V My Weston Bakery Freeh Hrrad. (Vk and I'aalry. Kin ('aiMlif. il Meale al All Hours, 2fe. Wa specialise In lxlge snd J'arly Huiare, ZliHAl the liakcr (Inputs Hulkllur, MnIii ami Water 0" rHtnea Htid lleineaa repaired neat tliHir. Monopole Canned Goods and Walters Flour Our Leaders T.j Economy Store PATTI STOOD PAT. the Wealed Her Man? lefere the ana, and Bh Oai It One of Adrllim 1'iitlls Hctilbirltla una t ti it pIii m-ier annit lode until alw IihiI lur salary librr nkl r mi fully aaaltred Hint (here waa no rtiiwM aa i hrr iirltlim II. When alia aaim al Ilia Academy of Mualc, In Nt w York. Ml ana Hum Hie manage wee wir.'ljf int itlMiul In find nsiiiey I" pat her. Inn alio iilwiija eloillly refused i abut until aim liml her ealnry. Una ti'gM al a iWirter piiet R bar rel'nwninli went in hint ami said: Minl.llll l all dreaaed rl'lit f ah.-. Hit ll in lla.ee un when aim gets I ! money." Th inummi r. half dNtrmled. malted shoot llir initiM' end eiieceedi-d In rout ing mil half Ilia amount dm Hh irlma rtniiiM, lili It ha hastily avid to her. Hill aimtlirr .iiiiirtcr of hour eard. ami. Ilmnuli tin' audience aliowrd greet BREVITIES Klftcen gem rhhkens o iraila. K. K. Xchm. j MIm tfllsa Mirrlaiiil Iff! Wednreday fur a visit with frbuds Adame. MIm Florence March wee a recent Ivllltor villi frlrmle In Walla Walla .ml Mill. ill. Whet r aald lu be lha f ' I bae- j il ball Irem not pHng Ihe fur- fT pla tllante that haa appearr: mw season In lh l"-al tourt, will cavort I i tomorrow (wiurria e- i I poeliloa la Weeton Mih. II la lha a , i grrgstlon of Wallaburf High, lha pf of any high achool leant in m r--Nt.rthwcal, according In anma of Ma rnthualsatle ailmlrra. Tha locale an tlrlpalo di-fabl. bol wjll li Ih.'lr bal lu hold lha vlallore lo a rlr erore than lhal by whim thy -r bratrn al Waltaburg. Weston folluwein of lha , aimrt tin MM In w rlaaay aahl- bltlnn I ra advla. d nl li "ila Ihla .m.. ahlih U lha laal of lha aw.' m ill nfM Warranted mh I MVGS I ... . - u..ii.a. tha hma li-am ' honf-b.; - - alatar, Mra. II. A. Hramll. I . K. K. Y.-hm al lha Wraton ball cry If yi anl l woibmanahlp In atuw and harnmia ri-ualrlna;. Mlaa Ida lluah of Athrnn. aiu-M nf Mr. and Mra. Harry Turnar ilurlna lha flmt of lha wk liniMtlliiin. Hutu na lai I'altl wbara- j KmM.y Wiirlhlnaton. ona of Athina'a nl Ilia iimiiiiui'I ran In In hwin. ! i..iiilar yun itirn. haa nn l I'nrl- land lo laka a bualmaa rnllaa cura. My d-ar oinditii. wliy do ou ot to Ni? I baa wnl foil half Ilia ukmi ry. and lha ivnl will n-a. b yott befora Ilia and of Iiu' llral ai-t." I'altl awIM doli-fulty. athlhllad Iba llia of bar fwl and aald: "Ycm ara. I bara only t a lia I raniHit so on Un- alalia Mllmut lha olhar. It would lm nulla IiiiimhmIIiIo " Almiwl -rnMi. Ilia manaar ruabad ' f lut anrlia of bar lay out and ill.nvail Hiul lha otln-r half prlci', of llw nionajr i-ould ba rabwd.-Aaw Vol k Ti llMina. Y. A. MH'orltall and family wra In liiwn Momtay, tra.lln with Inral iniTthania. from thrlr homa on ll-ad and llawli-y mountain. I'Hr Narkaua, wall-known lonwr f.irmrr iif llaad and Hawh y mountain, roma lo lown Wrdnawlay and dlaoai-d I ranry NERVES AND WATCHES. Kwratary Krlrdly ailvlM-a lh f-KAIV ' K.H lhal lha rr-ular nmmlily waailnif. ol tha I'maiHI fount Ta)ra Aa-1 M lailon will ba l.W In tl ruonia of lha IVodli'ton l umnian lal AaMM-lallimj Kol.rnary U. H'l'. " c'u,"1 : ni. I art alii n-H -rinaril, ami lha i-al bl'lf n.mawlll bava an InlrmrtliiK rrrt on lha axiamaa J1tr";t' Ida corf, of tha liiKiuUm roa.1. lha h .! tha rltfbt ol .. '""' Ilia dllfaranl brlila-wi built In I malllla eounty durln 1I2-I M. inounl road liMme) eullajtail and iN-nl durlnif ibaaa yaain. All laxy aia ara ln lll lo I rnanl and laka part In tha illaeuwlooa. Milton la lo have a arnle library, .ha council bavin anthulnath ally votad o accrpl lha I7l' donation o ....! hv lha lilrd o' BklbMi on hla Call on ua at mir Haw loratHin In tha GiHikl l.rkk. ALMA BARNETT Whan Thay Oan'l Aoraa Tnara la Sura ta Paar Tima. Ona of ihf iroiilila of wali'lininkrra la lha man who vta ou HU waUb'a iH-raa. Tbara ara Kla of cn-louiara on whom ii lto"d Walrb U wnalad. A ml niinl huinl wuli b III" I baa kad iH-rfixl tlma fur oth-r lieupla will Willi . iuri,y. ,inho. la cvrtiilll olln-r (oHH . imguinriy wli.'U It l nm atiiiidlng allll. II la roniinon kitowhiW In lha Inula Unit aalrlu-a ara araalljf lutlnawaO by tnuir nwiirra. KoInmIv knowa lha raaaon. but two il:iuntlin. bnva Ihh-ii offi'n-. lu la Hint wnMif-i ara ai-iimiiva to par aotinl iimtinrtl.m. lha nnlural alirti ly Hint li'i iinn la-lnira i-olibilu III vary ing itliilttllb-a. Tha olhar la lhat a wairn mny a dk-inrlml b. lli- tlbrnlluna nl up ny fiMitnp whh h b banrhT than ina ordinary Tlia min who puta ma paaia diwn lo-avlly naniilly iimnU ta tha rvmtlator toward alow t bai'P ll rrom tnlnllii Oin- of the iiiylrrlon awaa or tna aiihht I" lhal wnli ln-a awiiioin t cood tlma on la-ofl.- of narvoua. ax na l iHiiminaila.-riraua Kiy Are You Hesitating? ii n wImtv you ahoolfl i.lar U.t or. dr for main aial fml f-r your live alia-k? Haailnla no lonptr. We ran Imlillnl b'f 'V daiirw lliut ll uill ba lo your irraal alvanlafo t" 'nlk' It with ua, tha knal t .rof lhal inakaa IU way in nnin, iarm. , r u.u auatiaiiara wiil toll ytm t thr quality of mir ifix-ln. Kdid Hrfrlry, tlata attd Whit; Hour. Nrillalulla ami Chicken Fawl. i ihiiw r. i. I) R. WOOD the Teed Man Local Lodge Directory -ii l: KNM iJllniK NO, I". K. tK I. ,,,Va .torv- Wrulio'wlav vitlnf. li, !.illak t'. V. Clnrk Wtaal, it . .i a. .v s. WKSTON MHKiK NO. 113. A. K. .V A. M. Mi,i i avni-r hw.iihI anil hnirlh Katunlny In t-iu'li inuntli. lilclmnl Alorriaon, W. Jr. is. it. iki. w. WWWN UMMiK NO..W, I. O. O. K. Moi-t avarv 'rlHirwIay rv'iiliif. , II Uouhl. N. O. A. A. Kaea, U. MiHt.; K O. OaMoiia. Kin. SitJ. V'L'I'OM iMtil' 'i. 112. V. O. W, M mt a i ho II ml and iMni Sntiiiilnja f raoh tnontli. Mimnw Turnar, C ". J. j. IIolr, v iol a. KITIIKKA AHMK.MIILY NO, 21, t'N lu.d Artlaaim. Mt'Wn lha Ihul it""' tlilnl MoikIiivh In rarh iiiolith. Nal li MaylwK, M. A. Krnnoaa t Wwal. Sw-rvtary. wi'L'lill A Mil.? TKMI'I.K NO. .11. I'Y i.i... Mi.irs. Mim'Ik tliu monml and i.u.rth xi.iniUva lii anvli moiiih. Anna 0"Harra, M. K. V. Allen V. IVIo, M. if ,14, it l. HIAWATHA It Kl IKK A If UDfilC No. H. Maala tha aotntml and fimrl h Tuawlava of each month. Anna 1 1 hit. " N. O. Oilfitaa Klfhtm'K Itwj. Kio. Iitlio lliaiult, Kin. Hoc. i.m.fciiM,'Vii' i 'll A ITKIt NO. 47. O. K, H. MfHta tbu awont! nud four! It Krldaya of audi month. Mary Harnaa. W. M. Alloo K. I'lloe. Sic. I Dr. Farnsworth DENTIST Ofllca Hottra-8:30 to 12 a. m. I to 6:! . m. f Offlcea uiwtaira in Brandt h.iii.iiiW. vM.....n . Weston Oregon i I rlc mrk ami nivnaM o . ...! mM. rtirhi l'l1 nn .riiaiw ft.r rati ataWCM J wih1 taMMbllllr. IMnk ralrrmM yi. Our f ri took w. I. Jl Ho. l- I""' aanpllMMl' Wrll.ltajr. D, SWIFT & CO, PATENT tAWYtna, I oill rail for vou In any part of .., trrmt. Tha coumll will provjda loan and haul you In and from lha1, ,t(0 tnr tho bulldlnf and ! d H.I In my nat rubbr-llr.-d rab at ; ,nouay fr malntananra. Wa won-iwinty-flva nnla for tha round trlp idr. by lha way. If rarn.gla anoaa j,f Mrllrldi.. I thai WValon U atlll on lha map and la A Jat about tha flnat little bur 'n Krrd Handrra)a waa In town W I ,vn((,( . ,i,,tra. Wa already bava a nraday from Iho HIi"' Mountain cnunly library branch, but more of a mill where, ha reporta, lha enow , d ,,, won't ba any too murh. now parked lo a depth of about lwo. and nne-half feel. If preient plana do not mlararry. . . ... . Jor.-on will In a abort lima be Hated I. f. I'rnebatel, formerly of W eaton 1 ,h m,,rUnt auaar-producln nd now a ieoin nr.i-.- tha union. Aiprouo-.j reported to na . ,-,d up wlth- aerioualy III with pneumonia al hla rW d n lh, Vklnlty of home In that rliy. (Medford and Oranta fm. an acreaa" Ainon. rrealdenl' WHaon'. reeen, 'raoS reeommindatlon. lo lha - n.te la lha '1,,. ,Z ft-h ilMMllimi ni . ....... - u. .uuimn.ter of Alhrna. aucca-dln capital haa been farmed lo carry M-imnier oi ..- -, . ,h. BKl(Mt -hlch will re- H. . Worthlnaton. jire an lnve.tmmt of 5.0. A mii enlovaota nance w . . - . kMtn-1,1 .rrd., aventn. the h.,me f Mr l;:. and Mra e..r. fhllllpa on Iry f'Vrt for lha Averr of " cl creek. Home II yun peopl. of the ( Irl. t for th re ty bm ...I.KhnrhiUlil art lrVaXnI. rv " . s, . .a.. Today we believe we are showing the largest and best assortment of pocket knives ever on sale in this locality. Just think over one hundred differ ent patterns from which you can make your selec tion, and every knife carries our personal guarantee as well as that of the manufacturer. Here you will find such well known brands as O-V-B, Keen Kut ter, Diamond Edge, Griffon, etc., knives that have established a world wide reputation for durability, beauty of design and perfect workmanship. If you want a knife for pruning, hunting, camping, speying, budding, manicuring,3eather punching-in fact, for any purpose-ask us; we have it. A knife for every purpose-for man, woman and child this we had in view in making up our stock. Prices are reasonable, ranging from two bits to two and one-half plunks. We will sell you a knife for two bits and guarantee that it wiil give perfect satisfaction or your money iback. One look at our showing will convince you that we are in a position to supply your wants. Wate & Rogers Hardware and Implements WELL-KNOWN EDUCATOR TALKS AT WESTON HIGH of brick rold by tna yarn ior r- , H,,h ichoot bulldlmr ai i-enui. .. oj mornlng , mid Qaaturaa Part of Talk. There l a ""' who from a very early ace h vd iuiune XuliMi I- Ilia aluioal onlvenoil loliKUe I roui fon til una iiniuiuu ua HiiiiIkIi mtMII.. UK " "" .lluhleol tiM or "M I.iii;hii ai-eewi. iiml perwiiia vho do not know tltnl he I uf Alliarlciiu imtviil.'Ke nra wnima j to U-lleve he In ll "Milnrl luerely j from henilna him t"lH. He la ao per fislly lil!hn:uiil thut It almwa eeu lu l,a IflKtlin. Wllrn IIIIKIIIK won ll .Hokllt( M-lolia Ho alia quienj i!,M-a III loliverallill whh in Mioiltll nliHie . OUT in enae or m.i.im 4 ..ut lliie.1 i liilibnth-nlly doea be M a-itiire. It'll the niomriit be dro (inn Hiw'til-h hla every worn l necom pniileil by movemi-nl of the hitnda or iirm H I" Inleie-tlnu to wnlch lha i hiiiiue from the i:ntfU"h to the po- UU "Ide of him. IwMiiae ll roiliea ao anddeillv. Ha really run t aciU fau- lab without ealiirlit.-Nr ur Training a Ooo It iimy aiin'rl"' "'u' l'H'e to t told tUnt dc hii atronit wiiw f Jiihtltt'. .. tniU-aa y" wain your pm to gntti a poor oiiuiou ot you. w m ful when you puiiUU h!m. Ni'ar pmi lah uuii'iW the l"i ' noawlaie the piiiiUhincnt with the offenms. Tha clr cuiiialiiutlill avlden.tr may la very atmiiR. but Jon hud U'lter wait and vaieb him In the net. Common aenaa la alamt all thiil to reiiilred lo tvnr a pup py Into a do wblcb will ba fallbful. iiM-fol. atwii.irnal eomMinlon--oniuioii aeiiH' and conalilemlloii. Whetiever I find ona of Hioh aiiyihliiB will do for the pil kind Of HWl"e I ma uiv mliid a whnt th numana tbitt family look llk.-Oiitlnif. "! ; ; - ... . .,!. I.nt November """'"" Panama-l'Briric expo-nom ..... rorer - . . h ,h. nd within a f-w l'a the material win rrom nia amuie nu . e ahlnned lo Ban rranclaco and In- i thief on the county road near tha i. ' ' ... . . i- m-ni'.nil neither .. . k. ,n,lin. nl.re. He recmeren nnmr. aiaurn in inp w ' i . 'r ma norara. one w recmered hi. hnrtea. one of whlcn nao. wrn farl Hramll now haa hla wlrcleM utrnny driven to death by the culprit, mnai folly equipped, and haa Joined who hl.n utrA ,he olhrr aa a mount. Iiren Mnybee In receivma einenni Mef ,fterward apprenenueu mi'iiuiM. Twica omiy ne i "-a-l the rorrart time al It nooif-from North Head. Waah.. and at 10 p. m. from Mare Inland, near Ban Tranclaco. While hatpin manfully lo load a boa car at Ihe depot I-afe Mt-nrtde. local Inia driver, fell out of the car backward onto the aldewal. Thone Kiin..u.,1 tha Incident aay that ha landed lth a dull, alckenln thud, j but that the aldewalk cecnped nut any particular damae. with- at Baker. t.rcon. St. Mary 'a hoapllal at Walla .Walla, built id 1NW, aa Ueati-oyad ednea ilav mornlii by a til a hicli alartoU In theauic. All tho patient were l-o-moved In aalety. ami- a "urjfeoo who ft aii oia-raiin bud liuie to nnlalt hla work. Too loaa la animated al Wo,- UUO. liebullUlli l piannou. Abe Abrahamaon. realdln on B'-ed and Hawley mountain, aulfered a bad- Iv bruiard hand in a recent iu ProftiaKir J. C Herbaman. formerly head of th 'X'partment of Public Bpeokln of the fnlveralty of Willi- lnton. addreaaed the atudenu or - Hchool at aaaembly Tueaoay .... . M . . 1 1 I PatUllClflll. I . . Burl Wood returned Haturuay iron hlh. acnooi duuuimb ------ -- ; mornin on me aunjec oi in, Mi Mlnnvllle. vihere he lately jianea pmintiita auee ..... -1 lutlon or tn mn ucnooi muueni. from hla appendl wlihnul any fervent reaiHinalhla for thla unpaid balance jM. Herbaman la a faaclnatln apeakcr, dearee of aorrow. He leavea aoon for fr tha reaaon that It failed to obtain ! nd hJ hu hearera" clone atten- Itedinond treon. lo lwk after the from tha contractora a bond, aa re-jUon ((jr ,hrer.qUrtera of an hour aa Wood land holdlna In lhat locality, j quired by law. for the protection or. .harplJ, characterised the varolua . Hiborrra and dcalera fn material. ata- In the development of the high Cnoa and rurry coonuea nve ....--. . a runo or i "" "-i - ' u.tj. . ... I Mr. Herbaman pui nia iae in of a rompnhenalve dlapiay ai me ,, waan.. " , -T... icnh..r atlmulatln and compelllnr way that cannot help aetttn many of tha atu denta to thlnkln alon new and prof itable llnea. He pointed out In a con vlntlnr manner the vlUI dlatlnctlon between true and aham education, and. appealed atrongly to the atudenu to make aure lhat they were Renin me rlht kind. He emphaatted the point that ll la character, not mere knowl edge of facta, that conatltutea real cdocation. and that simplicity and "lo re r I ty are the foundation atonea of character. The apeaker denounced In unmlatakable terra the tendency ex hibited by ao many atudeota to follow the line of loaat realstance In their school -ork. and ahowed that the men and women who ara doing the world'a uwfiA work today are thoae who avoided no hardship In their youth. Mr. Herbaman knowa the nin achool atudent from start to flnlah. and. In bane ball parlance, hla batting average waa fully 100 per cent judg ing from the number of hlta he scored In hla address. At present Mr. Herba man la niacin hlgh-claaa lyceum tal ent for next year, and tentative plana have been made to secure aucn a course. Ircludlng Mr. Herbaman him self, for Weston. Ho la aure of a hearty welcome should he visit in local achool again. IIXIAM MacKEKZlE. Prohkat J. II. PRICE. Vka President E. M. SMTH. Cashatr E. L BLOAGREM. AMtataaf Cashatr Established 1891 Ik E. O. ftcMoaa complained of getting j trailing on nohi near the Kar- ln A Unlqua Cross. In tha heart of tht Kooky nioimtnlna nmy I w" the Mountnlii of the Holy Cnwa. which la H.HUU fwt In beltfht It derlvin Ita miiiiv from nlnnntlc croaa on one ah'", near tha auiuuilt. formed by fliwtuva In tha rook. It can be seen for ninny mllea with urcut dla tliH tmwa nnd I" looked iikii wltb an IH'ratllloiia ftntr' tho uiitlv.-Ex-clmiiKe. AH Right. "That girl' all rlht." aald th blond irlrl In the dreaaliiR room nftar .1... hint looked erervwhero fur bar overHune. "The one who him Jut left, ahf'a on off with laitll the rlKht overall!- and lert.lna the left ouea." New Vork Tltuoa. " Hit Mistake. "I ennnot live without you!" You hitv avlib'titiy sot mo eonfua. ed wiih uiv cnislii. It la alio who hi wenlthy." Ilouaion I'oat. Soma Travel''. "Una he trnvrlod mncbr Ilif muat Imva 1 understand he gone throuKh I wit fortuue already." Detroit Free I'rtna, It la n B't blesalug to be perfectly callous lo ridicule. W. M. Pttenoa G- B,hoP Peterson & Bishop UWYERS Pendleton, Or. Freewater, Or. Chaa. H. Carter Dart P. Smytho Carter & Smythc LAWYERS PENDLETON - - OREGON Innesome. upon being iniervueo day by one of our bright young re porter. All he knew, he aald, waa that Ihe local statesmen, anarehlsta and war college experts who formerly .i....rK.t the heat from hla big Klon dike stove had moved over to Pete O'Harra'a. 8. T. Oore. an old and valued friend of The Leader, now aaimii contractor, writes the louowing couraxlng lines In renewing nis evrlptlon: "As the high coal of living is ao high we have cut out ... penaea but neceaaltlea, and aa The Leader ia one or tne iii cliaw my remittance for Ihe aame. -n.- Miimn Raelo reoorta lhat a Walla Walla firm haa Inatalled a 000- - .11 . .matte I aht and power aysicm at the Ixm Harder placn on try creek. Th mni is one of the latest known and la absolutely automatic, furnishing light for the Harder home, me o and dairy houaea. beside rurnianina power to run tho cnurn, wasning i- chlne. and pump. Uniformly cold weather continues around Weaum. with but little now on the ground to protect the grain. However, local farmers are of tho opinion that the wheat haa aa at suf fered no dumngo. nor will it suffer un less the mercury should sink below aero and cold winds prevail. From six Inches to a foot of anow would be Welcomed In thla locality. Members of the Saturday Afternoon clu6 met Saturday last at the home of Mra. W. A. Barnes. Current events were died In response to tho roll cnll. A brief program waa given and In cluded a moat interesting paper, a re view of "The Bridge of the Ooda. by Mra. 11. Morrison. The hoatesa was asalHtcd In nerving refreshments by Mra. Morrison and Mrs. W. a Price. A movement waa recently Inaugur ated to eetabllHh a big wool warehouse i twiiund to handle the clip from all flocka In Ita territory, thus eliminating tha speculator and oroaer wno i heretofore cut deeply Into the an v..i n.ru.inta of Oregon aherp men. Under the new plan an wooi win graded there and the producer will be o.ioi.j avbpiIv what his wool Is worth. It la estimated that this plan win nr. k. nni men from I to I centa per pound over former prices. in,. ..rant double header basket ball game between Weston and Vin cent high achoola waa won handily by Ihe locale. The boye punxled their op ponents by pretty team play, and took the long end of a 44 to 11 score. The ih an far outclassed the rather diminutive Vincent maidens In ...ih a. en aa exiteriuroa ...-. their victory waa literally a walk . ii. In the boya" game t ap tain Smith scored points for W es ton. Bulflneh 8. MacKemle and Klrkpatrlck 4: while Upcraft counted . a D.nrt for Vincent, u Smith scored all of tha 4 point for the Weston girls, while Krumbah had the distinction of tossing Vincents only goal. The event waa followed by quite an elaborate reception, at wnicn whatever heat may have been engen dered by the game waa dispelled In an kau. nlMce. Blood poisoning vnu-u and the Injured member haa become painfully swollen. Sixteen hundred acre Adama county wheal, ranch, ail cullivalod and iin niwed. one-third ol crop delivered ... !.... Iran. Owner's Income 1WH waa 4.j0u. Price InciiHlinif Mo crop, 2o per acre. Chaa. S. Baasett, Waahiuciia, Wash. Fire In aero weather at Baker Mon day morning came near to wiping out a business block and caused a loss of $H.2J0. John Natll and Earl Luns ford, the owner and cook of a email cufc. have been arrested on a charge of Incendiarism. O. A. Iladley. l cara old, known to old timers at Wwatoo. where be cut Wood in pioneer days, died ediiesday at the county Hospital, li e rviuaiu. were bruutrh bei-e yeaMiruajr iui iu- tenuem,. The Fi-eaton-Shaffer Millinif coin- I . a u lu.llakll a IlaJillllMllllIS UU V . u I T. . ' i. u - Ai..n nmlioised DUO K let, W1HI v.r. in irold, cuimneiuorallnif me uineio auutveraty ol iw foundation. - An offer of 1.10 per bushel for new crop wheat, with an advance of 25 per cent cosh on the contract, waa recent ly made and refused Ot wana vtauu. It ia reported. . ... . ..oi'a vUlt at. her mother's home in Weston Mi Maule Carlile tiklsv to The Uallea, where she is employed in tne leiepnuuo uiuj, m vi,mip Shick. slmer of Mrs. J. Hodiraon, waa amonjf the paiienta er ried out of St. Marya bospiial durintf its recent destruction by lire. Me' ml Mrs. Edwin Paviaon of ii... ...u,. .n.l Mra. lttohard TIioino'i ... ........ u of Atliena were receui, junn -- J. Kit kpatrlck. u. .nH Mm R. Morrison and Hamrhtera were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. J. O. Halea ai meir near Adams. E. C. Rtirer and Herman Goodwin. Weston business men, were Portland visitors durinjf tho week, Mr. and Mra. J. H.' Price are prenar Inir to leave In a few days for a sojourn In southern waiiiormn. i v... ta'elatmlnir the attention of X M. Ashworth, who U servlDjf on the (fraud jury. m. ..nd Mra. ' Hulett March are spending the week hero with relative ana menus, Mra. C. H. Smith haa returned from a visit with friends at Cove, uregxin Depot cab fare reduced to 25 cents for the rounu trip. r.. i. E. Farws Bask of Vafa Do not envy the man with a bank account Deposit your earnings with Farmers' Bank and be envied DIRECTORS William MacKenxie, Dr. F. D. Watt. Joseph Wurser, G. W. Stare, J. H. Price, J. C. Price, E. M. Smith. "WISIXO" THE 6HKRIFP. Iee Barnes, sheriff of Walla Walla county. Is "In bad" wun l oionei n. v. Julian, editor of the Attalia News-: Tribune, who hands him the following : admonition: Sheriff Barnes, your name appear- ed on the white allp which waa passed out by the purity squad on election; day. It la up to you to make , good, j For fear you may be near-signieo. orj may not be able to dlstmguisn m. difference between virtue and vice. I this paper will endeavor to put you Good coal heater for sale cheap. E. Zehm. HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-al-Lw In all State and Federal t'ou its. ATHENA, OREQON The TRY-OUT wise to a few things. Within a stone a throw of your office a house of 111 fame ia running full blast: turn to thej .-at from vour office and within a , short distance a negro woman may be. found any evening aollcltlng visitors to her den. Near the east end or Main street there are no leas than 10 young women congregated In an auegea mag in,. t.nuae. said to be run on Idle Hour principle. If you Intend to overlook . these and not do your sworn duty, this j paper will publish the street numoers of these and other dene, ao that you may make no mistake in your raids." TiSr Out' ur O Beds Rugs Chairs Furniture Mattresses Entire Line Last But Not Least Try Out Our PRICES BOUNTIES FOR SOLDIERS. Pricaa England Had to Pay In the Part For Army Heoruiis. . ... time the ayatera of offering hnm ninner hotintlea waa quite a fea ture" of army recruiting In Grent Brit-1 aln. Trior to the peninsular war. bow ever, the amount of the bounty had lieen reduced conxWemDiy. oui tue wni. In human material canned b? that war , mined the bounty again, and from 13 j to flrt was a common price right np to 1 "Waterloo year." when It dropped to , 1 guineas. , ! The stress of the Crimean campaign , b. caused the war office authorities j to open -ride tbelr puree, and ao we find that In 1835 the price of a cavalry man waa 10. while an Infantryman received 2 leas. All manner of runes , were tried to tempt men to remain In th. .err Ice. and they were even offered money for every spent shell (sis pence for a birge one and fourpenc for sum II onei that they brought to the ......tin.. ..fflrer of artillery. Even In recent years war baa forced , us to offer ample money prlaea to keep j military units np to strength, certain ! .eTist. receiving 20 each for re- ; Joining the colors In 1SW. while soon after the South African war the short err tee men were tempted to remain serving by the offer of from 10 to 13 each.-Dnndee Advertiser. DeMO PURE DRUGS Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Wall Paper Aldon's Candies Kodaks H. GOODWIN Druggist, Weston, Oregon ii ij !) ,303 Seventh St., Wastilnrrton. D. C. atmosphere of Jollity.