The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 12, 1915, Image 4

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:J Maalnst p-oneral weakness
can only be established
and maintained by keep
In g the digestion good
and liver and bowels
will help wonderfully in, j
restoring: the inner
man" to a stronar and
normal condition.
PENMANSHIP teaches roo
how to wnnv. it a the BEST.
Vtm Hnit Pra. H. Bl Bwmo Burr.
IWaartilr awtaa. 101 Rnaaaefewfort. alae
rate frirM. Thra auaatal' weJk from Tuinj
UvM. Wnuforiataa, U a fc a. NlUa M
I Mi
"te.eeO attare for mtili
ration. M"Uul!
fa hMI" dJ "H luu to !
iMItiM. S4 roart aear tree
! -.m-t nmtaiintr. ltrnW aa-
' Trurd Nuiiiliiiiwiiii la Mm
trtTilrV Jonm.lm.
omnsux a CHMuntL mm any
fl 1034f.t,Wl n ina,c.
Dnte Per DMre
It take wore Ui.n rule to produce
good coodurt Whtrt a proper (pint
prevails rule ere superfluous, Thi
la particularly true la regard la dano-
Ing. Kit! people oi reiiuvmvni um-
with their friends tbey do not need
any loni Hit of wire and regulation
hanelna before their eye. 1 heir na
tural sense of the time of thing
I Insure aa observance of all lb pro-
nriaiia. Unfortunately an tnnal
aenaa of modesty and of the fltneaa of
thins can not be trusted to regulate
the public dance halL Here rules are
necessary to Insure aa observaoceof
tbe proprieties.
Ths public dance hall Inspector of
Elisabeth. N. J. have set forth suc
cinctly correct rules for partners to
five Mont's." They could not be put
mora tersely:
Iont bop.
Don't dip.
Don't breathe In the lady a face.
Iton! hold the lady too close.
Ivml wave the arnia un and down.
All forma of dipping and "rolling of
the shoulders" are forbidden by me
dance censor as vulgar. These re
strictions should not spoil the sport,
for the average patron of the dance
halL Francis Freer la Leslie.
Ileez. htmr
Be ncciaalaa MOW tv ra afejttdaa, V at
HattmtOr. i mnaaai aauiTa,
Ask roar ahrHctaa. SracrW. ar mt ton "Hmw
roa kal Tmbokk" trllrat of Trakola VarchM.
laoaaanil if rroraTypao CmnUxu
fie GuTTCt tABOtATOtV. aceailfY, CAt.
Unfair Advantage,
James The rain fail alike on the
Just and unjust
Jones True, but the unjust man la
generally provided Kith the Just man's
umbrella. Pittsburg Dispatch.
Tim to Pay One' Bills.
A man who has the money but who
hasn't time to pay hi bill is laxy.
and that all there I to it Atchison
Globe. ' ; ,
During the last few years, condt
tions In all lines of business, even pro
fessional life, have changed so com
pletely that every man la waking up
to the fact that In order to win suc
cess he must specialise and leant to
do some one thing and do It well.
80 It Is- with any article that U sold
to the people. It must have genuine
merit or no amount of advertising will
maintain the demand for the article.
For many years druggists have,
watched with much Interest the re
markable record maintained by Dr.
Kilmer Swamp Root, the great Kid
ney, Liver and Bladder Remedy. From
the very beginning the proprietor
had so much confidence in It that they
Invited every one to test It
It is a Dhysictan'a prescription.
They have on file thousands of un
solicited letters received rrom lortner
sufferers who claim they are now en
Joying good health as a result of It
However. If you wish first to try
sample bottle, address Dr. Kilmer ft
Co Blnghamton. N. Y enclose ten
cent and mention this paper. They
will promptly forward you a sample
bottle by Parcel Post
Regular else for sale at all drug
gists fifty-cent and one-dollar.
Not Forgetting BlacKwell'a.
"What are the most Important Is
land on the globe?" asked the geo
graphy teacher.
And without hesitation the boy
from New York answered: "Ellis,
Manhattan and Coney. Washington
They Often Do.
"Marriage is said to be a contract1
"Yes. and it is about the only con
tract wherein both parties can set up
strong claim to getting the wont of
It" Louisville Co oner journal.
Try Murine Bye Kerned j tor Bed, Weak. Walery
Bjea and Granulated Eyelid; No Braanlnr
luaVEr Comfort. Wrile (or Book of the je
byataillraa. Maria areBear Co Chicago.
A statesman Is a politician with
whom you agree. A politician is a
statesman with whom yon disagree.
) lOW-riTRK. tftk mmx e
i woaAtrlal fcak etfeart mt vbrgmostut staid wUi
organa that naaviy opt euhtaerita eaimmonij reyarri.
ma M awrjooa cu or in cvhmb car i
kevwa. Kt-af m atrwwvw e it nrs iUKWsaaa. e h
at-tsac. AtaMrtta, Bill nil Mil aai. mm.
WLrtApMclto. . - - f 'l
i Ihiai ti.m. VrM, -ggaS E , I A
- Ta Cam Uwar." fav ml0'tti'l M I O
A V "hart
I KX fefana:
The Finishing Touch.
The young man- hesitated to believe
the statement of her little brother that
tbt young lady was not at home. He
repeated the question, at the same
time displaying a quarter. The boy
eyed it longingly and again replied in
the negative. , s
- "But didn't" she leave a message for
me?" asked the disappointed swain.
"Ye, said the lad and nothing
, more. -Ov -v
As one who sees a great light, the
young man tossed him the coia
"Now." he said, "out with the mes-
"She said she' not gonna see you
any more and you're not to give me
any money. Pniladelpnia Ledger.
1 One Reason. ,
"I wonder why there are o few
women architects V
"Perhaps women are afraid r they
nifcht be called designing creatures.
Vale Record.
Quietly Yielded To Lydia E.
Pinkh&m'a VeeTetable
BAlfc-eton, N. J.-"I want to thank yoo
a thousand timm for the wonderful
jzood Lydia E. rmk-
jham'a Vegetable
jOanpoand ha dona
lfor me. I suSered
ivery much from a
fetnale trouble, I
pad bearing down
tpsuiB, waa incuat
at times eonld
!!y walk across
room. I was
ble to do my
oousework or attend to my oaoy 1 waa
oweak. Lvdia E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable
Ccei pound did me a world of good, and
bow I am strone and healthy, can do my
work and tend my baby. I ad vise all
suffering women to take It and get
well as I did." Mr. FANMB COOFKB,
E.F.D., Bridietoo, NJ.
Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Coro-
poond, made from native roots and
herb, contains no narcotic or harmful I
drugs, and to-day hold the record of j
beina the most successful remedy for
female ills we know of, and thooaand
of voluntary testimonial on file in the
Fmkham laboratory at Lynn, Has.,
eem to prove this fact
For thirty yean it has been tho stand
ard remedy for female ills, and ha re
stored the health of thousands of women
who have been troubled with such ail
ments a displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc
If yon want apeelal advice
irrite to Lydia E. Plnkham Med
icine Co, ( confidential ) Lynn,
Mass. Yonr letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in atrlct confidence.
It Couldn't Stand the Shock.
"Confound the luck." . , ,
"What' troubling you now?"
"I sent a poem to a magazine and
now I see that it has failed."'
"Too bad! But cheer up, maybe
they won't sue you for damages."
Questions and Answer.
"You are thoroughly familiar with
public questions, of course."
"I know 'em all by heart," replied
Senator Sorghum. "But I must admit
that as time goes by I don't feel quite
so certain about some of the answers."
Washington Star.
Banish the "Blues!"
If yon have that depressed feeling; it' more than like If that yonr
blood is out of order impoverished or poisoned.
There is only one thing that will alter yonr present eoadltjon
that's to restore your stomach to normal health and strength. For
a weak or diseased stomach cannot make good blood. If your
iiwatiAn la Kail win mA wll 4Via . LIJ JLl.k
I 3 . J jvu AWU OT 111 UWt llin,. l-"r WW UM1 HIWI
nourishes body, brain, heart and nerve. (
helps the stomach to do It work naturally and properly. Stimulates
the liver. The system is freed from poison. The blood is purified.
Every organ is rejuvenated. Instead of the "Bates," yoq feel fit and
strong, equal to any task or ap to any pleasure.
This great remedy ha proved it worth year after year for over
firfy years. Let it prove it worth to yoo. Bold by roeakioe dealer
in Utiilet or liquid form or send 60c for trial box by mail.
fraad' S! -- r-nr rr rulaf aanfflnr aJr rm t trwt trrTjrf Pr.TleaeCee
Ml rAasaaaMaaa
aattm tuKAlAeer,tUvtfi
Sevsa pstaon ar!lnjurd In Seattle,
when a jitney bus: turns turtle an a
prominent thoroughfare.
A Catholic priest and hi aou
keener are found murdered la their
borne In New Britain, Coon.
If usic bv aa orchestra la New York,
was beard over a long aisiance tele
phone by Mayor Rolph, la San Fran
French artillerymen succeed in
briturlna- dowa a German aeroplane.
the machine, however, fell la the;tier-
man lines,
Lea of lake Summer and Ebert,
ia Oregon, containing valuable salt
deposit, was ratified by the bouse of
Large order for barrel staves from
the Armour Packing company. Chi
cages are received by Aberdueen,
Wash., sawmills.
Note to England and Germany con
cerning the "war tone" and the use of
the Star and Stripes by belligerent
countries, I ready for transmission by
the United States.
A deputy sheriff at Chehalis, Wash.,
shoots a 16-year-old boy, who waa flee
ing from the training school. The boy
ia not seriously injured and the deputy
claims the shot waa accidental.
Ex-President Taft writes a letter to
a professor in Harvard university that
the ban put on munition 01 war oy
the United Stale may sometime react
to the detriment ofthi country.
Twenty-one miner lose their lives
in a British Columbia mine when
shot is fired that penetrate an old
abandoned mine filled with water. The
entire crew was trapped and downed.
The first girl born in Aveisano,
Italy, since the earthquake arrived ia
the village Wednesday. She was bap
tised and given the name of Eleana
Amata Ree-ina Italia, which mean
Helena, beloved Queen of Italy.
Outside of these question of inter
national law, the chief interest lies in
the fighting in the Eastern sons, the
operations in the West having Is peed
into a period of calm, with only a few
small eruragements on narrow fronts.
which can have little effect on the
campaign aa a whole.
Lists were distributed among the
Berlin households for reporting to the
municipal authorities of the members
of families. The lists will be cm
s basis in the distribution of bread
tickets, beginning February 12. About
4.000.000 tickets will be issued
weekly. A great rush of housewives
to buy potatoes has been observed in
the markets for several days.
The American steamer Wilhelmina,
with grain aboard for Hamburg,
arrived at Falmouth It waa thought
possible that she had been ordered
there by one of the British patrol
ships, ss the British government had
announced it intention of preventing
her from proceeding to Germany and
of submitting the question of her
cargo to a prise court. A dispatch
from Falmouth, however, says that the
captain of the Wilhelmina declared he
had proceeded to that port of hi own
free wilL
German declare blockade of Eng
lish Channel.
The worst snow storm in many years
is visiting Nebraska.
President Wilson' veto of the liter
acy test law is sustained by the bouse.
Austria gives up valuable territory
in Galicia to the Russians.
A Eugene, Or., girl opens a boil
with a pin and dies of blood poisoning.
The British completely repulse an
attack on the Sues canal by the Turks.
The Germans are reported to have
captured a mile of trenches from the
The English parliament has taken
action to control the price of wheat,
flour and eoaL
A Portland girl of 20 I arrested on
charge of polygamy. She pleads
ignorance of the law.
It is announced officially that 1166
British officers have been commis
sioned from the ranks since the out
break of the war.
Centralis, Wash., citizens deport IS
L W. Ws. by loading them on a north
bound freight train, after they had
spent a night in jaiL
Lieutenant Sharpe, of the Canadian
contingent of the Royal Flying Corps,
wss killed while flying at Shorebam,
England. He was returning from a
trip when his biplane suddenly dived
to the earth. The machine was
smashed and Lieutenant Sharpe died
within a few minutes.
Portland The egg market Is hold
ing steady at the ltft-ent basis for
lorae lota, ease count Effort aave
beea made by some dealer to break
the priM still further, but without tue-
ease, a receipts o far have not been
heavy. It Is only the backwardness of
buyer thst haa.brought!the market to
the present level.
There was a little better demand
for poultry and the market was
shade firmer. Dressed meat receipts
were small and the market waa quiet.
There I a very fair movement In
the apple market. Dealer report
better demand for dollar fruit th
any time this winter. Heretofore the
Inquiry ha beea almost wholly for the
cheaper apple.
The big January buying movement
In the hoD market appear to have i
tended into February, although dealer
report a slowing down of operation
with some eCthe more important buy
ers withdrawn from the market.
The Pierce Rim crop of 107 bales.
at Independence, waa soiiTto Durbin A
Connoyer at II rents. Uoreas Bros,
bought the Twin Woo crop of SU bales
at Salem at It cent.
H. L. Hart bought the Wolf lot of
M bale at St. Loui at 11 cent, 63
bale from W. Johnson, of Clatakanle,
at 11 cent, the Balch crop of 40 bales
at Silvertoo, at 11) cents, and the old
and new bop of Gearin VandalL of
Newberg, paying 11 cent for bq Dale
of 1914 and 6 cent for 85 bale of
Wheat Bid: Bluestem. 11.65
fortvfold. 11.64: club. 11.61: red
Russian. 11.46: red Fife, $1.49.
htlllfesd Spot price: Bran. 930.60
C31.60 ton; shorts, ISJ. 60(33. 60
rolled barley. !3i39.
uorn m nil, sai no cracaeu, too.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy. 114
16 ton: valley timothy. 611.60
grain hay, 10&lt: alfalfa. 1J1S.
Vegetable cucumber, nouou.
tl.t66M.60 doeen; eggplant. 8310c
pound; peppers, 94 crate; artichokes,
86390e doeen; tomato, $1.76 crate;
cabbage, 111c pound; bean, lie; eel
err. 12.60 crate: cauliflower. $125;
sprout. 8c pound: head lettuce, $1.86
tit crate; quaab, le pound; carrot,
$1.25 ack; beet. $1.25; parsnips,
Green Fruits Apples, 7&ci.w
nar box: easabaa. $1.66 crate: cran
berries. $11 barrel.
Potatoes Oregon, 11.Z5 sack;
Yakima, $1.10641.16; sweet potatoes.
tte nound.
Onions Oregon, selling price, l
sack;, country points.
Em Fresh Oregon ranch,
count. t6t326e: candled, t76i28e.
Poultry Bene, IZc pound; won era,
l&VSZOc; turkeys, dressed, tic; live.
18c; ducks, 13(t 14c; geese. lli12c
Butter Creamery, print, extra.
32c pound In case lots; ic more In less
than ess lots; cubes, ztxszoe.
Vest Fancy. ll12e pound.
Pork Block. 9 pound.
Hons 1914 crop. lXftl2ie: 191$
croc, nominal.
Wool Valley. Z0Z3c; tastera
Oregon, 16020c, nominal; mohair,
1914 clip, t7e.
Cascara bark Old and new, 4e
Cattle Prime steer, m.bwivs;
choice, $7.25(87.60; medium, $6.76 &
25: choice cows. I6ffl.o0; medium.
$5a; heifers, $&7; bulls, $3.606;
stags, $4.6036.
Hogs Light, 8Q.Z57.Ze; Beevy,
Sheep Wether, J6.76o.70; ewe,
$5g6.80; Iambs. $6.25(37.85.
Emperor Nicholas left Tssrskoe-Selo
for the front. He was accompanied aa
far a the railway station by th Em
press Alexandra and his daughters.
The Japanese cruiser Asama is
wrecked on the rocks off the coast of
Lower California, and will be a total
loss. A U. S. war vessel is ordered to
give all possible aid.
While shaking hands with a friend
William Rose, a mattress-maker, 48
year old, of Portland, Or., dislocated
hi shoulder so severely that he was
taken to the police emergency hospital
for treatment.
The Southern Pacific will spend $30,
000,000 to build a ship and rail ter
minal at Saa Francisco.
The American steamer Colon, for
merly a Mexican vessel, has grounded
on the bar at the entrance to the har
bor of Topolobampo. A heavy norther
is blowing and the steamer's plight is
reported to be critical.
By unanmlous vote the Socialists of
France condemned the peace campaign
of Sebastian Faure and put themselves
on record a in favor of continuing the
struggle until France is victorious and
until German imperialism I crashed.
Oot There Strong.
"My dear, the are very strong ci
gar you bought for ma"
"Weil, in man aaseu u i wanieu
'em strong. Naturally I thought you
would prefer something strong and
durable. But that' Just Ilk a man.
Next time I'll get 'em weak and see u
that will ault you." Louisville Cour
Heard In a Book Star.
Customer I want a copy of Ppy'
Green Clerk our new tocx oi
diaries has not com la yet, madam.
New York World.
"Mr wife's dog hss a habit ot bark
lag at me every time I come home,
said one husband.
"You're lucky," replied th other.
kiln doesn't notice me that much.'
Washington Star.
Taeoma Sugar continue It upward
climb. Dealer predict another ad
vance of 16 cent on all varieties, and
say they are unable to determine when
the advance will end. The soaring of
local sugar is ia line with the New
York market
Local Jobbers attribute the stiff sd-
. . a ,
Vance to foreign demand, cngiana
drawing heavily upon the United
States. The British Isles formerly re
lied greatly upon Germany for supplies
beet sugar and with th war in
progress hss been forced to turn to
some other source.
The Canadian demand for United
States butter will be curtailed by ship
ments of this commodity from New
Zealand. A shipment of 10,000 cube
expected at Vancouver soon. The
New Zealand product costs 811 cent
laid down in Vancouver. Thi butter
ha been found wanting, say dealer.
The local produce market had no
outstanding feature. Green stuff
are in good supply now and are prov
ing popular.
Meats and poultry show no cnange.
Apples Green cooking, 60c box;
Strittenberir. Wines p. Rome Beau
ties, Arkansas Blacks, Stsymen Wine
saps, and Black Twigs, 7586c; Deli
cious, $1.651.75.
Comb Honey Yakima, ss.zo crate;
strained honey, $6.60; Idaho, $3.60.
Pears Yakima, $1.50.
Vegetables Cabbage, home-grown,
lie pound; carrots, local, 75c$$l
sack; beets, home-grown, 76e$l;
turnips, $1.86; potatoes, Yakima, $21
(322 ton; White river, $1718; Bur-
banks, $22; onions, green, ZOe doxen;
Yakima, $1.60; garlic, 16e pound; rad
ishes, local, 20c doxen bunches; pars
ley.S5c dozen bunches; lettuce, head,
$2.16 crate; spinach, local, 6c pound;
cucumbers, $1.502 doxen; celery,
$8.60 crate; green peppers, 25c pound;
eggplant, 10c; Hubbard squssh, 2e;
rutabagas, $1.76 sack; cauliflower,
$2.60 crate; artichokes, 80c doeen;
Brussels sprouts, 8c pound; rhubarb,
Fresh Meats Steers, lZic: cow,
12c; heifers, 12n&12ie; wethers, 12e;
dressed hogs, 12c: trimmed side.
16c; combination. 16ie; lamb, 1S
14c; Diamond T. C, 14e; yearling,
18e; ewes, lie.
Poultry Duck, live, 10lZe; bens,
dressed, 16 18e; live, 10 14c;
ipring. dressed, 22c; live, 14ise;
squab, live, 2,60 doxen; dressed, $6;
turkeys, live, 18e; dressed, 2830e;
geese, 20c
Butter Washington creamery, eixs
Sle; Oregon, 29(g,80c
Eggs Fresh ranch, Z7Q$ze; stor
age, 2026e.
Seattle Wheat Bluestem, $1.63;
forty-fold, $1.62; club, $1.60; Fif.
$1.47; red Russian, $1.42.
Barley $36 ton.
Send for this Book
It's Free!
C 1 I.MaMlmn.
u( Vice iuiiuiauvui
Our 1015 Record
Hear'nf and Selectlnj Record at Horn
If you have an Edison Phonogrgph or a Vic
tor or Vlctrol, or a Columbia or Oritonola, or
on of Kdison'i latest diamond point disc phon
ographs, you will be glsd to tiear of our new
service by which record may be selected in
your own home.
The New Plan U Simp! ThUt
For every four record that you
tret to buy we will semi one doreu
tree trial. Order my be placed by
telephone or mail All the latest rec
ord ai well the old popular favorite.
Frew City Delivery.
Out of town drlivcrie by parcel pott, which
I prompt and safe. Sufficient postage a fol
low should be included for each doxen to be
ent by pott on trial.
Victor or Columbia record 10 inch Ite per doien
Victor or Columbia record It inch 15c per dosen
Fdison diamond disc record 17c prr doirn
Edison cylinder record Pc per doien
For thi new record ervlc addrei "Record Service Department
a t racMcn aenaft gramas
sTA oMa"g;
Dreetfway etAUardt.
Portland, Oregon
We repair phonograph j expert workman, prompt e rviee. OtJ
tyle inchine will be accepted a part payment for the laleit type.
"AM the make, all the record, all th time."
Don't stand that Itching skin humor
on day longer, oo to tee nearest
drucsfat and. for about 76c get a Jar
of reslnol ointment and a cake of ree-
Inol soap. Bath the ecsema patches
with reslnol soap and hot water, dry
and aDolv a lltu reslnol ointment.
it' almost too gooa to oe true, i ne
torturing. Itching and burning stop in
stantly, you no longer nave to aig ana
cratch, sleep become possible, and
healing begins. Soon the ugly, tor
turing eruptions disappear completely
and for good. Adv.
"Crustlelah reminds me of aa old
and much-used pack of cards."
"In what warr"
"He 1 o hard to deal with." New
Tork Commercial.
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" cent harm
tender little stomsch, llvsr
and bowel.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one' stomsch, liver
and bowel need cleansing at once,
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or 1 fever
ish, ttomacD sour, orcein nai; nas
sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold,
glv a teaspoonful of "California
Svruo of Kiss." and ia a few hour all
th foul, constipated waste, unaigesv
food and sour bile gently move
out of It little bowel without grip-
In-, snd rou have a well, playful child
again. Ask your druggist for a 60
cent bottle of "California Syrup ot
Figs," which contains full direction
for table, children of all age and
for grown-up.
Reck for 8ekr After Truth.
Occasionally there 1 a seeker for
truth, but most people prefer to listen
to their wishes or their prejudice.
lfor than 80 vezrs
boomed Alfalfs, years
o Sslser's Catalog
tfora other seeds-
thought of its vslue. Today Salter
excels I Bis Alfalfa strains Inclnd Grimm,
(Montana Lissom, Agr. College Impacted).
Bailer's Dakota Bcaistered No. 30-ll
hardy a oak.
For lOo In Postage
Wa alarllv mail our Catalog
and aarnDla naekase of Tea Fa
jrtrm Betas, including jssaa. "The Cereal Wonder;"
Rarnvmatarl White Bonanza 1
Oat, "The Prise Winner;" Bil-
liT TW!I. Orua- Taoatata.
th 6Uo Tiller, Alfalfa, t
Or tend 12
Ani we wfll msfl ea ear
big Catalog aad sis generoo I i
packages of Early Cabbage, I J
Carrot, Cueumber, Lattuea, "!"
Radish, Oaion rarnublne lot
at juicy aaurnoas
C 3
anrl lota
Vegetable during the early
Spriag aad Bummer.
Or ssed to John A. Seize'
Seed Co.. Boat 720, Lm
Croea, W.. twenty emits
snd reeslve both shore eoiiao-
taalr trig
PutS a aaa
Stop to all
And prawnta ethar harlnf tha rilMaa no etattar how as
aoaaJT M mMi an It a kotlia, I an ti a settle.
AU good emaciate sail turf (umU huue.
CHemlate an eaclertelogists, Qasnaa, In, U. , A,
For Sick Hssdsoh. Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Sowele Thy
work while you eleea.
Furred Tongue, Dad Taste. Indiges
tion, Bellow ttaln and Mtserabl Head
ache com from a torpid liver and
clogged bowel, which cause your
stomach to become tilled with undl
gnsted food, which sour and ferment
Ilk garbase In a swill barrel. That
th first step to untold misery Indi
K ration, foul gas, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that I
horrible and nauseating. A t'asrarel
tonight will glv your constipated
bowel a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you aleep a 10-eent bos
from your druggist will keep you feet
Ing good for months.
In for It
Modest suitor I have only 15.000 a
year, air; but I think I caa support
your daughter on that
Father (enthualaatlPaly) Support
her, my dear boy! Why. you can up
port her entire family on It Cosloo
A Novel Fishing Device.
He 1 an expert fisherman, and o
enthusiastic that he recently traveled
hundred mile to on ot th North
era Indiana lake to angi utrougn
the Ice.
"I bad great luck thi time.' he said
In telling ot the trip. "I had a new
scheme to get them. I got a board
and sainted the picture of a minnow
on It Then after aawlng a fair sued
hole In the Ice. I placed the board in
a very slanting position oown in in
water, well, do you snow tnoe iooi
bass and Pickerel and thing would
strike at that painted minnow, slide
right up that board and flop out on
th ice. finally my guide, uiuegui
Joe, got tired picking the fish off the
Ice and went to to noiei, wnore oe
rot several baskets. We'd place a
basket at the end of the board and
tha flab would drop Into It A fast
a a basket wa filled w placed It on
the sleigh w had Uken out with u
and whenever we d get a aieign ioea
we'd quit for the day." Indianapolis
Beaa of His Household.
The men who Is boss of his house-
bold I a bachelor who doe hi own
work. Exchange.
Each "Paps Dlspepsln" Digest 8000
grain food, anaing an siomscn
misery In five minutes.
Time It In five minute all stom
ach distress will go. No Indigestion,
besrtburn, sourness or belching of gas,
acid, or eructations of undigested food,
no dlsxlness, bloating, foul breath or
Pape's Dlapepsln I noted for it
peed In regulating upset stomachs.
It Is the surest. Quickest stomach rem
edy In the whole world snd besides It
is harmless, rut an ena to a tomato
trouble forever by getting a Urge
fifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln
from any drug store. Ton realise In
fire minutes bow needless It Is to suf
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest and most harmless tomacb
doctor In tb world.
Too Late.
A booking agent for a Chautauqua
bureau visited tb most prominent
msn of the town.
"Mr. Jone," said he, "I called to see
you in regard to a Chautauqua."
It won l oo a on oi gooa, i'u
up the prominent auxen. sir win
and I have looked over all the cata
logue carefully, and hav already de
cided on another machine." Every
body's Magazine.
Orewth of Tmprn.
"You say all thi I the temporal
toner aaid I'ncle Hilly Uotiletop a
be examined hi nephew' geography.
"Tb whole of Itr
"Weill Weill These local option ,
Idea are gala' ground quite soma.
Aren't they!" DaUlmor American,
Can weVee We.
Allan ront.kaui la smnala ur toe koL
raiing.fiallua.enlauiiaii,eraif lax. Sul4
arailiirussi.ta. I'rirattn. Ix.n'i aaf
k iiae a otawtaa. i Hr. 8 . y.
Oe Oeol
There' a great difference la th
laat word of famous men; but their
first word were all about the same.
Chicago New a
Dr. Pierre's Pellet, small, surar
eoated, easy to take aa randy, regulate
and Invigorate stomach, liver and bow
Is and cur constipation.
Her Wavering Affection.
"Hubby, I'm In love with that hat"
"You fall In love with too many hats.
If you'll promise to remain constant
to that one for as much ss six weeks,
I'll buy it for you." Louisville Couo
Clean Knowledge,
"We are going to give up having
Johnny get an education."
"For what reaaonr'
"Well, we can't got him stertllied
very morning in time to go to
school." Puck.
Quick Relief Vto
Utterly Wcrn Out
Getting the Blood In Order
Is Required By Most
tr von think von have cone to smsah and .
lit only for the dlarsrd, rj a. a. H. (or tb
blood. It will surpriM yon to know what
on be dune rur ueaun one mo niooa im
r.lrard ot the exroM of Uxlr wnetns that
k It from exercising Its full measure of
bodily wpelr. :
If roe feel plarM eut, go to any drag
store sod sak for a bottle of a. a Iters
Is a remtdr that gals at wars 10 a (wins
line: It lost naturally ruslim right tat
your blood,, scatters gros right and laft.
ap ana oown ana iu.
y0q foal bettor at osr, sot from a stlra- -alant.
not from tb. action of drugs, but
from the rational effect ot natural audi,
The Ingredients In K t. R. serve th
etlre purpose of eo tlmnlitlng the eallnlar
tlHUP ot tbe body that thfy pick sot frees
the blood their own taamtlal BuUimaat aad
thru repair work beglne st once. Tke relief ,
is ganersl sll over the system.
Do sot neglect to get s some or a. a. b.
today. It will make yon feel better la juet
a few minuteo. It le prepares obit ia ma
laboratory of Tbe swift Sparine ce., era
Swift Bid., Atlanta, Oa. Bead for their
free book tailing of the many sirens eo
dltlons that afflict the bums family py '
reaeoa of Impoverished blood.
9. H. V.
No. r, ii
WHEN wrtttae
" laa thle pa
a adfsrtteara, Bteaat
araMeMstaral4MBeoeWera, tW, Mcke t-.mU.Kn.. WJ. . M M.Wfta
ffiaMM'U.DriKaCa"(aiM,bMmi MONHOB DKUO COMPANY. Draam 7, Quia. Itae