The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 09, 1915, Image 4

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The Cat fee the Cewntry."
TBI REO given tU tweet la aallty am Mrvke t
Mdii prfc. Br nun f iu acctMibiiiir it u tk t
ceaeiaiea) car U la fa! and apktep.
Eaay U eperat.. tardy, reliable, ami with m azMaa at
war that will carry yea ever aajr reentry reH
If ther is m Ra dealer la yar tawa, writ ta far la
forvaaUoa sad Ra booklet, free,
8aaM Urritary mw for raUakk (.
Em ervka all aloag tk Um fress British Celaa.bla ta Panaau-PacUlc
DUtribaUn far Pacific Nortkweat T. W. VOCLER. FraMat
' - Broadway at Coach SL, Portland, Orefon.
flllOLS IflRRF SllMlo" coast defehse
M'.vcst Receives $2,926,175 for
iiar aiwl
OfAer rtxJtcU Are DlgmMt,
M FUUklna IVkAmm
CsJife Canal Dahrrtd.
Washing on. D. C On million fla
kandrad thousand dollar ha ban al'
lot tad by tha McraUry ol war to eoo-
tlnoa work on tht north jtty at tha
! Him. modern can mt kwr arm.
m.nt aad eetentirio w.r equipment, muck
Ihouaht has mil etv.n la our coa.t a
tarn The question of prepnrednee It
Mi. that concern all patriotic Americans
tor It la always tha unexpected aitnca
that caui consternation.
Thla I ataa tru ta maltera pertaining
ta health. Th.t iml enemy ot health
Stomach trouUe anay sprta- aa una
pooled attack at any tlma and It t waU
ta aa prepared by alwaya keeping a but
Ua el Hosteller's Stomach Muter In tht
houaa, It your bulwark la Um al ola-
Be on guard at all ttmaa, and a aooa
a you notice th. appetite falling. ia-
Uoa beoomln Impaired, tha liver Inat-llv.
and tha bowala rvluaa ta parrorm wen
lally function, comuienc taktn tht
Blttara. Prompt action, toaalhar wua tat
aid ol thi medietas, baa baan th auui
.w -a .w. r-i..k!. I M prerenuns roucn euiienun '--
.T..r ." Headache. Naueee, IW Appetite,
Newefeeeiid-aand AmttteTWendftrMt
aMr. WHIo t C.talv. and !i rad-n price
ua naoi a, una taa n, rM bw
fYim In and hare year aaenlh atmd.
paUOMBBMthixla. A. W. EkINIi.
nm WMhlaataa HI-. Parllaad.
HUUUn.ll v i nmi v k uw.
KabtMr Staao for FVnft Barra. Mndaaa ahar
WrMa. Wm ItUf SUl av,
A Taackaa th Trada I Wb. Scaln. J-4
IWa ! a Snacialty. Tool. Fna.
atvaa abaoiutn e
tat and manr cwaa: parnxnia U . th
WMT back nurvitc. Wrila lor FKKB book.
Jay W. Wikaa. CmmhiI Club BaiMuw.
rttruano. mfoa
Wbaniaaaad ot aaod. rababia rann and dairy
hhwTilaarira.iirxpanML Pmm tjnpioT-
Hwnl nwilnni la nflnl acnna saw, nnim.
at ba baH aqaiped.'nKt na-ts-data and anhr
Cactical Aalwnwhila Sdnol in tba Konhvot.
A M. Aula iUsair Co, 3b knv rnM
prim. Why pay IS to 110
lora aagar n waa
I can At your rm with
' first ouAiitr kmaa in
aotdeiMframawlnraallJiI? Cbaa. W. Good
man. u Mcmm 8t Portland. Or. Gl fit-
Urt tar am wnta ur
Mtk mmd Wafawfaa Ma. ParUaad. Or.
Bnanawitk hath. . par day. BaaaM withaot
bath. SL00ptr day.
Al Oatsdt IWFiwra Cmstntim
SparJU Sataa te pamaaant anaata.
Bnv rtnnccaa. Mcr. Victor Brandt. Fna-
It no mora immry
than Smallpox. Amy
asparicaco hat ancMtmod
IW UM nUaacakw
CK7, Kid fcilnrM. o Aatftniixx V
a atrriMiiiii now ay yi
pwataally. RkaanTnal
poahM! Typholdr tdln of Typhai Tacclaa.
tooni fraa om. aa aDr Jiam Typhoid Canica.
nt arrrtt ummtocv, acMiiev. ou.
i hm aaara a. a aav.ucaaia
1 Ww
ajTT,P-:' 1nyaii
OOO afrerad for eertnia
Bad Habit to Cuttlvata.
Tb habtt of dtMlpaUng arary eri
ou thought by sugceatloa ot M raa
abla aeaaation 1 fatal to bajipr
oeu a to vlrtua; for wha amaaa
ment ta anlformly ubUtutd for ob
ject of moral and mental Intaraat.
wa loa all that elevate our enjoy-
mania above the cl of chlldlah
pleMurea. Anna Maria Porter.
Dr. Pierce' Pleasant PelleU core
constipation. Constipation ta th cause
of many diseases. Cure the cause and
you cure the disease. Easy to take.
Fireproof Wood.
To make wood fireproof, alak a
mall quantity of freak 11m and add
water till K ha th consistency of
cream, stir well and add on pound of
alum, 11 ounce of commercial potah
and about ona pound of salt Stir
ataln and apply while hot Two or
three coats will keep wood fireproof
for many month.
8lap at Chicago Culture.
Mis Rltta -Arent you fond of dia
lect poetry, Mr. DreatbeephT" Mr.
Dreitbeeph (of th Chicago Brownlns
society) "Well, James Whltcomb
Riley and Eugene Field do very well;
but I came acroaa some poem by a
fellow named Chaucer the other day.
did ha carried It too far." Life.
Many- U for Cotton.
On hundred and eighty million
yards of cotton cloth carry cement
yearly to build tha great office build
ing, and the electrical Industry of
tha country yearly consume four
hundred thousand pound of cotton
la th Insulation proceaaea.
toe lfi.month ndlnf Jun SO, 1918.
Tht t wiuiB JOU,vw oi in
mount that would hay been appro
prUUd had th riyr and harbor bill
been paaaed aa it wa repoorted to th
naU and $250,000 greater than th
amount proposed to M appropriated by
th boose. Furthermore, thi allot
ment to th largest mad out of th
130,000,000 lump appropriation,
cept th allotment for th Mississippi
and Ohio river.
Tb total amount allotted by Secre
tary Garrison for Oregon and Wash
ington I I2.9ZS.175, or within I5&,
600 of the amount carried by the river
and harbor bill when it failed. Soma
raatloa. Constipation and iuilouanaee.
Don't trin. with your health, but rathat
halp Nature whan waaknaae I mantftnt
ad. Moatattar Htomark Ulttara la Na
tures ally, and thaaa toeathar, form a
ram bl nation that I aura to rwutt t yout
wsttare. Try It today, but be but you
gat Hoat.ltar'a.
tyrant Mak for Prra
Th prudent, pennll.s beglonar ta
A world labor for w wkll.
m a urtuu wua wnica im
buy tool or land for himself, tka
labor on hi own account another
trhlle, and at length hire another new
A Talking Machine
of $200 Quality
ft ifek ik AA
Now for Only ftWWM
Free I rial 3
Offer, too
W kw Uat tkl saaaal wfll !''
U great eat tatisraeuea. W kaw that f
It I th aajaal la teae .uty af aay
talklaf atarhlae ow u irbC Tb
ssackla. WIU Ua reeerda. wUI be saal
twbr la U Wat far Fill TUiU
It ya deald la keep H, y aa pay far
H Httlaet, ait eTJaal pajsaaaU.
Ka bat tar way eaa be dertsed al eea'iae-
ta f U partartty f ar talkJaf
atackla servte. Writ for aetaal akt
irap a t Ul aad taer w dsl.
it. ii ' I i nujr u rr vi i
u 'Y - n
applied with It la a
artmeat of twenty aaUct
tion. Including th lt ree.
ord f popular kit and f
, many werld faatou rtlsta,
urk Caruae, Csnalastlne,
Mrlb. 8fhamaa.ll.lnk, Cad
ski, etc.
tier to h.lp him. Tbl I th
Oregon project will receiv tha aamatiutt and genarou and proprou sys-
amount provided by th bill, ana in ail l:em which opena tha way to all. gi
Inatancea tha amount allotted to the I &op to all and consequent energy
project to higher proportionately than I tad progress and Improvement of con-
to average for tha entire country.
Tb only important project for which
bo allotment was mad and for which
an appropriation wa proposed I th
Calilo canaL and thi waa left out be
cause the $80,000 first recommended
was for finsihlng touch, which
be put oa later.
Other allotments for Northwest
terway ar a follow: Columbia and
Willamette, below Portland, $460,000;
Coquille river.
lltion to all Lincoln
Int Healthy. Imi. BaaaUral stye
Oc ul lata ut Pbrwelaaa Martaa Stl
atady aaaay yn baror. It naa otTarad aa I
DoaaaUa Kra MadMlaa. Murine la Mill Ooa I
ponadad by Our rfcjrairUaa aad guaraataad I
by thaat aa a atallabia Kallal tor Bya Uat Neatf I
Cnra. Try II la you Kjoa and la Har a ayaa-
No aaaartlaa Jaat Ejra Ooaifart- Buy Martat I
al yaur Drasial acvapt no aubatliaia, and Ii I
lotaraawd wrila for uoe or tae nro ma i
Mbaiaa Kta kkmkui c-tx. ctucAtMil
th Nation' Largt Talking Macfciaa Hadq uartara, Broadway at Aldar St., Portland, Ora,
Shake Into Tour snoe
ABan'a FbotEaaa. a ixnrder far tha fart, rtraras
pomful BiroWn, amartinc aweatina- feet, slakes
new ahoaa easy. Bold by all Droarieta and Sboa
Btoraa. Don't accept any aubatitnta. Samp la
FBs Juidrmm A. A. Olaaatad. La iUv. N . Y.
The Important Question.
It will not be fashionable to steal
umbrella th coming- season, say an
expert on fashion or on umbrella
stealing, on forgets which. But will
It be fashionable to return some of
those stolen last season?
tiotu. Bt"HowtoObtm
Patent" and "What to Invent-
at Iron. Send roaeb akatrb lor fna
report at to patentability, nirota so
Trrtiard forsattatoarapNMeia Man
afaclnrrra Joomala.
CKAMOt A CH AM DUE, Fatebt Arty's
Vena 10341. at. WaatamHa. a. 6.
-Where He Cam In.
A wfttyvbarrister, says an English
paper, who did not object to Joke at
his own expense, waa asked, on re
turning from circuit, bow ho had got
on. "Well," wa the reply, "1 aved
tb live of two or three prisoner.'
Then you defended them for mur
der r "No.", wa tha rejoinder, "I
prosecuted them for It"
Soma Lov Lacking.
. Helen wa playing on tb porch,
where she sple4 a white moth and
asked ker mother to kill it Her moth
er said, "But Helen, you ought to
love the poor little moth." "I do love
It mother, but I don't lor It enough."
Ar You Onf ;
Anyon can begin a thing, most peo
ple can finish on already begun, but
those who can always be depended
upon to go straight ahead from start
to finish are few and far between.
Trade With French Oceania.
'America send French Oceania more
than 47 per cent of its Imports, and
rclve in return a trlfl over 60 per
cant of it export.
J Worth While Quotation.
My friend is on before whom 1
Ssy be sincere. Before him I may
Ink loud. Emerson.
That Also to Be Thought Of.
She was leaving the city for home.
and by way of making her departure
pleasant for those who had served her
gave nickel to chambermaid, say
ing, "Mary, you take a nice long car
ride." The maid replied: "Tea,
ma am; thank you, ma'am, but how
will I get backr
Handicap to Church.
- The church is also handicapped by
th persevering person who get con
verted every winter, but who re
ligion wpn't keep through th sum.
mer. Atchison Globe.
Avoid Despair.
If wa are to escape the grip of de
spair, wrote Amlel,- we must believe
either that th whole of things at least
is good, or that grief 1 a fatherly
grace, a purifying ordeal
Packing Hint
In packing, handkerchiefs, tinder
linen and toilet article should be ef
fectively protected from possible con
tamination from boots and clothes.
Boots should, if possible, be packed
by themselves.
Peak of the Rhine.
Mrs. Askum "So you took a trip
abroad last summer. Did you go up
the Rhiner Mrs. Newrich "Right up
to tha very top. What a splendid view
there ls from tb summit!" Boston
A Paradox.
Th man who sell hi honor deals
In something that he has not got
Tooth's Companion.
Worth Cultivating. ,
Ona of tb most charming things in
girlhood ls serenity. Margaret B.
Bangs ter
ua vcuffi sari
Sooner or later you will be wrong In every organ of your
body. It is well known factthatover95$ of airsicknesses
' are caused by ailment of the digestive organs. If you have
theslighest suspicion that your stomach requires treatment,
doa't delay a moment Iittia ills soon grow into serious ills.
Golden Bledical Discovery
soon rights the wrong. It helps tha stomach digest the food arf manu
facture nourishing blood. It haa tonic effect and soon enables th
stomach and heart to perform their function in a natural, healthy
manner, without any outside aid, .....
- As Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor
narcotics there la bo reaction. For over forty year, it has etood the teat ofboth
aaa aad abuee and is today tha gramteat remedy of its kind in tha world. Begin
aow. Take it home today. Sold by Medicine Dealer, in liquid or tablet form, oc
and 60s to Dr. Pierce's invalids Bote, Buffalo, M. for a trial box.
" For tic yew can get tfsa Ceenanosi aWtnaWegScnl dvtoer
IB pVgre-cWh aod-e pay caet ml jnalUnp
I WrUW.T.aTLiTtWlae., I
river, $117,600; Yaquina river. $3000;
Nehalem bay. $116,176; Snake river.
$20,000; Upper Columbia river, Celilo
Fall to mouth of Snak river, $37,
000: Willamette and Yamhill rivers.
above Portland, $25,000; CowliU and
Lewi river. $16,000; ClaUkani
river, $1000; Gray' harbor and bar.
$460,000; waterway connecting Port
Townsend Bay and Oak bay, $16,000;
waterway connecting Puget Sound and
Lake Union and Washington, $17,
For other work on th Pacific Coast,
allotments were mad as follows:
Los Angele. $76,000; San Francisco,
$12,000; Oakland, Cal., $80,000; San
Pablo bay. $16,000; Humboldt bar and
bay. $300,000: Petaloma creek and
Napa river. $160,000.
The Mississippi river and Its tribu
taries receive th largest allotment of
alL The Hudson receive $1,600,000
in JL General allotment for th
country at large include:
Hudson river, $877,780, in addition
to which there waa appropriated by
separate act $622,220, making th
total for the Hudson $1,600,000; Del
aware river from Philadelphia to the
sea, $1,000,000; Savannah, Ga., $233,-
000; Jacksonville, Fla., to the ocean.
$360,000; Southwest Pass, Mississippi
river, $400,000; channel work at Gal
veston, Port Bolivar and Texas City,
$190,000; - Houston, ship channel,
$200,000; Inland waterway on coast of
Texas, $625,000; Mississippi river be
tween mouth of Ohio and Missouri
river. $300,000; mouth of Missouri to
Minneapolis. $1,065,000; Missouri
river, Kansas City to mouth, $1,000,-
000; Ohio river, open channel work,
$310,000; locks and dams, $3,000,000;
Chicago harbor and rivers, $660,000;
St Mary' river, Mich., $1,006,000.
Threat Stir British.
London In an editorial on Ger
many' threat of reprisal against Bri
tish officer held prisoners in Germany
if th prisoners of submarine boats
held in England receive treatment
different from other war prisoners, th
Daily Chronicle ssys: "It is time to
realize the pass to which thing ar
leading. At the end of the war, th
allies will have two alternatives
They can allow the practice of sob-
marines sinking merchantmen to be
come usage recognized by internation
al law, or they can,, after trlsl, hang
the German officer responsible for in
itiating it, including, if hi responsi
bility is shown. Admiral von Tirpitx
(th German minister of Marine).
We do not at present see any third al
Tou dont have to WONDER If Re
Inol Ointment is doing you good. You
KNOW it 1 because the first appllca
lion stop th itching and your tori
tured skin feels cool and comfortablrl
at last Why don't YOU try Ibis easy
Reatnol way to heal ecionia or similar I
kin eruption T Roslnol clear away I
Pimple, too, and la a valuable house-1
hold remedy for cuts, sores, burns.
chafing, etc It haa been prescribed
by doctors for 20 year and contains!
nothing that could irritate or injur
the temlereat akin. Sold by all drug
gisU. Adv.
tough fl th Congregation.
An old Scotch minister who did not
quit regard himself aa th paragon
of pulpit perfection, addressing his I
assistant remarked that it waa singu
lar how bs felt more fatigued after
hearing him than In -preaching him-1
elf. To this th assistant replied
that he experienced a similar feeling
when hi reverend constituent waa I
in tha pulpit "Then." rejoined tha I
minister, "I peety th folk that bar
to hear as balth!" S
Healthful Drink.
Barley water is a safe and cooling
drink and la nutritious well. Put
Into pitcher ona large tablespoonful
of well-washed pearl barley, pour over
It two quarta of boiling water, cover
and let stand until cold. Drain off th
liquid, add one-half cupful of sugar I
and .a little nutmeg. The julc of a
lemon la pleasant addition.
' Immutability.
In a field that I passed there was
unearthed, not long ago, the great
country grange of a Roman settler,
with iu refectory. It little cloistered
court. It baths and chambers, and
storehouses. And It may all laat on.
hardly changing, for another thousand
years, or longer still. A C. Benson
la th North American Review,
Fragll Imitation Ruble.
Imitation ruble are subject to In
jury when exposed to extreme cold
They have been known to crack open
in a single night, even when stored is
a safe.
MEN'S 2.50 3 '3.50 4.00 4.50 5 3.60 SHOES
WOMEN'S '2.00 2.50 '3.00 '3.50 & '4.00 SHOES
BOYS' 1 .75 2 2.50 3.00 MISSES' '2.00 & 2.50
iSwE It
r. X Dautai
era. mm ihm feelee anedele. anralnlly
.sport laat aad pattern anahora la Ihla eemairy.
of eejnat, eaa aa annate wits) w. a. agiaa
worhMtaaehln and eaaJltr. AS
may are aa.
II a oeuld tlalt the
Vfl. 1 laanalna laeletry
al M reeklaa, Maea.,
and aa haw earalnlly
Ibo aba
and lb high grad.
leathers mail, tan
aland why I he, leab
Ml bettor, bold
ibelr abas aad wear
leaser thaa other
aanbea lor the nrlee.
eoenlanabea, oaay
The as.a. ea.e and . .base will (Ira aa nod
1n( a-oe m, Tbea.aa aa.i
a. otboraaaaee
L. ls'e.
noea are teid
ihraweh ou
area la I He
aa title.
pad thee
aheee oamiNara fa-
ably wua
atbee snabee eeettaar eoo to a.ea.
there are nanny anew end won
eheea. t'eweall Iheea and I bey will tall I
Uemalaa abuee sannal bo oaeell.d lae I
gTv hereeer y,
I taa W.tViioo
Iron that VI.
aynej W I Penal ahM
KMtivii mil j
tleeipea ea lae tfcHtne. aaoea laiaf alaxnied are f
oo, ta iaa prke peal fm taeai y SJ rwi W L Uwwetaa fcae
ii.ii ,1 Mil iLi ,area aaa iralaalad lae awe, aaaiMt SaiB
prwae aa Mmaf elwae r
aa,t aa h am k a so rnii a
rm larr af iaa ranery. lie aet
akeer avaka aUleM-l le aa reel a.
sad. Vea are aulas your maey aad areaauuedie iaa eeat.
If roar dealer eaaao .apply yea. vMie rn. luno-
Irated CntahHj ahvia( hew io order bt mall.
1 laensiaa. Bio eparn ntn raratoa, at
MMrMa4 tw u mmt ttr ?
a . . ' , -ay-- ' 1 . . 1. I .V
a s v.. -9 .1 V
aatb. ;h x -m J v fi
otaBtai m. mm .two, iv y . . v, r, . jap i r
- "'!.":.. a far .'';. ' . . , .a - , a mmmrrn
- , ' J BfWAHr: Of -, f-mS
aaadafartw and bflektat e kbaa nay eoWdra. Brarrpackatf guetaaM tde StOi. Wad. Cnn tad Miard &a1. at em bidHaa, eats
VriM h lira balt "Hra ta Drt ul Mu Celets." (aWa,. Urien. tW. MOrlHOa PKUO COMPANY , DtpaiaaaMI Z. CXantv, UlaaMS
Best Mur for Racenelllatlon.
A police jusUc In speaking befor
th Woman Taxpayer' leagu of Mien
lean said: "For om reason I find It
easier to reconctl a man and bt wlf
between th hour of eight and nln
hi th evening, rather than the asm
hour In tb morning. Just why I do
not know perhaps tber I a mellow
Ing Influence at that time but it's I
All Right In Hsav.n.
A lady of Somerset. England. 1
walled th loss ot somwnat III bred
but extremely wealthy neighbor, who
bad been very liberal in hi help to bar
country charltlea. "Mr. X I dead,
said she. "H was so good, and kind,
and helpful to m In all sort of ways.
Ha waa so vulgar, poor, dear fellow,
we could not know him In London,
but we ahall meet him in heaven."
Rout Attributed to Spy.
Petrograd Sensational disclosures
explaining the recent disastrous rout
of the Russian Tentb army corps in the
M airman lake fighting were hinted at
in official circle, following the official
announcement that Colonel Miasoyedoff
bad been proved to be a German spy
and was hanged after trial by court
martial. Several of Miasoyedoff al
leged accomplice are in custody. A
thorough investigation i being made
of their case and it to believed possi
ble the world may soon know why an
entire Russian army corps was lost
Peace Report Reiterated,
Petrograd, via London The Rossky
Siovoe return Saturday to the subject
of alleged Austrian peace overture.
45 to 55 TESTIFY
To theMerit of Lydia EPinlc
ham Vegetable Com
pound during Change
of Life. ' .
Westbrook. Me. "I wss passing
through the Change al Life and had
pafM in my back
and aid and was so
weak I could hardly
do my housework.
I have taken Lydia
E. Ilnkham's Vego
table Compound and
it ha don me lot
of good. I will re
commend your med
icine to my friends
and give yon permis
sion to publish my
Workings of Wstch.
la th average watch th balance
heel vibrate 300 time a minute, lo
904 time each hour, 432,000 time a
day. and 157,788,000 time a year. A
each vibration cover bout on and
half revolution, tb abaft on which
th balance wheel I mounted make
266.682.000 revolution la It bearing
each year.
A Woman' Way.
So determined I a woman to "loos
up" to the man ah loves tnai u sn
married a worm sh would dig a bol
in th ground and crawl into It In or
ler to be able to put her bead oa hi
thouldor and y: "Darling, bow big
ind strong and tall ou ar."
. .. ,
K -sly
Modern Trm Misunderstood.
"What became of that rascally young
son of the Blowers H "I understand
be 1 to tak a count of ethic In on
It our modern penological Institutions."
'There! And I heard h had been
tent to Jail." Baltimore American.
testimonial" Mrs. Lawk kmcb Ma
The newspaper asserts that tha Aim- TIN, 12 King St, Westbrook, Main.
tri&n emperor appealed through the
Pop to Berlin with view to over
coming Emperor William' "ob
stinate desire" to continue the war.
but that thi effort failed.
He to now trying through th same
medium in Petrograd to secure a
Mans ton. Wis. "At the Chang of
IdT I suffered with pain In my back
and loin until I could not stand, I also
bad night-sweats so that th sheet
would be wet I tried other rnedidn
but got no relief. After taking one bot
tle of Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable
separata peace, offering to surrender Compound I began to improve and I
Bosnia, Herzegovina and Galicia, says
the newspaper.
Veel Dive 200 feet.
Quincy, Mas. The new aubmarlne
L-l. built here for the United Stete
navy, returned Monday after a success
ful trial trip to Cape Cod bay. The
boat, one of group of four required
by contract to submerge to depth of
200 feet, and remain under water at
rest for 48 hours, settled to th re
quired depth, end, according to those
aboard, showed no effect from -the
train of water pressure. The 48
boars' teat will be mad later.
continued it as for six month. Tb
pain left me, th night-sweat and hot
flaahe grew leas, and in on year I wa
a different woman. I know I have to
thank you for my continued good health
ever since." Mr. M. 1. bowneli
eJanston Wis. ,
Th sncces of Lydia E. Plnkhsm's
Vegetable Compound, made from root
and herb, to unparalleled In such
If you want special advice write ta
lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (eofl.
dentlal) Lrn n, Mass. Year letter win
be opened, read sad twered by
Woman, ud. t4 strict MBadeaca,
$17.50-Per Ton
f. o. b. Warehouse
Full information furnished
418 Corbett Bid?.,
PI East 6911 Portland, Or.
You tan prevent ti.ia) loainaume in nnn
through your etable an I rare all (he i-ulie autlerlii
when you bettin tha treatment. No waiter how
IPOHN'I ta aofa In use on any colt. II la ernndrrful bow II
itrevrnia all diaiemtwrn, no matter .b die "'""roeae'
any ae Br "eti.wMwi . n nnnii,i. no a""-;;
hnuara ami manufailiiraf. .T OHN't at Iu rents and II
a bull); l and ll a dosn. lOMN MtOtCAt CO., Ch.m.
I.U and actarioloBitta. Ooth.n, Ind., U. a A,
LevTht tndur.
Men and women may not forget ta
mafTleg th law of human nature
that that which I not expressed dlea
And any lov that la o endure and to
grow must express Itself In multiplied
little way. It to serious matter
that tb repeal.d word of lov nd
prals. th caress, th kl, and th
thoughtful attention should begin to
fall. Delineator.
Too Much Honor.
Mildred wa spending day with a
neighbor who had prepared a dainty
luncheon table for the occasion. When
Mildred wa Informed luncheon waa
ready and arrived in th dining room
sh stopped, with look of maxemnnt
in br fac and exclaimed: "on, Mr.
8., don't put all your finery oo for ma."
There I no such thing as finding
tru happiness by searching for It'
directly. It must come. If it com at
all. Indirectly, or by th service, th
love, and th happlo we glv to
other. R. W. Trin
Th Bs In Lllsratur.
Tb bee bs had a place In litem
tur ever sine thor was literature.
Hen are frequently mentioned la our
Scripture. Classic pools rhymed th
honey or Itybla. In Welly, that being
of Incomparable quality, and It to a
fact that th queens or th Hyblaboe
bav been extensively Imported to
tbl country to improve th American
Should Lev On' Work.
The craft which thou bast learnso,
love; therein find thy refreshment;
and pas through the rest of thy life
a having entrusted to th god alt
thine own affairs with thy whole
soul, and making thyself neither a
tymnt nor slav to ny man. Mar.
ua Aurellu.
Oally Thought
Tb key to every man I hi thought
Sturdy and defying though h look, h
ha a helm which he obey, Which I
th Idea after which all hi facto ar
classified. II can b reformed only
by bowlng him a new Idea which
command hi own. Emerson.
Mysteries of Rheumatism
Practically Solved
Acfisa i.i Tissues ef a IfoinarkaMa Mlhh
S. 8. S. 1 a Regular Wlxard la Driving Out Rheumatism.
r. n. u.
WBEH vrttlae ta
" tlaa thle paper.
ad i plaaes :
Ttbeumatlstn Is often th affect of som
other blood affliction that haa left It Int.
pr.ea In the Joints, muscles and muoous
covarlnga of tha body. It work Into, the
tlssu cells, theae tiny, little bod la. la
which nutrition torn on. And It la bar
that a most remarkable medicine known
as B. S. s. doaa Its moat active and most
effective work.
Its action ! marvelous. Bedridden
rheumatics get oa their feat aa If by
masio. That cold, clammy aanaatloa that
made yon hug a rod hot stove Is gone In
a twinkling; That excruciating pain that
made a feather Jay a heavy a a ton of
coal on tha skin is gone, Tou get up aad
dance with sloe.
Tour rheumatism la gone absolntelyt
ft ls an actual loaleal fact, that Swift's
Bar Bpoclflo fluahe your blood, gives
your entire blood simulation a Jin
thorough bath. It Just naturally and in a
twlnkilAg Irrigate every atom la your
body. It rushes Into every nail, cans
every bona, muscle, Usam.nt. tendon,
mucou. surface and every nerve to thrill
with freedom, with haalth, with new
found irlnlnns, .
And best of all, S. S. B. though a pow
erful searchlns;, overwhelming enemy to
pain and tb causae of rhaumattsa la a
pur a th daw on a peach blossom, aa
powerful aa th herolo work of nature,
a. searching a th peremptory demand ol '
th moat exact sclenoa.
Ask for and Insist upon getting B. B, B,
tb world' cur for rheumatism.
For private, personal advice on Stub
born chronlo rheumatism writs at once
to tb Swift Bpeolfio Co., tot Bwlft Build
ing, Atlanta, Oa. medical depart
ment la famcus on all blood dleeaeea. and
la equipped to make personal Mood testa.
approved by th. highest medical author.
ties, uat a bottle of B. B. 8. today. Thaa
kTy goes rheumatism fat an tUuk