STON - LEADER WE NO 31. VOL. XXXIV. WT1STON, OHIX.ON, THIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1915. ft- . I I u ' . ri I n aa nj l ta imb . w i 1 View of ttcarborounh, on the east roat ef Knlaod. hlcb, together bombarded by tb (li-nnan ralriln- anuadrnn of misers .. QUAKE KILLS MANY Many VHIaocs Destroyed In Italy and Thousands Suffer. Statuary t Home Cracked, Street ear Lima Quit -King Goes ta Scene of Catastrophe. London Report early Thursday nornlna-ar that 18.000 person ar buried In tha ruin of Avetsano alon King Victor Emmanuel baa gone to tb afflicted di.trlrt, and troop ara being rushed to do relief work. Rom Italy attain ha Iwan vUited by an aarthciuaka of wide extant, wblch, according to tha lata advice, ha resulted in tha doath of 12.000 prwona and Injury to possibly 20,000 mora In town and village destroyed. Tha shock wa tha strongest Home haa fait In mora than a hundred yrara. Tha town of Avataano, In Uta Abruttl department, 63 tniloa cut of Rome, baa been leveled to tha ground. Hera 8000 person ara reported to have ban killed. In many amall town surrounding Roma building were partially wracked, while at Naplea a panic oc curred and bouiea full at Caserta, a abort distant to the east From below Naplea In tha aouth to Ferrera In tha north, a d I stance of mora than 300 mile, and acroa almoat tha width of tha country, tha undula tory movement contained for a conald arable period. In Rome it waa thought at final that two (hocka had occurred, but the aaimographie Instrument In the ob aervatorie ahowed there wa only one, wblch beginning at 7:65 o'clock In the morning, laated from 22 to SO seconds. In the capital iUolf. ao far a known, there wa no Ion of life, but a great deal of damage waa dona, churchea and atatue Buffering moat. For a time tha people were atrlcken with fear and there waa a veritable panic In the hoapltal. monaaterle and convent. The building on both aide of the Torta del Popolo. tha north en trance to Rome, threatened to fall, and tha ea-rla decorating the gate crashed to the ground. Tha obelik In St. Peter'a qure waa ahaken and badly damaged, while the etatue of St. John Latoran and the atatuoa of the apostles surmounting tha Balllca are In danger of eollpe. Tha famous colonade decorating the dome of the church of St. Charle Cat- Inarl waa cracked. A Urge piece of tha cornice of tha Joauit church of St, Agnatlua broke and foil with crash which added to the fright of persona In tha neighborhood. Ceilings in many of the houses fell, several persons being Injured in that manner. Several streetcar lines suspended operations because of tha damage caused by the earthquake. At Torre Cajetanl, about 87 milea east of Rome, almoat the entire village waa destroyed, while at Am ara the municipal building collapsed. Tide Swelled by Gale. Boston Features of the atorm which lashed Southeastern New England Thursday were the unusually high tide that awept into Maesaehuaett Bay In the forenoon and the damage ,to tele graph and telephone wire In Bristol county, In Rhode Inland and in Eastern Connecticut The tidal riia in this elty came within 1.22 feet of the record established in the famous gale of 1861, when Mlnot'a Ledge light house waa destroyed, and waa the fifth big tide In tha last 16 years. Summer residences were badly battered. All on Scharnhoret LotL Amsterdam Information received t Berlin is to the effect that none of tb officers or crew were aaved from the German erualer Scharnhoret. aunk off tha Falkland Islands by the British squadron. Sevan offlcere and 171 men ware aaved from tha Gneiaenau, aeven men from the Numberg and four offi cers and 16 men from the Leipsilg. ENGLISH CITY BOMBARDED BY THE GERMANS From numerous place In tha affect ed regions call for doctor and medi cine are reaching Rome. Pope Bene dict wa reciting the thanksgiving after tba morning mass when the ahork occurred. At the rapltol two magnificent can dlestick fell end were broken. At the Palaxxo dul Drago, where Thomas Nelson Page, the American ambassa dor Uvea, several cracks in the build ing, which had already elxsted, opened wider, and blaster fall in several of tha room. Steamer Cranley, Scarred by Emden, Now at Attoria Astoria, Ore Boar ing several vis ible mark of her encounter with the German cruiser Emden tha British steamer Cranley arrived Tuesday morning 18 daya from Mojl, Japan. Sha will load tha supplies donated by the people of Oregon for the relief of the starving Belgians. Captain Alex Henderson, her mas ter, brlnga a thrilling story of bis one sided battle with the Emden and that the Cranley escaped destruction is little loss than miracle. The event occurred at the port of Penang, Stralta of Malay, where the steamer waa lying at anchor, who some French and Russian cruisers and torpedo boat. One morning. Just at dawn, the Emden, which had been dis guised by tha addition or a "rake" funnel ao as to resemble a British vessel, steamed into port and circling within a hundred yards or the cranley, which waa flying naval transport flag No. 6, fired two broadside at her. Ona shot went through the steamer a galley, while another pierced ber hull about four feet above the water! Ine. It passed through 16 feet of coal, rico- chetted through the dock and pilot house and then, turning downward again, pierced the deck and went out the other side of the vessel. Later it waa nocessary to put seven new platea in the steamer's hull to repair the damage done by that one shot. The craft waa also hit in seversl ptacea by pieces of shrapnel, but none of them did any serious! damage. The Cran ley 's second engineer wa struck on j the arm, shoulder and in the aide by pieces of shrapnel and waa seriously hurt, but haa recovered. Two Battleships, 6 Destroy en, 17 Submarines Asked Waahintgon, D. C Provision for the construction of two great dread- naughts, alx torpedo-boat destroyers, 16 coast-defense submarines, a seago ing submarine, a hospital ship, a trana port and a fuel ship, at an aggregate cost of 863,168,828, la made in the naval appropriation bill aa agreed on by the house naval committee. All told the bill carrlea $146,600,000, of which $22,003,998 ia directly appro printed for new construction. While the construction program falls far below the plana urged by Representative Hobson and other ad vocates of a larger navy, it Includea the two battleshlpa asked for by Sec retary Daniels and providea for mora auxiliaries than the secretary had con templated. Chairman Padgett pro tested that the committee waa "run ning wild" with appropriations. Kaleer Foregoes Fete. BerlinThe Reichanselger has pub lished a decree signed by Emperor William, according to which Hia Maj esty, in view of the seriousness of the present situation, aska that all festiv Itlea formally held on the occasion of hia birthday be omitted this year. An exception la made, however, of the celebrations usually held in churchea and schools. The emperor asks even that the many letters and telegrams generally aent to him on hia birthday by societies and private individuals, be dispensed with. Parisian Tots Get Toys. Paria Gifts of toys, which were sent from tha United Statea on the collier Jason, were distributed to more than 6000 children, whose fathers are fighting for France, The ceremony waa of aeml-offlcial character and waa conducted at tha Hotel de Villa. Tha toys were distributed by William G. Sharp, United Statee ambassador to France, assisted by Msdame Poln- care, wile oi tna rrencn president, and Paria city officials, including the mayor and prefect of police. with Whitby end Hartlepool, m . . . ir.-u-i-.-u-. - -i - -. Starving Chinese Sell Wives to Buy food Pekin The ordinary suffering in China baa been ao Intensified by loss of trade with Europe that in some DTovincea tha aale of wive and chil dren ia being carried on extensively. Tba Hancbua of Sbanal province hava resorted to tbia practice ao gen erally that President Yun Shi Kat baa issued a mandate in which he apeaka of tha condition as "heartrending. "In former day," according to the mandate, "the banner men (followers of tha Itanchu banners) of Shan! were supported by the Ta-ylng gran ary. But since tha revolution they have been dealt with in accordance with tba common rule, namely, all sup port baa been withdrawn. The fac tories of the banner men hava also been suspended onaccount of lack of funda. Therefore means of livelihood have been greatly reduced. Tha win ter will aet In vary soon. iad it ta ex peeled that the price of foodstuffs will rise. The aged and the young will be starved to death, while the stronger onea will wander from their borne. "Therefore wa are very anxious about them, and it ia hereby ordered that 2000 abih (a ahih i 100 litres) of rice from tha Ta-ying granary of the Shanai province be delivered over to tha major of the garrison, to be dis tributed to the genuine sufferers." Czar Sends 1,000,000 New Men Against Prussians London That Russia baa started a new army of from 800,000 to 1,000,000 men toward Weat Prussia to co-operate with the army invading East Prussia and the forcca on the Vistula, la indi cated, think military authorities, by dispatchea from Petrograd which aay the Russlana have reached a point 40 milea east of the German fortress of Thorn, after defeating a cavalry de tachment. It ia believed that the plan is to crush the German forces in the region of Mlawa, between the Russian army in East Prussia and the one advancing on West Prussia, and also to operate against the line of communication of the Germans operating before Warsaw. Allies Report Heavy Loss In Aisne Valley fighting London The German official report issued at Berlin Saturday, says that the entire north bank of the Aisne haa been cleared of French troops and that the retreat of tha allies waa accom pliahed only under the fire of German heavy guns. A further announcement from the main headquarters of the German army saya that aa a net result of the three days' fighting northeast of Soissons about 6200 prisoners, 14 guns, sis machine guna and some revolver mine were captured. The further statement " is made that the French suffered heavy losses, from 4000 to 6000 dead French soldiers be ing found on the battlefield. British Gain Ona Mile. Paria Tha Havaa Agency has re ceived a dispatch from Stomer, dated January 10, which relates a British victory and an advance near La Basse of one mile. The message follows : "The British, by an impetuoua at tack, stormed the strongly entrenched German position near La Basse after a vigorous shelling. This is an import ant strategie point and its occupation represents an advance of one mile. Tha British losses were slight, but the Germane lost heavily. Many Germane were taken prisoners.'" Silver Fox Found Dead. Portlands' ailver fox ia no more. The little animal waa found dead in hia cage at Washington Park too, a victim of old age. He had been in the coo for many years and waa one of tha principal attractlona for children. For some time ha had showed signs of failing. Silver foxea ara so rare that a good specimen ia said to be worth about $1000. NEWS NOTES FROM STATES0LONS State Capital, Salem Portland wo man wanfjthe right to serve on juries, yet they don't want to be compelled to serve on juries. If the legislature can find bsppymedlum somewhere be tween these extreme tha women of the stste will be duly grateful, aald a delegate of their number to the bouse judiciary committee. Apparently a majority of tba com mlttee i not Inclined to report favor ably upon the pending bill, introduced laat week by Representative Huston, giving women tha privilege of jury duty. This particular measure ia op posed by aome of the up-state mem bers. Their objection is based on the provision that it will give women the right to claim exemption by reason of their aex. It ia pointed out that In the rural districts, where the sheriffs frequently ara required to travel many milea to summon prospective jurors, the officers may encounter notice of exemption for their paina. But the delegation of.'women led by Mrs. G. L. Buland. representing number of women's clubs, and Mrs. J. M. Kemp, representing the W. C. T. U., pointed out that the aame kind of a law fa working successfully in the state of Washington, where conditions are no moreunfavorable than in this stale. Gov. Withy combe Names New Regents tor O. A. C. State Capitol, Salem Governor Wlthycombe haa appointed Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, of Portland; M. S. Wood stock, of Corvalli. and N. R. Moore, of Corvalli. members of the board of regent of the Oregon Agricultural college. Mrs. Waldo now la a me x ber and the others will succeed B. F, Irvine, of Portland, and E. E. Wilson, of Corvallla, whose terms will expire February 16. Mrs. Waldo baa been a member of the board since 1906 and been prominent aa a pioneer worker in educational, rural and civic improvements. Waldo Hall, at the college, ia named for ber. Mr. Woodstock Is president or U.e First Nation! bank of Corvallia, and waa on of the firaMo suggest Uxnt tha college be located at Corvallia. Mr. Moore is editor of the Corvallia ua zette-Times, He haa always been keenly interested in educational work, especially in industrial education. Members of the board who continue in office are J. K. Weatherford. of Al bany: J. T. Apperson, of Oregon City; C. L. Hawley. of McCoy: H. Von der Hellen. of Wellen; Walter L. Pierce, of Pendleton, and George M. Cornwall, of Portland. Salt Contract May Not Be Approved By Legislature State Capitol, Salem It is apparent that there will be considerable opposi tion in the aenate to approving the lease made by the state land board with Jason C Moore, of New York, for the development of the salts de posits of Summer and Albert lakes in Lake county. The lakea are aaid to contain deposits worth millions of dol lars, and the syndicate Mr. Moore rep resents plans erecting a plant at the junction of the Deschutes and Colura bia rivers to which point trie deposits would be piped. Under the lease approved oy the board and the contract made with Mr. Moore he is to pay the state, begin ning next year, royalties of not less than $26,000 annually, and more on royalty basis according to the product. The lease is for 40 years. Mr. Moore at one time bid almoat $2,000,000 for the property and other persons bid more than that, but the bid of the latter waa not accompanied by a certi fied check, as stipulated by the board, and all bids were rejected. It waa then decided to lease the property on the royalty basis and bids were asked. Mr. Moore's bid waa the only one accompanied by a check for $10,000, aa stipulated in the ad vertisement, and he was awarded the contract, subject to approval by the legislature. The proposal of Mr. Moore may ne the best that the state can obtain, aaid President Thompson, of the sen ate, "but it ia a matter that should be given careful consideration by the leg islature." Anti-Lobby Bill in Favor. State Capitol, Salem The house committee on judiciary is preparing to report favorably on one of the billa now before it providing for the elim ination of lobbyista from the Capitol halls. Representative Schuebel, of Clackamas, and Representative Hus ton, of Multnomah, have introduced anti-lobbying bills. The Schuebel bill would require lobbyists to register if they come to Salem, even if they don't enter the State House. The Huston measure would require them to register if they enter the Capitol. Sack Standard It Sought State Capitol. Salem Standardis ing of the weight of aacks of shorts and bran ia the object of two billa intro duced by Senator Dimick, of Clacka mas county. The weight fixed for shorts ia 80 pounds to the sack and bran 60 pounds to the sack. Senator Dimick said farmers had complained to him that they were receiving abort weight and several placed their loaa at three aacka to the ton. , Quake List Estimated at 25,000 to 50,000 Roma From 25,000 to 60,000 still remain tba unoildal aatimaU of tha eaaaaltlea resulting from the earth quake which rocked Southern and Cen tral Italy Wednesday. Tba amount of damage done cannot yet be determined from the meager descriptions of tba catastrophe that hava reached Rome over the hampered lines of communication. Such details aa have coma through leave no doubt, however, that nearly 100 town and villagea have been demolished or partly wrecked and that great loaa of life resulted. Thousands of persona have lain for nearly three days beneath crumbled buildings throughout tba earthquake tone. Some are dead, while other are living. Many hava been removed from the wreckage and brought to Rome hospitals for treatment, or are being eared for in their borne towns in temporary structure presided over by pbysiciana and nurses rushed from the capital and other citie in Italy. It ia believed many of those caught in the wreckage were not Injured, bat perished from cold and hunger or were incinerated in fire which broke out amid the ruina. The number burned probably waa largest at Avexxano and Magliano-bi-Marai, where fires started and there waa no water to quench them. Estimated Appropriations May Be Sustained State Capitol. Salem That the esti matea made by the State Board of Control for appropriations for the vari ous state institutions lor jio ana 1916 will not be materially changed. if changed at alL Is the belief after the first week 'a session of the legis lature. Estimates were made first by the superintendents and considerable reductions made in several Instance. The committee on waya and means of the senate ia probing thoroughly the management of the institutions and haa visited the blind school, the mute school and tb state insane asylum. After spending a day at the latter in stitution and the cottage farm, aa ad junct, committee member announced that they were well pleased with the management of all institutions visited and especially well pleased with the managementt of the Insane asylum. Petition Peddlers to Lose. State Capitol, Salem Representa tive Olson of Portland, baa introduced a bill in the house that will drive peti tion peddlera completely out of busi ness. Whenever man or a woman wants to become a candidate for office, under operation of the proposed Olson law. all that will be necessary will be to file declaration of such intention with the county clerk if it be a county office or with the secretary of state if it be a district, state or a federal office. It will be necessary, also, to pay a amall fee when the declara tion ia filed, the fee varying with the importance and the compensation at tached to the office. "It won't cost a prospective candi date any more under operations of the law that I propose than it doea now under the old petition system," saya Mr. Olson. "A candidate always has to pay the petition peddlers and it won't cost any more to pay a flat fee than to pay them, and the state or the counties will get some good from the money. "I can t see how anyone can object to this bill that is, anyone excepting the petition peddlers." BUI Aimed at Commission. State Capitol, Salem To abolish the state fish and game commission and to make the master fish warden and the state game warden directly appointive by the governor are the principal pro visions of bill now in the course of construction by Representative Schue bel, of Clackamas. "The game and fish commission has been the football of politic for years," saya Schuebel, "and it will be to the best interests of the state and to the fish and game of the state as well to the sportsmen to get rid of it, "We need a master fish warden and game warden aa we have now, but let them be appointed by the governor and make them directly responsible to him. We certainly don't need any commission. Aafion Asked to Kill Pests. State Capitol, Salem Declaring that carnivoroua animate having their habitat in the public lands of the state causa losses in livestock and poultry aggregating $16,000 annually. Senator Burgess, of Umatilla, haa introduced a resolution providing that the legisla ture memoraliie congress to appropri ate $300,000 for suppressing these an imals. The rules were suspended and the resolution waa adopted. The sen ator aaid that in spite of large amounts paid out aa bounties, it bad been found impossible to suppress coyotes, wolves, wildcats, cougars and bears in many of the states. West Portrait to Be Hung. State Capitol, Salem It ia probable that the legislature will provide funda for a painting of Ex-Governor Weat, to be hung on tha north wall of the house chamber, west of the main entrance. Representative Gill is plan ningto Introduce resolution to that effect. Thia will be In accordance with the customs of tha "past. There ara now in the aenate and house chamber painted portraita of all the governors that have served the state. The pro posed Gill resolution will carry an ap propriation of $600. U.S.ISUNPREPARED Secrciaiy Garrison Supts M Exact M Be Toll Government's Supply of Ammuni tion at Present Sufficient for Only 30 to 40 Minutes. New York Preparation for the da fens of tb United State in the event of war wa advocated by 8crtary of War Garrison, Henry L. Stimson, ex- secretary, and William C Sanger, ex assistant secretary, who were speaker at a discussion on tb military require ments of tb country at tb Republican club ber Monday. Secretary Garrison aaid there waa no occasion for hysteria or fear of compulsory service. When tb gar risons in Hawaii and at the Panama canal were manned, he aaid, tb mo bile army In the United States would number 26,000 men. Mr. Garrison'said that in his opinion tb regiment aboold be increased to their full strength of 1863 men each. thereby making a mobile army of 60, 000 men, and that congress should make provisions for 1000 additional officers. "The National guard," tb a tary aaid "ia still far from what it should be. We must get a reserve of trained men in the stales, a reserve of army officers to eommar.d the men. We should bay tb truth told in the public school. Scholars ahould be told of our years of travail and be pre pared to deal with tb problem of de- fens In later year." Mr. Garrison asserted that it would be of infinite value to have the thous ands of enlisted men annually dis charged from the army and the re signed or retired officers where they could be found and recalled to service in the event of their being needed. Mr. Stimson said Americana should be assured that the fate of the Bel gians never ahould become theirs. He advocated that the standing army be increased to 60,000 men, exclusive of the reserve and coast artillery, and to more than 100.000 men. including the reserve, which he described as the foundation for a citizen army. Sup- oliea for such an army also should be provided for Mr. Stimson asserted. Congressional committees, he con tinued, bad asserted that the United States bad from 60 to 60 per cent of the necessary ammunition for the coast artillery. Upon application to General Crosier, he said, he learned that thia waa enough to laat for 80 or 40 minutes of actual firing. In 1912," he said, "we had ammu nition enough to supply an army of 460,000 men for half a day' battle at a rate equal to that with which ammu nition was consumed in .the battle of Mukden. Now. after great efforts, it been increased to a aupply suffi cient for a day and a quarter." Continual Tremblings Keep Quake Victims in terror Rome A renewal of seismic dis turbances early Sunday served to add to the terror of the people in parte of the district that was visited by the heavy earthquake last Wednesday. Although the shock were light, buildings which had been cracked and were tottering from the effects of the first disturbance, were completely razed. In Avexxano ,and Sora, the towns which suffered most from the disaster, the people left their tem porary shelters and took refuge in open places. Rain and extremely cold weatner in some parts of the district are hamper ing badly the work of rescue. This is particularly true of Sora, where a cold rain fell Saturday night and Sunday. In many of the towns which were thrown down by the earthquake it is feared there are still living persons beneath the debris and that unless they are extricated soon, they will perish. Detailed reports received in the cap ital regarding Italy's stupendous earth quake disaster increase rather than di minish the appalling list or aeaa ano the enormous property loss. The Messsggero, after making careful compilation of all the figures it has been gather from the dis tricts and villagea hitherto isolated. announces that the number of dead and injured in the Abruzzi district alone is 30.000 without including the Sora dis trict ' Deny Kitchener Version. Berlin One of the statement made by Lord Kitchener, Great Britain's secretary of state for war, in hia re view on the progress of military oper ations in the house of lords on January 6. Ia challenged in a statement issued from the German army headquarters. Lord Kitchener stated in his address that the Indian troops were surprised at Givenchy in December and lost a trench, which they afterward regained. The German headquarters contend, that thia trench never was retaken and ia atill in the possession of the Germana. . Swiss Bear Heavy Guns. Paris A heavy connonade waa beard on the Swiss frontier nesr Basel Mon day and a red glare in the sky at night indicated that villagea and farmhouses were burning, according to a dispatch from Berne. No foreigners will be allowed to remain in Alsace after Jan uary 2C, it U said. ANCIENT GOLD MINING MOW THE TIBARKNI COL.LKCTCD THE PRECIOUS METAL. From Their Method Originated the Lgnd of tha Oeldsn Fleece - Ceun try Still la Rieh In Moat Val liable Ore. In tb legend of the Golden Fleec Ilea bidden the record of an ancient method of the Tibarenl. the eona of Tubal, for tb collection of gold. The north coast of Ails Minor produced large quantltlea of the precious met al, aa well a copper and Iron. Gold was found In the gravel, as often hap pen still In atreama draining from copper reglona. The gold In copper ores, originally containing insljrnlfl eant amounts of the precious metals, accumulate In the course of agea, and sometime form placers of astonish ing richness. The ancient Tibarenl washed the gold-bearing gravel, first by booming, wblch concentrated the gold Into relatively small amounts of sand. Thia waa then collected and washed through sluice having the bottom lined w(tn sheepskins. Tb gold would alnk into the wool, while the aand would be washed away In the swtft current writes Courtenay de Kalk in the Mining Age. The akin were removed from the sluice, the coarser gold shaken out and the fleece, atill glittering with the yellow metal, were hung upon boughs to dry ao that the rest of the gold mlxht be beaten from them and saved. Tb early Greek mariners, witnessing this process, carried home talea of the wonderful riches of a land where a warlike race of miners hung golden fleece upon the tree in the grove of Are. After so many mlUennluma the metalliferous country of Tubal-Cain ja once more coming Into prominence. The naUvea still cull the high-grade copper ore, and break it Into stnalla. which they cover with wood and roast to matte; they atill work the matt In forge-like furnaces to black cop per, wblch they ablp to Alexandretts and to Euxlne ports. They still make the famous carbonized Iron that was celebrated as Damascus steel because it waa dlstribnted through this mart to the rest of the world after receiv ing a finish by local Damascene work men. These decadent methods, that give a hint of the approved practice' of the father of metallurgy, will sooa , became wholly extinct for the modern miner is studying the disseminated copper ores of the Black sea coast and threatening to rekindle on a, mag nificent scale the amolderlng tire of Tubal-Cain. , t , f On the Captain' Deck. It Is hard to imagine the skipper" of a British man-of-war aleeplng on the deck of hia ship between a couple of his stokers, but this has happened in the American navy. . That teetotal navy Is the most free and easy of any In the world, but thia incident aurprised even the Amer ican stokers. '. It happened off Santiago during the blockade on Commodore Schley'a flag ship. Brooklyn. No lights were al lowed to be shown from the ships at night snd, ss this meant all portholes ; shut the temperature below decks ' wss unbearable. Every man who could slept on deck, the skipper among them. ... This officer laid himself down one night on his quarterdeck to snatch a few hours' rest" He was awak ened in the dawn, says the Mirror, by hearing a aleepy voice next to him murmur to a companion, Darned ir . It ain't the cap'n!" And, opening hi eyes, he saw two of his stokers rise up suddenly from hia side and disap pear swiftly for'ard. Tit-Bits. .i Encouragement From Mr. Howella. , vsnm Hm. n tlma m one advance In TMra. ona feels oblleed. by that sclerosis of the tastes which Is apt to' occur In old age, to abandon the wnrM tn it -Lccnmulated errora. and retire upon the superiority of the lr- ravnrahla nasi. At such moments It appeara that there are no such novels there once were, that Action is not all tha thins- It nsed to he: yet. from time to time amidst the flatter ing despair in which one attributes to nnaaalf a share of that vanished su- ' perlority, one has surprises of excel--lence In contemporary work. Some nnimaglned writer, hitherto quite un read, presents himself in a book per nana nnwillinelT borrowed and pro vokes one to Inquiry about the man who wrote It He could not nave rittan that, atnrv nn!v: he must have done others, better or worse, and one goes on reading as many of hia books aa one can lay one's bands on. wu 11am Dean Howells In the NortJ American Review. . West Shipping by Way of Canal. Since the Panama canal was opened there have been a few surprises, es pecially in the source of botio of th freight shipped by that route. Th Scientific American notes that a con siderable proportion is coming from as far west as Ohio, being sent to New York by rail for . shipment through the canal to San Francisco. As an Instance of thia 15,000 tone of wrought iron pipe were ehlpped In thia way from Younxstown, O. It would have cost 66 cents a hundred weight to send it by all rail; It cost 48 cent a hundredweight by way of New York and the canal. From Indiana canned corn ia being kent to the Pacific coast through the canal and from Alabama, via New Orleans, east iron pip is going.