla
tion in that time, died Friday at his in mrth avannn. followinST a
UVIHB M - ' "
stroke of apoplexy. He waa 73 years
Until Thursday, when he waa taxen
m with iniMpaallon. Mr. Aldrich had
been in good health. His physician
left him an hour before he died, thlnk-
h ha waa on tha WIT ID TO-
au tuvu - . --
covery. ' When he became unconscious
members of hla tnuneaiata iamiiy were
hurriedly summoned and were at the
KI.Ma whan ha riled ThpT included
his wife. Miss Aldrich and Mrs. John
D. Rockefeller, Jr bis aaugniers, ana
Winthrop Aldrlcn, nis son.
v.iu wiimarth Aldrich held a seat
tn the United States senate continu
ously from 1881 to 1911. The Influence
.,l K him on pnvarnmantal af-
QACI ICTA "J u.u. w n
fairs waa best illustrated by tha fact
that when he waa sauncaiiy intro
duced to an audience aa "the general
nf tha TTnltnd States." that
appellation lived through the adminis
trations Of MCK-tmey, Kooseven sua
Taft He gave special attention to
tariff and financial legislation in com
Probably the greatest parUamentar-
i. n tk.t .... MmH in tha aanate. Al-
UU UW, ' -
drich had no difficulty In malnUalnlng
leadership or nis parcy. aiuiuusu
W.aw11 amnnv tfiA VATArantl Aft & "COH1
aaiiir w as buuvmb " - - ,
mittee" senator, he was quite aa much
at home on the floor and naturally was
mora In evidence in the larger arena.
Sinking oi Ship Angen.
The HaKue. via London. Further
ministerial conferences were held Sat
urday to consider the sinking ot the
Dutch steamer Katwyk, with grain
consigned to The Netherlands govern
ment. In the North Sea Wednesday
night The sinking of the steamer
without warning has arounsed the
most wide-spread publio Irritation and
has called forth stinging protests from
all the newspapers, even thoaa In
clined toward the German side. The
papers say there appears no doubt but
that a German submarine was guuij.
Plea Made for Applet.
i ...inn An annaal waa made to
MV'.uuu. f f
the Procurator-General by Robert P.
Skinner, American consul-general m
I indnn for anaclal treatment for Ships
detained In British porta which carry
American apples, because ot the per
ishable nature of these cargoes, air.
airinnaa alt that thonaanda of Oreeon
and Washington apple-growers would
suffer heavily unless these detained
cargoes were released promptly. Four
taamai-a with carsoea of apples are
among the detained ships. -
Stolen Silver It Coined.
Portland. A gang of counterfeiters
ataaiina- allvnrware from Portland
homea and melting it down for coin
.MnrHini to nitv detectivea. Sour-
f" -, "
ioua silver dollars have become com
mon along the Pacifio Coast It is saw
that many hundred dollars worth of
sterling silver articles have been stol
en. The detectives maintain mat meir
kn.M n mmww tho ailvctr la due to
its being melted down and coined Into
LOSS OF 12310
Cost to Foe at Battle of Peeve
Chapelle Claimed Heavier.
Ihoutandt of German Go Down
18.000 Wounded Declared
Removed From Field,
London Held Marahal Sir John
French, eommsndef of tha Brltlah ex
peditionary forces an tba continent,
reports tha British losses in th three
day' fighting at Nuv Chapelle as
Killed 190 officers, 2337 men.
Wounded 859 officers, 8174 other
ranks. '
Missing 13 officers, 1728 men.
Field Marshal French's report con
"Tha enemy left several thousand
dead on tha field and wa hava positive
information that opwarda of 12,000
wounded were removed by train.
Thirty officers and 16S7 of other ranks
were captured.
Tha British commander's dispatch
concerning tha battle of Neuve Cha
pelle, which began early in March,
says among other things:
"Considerable delay occurred after
tha capture of Nueve Chapelle and tha
infantry waa greatly disorganised. I
am of the opinion that . this delay
would not have occurred had tha
clearly-expressed order of tba general
officer commanding the first army been
more carefully observed."
Field Marshal French' report, which
covers tha battles of Neuve Chapelle
and St. Eloi, under data of April 5,
was published in tha Official Gazette,
Tha commander-in-chief writes:
"Tha event of - chief Interest and
importance which haa taken place la
tha victory achieved over tha enemy In
the battle of Nueve Chapelle, which .
was fought March 10, 11 and 12.
"Tba main attack was delivered by
tha troops of tha first army under com
mand of General Sir Douglas Hslg,
supported by a large force .of heavy ;
artillery, a division of cavalry and
some infantry of the general reserve." '
Good Road Bond Carry-
by Two to One Majority
Portland. Or. Multnomah county
voted Wednesday in favor ot good
roads. ?r "'
Bv a majority of approximately 13,-
600 tha people authorised an issue of
11,250,000 in bonds to pay for Improv
ing 70 miles of the county's principal
trunk highways with modern hard-
surf see pavement.
The bonds will bear 5 per eent in
terest and will be offered for sale at
the earliest possible data allowed by
The Issue before tha voters was
clearly one of reconstructing tha roads
or continuing with the present system
of macadamized roads and dirt roads.
The voters met the issue squarely
and returned a most decisive verdict in
favor of good road. Intense county
wide interest was displayed in the
election. Approximately 88 per eent
of the registered vote was cast, which,
in view of the fact that only this one
Question was before the people, is con
sidered a remarkably heavy proportion.
German Airthip Bombard
Many English Villages
Newcastle, England A Zeppelin
raid was made in the Tyne district of
Nortumberland county Thursday night.
It appears that the Zeppelin reached
Blyth from the North Sea1 at about
8:10 o'clock,, passed over Blyth and
Cramlington and proceeded to the -neighborhood
of Seatonburu.
Bombs were dropped on several of
the villages five at Choppington; ,
three at Wallsend, two at Seatonburu
and one at Bedlington.
No loss of life or serious personal
injury resulted, and the material loss
was not heavy. t.
It was an ideal night. There were
no clouds and no wind, but the night
was dark. The airship sailed at an
altitude estimated at 2000 feet. When
it was ascertained tbat it was a Ger-
Airirriia tha . mwi waa tele
graphed to all the neighboring towns.
where electric - ngnts were eiun
guished and other precautionary were
taken. '7' ' , ,., ... ,
Irish Welcome Wimborne.
Dublin Baron Wimborne, who has
succeeded Lord Aberdeen aa lord lieu
tenant of Ireland, made his state entry
into Dublin Thursday, and a great
welcome was given him by all classes
of the population.
The scene was a brilliant one. The
new lord lieutenant was escorted by a
detachment of cavalry and at the head
of the troops he rode through the prin
cipal streets of the city. 8 '
Lady Wimborne and their children,
one son and two daughters, rode in tho
process ion.
Shock of Catch fatal
Tacoma, Wash. With a live trout,
12 inches long, wriggling at the end
of the line on his fishing rod, James
Biiiley, a veteran angler of the Puysl
lup valley, waa found dead by the side
of a small stream at Lake Bay Thurs
day. An uncle, Amsie King, and a
neighbor, who found Bailey sitting up
ringb, but with life gone, gsve it s
their opinion that be died of - tbe ex
citement of his catch. He had been
subject to heart attacks.