The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 22, 1915, Image 3

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    Weiton Dakery
Frh Brd, Oa and I'aetry.
rw Candle, tioed Mta at All
hours, Br. Wi spec Is I is in
ami ir(y Hura.
ZCHM the Baker
Dupuis Uulkllng, Main ami Watar
fPf RhwM and llartwaa
repaired nxt liMir.
Canned Goods and
Walters' Flour
Our Leaders
Ths Bcosomy Store
Call on ua at our
iw lor at ion in
tha Goukl brick.
Are You Hesitating?
.11 whr vou should idar (hat or-
s , f. r fc'!n,i, ! feed for yur live
'!!:' l! !l lol'gt-r. e fall
. . Ufrt evidence that it
C'' ' your icrrnt advantage
. a With u, lb kind of proof that
.ittv4 Ha way In court - farl . for our
i .-,t rutnier will tell you 'f the
jl!y of our good. Rolled lUrley.
iii ( r,' Whi nl: Hmir, MillMiilT ami
i'li( t.tii VvKtl. I'boiwi No. SWI.
I) K. WOOD the Feed Man
Local Lodge Directory
! 'k .s l olMiK Nu. 4M, K. or i:
.;.. -,(i j , Wiihii-wlnv evening.
l it. I, t . V. Clark Wootl,
K. f it. A iv
M. ilrrueiiirv hktiiihI anil fourth
Nat unlay In each nioiiili. Itlchard
Morrison, W. M. L. li. Davis, Nc.
WKSTON U)IX1K NO. .18, I. O. O. K.
Meets every Thiirndav evening. W.
H Oould. N. (1. A. A. Ke, Itee.
See.; K. O. DoMuaa, Kill. Sec
WKHTON OAMt NO. 112. W. O. W.
Meet Hi tirat anil lliinl Saturday
uf each month. Monroe Turner, C
I 4.4. Heeler, Clerk.
iwJ Artisan. Meets the II ml anil
ihliil Momlnv In each month. Nol
lia Maybee, M. A. Krancwi C. Wood,
tlilan HUter. Meeta the second anil
fourth Monilava in each month. Anna
O'Harra, M. li. U. Alio K. Price, M
of K. 4 C.
No. 88. Meet the second and fourth
t'lieadsy of each month. Anna O'
Hurra. N. O. Odessa Klrkpatrlok,
U.i' Kn, !tUe Brandt, Kin. Sec.
f n'IV, l:NT ('IIAITKIl NO. 47. O.
K. H, Mwli the second and fourth
! I'Muvi of each month. Mary K.
iliiitii'., W. M. Alice K. Price, 8eo.
Dr. Farnsworth !
Ull'.e Houra-8:30 to 12 a.
1 to 5:90 p. m.
Oillcea upataira in Brandt
X Weston - - Oregon
a "Mm Killer, ku Thtlr Iffea
lvna la LimtUd. '
Shrapnel, wi called after their la
eulor, the llrllUb Unueral "uraptiel.
are llilu -a wf lotitfli atevl roinala
lug a larae nuniher of uuiuu-lo tue
ItrllUh aiilllrry va aud la lb Kreurb
aud Uerwaa WW-wltb a aniall burl
Mia rbam al Ibf baa uf lb iro)rtll.
TU burnt Ink runra brmib lb Ihlb
aleel rail, when lite bullrta awvefl for
nrtiien aama rhlikna t avll or
trad. K. K. Xhm.
Mr. and Mr. 4. M. PrUa wn vUlt.
ing rlatlva at Walla Walla durinf
tha wvi'k.
C. I McOlnnla raa conyd lUlur-
ward with lh lo.liy luiMrted to lb 'd(y , , Anlhuny, h.ilil at I'.n
irolwlllv by the auu. branel are
rvinirdiHl a uod "man killer," but
I liny are quit lnilTiUlr asalnat
btillilhiKM, wlnr abella art deadly.
Kor I he atlark of Held iiuua and build
Inita aud for anion analnat irooiw In
rembe ntuel ariiili oiiloy bowlta
ra, whlrb are abort aitial Kune tbal
tuea Ihelr irji-tlle blub In the air,
blsb aoKle Bre.
la Ibe HrltUb army every dlrlalon
baa flfiy four fluid irnna and elKhteen
bowliaera. Tbeae bowltaera are f 4.0
lurh ralllM-r. Irlua a abell 4JV Inrb In
dlaiiM-ter and welgblii thirty Are
iwutida. Tbey bae a ran of IJtM
yard, whli b la UM yarda rtr
than lb ran of tbe llrltlab Held fun.
Tbe di-fei t of Ibe bowltaer la that
Ita abell la eery heavy, and eune
quently murk fewer round rao l
carried Ibaa wltb Ibe Held fun. There
la nu eecurtty that alitKie bowltaer
abell will do twloe to damae of an
ordinary field mm euell. tnoiinD u
wrlxha fwli-e an much.
Tbe Krwwb do not employ bowlu-
r In thi-lr flehl artillery. Tbe tier-
mana uae a benry pattern of all ln b
liber, firiii a abell of about ninety
pound, and a lighter pattern of 4 4
Inrb ralllwr.-New Vork Hun.
Raal Origin Oataa t Naln'a
Itelian Camaign f HM.
Tbe Ited Croea owe Ita real orlirtn to
the great and terrllil raniaiirn oi
I8T4I, when NaoleMU wide It lila lml
tbal be would free Italy -rrow ine
A lua tu the Adrtatk-." At lb freat
until uf Mna-eula IO.IW0 Aoatrtanaand
whu fi.uui Kn-neb wildlera were left
dead and dying on the Held.
A Kwbu ceutlvuian. named . Henri
Uuimut. made a plIgTtmace to tm.t
battlelleld and wa ao loeolunUry
eyewlliieMi of Ibe awful earner of Ibe
tiaflle of Kolferluu. a battle wnrn laai
ed eouie alateen hour and left aouie
30.OIW deed and wounded Henri Uu
aunt reallunl that tbe medical eerelc
of what wa proally the itreateet
army In the world waa ahaoliiiely In
adeiiuale tu iniie wltb Ibe i-neualllea.
and be waa at om-e compelled tu take
Mini action to rectify tbe matter.
Tbe reaiilf wa that be wrote a
mall book for private rlrculatlun. en
titled "fa Hitivenlr de Holferlno." and
Ibl. with bla prlrate aiife-al. reaulled
In N'aHileoii til. -ummandltiK Mtiuant
to hi inwniv, where, wltb Ibe creal
Manhul Maa-Miihou. they aerioualy
tnlknl uiiitlcra uler.
The reiilt of Ibl waa conference
if Ibe iHiwere. ml led tosctber I'.v the
Kwle fi-ilcml Korrrntticnt. at whlrb
Henri lluiiiint placed til propoaala.
Hit of llil idler conference of IHAt
reailltcd the tieueva cooveutlon. under
whh h all mcdli al iiiptle and prou
net III war time are protected.
A Prehiataeia Lake.
One of the moat liilcreetlnii remnant
of a iin-hlxlorlc luke In tbe rutted
Htnlc I Hint now known aa Kutancl
valley, which lie aoutb of Hunt Ke
mid rttt uf AllxiiUeniie, .V. M. Kroui
clamlnntlou of the dcwltM Id thla tec-
lou iteuloelei are of the opinion that
till hike enl-teil at the aame time aa
Ijike Ihiiiueillle. Id Utnb. and other
ancient bikea of the arbl wet during
tbe cold, biinild KlNcbil period. Tbe
theory of tbe exlxtcnc of an ancient
Inke In the valley I hned on the prea-
ence of ahore feiitureH mid lak aedl-
inent. 8ea cliff, terrai-ee, heachc.
bench rbiueH. aplt and Ixir are found
on all Hide of the lake tint at altitude
between U and O.'.MO feet above
aea level. Arironaut
Modern Uhlana.
The ublana are a dlMtluctlve corpa.
The name i by no meaua dbitlnctly
German. A body of uhlana waa form
ed for the Kreucb army by Manbal
Kaie. Tbey were Introduced luto tbe
PruMNlan nenlce In 174t. and forty
year later the Auntrlmi alo bad
coqi of ublnua-llKbt cavalry armed
wltb lance. Tbe modern uhlan may be
claaaed wltb tb heavy cavalry. Uin-
don Opinion.
Unanimeua View.
A popular noreltt waa tnlklnf In
Chlm ico about Renlna.
"There are a hundred different opin
ion aa to wbat a geulua la." aald be.
but all authurltlca are airreed that H'a
absolutely unMife to lend bltu money."
Chicago Herald.
City on a Sttap Hill.
Tbe town of Simla. India. I built on
tbe aide of a ateep hill and the roof of
one houe la often ou a level wltb the
foundatlou of one ou tbe next terrace.
Hardened Him.
Madiie You ahouldu't aay he' a con
firmed laicbe.lor mile you know. Mnr-Jorle-llnt
I do know. 1 conUruied
bltu. New York Time.
" . i!iraMWrtli
. ,l DHal.4. w flu- "
: . . . ... tar rata aiAaoH wi
,, . ,. .'1,1111. IVMlt
.,. tutlw wll lw. '""
- ..t, j .mi Wim f. WHNV.
). SWIFT & CO.
rATirir twvf aa,
niSnrniliEU Waahlnolon, 0. C
Tw Syttem.
When wlfcy la on the warpath aome
pin their faith on Dutch courage: otb-
era prefer Krencb lenv.-Kanaaa City
Skill la tbe unltett fore of expert-
m-e. Intellect and kuIoii In their op-
rut Ion on urn iiiiii I labor 4ohn ttuakln.
W. M. Ptna G. li. Blihop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. Frwatr. Or.
Chaa. H. Carter Dan P. Smyth
Carter & Smythc
dlctoa for Iraatment for a aerkiua III
Mr. and Mr. U I. O'Harra were al
Walla Walla Monday and aaw tha eel
braird artnr. lavld Warfleld, In "The
Mr. and Mr. Painter and daughlar
of Walla Walla, wer recent gueeia of
the It. W. Ilrown at the lirown ranch
near Wealon.
Mla t'eclle Iloyd of Athena began
her work thla week aa Initructor In
phyalral culture and playground r
rlaa In the Pendleton achoola.
MUa Sella Oould. daughter or Mr.
and Mra. W. II. Oould of Ihl city and
a gradual of Weaton High arhool.
left Haturday for fheney, Wah., to
attend the normal eehool there.
At Ontario. Oregon, recently, a mad
dog bit 10 other doga and all wer at
one dealroyed. liable haa apread to
urh an extent In that neighborhood aa
to greatly alarm the countrywide.
Wllllem Oliver, residing at tha
Mover olace on Reed and Hawley
mountain la numlng a couple of
broken rtlM auvtalnrd In a bad foil
Dr. Hmlth waa called Monday to at'
tend him.
Ham Nelon. agent of the O.-W. ft
A N. Co. at Adam and a former Wea
ton boy, waa lately taken to Portland
for treatment, having Buffered a eery
tlnfut I lark of neuralgia of the
eye. He la under a pecll!t't ear.
Mra. Etta Downer, who haa been
the gueat of tier brother. Mr. O. De
Graw, returned Monday to her home In
Portland, Accompanied by her
brother, aha vlalted with Mra. Andrew
traon at Walla Walla Friday and
Bummrrvllle, Union county, waa
hoiked and frightened Hunday by
what Ita realdenla aay waa unmltaka
bly an earthquake. The tremor waa
fi-lt over a large area and aet barn
and hounce to rocking, while horeee
were driven frantic In the Meld.
Alonio Power, the 14-year-old aon
of Phlllo Power, residing on Wild
Home creek aoutheat of Weeton. wna
operated upon at Pendleton recently
for the excllon of a ruptured ppen
dlx by the Dra. Hoyden, aaalated by
Ir. C. H. Smith of thla city. Hla con
dlt Ion la very eerioua.
It. P. Rdwarda. a aubtantlal former
and atockman of Qalax. Virginia, waa
a recent vlnltor at the home of Mr. and
Mr. J. N. York near Weaton. He wa
accompanied by hla wife and daughter
and they were en route to nan Fran
ctaco to attend the expoaltlon. Mr.
Rdward la a cou1n of Mr. York.
Max Hoagland. alia Jame McPaul.
leader of the trio of young burglar
who broke )ll at Walla Walla and
afterward robbed torea In Milton and
Wenton. waa arreated lat week In
Portland and aentenced at Walla Wal
la Saturdny to from one to fifteen
year In the Monroe reformatory,
Hon. William It. Rill former Judge
and rongreasman, died auddenty t
Portland Monday of hemorrhage of
the bral Until he moved to Port
land about a year ago Mr. Ellla waa a
realdent of Pendleton, and he lived at
Hcppncr In early yeara. He wa
among the beat beloved of Eaetern
Oregon' public men.
Oharlee Crawford, who haa grown to
be a confirmed Mlltonlan, exchanged
arreting Sunday with friend at
Weaton. He alao performed an Im
portant duty In the renewal of hi
Leader ubcrlptlon. marie report
a growing fondneaa for Milton, where
he conduct meat market for the
Van Slyke brothera: and really, that
hopeful burg haa aome very good
polnta about It
Rev. and Mr. Oeorge Chapman and
Mr. and Mr W. H. Stamper returned
Monday from a weck'e atay In the
Holdman neighborhood, where Mr.
Chapman haa been conducting a re
vival. The meeting wer well at
tended and arouaed much Interest Mr.
Stamper rcporta a bright outlook for
another proaperoua year In tha Hold-
man country. Frank and Ora Hold
man, pioneer In tha district are farm
ing about S000 acroa.
Farmer 8mlth. of the O.-W. R. A N.
Co., hna made a careful aurvey of
farm proapecta for 1915 and he atatca
that all Indication point toward a
most unuua demand thla year for all
chtaaca of cereal, probably In exceaa
of tho aupply He auggeata that far
mera who hrve not already planted aa
large an acreage an poaalble to winter
wheat ahould be careful to retain auf
flclent aeed to make liberal aowlnga In
the aprlng. He especially recommends
that fnrmera plant aa much corn aa
possible aa it will make more stock
feed than any other crop and with
Droperly selected aeed can be grown
aucceasfully In all parte of the north
Tou and your children are safe If
you wear Dra. Lowo and Turner'e
glnsaea oyea aafe and price sfe
they coat no more than the ordinary
klnda and you havo the benefit of their
kill and many year' experience a
exclusive eyo and nerve specialists.
Dr. Turner I recognlxed aa ono of the
loading opthalmologtsta of the north
weat' Consult them at the Marshall
Hon parlor Monday. January
xMh, until S p. m. only. They do not
go from house to house. One charge
covera entlro coat of examination.
Glasses and framea aro fully guaran
teed whether they cost II or more.
Croaa cyea straightened In children.
(Adv.) ,
The watorwork dam above Weston
haa now been completed, and Con
tractor C. r. Carta haa pulled out with
hla outfit after finishing the required
4S0 cublo yarda of fill. J. R. English.
the auporvlslng engineer, left Wednee
day for hla home on Weston mountain.
Just a lltUe work remalna to be done
In the way of plastering and rl prop
ping, but thla may be flnlahed by the
city at It convenience. Three I the
dam'a "factor of aafety" in engineer
ing parlance, which meana that It la
butlt to withstand tnree umea me
weight of water that It will ever be re
quired to carry. Mr. Engllah haa
promised The Leader some racte ana
figure concerning tho Improvement,
for publication at an early date.
Professor C. r. Hodge of the De
partment of Social filology, t'nlvcralty
of Oregon, will deliver aa llluatrated
lecture en the subject el "Kdurailoii
for Clvle Advene," a Saturday eve
ning, February Ith, at th High I
School ' auditorium. Vt. Hodge la
coming under th empire of the Pa-
Iron-Teacher" aeor1tlA. II e hoped '
that every one who I Interacted In!
educational maltera will make It a :
pitnt to hear !r. Hodg. Th lecture j
will be entirely free, being put an by!
th extenalon department of the Htale!
Unlverilty. Cumin aurh a distant- aa
he doea Id deliver thla lecture. Dr.
Hodge naturally desire to far a rep- I
resents live audience, and Wselon haa
an opportunity to dlaplay aom of ihej
Interest In educational affair of which j
we had a good deal t say during the
campaign laat fall. tr. Hodge will i
bring a lantern and slid. to Illustrate
hla lecture.
He aur and. call at .tha Marshall
House, Weaton, Monday, January Itih,
and let Ir. !w end. Turner, the
well known eye apeciallata of Port-
Isnd, how yon th Kryptok double
vision gtaaace, which have no unsightly
line or eeame to ratcb dirt, strain the
eye o- com apart. On light, solid
pier of glass, which looks Ilka a single
pair, yet answer the purpoae of two.
enabling you to read or do does work
and see distant objocta perfectly. He
sur and see them. Free demonstra
tion: aatlfactlon guaranteed. Dra.
Low and Turner have been located In
Portland for 14 year. ' They do not go
from house to hous. Thy hav do
agent (Adv.) .... .
William M. Scott formerly A promi
nent farmer of Helix, dWd Monday In
Portland at the borne of his aon-ln-law.
Dr. E. A. Mann. Mr. Scott crossed
the plains to California In lift and
came to Oregon a year later, settling
near McMlnnvllle. He located In
I'matilla county on a homestead near
Helix In till. He waa an honored
member of th I'matilla County Pio
neer' association, and a regular at
tendant at Ita Weaton reunion. He
waa 77 yeara old, and la survived by'
two aona and two daughter.
Honor wer even In the double
header basketball gam Friday eve
nlng between Milton and Weston high
achoola. The local boys lost. 14 to II
but the local girl won. 14 to I, thu
bringing a medley of grief and Joy to
the Weaton fane. The boy wer at
leaat equal to their opponent In speed
and team play, but were outclassed In
avoirdupois. They fought a plucky
loalng battle, and th game waa a
thriller." The Weaton girl clearly
outplayed their visitors.
tr .
Pocket nives
The following officers of Weeton
Lodge No. II. I. O. O. F were In
stalled at a recent meeting by A. A.
Kee. D. D. O. M.: W.H. Oould. N. O.;
Oeo. W. Maybee. V. d.; E. O. DcMoaa.
Fin. Sec: A. A. Kee, Bee. Sec: 8. A.
Auction Sale
At Jarman's Department
We will etl tha following mer
chandise at auction on
Saturday, Jan. 23
from 2 to 4 p. m.-wnd to p. m.,
and every day thereafter at the
tame hour:
Hate, Caps, Glove, Ladies' and
Children' Underwear, Ladies' and
Misses' Coats; Men', Ladies' and
Children's Sweaters, and other
goods too numerous to mention.
Everbody Come!
J. Eft eland. Owner.
F. G. Lucas, Auctioneer.
tlarnea, Treaa.; Roy Read. Chaplain.
81m Barnes slta at the treasurer
desk for the lid ucceslv ' term
whereat The Leader will vouchsafe no
comment beyond saying that it la glad
the lodge'a fund aro etllt Intact.
The chair of Hiawatha Rebekah
Lodge No. It will be occupied during
the first six montha of 1111 by Anna
O'Harra. N. O.; Ruby James, V. O.;
Odessa Klrkpatrlck, Rec. Sec.: Lottie
Brandt Fin. Sec; Mary MacKenxle.
Treaa.; Dorla Barnes. Warden; Chelcy
Duncan, Chaplain: Mabel Graham.
Cond.; Maud Standflold. I. Q.; Maggie
O'Harra .O. O. They were lately In
atalled by Mlaa Doris Barnes, acting
aa district deputy. , .:
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Farnsworth are
preparing to leave. In a few days for
Pendleton, where the doctor haa de
cided to locate for the practice of den
tistry. Friends and patrons at Weston
will be advised through The Leader's
columns aa to Dr. Farnsworth'a office
address In that city. Meanwhile, those
desiring Immediate dental work should
consult him at once.
Industry haa been humming at Mil
ton lately with a force of 60 men and
teams employod on the city' pipe line
to make room for the new barrel
flume, which will replace 1700 feet of
the old flume. Construction of the
new flume is now Irt progress, and
Manager I E. Coyle hopes to havo the
municipal plant In operation again In
a week or two.
Sixteen hundred acre Adams county
wheat ranoh, all cultivated and im
proved, one-third of crop delivered
to warehouse free. Owner's income
1914 wa 4500. Price includin? 1915
prop. (25 per acre. Chas. S. Bassett,
waantuona, vvasn.
J. B. Farrena. who eomes from
North Milton, i now conducting the
Comer pool and billiard hall, which he
latelv purchased from D. R. Wood.
Mr. "Parrena family will probably
move to Weston in the spring.
Again thia week the Weston country
is in the grip of a "cold snap." while
every tree and anruo naa oeen re
touched in white by Jack Frost's masrlc
brush and stands forth a silent spectre.
Christian Science meetings are held
eaoh Sunday at 3:30 p. m. at tbe resi
dence of O. DeOraw, and all are in
vited to attend. "Trut h" is the sub
ject of next Sunday's lesson.
Mrs. Josephine Duncan, formerly of
Weston, was here on a business visit
this week from Finley. Wash., where
she haa purchased sixteen acres of ir
rigated land. ' t
Mr. Lillian Fredericka haa gone to
Burlev, Idaho, for a visit with her
brother, L, C. Proebstel.
Depot cab fare reduced to 25 eents
for the round trip. E. M. Weeks.
Today we believe we are showing the largest
and best assortment of pocket knives ever on sale in
this locality. Just thinkover one. hundred differ
ent patterns from which you can make your selec
tion, and every knife carries our personal guarantee
as well as that of the manufacturer. Here you will
find such well known brands as O-V-B. keen Kut
ter. Diamond Edge, Griffon, etc., knives that have
established a world wide reputation for durability,
beauty of design and perfect workmanship.
If you want a knife for pruning, hunting, camping, speying, budding,
manicuring,lleather punching in fact, for any purpose ask us; we have it
A knife for every purpose for man, woman and child this we had in view
in making up our stock. Prices are reasonable, ranging from two bits to two
and one-half plunks. We will sell you a knife for two bits and guarantee
that it wiil give perfect satisfaction or your money back. One look at our
showing will convince you that we are in a position to supply your wants.
Watts & Rogers
Hardware and Implements
See E. E. Zehm at th Weeton bak
ery If you want neat workmanship la
shoe and harnea repairing.
Mia Hattie Edwards and Oacar Ed
wards of Heppner, Ore., wer recent
guests at tho Jame Klrkpatrlck resi
dence. Mr. Julia E. Hasting Is visiting her
son, Arthur, at Tillamook. Oregon.
Mra. Atklna baa charge of th Marshall
Houa during her abaenc.
Th last local basketball game of
the high achool eerie has been an
nounced for tbl (Friday) evening at
Weaton opera houae. It will be a
double header between Weaton and
The Pendleton. Adams, Athena and
Weaton auto stare leave Weston twice
dally for Pendleton at t a. m. and t p.
m Round trip, 11.71. Headquarter
at Goodwin' drug atore. A. M. Boy
don, proprietor.
The O.-W. R. K. Co "mixed
trains" running out of Weston. No.
II and E2. have been annulled on Sun
days, announcca Agent Smith. Wea
ton people who prefer to do their trav
eling Sunday ahould govern themselves
accordingly. . . .
I offer 14S0 acre near Enterprise.
Oregon; 110 acre in fall wheat, 120
acres ready for spring; well watered;
good black aoil; a fine stock and grain
ranch. Will make good price for quick
sale, with or without stock and ma
chinery. Cbaa. 8. Bassett Washtuc
na. Wash.
Hcrscy Durkln, a 19-year-old high
school boy of Freewatcr, haa been con
fined In the county jail on the charge
of robbing a atore where he waa em
ployed mornings snd evening. It is
said that he took I25S from the aafe.
and when confronted with the crime
returned, all of the money except 10
Reports filtered down Saturday
from the mountains, following last
week's timely storm, to the effect that
the snow around tbe Blue Mountain
sawmill. IS milea east of town, had
grown to a depth of five feet ' There
had previously been but fifteen Inches
of snow at the mill, or less thsn half
the normal depth.
Or. Gall at On Tim Had the Whl
ef Europe In a Furor.
Tbe drat public notice of tb "Father
at rhrenologr" appeared In Weiland'a
"Dutch Mercury" ou Aug. 14, 1798.
(Jail was a practicing physician of
Vleuna. and early In bla career be be
came a arm Deuever iu tue iaea urn
the tnlenta and disposition of men are
dependent upon the functions of tbe
brain and, furthermore, that tbey may
be inferred with perfect exactitude
and precision from the external ap
pearances of the skull.
Gall waa an able man. He set forth
his theory in a graphic, unctuous man
ner, and In a very brief period he bad
nil Europe at tbe top notch of excite
ment' Tbe Idea spread lite wildure,
and in all grades of society peop'e
were discussing "the greatest of all
discoveries." Tbe new theory had to
meet the customary opposition from
tbe custodians of truth and tbe pre
servers of morality, but the opposition
only Increased the popularity of the
theory, and Gall's celebrity Increased
by leaps and bounds. Ilia lectures
were Interdicted, and be was threaten
ed with the direst penalties unless be
ceased hla "Immoral and atheistical"
teachings, but he kept on with bis
propaganda, visiting all the large towns
of Germany and tbe continent, and by
1805 all of Europe waa Interested in
tbe Vienna doctor.
in i o tha vear of Gall a death.
phrenology waa In vogue everywhere.
But after a great and gionona nooa-
Ude of popularity It began to wane,
and today it la but seldom beard of.
New Tork American.
Woe to the ruler -wbo fonnda hia
bane of sway on the weakneaa or sor
ruption of the people. Washing Irv
ing. . .
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