The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 08, 1915, Image 4

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    Ilea! -foe
To Health is a
Weak Stomach
Frm (his rxire srir
such Ills as Poor Appetite,
Nausea, Heartburn. Indiret-
tion Dyspepsia, Biliousness
and Constipation. You can
conquer and fortify the
system against such foe
by the timely use of
Bi Sin Yoi 6et tti Etmiti
Short Wlndtd but Spdy.
-A dollar docsul go m far m tt need
,v ur frwnuentlv sacrifice en
durance to speed," replied the engi
neer. "You must remember that a dollar
tow muck tutor than It used to."
Washington Star.
TWwrfclr mxn. lot Roomeof eeatfort M
Depot. WriUivnta, H t te . tMLtUM. .
Tobacco Habit Cured
Not Kir e seer of tpe an tkn Wt the
rlrMaaetrwetki kebtt I nwmeJi ar aias Um
"TimUTK- tmaiiiit Pne eoeaplrte. peetaw
Mid. Sl.oa. Laae-Deei Drue C ftl Ye
kilt rwttaad. Or. (Wtat weft I''
Much Interested.
"When the British attacked Wash
ington In 181J aU the Vongressmen
had to leave the city. Of course, they
came bark lata'."
IM they collect mileage both
way?" eagerly inquired the congress
man addressed. Louisville Courier-
- - "
? "Wlmmen ain't got no sense of the
"You know that bulldog I got my
1 "Vsm
"She wants to name It Fill." Kan
sas City Journal.
rXtiAnlnn ReanonaibilltV.
' "Yes," said Mr. Growcher. "1 In
tend to keep up the Idea of Santa
Claus in my family as long as
"What forr
"I dont want the children to blame
- jne when they don't get just the pres
:' ents they were looking for." Wash
ington Star.
Paris Prices.
,. "Your prices are higher than those
of others." , .
"We dress our own beef, mum, said
the butcher by way of explanation.
' "Dress your own beef, eh? Well.
" you must think you're the Redfern of
'the trade." Louisville Courier Jour
.nat v ' -
- "
Xet me see," said the young man.
thoughtfully. '.'I've got to buy some
flowers, some confectionery and some
; theater tickets, and "
' "Doing mental arithmetic," inquired
the man at the next desk.
; "No. Sentimental arithmetic"
Washington Star.., . ,. -
" ' In England.
Cockney (looking at the ostrich in
-the" show; What kind of a bloomln'
beast his that 'unT 'E hain't no bird
.hand 'e hain't no hanimaL What his
.'? '
Second Ditto Hi . spose 'e's a Qr
' nan spy.-e-Baitlmore American.
V m J- . mj fr 1M 4t. n...
rs. your wife hearing you last night?
: Clublelgh No, nor without my hear
ing her, either. Boston Transcript
ajiick Relief When,
? Utterly Worn Out
Getting the Blood in Order
Is Required By Most ,
i People.
If jon tklnk yon htve (tme ta smuh end
Bt only rr the ducard, try 8. B. 8. tor ta
blood. It will aurpriM yen to know what
raa b dane for bealta once tb blood 1
rciaaKd tt the exceu of body wastes that
krp it from exercltiiig Its full aeasnre of
bodily repair. -
If yon fl played eat go to sny drof
star sad aik for a bottle of B. B. 8. Hera
la a remedy that fets t work ta a twlna
llnc: It Juit naturally rushes right Into
your blood, scatters gems right and left,
up and down and sideways,
Yoa feel better at once, not from a stlm
elaat, not from the action of dross, but
from the rational effect at a natural audi
else. The lacredlents In 8. B. S. serve the
attire purpose of so stlmnlatlnfr the cellular
tissue of the body that tfeey pick out from
the blood their en essential nutriment and
thus repair work begins at once. The relief
1 reneral all ever the system.
Do aot aeglect to set a bottle el US
today. It will make you feel better la Just
few mlantea. It Is prepared oaly la the
lnboratory ef The Swift Specific Co., 630
flwlft Bid-.. Atlanta, Ga. Bead for their
free book telling of tb assy sfrann coa.
tunes that afflict the human family kf
St impoverished blood.
r. tt. v.
ITVBEN wthtae
JSSS wrlttac t edeerttesra, 4aas
mn ruioiDLVir
tnrd to Reply to Ainalcaa Mi
te3 FRS&WfflL
Italg mnd AUisd Natbme Thht
to liars Agr-rmmw
Alone Prttttts.
TsfwUnTHa IRrltish rovernment
Mnl ta the American note concerning
contraband probably wiu M sent
t.m tka and at this week. It
--v . - . .
Lvk ka imnr will be friendly.
An outline of the reply has been sub
niitl la Pranc. which Is treat if In
tarested becau of the acUvity of the
French ships In searchlnf ateaiterra
A aKtamant nrobably will be Issued
shortly, showing that Italy has arrived J
at an under landing wits tngiana ana
tK othsv alliea eoncernlnB' coo tra band
sal itf actor; to all the countries aneci
It can be sUted authoriUtively that
An wgnaa destined for Italy
have been stopped at Gibraltar since
November 16. lwo or weew w ir
leased within three days and the others
as soon as the altered contraband could
be removed.
Since December 4 no cargoes for
Itml have been intercepted by the
Ruhher earffoea destined for Ameri
can firms and held In English ports
nmhahl will be released soon or pur-
mmA h Giwat BriUin. which needs
mhhw fnr manual ctura ol tires. Dea
blankeU and boots.
Constant negotiations are In prog
Iwrfntn the allies and the neutral
miriM aitnated near Germany look
ing to a tightening of the export regu
lations which will prevent American
shipments from reaching Germany and
Austria through neighboring countries
nlhor than Italv.
A loosening of the regulations apply
ing to American cargoes. It is saw oy
British officials, wiu depend largely on
the assurances received from neutral
countries that they will not assist in
supplying Germany, Turkey and Aus
tria with munitions ox war.
Generals Scott and Villa
to Sleet on Boundary Line
v.;nirtnri T). C. Brindier Gen-
ct ehtmt of staff of the United
States, and General Villa, commander-
in-chief of the forces of the uuuerres
MvMim.nt In Ma-mco. have arranffed
to confer on the international bridge
at 1 raao, witn a -new to amviog w
an understanding that will perma-ne-ntlv
nrevent further firing into
American territory by Mexican fac
tions fighting along; the international
General Villa is on his way north,
til Mfifiwnca will be held imme
diately npon the arrival of the Mexi
... .k;.r
General Scott has been at fsaco tor
two weeks trying to bring about an
aareement between General May-
.. .t -
torena, eommancung tne uutierro
rM aHackino- thfl Mexican town of
that name, and General Hill, of the
Carranxa garrison. 11 m agreea to
iiM-i-f tr. Annie Prietm. but MsT-
teorens has postponed entering into
any final agreement, awaiting, it is
said, the arrival of General Cabral,
kn i. his wav north with 8000
men to take charge of the situation.
Land Slides May Halt
Panama Canal Naval fete
Washington, D. C The possibility
nt nratrmnotrinnt of the Cruise Of the
international fleet from Hampton
Roads to San Francisco tnrougn tne
Panama canal, in connection with the
nftha canal and the exposi
tion, was suggested Tuesday in the
course of a conference between secre
tary Garrison and Colonel Goethals,
governor of the canal.
Thnno-h the oreat earth slides at
Cucaraha have apparently been con
quered, according to ixuonei uoeinaia
report, the earth movements continue
In th ruaiirhhnrhnnrl of Gold HilL . At
that point the superincumbent masses
of earth on the side ox tne canai, oy
their great pressure, are continuously
forcing rock and soil In great quanti
tit into the canal rjrism. The move
ment is sufficiently extensively to re
quire the continuous employment oi
dredges to maintain the channel. "
New York h Wealthiest.
New York The wealthiest land
owner in the limits of the municipal
jurisdiction, according to a report to j
Controller Frendergast, is ineuity oi
New York. The assessed valuation of I
the city's holdings is Sl,447,647,869,
of which $1,429,491,360 is within the
city limits. Compared with the fig
ures of 1913, the value of the proper
ties shows an increase of $71,104,689.
The increase in land values reaches
the large figure of $41,689,078. while
in the value of buildings and other im
provements, it totals$29263, 632. :
Japanese Nurses Leave.
San Francisco Seventeen Japanese
nurses and three Japanese surgeons,
headed by Dr. JIro Suzuki, surgeon
general of the Japanese army, arrived
here on the liner Shinyo Mara and will
take the first train for the East
There they will re-embark for the
European battlefields.
These nurses are the pick of the
Japanese Red Cross, and all have been
decorated for bravery and efficiency
while under fire. Some are heroines
both of the Boxer rebellion and the
Russo-Japanese war.
Arizona Dry Law Test On.
Tucson, Arte Louis Gberns, a sa
loonkeeper, arrested January 1 by pre
arrangement to test the Arizona Pro
hibition law, was found guilty in the
Superior court and given a sentence of
90 days or a fine of $100. Gberna re
fused to plead prior to judgment in or
der to give basis for habeas corpus
proceedings which will be instituted
for the purpose of bringing the validi
ty of the law to legal test.
Portland Wheat offerings b tam
er have ceased. Prteea have ad
reared so rapidly In the past week
that tellers bare withdrawn from the
market Extreme blda put out yea
lerday, denoting the urgency of the
demand, failed to have effect on hold
era. One Urge firm of buyers, which
has been taking la an average of 31
cars a day, baa, since Christmas, bees
unable to secure more than on car
At the Merchants' Exchan session
yesterday bid prices were raised, but
this failed to bring out more than two
lota of wheat, life thousand bushela
of January club were sold at It.leS.
an advance of 1U cents over Monday,
and 1000 bushels of January red Rus
sian were sold at Il iS. the same price
as bid on the preceding day. A looo-
bushel lot of spot club was sold on ue
curb at IMS. This Is the hUthest
price so far paid tor this kind of wheat
In the local market, but a half cent
better waa paid In the country the day
Offers for bmestem on ths EX'
change were up I cents for early de
livery. II. SO being bid. March blue-
stem waa wanted at 11.31 For spot
forty-fold Sl.zStt waa bid, against
f 1.27 on Monday. Red wheat waa held
at about the previous day s pneea.
The closing days of this year are
bringing more activity In the hop mar
ket Growers are making no erron
to sell and this la holding price
steady at the old level.
Beer salea in the United States for
the month of October. 1814. were .
SSS.SiO barrels, as aratnst 8.464.80J
barrels for October. 1913.
Wheat Bid: Bluestem, 11.30: forty-
fold. S1.S9V4: club. I1.I8H: red Rus
sian. i.r:; red rue.
Mlllfeed Soot prices: uran. i:o
S0 per ton; shorts. ii 8 33.(0; roll
ed barley. 29Q30.
Com White, 3S per ton; craciso.
$27 per ton.
Hav Eastern Ore son timothy. $14
016; grain bay. 310O11; alfalfa, $13
C 13.50: Valley timothy, $1101.
(re tables Cucumbers, hothouse,
11.75 O 2 dosen: einrplant $O10o per
pound: peppers, 8O10o per pound: ar
tichokes, 750350 per dosen; tomatoes.
310L2S per crate; cabbage, lttcittc
ner rjound: beans. 11 Vic per pound:
celery, 13 per crate; cauliflower, $10
l.!5 per dosen: sprouts, sc per pounu;
head lettuce. $1.7503 per crate, pump
kins. IVic per pound; squash, lttc per
Green FruIU Apples, (OcC 31.50
per box; casabas, $1.65 01.75 per crate
pears. $101.50; grapes, $3.5003.75
per barrel; cranberries, $9811 per
Potatoes Oregon. $1 per sack; Ida
ho. $101.15; Yakima. $1; sweet pota
toes, JVic per pound.
Onions Oregon, buying price, ii.z
lab. shipping point
Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.25 per
sack; beets, $1.25 per sack; parsnips,
$1.35 per sack.
Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case
count, 35 038c; candled. 37HO40C
storage. 36030c.
Poultry Hens, iZQlZttc; tuners,
dressed, 21032c; live. 17018c; ducks.
ll14c; geese. 10Ha
Butter Creamery, prints, extras.
34 He per pound In case lots; He more
in less than case lot; cubes. 30c
Cattle Prime steers.;
choice, $6.60 07; medium, $6.25 O 6 60 ;
choice cows, $6.0005.85; medium, $5
66: heifer. 1586.50; calves, (;
bulls, $3.60 04.75; stags, 4.60OS-
Hogs Light, $8.8007.35; heavy. 59
Sheen Wethers. $5.2508; ewes,
$4.25 85.70; lambs. $6.25 0 7.35.
Seattle Eggs, select ranch, 38 039c
per dozen.
Poultry Lire hens. 10O14o per
pound; 1914 broilers. Ho per pound;
ducklings, 12 13c per pound; geese,
10c per pound; guinea fowl, $6 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 18c per pound;
do, dressed, 21022c per pound.
Dressed pork 708c per pound.
Dressed veal Small, 12 Ho per lb.:
large, 7012c per pound.
Beef Prime beef steers, 12K12tfc
per pound, cows, HHOI2e per pound;
heifers, 12c per pound.
Hogs Whole, packing nouse, s'ff
10c per pound.
Spring lamb 132P13V40 per pound.
Mutton 1001014c per pound.
Vegetables Artichokes 85c 0 $1
per dozen; bell peppers, California,
708c per pound; beets, new, $101.25
per sack, cabbage, local, $1.2501-50
ner 100 pounds: red lc per pound;
celery, 60075c per dozen; carrots,
washed, $1.25 per sack; cucumDers,
hothouse, $1.7502 per dozen; horse
radish, 12 Via per pound; lettuce, local,
leaf, 40050c per crate; California,
head, $1.5001.75 per crate; onions,
green. 2503OO per dozen; California,
yellow, $1.2501.60 per cwt; Imported
Spanish, $2.60 per crate; Oregon, $1.75
per cwt; local, $101.25 per cwt; par
sley, 80c per dozen; potatoes. White
Rivers, ear lota. $13015 per ton;
Gems, car lots, $16047 per ton; Bur-
banks, $17018 per ton; store prices,
$203 per ton additional; sweets,
$2.25 02.60 per cwt; rutabagas, Yaki
ma, $1.25 per sack; sprouts, Brussels,
708c per pound, squash, local, 22V4c
ner Dound: turnips. Yakima, $1.25 per
cwt; local, white, $101.25 per cwt;
Alaska, yellow, $1.71 per cwt
Taumil-rFnlt' Annies, crreen cook-
i.. Anman SnltzAnhArea. Wlnesans
and' Roman beauties, 76c0$l per box;
Delicious, si.Z9ji - j.
Comb honey Yakima, $3.50 per
crate; strained honey, $5.60; Idaho,
Fears Yaxima, si.ou.
Cranberries $8.50, $9 and $10,
Casbas $1.5002 per crate.
Vegetables Cabbage, home grown,
lc per pound; carrots, local, $1;
beets, home grown, $1 per sack; tur
nips, $101.25 per sack; potatoes, Yak
ima, $20021 per ton; wmie ruver,
$16 per ton; onions, green,- 20c per
dozen; Oregon brown onions, $1,760
9 v.irim. zi aft firnriic. inc. ner iu.;
radishes, local, 20o dozen bunches;
parsley, ZOc dozen ouncnes; imiuce,
head, 75c dozen bunches; $2 per crt;
spinach, local, 6c per pound; cucum
bers, $1.6002 per dozen; celery, 660
75c per dozen; $3.60 per crate; green
peppers, 8c per pound; eggplant 10c
Hnhhard ariUAnh. 2c ner
pound; rutabagas, $1.60 per sack.
Meats and Poultry Freeh meats
steers, 12c; cows, HHc; heifers, 11
12c; wetners, lzc; aresseo dobs,
it.. Mniinui iMml 18V4c: eomblns.
tlons, 16Vic; lambs. 13014c; Dia
mond T. C 14c; yearlings, 13c; ewes,
lie. -i
n.n.Tipw Tini'Ve live. 10M2c: hens.
dressed. 16018c; live, 10014c springs
dressed, 22c; live, iswoc; squaus,
live, $2.60 pozen; dressed, $6; tur
keys, live. 18c; dressed 28820c;
geese, 20c.
Butter wasnington creamery, tuv
33c; Oregon, 28830c.
SIng!i Dial of Chronometer Rt
, cords It All.
UveMio Both MMhanlsslly Clever
ad Artlstl Has Been Awarded
sunt by ths Authorities at
A chronometer, Indicating oa a sin.
gl dial the time at any city In the
world, was recently awardod a pat
ent, according to Popular Mechanic.
The Instrument consist of globs
of the earth Inclosed In glas dome.
around the circumference of which
I an hour and minute seal. Half
of tb character are In white and the
other bair black. Indicating day and
nlsht Tt dome I so mounted thai
tt revolve one every 24 hour, so
that tf It la desired to know tb tim
Odd Clock Which Shews ths Tims of
Every Place In the World.
at Paris. It la only necessary to fol
low a lonaitndlnal line leadlni from
the position occupied by that city on
the globe to the dial. If tne ngure ap
pears In white, the hour which It rep
resents Is tiiat of day. A second dial
at ths base of the sphere shows th
local time. aUaough tola could oe
read on the universal dial.
Activities of Woman,
rinh women of Oklahoma City hav
organized coupany to build a cotton
Montsomerv. A Is., has a woman bar
her who makes a specialty of bobbing
children's bair.
About 36.000.000 babies are bora
each year, or at th rate of about sev
enty a minute.
Two thirds of the woman worker in
ths Tokyo factorlee receive less than
sixteen cents a day.
Una. Koudacbef. well known as sn
explorer, has been attached to tb Rue
slan scout service. She rides the sam
horse upon which she msde her fa
mous trip from Vladivostok to retro
Mrs. Mary Mitchell has deeded back
to the government her Nebraska farm,
valued at $5,000, which she obtained
throufh a method now recognised by
her as Irregular and dishonest
Poor Comfort
Richard Croker. at a dinner at tht
Democratic club. In New York, said
of th war:
"Everybody la telling the comba
tants In Europe what a regenerated
world It will b arter tne war is over
no more armament firms, no more con
scription, no more race rivalry.
"But the way they are getting
killed otf, the combatants must feel
about all this consolation like Tim
"Tim Grady lay In bis sick bed
groaning and moaning.
"'Are ye very bad, Timi as sea bis
"fin.' said he. It's the doctor I'm
thlnkin' of. What a bill It'll be, to
be sure, to be sure.'
Shure. now. Tim.' said his wlf
There's the Insurance money, ain't
theref" Washington Star.
Sewing Wounded Hearts,
a Russian surseon named Zelder r
lutefa m natients who recovered from
sub wounds of the heart In the hos
pital at Obuchow. Prompt and rapid
ODeratlon is the probable reason for
this good showing.
The patlenta were ail put unaer m
hSnonM nf other very soon after the
Injury, part of the chest wall was re
moved, the heart urtea from its oeu,
and the stitches quickly Introduced
between pulsations. The bony chest
wall over the heart was not put uac
place, that organ being covered oniy
skin and muscle. This was don
give the heart room to expand and
.nt arih'esiona from embarrass-
in. h heart's action. Several of the
patients are at their dally work after
even year since tne operation.
Walter Damrosch said the other
day In New York: th Austrian violinist.
.VI C1D , - '
has been wounded In the arm, and
may be that ne ii never piay aaiu.
"To nse Krelsler as a stop for bul-
i seems to me a oiaspnemy to tne
of music a worse blasphemy than
English countess used toward
Paderewskl. '
"At a great Engusn country nouse
countess said to Paderewskl one
rainy afternoon:
Oh, Mr. Paderewskl, you piay.
don't yonr
'Yes, madam, the master re
plied. ;
Then said tne countess, wouio
yon mind turning my oaugniers
master "New York Tribune.
Mechanical Cotton Plcksr.
fihmild a mechanical cotton picker
recently Invented prove practical, It
win revolutionize the Industry In this
country. It is huge contrivance,
driven by one man, much a an auto
mobile is operated, and claim Is mad
that it will nick 96 per cent of th
cotton without Injury to the urlps
bolls or the plants.
Danger In Ovrrwsd Car.
Health Commissioner Ooldestsr"
tlthl fur th straphanser In New York
It of vital Interest to those who travel
about in all lar eltle. "Th wilful
crowding of rare," says th commis
sioner, "is a serious offense aaalust
public health and safely. It can be
readily demonstrated that throat af
fections, tuberculosis and tike disease
are transmitted from person to er
eott under the conditions thai eiist In
subway and other passnr cars."
ii.Mt.,r,iM lha flehl aaelusl over
crowding In th cars has usually been
waged on the score ot uisttumurt.
It I now to be carried on as a health
mnalan lit mmtmaUAvA a the IMHLll
against Infer lion and cotilsslon. It will
probably be enecuve. Mersey viy
Hint t lmprvmnt
"Father." ald th small boy. "Is
there really a Hanta Clausr
"Why, I believe so, my son."
pn.., . . it,, .m-vm rfnean
liu. . w w.-
a Ivav nn rathae OciinA to the front
and choose the gifts htmselfT"
. . . a, ......
"I shouuin ne surprises u u'
were th case."
"Well. 1 hope tt Is. I havent said
much about It, but after thinking over
Ik. n H.a n I . I'.. Kall AttlnW for I WO
or three Chrlstmnses past I d rather
cut out rama I laue emu
chances with you.'1 Washington Star.
Laok Mother! If tongu I oatd,
isanst iittl bowel with "Cali
fornia Syrup ef Figs."
Mother can rest easy after giving
"California 8yrup of rigs," because In
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of th bowels, aod you have
a well, playful child attain.
Sick children needn't be coated to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions or mothers keep It handy be
cause they know Its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt
and sure.
Ask your druggist for a 60nt bot
tle of "Csllfornia Byrup of rise."
which contains directions for babies,
children of all agea and for grown up.
Final Precaution.
"You treated the accusations with
silent contempt of course?"
"I did."
"And then with haughty Indiffer
"Then you laughed them to scorn?"
"Certainly." I
"And finally repelled them with Just
"Then you'd better see a guod crim
inal lawyer next" Philadelphia Led
ger. Kola Tablets
bave many friend woe ase tbera a SfMrl
took sad tor Kidney trouble, rrie He aer boa.
I bone for Sim Far etJe by Uoo-Daet Dru
Ca, Id sad Yamhill Su. ForUaad. Or.
"Her husband never leave the
bouse without her knowing It"
"How doe she manage It?
"She bur blm necktie that he
can't possibly tie without her assist
ance." Washington Star.
With the Aid of a Stone Wall.
"1 tell you the automobile puts ttall
over the horse."
"You bet! For one thing, it takes
several days to break a horse, while
Vrttl a a n hrwak an automobile the first
time you take It out" Boston Trane-
A Baltimore doctor suggests this
simple, but reliable snd Inexpensive,
home treatment for people suffering
with eczema, ringworm, rashes, and
similar Itching skin troubles.
At anv reliable druggist s gel a r
ot Reslnol Ointment and a enke of
Itesinol Soap. With the Reslnol soap
and warm wster bath th affected
parts thoroughly, until tbey are free
from crusts and the skin Is softened.
Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer
of the Reslnol Ointment, and cover
with a light bandage. This should be
done twice a day. Usually the dis
tressing Itching snd burning stops
with the first treatment, and the skin
soon becomes clear and healthy again.
Wrong Woman.
Mlrs Hobbs I saw your wife yea-
Mr. Bobbs Did your wnet oia sue
have to sayT
Miss Hobbs Oh, nothing!
Mr. Bobbs That wasn't my wife.
Cur Sick Headach, Constipation,
Biliousness, sour Btomacn, osa
Brcsth Candy Csthartlc.
Vrt nAAm hnw tiail valir liver. St)n
ach or bowels; lie- much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation. Indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels you always get
relief with Cascarets. They Imme-
A.tav nlaanae and refflllftte the Stom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; lane tne excess one
from the liver and carry off the con-
.tr,.laA wnata matter and Dolaon from
the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent
box from your druggist win Keep your
liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet
and head clear for months. They work
while you sleep.
Comparatively Good.
"So you ar going to be married.
"Yes, ma'am, and i n oe waving you
next Tuesday."
"Well, I hope you are getting a gooa
"It he ain't better than the on
you'v got I won't keep blm long,"
Detroit Free Press.
Found Wanting.
"Brudder Perkins, yo' been flghtln,'
I bean," said the colored minister.
"Yaas, Ah wuz."
"Doan vo' 'membah whut de Good
Book sex bout turnln' de odder
cheek V
"Yaas. pahson: but he nit me on
man nose, an' I's only got on,"
Livingston Lance.
A alanine flrl sold her hair to OS
es p death from starvation. On of
those hair breadth escapes, vldntly.
ta, , fifmtiri-'--'ir ' "
Write far ireekeeklct "Hew W Py
Thai VJcnlt
r1-.-j k. Mia her e there trees eervoiisess--
,Te.y ' si-ell- T '"'jt'l
SteirWror e we a. ia. raay be growing freis '
WomMikod1" fro Woeaanhoud wwtherhiu.d r later
JXrta trU.(.aS.Uo .ladle life -hteh any
wreae'fwfflnea. AtsnyorsllofUeseperiodsoIswomsn shls
eheeaoalduikeetMMeiMi rr ranked lw""rt?
a. a BkvsMaa ef vast eaiwrteaee m the diesee i wessaa.
Favorite PrcscrintKon
zzziz r.OT.Tv1 -7a is Nuut twd b,
-r -bos .rr.i.-r'fM..uu n
Uavaa atllMBBSJlBI I ATUaaStl SN nevssvwf,
S!!ikiJZili bTlr .dia red
K. .-T. r x.r. Xl M
" ' i w
(nr. Mfl'i
dad Bank Rail.
Willi Paw. what I a wlliowy
iaw A skinny airi wno nss a
wealthy father, my son
Convrtlbl Watch.
A convertible watch recently de
vised I provided with an liiKenloua
set of Interchangeable altachnivula
that make the on watch equivalent
to seven, so far as styles of wearing
ar concerned, tly means of these at
tachments it may be worn as a brace
let watch, as a moire, sllk-elasilc, or
leather-wristlet watch, as a silk or
chain sautolr watch or a a chatelain
brooch watch. Popular Mev'baulca
Manas I ne.
Father's Heart.
"You're not 'urrylug to work this
"I'm not that"
"8'pose a duke ilk you don't mind
losing arf an 'our."
"Uiok 'ere, lllll. our timekeeper'
daughter was married yesterday and
1 toll you If 'e's lliere to time this
morn' 'e's no falher'a art" Tld-Ull.
YOta OWJ Dat'fM'MT IU trtL YOUBlulh.r ,w you lo have tw pieces
frf Murine Sje IWwieJy (we knl, Uto. watery i . ' . Wllllel
Se aa llfenulale.1 SreU.U; No Mm-
juaUKie CoaXure. Wrlw tur IM tkekre
bywaUlYe. MurtaeKyeHemeayCttCkWeso.
"IMrk." said his wife, as sh poured
the breakfast roffre, "did you gut any
mall this morning V
"Nothlna but papers."
"Did you post that letter I gav you
"Strange you havent received It It
was addressed to you." i biiaoeipnia
Public. Ledger.
Thesarv Outdone.
Tommy Flggjaro Paw, dooan'l "re
verse" mesn to "back?"
Paw HgKlam tiurely.
Tommy Klggjam Then, what' did
Code Hill mean when he said that he
busted up In business because he had
too many reverse and not enough
backlug It? Chicago Post
Thinking Hot and Cold.
She Tbe more thought or the fur
you bav promised me make mo feci
He And the mere thought of their
cost make cold shivers run down my
back. Boston Transcript
Wasted Tims.
Clerk Madam. I've lot you see the
green, pink, blue, yellow "
Lady Well, while you're wasting
tlmo talking you could hav shown me
some white, brown, gray, cerise, lev
ender and rose. Chicago Dally News.
Hsr Excuse.
"Susie Bunkum Is very fond of out
door sports."
"Oh. Is she?"
"Yos: sho offered that r an excuse
for going oul riding with Mrs. Jonk's
husband last Sunday!" Judge.
Just as soon a she guts a "sure
tblng" tip on the winner Italy may
try to get In the money.
Rheumatism Sprains
erin and bear all
Liniment kills pain?
lyetfl apparently as good as evef."-CAaWei C.
All Dealers 25.
Send four cent la stamps for free TRIAL BOTTLE.
DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc, PhOadelptutt Pa. Dept. B
" ErT pukMre iu"""' e eolor Silk. Wool. Coftat end Mtw Cmmtt M eiw Mlkt. JSeeaeS
sus fceie. eaieasw, kleiter. . MUSSUS
Red. N
. . L
awe !"" -'' '
mmmmn a
kiiwi vMalate at
Steeuea, I
teeelel I
iwiiii jam .
Insspsnslvs Travel,
"t would 1 were a bird." she sang
"I would you were," said her bus
k.nj Vmi mmlit an amith fur the
winter without Us costing me any
thing." Life.
om luriueitea, I'lnkey,
Shipping FVjver BS.43
riiidl, and all elhere. B. mailer how "e "". hW t"''"
h. .vn niiv if dia4 wllh ISOMN'I LIQUID SI.
TCMHIS1 CliNa. Thrve lu els dueea wlien a ia. Me
i, i.,ul l.ulll. auamnleed lo rtu kk - nun lur btiiud
imira, a. la tin The Mood I renia a ImiiiIv, Ik dfn lilllea
an.l h.rn.u Mlmiia ur nianulactuieie sell II. AsenIS
SPOHN MEDICAL CO, ct Goshen, bi
"Pap' Dlapspsln" msks Sick, Sour
Osssy Stomach surly tl fin
In flv mlnuls.
If whst you just at I souring oo
your atoinsrh or Uoa Ilk a lump ol
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
so, and eructate sour, undigested
, food, or bav a reeling of disainvsa
' w !.... ... H ..... h.iia.a hail IamI
II VU I I I'M I ... . - - - -
In mouth and stomach headarh. yo
can gat blessed relief In five minutes
Put an nd to stomach trouble forevei
by getting a large (iftyoont fas ol
I'aiw'B liiaiiehsin from any drug store
! You realise In five minutes how neW
lees It 1 to suffer from Indigestion.
. dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's tbe quickest, surest stomach duo
lor In the world. It's wonderfuL
A Dlffsrnc.
Hostess (st party) Doe yout
Willie I who has asked for a second
piece) No, ma'am.
"Well, do you think shed Ilka y
to have two piece bar?"
"Oh," confidently, "sh wouldn't
rare. Thl Isn't her pie!" Loulsvllll
! INrrava culler mure faae I iswl d Irsw
fttue lha fern heraia. Why aes soy yess
true free eiearu? Try Uoe-Uaet tm Ue.
el M and Yemalll ferUaad. Ore. whs srs
oeru aod know how.
Scan: English Training Camp.
Zealous Sentry Afraid I can't let
you go by without the password, slrl
trste Officer Hut, conround you I I
tell you I'v forgotten It You know
, me well enmiKh. I'm MaJ. Jones.
; Sentry Can't help It, sir; niusl
have the password.
i Voice from the guard tent Oh.
'don't stand arguing all night Hill,
shoot 'lm. Taller.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
l.t. mm.I iHviimrata atnlnarh. liver anc
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granule,
fcjuy to lake as caraly.
Matter f Sentiment
"Do you think a green Christmas U
"That color." replied Mr. lUfferty
"la one that ran do nothing except Is
the way of Improvement but I'll b
drawn Into ho political argument"
Washington Star. ,
Not In Thl War.
"What are you rondlog aboutT"
"The ruin of Pompeii."
"When was It bombarded?" Louis
vlllo Courier-Journal. .,-,.
A mind reader Aided a chauffeur re
cnntly. Wonder It It was In doter
mining the weauh of hi fare.
these Hit when Sloan's
" I bav used your Liniment and oaq
say it is fine, 1 have used it for sore
throat, strained shoulder, and It acted,
like a charm." Attm Dunn, Rout 1,
Dos 88, IHns VoOey, Ato.
"Isms painter and pnporhanger by
trade, consequently up and down lad-1
dor. About two years ago my loft knee t
became kme and sore. It pained m at '
nights at times till I could not rest, and '
, I was contemplating giving up my trade
on account of it wbon I chanorxl to think
of Sloan's Liniment. I Lad never tried
it before, and I am glad to state that i
btaa than nna O..V. hntLln fleet) mi tin
vOfnpoeu, i urrence, i cztu.
VkWUWirMi.vrHnant, wvaaer, uM