The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 19, 1915, Image 4

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now to wHmt. rr a thm best.
r.OOK MAvrtntxr nicxmAno
ImNK Mad.
Sr rrfraa, 1 MM aiMalaa' walk f"" t'awi
Uvm. Hitafonut II a lae a. raerua at
fbMUWa.ll W I ft Itl I V K KMH
fcaia.r lUd for Pratt taa. Ma aa lrt
est aw mm.. Wrtta. WS.TI ITS 4 Mai Sk,
I KARH In aiailn. Wat, enheHia. plritna
Shaw. Sane. I taara ar auitt lrmiar rraa.
fcaaa . Baaa, tat latarao f laea, Baaula, w
HOlD R rTua - km aa raeaa),
Ml, ilia. tVjr4. SpiMa aiicwi Uoi.
mi. La, ! Iim
artllll M- alallavaaailiaaiai Nil
. nit atala
A guaranteed remedy for Cokla and
La Grippe, Price 25e of yourdrurturt.
Ifa rood. Take nothing else. Adv.
se.ftOO offered far eertala
aanilosa. ! --iiaw
trra. ft,, foort akava x Irra
rt aa to mkmuixult. nwaai ao-
aaruara n aaieai ear aapaaaa m
CttANOLEE A CHANXrt, PatM etts
034f.St.n III SIS,BlB,
ta every teat made by Russian cav
alrymen, horseshoes of aluminum vara
found to outlast thoee o( alee ana
According to a Roumanian aclantlat
old age la almply dua to a decreeee la
the amount of water la the human aya
In tha laat five years Oerntany,
France and Ruula have apint lit,
600.00. 121.000.000 and flt.000.v00 ta
the order named for aeronautic.
Tha Turkish cabinet haa Jolnad with
forelgnera and leading Tnrka In
movement to aupprMa tha "white
elave" traffic In Turkey.
Tha supreme court of Panama haa
sustained a recent law whereby tha
government rcserYcs ownership In
metal mlnea and deposlta of coal and
Police In Drealau. Germany, do not
regulate tha traffic, but merely take
the namea of tha persona concerned
when an accident occur. There wara
1.R3J atreet mtshspa there la Itll
Hallways la Great Britain kill la ac
cidents for which tha paaeenger la la
no way reaponaibla one paaaenger for
every 7I.(HHl.(H0 carried, wnue tnoee
of tha ITnlted States kill ona for avery
4.fH.000 passengers carried.
Soma 100.000 rypsiee wander about
Huncary and ara regarded aa a daa
ceroua community. So notorloua ara
their thieving aropensiuea that they
ara not allowed Inside tha towns, whtla
tha vlllagee tolerate then for only two
Man Cant Oa That.
"Women hava all tha best of If
"How nowf
' "A woman will drink two cocktails,
aat a lobsfr and a bunk of plum pad
ding and then blama her headache on
her nervea and get away with It."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Tha Retort Fatherly.
"I want to marry your daughter.
Iota bar" utd the suitor.
-Whit mates you think I don't? re-(doctor and haa been In good health
puea ner ana. i niiaaeiiwia kcutr,
Children Have Kidney Trouble
Three rears ago my little gtrL An'
gela, waa taken aick with acarlet fever
and later dropsy set in; her race ana
limbs swelled and her eyea puffed. A
leading physician here at tha time,
treated her without tha slightest suc
cess. A aampia of your swamp-Kooi
having been left at tha houje at tha
time. I resolved to try it, and aa it
agreed with her stomach I continued
using It with gratifying reaulta. Tha
Inflammation began to subside after
aba had taken tha first fifty-cent bot
tle, and after aha took two larga bot
tles aha waa pronounced cured by tha
Tha Extreme Limit.
"How did your cake tura out. my
"Pretty badly, I fear. Even- the
Children wouldn't have a second
place." Loutsvllla Courter-JournaL
THIS catalof
trulhruDy pre
tests and alustrates
rJte moat desnbie
varieties of seeds for
lha Northwest The beat Jevery-
daag let nW aarkat at W-e saris ia
btm. tie eKhard. the poateymaa aad laa
as. ksapar. AnUaUsaadaaisfidt la
yet pmaiaai sad a lain net bsuk wha-h
akaaUl as ia ma kaadt ol every gsawsr.
aAMOaWaMBBna A tkWafV -ar
Chs. E. George, Editor
and Publisher of the "Bench
and Br Review," 825 Per
dido St, New 'Orleans, La.
ever since. Tha doctor cama to see
her avery day and examined her avery
second day until ha pronounced her
kldneTS In perfect condition.
Now then tha doctor waa nnder tha
Impression that I waa giving my girl
hla medicine, but as his medicine had
failed to do a bit of good, and desiring
not to offend him. I did not tell htm
waa giving her Swamp-Root and ha
did not know the difference. I eld not
use ona drop of hla medicine after
started my girl on Swamp-Root, and
hava alwaya felt that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root saved my glrl'a Ufa, for
which I am grateruL
1 cannot praise it too highly.
Very truly.
New Brunswick, N. J.
State of New Jersey.
County of Middlesex as.
Mra. Mary Byrne, being duly sworn
by me. according to law, on her oath
aaith that tha above statement made
by me la Just and true.
Mra. Mary Byrne.
8worn and subscribed to before me.
thia 16th day of July, A. D., 1909.
Notary Public
ia your only real safe
guard against losa of
appetite, poor dijres-
tlon, and general
weakness. You must
help Nature to main
tain strength and
vigor. With the aid of
you have a combina
tion that is sure to re
sult to your benefit
Only Werae.
Central Carranxa It
tutt Defiant Demand
Washington, D. C General Venus-
tlano Carranta, aa first chief of tha
constitutionalist army, notified tha
world Tuesday that all communications
to hla government from outside sources
must paaa through him.
Carrama'i decree reached Wash In
too through Rafael Zubaran Capmany,
hla minister of tha Interior, who tele
graphed It to Elia Arredondo, C ar
ranges local representative. Tha or
der apparently will make It Impoealble
for diplomatic representatives of for-
elg-n governments to deal with tha
Carraaia government except by going
to Vara Cm t, which they bean unwll
Umj to do I eat auch action be eons trued
aa formal recognition.
Already moat of tha dlplomata'at
Mexico City hava asked their govern
ments for permission to leave when
tha altuatlon beeomee Intolerable, and
soma of them hava bean ad v lead to
use thair own discretion,
Tha order may also affect tha actlv
Ity of American consular repreaenta
A Philadelphia schoolteacher has In... k KMtnf..M k. a.h .hi,
lately been Instructing her pupils In ,, . , . . ,
Grecian, mythology. It la tha plan to tha,da facto government whatever it
hava tha children read tha talcs aloud happened to be.
and tha next day recount them In their ' 1
owa language. One lad, to whom was j rt-UAfd Aid at Jlj.
riven the aaaltnment to render In hla ACTUSra AlUt OT MC
own language tha story of tha Gor-I Naotara Brot. Found
gone, am ao in tnesa terms: I
The Gorgona were three sisters I mw lori watt new a. scamtut.
that lived in tha Islands of llespert- si run ui maiiai hmr Mmw
They had long anakea for hair, tusks dy fugitiw from justice on an
for teeth and clawa for nails, and they indictment found In Loo Angelea in
looked like women, only more horn I rwh loie ,k..;n Kim .ith
bla." Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. , " ' " 7
nfj unq iinticaicu in uynainiiiiia; uiv
Where tha Trouble Lisa. I Loa Angelea Timea building. Tha
Wife I wish you would realise, arrest waa made on tinner Rroadwav.
John, that there la something In the I. . , .. ... , ,.
world besides money. whar detectives had traced him after
Husband I do. tha trouble ia that I a search of four years.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmtt Co
Bmghamton, N.T.
. Peru na.
Having for years been af
flicted with Catarrh of the
Head I was finally induced
to try Peruna. It effected
a cure. I think Peruna the
, best tonic ever put on sale.
Prove What Swamo-Aoot W.I Da for Yon
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co,
Blngbamton. N. Y, for a aample aiza
bottle. It will convince anyone. Ton
ill also receive a booklet of valuable
Information, telling about tha kidneys
and bladder. When writing, be aura
and mention thia paper. Regular
fifty-cent and one-dollar alio bottles
for sale at all drug stores.
Sorrows of the Motorist.
"Didn't you see me bold tip my
hand ? asked the traffic policeman.
"I must confess that I did,'" replied
the man who waa driving, hla own car.
"Then why dldn t yon atop?"
"I lost my nerve. I had just spent
three quarters of an hour getting thia
car to start and It seemed a shame to
losa aU that work." Washington Star.
-By the Way"
The best short war story so far la of
the German private, fraternizing with
the British in tha trenches on Christ
mas day, who gladly swapped bia Iron
Crosa for a claspknife, and found that
Tommy Atkins bad atung him with
one "made In Germany.
Rough on tha Nervea.
Did that aea voyage do your nerves
any good?
"Put 'em out of commission alto
gether, old chap. Every barrel I sight
ed looked like a floating mine to me.'
Kansas City Journal.
A stenography school la Involved Is
a lawsuit. Let ua hope it doean't leavi
the school ahorthanded.
11 mW .
ADraft-You Catch Cold-Then Follows
Stiff Neck
Especially in the piercing pain
of neuralgia or the dull throb of
headache is Sloan's Liniment
wonderfully relieving. Laid
lightly on the part where the pain is felt, it gives at once a
feeling of comfort and ease that is most welcome to the
overwrought sufferer.
Hear What Others Say t
"Tbm an t LtntmaeU that equal Sloaa'a. Mr kubend has Btinlfa verr
Haa, ba niba Sloaa'a aa kit fan aod Ifaat u tba laat ol la," afra. V. J. Br.
HmtU I, Sos III, UtlU, Taw.
"I bara aaad 81ou't Us Iran t for f aaOy lot rain and would not ba wjthoot
h. Wa hara maxi a funiir at ian childran and bar and U tor eraup aad aU tuna
troublai alao, aa ao aotiaaplia far a-oaada, of wkica ebiidraa hava a ' IBaV. It
aaa't ba baat Mr ifa apfalnad bar aalcla laM and tt waa ip.bad bapo.
loan' Uaimant applied aaablad bar to ba aa food aa arar la a.wack. I ban vaad It
rraral tiaMa lot apiaiaa aad (bavuBaUaav'WJU A R.U.Nt.1. 1""
when I want anything dona I can't
get the other fellow to realise II
Boston Transcript
TV? atuMaa kja K.a4r tor Rad, Waak. V tlar;
Ut aad Uraaalalad Srallda; Na auiur
luav Ia Coafort. Wrtla for Baak ( i. Ira
a auui ffYaa. Maria Kja aaaaadf Ca.,Ckicaa.
Hard Luck,
Jonea waa
-wnat waa tnatT" t
"Got In hot water and could nt get
anybody to ball him out" Baltimore
Detective William J. Bums, who
accompanied the officer making; tha
arrest, aaid tha indictment charged
that Schmidt was one of tha two men
who went with J. B. McNamara to tha
works of tha Giant Powder company
in California and
pounds of dynamite.
Schmidt waa held in Magistrate's
court, on short affidavit, with ball un
til February 24 to await extradition.
When arranged before Magistrate
McQuado tha prisoner aaid ha waa a
mechanic. 84 years old, but refused to
answer the other customary questions.
After tha arraignment, however, the
magistrate aaid tha man had confessed
to him In his chambers that ba waa
Catahlng Us With China,
Gradually, very gradually, elvlllia.
linn la catching up with the rhlneee.
Tha t'nlveralty of California haa aa
tabllahed a new irofisslon that of
seeping people well. Those who adopt
thia railing will go Into tha world and
raro fat fees by not letting folk fall
ill. (Mrkneas will mean starvation to
the practltlmiera; a healthy populace
III make thm rich.
In China the doclore hava never
looked to the alck for business. Only
while their patlenta were well could
the physlelnus charge for eorvli-ea
rendered. When a patron fell III the
loclor'a Income ahrunk; when recov
ered tha convalescent resumed feeing
his medical adviser.
It la a good acheme, evidently, or
we of the wiser world would not have
lakes up with It after having ao many
thouaamla of years to Investigate Ita
worklnaa. In lima perhapa all the
wisdom of the Celestials will become
aura by adoption. HL Joseph Osteite.
Tha Lava of Haiard.
How do you account for tha fart
that so many of the political boys out
our way ara an strongly In favor of
prohibition Not ona of them ever
look the pledge on bla own account."
"Ita tha eternal spirit of eeircon-
ftdenee that stimulates speculation,"
repllea Heuator Sorghum, "kvory one
of 'em thinks that he ran find a way
to beat tha game." Washington Star.
"Psps'a Dlapepeln makss Sick, Sour,
Gaaay Stomaeha surely feel fine
In five minutsa.
If what you Just ate la aourlng on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
(as. and eructate aour, undigested
rood, or have a footing of dlsslness.
heartburn, fullneaa. nausea, bad taste
In mouth and stomach headache, you
can get blessed relief In five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Papa a Mapepeln from any drug store.
You realise In five mlnutea how need
less It la to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, aureat stomach doc
tor in the world. H'a wonderful.
Juit the Music You Want
for Dancing
AlltkslatMt etepa-the avwval alra-brllliantly played In per.
fast teaiptt for dancing,
The Inatrwneat tltuatrdted ahova. with SO Ana salartions and
a llbaral supply of aaedlea, la offared $4 1 .5 0
a aa Hrlng tha t'anplata Dutllt ta Your Hum. Llbaral
pO.UV I'aymanu ran ba arrangoU.
Lateat Dancea Demonaliatad In Our Recital Vtatl Every
At la i neon, 1 o' Clock.
V aVaa
I iQiiiiei,
AN lk RaMrda
. all Marhlnaa
ail mt tba tuaa.
Requlaite for Optlslsm.
What are the qualifications fir
membership In your International op
timist clubr asked the philanthrop
ist's friend.
"Well. In the first place, you've got
purchased 1 000 to apeak English with an American
BCCOUU nuuiuiiuu Diar.
fmm a Inriuania, linker
Shipping Fever gH,.S
Inriuania, Pinkeye,
ruratl. and all othaia, no niatlar h "aiiioa.d," ba. Irota
bavins any ft Mit.r di.aa.ra with SPOMN a CIOUIO Die.
TaMMgN CUHB. Thr.a lo all 4aa vtian tura a taaa. Una
ti...u bottle auaiantrad lo do a. Hal tnins lr brood
inaraa, a, ta on Tha .ihhI lo lanta a loll I", It d..n tmtllaa.
Iicufiiata and hatnaaa altopa nianula. luiaia sail It. l"lU
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granulea.
easy to take. Do not gripe.
Serleusntsa Justified.
"Dllgglna takes himself very serious
ly." "lies right lie has gotten himself
Into ao many different kinds of trouble
that ba la perfectly excusable for being
tfrald of himself." Washington Htar.
Visitor at Heaahoro Could you tall
me alint tuna the tide Is upT
Odd Job Man Well, sir. they do as.
peck 'lgh water at S: but then yott
know wot thesa 'ere rumors are, Dow
adays. Punch.
Hew Postry la Written.
"This Is a pretty poem of youra.
Something tossed off to gratify
whimsical fancy?
"No: something ground out lo pay a
Matthew A. Schmidt, aa alleged in the wash bl!i."Loulsvtlle Courier Journal.
Loa Anarelea indictment.
I ne mior atnirni,
"I thought you aaid that this color
waa fast?'
"Well. Isn't Itr
"No; It a an also ran." Philadelphia
A "Helping Hand" Extended to ti$s
: 1 Middle Aged Woman
Britain to Dictrt food.
I apuIam TVa fAfBaaJflrwa MfflMafk if.
TTlOIlgh Sickiai Stiff ering; At Lune,,, definitely that if tho cargo of
Last found Help in Lydia the American steamship Wilhelmina
fTtJEItE comes a tlma In every woman's
A Ufa when her orcanlsm underepea an
Unnrlint ehanira. This ia a critical
narW It la a time when a woman needa
kar full health and atrenirth. For your own
aake yoa abould anticlpata Ibia Urnlng point.
a 'tig m. suji iiiiniM tf itgrm
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
E. Knit ham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Limited Engagamenta.
Do you keep servants T' asked tha
should be diverted for the relief of the
distressed in Belgium, the decision to
send bar cargo to a British prise court ln?"!l,lllv ";sbbor across tb fence.
Richmond, Ps. " When 1 started I would be reconsidered. Otherwise her -..l.- .... ihiiainbia ij,,t.
lajung Ljoia l rina.nam s vepexaoie icarg0 mtut be submitted to the de-1 gcr.
vompoona i was us a
,,.i Hi I '. II. )l .11!
dreadfully rundown
atata of health,
had internal trou
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
had given In to my
feelings I would
have been In bed.
As It was I had
lelaion of tha eonrt.
Tha WilhemiM. which aailed from DONT ITCH I U5fc KL5IINUL
New York with a cargo of food prod
Tha lateat la aaeV
leal aaleaea ia
a lain s J ka Dr.
Plareo'a Csawana
Seas Medical
efaad arfUtaa at 0oa
nets for Germany, ia at present at Fal
mouth. A. G. Hays, an attorney rep-
reaenting.the Green company, tha con
signors of tha cargo of tha Wilhel
mina, called at the American embassy,
and went to Falmouth later. Ha aaid
TtZZf concerning tba case, but in the mean-!-Ui
mZ time waa endeavoring to learn all ha
could about tha status of toe vessel
and her cargo.
feet sad what I did do waa by a great
effort, I could not sleep at night and
of course felt very bad in tha morning,
and had a steady headache.
"After taking tha second bottle 1 no
ticed that tha headache was not ao bad,
I rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued its use until it
made a new woman of me, and now I
Lot Angela Children Thrifty.
Loa Angelea A eanvaa of tha banks
bare ahows that 40,000 children under
sixteen years of age hava almoat 1,
OOO.ftftfl in aavinoa rtinnaifa an averacra
can hardly realize that I am able to do of $26 ewh. on, bank haa 15,000 de-
aomucn asioo. nnraew"? poeitors between the ages of two and
woman In need of a good medicine I innrt,n Tha ! uwamt la
highly praise Lydia KPinkham'sVeg. that of . twelve-year old boy who baa
eiaoie yomptiunu. xaat. ti.672. Ha bee-an seven years aeo
with 60 cents A leading financier de
clared on this showing that Loa An
gelea children are tha thriftiest in the
world, which he ascribes largely to
buaineaa instruction in the schools.
Just put on a little of that soothing,
antiseptic reslnol ointment and the
itching and burning atop at once. Soon
alt trace of eczema, ringworm, rash,
or other tormenting akin trouble Is
gone. Every druggist sella reslnol
ointment and reslnol soap. Prescribed
by doctors for 20 yeara. Adv.
A New Anecdote.
Queer requests are often received for
prescriptions, which might putzle eith
er doctor or chemist, far more skilled
than tha proprietor of tha .ordinary
drug atore. Hera la ona recently re
ported by Morris wade. It la a note
from an eicltable mother, whose
nervea were apparently as much In
need of treatment aa the digestion of
hi-r Infant:
My little baby has et up Its father'a
parish plaster. Please to send an an
ecdote by the Inclosed little glrL"
Youth s Companion.
haa been recommended for over forty yeara aa a
tnnlo for women who are about lo experience "the
turn of life." It Is helpful in tho equalisation of
the circulation of the blood and In regulating the
action of the bowels. Nervousness and low spiritedly
appear. Happiness sod contentment take their place.
Paid In labUt cr liquid farm tu AMUIme
Ihahnor otnd SO ceafa or tample Ona
"When Tou Plsy In the Oame of Love."
"In the Valley of the Moon."
"Ifa a Long. Long Way to Tlppcrary"
On the "Aba Daba Honeymoon."
-When You're a Long. Long Way
From Home,"
"At tba Jewish Jublleo "
And you warble strains from "Dixie
"Everybody Picks on Me."
Until st last "Along Came Ruth."
Then I felt "This Is tho Life."
"When Grownup Ladles Act Like Tla-
Won t you kindly be my wifeT
Clark, 3146 N. Tulip St, Richmond, Pa.
fromea Hare Beta Telling Wemea
for forty yeara how Lydia E.Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound has restored their
health when suffering with female ills.
This accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast If you are
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
No Inferior Place.
"Did you select your son's college
for ita curriculum, Mra. ("omeup?"
Of course we din. The boy a al
waya been accustomed to the best kind
or a one at home." Baltimore American.
Than she said, "You're Here and I'm
"That's Why Little Hoy Dlue Is
Come to "The Land of My Ilcst Girl,'
Hack to "California and You."
FUt Filet tor Lincoln.
Portland. Or To defend the mem-
women why don't yoa try Lydia E. ory of Abraham Lincoln, Corporal M.
Wisdom and Dump are promoters of
a new bus line. Their bump or wis
dom seems to be wait developed.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound T It
will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink-
bam Medicine Co., Lynn, Uass.
J. Parcels, of Vancouver Barracks,
pulled an I. W. W. from hla soapbox,
pommeled him severely and knocked
down several sympathizers who started
Salier'e Whits Bonanza Oats.
Ifids C. J. Johnson of Lincoln Co., I
Gang's Always Ready
"I tell you. sir, the great benefit of
g college education ilea in me menus
you make.
"Thafa ao. No matter how old you
ara, If you have been through college
you oan alwaya find some one to play
poker or bet on the racea or go on a
spree with." Lite.
True to Type.
The Customer These grand opera
Mra. Jude Johnson ia now dec.and-
anear-riot The speaker i. to ",..u 7.T.DriLbU,o'u Phonograph record, sr. no good. I
have made remarks derogatory to the
martyred President. The soldier, who
2Va bushels sown last spring. Can yoa
neat tost in ivia; wont you tryr
ing that each egg contain the picture sustained several bruises and cuts, waa
of the hen that laid it, ao the consumer treated at the police hospital and re-
can know whether or not the egg came leased with congratulations. Two
from a healthy ben. 8be win take the membera of the crowd were arrested
" X" ua ""mn' ona cluarge of disorderly conduct
This great
S Oat baa tak
en mora
jfe? prizes and
can't aet anything out of half of them
The Salesman They ara our finest
achievement. You never can tell
when these records wilt sing. They're
so temperamental. London Opinion.
It weaita like wangle, relieving Laaabage, RkfimaHam, Sprains aad
BraWa. ierekkiag just lay it osw Price 25a. AlldeaWa. Sand fear
'easts as etaaaae fee TRIAL BOTTLE. kUat U any address lathe U.S.
DR. EARLS. SLOAN, Inc. D.lB. Philadelphia, Pa.
Look Motherl If tongue la coated,
cleanae little bowela with "Call
fornla 8yrup of Flga."
Tinlett Exhibit Arrive.
San Francisco The smallest and
most valuable exhibit at the Panama-
Pacific International Exposition will
be the fraction of a grain of mesothe-
rlum, a derivative of radium, valued
Mothera can rest easy after giving f "XJ 300.000 which will be placed
of Liberal Arts. The exhibit is now
on its way from Hamburg in a lead
box, carried by a personal represent
ative of the discoverer, D. Hugo
Lieber. ,
X and larger
"California Syrup of Pigs," because in
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coated to
take thia harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothera keep It bandy be
cause tbey know Ita action . on the
stomach, liver and bowela is prompt
and aure.
Pa., N. Y, Kansas
' How Could She
' Mra. Exe If I'd been in your place
X K k.-Lkl.f I think I'd have pocketed my prldo.
V.k iS,i?ri M. Wye-But I had no pocket.
t b e Un ttd 1M.Kh' ru.,,..h
fHtatea than "" a" "-" '
iWeny Oat
C known. It's
a n o rmously
prolific. Just
the Ost for
VIowa, Minn.,
Wia.. III.,
find., Mich.,
"""'Ohio, Neb.,
sad Missouri.
Ws are America's headquarters for
Alfalfa and Potatoes
Timothy, Clovers and Farm Seeds.
British Strike Averted.
London The threatened strike of
several thousand railroad men throtlirh-
Aak your druggist for a 60-Cent b0t-,. Rrlf.ln Hemanrilno- an In.
we oi "uauiornia syrup oi r ma. i . i i
which contains directiona for babies, AnZt mil.
children of all agea and for grown-upa. !v , Annonneemen WM m
iui iu w wig a ouniereuca unwnu ai i-
Dlplomatlcally Speaking. road managera and representatives or
1 want to anawer Gwendolyn's let- the union that an agreement bad been
ter and ssy something that means reached, the terms of which will be
nothing." announced later.
'Tell her you love ner." Pnlladel
phla Ledger. Eiaht Slain in Panama FlahL
A 1.LS tVa a.M.lalfMH
t m6teda"whTe SeMTaUvTVicemen 1
SfhVJen report, of tha con- Val. duri.g tha m
where, I filet In the deatha of five policemen
and three soldiers ana the wounding oil n. m u, joha a.
London says Germane are gctung many of the combatants. A carnival see Co., Boat 720, La
wooL and the worst of it Is they are waa in progresa and many of the sol-1 Croaaw, Wis., twenty eanu
nnlllna- It over the avea of the allies I a: i u. I and rsoelre both abovs eolieo
ooeaaionaUr. aw aaa iaau- oig
For 10o In Postage
We gladly mail eur Catalog
id sample packazs of Ten Fa
tnous Jfana eeeaa, ineluaina
Ppelts, "Tbs Cereal Wonder;"
ReinveaeUd White Bona ma
OaU, "The Prize Wlaaer;" Bil
lies Dollar Grass; Teosiate,
tka Silo Filler, ate, eta.
Or Sand 12a
Aad we will mall voa ear
big Catalog and sis generous
aaekafea of Karly Cabbage,
Carrot. Cucumber. Lettoes.
RsdUh, Onion furnishing lots
Burning Bridges.
Newrich So she now looks forwsrd
to a perfectly happy life?
Mra. Newrtch Yes. She bas snub
bed the last of the old friends who
knew her in the early daya when she
waa poor. Town Topica.
Whatever Thy Hand Flndsth.
Never hit a man when he's down-
when you are flooring blm give him
such a good lick you won't have to.
St Louis Globe.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath Candy Cathartlo,
No odda how bad your ilver, atom-
Iach or bowel.; how much your bead
ache., bow miserable you are from
conatlpation. Indigestion, biliousness
snd sluggish bowels you alwaya get
relief with Cascareta. Tbey Imme
diately cleanae and regulate the stom
ach, remove tba aour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver snd carry off tha con
stipated waste matter and poison from
tba Intestines and bowels. A 10-cent
box from your druggist will keep your
Ilver and bowela clean; stomach aweet
and bead clear for months. They work
while you aleep.
14-Vear-Oid Hsn Lays 1.000th Cgo.
Miss Elsie nobblns of Caldwell, N.
J., Is the owner of a hen which aha
betlevea holds tho world'a champion
ship for Industry. The hen la M yeara
old and has laid her J.Ouoih egg. Tba
exact record of every rgg haa been
kept. Old Reliable Is tho name of lb
hard working fowl.
"I have Ihouglit of another great re
form that should be agitated."
"What's the Idea!"
"I'm afraid to tell you. Some other
statesman mlttht eel hold of It and
start a political party of bia own with
It." Washington Hiar.
No Charity.
Knlrkrr "Are Jones snil his wife
at war?"
Mocker "Yes. snd the pity of It Is
that nobody has offered lo focd the
poor follow." New York Sun.
Purifies Blood
With Telling Effect
Gives Conscious Evidence of.
Its Direct Action.
a. 8. 8.. the famous blood pnrlfler, almost
talks as It sweeps lis wsy through tbs dr
eulatloa. Its aoUon Is s direct that very
often In soms forms of skin sffllclloa tbs
appearance of tbs eruptions changes aver
algtit, tiie Ilea and redness ara gaaa aad
recovery beslos Immedlstely.
As a matter of fact, there Is one Ingredl.
aal m 8. a. 8. which serves tbs act! re pgr
poas of stimulating each eellnlsr part ef
iba bode ta tbs bealtlir aod Judicious selee.
tloa of Its own eaaeotlal nutriment, fast
la wtir It resenerates lue Diooa supply; way
It haa suck a tremendous Influence la ever.
coming ectsma, rash, pimples, aad ail ektn
Anil la regenersDBg tns tissues a, B. a,
haa a rapid and dobIUts antidotal sgert
upoa all tkoee Irritating Influences that
eauas rheumatism, sore throat, weak eyas,
loss of weight, tbln, pals cbeeks, aad that
weariness of muscle aad aerva that Is tea-
orally experlrored as spring ferer. Oat a
bottle of S. B. 8. at any drug store, sag la
a few days yoa will not only feel bright and
energetic, but yoa will be tbs picture of
new Ufa. 8. 8. B. Is prepared only la tba
Swift SpeclBa Co.,
boratorr of The Bw
Bwlft Hide.. Atlanta, os.. who maintain a
very efficient Medical Department, where all
who have any blood dlaorder of a stubborn
nature mar write rreeir for advice aaa a
special book of Instruction. 8. 8. 8. Is sold
everywhere by drug stores, densrtmrat ssd
Kiarat stores, but bswsrs ef all substitutes,
ast accept tnem.
P. N. V.
No. S, ltis
WHEN wrlttaa as I
" ties kla aasar.
sdrerUeaia, please
- . i aivifcT.