The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 08, 1915, Image 3

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- a vi ''Tx
Weston Bakery
Fresh Breed. Cake and Paetry.
Kin Caialio. (load Meal it All
Hours, ttc We specialise In
Lodge and Tarty 8upire.
ZCMM the Baker
PupuU Pulkllnf, Main aid WaUr
g0" SHova and Ham
rap trad next dour.
Canned Goods and
Walters' Flour
Our Leaders
Tte Ehiibj Store
Mr. and Mra. T. R. Gould or Milton
war Vlltlg with Waalon relatlvee
during the week.
Mi, and Mra. O. A. Hartman. er.,
It ft Portland Wedneeday lor Honolulu
via Ha a Knuielaeo.
J. V. Wall la undar Dr. mlth'a care
with an allarli of aependlcltl which
barall him New Tear" day.
Mr. and Mra. Ralph Klnnaar eama
ovar from lha farm Naur Tear-a dar
for a visit with ralallvaa ana rrienaa.
Mr. and Mra. Hhlrlay Brntt of
Portland war Naw Taar vlallore at
lha homo of Mr. liarnetre paranla In
thla city.
K. M. Weaka, omnlbua operator, an
nnunraa a reduction la fara to II
ranta for tha round trip between town
and da pot.
Mr. and Mra. D. W. Warren laft
Monday on Ihalr raturn lo thalr homa
naar Und. Wash., ana were wwm
panlad by Mra. K. M. Warran.
Aftar a plraaant vlalt wllh Waaton
ralallvaa and Manila. Mr. and aire.
Ill NorDvaa laft Weoneeaar on inr.r
raturn homa to Waltaea. Idaho.
Mra. Ialla Lareoa and children r-
Haiurdav to thvlr horn in
Walla Walla, aftar a plaaaant holiday
vlalt with har paranta at Waalon.
Mr. and Mra. Tartar laft W.dneaday
for Portland. Mr. farte having oia-
pad of hla 'ln.ara l j man. dividing
fork to hla partnar, Mr. Eftaland,
Ilulflnch r-lurned Hunday to thalr Luhoriy to handla Intangible prop-
arty under aparlal rullnge,
airnn R. MorHaon. aallor boy aboard
V. H. 0. Maryland, wrltaa homa that
. Tha Maryland haa bn
W. W. Bmllh. at tha BUonfa off Vallajo, but It la aapactad
daput, raturnad homa
nrmil arhool atudlaa at man-y
Waah,. where both will graduate thla
Mra. Anna Howall of Thornton.
U'aah.. who haa baan Vlalling nar
daughter, Mra.
O..W. R. N.
rmii-v naiant flour haa anna lo 17
par barral In tha lwal markat, and la
apt to to hlahar. Howavar. fw or no
Waalon paopla ara urrcnng ir ic
of tha "ataff of llf.
Itaturnlng from a vlalt to Walla
Walla. Mr. and Mra. mm j. tuin
ara accompanied by Mra. Rebecca
rultay and Mra. Hoe Meioner. wno
aro thalr guaaia at tha DaOraw ranch.
Dr. and Mra. F. D. Watta ara now
lorat.d for tha wlntar at IS Chaelnul !' tulch Flyar. rrom """
Zt.1. Urn. Haach. r.llf.. within half j ld and coached 'J
iraat. Long Haacn. isur.. wiinin n... ; "... ' ,-,. ,ch brll
blork of lha Pacific ocaan. ir you ma -
sre down that way. drop In lha wa-
Are You Hesitating?
a U where you ahould place that or
dr for gram and feed for your llva
n(icl(T llaaUata no lonsrar. VV ran
v.... i uiubUabla avuli-nca that It
w it V t ymir graal advantaca to
1,, H .tli it, tha kind of lro;f that
,Ka ? In court - facta - tw our
f,mi.u,.,r w)H tall you of tha
-finlitv uf our K".''. Kollad Harley.
:,A wtwui. I lur. Mlllatuffa ami
Vhtekm Tho. No. SMI.
I) K. WOOD the Feed Man
tar"a flna.
r n. Ilrrhm motorad down from
itmaa Pralrla Monday on a bualnaaa
vlalt. accompanlad by A Quant, lha
plonaer marchanl or Albaa. ano m. r.
Ulch. a wall-known farmar of that
napraaantallva Waaton cltlaana who
. . . .... I .. .1 lh. IjiihttVttri'
lanoao iw ... i-- --- ...... --- . ... ...
Uondav at TrmJIaton were . tor truca ano mraa .iti"- v- - i u RunUirr. O. I lion aarka of whaat to tha rlvar aany
minora . . ! t . M n.,. mirka
llaOraw. Frank Oraar, Joa noagaon over aucn m rou. ... ...-...- .---.-
and It. H. King. ' Hh inraa .ran,
A. U Douglaa waa oparalad upon cunlry m to daya. rarmara of that
for hernia at Walla Walla Haiuroay !,. BOW pay Mgn aa li cann
hy tr. futtnar. and la now a paurm Mt,k tn B,u ihrir wheal to iy
Local Lodge Directory
flTKVKNH f)IKlK Ntl. 49, K. OK P.
avary Wa.lnaw.lny fvf"lnf'
J. It. Krarllah. V. V. Ovrk Wood,
K. of Jt at H.
tirinnvtM UknOK NO. 5. A. K. ft A
M. Mta avary anc.ocl ami fujirt l
N.Ltnlu In aauh nmntli. Richard
.Morrlaon, W. M. U II. Davla, Hue.
kuvam mrvii.' niv AM. I. U. O. K.
Thuratlav avcnlnir. J.
M. Aahworth, N. . A. A. Ka
I toe. 8ec; K. O. DaMuaa. Flu. Sw.
tifiMrmni fAMP NO. Ill W. O. W.
MaaiattM llrai ami third Haturdaya
uf aweh month. Monro mrnar, v..
J. J. Baalar, Clrk.
(Lad Artlaana. Moot a tha Brat ami
. ulia In aanh month. Nat
lla Mavbea. M. A. Krancaa t). Wood,
anntuiu TKMPr.R NO. U. PV
.li.. ui.i.n Maata tha aacoml ana
a.M k In each month. Anna
O'Harra, M. b. C Alloa K. Prlca, M
of li. ft U.
No. t. MeaU the aocond and hiurtli
p....,!..,. n mmnh month. Kllxa Mor
rlaon, N. O. Zoa Oould. Mac Lot-
tl uramii, rm. nau.
..iiitumt rilAPTKtt NO. 47. O
K. H. Weeta the aond ami fourth
Kridaya of aaoh monin. !ry
lUrnia. W. M. Alle IF. Prloa. See,
Dr. farnsworth I
JOmca Houra-8:30 to 12 a. m.
. - k.oa mm
Offlcea upatair In Brandt
1 bulUlnir.
1 Weston - - Oregon
tnMta aaarha a awwiaWa aj.i a.
mpImim aw agAROM
H i iinka. Bank mmw
I Mi
mam ei u. ..m.hIa. n n.
" Wheat" markat racorda ara being
broken la other Important merle of
commerce and Irede, eo that
fall Impelled to make a bid for fame
by a record-breaking whaat deel the
latter part of leet weak, frank Price,
agent of the Weeton Warehouaa com
pany, bought twe Iota of club whaat at, which at th lime waa about
two cent above the market and rcpre
e.nled tha hlgheet price aver paid for
WmMii, wheat. Tha ealtere ware I. tn
Ttadera of The Leader wIM doubt
la ha lateraatad la lha aallant feat-
urea of tha Oregon prohibition lewj
drafted by the laglatatlve Committee !
of One Hundred for Introduction at:
lha forthcoming Brejrtott of tha lge-
It.eoe buehela, and IM . uiure. Tha "dry-' forcea conieno inai
An Item oi Intete
to the Busy Houoowifo
I'ullcy. eo4 buehele, ana may
alnre bean buey receiving eongralula
tlona. But little wheat now remalne
here In growera handa. although aev
eral gnod-elaed lou of barley are etlll
being held for bigger booet In thla
An enterprlae In Wallowa county
which la now well under way la the
erection of a mammoth lumber manu
facturing plant and the conetructlon
of II mllre of railroad. The grading
on thla railroad haa been completed
and arveral mllea of aieal laid. The
mill will have a capacity of J0l.0l
fret of lumber per day and will be
owned and operated by a ayndlcale of
capllalleta with headiiuartera at Kan
aaa City. The mill la eapecled lo be
In operation b July I and It la aetl
mated Ihat It will take II yearn of
rontlnuoue operation to eahauat lha
merchantable pine owned by the com
pany. At the flrat annual meeting of the
I'matllla County Taipayenf aaeoele
tlon. held Monday In Pendleton, the
propoeed law to create the efflce of
grala Inapector waa denounced. A
meaeure waa andoraad to provide for
tha pavment of taaea In aiual apring
and fall Inetallmenta without dlacount
or penalty. Support waa agreed upoa
of a propoaed conalltutlonal ameno
The Mli
Dorothy and Marlorte
rlaaaee, Ungthle and Intangible, leaving
the tangible for local aeeeeament aa at
nreeenl and giving the iegi.ia.ura
he la allll enjoying hla "Ufa on the , .uthorltlae.
tf tha legtalature rhangea tha meaeure
In any particular Ita effectlveneee can
not be guaranteed. Hera la the pro
posed law In a nutehelli
Definition la broad enough to In
clude not only familiar vertetlee of
Intoklratlng ll.iuora, but boar powdera,
Anything conUlnlng more lhan ana.
half of one per cent of alcohol Intend
ed aa a beverage U defined aa "Intoa
Icatlng liquor."
Home manufacture of wlnee, cider
or vinegar permitted but It cannot
be Bold. '' 7" A
ale of aacrameaUl wine' permitted
on order of clergyman.
Drug atoree cannot aall whlekey
even on preacrlptlon of phyalclan. U
crnaed phyalrtana may admlnlater but
not preecrlbe.
Taking of ordera forbidden.
Giving away liquor, when Intended
aa a law avaelon, forbidden.
nub lovker-roome forbidden.
Carrying Intoxicating liquor to
dance hall forbidden. -
Only original conelgnee may re
ceive liquor from without Ihe otata.
No habitual drunkard may Import
liquor from without tha etate.
Quantity that may be received al
any one time from wlihout the elate
within four waeka limited to five gal
lon apliitoua or vlnoue llquora and Id
gallon of malt liquor.
placre where llquora are manufac
tured, aold. or given away become
common nulaencee. Thla aertloa coy
are motorboat and automobllea when
they are not common carrier.
A search and eelaure eyatem la pro
vided upon a warrant which may be
obtained by any cltlaen rrom proper
Polished Top
Oregon Fire Box
Plain Castings
Duplex Grates
A. R. M. Co. Body
W. have juat lded to our atock the wall known Una of "COLONIAL" and "CROWN STIRLING
RANGES. Tbeae range aro made on tha Coaat and ara eapwdally adapted for Oregon naa. AH the fea
tur S Jtol. the PERFECT RANGE are to be found th.
and In tha Una w. ara now the win you w th h,T """ whth"TJ Bot, '
Tntond buy nz now w. would bo placed to h.v. you c.ll nd look over our new line, a it wouUJ be a pl-ulJt7t'''-
W tth.tth.prk-putthn within the rak
of all, notwithaUnding the fact that Chrletmaa baa juat paaaed.
Wafcfcs ii Roger,
that aha will Boon oe ""'"" --"
to Meilcan watora. Glenn Bay that
he my cma home on a furlough neat
aummer. but hope that If he wear
hla uniform h will not attract quite
so much attention from the Wenton
populace aa a three-ring clrcu. He
waa lately promoted to a higher rat
ing, with an advance In pey of IS per
The beat baaket ball teem that could
be eaeembled In the entire Milton
country was produced at Milton last
rrldy evening to meet the Invading
Dutch Flyer rrom weaion. orn-
. .....nniiiitiMHtllH
aaooaaewe - - - - .
Ilant atara aa Htorm and Andereon and
proved a bit too fast for the Weeton
bunch, who took the ehort and of a
17 to th ecore after a aiming conteet.
The Waaton player were Turner.
Ueuallrn. mlth. Proebetel, Lanadale
and Kirk patrlck.
J. E. Montgomery, grain dealer of
i..i.inn. ailvocatea a hard aurfare
road from Cold Spring to the Colum
bta river. He estimate inai one mo
lten tribe. During
five year ending. November 1. 111.
' : . "Queen Cum" ba uia ate aaa.
tnaia naa nn. o. .H" !., a , ouncea each. "Queen
question. i u. nound and during the five
Phvslclana or pnarmaciai tommra -- ... . ,
more than once ot Tnnaung -
have llcenaea revoked.
cina hamitin Hen on property in i
which violation took place.
Conr of Internal revenue atamp pri
ma facie evidence or sale. I
i Bt. Mary's hospital. Hla condition
alnee I very encouraging, and leada,
to th hope of an early recovery.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and
Ur. Thnraon was aeverely aosioea
Sunday about the cheat and arma bv
upeeltlng a plate or not aoup. n mre
the little one'e Injurlea are very pain
ful. It I not thought that they wtll re
ult In eertoua conaaquencea.
3, H. Clodlua returned Monday
from a pleasant holiday vimt to nu.
brother' home near Waltaburg. Mr.
Indlua eontlnuea to improve in
health, and regarde It aa by no mesne
a misfortune that he la unable to fill
hla clothea with aa much piumpncaa
aa heretofore.
Mr. fjoodepeed Corpe and Mlaa
France Pearlaon were united In mar
riage New Tear'a day at Kl Monte.
California. The bridegroom I a eon
of Dr. and Mr. 8. U Corp ana epem
part of hla boyhood at Waaton. He la
now engaged In th automobile fcuai-
noes at El Monte.
i milowlna aueata were enter-
rick station.
The club women maintain that thcae
inn. ppinnlea. bealdra being the moai
plllful of all casea of helpleaaneaa, and
bealdca being entirely without organ analntsnce In contrast with the
great stale Inaillutlone which care for
the deaf, th blind, tha feeble-minded
and even lha delinquent, are alo the
moat curable If treated In time, and
iii moat able whan ao treated to
make ennd. atrona. ueeful cltlaena
atead ot chargea on public charity oil
their Uvea.
Weaion Udge No. IS. .A. F. ft
XI.. la exDectlnr a vtalt on next Tui-
day evening. January U. rrom wh
liam O, Hrlatol of Eugene. Grand
Worshipful Maater for Oregon. Local
memhera are much pleased over the
proa pact of meeting and greeting their
dlatlngulahed brother, and will do their
K.i tn entertain him pleasantly. It
to expected that the Athena lodge of
Maona will be over in a ooay 10
Inetrad of having about aa many
different "tlmea o' day aa me num-
Pha annual meeting of stockholder
of The Farmer Bank of Weaion will
be held at Its-off lea. in the. City, of
Weeton, County of Umatilla. State of
Oregon, on Tueaday. the llth day of
January. 1115. at 1:10 o'clock In the
Hot Lake. Ore.. Jan. 1. CTo tne anern. . " .--e-. th. tran-
EdUor. )-A cold weather story, abao- w" 5 h, aa may
lutcly untrue, ha. been puoiianco ,n -.- - "V"
irarlv all the leaaing paper m. uw --- -- ,,,,
ineindlo. The Ider. to Wcton. Or.. .December 11 . 1I14.
VAPthwMt indudlna The Leader, to
the effect that Hot Lake ha froaen
nun. and the amesta a akatlng on It.
I wonder the romancer oia noi aaa
that a kater broke inrougn w no
and acalded hla feet Thero is not
of truth In tha article.
n..r. la a small Doad near not
ika which freesea over every winter,
but Hot Lake Itself baa never yet
been affected by the weather, and on
the coldest day thl aeaaon roe aieam
talned Sunday at dinner at the home j of tloe1ut , watchea In th poa-
of Me. and Mra. R. Morrlaon: Mr. ana
Mra. J. O. Halaa and on or Aaama.
Mr. and Mra. Elmer MoCromlck and
ii.n.hur of Pendleton, Mra. Retta
Taylor and daughter of Halfway. Mr.
and Mr. J, A. Mcna ana
of thla city.
Tn Portland, on February 1S7II and
17. will be held the Ninth Annual Con
gress of th Oregon Retail Merchanta
association. Thla la on or tn most
Important organlaatlona in tne aiaie.
having a membership of nearly 1000.
and practically every club and organ
isation In Portland will asalit In re
celvlng and entertaining th vUltora.
Weatnn farmera report that there I
. far no Indication of damage to the
k..i rrona from winter rroai. II
haa very aeldom been neceaanry to re
il anv wheat In thla fortunate neigh
bor hood.-and it la mougni mm .m.
aeaaon will be no exception to the
rule. However, there la much lea
than the normal amount of moisture
In the aoll
Mra. Nora Webb, conteet repreaen-
t.tiu. e in. Walla Walla Union, waa
in town Tueaday. While a resident or
TTnlon enuntV. Mra. Webb WOO tWO BU
tomobllea In new pa per conteet. and
waa ancourared by her aucceaarut e-
perlenco to adopt thla lino of work aa
. nmfaaalon. The Union la offering
three automobllea and a numner
other valuable prlaea.
Milton Eagle: George Ferguson,
hrminf the Waaton mountain ranch
lelongtng to Dr. M. 8. Kern ot Pen
dleton, oaued through Milton Thurs
day on hla way to Walla Walla, where
ha went In an eirori to aecum w
land nr hla nreaent leaaehold. Mr,
S.raniann haa but recently taken hold
of the Kern place, and la Blocking It
with etock of better breeds, and will
farm on an extenelve acaie.
Local prohlbltlooieta have been clr
.i latins a netlllow to the council
praying that tha license of Weston'a
only saloon be not renewed whon It ex
piree next March. Quite naturally.
it.r.nt view are exprencd aa to tha
wisdom of thla course. Opponents ot
in. DBtltlon say that Wanton may aa
well remain In the wet column along
with most of Us neignoore unui tn
entire atate become ary neat year.
aeealon of IU populace. Weaton may
aa well get right and etay right. Lor
en Maybe, tta young amateur wlre
leaa operator, will aupply the correct
time to all Inquirers ror me asKing.
Every night at lo o'clock loren
patches the time by wlreleea from
Mar Island, San Francisco.
Sixteen hundred acre Adama county
.km ranch, all Bultlvatext and Im
proved, one-third of crop delivered
a oanahniiM free. Owner' Income
1914 waa 94500. Price including 1915
crop, 125 per acre, Chaa. S. Bassett,
Waahtuona, Waah.
Th. nniinnll halil lta flrat Riectlnir of
tha new year Wednesday evening ana
the newly-eieoiea omcer were
In. A motion prevailed that tha local
llknn hnarrl ha naaueatCil tO mOV
the Veston branch library to tha
council chamber.
Why pay I per cent for farm loana
when you can obtain cneaper money
by applying to Maloney ft Owlnnt
Inquire of or write to either J. H.
Owlnn of the Pendleton Abstract
Company, or J. W. Maloney of Pen
dleton, Oregon.
Th. MnTtrlda brothara have rounded
up 131 head of their 141 aula, whioh
have been ranging- In the Bluea, and
I r. i, t.h.m at tha home ranch.
On February 15 they expect to take
Iba bunch to Huuaon oay.
ci...n. Tjvltr. No. 49. K. of P.. haa
work In the aeoond and third rank
next Wednesday evening, and haa in
vited Athena brethren over ror mo
A.tin tn tha Kaat Orerontai
tha county court haa arranped to tend
j u UanH.ll of Weaton to a hospi
tal foe the treatment of tubercular
r..i1 aervloea continue at 'tha
Methodist church. Large congrega
t lona are add reused each evening by
Rev. Arthur Thomas, conference evan
gelist, i
E. E. Zehm waa absent during part
of tha week on a bualneae trip Into
eastern Washington.
Mra. EUxabeth Mansfield of Athena
la visiting at the homa of ber aiater,
Mr. J. 8. Harrla.
All Intoxicating llquora found In vio
lation of law declared forfeited.
Appointment of Aaalatant Attorney.
Oeneral to aaalat the local Dtatrict At
torney at a aalary of nof over soa a
month Is provided, but Legislature
Flnea collected under this law go to I II lit tta eerw
th county la which conviction la ob
Negligent official may be removed
by civil action.
Private cltlaana may employ snor
neys with their own funds to be recog
nixed as asaoclate counsel In prosecut
ing vtolatlone. hrlnaln- the bird with him. The bird
Pn-ecullng officer , ara uthortd hringmg tM flew
to awear wltne aadto m.k. them eacaped from g
alsn their testimony, ueiusai oi wn- . .
leases to be ewora Is coniiruea a mia- -
demeanor subject to nne. .' : t't.h -Queen Ctana" U
Exact definition of Jtquor sola l ... .., A.,,iluri !-
not required In comptalnt. ,
...nhu. nf nrrenaea mar oe in-1 - .. . - .
eluded in one complaint, and trial be r
had aa on one count.
aJjjayJjjr .".I'!," 3
Sellnsgrove, Pa. A nog ownea vj
Mason Hoover became enraged oe-
. . . it. .Ail and
CSUS a cow but ann w
killed the cow.
Hyde Park. Okla. William nupen
caught a magpie in Cimarron, n.
,.d mada a net of It. He moved here.
WIU1AM MscKEKZIC. Pntddtai
J. M. PRICE, Vk Pruidcal
C M. SMITH. Cashier
C L BL0M0REN. AMittaat CKr
EstabUshed 1891
E. M. SMITH. Caahler.
-Isolated Tract.
Department of the Interior,
t s. Land Office at i-e, uranav. vi
November I let.
....... .. k hv v.n that, aa dl-
trom the aurface of the Lake could M I twl hy tno Commissioner of the
seen for mllea. o.nersl Land Office, Under provision
Will you kindly aid m in nuiuiy- f Congnam approved June 27.
in. ihe effect of such a libel on this
old natural wonder of the Northwest?
O. W. TAPE, Manager.
ISO (14 Stats SI7). pursuant to tne
application of Herbert Hopkins, ox
Weeton. Oregon. Serial No. eiOOSS. we
will offer at public sale, to me wt"
. mm,, hut at not less than IJ.00
n..r apre. at 10 o'cloca a. ro.. n
Hth day of January. 111. at thla of.
k. fniinwlna tract of land:
'" " . . T
kv.u. NWU. Sec. xj. xp. a f..
l East. Willamette Meridian.
-" .... . .
Any persona claiming averaeijr .
F. C .BRAMWELU eguw.
NOLAN SKIFF. Receiver.
Cnnniv SutMtrlntcndent I. E. Toung
haa received an appeal from the Orc-
mn Federation of Women a iudb,
a.iiinv him to tell their hoepltal com
i. . ah... anv i.Mnmpn cniiurvn ui
mum v uu u . . . . . . - . .
thla county who could be aidded by a I above-described - land are advised to
atate-wlde organiaatlOn to furnish free fle their claims, or objectlona. on or
medical treatment of the most rnoucrn before the time oeaiKnaipu
scienttf lo kind In all casea wnere me
family Income Is not sufficient ror ex
pensive consultation wun specmiuna.
fh lPederatlon. wnicn intiuuta,
hundred women's clubs In all parte of
the atate, aska anyone who knowa of
little victim of an accident, or spimu
meninattlB. of Infantile -paraiyaie, o.
tuberculaala In the bonea or Joints, or
any other crippling cause, to write
the detail or no case io mra. uiiv
R. Trumbull, Secretary Child Welfare
Commission. J50V4 Third Street, Port
land, Oregon.
Its Farmers Bank of Weston
Get The Habit
No one ever regrets having saved
Thousands regret not having done so.
When you spend a dollar that's the
end of it.
When yoa save it, that's the begin
ning of it. '
DIRECTORS Dr. F. D. Watts, Wm. MacKcnzit. 0 C Tut
ner, 0. W. Stags. Joseph Wurzcr. J. H. Price, S. C Price.
Panama City. Fla.- A printer found
ohunk of smbercrla In the bay here
the other day. It weighed t pounda
6 ouncea and aold for iJ.eoo.
tv. have a ihlnment of dead-out
yellow Ur Cascadk Wood which wo
... .. . ii- i. 1 . . . . .maIuI noli..
will sell wnue is iai (. r---
tor oaah. Weaton Brickyaru. .
Tha flrat basket ball gam of the
high school aerlea In the local court
will beplayed here thla evening be
tween rernuaioanu veawiu.
: xir.iia walla muwera are now re
fusing tl.25 net for club wheat, al
though most of those who atlU hava It
were hoiumg tor m ngure.
The macadam highway link between
Adama and Athena has now been com
pleted at a cost ot but little more than
KS11U per mm.
Messrs. Hanger and Thompson, lead
ing Walla Walla merchants, were bua
lneae visitors Wednesday to thla me
tro polls.
A Wet Day?
Go out on the
job wearing
CTawa awaalt
err .1 .
II - Ow nil mi J
Bmm EaWaiaaa awot
$3.00 Enrnrkn J&bt6 Guruttd
A?J. TOWER CO, Boaton
lev Year's Resolution
Start the New Year right
by making someone happy
Buy Something New in
the line of Beds, Mattres
ses, Kugs, Matting or Fur
niture from-
EL 0. DMOi
Practice in all State and reaerai
Mra. Victor ShicV of Walla Walla pton, Or.
la the guest ot ner isier. wra.uw.u
Hodgson, at Neauow brook Farm.
W. M. Ptttrtaa o""P
Peterson & Bishop
Freewater. Or. ana helnir fitted Up in
thaOouid building on Main atreat for:
the Barnett Koonoiny atore.
arrived vesterdaT
fnnm Portland for a visit with her
brother, O. PoGraw.
Chaa. H. Carter Dan r. smytne
Carter & Smythe .
Patent Medicines
Toilet Articles
Wall Paper
Aldon's Candies
Druggist, Weston, Oregon