The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 12, 1915, Image 3

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    Ma Francisco Tn lnart tlttli
pestofrli lit far-away iiiintn, which
iey It pUntir only till year,
( the nbleet of ft ll.ooa mil Journey
which poetnrnee Inipecmr '
Smith la making,
Drink a
Little llccr
r"S 00 of tha thing I
often rrrtbe. it will
da YOU good if ViMl UM
it moderately, a all mm
do who know what real
tamperanco ia.
Ileer ia refreshing, eihil.
rating, nutritious and a
tonic It rroruotoe dice,
lion and u a wholesome
food beverage). Whoa a
Man drink boor ho drink
and aala at tbo him time.
Just at when lie cat a bowl
of eoun. Ilia term "eat"
and "drink- are inrousist
entlr used in pointing out
the difference between
what ia merely quenching
our thirat and vht i actu
ally consuming nourish
ment In my opinion, a
man might more properly
bo aaid to eat beer than to
eat rertain kinda of aoup,
or indeed watermelon.
Drink bee od eat asoder
Mrir. The moderate beer drinks
ad eater U la a fcr better pmb
tioa Uua lb total abstainer, who
Am consume nrw of
solid load. Beee batlt Useus.
restore win. fursUhs bast
aa4 atwdaose ewers y.
C IX VlrkK ChaeriMr at CeaMaerc
Partlsad, Ofttse.
, aaaimairr.'f
Weston Bakery
Fresh fcrd, .Oak and Pastry,
line Candle. ' od Meat at All
Hour, Wa epecialia in
Lodge and Tarty Super.
2EMM the Baker
Dupui ItuiWIng, Main and Water
Shoe ami Harneaa ,
repaired next (lour.
B. P. Rocks
SELECTED EGGS for Hatching
Par Setting of Fifteen..... 76c
Packed for Shipment.... 11.00
MRS. L. S. WOOD, Weston, Oregon
SimsMae Lump
fMUklMttlu. aiwMMrlurMF
Em ium. iwa. A. ain
II. -, "T.
WM1 sjr fw liHif la nlnUr I
IU njitls feme ta tha world
lie wlak, no htmrnr, M naniM
VnMlria. securi, eeeonr, rwthm.
Ws roaSau-IH
pmtw ''mm m
Claanllnaa Mulct and Same Creature
Waaa laali Othr.
Meat aaluiala luv ilesullueaa. Wa
bar alt seen tarrw Oil Ibvlr festb
era wMb dut aud Mwa abaka than
avlraa aatll tbejr are rlvaa. Thla la
ana of lbtr way of waahlna. A ad
wa bar aU wakliod Ilia eat ll bf
aelf till alia la apiKlaaa aud alilulrig
fur bar tuIkH lb rat uiakua uaa af bar
touirua. la II and Her w A rat'a
tiHigu I rouab, barlnif all arer It tlay
burn oaiilllae thai era directed la
ward, Puaay oroaliHi btrwlf all arer
wltb bar tonituw, lu the bard rooab
lda under aer pawa Uin tboae oarta
that ar hyiid the rearb af ber
toiigna, liar elaw alia uaea aa a eoaib
la lake lanalea aud mailed furebra
aubalaariM out at bar fur rhe alaa
tlrka bar levib with her elaw
The eat oai Ibe adN of brf feet like
a eiKMura, niutatviiiiia tiNini who aa
lira and paiwliia Ihnu reNiedly aver
liar bead and face Finally, lo coia
(ilete bar lHIC abe kIvm bvraalf a few
wblaka with bee tall.
Hone anlmala waab earb ulher. Con
dor, rulturm and eaglra fl a faaal
af earring fly ta Ibe orami wair and
tplaab atwut la It nulll Uialr feathrra
are eleaA. Tba eara thai animate
wblcb lira tuRetber In eoniniunltlea
take ta beep tbelr bouiea rlraa ta aa
(uotahlna and hi well area In tba Beet
af aiohia aad enperlally among Iba baa
aad aula. -New Turk World.
A Metfced far Inaurlea (aaaee Pram
a CrawOad BuildiBf.
la dtaraaaliul h ImI wean of emp
trlnf a hfl er factory Iralldlua of Ka
orruiMuta In time of Br er panic fl
f J. Ittrter, aiiert on afty from Br
'and knuwa a to fattit of th Bra
drill, polnta aot a kunIkmI for aolruui
the eerap frum a emwded hulldlua
Tbla method la a Bra wall o arrang
ed uu a buildlua itrarlh-ally lotilMHi
It TUI wall mutit be roiillniiu friiia
cellar to pmf and he ruk1fd wltb
doorway on earb nour. rdiavd by aoiu
matte Br dira. The building moat be
ilMHmml with twa mi of ntrnm fartll
Ilea of ample propunluna. on act Iwal
ed an each kl of th wall acrJul
from eacbHoor
No Bra la at all likely to occur on
bntb ldea of thla Br wall almuliane
Nialy. uhmmm It la of Incvudlary ortirto
KUmilil a Bre un-ur ibe alarm auoada.
and lb Mniwnia nf ibe iMilldtug aa
the aM where I lie Bre hi merely bare
to a thrwunh Ibem and l perfectly
A Bre drill wilt -oiiy either elde of
a OulhJuig aa e.iulal. io mailer boo
nan) lmic hlh, In a minute The
refuae remain In lha rnfe ht of Ibe
Milliltna until III Br baa lieen put ooL
tr they may at any lime without baate
um the veivaa facllltle rot'kli-d ibrr.
wblcb would be fre frum mvb ut
nr.-ML l'Ul Plooeer I'rvaa,
Jual Why W an!.
Koec1iia may he due to one of
unniher of cauam A bneht Main will
auae oiauy prl to un. a a I ho
the pollen of certain plauiw while there
ire few (teople out anil auerae In the
reaeuce or ottMt ' n lieu you nave a
old the aneeaing b du to ao etteniit
uj uiiture to cure you ' file I trytna
o wake you aneea for the anme pur
I oe that ahe waubi you to hrrr-to
teufrate beat for warming the Okatd
ind prereiitlna you from taking more
tild - to belp relieve the cold you bar
For uoe dw not aueeae with hi nua.
but with the entire tMaly. twrlng Ibe
uil every mnwle of the body giv a
iinit. a It w ere li giaw Into a autt of
paam that warm lb eutire ayalaux-
Nw York Ameneaa.
I'hima No. U tor depot Uiioab, Ste.
the round trip. K. M. Weak.
Mr. and Mr. S. T. Hyatt and daurh
lr war vl.lllng aVUurday la Pandl-
Dreamland motion picture at Wa
Inn opera houad Baal Monday and
Tueaday vanlnga.
Me B. B. tehm at lha Waalon bak
ery If you want nat wjirkmanahlp la
ahna and haroaaa repairing.
8Hng millinery opanlnf Tuetday
and Wadnewlay, March l ami 17, at
tha Iiarneit Koonomy Miore
Jamaa Klrkpalrlck la expected bom
In a fw daya from hie winter o-
Journ la California.
Mr. II. N. Orr waa conveyed Rat
urday lo Walla Walla, whin Bh I
receiving boapllal treatment.
Dr. mlth waa called to Weaton
mnunlaln Haturday nlaht to attend
Mr. U H. Dowd. who la very III.
Mr. and Mr. Jack Cratnn are pre
paring lo leave In a few day for Kn
terpiiae, Oregon, to make their home.
Mre. H. B. Turner baa returned to
th Turner farm from bar vlalt with
friend at Walla. Walla aad rrowa
ler. . '
Walter Payne baa aeeured lha con
tract for painting Joe Kay'a big barn
I at hie place near tha Bumper school
Dr. rarnawortb cam up from Pen
dleton flaturday and waa rled to th
third dear la th local "blue lodge"
of Maaon.
Mr. and Mr. W. B. Drlaketl ar
back at their home In Weetoa after an
extended vlalt with their daughtere at
tllltyard and Dayton.
JeM Powla zpcta to leave Sunday
for Enterprla lo or what ; avenue of frtm wu een.utinf of In
Tb grade puplla la three rom of
th Weaton rhonli, under th dlre
lion Of Mr, B. E. Qelta, Mr. Oelaa and
Mia Kilmer, have bulled themaelve
recently la alaanlng up tha neatly ter
raced lawn In front of th aehool
building. Th raaull h been a de
cided Improvement, highly eredltabl
lo th eara and Industry1 af lha bor
and girl who did lb work. Th
header ia Informed by Bupertntendenl
Huaimw thai in pupil win are lo
keep I he grounda la aplck and ap
condition thla spring and eummer If
provided with a lawn mower which
will doubtlea be forthcoming. Thank
to lha waterworka Improvement, there
will bo ample water for Irrigation.
Clark B, Nelaon, well kaowa Pen'
dlelonlan, had rather a chilly expert
fare while trying to ford McKay creek
la a motor car. Aa tha Baal Oregonlaa
telle th tale, "la mid stream, wlih th
water up lo the eeats, th engine died
and the ear elopped. Thar waa not
much to do, but Nelson waa willing to
try that. Taking off his outer gar
menu he lowered himself Into th Icy
waters to explore. Tor about naif aa
hour he continued a Heptember Morn
pos whlls hi veins blued up and his
teeth chattered. Eventually be de
cided he could not do anything but
wall, and he did wait until another
car, a Wrd aa usual, arrived upon th
seen lo extricate him."
At a base ball meeting held her last
Monday evening J. H. Prle waa nan
Imoualy elected aa manager of the
team which Weaton proposes to put
Into th field thla season. This great
aeaa waa thrust upon Mr. Price during
hi absence (ram town-; and bo played
even by in turn throating u upon
Clark Wood. A delegation was over
from Athena thla week per automobile
and proposed a strictly amateur league
to constat of Hells, Athena, Weston
and Milton-rreewster. They say th
proposition I received with favor In
the several towns and that It la likely
auch a league will soon be organised.
Tha ladle of All Saints' Guild met
March 4 at th horn of Mr. Lllltaa
Frederick. Ten member and three
gueata. Mrs. C. P. Bui finch, Mr. R
ProudfH and Mb Olady Banister.
were present. . Mr. Proudflt became
a member of the society. A abort pro-
employment ar open In that growing
Wallowa county town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snider. Mr. aad
Mrs. J. H. Price and Mr. William Mac
Kenxte motored Monday to the Oar-
den City for a day visit
Student of Weaton High have be
n rehearsing a piay. -Enaagea oy
Wednesday.' to be presented In April
under th direction of Mia Emma
Mr. and Mrs Ira Suae were vlalt
Ing frlenda In Weston Friday while on
their way from Portland lo Keating,
Oregon, where Ira will conduct a cat
tie ranch.
Charles L. Plnkerton ha begun hi
annual dutle aa deputy aaaeaaor for
Weaton dlatrict. He waa at Pendie
ton Tueaday consulting with but chief
and securing hi supplies.
It I expected that the county road
making campaign near Weaton wilt be.
gin about the flint of April. Two rock
cruahera will be used and a force of
approximately to men employed.
The Pendleton, Adama. Athena and
Weaton auto atage leave Weston twice
dally tor Pendleton at t a. m. and I p.
m Round trip, I1.7S. Headquarter
at Goodwtn'e drug etor. A. M. Boy-
den. proprietor.
Lee Cohen and a party of ladle mo
tored up from Pendleton Sunday,
evidently for the purpose of taking a
turn around Weaton s celebrated foun
tain for after performing thla feat
they drove right bacK again.
Marion O'Harra
. , Oregon
We have just received
our new spring stock of ;
Trimmed Hats
Spring Opening Tuesday &
Wednesday, March 16 and 17
Til ItJiMsy Siors
Call on ua at oar
new location in
tha Gould brick.
Fernet Her Shrtee.
A woman frum a small town. In the
diy to do om ahopplna. atepped up
to a clerk at the hosiery counter lo
on of the department stores
-Pay." she wild, "I waul to got two
IMiirs of locking like my Mater from
Keutucky bought her last August.
dont knuw your stater, and I
probably would out remember what
abe bought, even If I were acquainted
wltb her," eiHiilned the clerk.
"Yon moat remember my slater." in
stated the customer "She ia a little.
heavy eat woman, "-Indlanapoila News
Th Duta'a Walk.
"To meet one lu th duke'a walk,"
Thla ta an Inrliatiua to fight a duet
In the vicinity of Ilolyruod boua.
Scotland, there la a pine called tba
duke'a walk, ao called from lu being
lha favorite promenade of the Duke
of York, afterward Mug Jamaa II.
Tht walk la aald to bav been the
common rendeavoua for Battling affair
of honor, aa tb alt of tha Uritlab
museum waa In Kogland.
"War are you ao cnixy to take mud
hatha? There's nothing tb matter
wltb you,"
"I fa thla way. doctor. I wa Brought
op In a lace eollnr and a Fauntleroy
I suit. And I alwaya rowed that I
would get my aim re of playing In the
mud aoin dny."-Uilvlll Courier
It Mad a Dlffsrenoa. '
"Bllffer ta always tniklng about bla
lov for tba plain people."
"Well, the other day aouiehody called
hi daughter plain, and ha waa hotter
than a red bended huitiet" Clevelaud
Plain Denier.
Curleu Old Custom.
In Peru It wa once th cnatom for
domestic servant lo hare two of their
upiier front teeth extracted. Their ao
rnce indicated servitude
I Practice in all State and Federal
W. M. Ptttnee C, It. Blihep
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Free water, Or.
Bishop Paddock will be in Weaton
and hold servlcca at the Episcopal
church on Sunday, March St. Mum
Alice J. Knight, deaconncaa, will vlalt
Weaton next week, and expect to hold
a Lenten aervlce on Wednesday v
Th Toung People' Society of the
United Brethren church will devote
their monthly social meeting thla (Fri
day) evening to a program In honor
of St Patrick, to be given at the O. W
8tagg realdence. All who are Inter
ested In the society are Invited to at
F. 3. Beale, well known resident of
thla end of the county? haa been aued
by his wife, Oxota M. Beale, for a dl
vorce. Th plaintiff charge non
support, claiming that In January last
her husband left her at her daughter'a
home and refused to longer live with
her. They were married January It
!1S. ,
i Mrs. Unnle Harkleroad, who aa Mlaa
IJnnle Dixon attended the Eastern
Oregon Normal In former years, waa
her last week for a brief vlalt with
Mr, and Mre. Frank Taylor while on
her way home from Boise. She now
realdea In Idaho county, and Mr. Har
kleroad wsa a representative from that
county In the Idaho leglalature. :
Arthur Rosa, on of Weston' popo
lar young farmer, la at Walla Walla
thla week receiving treatment for
singular malady which haa afflicted
hla left aide and right eye. following an
attack of la grippe. The trouble ta
aald to have oen pronounced creeping
paralyata by the attending physician,
Dr. Nelms, and la regarded aa quite
On Friday evening, March 19, a
high aehool debate will be held In the
local auditorium, the competing teams
being those of Ferndale and Weaton.
The Weaton representative, Ethel
Lane, James Wood and Loren Maybea,
will then take the negative aid of the
government ownership question. While
upholding the affirmative, they recent
ly lost to Athena.
Charles Smith arrived from Gray's
Harbor, Wash., thla week, for a visit
with hla mother, Mrs. W. E. Lytic,
and hla brother Clay. Mr. Smith la
a sign writer, cartoonist and draught.
man, and think of locating at Walla
Walla. He says that dull times pre
vail around Gray's Harbor and Aber
deen because of the suspension of work
In th sawmill and logging camps
Even thtAmen who do secure work are
compelled to work for (tarvajlon wage
In order to hold their Jobs.
The Saturday Afternoon club held It
laat Saturday meeting with Mrs. C. H.
Smith, Roll call was responded to by
naming th atate officers of Oregon,
and the opening eon was sung by the
club, A paper en "Transportation and
Harbors of Oregon" waa read by Mrs.
W. 8. Payne. A violin aolo by Mrs. C.
L. Plnkerton. accompanied by Mrs. J.
H. Price, was received with hearty ap
plause. The hostess waa assisted In
serving refreshment by Mrs. J. A. Mc
Ra and Mr. W. E. Wood.
atrumental solos by Mrs. C. H. Smith
and Mr. A. Jamee and a reading by
Mlaa Banister. A dainty luncheon wes
served by the host, assisted by Mr.
Smith and Mlaa Von Wlnxinrod. Th
next meeting will be held April S at
the home of Mr. Freak Graham.
Fifteen member and four visitor
were present at a meeting of the Wo
man s Missionary noeiety neid Wed
nesday arte moot) at tha noma of m ra.
W. A. Graham. After the usual bust
net session th program conducted by
Mrs. W I lee j w taken up. Tha sub
ject, "The Adilescent at Home Our
Opportunity." Several papers were
re ail and discussed with -much Interest,
VMtors were: Mr. Mabel Graham
Mis Kiss Von Wintxingerode, Mlaa
Emma Job neon and Mr. Maybea. Aa-
eloted bv Mrs. Alice nice and Mrs.
Mattel Graham, the hostess served de
licious refreshment,
S. A. King la reported to be getting
good resutu In the feeding of alfalfa
meal and grain to hi hogs. In th pro
portion of three quarter of alfalfa
meal to one quarter of grain. This
make a balanced ration on which the
hog ar said to thrive. A device for
rutting alfalfa, bay or straw Into
fin meal haa been installed at his
place by Watta Roger, who have
also auppllrd him with a grain grinder.
It la aald that plain at raw cut Into tiny
blta by thla machine make a tempt
Ing appeal to stock, and that every bit
of It will be eaten
James Klrkpalrlck, Jr., waa arraign.
ed Monday In Justice Lleuallen's
court on a charge of trespass preferred
by Mrs. A. A. Dunnlck thla being an
other case which grew out of a recent
"tlck-tackina" stunt on th part of
some of Weston's young men. The de
fendant waa represented by Judge Fee
of Pendleton, who filed a demurrer to
the complaint.. The case waa then
postponed to an indefinite data by the
court, pending further action by the
dlatrict attorney, who waa unable to
Weaton Mountain W. C. T. IT. met
Ith the president, Mr. Isabel!
Schneider, March in. Mr. Eennard
and Mrs. Heeler of Weaton were pre
ent and helped lha little Union with
information concerning; the work, and
by giving Inspiration ami encourage
ment. Light refroahmenta were
served. It i probable this Union will
hold a rake tale in Weston some time
in April.
Charge made by Mr. Jaruaha Crab
that her half-brothers, M. I.. Watt
and Homer 1. Watta. had conspired to
gether to defraud her of her share of
the estate or their father, the lata
Thomaa J. Watt, were aired Wednes
day in county court. Complaint was
dismissed on motion or Mrs. ,ran at
tornev. who found that the estate had
been honestly administered by M. L.
watta. ' "
J. M. Bent lev, president of the Uma
tilla County Pioneer Association, haa
lleiwt In I.K nniintv AX rirt enit wee
one of the original residents of Happy
Canyon. Hi TM birthday anniversary
haa lust been celebrated at Pendleton
ny a party or pioneer irienns, ana we
hope he passes me century mark
Mr. and Mr. E. W. Bovts have ar
rived from Oklahoma with a view to
locating at Weaton, and would like to
have farm employment. Mrs. Hoyts is
a daughter of J. H. Gordon, residing
on south water street.
Full supply of packaso seeds, onion
sets and early seed potatoes. Karlv
Rose, Early Everett and Early Ohio,
the two last mentioned variet ies Hav
ing been shipped in from Michigan.
Tha O'Harra Store.
Walter S. Wells, from earlr rears a
resident or femueton, ended nis own
lire Tuesday nignt oy a pistol snot in
tha head. Ha waa made despondent
bv the llauor habit and iniuriea duo
to a fall.
The new waterworks reservoir three
miles above town wa filled to capacity
this week, creating a prettv mountain
lake. It will bo filled aud emptied a
time or two In order to Boat off the
Cab.- livery, feed and board stable.
open day and nlgbt. Barn on Water
street. Telephone connections. Cah
to and from deimt 25 oenta for round
trip. Lafe MoBride.
Lowell Rogers has bought another
"elirhtr" in the Adams district, the
Naroisse La Course tract, at $100 per
Our new stock of trimmed hats will
be opened for display next Tuesday and
Wednesday. The oooomy store, N
Some improvement Is reported in
the eumlition of D. N-. Van Skiver.
eMraB7TeajgxmrTa ajma8Mra7tarM Bll!lfaTaaw
a-graJ iBysTnaaTaJ ia .ranrg,A "tJ
j Es3 B Baft 2S&aaamh
Wc have a complete assortment of
Garden and Field Seeds in readiness
for your Spring planting.
We've bought them right and are
prepared to sell them right
Hardware and Implements
Cbickeoa wanted. K. E. Zehm.
Frank O'Harra and William Bogert
were motor ear tourists to Weaton yes
Athena and Weaton schoolboy team
will olar tba Brat ball game of the sea-
sun tomorrow afternoon on tb local
A child In the family of C. Cheney,
who conduct th Tfcarp Bros, garag
at Athena, haa developed mild symp
toms of diphtheria, and th house ha
been quarantined.
For spot cash for limited time will
make a special price of L00 for dry
tamarack and red Br conlwood deliv
ered In town. Thia ia No. 1 wood.
Weaton Brickyard.
Mrs. William Helmer of Oakeadale.
Wash., who was a resident of Westoa
In pioneer days, waa a guest during
th week of Mrs. A. Kinnear. The
lata Mr. Helmer formerly owned the
Kinnear place above town.
Mrs. Llllle Miller announces her
spring millinery opening for Friday
and Saturday of thia week at her store
In Athena. She will have a beautiful
display of the latest modes, and In
vite th presence of Westoa ladies.
According to the Press the result of
Athena's municipal election caused
considerable eurpri. Inasmuch as
there wa only one ticket In the field
and but little Interest waa expected.
However, lit votes war cast, a large
number of women going to th poll,
nd H. O. Worthtngton. a dark horse.
ran H. I. Watta a cloae race for mayor.
Watta received tt vote and Worth
tngton to. S. E. Proome, N. A. Miller.
M. L. Watts and J. W. Welch were
elected to the council. V. C. Burke
and B. B. Richards were again elected
as treasurer and recorder, respective
ly. - :. '
The undersigned will sell at public
sale on the Sam Drumheller ranch at
the Bolus school house eiirht miles
south of Walla Walla and five mile
east of Milton, on Thursday, March
18, 1915, commencing at 10 o'clock a.
m., the following prupertr:
Fifty bead horses and mules; two
milch cows; two combined harvesters;
1 gang plows: two cook houses on
wheels; gaa engine; five wagons; hacks
and buggies; 10 weeders: four heavy
disc harrows: two binders; throe mow
ers and rakes; potato planter; three
ranirea and cooking utensils; black
smith outfit; water tank; fanning mill;
lu slickers, and many other articles
found on a large ranch.
r ree lunou and feed.
The owner has disposed of this ranch
and all goods will be sold without re
serve. Kegular terms. '
Fred Eiffert, Auctioneer; D. C. San
derson, Clerk.
(Ben H. Lampman.)
On that mysterious mountain, be
side the river Wham, where leaps the
crysta.1 fountain at any hour that am.
met the perfect maiden, nor eyes
with luster laden aerenely we sat
down to talk of scrambled eggs and
ham. We did not speak of money, we
did not rant of love the moon, a
globe of honey, benignly beamed above
but lightly did our chatter upon th
sephyr coast we apoke of buckwheat
batter and how to butter toast!
On that mysterious mountain, be
side the river Wham, where lisps the
secret fountain un brooked by doom or
dam, I met th perfect princes and
bade adieu to qulncea sedately we
sat down to prate of peach and, apple
Jam. We spoke no word of wooing.
we did not gush on art above the I
ringdove's cooing I heard her beating i
heart but softly did wo utter, uponj
the sighing breese. a preference to,
butter and real cream In peas!
On that mysterious mountain, beside 1
tha river Wham, where springs th
happy fountain cascading in salaam, I
met the perfect fair one, with dreamy
eyes thst dare one and blithely we
sat down to speak of mutton chops and
lamb. Wo did not dwell on fables of
ancient foreign folk beyond the pal- J
ace gabies I saw the kitchen smoke!
we made no classic flivver, we pledged
no burning cow, for both of u liked
liver and supper's ready now!
Pasadena, Cel. A scientist her has
eveloped a paraalta of th house fly.
which he believe will destroy that
pest or reduce it number ao that It
will no longer figure as a death
dealing foe to the human race.
wlUJAA raacKEttZie, 'ruietat
J. H. miCC. Vk Pmlecat
M. SMITH, Cashltr
Established 1891
Su Farters Bask of Weia
You may pay your taxes at
this bank and save the ex
pense of a trip to Pendleton
DIRECTORS William MacKenxie, Dr. F. D. Watts, Joseph Wurxer.
G. W. Stagg, J. H- Price, J. C Price, E. U. Smith.
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Full Quarter Sawed Oak Buffet
Attractive in Price and Quality
Qja fattnfgtM
Patent Medicines
Toilet Articles :
Wall Paper '
Aldon's Candies
Druggist, Weston, Oregon