SEEKING O HEALTH? a a TMa tnuna fftlrir.iT better care of the Stomach and help- tng the Liver and tl iioweis m ineir daily work. If as sistance is needed, try . INESSS OF HE WEEK Ccncral Resume cf ImptMtant Emits HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters n It has been proven - U vcrv fonnffrial in such cases. t-j n U Arfcsneas Ttohtwd. W know two or thr men la this to va who bar owed us a mU mount of money since the time when Helm bad only one pickle, and we have made arrangements with a local doctor to administer the twilight sleep treatment' so they can part with the money that belongs to us without M much mental agony." Siloam Springs Herald and Democrat OUR. ACID STOMACHS. CASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Papa's Dlapepsin" Olgesta S000 grains food, ending all stomacn K. misery In five minutes. Time It In five minutes all stom ach distress will go. No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, add, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, tool breath or headache. Pape's Dlapepsin la noted for Its speed in regulating upset aiUmachs. It Is the surest. Quickest stomach rem edy in the whole world and besides it Is harmless. Put an end to stomacn trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin from anr druc store. Ton realise In ' Ave minutes how needless it Is to suf fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest. surest and most harmless stomach doctor In the world. ; - Her Indorsement. "It was a ptty to let the maid over hear us Quarrel. "I have rectified that by discharg ing her." "That was a mistake. She is smart enough to take the whole story to somebody In our set and get a good Job on the strength of it." Louisville CourieisJournaL Tobacco Habit Cured Not ontr to wn of pipe and rJsars, bat th ricknm cirxrMI kabit is w by sine tlx "MlRlir Wtrnt. Prle eomptoa, eoeti paid. tl.OO. Less-Davis Dros C. M sad Ti kin, Portland. Or. fWbaa writtnc naantioo t ' ' Resemblance. One day there was a Csh for dinner and little Margie said: "Mamma, do you know what a shad reminds me ofr "No. dearie." was the reply. "Weil," said Margie, "it reminds me of a porcupine turned outside in." Chicago News. Germans plan another dash for Parts. Selsmie disturbance hare been felt in the European war tone. Fearing raids from aircraft. Parts has again ordered street illumination discontinued. Yarmouth. Eng., is visited by Ger man airmen, who aemollsn wnoie buildings, killing two persona. Lieutenant General Freiberr von Omnteda, of the German army, been killed in the western arena at the bead of his brigade. Reports convey news that General Villa with his troops, will evacuate Mexico City, and will go to Northern states to strengthen his forces. England hauls down Stars and Stripes from an American ship which is detained by that country, and in its stead raised the British emblem. The house of representatives has adopted all the Oregon and Washington items in the rivers and harbors bill without discussion and without amend ment Republican leaders in the senate have attacked President Wilson's ship purchase measure, but the President feels confident it will pass before March 4, Lumbermen of Oregon have'aecured order for 10.000.000 feet of lumber and structural material to be shipped to the United Kingdom between March 1 and June 30. Lighting fire witn a can of gaso line resulted in an explosion which nrobablv will prove fatal to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Backus, of I equina. Or. The can exploded in Mrs. Backus' bands, throwing the flame over both. Mrs. O. R. Meye. 35 years old, of Colfax. Wash., was killed accidentally by her 9-year-old son at their ranch home near Hay, in Western Whitman county. The boy bad been sent to the house for the shotgun by bis father, and upon leaving the bouse the gun was accidentally discharged. Portugal is reported in a singular situation in reference to the great war. German forces have invaded Porta guese Angola and fighting has been roin? on there between German and Portuguese forces for several months. Yet Germany has not declared war on Portugal, the German minister remains in Lisbon and the Portuguese in Berlin. German aircraft made long-threat ened raids on England Tuesday night and attempted with bombs to blow up the king's royal residence in Sand- ringham, county Norfolk. King George and Queen Mary, who had been staying at Sandringbam with their family, returned to London only Mon day to resume their residence in Buck ingham palace. The $100,000,000 gold pool organised to meet American obligations abroad shortly after the outbreak of the Euro- German Airmen Drop Bomb on Yarmouth, Eng. Yarmouth A hostile aircraft passed over Yarmouth at 8 :30 o'clock Wednes day night and dropped saves! bombs. Constdersble damage to property re sulted and there wss some loss of life. One man I reported to have had his head blown off. On bomb fell In Norfolk Square, close to the sea front, and another on the south quay. A third struck the York Road drill hall, fragment of th casing of the thell crashing through th glass roof of the billiard room of the headquarters of the National Re serve. A fourth missile fell near th Trinity depot Great excitement prevailed in th town and special constables, th polio and mlltiary were called out to cairn the people, who streamed out of their homes when the explosions occurred. The electric supply was immediately cut off and th town was plunged darkness. Th whirring of th propeller of the air craft first attracted attention. Then came the explosions and the sound of breaking glass. The first bomb dropped near the recruiting ground and the others hail. In all fiv by th aviators. After the attack the air craft sailed ina southwesterly direction. One man was found outside his home on St Peter's Plain. ' His head had been crushed, lie was Identified as Samuel Smith, a shoemaker. A wom an, who has not yet been identified. also was found dead, while a soldier was discovered in Norfolk Square with a wound in his chest The towns of Yarmouth. Sandring ham. King's Lynn and Cromer are all in the province of Norfolk, NORTHWEST MARKET RETORTS. near the arm bombs were thrown abuts the North Sea about northeast of London. which 160 mile England Replaces Old Glory With Own flag Washington, D. C Ambassador Gerard cabled the Stat department the substance of a statement made to him by Captain Farley, of the Ameri can steamer Greenbrier, which arrived at Bremen a few days ago with a cot ton cargo from New Orleans, after havins- been subjected to a series of detentions, notwithstanding assur ances which had been given by Great Britain that shipments of cotton in American vessels would not be de tained. Officials did not disclose the details of Caotain Farley's statement but it is said be charged that after examin ing the Greenbrier's papers, a British prise crew ordered the American flag hauled down and convoyed the ship into Kirkwall, a British port. Captain Farley refused to navigate the ship while the British nag wss at her mast and asserted that through incompetent navigation by the British three booms were swept away. He was ordered to take the ship to Leith from Kirkwall, which be did after raising th Ameri can flag and later was able to proceed to Germany, after a delay of three days. The State department, it is under stood, is investigating the case through the American embassy in London. peanwar will be abandoned because I Consul-Elect From U. & New Ills. "JTonesby had a doctor with him all Bight" - - '"Was h very slckf" "He was toward the last when th doctor held all Che good handa." Bir mingham Age-Herald. -: Find Strona Poison. ' The new poison extracted from seeds of the castor oil plant by a Ger man chemist Is said to be so powerful that a single grain would kill a mil lion and a half guinea pigs. In Mexico. "Who governs here?" asked the newcomer. looking at the assembled multitude. "We take turns," explained an inno cent bystander. Philadelphia Ledger. Gastronomic Health, "Pa, what is envy?" "Envy, my boy, is what your mil lionaire uncle feels every time he bears you begging your mother for a second piece of pie." Detroit Free Press. Catarrh of Head bankers believe the necessity for it hss passed. Bankers back of the pool have communicated this decision to the Federal Reserve board, whose sanction for the undertaking was ssked and granted before the pli were comlpeted. It is reported that there is consider able dissention In the German cabinet A French senator advises parliament to be quiet while France is invaded by an enemy. Twenty thousand persons, including many notables, were giuea in ue earthquake in Italy. The American branch of th Red Cross is asking help to aid the Italian earthquake sufferers. Five governments are in the Chi cago wheat pit nuying neavuy, to gether with many foreign individuals. Eighteen Russian generals have been discharged from important posi tions, according to the Hamburg Frem- demblatt Rejected by English City London John L. Cutright, newly accredited United States vice consul at Nottingham, has returned to London without taking up his duties because the mayor and other city officials had advised him that he would not be ac ceptable in an official capacity. The objection to Mr. Cutright was bssed on articles which he wrote and which were published in a Lincoln, Neb., newspaper. It was charged that the letters expressed pro-German senti ments. Before coming to Nottingham, Mr. Cutright served as American vice con sul at Coburg. Germany While there be wrote the letters to which the Not tingham officials took exception. Mr. Cutright is a son of John Cutright, ed itor of the Lincoln, Nebraska, btar and formerly was private secretary to William Jennings Bryan. The son, a graduate of the University of Nebras ka, has been in the consular service only a few'months. The British foreign office has no In formation concerning objections on the Portland Thar Is soms Improve ment in the potato market this week, Th shipping movement; southward has started, but no great hope are held out. as only a small part of th stock I of shipping quality, A few ears of Bur banks are going to California and for these buyer are paytng 80o90o at East Sid points, while ordinary stock Is bringing T5tf86c In Portland. Th San Francisco market la In better shape, as th Salinas are practically all son; and this will leave an open ing for a limited quantity of Oregon. Th American Wonder seed movement seems to be about over, Th local jobbing trad la not brisk and th market is sufficiently supplied. Front street price are unchanged. There is no shipping outlet for eggs and with receipts enlarging th mar ket Is slowly reaching a lower level. Sale were mad at SSujliWe, case count Poultry receipts were liberal and the market was weak, hens selling at 13(.( 14c. Dressed pork was very weak. with Do as the top. Veal was barely steady. No changes were reported In the butter or cheese markets. Whit beans are steadily advancing in price. There was a good crop on the Coast this season and the quality was fine, but the market is being strengthened by the upward movement of prices In the East where large ex ports to Europe have caused advances. Wheat Bid: Bluestem, 11.42; forty-fold. 11.42; club, 31.41; red Russian, f 1.34; red Fife, 11.37. Mi I need Spot prices: Bran, 128.60 (29 ton; shorts, $30.50t31; rolled barley, 133.634.60. Corn White. 136 ton; cracked, 137. Hsy Eastern Oregon timothy, $16 4115.60; vslley timothy, 113(413.60; grain hay, 10.60fU; alfalfa, f I SOS 13.60. Vegetables Cucumbers, hothouse, $1.76 CS 2 dosen; eggplant, 8 10c pound; peppers, 12(i16c; artichokes, 85c(tX90 dosen; tomatoes, $1.76 crate; cabbage. ljitle pound; beans, 12e; celery, $2.60 crate; cauliflower, $2.25; sprouts, 8c pound; head lettuce, $1.86 tj$ 2 crate; pumpkins, lie pound; squash. lie; carrots, $1.25 sack; beets, $1.26; parsnips, sl.Zo. Green Fruits Apples, 75cH$1.50 box; casabas, $1.65 crate; pears, $1 1.60 box; cranberries, 9($11 barrel. Eggs Freeh Oregon ranch, case count 2930c dosen; candled, SIXtf Sic; storage, 2529c. Potatoes Oregon, $1 sack; Idaho, $11.10; Yakima. 80c1.10; sweet potatoes, 2e pound. Unions Oregon, buying price, ti.zo f . o. b. shipping points. Poultry Hens, large, is 14c; mixed, 13c; broilers, 186120c; tur keys, dressed, 21c; live, 18c; ducks, 12t($16c; geese, ll12c. Butter Creamery, prints, extras. 29Je pound In case lots; e mors in less than case lots; cubes, 26c Veal Fancy, 12Jc pound. Pork Block, 9c pound. Honey Choice, $3.25 case. Nuts Walnuts, 1624e pound. Beans Small white, $5.75; large white, $5.60; Lima, $6.25; pink, $4.60; Mexican, $6.25; bayou, $6.35. Hops 1914 crop, 10 J 12tc; 1913 crop, nominal. Hides Salted hides, 14c; salted bulls, 10c; salted calf, 18c; salted kip, 14c; green bides, 12Jc; green bulls. 8ic; green calf, 18c; green kip. 14c; dry bides, 25c; dry calf, 27c. Wool Valley, 17Cq518c pound; East ern Oregon, 1520c, nominal; mo hair, choice, 1914 clip, Z7Jc Cascsra bark Old and new, 4&4ic pound. Cattle Prime steers, l.owav. vo; choice, $7.267.60; medium, $6.76 7; choice cows, $6($6.75; medium, $5.7E6; heifers, $5 f6 6.60; bulls, $3.606; stsgs, $4.60ft6. Hogs Light, $6.766.B0; heavy, $5.806.30. Sheep Wethers, $6(6.60; ewes, $55.60; lambs. $6. 26 7. 60. Tacoms Local commission men re port a splendid movement of apples and a firmness in prices. Prospects for a healthy business for the remainder of the season are bright During the early part of the war, shipments of this fruit could not be made to foreign Can Tsll Ipssd f Asreplane, Fvr an aviator there has been In vented In Prance apparatus which shows the spend at which his aero plane la traveling, the velocity of ths wlml and the angle at which be Is at tacking It and whether h Is rising or falling. Us Ilsolrlo Outfit A Urns railroad the New York ter minus of whlt'h Is electrified has put Into service th first large electrically driven wrecking outfit, current being taken from the third rail which sup- piles It to locomotives. Tslk Prom a Bright Friend. "I never knew until last night what a bright fellow Mr. tlddlewli Is." "U rn? How did you rtjid It out then?" "He told me,M Judge. Fsther Is In the Library. Porolho Newrox Where la pa pah? Mrs. Newrox In the library, dearie but don't wake hint up now, Puck. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant IVIIets regu late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as ratuly. What Jarred Her. "The published reports do me a great Injustice," declared the beauti ful actress. "Then you didn't shoot him?" "Of course I shut hi in. Hut the re ports say I'm 35, whereas I'm only a little past 33." Louisville Courier Journal. Weak Women!' ai SSWS Kama woman are weak becaus of Uls that In Girlhood-Womanhood ' and Motherhood The prescription which Dr. R. V. Plerc wed Vfb.,,!ILr to duIaM of women-whkh hat stood th test ol neatly haU a cnluiy-l Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tk this in liquid or Ublet form at a tonic and regulator! Hit Kate n. Rkhanlww. ol noa.Wv, T.-n r..Va. mv. 1 srtsem It r'''V lily I mill I'hytLUpf hill li imuIu ul voiir 'ramitis I ana aim Ukm II. wilh I'm, uIIvimI simIIv wllh WMKiiwa twraliai lo my m I i ulna My aiw utMH I'll in my liwmn it iu ilia uitia nor a nt IVIWla." I canmaniTil lu et Ml". I a IimImI M i ul th lor anil s S, hull!. iiww wnal haeeiiww mtt, lor I waa alwaw arts and rameialiiUi' ami aiatl others ad veil as niywU uuaaiw. fcu yuu s what a ikU I ixw mail Dr.PUrc'sPUaantPIUt$ rtguhts itomach, live, bowth Watch Your Colts Fur Cousha. Culila and nialmpr. and at th flrat rni.l..ina uf any aiirh miIiiiihii, iv aiimll iliwua ut that unilrlul rainxly, nuw lha moat uartl In ilaim- I'OHN'I DltTgMrgl COMPOUND 60 iila ami It a bnltlit; It ami 110 th ituaan, uf any drug tal, hartiM ilmlnr, or dllviil by POHN MIOICAL CO., Chemists sna) aactrlloiata, Oohn, In)., U. . A. 10 CENT "CASCAeTa IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Hsadaehs, Sour Stomach, 8lu6Qlsh Llvar and Bowtls They work while you sleep. Furred Toniiue. I'sd Taste. Indiges tion, Sallow Skin snd Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogKed bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours snd ferments like garbage In a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold geatton. foul gases Kstp ths Apple Hanging High. Dr. Worcester used a simile In his testimony before the senate l'hlllp pines committee which sums up the true philosophy of our relationship to the Filipinos. "I believe," he said, "that the practical way to drvlop the I Philippine people Is to let the apple hang high ami make them climb for It. Insti-ad uf telling them to hold their hats and shake the tree. New York Tribune. Fire Proof Cnvtlops. A t'allfornlsn lies patented a docu ment envelope with an Inner lining of aabestoa covered with carbon uanr to misery Indl-! receive and retain ronlea of tnarrln- bad hrratk, yellow i Hons written on an outer paper cover- skin, mental fears, everything that Is : lug should the latter be deatroyed by norriDie sua nauseating, a i aararei i fir, tonight will give your constipated I bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent bot from your druggist will keep you feel ing good for months. A Hsrd Knock. Lawyer So you want to make a case of It? Farmer Yes. by Jlns! 1 offered to settle by fair means, an' he wouldn't So I decided to hire a lawyer an' have him took Into court. Livingston I aU er. Have New Dipper. A new bulb shnped Indie for molten metals hss sn opening In o ie side so that Its contents ran be pou: ed more accurately and at the same time leave the dross behind. Uss Rlcs Flour as Binder. Rice flour Is used In France as a binder In the manufacture of fuel briquettes by a new process from coal dust, lignite, peat or sawdust. Invent Pneumstle Tool. Resembling a pistol and controlled by a trigger Is a new pneumatic tool for cleaning dirt from Inaccessible parts of machinery. WHY SCRATCH? RtSINOL WILL STOP THAT ITCH The moment that reslnol ointment touches Itching akin the Itching stops and healing begins. That Is why doc tors have prescribed It successfully for nineteen years In even the sever est rnsea of ecsema. tetter, ringworm, rashes snd other tormenting, disfigur ing skin eruptions. Aided by warm baths with reslnol soap, reslnol oint ment makes the skin or scalp perfect ly healthy, quickly, easily snd at little coat. Try It and see. Kealnol ointment contains nothing harsh or Injurious snd can be used on the tenedrest or moat Irritated sur face. Practically every druggist sells reslnol ointment snd realncl soap. Adv. thk WSCO SYSTEM or PENMANSHIP tkachks you HOW Tit WHITK. ' IT W THK HKST. i', 7 M JJ ... IIV Mill, lie. NEW UOTVA. HOUSTON ItM lloualmv IV, . K Trutrwn, Hg Tkurvutrhlv ajtml. 0 liuaam rf urr IW4. UM' tt Kit fur ratatv 11 A mm SU fwlljAML M, !M)YOir WANT m Wttr w-lt-. tr aril. rtssiHry, rtig?ht I VWran Hl rHi. ttnlif lr iiiMn uf aHt rrsHHtmtfmw ttty, atf m ly cImnkp. aalrwtiMU lMkvlhal, t'utl - w amlaaf kMta. KittrtitvvrHi. k4 in, t'rwpara uwr vwt NaiMattaJ liMiHutatkf MtKaihm, 164 VVlrtona Ar,4t htraffu, Itt, Kola Tablets saw aiany frifula ha un tbm as at! lanl ami fur kk!nr traubw 1'rte K par Ian, Stan fur lion, rur by l.aii-lifU Dm Ov. Si and Yamhill Hla. ISIIand. Cfca, the Naval Safety. "Son. If you mutt enlist," said wise old man. "enlist In the navy." "Why. dadr "A government sustains no actual loss If a company of soldiers Is shot to pieces, but a nuw battleship Is too val uable to take chances with." Louis ville Courier-Journal. At a Donation Party. "Were you gambling last night?" "No. Indeed. It was a donation party. I came away a hundred to the good." Livingstone Lance. Ruptured Panama sulfr mar from lniMrined trua llttlnf than from hum a. Why not buy your trnaaaa from pruT Try Drus Co.. at ad and Yamhill Portland. Or., who ar ax parts and know how. Motives of Friendship. "Are you familiar with the motives of Blink s new plsy?" "Yes; he needed the money." Brlmlnghsm (Ala.) Age-Herald. GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Unnecessary Effort. Ills Wife This paper says an army of 100,000 nien baa wrecked a railroad in Belgium. , Railroad Magnate What a waste of energy! A hoard of five directors could have done It Just as thoroughly. Ufe. Preference of the Ltsser Evil. "I rsn give you a cold bite," said the woman. "Why not warm It up?" asked the tramp. "There ain't any wood sawed " "80? Well, give It to me cold." Now York Hun. Rather Bold. These Aparbe dances are said to Delicious "Fruit Lsxstivs" can't harm tender llttls stomach, llvar and bowels. Why not help the "poor" farmer by starting a tuy a buHhel of dollar-whet movement? I.ook at the tongue, mother! If coated, your llttlo one'a stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or Is fever ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a leaapoonful of "California Hyrup of Figs," and In a few hours sll the foul, constipated waste, uudlgest ed food and sour bile gently moves out of Its little bowels without grip ing, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a 60- cent bottle of "California Hyrup of Figs." which contains full directions for babies, children of all agea and for grown-ups. be a cure for nerve and timidity.' "I think they will do away with tim idity, all right." Louisville Courier- Journal. The Last Word. Bin What nonsense to say that on can't get the last word wllh a woman! I found It easy enough today. Dlx You don't say! How did It happen? Ulx Why. I said to a woman In th car: "Madam, have my seat" Bos ton Transcript. A Ham. "The Russian government has taken over a sewing machine factory." "What on earth for?" "Hem In the (lermans, naturally." Buffalo Kx press. For Interest. my wire everything she A resolution was offered In congress t2E L"2S XT " ?J kino- rw aMwtjirv of war for In-I H"rv "l """"'s""'" J - r- asking the secretary 01 wariorin- r,t! u tu i . mtriwht nt Ma , as low thev were last vi cuaii i - I dunes at ine American consulate, iub year. American embassy would say nothing; The trade grasped the fruit instantly Gov. Blease, of South uaronna, wno concerning ine ease, i turner man w ,t theM price and the unususl demand resigned near the end of his term, has say that if Cutright was not accept- hom other actions of the United pardoned and paroled 1460 convicts, able to the Nottingham authorities, be Sute an(1 Canada soon exhausted th formation as to the strength defense guns. , I Feel It a Duly (to , J Mankind J to Let Them iiSv M Know of Pc"ru"na beside disbanding the state militia. probably would be sent eleswbere. An aged pipe smoker in San Fran-1 cisco was killed when he fell on his face. The long stem punctured the! I roof of his month and entered the brain. Harbor Bill Patted. Washington, D. C The rivers and harbors appropriation bill, carrying more than 134,000,000, passed the house by a vote of 164 to 81. The bill now goes to the senate, where a pro tracted fight is expected. All efforts to block or substantially amend the bill failed. Amendment after amend ment was voted down. The bill The German and French accounts of nonzes no new projects, me a j,- I AAA fiiA tiottiM Brtu a. AAntititlaa the, fio-htimr on the Western front ww,v HI'"" agree in sleclarlng' there has been a The battleship Kansas sustained damage In the big storm off th Vir ginia coast, which it will require two weeks to repair, it was reported on the warship's arrival in Hampton Roads. Mr. W. H. Chaney, R. F. D. 2, Butherlln, Pittsylvania Co Vs write: "For the past twelve months I have been a sufferer from catarrh of the bead. Since taking four bot tles of your Peruna I feel a different person altogether. Th severe pains In my head have disappeared, and my entire system has been greatly strengthened. This Is my first tes timonial to the curative qualities of any patent medicine, but I feel It a duty to mankind to let them know of the greatest medicine on earth peruna In my estimation for the above trouble.'' Those who object to liquid madl elnee ear) new preeur Parana Tablets. F.N.O. No. 4, 11 TSTaTSH ' I " a pasar. improvements already under way, with provision for examination and surveys in various places, including Colorado. Socialists Want Voice. Copenhagen Three resolution were passed unanimously at the closing sion in Copenhagen of the conference of Socialists of neutral countries. which opened here Sunday. The first resolution declares it to be the duty of all Socialists to work for a speedy declaration of peace, the terms of which shall provide s bssis for inter national disarmament. It also calls on the International Socialist bureau at Berne to call a meeting of Socialists at the beginning of peace negotiations to take an advisory part therein. Noted "Frtar Tuck" Dead. Burlington, Vt. George Frothing- ham, th original "Friar Tuck" of the old Boston ians, died suddenly Wednes day of heart failure. He was 76 years old. Frothingham appeared her Tues- the dissolution of dsy night in a revival of the comic the union so simple that the mere I opera "Robin Hood." He had played agreement of man and wife to break I th part of the jolly friar more than I their marital contract ia sufficient 1 6000 time in the last 27 years. desperate battle near Soissons. The issue is not wholly decided, but the Germans are believed to have gained ground northeast of the town, while the French wholly failed to make progress. The French are now de scribed as taking cp new positions on the south bank of the Aisne. Em peror William in person directed the battle on the plain of Vregny. In spired by his presence, the German troops cleared this important elevated position of the enemy. General Carranza ha added to his program of reform the granting of ab solute divorce. Any judge in Mexico if he care to take the chance of Car- ranza's reseating himself at Chapul te pee may now annul a marriage con tract. Th law became effective on New Year's day. Mexico has hereto fore never granted more than a legal separation. The new law not only pro vide for divorce with the right to re marry, but makes surplus. Dealers report that there Is still five months of apple business. New varieties taken from cold storage are offered now at from 76c to $1.25 a box. Onions also are said to be firm and rises are looked for. Brown Oregon onions are moving out at from $1.75 to I 12.25. Eggs Fresh ranch, Z7Z8c; local cold storage, 23 26c; Eastern, 23 26c ' Potatoes are getting firm. Last season th spuds opened at high prices 1 and went down toward th latter part. This vear the table ar just reversed, the tubers opening at low prices and going up as th season advances. Merchant say, however, that quota tions will not rise much. Milling wheat In Tacoma made other advances, reaching th nignesc poim yet known locally. Blues tern is offered at $1.42; forty-fold, $1.41; club, $1.40; red Fife, $1.86; red Russian, 11.84. Fresh meats Steers, IZc pound; cows. lZc: netrers, lzctanzsc; wem- 121c: dressed bogs, lZc: trimmed sides, 16ic; combinations, 15c; lambs, 1314c; Diamond T. C., 14c; year lings. 13c: ewes. lie. Poultry Ducks, live, 10JZc; bens. dressed. 16 18c; live, 10 14c; springs, dressed, 22c; live, 1416c; squsbs, live, $2.60 dosen; dressed, $6; turkeys, live, 18c; dressed, 28g30c; eeese. 20c Butter Washington creamery, zoigj 29c pound; Oregon, 2627c. Seattle Wheat Bluestem, $1.43; Turkey red, $1.88; forty-fold, $1.42; club, $1.41; fife, $1.87; red Russian, $1.86; barley, $30 ton. Rheumatism For Young and Old The acute agonising pain of rheumatism is soothed at once by Bloan's Liniment. Do not rub it penetrates to the sore rt, bringing a comfort not amcd of until tried. Get a bottle today. RHEUMATISM Hare What Othar flar I "I Bishly raramnw-od your Mntment aa th b-iit remrdy for rhfumstiam I vr (land, Ilafora uaiDS it 1 apent larsa aiima of mono? tryinc to ft rahif of tha miwy and paina in limba and body, so I trfxl your Limnf-nt both internal and asurnal and I found quirk relief, and now am mil and troni ataln." Qw. Carl", tU N. Uih SI., SmnfMU, 111 Hm'sPrsof "I wl.h to writ and tall yon about a fall I hud down fourtawn atapa, and bruiaad my nc'-k and hip vary bad. I could not alurp at ail. I aant my ifa for a 2& rant bottla of your Unimeot and la two days' ttma I wiia oa my feet aaain." CharUt Uyit, HUH PratritAwt., ill. lonir, Mo. SLOAN'S LIMMEMT for neuralgia, sciatica, sprain and bruises. AO Drxtlata, 2Se. I Send four cents in stamps for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. "I buy wants, ilow about you?" "I kerp mine wanting a tew things, jurit to be sure that hr Interest In me la maintained." Louisville Courier-Journal, Don Properly. "How Is It you wero so long over your work loduy?" "Sure, ma'am." replied the servant, "you were watching me most of the time." Judge. Anxiety to Correct a Mlstsk. "Look here!" said an excited man to a druggist "You gave me mor phine for quinine this morning." "Is that so?" replied the druggist. "Then you owe me 26 cents." Chris tian Rcglstor. owi natitttasr will rnt vnu Murin fcra nuimiy fur M4, Wa, Watry YOl rty a lu. h) mail fr. Marin It jr Um4y c, CbUas. gya na lranuiai4 fcyait.iMi No amarfiiif u. Ky (Jomlnrt. Knin for Moos o( miiif ,n ayi "Tour Easy. rife needs rides In th open air." "All right, doc, I'll drop word among the real estate agnnts that I might look at property In the suburbs.". Ixiulsvtlle Courier-Journal. How the Trouble Started. "What slartnd Hip row?" "A fake dontlat sold a set of cellu loid teeth to tin' muu who rais lire In the vaudeville show," I'biladelphla Ledger. Helping Kidneys By Clearing Blood A Function Greatly AasUted ByaWcU-Knowiv Remedy. v Remark of a Candid Chum. "Why are you moping there, Dick?" "I've no one to play with." "Well, go and fetch Freddie next door." "Oh, I played with him yesterdsy, and I don't suppose he's well enough to come out yet." London Opinion, He's to Blama. "Men are always late. I have wait ed here since 6 o'clock for my husband to come, and It Is now 7:30." "At what hour were you to meet him?" asked the woman who had Join ed her. "At 6 o'clock." Buffalo Courier. Defined at Last "What Is the meaning of ragtime?" asked the loving young thing. "It's the way my stenographer spells," responded the tired business man. Philadelphia Ledger. Recovsred. He I feel like a fool tonight She So glad you've recovered. Boston Transcript In th new night school curriculum the new society dances haven't been given th slightest consideration. , Vost rasdi-ra will h ntrtK te more rloarly umlt-rautid why analyala of urlna la ao Important, In Ilia ti H. B. H. to purify lha blond, lia action Is a siltnulant In lb myriad of lln blood vaaaala that Disk up Ih conalriiPtlr tiamii-s of th klilnay. All Ilia blood from all oror th body Burnt paaa throiicrt III klrinnya. Thar set ss tratara snd saaayara. And armrding to wbat tlii-y allow to paas out In th" urlna, both as lo iiuanlliy and niaii-rlala, ths health of th klilin-ja snd til nuallly of th blood la di-tornilnrd. 'J'ha catalytic rnrroy forced by rt. H. H. Is shows lu Ih urlna. It Is also dcmnnairslad In tha akin. Anil as th blood continue to ewpp through ths kidneys th rinmlnntlnit natura f ft. H. H., scllng as It dors through all th avanura of elimination, ahowa a marked darraaaa of dlacaa msnlfratatlrma aa dam onatrstrd by urlna snalyala. This asalat anr Is a great relief to th kidneys. Th body waalea ar Dior vrnlr dlatrlbuted t tn amuni-torl.-a; their elimination la itlm nlated by th toulo action afforded th liver, limn, akin and kidneys, Thin, la caeae of rheumatlarn, ryaittla, chronic sore throst, hiwkuieas of voice, bronchitis, sath ni and th myriad nt other rrflex Indica tion of weak kidney actios, Drat purify your blood with K. M. ., so it will enabl to tlaatles to rebuild th cellular StNBgtlt aad regain tha normal health. 8. 8. B. Is prepared by The Bwlft Irpeelfls Co., B2T Bwlft Hlds., Atlanta, Oa., and If you hay any deepeated or obatlnat blood trouble, writ to tliair Uedlcal IMpt. tut free advice, PUTNAM FADELESS DYES GaJaraaere coosa faatar and brisnwr eabrs SSaa anr atV. Eary Mtkaa auatantaad a aelei SHa. Waal. Cnaa and Hlaad Coaa st an MUn. I0ana WriM let fix fceoaial Un Or aad Mia Caiara." calaaaaf. fcawMfa, ate UONKOE DBUC COMPANY. Dcpartaoot Z. Quawy, UaaaM