The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 26, 1915, Image 4

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    KOfS 2.C0 3 3.50 4.00 4.50 5 5.50 SHOES
W2MDTS 2.00 2.B0 3.00 3.50 & 4.00 SKDES
t:ry 1.75 2 2X03.00 MISSES '2.00 & "2.50,
t IX '-
TKi 4 I i
I. Itaaetaa earn bm ana4 ml the
a the lata aala, eaeefally
If yaw el Stall Ik I
W. L. lealae tartars I
at Breehle, Maee..
aa baa aaraf ally I
Ik aha ara I
IM bis rel
leelkere mi,
wwaM I a a mm
Maa4 ay Itaf aakl
aa SI MM, koM I
eaewr tae mm aauant eaafcere la thla eaaatry. ha alker a
at aeaal ax-toaa, aaa aaaarata with W. I. . lKmtae ehaae My la.
nmrkaaa.hiei aa ..lity. A ewealenaMa, aaaf welkin
man mmf ar mrniit
The 931 f. - aaS Ma aheae will Haa aa rm4 ear
ttMMrawimMMiai . ta .aa. . en
I rvasrlt m
1 N P r K
re that W. L.
a eeawaare farwrehlT will
athaa aaakaa aaatta a aa n ka-aa.
inaeearaaaaar aiiMi waaaa waar
kM taal Ik MB aa4 thay will tell
lealM has aaaael aa aseaHe far
ftfcfl UKa Wtt Vw eW-
KWM hf Ikay'll KAMA A U I Hit
tAasMflsMl taW IhtMHual raSslCeTW ItkM sM W fsMMtlO'- 1N Ml
M sssraiaMl t UkA RIM tJkskl fwsOnhSwl to fe hM M
tMMfc, 1 art) W M wag 4 wt fe
If yvv r Minn p)T WTtM fnr IUm
Ctfe Bfcowifqr U f-rU fey atil.
W. U lHvt. tafMtrfc fU. Hr-rlil. We...
aaahee ree Ifca arra. I
L. Oaatlat I
akaa ara I
la Ifta
i laraa m I
a tkaa I
9 -Wi
mi iliHa nh am
Mhniro lamataaaaiaaMUaaiaaWSdk.V.ACMaiMlaWaa)alaMWUk Mi
Wrtw k hi hawHwliPnal Ma CW . tkikaa wa. MOMBOB DBUC COMPANY. PaartMat Z. 0-aam Ulaaai
ADTKRTtSfcVHD wvrto la W aMtkliaik 11. Sa
H. aajuna tiaa. Onaa Amk. luxum. Ma,
i ami aiMra
v MtvartttiM. W rta aw
Maa, Bai aT. Uarkaua. tak
Daaa Raaawa. Praa. H. H. nma mit. .
TWaaaklT BKitara. Kl Raai a aaaton. M.
afrt TkiaaiiuauM. ir.iJ f. !
tiaaat. Wna fcr tawa. n A faa , Ntimm
riCHT ON Hir.H
m4hl kf rwrKalio
tnr a pir M rtMwi abra
1 caa at roar tra ailk
I ftrt ooality Wnwai ia a
aaU !lal fnaaa a tow a B.k? t"ka. W. Gond
aaa. Iu Momm 8U. Partland. Or. Ulaim ll
aa ar awii. W rita for aarucalari.
XT Vaaekaa Ha) Irada Waaka. 8cate. lid
f Sparta! tr. wa Fr&
tVnne lit and kv roar mmih timmmM.
IlialHlh '- PB.A.W.KEENK.
llH iaJilaraa St.. Prlla4.
nUUUa.ll Ul nidi w A Kc Stami.
EobUrStaOTtfor rrait Baxaa. Madaea akora-
Wrtta. Vm n A KM Mb,
Nothing to 8 Thankful For.
Tboae fsrored few who, by their
rank or their riches, are exempted
from all exertion, have no reason to
bo thankful for the privilege. It vaa
the observation of this necessity that
led the ancients to sar that the cods
old ns everything bat cave as notl
lnj. Charles Col ton.
Yea, Indeed! Whyf
She "Oh, I'm sorry I cant marry
yon! I had no idea you wanted me
to!" He "Say, what do you suppose
been letting your father beat ma
At golf ail the time forr
lion than 30 year ago Sailer's Catalog
boomed A Italia, years before other aeeda
men thought of its value. Today Salzer
excels! ills Alialta strains include Unmra,
(Montana Ldseom, Airr. Uoilege inspected).
SaWs DakoU Begistered So. U1
hardy ss oak.
For lOo In Postage
W fladly nun oor Catalog
. and ssnple packme of Ten Fa
' tnons Farm Seeds, including
Spelts, "The Cereal Wonder;"
Rejuvenated White Bonanra
Oats, "The Prise Winner;" Bil
lion Dollar Onus; Teoainta,
the Silo Filler, Alfalfa, et,
etc :
Or Send 12o
' And we will nutu you oor
tng Ustalog sod fix generous
paexsges oi luuiy uooage,
Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, -y"r
Kadish, Onion furniacmi lots
snd lots of juicy delicious
Vegetables during the early J-.; I,
Uiiug uii oiimnrr.
Or send to John A. Salzer
Seed Co., Box 720,
CroaMi Wis., twenty cents
and receive both above eol las-
sod their big catalog.
Te Reduce Weight.
If yon are too stout don't take fat
reducing medicines. Cut down on
your diet, get out-of-door exercise
and you will assume normal lines
and reduce to normal weight Avoid
sweets, eggs, cream, fat meata and
especially potatoes Live mainly on
lettuce, spinach, cabbage, lean meats,
young onions, celery, tomatoes, etc.
Take salted toast Instead of bread
and butter. It yon cease to give
your body fat-making foods yon will
cease creating fat cells. It Is no trick
to reduce If von practice seir-denlal
Voltaire, In hla "Philosophical Dic
tionary," any a: "The more married
men you have the fewer crime there
will be. Examine the frightful col
umns of your criminal calendar; you
will find there a hundred youths exe
cuted to one father of a family. Mar
riage rentera men more virtuous and
nor wise The father of a family Is
not willing to blush for his children;
he is -fralu to make shame their in
heritance. '
. k. I irotn oinsr points inrougnoui u
Afraid of Kidney Trouble myUr,o,M,y hldJ,n bhnth
1 ' . curtain of falling snow, music
The Remedy.
In 1901 I was taken very atck with
kidney trouble and being afraid. I went
to a prominent physician at Liberty
till. Iowa. After doctoring for some
time without cure or relief I began the
use of Swamp-Knot and found imme
diate relief. Aftr using several bot
tles which I bought of Jericho's Drug
Store of Fairfield, Iowa. I became a
well man and ran honestly say that 1
hare never had any signs or a return
of any Kidney trouble. I ara so grate
ful toward your medicine that I never
Patrogrsd, via Londua The garrl
son of IMssysl, which capitulated to
the Russian army Tuesday, surrend
ered without a light.
The hoisting of the white flag over
this fortress, which wasfsald to be on
the point of surrender on a number of
occasion, caused little surprise, as It
was garters!!; known that It was In
terribly weakened condition, without
food or ammunition, and Its endurance
was only a question of days.
War office advices report that nine
Austrian generals wet taken, more
than 800 officer and 60,000 men.
The Russian general commanding
the Investing army has been decorated
with St. George s cross.
A heavy snow storm failed to check
the enthuslaatie demonstrations la
which the civil and military population
united when the fall of lrsemysl was
announced. The crowds, floundering
In deep drifts which tied up street
traffic, cheered the officer and soldiers
who remained to participate In the
From the Kasan Cathedral, the
strains of the national anthem swelled
la volume as the crowd gathered, and
from other points throughout the elty
forth and added to the general spirit
of enthusiasm.
The moral effect of the victory on
Russia, it Is expected, will be greet.
awakening hopes thst this will be the
turning point In the Gsliclan and Car
pathian campaign.
The ending of the long siege It con
sidered her of great Importance. It
give Russia control of virtually all of
Eastern Galicla and releasee for
lew elsewhere the Russian army which
has been besieging the city,
I know who is suffering with Kidney AVUanCh9 UUTiet tUty
To Clean Watch Chain.
Gold or silver watch chains can be
cleaned with a very excellent result,
no matter whether they be mat or
polished, by laying them for a few sec
onds In pure aqua ammonia. They
should then be rinsed In alcohol, and
finally shaken In clean sawdust, free
from sand. Imitation gold and plated
chains should be cleaned In benxine.
then rinsed In alcohol, and afterward
shaken In dry sawdust
Worth Whlls Quotation.
"Anyone can carry his burden, how
ever heavy, till nlghtralL Anyone can
do his work, however hard, for one
day. Anyone can live sweetly patient
ly, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes
down. And this is all that life ever
really means." Selected.
Hydrophobia Almost Abolished.
Pasteur's discovery of the treat
ment for hydrophobia was due to ex
periments on animals. Before this the
death rate was from S to 14 per cent
In different parts of the world. It is
now less than one per cent.
Miner, Wict and Babtt
Britannia Beach, B. C Fifty sleep
ing miner were killed and SO injured
when a landslide of snow and earth
broke away from the upper working
of the mines her Sunday night and
swept through the settlement, engulf
ing every building in its path.
Eighteen of the dead have been re
covered. Rescue partis worked all
day in the debria, while doctor and
nurse who arrived In a special steam
er from Vancouver eared for the Injured.
Of the dead several are women and
Prove What Swamo-Root Wil Do for Yew children living in homes In the path of
Tour very truly.
Fairfield. Iowa
State of Iowa
Jefferson County
Subscribed snd sworn to before me
by the said Mace Cllnkenbeard and
the signature acknowledged to be gen
ulne by him thla 12th day of July,
Notary Publlo.
In and for said County and State.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer Co
Binatvamton, N.T.
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y, for a aample slxe
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable
information, telling about the kidneys
and bladder. When writing, be sure
and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent
and one-dollar alxe bottle for
sale at all drug stores.
losses Sumy mvDiTti
to CMMfH Sttrtke MM. Urn-
rtml tina. nlubu: Mnd to
attor mill il fall.
Writ for koUa and
I0-M atoa. Blattl PllU II.
M'M aw. StaMta rim .
t-M an. IntMnr hut frttir, toil
The aapailmllf af Cttttar frodarts to Am la otrr S,
fnrs at aparutlxlne In vafrlM aal ma II.
iMlat Cattar'a If vnf4laaM. eWr dim.
T'iC CUTTES LAS0SAT0SY. Sartatan, Calllarala
Too Tender-Hearted.
"Some men," said Uncle Eben, "Is
so tender-hearted dat dey is almost
wlllin' to make trouble fob. a friend.
Jes' to show how kind an' sympathlz
la' dey kin be.1
Daily Thought.
The mind that Is cheerful in its
present state will be adverse to alt
solicitudes to the future, and will
meet the bitter occurrences of life
with a placid smile. Horace.
Imaginary Ilia
Sorrow Itself is not so hard to bear
i the thought of sorrow coming.
Airy ghosts that work no barm do
terrify us more than men in steel
with bloody purposes. Aldrlcb,
the avalanche. The greatest number
of deaths occurred in the bunkhouse
and cookhouse, which were caught in
the slide, carried a distance down the
mountain and Anally buried under the
debris. The mine offices, store, rock
bouse and tramway terminal were also
When everyone was in bed there
was a report like a dynamite explosion.
In fact, the survivor declare they first
thought the magaain bad blown op,
and a mas of rock, snow and hug
trees swept down from near th sum
mit of th mountain, upon a ledge half
way down, and carried off from this
bunkhouse, cookhouse and on or two
of th house occupied by th wives
Th Rational Dank' New
Measure Will Help Duein
Man In Many Wayi.
Ilettar eradlla, rat liar (haa aa aatehatuk
ml emllt. Is Ik aiurh-10-tie-aeetre.t ellevt
whtr the rWrraJ rvavrvs srt wttl hava
aa bwaltteee. The aaw rational ba oil!
asarelae a uaaful funellxa In aaantmt
meiukar banks ttt Itniirvrs the vkararler
ml thlr loan.
Th ntuel ueatul fun.'lloa la mailer
pertalnln haallh la Ike alfaatlv sys
tem, for II la from Ihla euurv w rat-alv
eur dally kale In renewing Ike Waal sor
tluna or lh Ixxlr. kMig th bliaxl pur
snd wll stinlll with red rorvua. iaa.
and Ike general roadlllua us t Nature's
Therefore, wt.h the dlseila anal al
lh Hrat sisn of waaknaaa ar dialraaa aa
Ikal Immfttlate aaalalanre la alvan. Thla
n be m.l.ntl auinm ay me aaa w
lalrllr'a rllonia. h filllem.
II haa a wall known riutalloa aa a
tonle ami arpllirr and ran thue b ra
tad Phrileal tifn.
Th sudden cessallon of pain Is
ftsa as bad a sign as Its beginning.
a ppeadlcllls or some other arul
stsmiaslloa of th right side of the
ibdomea suddea resaatlun of pain
nay be of the gravest Import, par-
Icularly If not associated with a cor
ponding drop In ths tamperalur
r puis rata under such circum
Uuoee It Is aa uufalllng Indsi of
langrens or ruptur of the appendix
r of a breaking do a of the barrier
letweea aa abscess and the general
lerltooeal cavity.
lied Uln to halu you iraoln your at)
enure oisaaiiva
uroniolloa and
tlta. aaalal lh
ami klo Nalur in the
t ni.ii.ti.'. ,ii haallh.
Make lltialallar a rnnntarn intiara rnur
rtral rh.Xi-a In anr aiiniain a na nmni-
a.h. I.lvr or lUiwala. To will find it
mmil worth v of your roullilauce. Inalal
an aatui th guuin.
iKOHr-KI'ltat. tfAw .. mm Mi Hi Is.gda I
Jssailrftsl tVASasw wet ear lKa sreaawlsai aaasl 4 I ra)
awrwew-a taai sskil sj mimmm mmm lw r
IfsJ m tatanM UI fesj ae-a.iaaiteai r rriiis I f pa "
1 wpb fe lWasaa . eaj A imssa,
,a.l,rWV.lMl I l,siJisW
tt syl laaa saaWx. g
TtT mTi i i tom. mm-rmf I
-x fcwl aIC.II M. ssaWlT1 I ft Lsv" " J
Trick Cuekos snd Cewblrd.
The Kngllsh cuckoo, like the A mart
en cow bird, leave Us single egg In
he nssla ol birds much smaller than
tsslf, llks Ihe hedge sparrow, ths pled
tagtall and the meadow pipit. When
a young cuckoo a veritable giant
a comparison with Us nestmstes Is
i few dsys old It pushes Its contpan
mis out of the asst. and then becomes
h sole object of lh rare of Its liny
ostar parents.
Maaa ktaalihe. Bleaaa. Keaallral Kie
Oaaltala aa fkyaivtaaa aaa4 Slattaa aye
iaa aaaai reere halara II aaa aar aa a
kjaaaaila Aye MIMia. Hurtae la aim voai
aaadaS k Oar payaialaaa a4 afaald
IkM aa a Maliakia Kailai rot araa laai naaa
ara. T II la foar a aa la Uafcy a Byaa-
laaaMrUat-Juel KyaUaaiKw. Muy atarlaa
I year braselal awl aa akaiimw, a II
MMt4 ante li-ak of Ihe t.a rraa.
ivsums) ana aaaikur vu-, ciiiiauo
Hanhoajura aai lae KOW-Kl'tC
rarUaaS, Oraraa.
Epitaph Misinterpreted,
A neighbor's little daughter, afer
looking for some time at Shakes
peare's epitaph, which hung over th
professor's fireplace, ran home, "Ob,
mamma!" shs said, "the Ii s have
th strangest sign In their living
room. It says, 'For God's sake dont
disturb m dust' "Boston Trana
emthln ef "Slam."
Mandy "What fob. yo' bu gln' to
le poit office so reg'lar? Are you cor
ponding wlf some other female V
Raalus "Nope, but sine Ah been
avatlln' In de papers 'bout deae 'con
iclence funds.' Ah kind of thought Ah
night posattily git a lei lab. from dat
nlnlstah what married us. Topeka
Whsl Msds ths Diffsrsnce.
Husband "lis resaonable, dear I AV
xander the Great drank more than 1
tot So did Peter the Great. Adolphua
:be Great, the great lllimarck. and"
Wife "Ob. Indeed! And were Ihey
buyers for Golttbiirg A Vladimer al
flirty a week V Town Topi'
ly No Mesne.
Th wlf generally knows when th
I old man needs a haircut, but thst Is no
ilgn that she should be intrusted with
lh job.
Unlverssl Desire.
All men desire to be Imraorta!.-
Theodor Parker.
Phee n I s t
rlaaa front tlx
a Shi- Hi
fir thmiaaMla
men have
at a r k I n a ila
tii tit riulliluB Hi
A lean laelorle.
Tl.r sia ma kins
talk I n nalliir
and raeords aaain.
Tbta Thumae
A ITillBtkM'a n,at ra-
iarkln ha liaattl Ihla laial liialru
nint, Ilia! k had eenl four rear M
Diamond Point
Have No Equal
This one tent
on Free Trial
MiiKKI, Al. Illtl
lraia.1 h f e. In
it-a ur ntit.tiiaMy.
ilh It aa. CClfl
laf-llon ...
Term II IS wB,
Writ for Catalogs
They Art Fret
A dlstlngulihed theologian wss In
vited to give an address before a
Hunday school. The dlvln-i siwks for
over an hour, and lit ramsrks war
too deep to romprvbetid. At lb con
clusion the suiwrtntendrnt, according
lo custom, requested some one In lh
school to mine an appropriate hymn
to be sung. "Hlug 'Revive I's Again,' "
bouted a boy la the rear of ths room.
for Better er Worse.
'Why did you send your sneeihcarl
lo the wilds of Africa lo hunt dia
monds?" "Two resaons be might
rume back with a fortune or he might
not com back at all." Philadelphia
Publlo Ledger,
Aro You Suffering FromO
A llAailrifnVinfl'inti Th dictionary
nil iv iiiiUAiuu ,
Te Brear. la Hew Saaaa.
Alwan tkakala Allan rnrii aaaa. a newder.
rurva boi, awtiaiiDi, arniiia, aaoilao ll.
m rorn. ineroalii naila and bunion. At
I dnifgtt and hoa ir, it. tunlaoepi
T.ui-unii. MiDiieniaiieirHKa. Aauraal
ua b. JlmiUKI. u Hor.N. X.
fTTLTDlT1bl?AS fi)le of th employe. Th
t.t!17.!:.. entire mas of debris then shot down-
9.r40 offerM fop rtnin
vnlloaib Itw-k llow toUtrtnln
a Vntnt and "W hml to Inttni
wot lrr. Send ivmcb cAairh f'r frr
rrpnrt m to itenubttir. Itvnl fta
wvnitwsi fur waie at oor upcisw la Mevo-
Vturtrtrvrm Jrnimm'.
Nsver Neglect a Cold.
Every cold, especially In a young
child, should be considered serious.
The possibility and the frequent oc
currence of complications such as mid
dle ear Inflammation, inflammation in
one of the accessory sinuses of the
nose, broncho pneumonia or lobar
pneumonia must always be a subject
for consideration and prevention if
Pink Eye, Epizootic
Shipping Fever,
snd Catarrhal Fever
Sure cur and positive preventive, no matter how horses
at any age are Inflicted or "expoeed." Liquid, given on the
tongue: acts on the blood and gland: expels the poisonous
germs from the body. Cures Distemper in Dori and Sheep
and Cholera In Poultry. Largest selling live stock remedy.
Cures La Grippe among human beinKS, and is a fine Kidney
remedy. 50c and II a bottle; 5 and iiv a dozen, cut mis
out Keep It Bhow to your druggist who will get It for
1.- ... unat.mtu. Coitu. mnA " Rnitilat
agents wanted.
SSarSoSlte Gothen, IncL, U. S. A.
Gois Right Twist
On Rheumatism
Cskes Sbri Dork cf Cleaning Cat Year Eniiri
Sjsfeta Acks and Paist 6s Fast.
Ia S. S. S. Ton Get a Twist on Rheumatism that Settles It
Many a rheumatic sufferer has been to
the drua store for a bottle of 8. B. H. ana
been banded something claimed to be
"Just as good." Truly, to ask for bread
and be given a stone Is still In practice.
' If yon ar troubled with rheumatism In
anr form be eur to use ft. B. 8. and not
Its wonderful Influence.
8. 8. 8. has th peculiar action of soak
ing through tha lnteatines directly Into
bbs blood. In five minutes Its influence is
at work In every artery, vein and tiny
eapillary. Cvery membrane, every organ
of the body, every emunctory becomes In
effect a filter to strain ths blood of Im
purities. The stimulating properties of 8.
8. 8. compel the skin, liver, bowels, kid
Beys, bladder to all work to ths una end
of casting out every irritating, every pain.
toiiiieting atom or poison; It dislodges by
Irrlswtiuo all accumulations in tfao joints,
pinari add acereUocs to dUoivs. readers
them neutral and scatters those peculiar
formations In the nerve centers that
cause such mystifying and often baffling
rheums tip pains.
And best of all this remarkable remedy
Is welcome to the weakest stomach. If
you have drugged yourself until your
stomach Is nearly paralyxed, you will be
astonished to find that 8. 8. 8. gives no
sensation but goes right to work. This Is
because It Is a pur vegetable Infusion, Is
taken naturally into your blood just aa
pure air Is Inhaled naturally into your
Get a bottle of 8. S. a today, and ask
for 8. 8. 8.
Ton may depend upon It that tha store
that sells you what you ask for Is a good
olaoe to trade. Write to ths Swift
Kneel nc Co.. IU Bwlft Bldg.. Atlanta, G
tor their Book on Rheumatism.
Same Thing.
Doctor "You must go away for a
long rest" Overworked Merchant
"But, doctor I'm too busy to get
away." Doctor "Well, then, you must
stop advertising."
How Perfectly Horrid 1
When a lady Insists on keeping on
ber hat in a theater, doesn't she af
ford ground for the suspicion that she
hasn't got pretty hair? Charleston
News and Courier.
Many a man who sighs to be an In
dependent farmer kicks like anything
when he happens to wake up some
morning in time to hear the milkman.
Dally Thought.
Politeness appears to have been in
vented to enable people who would
naturally fall out, to live together lo
The Flatterer.
A woman may call a man who pays
her compliments a flatterer, but she
likes to believe him, just the same.-
Albany Journal.
Paraguay's Forest Wealth.
Paraguay has valuable forest r
sources, the most Important of which
Is quebracho, particularly rich lv
ward and expended It fore half
mil farther down near th Britannia
creek, where som of th min work'
ings are situated.
On man was buried in th snow for
several hours, only his hand appearing
above th surface. He was rescued
unhurt, although nearly froten.
American capital it largely interest
ed in th Britannia mines, which pro
duce copper and silver in extensive
Whole Serbian Populace
Seriously Plague Infected
London "Just a it took fir to stop
th great plague In London, so fires
are needed to clear Serbia of typhus.
Infected bouse and the clothing of the
people must be burned, as the disease
is carried by vermin, which Is omni
present," said Sir Thomas Lipton in a
statement to the Associated Press, in
which be recounted the appalling con
ditions in Serbia, where he spent
considerable time in personal Invest!
"I met on the country roads the
sick, too weak to crawl to a hospital
Bullock carta were gathering tbem op.
Often a woman and children were lead
ing bullocks, the husband and father in
the cart raving with fever. Scarcely
enough people remain nnstricken to
dig graves for the dead, which lie ex
posed in the cemeteries.
60-Day Term Yean Late,
Chicago Edward Card, an ex-detec
tive, fought four years and lost 19
court decision trying to avert a 60'
day jail sentence for contempt of
court. ' Tuesday he voluntarily began
serving the sentence, which had been
affirmed by the Supreme court of the
United States.
Card got into trouble by arrest
ing a man who bad just been freed
on a writ of habeas corpus.
The judge who freed the man con
sidered th detective action an
Thoroughly Humsn.
Everybody looks at the first name
on a subscription list before signing
It Don't know whether it's a human
trait or an idiosyncrasy.
Dally Thought.
Ood is better served in resisting
temptation to evil than In many formal
prayers. William Penn.
The same soothing, healing, anti
septic properties that make resinol
ointment a standard prescription for
skin eruptions, also make it the ideal
household remedy for burns, scalds.
cuts, wounds, sores, chafings, pimples.
blackheads. Irritations, and a score of
other troubles which constantly arise
in every home, especially where there
are children. That is why resinol oint
ment should be on your medicine
shelf, ready for instant use. Sold by
all druggists. Adv.
"Man" U Girl in Death.
Springfield. Mass. The death of
Miss Florentine Albertlne Besudoln,
whose body was found in WiHiman-
sett Saturday night, revealed that shs
lived disguised as a man for four years.
She resided with her sister, Mrs. Mary
Lacbapelle, and ss "Albert Beaudoln '
worked in the paper mills of Holyoke.
The only motive suggested for her
long masquerade Is that the could earn
more as a man for th support of her
self and ber sister, who is a widow.
Her death was found to b due to
heart trouble.
Railroad Bead Sentenced.
Jerseyville, 111. . Edgar M. Davit,
president of the Alton, Jacksonvilla A
Peoria Electric railroad, was sentenced
Tuesday to tn indeterminate term of
on to 1 year in th Illinois state
prison at Chester.
He hsd been convicted of appropri
ating (49,000 from tha property of bis
mother-in-law, for whom he was
Csmps New and Old.
At an suction sale In New York city
recently an oriental rug told for I2,
700: It wat bought for a "private
camp." Shades of Kit Carson, Davy
Crockett and other pioneers In camp
life will please take notice and reflect
on the chang In standards since
"roughing It" first became popular.
Lively Town.
First Roomer "You fellows have no
glt-up about you at all. Why don't
you have photographs of your town
taken, like we did? Are you ashamed
of It?" Rival noomer "Naw, that
ain't the reason at all. I want you to
understand, young fellah, that our
town don't stsnd still long enough to
be photographed." Terre Haute Ex
Constipation causes and seriously ag
gravates many dtneaae. it is tnor-
ouehly cured by Dr. I'icrce't Pellet.
Tiny sugar-coated granules.
More Ssvsrs Punlshmsnt
Lawyer (to fair client) "Don't you
think this cash offer of $20,000 from
the defendant Is a fair compromise I
for your wounded heart? Isn't pry
ing thst old tightwad from his twenty
thousand shiny ducatt punishment!
enough for his breach of promise?
Client "No. lndoed! I want him to
marry me!" Judge. ,
ftayt Hut Aulty
Intoxication It
"poisoning, or
th stst of being polvxiej. from toxic, suhatAncrt produced wllliln I tie
body." This Is a condition lu to in si urn, n, rxwvis, hiunrvt, nwr, or
pores of th body foiling to Ihivw off th pulton. More than 50 tit adults
are suffering; from this trouble. This Is probably why you are suffering limn
nervousness, headache, loss of sprwtila. lack of aniHtlon. and many other
symptoms produced by Auto-Intoxication. Your whole lyalem need ailrrlntf up.
t A rAs( me ilsjwssf Fsa-anJ
will remedy Ihe trouble. It first aids lh tyitrm to
- expel accumulated poiaont. It acts as a tonic and Anally
enable Ihe body to eliminate Its own poison without
any outside aid. Obey Nature's warning. Your dealer
at sNKtkin will supply mm, or me mar emd Me h s umple
sdusw ol tablets by nail. Addjat U.VJLlletva. UuftaJe.N.r'.
T Mast Stti f tw.
r .- , c-M-wa f
At-tM ,1 i-i 4
a- m , l-miiy, K
tiiinii -hi rt wmm
L. ,iMri It I 11 will
k. i ii. t ,m It r-a
.u ,. M-f .1 vfe-
mh.i l' .al.
rian, ia. N. I.
Bsrves Him Right.
Th difference between a crank and
a gentleman la that the lattnr always
tgreet with you, while the crank nev
er agrees with anyone not even him
self. Schenectady I'nlon fiiur.
Unclt then.
"When a man Is his own worst en
emy," ssld fuels Kben, "It's generally
bocsuse be ain't got energy enough
to pick out an enemy dat 'ud be bard
to llt k."
Dally Thought
Silence Is the ambrosial night in th
Intercourse of friends, In which their
sincerity Is recruited and takes deep
er root The language of friends
It not words, but meanings. It Is
Intelligence tbove language. Thoreaa
Optlmlstlo Thought
We mount on the ruins of cherished
schemes to find our ftllures sue-1
Optlmlstlo Thought
If we have the resolution to bold
fast In our hour of trial, from this very
firmness serenity ret urn a
Are Yea Givisg
Year Body
A Square Csil
fTIie His of Life"
Tail (re booklet i a pleas Hilewunt i
plain people a lo their nperiesce with
Peruaa. They have tned Perns. They
know what they are talking about. Father,
Mother. Suten. Brother!. Crudiatixn
aad pudchildres. They all
Isatrucav reading. Scad for ana,
Perun s standard houiehold remedy
(or cough, cold and catarrh. It i alas a
light laxative. An admirable leaMdy far
aid and young. It n s great uvwg a dec
tor' bilk lo bars Peruaa is lbs nouet. It
i alas conrenient
If year druggie! doe sot happen Is Kara
Parana ia Mock order it direct (real vs.
$1.00 a battle. $5.00 lot six. We pay
wwnwoitaoeacluvie. Peruaa win a ewa
wsy. Oee bonis will cosviac ye.
P. N. U.
No. is, Itia
TYEtN wrklac a i
" tJea tai aaaer.
sdrarUaars, plans I
Those of Middle Age Especially.
When you have found no remedy for the horrors that
oppress you during change of life, when through the long
hours ot the day it seems as though your back would break,
when vour head aches constantly, vou are nervous, de
pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains,
don't forget that Lydia E. Pi nkham's Vegetable Compound
is the safest and surest remedy, and has earned hundreds
of women safely through this critical period.
Read what these three women say:
From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y.
Bcttalo. N. Y. "I am wrltlnar to let you know how much your
mertiuine hag done for we. I fuilod terribly during the liwt wfnUr
and Btiramor and every one remarked about my apiiearuneo. I suf
fered from a femalo trouble and always hod paiua in my bock, no
appetite and at times was very weak.
"I was vlHitingat a friend's houso one day and ho thoucht I needed
Lvdia E. l'inkham's Veiretablo Compound. I took it and have gained
eight pounda, have a good appetite and am feeling better every day.
Everybody in aHKing mo wnat 1 am aoiug anu 1 recommend jcna i
I'inkham'H Vegetable ComnouncL You mav nublixh thifl letter it von
wish and I hope others who have the same complaint will tee it and
get health from your medicine as I did." Airs. A. IIounvso, 1
Stanton SL, Buffalo, N. Y.
Made Me Well and Strong.
MArnenow. N.Y. I was all run down and very thin in floah. ner
vous, no appotito, could not aleep and was weak, and folt badly all
the time. The doctors said I bad poor blood and what I had was
turning to water. I took different medicines which did not help me.
but Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetablo Compound made inn welf ana
trong, and I am recommending it to my friends." Mrs, Fukb
Coaok, It No. 2, Maoedon, K.Y.
The Change of Life.
Beltbvtllk. Ma 'JJy the tiso of Lydia & rinkham's Vegotabla
Compound I have successfully passed through a most trying time.
the Change of Life. I suffered with a woaknesfl, and had to stay in
bed three days at a time. Lydia K. llnkham's Vegetable Compound
restored mo to perfect healtli, and I am praising it for the benellt of
other women who suffer as I did."--Mrs. V. 8. Luvaix, liouto No. 1,
Iieltovillo, Md.
For 80 rears Irdla E. Plnliham't Testable i
jompouna nat been tno tianuuru remeoy lor lo
rn ale Hit. Mo one tick with woman's ailments
does justice to herself If the does not try this fa
mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it
baa restored to many suffering woinentohealth.
LT 0.r'l DtMIAL) LS, MASS., for advice,
Am letter will bo orMMiivL rt'ttl anil answered i
by woman and held ia strict confidence. tssT ru.