HEW HOTEL HOUSTON Dm H. ft. "i,wltMr tan, Ml Kmm af ajmtort. t pat. Write tar ral S S. rtWIUna, . liOSTLAND BARBER COLLECT I tarf Km Trad Weak. Swata, JLi . i a, ranlaaa. gnw, SAVE TOUR TEETH i (a I Paiim In eed aware ar"""- I aa, tt aarr latt RUBBER 8T1!PSSZS: kubtar8tuM fwIVaN Bovh. stadee that- Writ vwn mar a mi .1 I mm aua, rmxLtm, mmm "S.eoe ferad far eartala mlloaa. "Mew eaObwl hi In end mrt ete-e lor free rwr m w. p.iiui.uitT. r;; tula. I034r.."l"" i TYPHOID BS f . Ml -"" XK-0 a. mmu4 mow r r rni. ro. mm fawfawiir. hw we ai a r- Teiea. r fa k4 rr,t.ta" muhc ef Traa.l Jkh . IMC OITrtt LMOMTMV. KMELCV. CM. ateel v. Iran. ' For worn purpose iron to to U "rferrd to suet and vie vara. To , easily distinguish one from the other, ,raake a bright spot on the metal with a file or eand paper and apply a single arop of nitric acid. Allow it to r V main tor on or two minute and wash ar wipe off. II the apot hu a pale t ashy appearance It la wrought Iron; If It la a brownish black. It ta aUel; 1 tt ft deep black. It la eaat Iron. Fully Prepared. " "How la this. Herr Zwelsokef Toa bava tot your room toll of oleandera and other tropical planta, and a tele phone, I see." "Ton see I hire been asked to compose a poem oa spring, that la why I hare had a telephone laid on the pablle park to enable me to listen to the aiming of the bird." Der Flon..,- ? ,. , . , Benefit In Comradeship. . Half the difficulty of Bchtlog any aa vere battle or accomplishing any hard task raaishes when a man feels that be baa comrades at his aide lighting In the same cause, so that the eyea of those ke loves are upon him. and their feearta praying for his rictory. C J. Perry. . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first pot up 40 years ago. " They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver ana bow els. Sugar-coated tiny granule. - Above Them All. -Homan "One of the waiters at this place waa formerly a duke, one of the chefa waa a count and the bellhop waa a prince." Ryontoo "I suppose the manager waa formerly a king or mperorr Homaa "No; he waa a milk wagon driver." New York San. A Slight Dlfternce. First Father "WhatT Tonr son la an undertaker? Why, I thought you - said he was a doctor." Second Pater- " nal Relative "No; I said that be fol - "lowed'tha medical profession." Har vard Lampoon. Early Slave-Holdlna State. - -. Maryland waa an early alavfrsold- i inr colony, for In 164J Governor Cal- ' vert bargained with a certain ship ': master for the delivery of 11 African ; "alavea." t''- ' '; Important Accessory, Anyhow. The automobile people to the con- ' trary notwithstanding, the best spark 1 lng device continues to bo a sot, with the lights turned low. Judge. Odd. It la odd that the man who apeak without thinking la the one most apf to aay what he thinks Knockers Sometime it's an opportunity that nocks. Oftener It's only a man. f.Isst Skia TitsIa , Hesily Overcenje The ActiVe Principle of a Famous Remedy Works " ' . Wonders. Vaay popl har surrcM the wti 8. S. OTweoma Un trooblea. Tb z plaaatloa to tk tact that 8. 8. . work la tbt blood and tha blood 1 roallj a aioil tntrlcata sad cztrsordlnary suss at srtcrlca sad vela. Whn yoa com to realm that ta kls sad U sash kBatli ar eonposcd of s aatwork 9i ttay blood voaels yea solve tat aijratery. - Tbtr are wonderful meitdoal propcrttai la & & B. that follow th coon t th blood stream Just a naturally a tb awst aoorlshlnc lood alemanta. It I really s remarkable reoedr. It eoatalo on IngTWHent, tb aetleo purpoof at which is to Umulat tb tiaauea to the healthy eleetfoa ot Its owa oaaeotlal sotrl awnt. Aad th medicinal alementa ot thla Batchlaa blood purifier ar J cut a aeaea nal to well-balanced health ae tb aatrl Uou elenenta of the meat. graJa, fat and eura-a of our dally food. Not oa drop of mineral or drugs Is need hi It preparation. Aik for 8. 8. B. sad luit laelit upon bavins It And If joa de li r aklllful adrle and connect opoa anr matter concern lef th blood and ekln, writ to th Medical Department. Tb Swift Sped CV, 62 Swift Bldr.. Atlanta, Oa. IX a at allow come sealoae cierk'l elo- foeeee ovw omtblna "Joat as rood" a; 8 B. t fool you with th old mineral dmf. Beware of alt subMltatea lunl apoa o. B. A. T. tt, V. No. 11. WIS ! tr-HW WfWa, t e no. fw anun ACID STOMACHS. CASKS OH INDIGESTION Cash "'ape's Dlapepeln" Digests 000 grains food, ending an etomaen mleery In five mlnutea. Time It In five minute all atom aca distress will go. No Indignation. henrtburn, iminii or blphlng of l, acid, or rectationa of aiuiisvatwl '""J no dlulneea. bloaUag. foul breath or headache. . Pa no a DlaMDsIa Is noted for Its speed la regulating upset stomachs, it i iha auroaL autckeet stomach rem edy In the whole world and beeldea It le harmless, rut an ena w trouble forever by getting a large nfiMBt raaa of Pane a ptapepsia from any drug store. Toa realise in rive mlnutea bow needlesa It to to Buf fer from IndliresUon. dyspepsia or aay atomach disorder. Itw the aulcaeat. surest and most barmleaa stomaca doctor la the world. i f ,- Te Remove let ' Eouat narta of ammonia and turpen tine will take paint out of clothing, no matter how hard or dry It la. Satur ate apota two or threo times, men wash In warm soapsuds. ASHAMED OF HER ; BADCOMPLEXION Wan a nice, and otherwise attrao- tire, girl la a social failure because ot her poor completion. If you, too, are embarrassed by a pimply, blotchy, un sightly akin, resinol will probably clear it Just try resinol soap and resinol ointment regularly for a week and seo It they do not mske a blessed difference la your akin. Sold by all druggists. Prescribed by doctors tor 20 years for moat akin troubles. Adv. His Preference. The women rd rather llvo on bread and water than on charity. The tramp Tea, mum: mere a no accountln' fer taate. Fhiiadeipnia Ledger. Its Class. "How would you classify this sys tematized church-choir workf -Why not rank it witn organises, la bor T" Baltimore American. Plneflah Haa "Pockst" The pipefish, aa It to called, from the length of Its jsws, haa a pocket on the under aide ot its body nearly half Its length. It la found In the mala speelea only, and to tha only part ot Its body which Is unprotected by large Sat plates, which take tha place of aealea In its protective armor. In thla pocket the young Oah are carried very similar to the way tha kangaroo car lie Its young. Damaged Goods. Kate So Alice broke her engage ment with Jack because the doctor aaid he had a tobacco heart. Marie Yea. and I dont blame her. What girl wants a husband that dam aged by smoke? Boston Transcript fiUMilHrlilKM Clinton Place, Kansas t ito. writes: "I cannot thank yon enough for being cured. For eeven. long year 1 doctored steadily for my catarrh and cough, which cost ma hundreds of dol lars. But my catarrh grew worse all the time. . Even though I was under the treatment of aoroe of the most famous doctors. I still had a terrible cough and tnougnt sometimes that I would choke. I could get no air. I then bought a bottle of Peruna. and that evening and all night my wife gave It to me according to the directions, and I felt bet ter the f olio win r day already. Three days later I felt much Im proved, and today, after the use of tha fourth bottle. I feel en tirely cured. I can consden Uoualy reeommend this grand medicine to every citizen." A Good Cough Tablet. There are people who object to taking fluid medicines. For such people the Peruna Tablets are especially valuable. They are convenient to carry to tha pocket. ' . . Taking No Chances. At a Scotch watering place one sum mer, Macpherson waa found stretched In a contented mood on tha sands, puffing his old pipe. "Come on, Mac" said his companion, who had just come from town, "let's go for a sail." "Ka, na," replied Macpherson, slowly shak ing his head, 1 haa had a guid din ner at tha cost 'o three and saxpence, an' I'm takln' no rinks." . Lesson From tha Lily. How easily wa lose poise, swept by the current of life! Our root to not deep enough. Consider tha illy rest ing on the face of tha waters, Its roots far below. How serene It rides tha ripples, and how confident It haa sought tha light, that Its life may ex pand therein above the turbulence of tha waves! Trinities and 8anctlUes. Duty Ever Present, A sense of duty pursues us aver. It to omnipresent, like the Deity. If wa take to ourselves the wings of tha morning and dwell In the uttermost parts ot the sea, duty performed or duty violated to still with ua, for our happiness or our misery. Daniel Web ster. ' - ' '" ' . ', Out for tha Dollars. "I hear Rev. Mr. Sharps Intends to resign from the ministry." "Ye. Ha says there to no money in marrying people, so he Intends to practice law and divorce them." 10 CENT ASCAn-trS' IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, ' 8lugglah Liver and Bowels They work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which causa your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery indi gestion, foul gasea, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that to horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. Tbey work while you sleep a 10-eent boi from your druggist will keep you feel ing good for months. NEW ARMOR PLATE Th Now Procatt, it is Claimed. Will Malta Largo Guns Useless. Anothar of th sarlaa of xnrtmaU to l.l.rmlna th rMlallna Power oj a i tain rlaaa of armor wa recently conduct ,ri with aitramelv aatlefaclorv rwaulta. Fortification built of thla metal might he mad Indeatrurtlbl and It would be uaeloaa ta bombard them. It I alao ueeleaa to try to mah a u In lit If handicapped by poor health. row lark th strong ta and lamia Bes- aary te win. In th majority of Of poor neaiio. t.rnia.h irouhl la th real cauee: out thla can b corrected be careful diet and th aioletanc of Huatetter' Htomaoh ti i . - ..u atrMntflhanl and hellia th dlceatlv fum-tlmia and when the. food la properly dleted, trenth and re aewtd visor I seat couroliMI through lh ntir ayetem. Th proper time for action I when you notice the rtret rmtoma of wvoaneaa, u.-o aa loos of appetite, headache, Mt m. k-r.hurn. dour etomarh. Imliaea- Hen or roneitpatlon and by roaortlnc to tloatettcr Htomacn Ultiero you ran nwp V.111M miiau. them. IkelaV only astro- Tto matters and protons your suiir- kbi a Vmtil. homo with you today bet eea that th atatup over in aoca w i arokea. TAKE THIS filAffS ADYICE TRY THE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY It alwara gives ma pleasure to rec ommend anything that Is right and ao l feel It my duty to boraid taa praises of Dr. Kilmer a swamp isooi. For years I wss troubled with kid aey disesse and It was so Intense that I waa bedridden for daya at a time, t gave up all hope aud doctors tor miles around gave me no help. Inct dentally I tried several pstent reme dies and at last tried swamp-ttoot. From tha first It gave me relief and it waa no time before I was able to ha up and around and now I am perfectly well and able to work as I used to be fore mv terrible alrknpss. . So now . let me uiaruc you tor your wonderful discovery and take thla op portunity to recommend it to au who tuffer from kidney troubles. Tours very truly. WALTER SHIVER. Hope, Ark. Subscribed snd sworn to before nie. this 25th day of March, 1311. A. V. WARE. Notary Public. Welch. Ark. Letter to Dr. K timer Co. mnahamton, N.T. Prove What Swamp-Root WTI Do for Voa Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co, Binghamton. N. T- for a sample site bottle. It will convince anyone. Toa will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about tha kidneys and bladder. When writing, be aura and mention this paper. Regular titty-cent and one-dollar sue bottles tor sale at all drug stores. Cheaper. "A waist for a salesgirl" to describ ed by a fashion writer. But In what respect does a salesgirl's waist differ from that ot a duchess Louisville Courier-Journal. Art la long and time is fleeting, and wa are reminded that tha bizarre vai entlse will soon be In our midst again. Why Good Man Are Busy. "Marry a busy man," advises Helen Rowland. It can't bo dona legally. All tha busr men are married. That's what makes them busy. The pork barrel seems to be tha center of interest "over to" tha legis lature. Much In Brief Dream. It la written of ona of the moat eminent of Englishmen who was dic tating to his amanuensis thaptera ot an Important work, and vhllo so en caeed waa overcome by sleep. He dreamed of matters of great moment of dlplomatlo conferences, exhausting many days and weeks. Becoming awake he chlded hlr secretary for per mltting him b sleep, and war astound ed tc 'j told by th scrivener that he bad '.ot finished the last sentence that hac been dictated. Volumet. have been written crammed with such ex periences t". infinite variety Optimlstle Thought Resolutions token without thought bring disasters without remedy. WHAT $10 DID FOR THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydia ELPinkhamWegetableCorn pound Which Brought Good Health. rwmrtii. Va "I have only spent tea dollars on your medicine and I feel SO - n , i.in,,i n much better than I did when the doctor was treating me. I don't suffer way bearing down pains at all now and I sleep welL I cannot aay enough for Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and Liver Pilla aa they have done so much forme. I am enjoy ing good health now and owe it ail to your remedies. I take pleasure in tell ing my friends ana netgnoor aw them." Mrs. Mattib Haley, 601 Col- quhone Street, Danville, Va. , No woman Buffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope un til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years 'proved to be a most valua ble tonic and in vigors tor of the fe male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Cora pound will help you, write to Lydia E.PlnkhamMedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass 1 or ad ice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict conildenxe. MEXICO RECEIVES STRONG NOTE FROM UNITED STATES Washington, D. C Cenaral Car ranaa. has been Informed In a note from the United SUtes govarruwrit that unless thare Is aa improvement in conditions with respect to foreigners and their Interest In Mealraa terri tory under his control, such steps as may be necessary will be taken by the American government to obtain the tha dealred protection. Tha note Is the strongest and most emphatic document that hu been sent by the Washington government to Mexico since the correspondence with Huerta year ago, Carransa Is warned that the United SUtes hu viewed with deep concern the growing complaints by foreigners generally against his administration of affairs snd now, la effect, demands an early change. The contents of the communication wu revealed to several of the ambas sadors and ministers here, who e pressed satisfaction at its argent lan guage, Some regamea it u an enure change ot policy toward Mexico on tha part of the United State. Some movements of American war ships have been ordered, the effect of which will be a naval demonstration such as, tt Is hoped by some officials. will convince General Carraiuta of the determination of the American gov ernment to obtain a change In condl tions In Mexico City. Secretary Daniels conferred with President Wilson over the pro pacta of sending additional warships to Vara Crux. Only one vessel, the battleship Delaware, hu been at Vera Crua for several weeks, but five warships will be in that vicinity in a few daya. It hu been planned to send the Delaware to Guantanamo soon to join in At lantic fleet in its spring maneuvers. As a result of the latest develop ments the Delaware will remain at Vera Cms Indefinitely: the cruiser Tacomaleft Port au Prince, Hayti, under orders to proceed at once to Vera Crua; the gunboat Petrel already is enroute from Mobile, Ala., and the cruiser Dee Moinea la bound from Pro- gresso to Vera Crua, while the gunboat Sacramento is at Tamplco. Other available light-draft vessels more valuable than battleships In tropical waters are the gunboats Wheeling and Nashville, being held in readiness with the armored cruiser Washington. In Haitian and Domini can waters, while the entire Atlantic fleet of 21 first-class battleships is at Guatanamo. within two and a half day's sail of Vera Crua. atr. uanieia gave wis summary vi the position of the warships, but de clined to discuss future movements. Thst conditions again have reached an acute crisis wu admitted at all the government departments. Britith CoUier Sunk by Torpedo on English Coast London The admiralty announce that the British collier Ben grove wu sunk Sunday, probably by a torpedo, off Ilf racombe. which Ilea ten miles northeast of Barnstaple, county Dev on, England. Ilfracombe The British steamer Bene-rove wu seen in distress and sounding her siren five miles off this shore at 1 :30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Forty minutes later toe snip s oow rose from the water and she ssnk by the stern. Thousands of people stood on the shore snd watched her go down. Tan afoamera vara in tha vicinitV. one of which, the Paignton, of Liver pool, rescued the crew oi sz, ana tocai lifohnata braturht them uhore amid the cheers of the populace. Big Air Fleet Makes Swoop on German Base London The admlrallty hu Issued the following statement: Wing Commander Longmore re ports that an air attack on Ostend wa carried out Tuesday afternoon by six seroDlanes of the naval wing. Of these, two had to return owing to their petrol freezing. The remainder reach ed Ostend and dropped 11 bombs on the submarine repair base and four bombs on the KursaaL the headquar ters of the military. All the machines snd pilots re turned. It is probable that consider able damage wu done. No submarine were seen in the basin. The attack wu carried out in a fresh north-northwest wind." . - : Prince's Menage found. Paris The Revue Blue prints tbs diary of a German sergeant-major, who bad charge of the telegraph ser vice in the Verdun district, in which the following telegram, sent by the German crown prince to his wifs Sep tember 8, wu preserved : After a bard fight we have forced the passage of the Meuse, always find ing the enemy fortified in new posi tions. This means terrible losses, but we advance. Papa, Ust night at Mar- ville wu very sad. Von Wedel hu been kiled." . Disease Sweeps Prison. Geneva, via Pari Advices from Serbia set forth thst typhoid fever prevaills among the Austrisn prisoners to the number of 70,000, who sre in the bands of the Serbians. The Swiss government hu been notified by the Serbian military authorities that a Swiaa doctor by the name of Lachle- der, who hu been serving with the Serbian medical corps, wu dead of the disease. The Serbians are uklng for more doctors. . Smallpos is also said to be raging among these Austrian prisoner. Bernhardt Able to Sit Up. Bordeaux The bulletin just issued by Dr. Denuce, who Is attending Sarah Bernhardt at the hospital here to which she is a patient, following th recent amputation of her right leg, uys: "Madame Bernhardt is able to sit up. Her condition is excellent," . na Bin,. Osllslsus "Fruit Laxative" eant harm Under Htti stemssn, uver and eewele. - t at tha titnaua. mother! It coated, your tittles one's stomach, liver I kn,ala naad flloanattl at OHC. v. .l.h xniaa. 1 a Una, dooan I awH -, . . - lP at or aci naturally, r ia ta.wi- i.a atnmara aour. urvain van, mi sore throat, diarrhoea, full ot sold. Ua a taaapoonrui Of "l anioTBia yrup ot fts." and In a few hour all k r.,nl annattnatatl waat. undlat- d food and sour bile gently moves out of Its littut Downs witnoui grip ing, and roe have a well, playful child aaaln. Ask your druastal for a o- eeat bottle ot "California 8yrup of rigs." whtoh contains fun aireciions for babies, children ot all agea and tor grown up. The submarine a sportsman Is, Aa th sporting instlnrl got. It stalks Its game most cunningly And loves to snoot lorpe-uoe. aaajaMBBaaMaZaavAMaaMawalBaaawaaaBWa eaHFtskl kAmiMNsI ftAMTVw-V mw ww.'w w - - K. fWrlw Hl !. fc laaola Daatl g. art aa lM.twl.-r la New Ytk t M. wrltaM I .-aJ AU.tN S rXHiT-KAMkl thaanu art aawUar a ran WaaatiaalatatlMaHaai. fv "a raaea. and It la all mi uiM." It rural aa tinrnu wra fa, I, tWW hy alj lira a4 fel"' SlaraaSM .Olawtai. Ml. Lei m. M. V. The Boure of th Ooldn Eggs. t. it tmi that tha annanitlx I ab- tolutely uselessr aaked the mdlral student iT.aiiuar thundered the nroreasor. h air It'a a varltahle cold mine for lurgeons!" Philadelphia Ledger. tort ow nauooiir win rn t too rr? Mima H.JJ lur Hl. . Wa .Kr Owaim. wrti la na at ib ar tail ma. MtulD k,J, lCaia. Neutrality Note. U'k.a mnlhar.ln.Uv cut mad at a-lf and demand her passport so she :an leave, husband to a fool If he loaan't remain neutral. Florida rimee Union. Society note Mr. Woodchuch Groundhog will return from his winter residence tomorrow. Perhsps he will M shadowed. Poor Father. "Mother, where are Helicon and Par- 3U?" Ak your father, Johnnie, lie keeps ip with the war ."-Life. A stationary engineer Is suing the :lty. How csa a stationary engineer lake any ectlouT Tha moon la setting1 a good example to the blbulously Inclined. He Is go ng to go through February witnout letting full. A POTATO ROMANCE my. , - m - tw. altlh it a wvrv - out capital, and wanted aa early eontpe trocy, I'd start right out growing PoU to.'' id Henry tatsroeder, lb folate kins of tb Rd Rivr Valley, whoa tory la ma jonn a. car snw v. wwiwa reat atranrer than a romance. That aiUu-a of Mr. Sc breeder, th lf- mad Potato kins, coma from a warm heart, a lerl head, an ertiv band, and auov an, vuccvaaiui rviaiv gruweri Do You Know, Mr. Fsrmsr, there i mors money ia five acre of Pota tnaa rear ia and ear out than in anything vow ran grow oa your farm, and lb grow ing of Potato now, with prearnt machin ery, etc., i eaay. It's rsi"lr Fourth of uly ln: . Kalzer Creation in Read Cora put Wiaeanain on tb Cora Map with it - toniabing yMdal Htsdqusrters for OaU, Barley, Clovers. For 10o In Postsgs Wa aladlv mail our CataloS na sampl ptcaag oi in ra- mou rann Beeua, inciunina SpelU, "Tha Cereal Wonder;" Rejuvenated Whit uonanz OaU, "Th Priz Winner;" Bil lion Dollar uraaa; icoaiaw, th Silo Filler, tc, U. Or Bend 12e Asd wa will mail you our big Catalog and aix generon package of Early Cabbas. Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radiah. Onion fomiahins lot and lot of juicy dciieiou Vegetahlea during tb early Spring and Summar, Or end to John A, Salrar Seed Co.. Box 720. Ia Croaae, Wis., twenty oanu and reoely both aboia eol lea- sad tbalr big catalog. Dally Thought. -Rvtnnathv la Iha aafceuard of the uman soul against selfishness. Car- lyle. . ' Definitions. Husband: a maker of excuses. Wife: a skeptic Smsrt Sot a L3 a I' zs aiva arnvr vr r i, 7 TO CONsTI-ATtO CHILD 1 , aaaeaaWaWaiB MEN'S 2.50 3 3.G0 4.00 '4.60 -5 0.60 SHOES WOMEN'S 2.00 '2.60 '3.00 '3.60 & '4.00 SHOES BOYS' 1 .75 '2 '2.60 '3.00 MISSES' '2.00 St '2.50 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES W. I. PMrlM hosM m mtU M atnart laaAft StfttT DAIUirsl RIMrs in all - w laS tlT W aooa tber ar ttoearpa smmmvu Tfca aa.OO. es.no and e4.00 ahna will tk-rn.-aarntllir St.OO to OS JIM. wnjmi, E qsgssl fyrieeaas, eiatis wompwi w.w wt ' " . workentanahip tmU qutallte A emlorisalii, Wf wmistitsg OA.Sff .tt.HMi eMniara favorably with ether tnaaea hereverrou llv there rou iit mere aaa woiuen wearing; W.LI: aal tb.r will toll Ti da tbat W, C Uougla a? W.Ll)ouaiaa ahoaa. aw aaeiled foe la Po. If yon ernild vt.lt U. W. T- l)onlaa Braoktaa, afaaa., aadare Knwaaralulir (lie aaoaa are aaade, and tha hlaR trade leatli.ra awad. Son would than nndaraland whr thef look and t bettar, hold their .hape muA wear tona.r thaw other make, f or tb prlea. . . If your df alar cannot supply you, writs tot Illus trated Catalog (bowing how to ordar by mail. W.L.Douglaa.210 Spark Bt.,Brockton,Mass, PUTNAM baw wan (of ImmW ani briifM aicn llm arr Mfc" 'rt. BrTratkr u"""l a 'lk. Woal. C ana tl4 Gm mt mm ralUna. ISeaat ajKfcas. WilU ba Ire booklet "Hoa to Dr, mU Ml. ColMa," cslaUai, UctUra. tta. MONKOE DKUG COMPANY. Pi,arnil Z. (dav. Ulaaal . IV for his besutilul V..,.t tkia Inwlirat ol Now everybody can enjoy It. lor after years of Mtltnt effort the vjctoi JiastucstoJed In mskln oumbef ol getusi bird records.' , . .t mm are not only JndivUtisl records of the songs of tht nightingale, thrush and sprosser, but mil duel by esnaiy SentTfW our eataloguuj thsy are free, You 11 find them In teresting. ." ... aa w a. aaw saas 111 .1. - " - " at aw .aTaa .aSfl , rnB-n rati, sckimnii. tiler arwiiaiaw. BraaSwar at Alae St ralB4, r. Wonder If Thre Wss a Chsuffsurr Six centurtf ago the Chlneao used a vehicle that carried paenser and dropped a pebble In a receptacle lo meaeure every mile that waa trav ersed. VITAL Dinenfto grcrms are on f very hand. They are In tho very air y?a brvathe. A system "pun down" ia a prry for thorn. Ona must have vital force to withstand them. Vital force depends on digestion on whether or not food nourishes on tha Quality of blood coursing through tho body DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery! Strengthens the weak stomach. Civ good dlgtlen. Enliven the eluggwh liver. Fewda the tarvd nerve. Again full health snd strength return. A general uulUlir,g enables the heart to pump like aa engine running In oil. Toe vital force is one more eatabllahed to full power. Year In and year out for over forty year this great health-re toting remedy haa been prdlng throughout the entire world because of Its 1 ability lo make th sick well and the weak strong. Don't despair of being your old self again." Give this vegetable remedy a trial Today -Naw. Vouwilloonf-I,llknowagln." Hold in Hmttdor tablet form b , DruggisUorlrlal boi for 80c by m. I. Write Dr. V. ULlterce, UulIaJe,Xi.Y. Ir. rtara mat 10e)aa -MaaTteal mw,' i.aaaa. aaats star Dreams. It Is a common saying that one freeme of that which on has been thinking most about This Is the ei ceptlon and not the rule. The dream may be of something thst one thought of at some time, but possibly not for teara, that would not be recalled In waking hour, which had tain dormant In the mind, te be prosaically re hearsed through some operation ef physical function, such.ss Impeded respiration, feverish conditions, some poature of the body, a lata supper, pos sibly ended with a dessert of mince pie, stomachic distress, clogging ot ths circulation or some bodily pain. The Honor ley aeeut. Tho most Important scout virtue Is that o honor Indeed, that la the baals of all acout virtues and la closely al lied to that of self-respect. Whan r scout promises to do a thing on his honor, be Is bound to do IL The honor of a scout will not permit ot snythlng but the highest sad the best and ths manliest The honor ot a acout la a sacred thing, and cannot be lightly set astd or trampled on From tha Hoy Scout Handbook. Thr Silent Hour. One of the most valuable and ef fective methods of relaxation, recently tried for both children and mother, haa been "the silent hour" Immedi ately after luncheon. Each member of the family's privilege of reading, wrrltlne or leonlDf la respected dur ing this hour, In which children after a few days' trlal-areadlly co-operate. ; - Left Over. ."Robert." said his mother, "what ml chief have you been up to nowT I can tell by the look In your eyes thst you have been naughty." "Oh," re plied Robert, that's part of the look loft over from the last time I was naughty." Hindu Wisdom. : If your mirror bs broken, ssys a Hindu proverb, look Into still water; but have a care that you do not tall in, Usslsts Proceeding. Showing a men that he's wrong won't stop ths srgumsnL It will only mak blm more angry. thm ImmI Anmsmim nl IrfafiorUd arvtssiarvi w '- SnaataI ill It ftir Mt WlS , swd aervle Th 04 Tn w.or,vo.i are i are man; abvaa can no t;ani f aetor a -e W z; a M:.y!iiifM 'jM'u l iny ur 'r';',iu ii- JF ' f i7V. Jl-Ji H i:vWV i waei ?JyAV-. BP.WARF. orvv - -W. ,,.v.v. v a FADELESS DYES Real birds -sing to) you on thoyictrola' TV. !.,!.a1 baa been famed far and wUle - singing, put lew pcopie usvw . syaiblcrn t Proper Vlsw ef Dull. Great thought go beat with coav moo dutlr. Whatever, therefor, may be your office regard II as a fragment la aa Immeasurable ministry of love, Weaicolt, FORCE' es ml WMU m ,M la-air m ava ... a. k,Mi artMuxa. twin u e, (- 1 are"- , . . - a, tar rli : f " imi utstunss ts. PORTLAND SEED CO. Wertaaajl.ra Aaeaat fa EOW-SURS. rartlaa, Oraawa. The Bey Who Dreams, It Is a good thing for the farmsrboy to have an Imagination, says the Prai rie Farmer. It la a good thing for blm to "dream dreams and see vi sions." :t takes a dreamer to see the trsnaformstior that Intelligent effort will bring to pass on the old place. It takes a dreamer to see bow much more desirable that place will fci In ten years than a Job In dry. food store. Emporia Osteite. ., 4 ,i Mlnee In Warfare, a tmnA mirva tn warfare consist of a charge ot high explosive burled. In the ground, and arranged so ss to explode when the enemy's troops are over it Mlnee are also used In alage warfare, tunnela being omen snuer the enemy's fortifications snd enor mous quantlUes of high explosive placed in them. Common Practice. As soon ss some young fellows get what they think la going to be a steady Job they begin to estimate the possible number of vacations they will get In a year Toledo Blade. , CAUTION I Wbm burin W LIMaatw WUM. l.iTlf kS HAfcK ANl VlilCK MM aa ilia bmiuak Una laana a lr it u. pel", put let u- r li ,an VT L lMHiw ba ,-nirftniMd taw ltM aad p. I -ci Ml ta aw M'l bl.a ixsmarar Inla w snow bi.li.a hvt NAM) AND .iijk siuBiMd ua ibabol Uim 11 of, Amt Ua.. Ua ftuiuvv IMi aot ba uarauaflNI lo Ufe. aun alba- mkm alalmal lo d. Ium at aoua. You an aaylna rout muaar and ar.Millilai lo th. Si L. Deusiaa old throueh SO tor. In the lara aitiaa ana an daaiere BP.WARF. 8'7HBTITi;Tr?v- X t-liae-C VI rjf!0-y - - . Mr r: aj L WT .,.' a 11rfAV''X w at