ONE OF LIFE'S LITTLE ODDITIES narrow and pesslmlsti. view. Even the money Swut In their eonalruction will not be lost but will be largely put into county circulates. Belying okl proverb, we can virtually eat our cake and have It too, . And because two precva of cake are better then me the I.Rapkk wants to s jl &mF& YOU JaOUgjfflE fl eee both of these roada built with 3' bond Uaue and built aa aoon aa possible, "Strike while the Iron h hot," ami when a newy0ened Columbia ralla insistently to the producer. Waste no Your Spring Apparel? more time than need be in preliminary aparrine; or In raising private eubscrlp- tiona. These will be public not private roads. Further, they ehoukl be built In a aystematie way instead of by piecemeal aa means permit aa was that will accrue from Rood roads, la and la the case with the East End We would like to show you some of the Sea son's latest in MEN'S TOGS bearing the marks of quality. Tics, Gloves, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Hats, Underwear, Suspenders, Collars, Etc Each article measures up to the exceptional standard which this store has ever maintained. We specialize in Fresh Vegetables in our Grocery Department L..L O'Harm (Phone Main 241) GROCER - - - HABERDASHER Smoke op! Cigars Tobaccos Candies Klrkpatrick's Confectionery I The White j House DR. C H. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Office in Brandt building WESTON OKEOON WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOO. tMUhtr SUBSCRIPTION RATES Slricllf in AJbxnct The Year Six .Month Four Moulin ADVERTISING RATES Per iiH-li per nimilli Per iiM-h, on insertion SO Iacum, rr line earn inMrtioii Ofi .91 BO . 0 7ft . 0 50 JO 60 FRIDAY CHOICE CANDY CIGARS and TOBACCO APRIL 2. 1915 Eattrte l Mm settefflcs al Wcilss, Oragoa, as Mcsse-dsi aull autttr. CARDS, BILLIARDS and POCKET POOL Choice Apple Cider and other Soft Drinks J. B. Farrens smut ion or the highway. The annual Interest charge for these roads will be by no means a grievous burden to the individual taxpayer. It may be met by approximately a one- mill levy, or one dollar on each thou sand dollars of his taxable property. John Brisben Walker, a noble Color ado philanthropist. Intends to establish a home for broken down newspaper men an announcement which relieves Boyd and Wood of some anxiety. Because "a pun is the lowest form of wit," we considerately refrain from comment upon the news report that Chile wants a million tone of Uncle Sam's coaL "China for the Japanese" ia the sar donic answer we hear from the Yan kees of the Orient to our national shibboleth of "America for the Amer icana." "Orestm is nnraniiinir for urosneritv and Portland, as. usual, has taken the lead," says the Orvgomsnwhich can not see Weston around the comer. News of the war horror has grown to be so commonplace that we woukl much rather inform our readers that Tom Jones ia building a new barn. If pretty soon she doesn't sue for peace the present outlook is that there will be no piece in Europe for poor old Austro-Hungary. Portland won from Los Angeles, Weston from Helix, in the baseball opener, so what care we for the news from Europe? (J. E. Murphy In the Oregon Journal.) Two Pugilists Pit," ssys an Ore gonian headline referring to Johnson and Willard-without even telling us which licked. If roads could be built of sounding phrases and paved with good intention Umatilla county would never need a bond issue. DR. W. G. HUGHES Dentist Office in the Klara Building, Milton, Hours, 0 to 12 and 1 to 5. Established 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Athena, Oregon Waitsbunj, Wash. American Beauty Pure White Upper Crust Made of selected Bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by L I. O'Harra and D.R. Wood The Leader ventures to indulge the hope that the "enthusiastic road meet ings" now being held fn various towns will produce commensurate results, Heretofore, in Umatilla county and throughout the state, it has required about a ton of such agitation to yield an ounce of accomplishment. We feel certain that Umatilla coun ty's material and taxable wealth would be largely increased by the pro posed hard surface road from Pendle- tou to Cold Springs landing, and the proposed road leading through the sev eral irrigation towns in the West End to the Umatilla river. Suppose that these two roads would cost one million dollars a very liberal estimate. The county should be able to get the money for five percent, or at an annual inter est charge of $50,000. Its annua freight bill is estimated at $500,000, and if it only succeeded in cutting this ten percent it would save its interest and have its roads at a virtual cost of nothing at all. Yet through this double connection with sn open river, and the building of a spur to the most conven ient point for connecting the East End highway with the Pendleton-to-Cold Springs road, Umatilla county ought to be able to reduce its freight bill much more than $50,000 a year. Moreover, through 'cutting transpor tation costs these roads would stimu late production and add to the county's income. Adding to the county's in come they would add to the value of its capital in land and other resources and correspondingly swell its tsx roll. It would be no means a reckless proph ecy to say that these two roads will add four or five times their combined cost, even though it be a million dollars, to the taxable wealth of Umatilla county. The taxpayer in some remote district which might not profit directly by their construction would have just as much and no more right to complain than would a citizen of Florida at the open ing of the Columbia river by the gen eral government. Good roads are an investment, not a needless expense. Te see only the bond issue and the interest charge and to ignore the vast material benefits Tit Merry Wlsswt at Westsa. The widows of Wwton were very pleasantly entertained Saturday. March at the home of Mrai Sarah Tucicer. After an hour spent In social converse the ladles were carried bark for the nonce to "childhood's hsppy hours" by doll-dresslnv contest. ' The prise for the bent-dressed dolllv waa awarded to Mrs. Walden. The guests were then ssked to lay sside for a while the work of their hands and to test their Inds In a "penny for your thoughts' competition. This event was not quite so successful as the one- preceding;, a the judges soon decided that aot msny thoughts were In evidence thst could be valued at a penny. Delicious refreshments were served by the Misses Narkaus and Miss Kstie Tucker. The hsppy occasion then ended with a sons;, "Blessed Be the Tie That Binds." The widows present were Mesdames Read, Lowell. Purcell, Williams. Bal ing, McBrlde, Vanderpool, Tucker. Other ladles In attendance were Mes dames Walden, Gould. Nordean, Al bert, Brigs and Nevln. Its ftoft ImpeSK-timcnt'' Denlrd. The East Oregonlan. says In "Sportland Sparkles": t "Clark Wood, manager of the Wes ton ball team and editor of the Wes ton Leader, refuses to apply the name Blue Mountain to the Hellx-Weston Athena-Freewater league. He calls I the East End league and this paper, recognizing the prestige of himself snd paper, wilt accept his characteriz ation as final." Manager Wood requests Editor Wood to say that the East Oregonlan credits him with much more Import ance than he deserves. Ever a person of "modest stillness an humility," he hastens to place the honor of naming the East End league where It really belongs, with President B. B. Richards of Athena. Far from refusing to util ize the old name of Blue Mountain league, he probably would have done so had not the East Oregonlan's sport Ing editor beat him to It and appro priated the name for the West End organization. Uom High Cat to Harry four lg They are Hioux Indian. Aurora, III. In a law suit Involv. ng a man and hi wife the court made he huatiand promise that hi wife could warm her f-et on his back every night until spring. Msdlson. Wis. A bill pending be fore the Wlm-nnaln Irslalature pro- rides that girl ensscd In dnnirailc work shall have s room suitable for entertaining rallvrs, two nights off every week, and a minimum employ ment of not to exceed (0 hour a week. Chicago. III. Peter !. Mlddlrkauif has given his Kin and daughter an apartment building worth IHO.nao Just to see how they will manage It, The building contain !K aimrtmenla and the total rent roll Is IIJ.0U0. TAR TAR ODD BITS OF 3iEV8. M Webb City, Mo. Grace Tucker, age 15, established a record when she se cured a divorce and married again all within 24 hours. The girl married at the age of 12 years and secured her divorce on the ground that relatives had forced her Into the ceremony. She Is now Mrs. William Bhadwick. Lorain. O. Thomas J. McCulltn, a blind man, has Just defeated John Fol lett, another blind man, living at Far- view, Utah. In a checker game which required more thsn one year to play. Each move was made by letter ana required two weeks. New York James Hart man, em ploye of the baby-checklog room at a department store was almost mobbed bv a throng of Infuriated mothers when a mischievous youngster mixed the checks. Fort TatesN. D. A cat and, a dog can be friendly aye, even more. The old argument was settled here today with a statement from Rev. Father Bernard, of the Fort Yates Catholic church, that be bad just married Miss and, Son, Just One More Word 1IKE all red-blooded j men, you ltave a natu ral desire for stimu lants. Fm fifty-five years young and all my life I've drunk Leer temperately. That fact is largely responsible for my present rugged con stitution. I wsnt yon to pattern after me. Walk into a beer saloon whenever you feel the need of a mild stimulant snd get yoor el of beer. It's the drink of real temperance. Those people yon meet op with in life who tell yon total abstinence is Temper snce are deceiving themselves. They're the kind that close the decent tsx-psying saloon and fos ter the peaaesy and Llind pig. Steer clear of those dive, my boy, and youll never cultivate an appetite for strong drinks. You've got a perfect right to drink beer moderately, but do it aboveboard, son in the beer saloon, where decent men are ashamed to drink to excess. I won't fear the caliber of the Companion you meet there. Advrtumnt C, D. Ulrich, Chamber of Commcrcs Portland, Oregon. Dear Public: Do you know that COAL TAR pro long the life of a RE-SET fence post from triple to quadruple the time of a post re-net without tarT We have a large stock of TAR and are prepared to sell it in YOUR cans at 8 cents per gallon; or by the barrel at 7 cents jn?r gallon. Weston Brickyard m TAR TAR Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader oflice Sixty (minimum) $0 75 One hundred.. : 1 00. Two hundred 1 50 Each additional hundred , 0 30 trKtlo mnrkftl erfrtirltWoi stair;, ro IW. Hmh mumM, rtatcrsM or photo ami tW. wHfstlon for PRE! SAROH iu4 rport n rsantnWIJtjr. IWnk rWrtrv-, PATENTS UILO POMTUftfCS ' ftm. Our frvw boofcbrta Uilt how. wlMtt to invent tud mwm yon mm?. Writ) tori?. D. SWIFT & GO. PATENT LAWYERS, ' ri xus sevenin si- wain nnton. u. c. Vin.ii mi i mill 1 1 ii iiiriiiiiMWsMagBay Sunshine Lams P" SQOCandlePower f j Te Try to Veer Omm irtM Hi.,, iBtAfWtr. Qtrml tta M, Aortrlcilf or 1 ortl&mry VaraialkIMedr. OlvwtMtarltirMi auspaat on-leoth tfeffooa. for Horn, Stora. iUUa, ClweM. A aklld WTTlk Stta II own lltit fnns nMOMW sbastttov airs. COSTS 1 CEBT A KIS22T WiU sartor Itself ia ninety dar. Bast raadlna lamp ia th world I No wick, no shUnnev. no swntl trasM. BO dirt. Met! or. Bo mo. ft rant Isears, foe iiilJ Bv Marlon O'Harra Weston - 'Oregon BEE m I Investigate for yourself our claims as to the clean liness snd general excellence of the feed we are supplying- to so many vsl ued patrons. Do not even take their word for it, but buy a small quantity snd try It for your own satisfaction as well as the satisfaction of your stock We handle Steam Rolled Barley, Oats snd Wheat; also Flour, Millstuffs and Chicken Feed. . Phone No. 281. D. R. WOOD the Feed Man Dr. Farnsworth I DENTIST ae7 Phone or writs for , , , an appointment. Temple Building Pendleton Oregon Local Lodge Directory 8TKVKN8 LODOK NO. 49, K. OF P. Meeis every Wednesday evening. J. R. English, C. C. Clark Wood, K. of It. 8. weston tjortav. no. s, a. r. a. M. Meet every seouml and fourth Saturday In each month. Itlehartf Morrison, VV. M. L. H. Davie, Mee. WESTON LOnOK NO. M, I. O. O. F. Meets every Thursday ermine-. W. H. Oould. N. O, A. A. Kees. It.e. Keo.; K. O. DeMoss, Kin. Hee. WKHTON OAMH NO. 112, W. O. W. Meets the 0rt and thin! Hal.nnlave of each month, Monroe Turner, V, V. 3. 1. lieeler, Clerk. KOTIKKA ARHKMHLY NOi W. I7N- Ited Artisans. Meets the Hm. ami third Mondsya In eseh month. Net lie iviayiiee, M. A. Prances V. Wood- Heeretary. 8TKP1IANIK TKMPLK NO. W, PV. Milan 8lter. Meets tbe second srui fourt h Monilavs in eaeh snonih. inn O'Harra, Al. K. C. Lttella Pinlenon. M. of It. C. HIAWATHA KKBKKAH LOOGIi No. HH, Meet the second and fourth - Tuesdays of each month. Anna O' Harra, N. u. Odessa Klrkostrlek. iteo. Bee. Lottie Hraadt, Fin. rise. CKKHCKNT CHAPTKR V6. 17. O. K. H. Meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Marv K. Barnes, W. M. Alice F. Price, gee. Chas. H. Carter Dan P. Smiths- Carter & Smythc LAWYERS PENDLETON . ORISON