The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 09, 1915, Image 1

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NO. t42.
Coicral Rcsinnc of Important Events
Carman eubmrlsneo sink two British
hip! la the English channel
"Dryt" succeed In voting oat 100
saloons In Illinois et the recent elec
Butte, Mont, outU lu ontlro Bo
clallat set of officers and olaeU Demo-
Tweiity-eoven Terra Haute, Ind.
officiate ere convicted of alaetlon
Chicago olaeta an ant Ira Republican
ticket including mayor, tbe flret In
many roars.
Tba steam aehoonar Speedwell
stranded on tba aplt off tba Oregon
eoaat near Itandon.
Aa Italian aenalor daclaraa tbat un
less alt .neltons dlaarm anarchy will
prevail universally.
Aa A uatro-German force capture
7B0O Ruaalana of a mounUla Una on
tba Hungarian border.
Dr. Jordan, praaldant of Stanford
University, predlcU tbat tba Europaan
war will and thla aummar in a "draw,
Dr. Bun Yat Ban. flrat provisional
praaldant of China, ia accused of plot
ting another revolution In that country
Carransa troopa ara reported to have
expelled ail mint from a convent near
Vara Crua, compelling tbem to leave
In tba garb of.peasaata.
French government declares tbat tba
"ammunition crisis" la peat and tba
allies. Including Serbia and Belgium,
will bava all tba abella they need.
Tba Wlllard-Johnson light film are
barred from the United Sutee by
federal statute, wblcb expressly for
blda InteraUta tranaporUtloo of flgbt
A motorcyclist In Portland, loalng
control of bla machine. Jumps tba
atreet curbing, run 10 feet over a
lawn and landa through tba window
Into a parlor.
At tba government Inveatlgatlon of
Pullman portere' salarlee. It la abown
that they receive per monin.
but tba "tloa" exacted from the trav
allng publle amount to an average of
175 per month.
Rear Admiral Peary, United 8tatee
navy, retired, celebrated tba sixth an
nlveraarv of bla attainment of tbe
North Pole bv a-lving an "Alaska din
ner" In honor of Secretary Redfleld,
of tba department of Commerce,
A Zeppelin balloon appeared over
Dunkirk Wednesday night, coming
from tba direction of tbe sea. Tba
dlrla-lblo apparently Intended to bom
bard the shipping In tba harbor, but
beine? alahted by the torpedo boat
retreated to tba German linee.
Jeremiah W. Robinson waa elected
Mavor of Boise. Idabo, In oppoeltoin
to Mayor Arthur Hodges. There was
a light vote. Mr. Robinson ia a Den
ocrat but tba election waa non-par
titan. Ha waa a candidate for tbe
position of director of the mint.
The arrival at San Remo of tba
American ambassador, Thorns Nelson
Pasra. occasioned tbe rumor that be
bad rone to Italy to meet foreign
diplomat for tbe discussion of peace
negotiations. The embassador, now
aver, denied that bis presence waa In
any way connected with tba Interna
tional situation. He explained tbat ha
waa seeking a few days' rest.
Vlllla and Zapata have agreed to
tba neutrality of Mexico City, but the
eonaent of Carransa la lacking.
A rate expert declares soma of the
railroads aaklng for rate Increases are
already accumulating a surplus.
' The United. States begins an InvestU
ration Into tba death of an American
an a torpedoed British liner.
Ten thousand man returned to work
In the steel mills and factories of Chi
cago Height, a suburb of Chicago.
An anarchist on trial for placing
bombs In a New York church declared
that a detective forced him to do the
work and directed It. "
A man arrested for vagrancy in 8an
Francisco bad $5000 In bills In his
pocket and proved himself to be the
owner of buildings worth $200,000. ,
The Russky Slovoa, of Petrograd,
prints a note Intimating that the Rus
sian government baa been approached
through neutral channels with over
tures from Austria for a eeparate
peace without Germany'! knowledge.
German prisoners of war In French
camps receive the aama rations as
their French guards, with the excep
tion of a little less meat, and ara In
good spirits and well satisfied with
' their treatment. They all believe
Germany la bound to win.
Coast artillery companies at Fort
Wlnfleld Scott, San Francisco, made
from 90 to 100 per cent at ranges of
7000 yards, approximately four mile.
A writer In the London Daily Mail
declares tbat dogs of tba German dase
hund variety are being treated shame
fully la England, out of pure prejudice.
An Austrian steamer loaded with
arms and ammunition on Its way from
Semlln to Panoeova, both porta on the
Danube river, struck a mine In tbe
river and waa blown up. Serbian ar
tillery completed the destruction of tba
ship and cargo.
Right ot Embargo Not
Admitted by United State
Washington, D. C. The United
States government has made public it
note to Great Britain announcing tbat
It could not "admit" either tba right
of tba allies or their assertion for
justification la placing aa embargo on
all commercial Intercourse between
Germany and neutral countries.
"To admit It," says tba communica
tion, "would be ta assume an attitude
of unneutrallty toward tba present
enemies of Greet Britain, which would
be obviously inconsistent with tbe
solemn obligations of this government
In the present circumstances, and for
Great Britain to make such a claim
would be for her to abandon and set at
naught tba principles for which
bss consistently and earnestly eon-
tended la other times and clrcum
The note reviews at length tba legal
phases of a blockade of belligerent ter
ritory and virtual blockade or neutral
la conclusion the United 8tatee as
serts lu expectation that Great Brit
ain "after having considered" the pos
sibilities of "serious Interruption of
American trade under the Order-In-
Council, "will Uke steps to avoid
tbem and In tba event that they should
unhappily occur, which under tba rules
of International law constitutes a vio
lation of neutral rights.
Tba American communication Inter-
preta tbe clrcum, tan cea under wnicn
Great Britain pretends to be Justified
in adopting retaliatory measures to
ward her enemies as "merely a reason
for certain extraordinary activities'
by her naval force "and not aa excuse
for or a prelude to any unlawful ac
Havana Jack Johnson, exiled from
bis own country. Monday lost hla claim
to Aetie fame as the heavyweight
champion of tbe world, tbe title being
wrested from him by Jess win ara, tne
Kansas cowboy, tba biggest man who
ever entered tbe prise ring.
Monday's flgbt probably baa no par
allel in the bietory of ring battles.
For SO rounds Johnson punched and
pounded Wlllard at will, but bis blows
grew perceptibly leas powerful as tba
fight d roar eased, until at last be
teemed unable or unwilling to go on.
Johnson stopped leading, and for
three or four rounds the battle be
tween tba two huge men was little
more than a series of plastic poses of
white and black gladiator.
So It was until the 26th round, when
Wlllard got one of bis widely swinging
windmill right-hand amashee to lonn-
son's heart This was the beginning
of the end.
Wban the round closed Johnson sent
word to bis wife tbat be waa all in.
and told bar to start for home, Sbe
was on tba way out and waa passing
tba ring In tba 86th round when a
stinging left to the body and a cy
clonic right to the jaw caused Johnson
to crumple on the floor or tba ring,
where ha lay partly outside tba ropes
until tba referee counted 10 and bold
up Willard'a band in token of his new
ly-won laurels.
Pullman Car Porter
Pag Only $27. SO Month
Chlcaoo Tbe first government In
quiry into wages and conditions and
mnlnumant nt alaanlnir ear nortera
and eonduetore waa made here Tuesday
by tbe United States commission on
Industrial relatione. I S. uonger-
ford, general manager of the Pullman
company, was on tba stand moat 01 tne
day and was questioned by Frank P,
w inn cnainnan 01 use oommiaaiun.
In tba first IS years or the sleeping
porter's service, Bungerford said, he
Is paid $27.(0 a month. At the and of
IS years be, Ilka other service env
cloves, automatically received an ad
vanca of B ner cent, which makes his
nav 128. 87 a month. In tba first 10
years or service be buya aiiownuni
froms, but thereafter the company
lra An thla hnntan. A bonua avatem
gives men with good records an extra
month's pay ror tba year.
Mr. Walsh then brought up the sub
ject of tips.
"Do you expect the public to pay
the difference between these wagea
and a living wage?" be asked tba wit-
"No sir, I don't think that waa con
sidered," the latter replied.
You thought them satisfied with
these salaries?"
No. I wouldn't aay that: wa re
ceived no expressions of dissatisfaction
regradlng tbem," replied Mr. Hunger-
ford. '
Germane Sink Italian Ship.
Genoa, ItalyA German submarine
haa sunk the Italian steamer Lulgi
Parodi. which left Baltimore January
22 with a cargo of coal for Genoa, ac
cording to word received here Tuesday.
The report haa caused a profound im
pression here, and there ara many ex
pressions of resentment Great excite
ment prevails and the authorities have
taken strong msasures to protect the
German colony and German ahipa from
reprisals. Nothing is known as to the
f ste of the crew of the Lulgi Parodi,
which was entirely of Genoese.
Suit Agalntt 7. ft. It Set
Syreeuse. N. Y. By agreement of
counsel for both sides, tbe trial of the
$50,000 libel suit brought by William
Barnes, of Albany, against ex-Presi
dent Roosevelt haa been eet down for
April 19. The action will have pref
erence over all other eases on the cal
New Line From Grants
Pass to Ocean Assurea
Completion of tba California A Ore
gon Coast railroad from Grants Pass to
Crescent City, Cel., at a coat approxi
mating $5,000,000, was assured this
week wbea Twohy Bros., railroad con
tractor of Portland, arranged with
the city officials of. Grants Psss to
finance tbe project "and perform tba
Tba people of Grant Pass already
have bonded themselves for $200,000
to pey for the flrat 10 miles of tbe
work. This portion of tba road, from
Grants Pass to Wllderville, has been
built Tbe remaining portion, from
Wllderville to Crescent City, Is ap
proximately $1 miles long. It Is esti
mated that tba work can be completed
thla summer. Twohy Bros, ara pre
pared to put a large force of men to
work there within tbe next few week a.
Tba road ia bonded for $5,000,000,
and it la understood that Twohy Bros,
bava made adequate arrangemeot for
disposing of the bonds, aa a means of
financing tba project It is reported
that Canadian and European capital
ists bava agreed to Uke some of the
securities, which, on account of the
glowing reports regarding the terri
tory to be served by tbe new road, ara
expected to sell at a high ngure.
"Wa hope to complete arrangemenU
and carry tbe work to a successful con
clusion within a very short time.
said James F. Twohy, a member of
tbe Arm.
The new road will be an Important
factor in the future development of
Grants Fata and all the territory In
tbe southwestern corner of tbe state.
It will open up a rich section hereto
fore undeveloped and will give CranU
Pass and the southern part or tba stale
an easy outlet to ther sea.
More slrnlfleant than these fact.
however, is the possibility tbat tbe
new road will become a future link In
through traffic between Portland and
San Francisco. For this reason. It 1
believed that the road eventually will
peas Into the bands of tbe Southern
Pacific company. Twohy Bros., it Is
understood, are acting for tba South
ern Pacific They have dona much
work for the Sootbern Pacific in '
past and ara not apt to engage in rail
road operation themselves.
When tba road is completed to
GranU Paas a link of only 76 miles be
tween Crescent City and Trinidad,
CaL, will remain to be built to give
tba Southern Pacific a new through
Una between GranU Paas and San
Test Cooking Qualities of
Various Kinds of Apples
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vsllls Knowledge of tbe cooking val
ue of standard varieties of applea on
the part of housewives and other per
sons that prepare this fruit for table
use baa long been considered by Pro
fessor C. 1. Lewis, chief of tbe divis
ion of horticulture at tba college, aa
one of tbe stops to a mora aatisfsctory
market system. "Buyers of apples for
home use should learn tbe qualities of
the leading Oregon varietiee and then
call by name for tba variety they
want" Professor Lewis said several
years ago. And be bss Kept on saying
it until tba truth or the proposition
baa been generally recognised and ia
now beginning to be acted upon In a
systematic attempt to cultivate a mora
intolllgent and stable demand ror good
In carrying out this policy ot leara-Ina-
tba fruit and lu aualltlea, a aeries
of experlmenU to determine the cook
ing qualities or 71 varieties or appiea
grown In Oregon tna tiome economics
department of the college has made
and reported an exhaustive test Tba
tost includes the cooking qualities of
these varieties used as sauce, pies.
dumplings, marmalade and jelly. Tba
fruit was judged on tbe basis or coior,
flavor and texture of sauce, flavor,
way cooked, and tenderness of pies and
dumplings, and flavor, texture, color,
clearness and surface of jells. In eauce
and marmalade SO poinU were allowed
for flavor and 28 each for texture and
color. For plea and dumplings, 66
mint nrt riven foe narfact flavor.
20 for way cooked and IS for tender
ness. In jells texture and flavor were
given SB poinU each for perfect score
with 16 ror color, 10 ror Nearness ana
S for surface.
Judging was done by a number of
college experts who were unaware of
the varieties as they judged them, so
that no prejudice entered Into their
R thla meana eatiafactorv know!
mAirm nt the onaJItlaa of all varieties
tested was reached, and thla informa
tion ia now offered the people or ure
gon who are intoreated in this subject
In hn Matin lnat nrenarad. 'like Dul
Ictin should not only prove to be a roll
hla mid in the mrehaaa OZ SDDla
tern hnma mnklno-. but it will also have
considerable value far the dealers and
growers. Copies may be had on appli
cation to tba college.
In addition to the score awaroea to
aarh variatv in the nsea heretofore
mentioned, tbe bulletin furniabes in
formation on the seasonal value or tne
varietiee; on the relative value of
um, nt the eariatiaa for each of the
purposes named, and the correlation of
valuee ror eauce ana ror jeny pur
poses. Much other useful Information
ia also conUined in tbe bulletin, such
aa a-ivine- mclnea for Croats, cooking
directions, amount of sweetening and
auiUble utensils.
Uard-Murfacing ot County
Highway 1$ Planned
Forest Grove The Forest Grove
commercial club bald another luncheon
Thursday, at which there were present
100 business men of the community
and farmers living In the vicinity. The
subject for discussion waa "Better
Roads for Washington uounty. u.
B. Reaaoner, judge of the county
court and Rodell Matteson, county
commissioner, were guests.
Tba project which la being pushed
by the Commercial club of Forest
Grove and tba farmera ot Galea Creek
and Thatcher vicinity Is hard-aurfaciug
of the main thoroughfare leading from
Gales Creek and Thatcher neighbor
hoods Into Forest Grove, and the
county court Is co-operating to obUin
soma ttaU aid. A committee of five
was appointed to co-operate with tbe
Commercial club and the county court
in an effort to procure assistance from
the SUta highway commission, and
subscriptions to the funds available
for tbe Improvement
Incidentally the membership or tna
Commercial club waa Increased 100.
. Cowe Supplant Babies.
Eugene, Or. Babies must give way
to cows at tba 1916 Lane County Fair.
Tba fair board haa abolished tbe eu
genics department of tbe county fair
and substituted additional prises for
the dairy department
Lane county la a dairy county, ana
will become mora so within the next
few years," said a member of the fair
board, "Tba board aims to do all pos
sible to encourage the production of
better cattle. Wa thought it better
to put the money into stock than into
Cleanup Day far Dog.
Baker Baker will have a cleanup
day tor dogs, April 12. following the
civic beauty cleanup two aaye earner.
Mayor Palmer aays tbat there are at
least 200 worthless canines on the
streets and that the danger of rabies
is treat because ot them. The plan Is
to have the official dog catcher capture
every animal that baa not a license
tag or muula.
Grain fie Ida In Good Condition.
Union Heavy ralna in the valley
and mow in the nearby mountains
have brought the moisture to about the
usual condition for this season of the
vear. . Cloudv aklea and south winds
promise more rain. The ground has
been too wet tor cultivating and seea-
Ins la rialirari Uoat fif the SDrlnff
seeding is in and grain la In good con
SI Wheat btt Fall 1$ Hope.
Baker With two large contracts
h,.t In Umatilla mnnlT at a dol
lar a buahel reported, farmera in this
vicinity are holding their grain at inia
price and expect to get it at harvest
time. Some think it will go aa high
aa laat winter, while some ara even
mora optimiatic Reports from all
narta nf Baker and Grant counties
show tbat there is a larger acreage
than ever and wttn me raina oi me
last week the yield an acre promises
to be greater than any yet known.
Many of the farmera are plowing up
bay fields and planting grain, the prin
alnal mn nf which la wheat. There
were only a few cases of damage by
froat during tbe winter, because oi
light snows. The early raina cause
hllf that despite the amall amount of
snow in the hills there will be enough
rain to make grain ana bay raisers in-
Hnnnndant of irrigation. Tba Outlook
for rye and barley, at war prices, is
bright u ay raisers, aiso expect oig
crops with prices better than last year.
Columbia Fuk Price Set.
Astoria The Columbia River sal
mon packers, both canners and cold
storage men, have set the prices to be
raid for raw fish during tbe season
which opens on May 1 at the following
rates: Small or cannery uiinooKa, o
cents a pound; large or cold storage
Chinook, weighing 28 pounds or
more, 7 cents a pound; marketable
steel heads, 8 cents a pound; brae
backs, 4 cents a pound; shad, 1 cent a
pound; sturgeon, 6 cenU a pound.
The principal changea from last sea
ton's figures ara a reduction of one
half cent in tbe price of large Chi
nooks and an advance In the dividing
point between what are known aa
small and large Chinook from 25 to 28
pounds. The reason assigned for
these changes ts thst on account of tba
war the shipment of cold storage or
nlckled flsh to Germany baa been cur-
tolled, and the market for that variety
of tbe cured product la not encourag
ing. A similar reason is assigned ror
cutting the price for ateelheads 2 cents
a pound.
AppUgrowen lo Build.
Hood River Having been unable to
conclude arranaremenU with the Apple
Growers' association for the lease of a
portion of itt warehouse space, tbe
Fruit growers' exchange, which has
contracted with the Northwestern
Fruit exchange to handle IU fruit ror
another year, will erect a storage house
in this city and will build a warehouse
in the Odell community on the Mount
nw) Una. While members of
tHa knanl nf riiiwftnra have conaidered
the matter, plans as yet have not been
acted on by the growers.
aBBjsjBaejsi paejjswaeyjsjiiajps
. w "J.
The German auxiliary cruiser which put Into Newport Newe recently wltii 2 Rutsaa and French prisoners
aboard, and also tbe crew of tbe American veasel William P. Frye, which waa sunk by tbe cruiser.
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" One" thouaand Argentine aailora. with their offlcera, are quartered at the Philadelphia navy yard awaiting tha
release of the new battleship Moreno, built for the Argentine government by the New York Shipbuilding company.
The builders sre holding the vessel, which should have been delivered. a year ago. pending settlement, of some
elalms of the contractors.
ttmmmmrw- i iru in i minium- I -'Mi.Mfn-MilimilsHir'
r, .k. .k ...nni. t fH.ffa in rsarmanv la dwindliuit to such an extent that the nation is on the verge .
of starvation are not borne out by the scenes of activity witnessed In the market places ot the kaiser's domain. The
above picture was taken at Nuremburg.
V Ji mil vj'
1- rm
Thi. niotnra hnm tha U. S 8 Georgia, one of the United Statea war-
ships recently ordered to Mexican waters. The Insert ta Rear Admiral
Ca pert on. who Is In command or tne neei.
-r : -"J w
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Cecil M. Peoll is bead of the Peoli
Areonlane corporation, the concern
which was tbe lowest bidder for the
navy departmeat's contract for nine
hydro-aeroplane. Peoll la the only
aviator who ever flew . over . th.
Andes mountain"