The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 08, 1915, Image 2

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    anent the burning of the whole layout.
and It waa copied la almost every
paper In the country.
It remlnda ua, Ukawiae, ! story
we wrote when eub reporter for the
East Ortconlan. Ws toW in a serious
and convincing way Vf a wind storm
so neree that it blew the roof off a hat
ear at Cayuae station.
Thia ineredible yarn also apread like
the anifflea at a Blngvllie picnic
DrrnoT-nt icwis
"Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jones have cast off clothing of all kinds
. and can be seen any day between 4 and 5 o'clock," ran an adver
tisement in a daily paper.
We wish to announce that we have no cast off clothing or
shoes, but have just received a large new invoice of mens, wo
' men's and children's shoes of the celebrated Foot-Schulze and
IL P. Smith manufacture,
Include hi this shipment b Shoe No. 1 80S. a nine-Inch medium high top shoe f or men.
which wt think will wit the man who doe the work.
We are still in the grocery bueinesa and wish oar many patron Happy and Prosper
ed New Year. We hope for a continuance of your patronage in 1915.
3L, I. O'Haua
(Phone Main 241)
mnb !in!
illlUUU up I
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Brandt building
D. R. WOOD j
AeaaTi4mwlwlw)e'e 0
WWW WW WW W Vw w w r-ww w
Office in the Elam Building, Milton,
Hours, S to 12 and 1 to 5.
Established 1865
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White and
Upper Crust
Made of selected- Bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
L !. O'Harra and D.R. Wood
Strictly m AJbtnct
Tlio Yrar
Six Months....
font Months . .
.! ISO
. 0 7
. 0 (40
Per inch per month ...$0 M
Per Inrh, mi insertion SO
lwm, per line each insertion..... OK
JAN. S. 1915
Eatrrta st I he eeflift al Wttln. Orcfe.
as stceaeVdan euil sutler.
However, the Swift Pack frier com
pany waa too alow to escape an indict
ment in New York.
Our impreasion of the "Portland
ring" is that it is not of the sort to
blacken Oregon'! finger.
The Pendleton waterworks row hat
been renewed to aoch an amusing: ex
treme as to seriously endanger its
In writing the advertisements of the
local bank Cashier Smith eometimea
evolve a few bits of wisdom that are
comparable, we think, with Poor Rich'
ard'a philosophy. Herewith some re
cent examples: .,,,,'
"People do not have bank accounts
because tney are suceessiui, out imi
are successful because they have bank
"No one ever regrets having aaved
money. Thousands regret not having
done so."
"When you spend a dollar that's the
end of it. When you save it, that's
in wgi""1! w
A Philadelphia scientist aays the hu
man race hasn't improved greatly
since the atone age, but we fear that
he judges by a few Isolated apscimens
uch aa may be found (for Instance)
In a certain Athena sanctum.
ConrreM has voted to Issue some
$50 gold pieces to commemorate the
Panama-Pacific Exposition, and we
will agree to give them a good notice
if a few are promptly sent to ua aa
New York la rated aa the wealthiest
eitv in America, owning nearly a bit
lion and a-half dollars worth of real
estate, and we fear that Weston wUI
have to concede the distinction.
Baker county has refused to pay
anv further Pensions to thirty widows,
inspiring us with a eertsin degree of
consolation that ours is not among ine
number thus forsaken.
The Cermana have seised a Belgian
Cardinal, but our baseball editor ssys
it's all right so long ss they retrain
from drafting one from St. Louis.
The Oregonian's Annual atrengthena
our impreasion that Oregon is a great
state, Portland a great city ana uie
Oregon ian a great newspaper.
"SMrlt tio-ht!" counsels Cartoonist
Unmhv. Waving ua in some incertitude
as to how a fellow is going to stick if
he happens to be tight.
W mad with some degree of sppre-
kninn the report that prohibition Sa
lem ssw twin Mount .Hoods the morn
ing after New Year's. -"
We fanev the administration would
iw WIm nleaaed with a Lodge in some
vast wilderness than in the senatorial
Dna trouble with a big standing
army is that some other nation will
always want to see If it can ran.
Our furhtinr editor says be never
get so bellicose that be would rather
run the German war machine than a
G. Wash.
The situation in Mexico City is said
to be deplorable, but we are, willing to
let the Mexican do all the deploring
that is necessary.
a . an evamnle of hiirh art w eom-
,.n4 tha Journal's double-wee picture
of Portland, taken from a balloon at
an altitude of 1200 feet.
'or.r la an indianensable instrument
of civilisation," ssys General von
a . .aa la.
Bemhardi, and we bop a win result
in civilizing the German militarists.
TK Filininoa are not fit to be
free," says W. H. Taft, and we recall
that some such opinion was one en
tertained by England concerning ber
American colonies.
"Get a little rheumatism and come
over to Hot Lake," write Manager
Tape to theXKADEB man.
Some day we are going over were,
. k.,t wrm hone Doe Tase doesn't in
sist on the rheumatism. Somehow w
could never regard it aa noon com
Tape winds up witn an ooKniwra
.v.. .r-t that the Hot-Lak e-f rozen-
over story reminds him of canard
concerning the first ice rsiace bui
iitMl. in 1884. Luke Sharp wrote
a story for the Detroit Free Press
The Kaiser's throat I Still m bad
condition, but look ,' whst the allies
often make him swallow , ,.
The Turks are lnsmg so many corps
that they may well hnd to Russia the
entire apple orchard.
rh. worM'a record for corn-raisins'
belongs to Walter I Deenson. an Ala
ha ma tinv. vet In hi early teens. Last
year this boy raised ttl bushels of
corn on a single acre of land, which
the laraest yield per acre ever
-AmA Thl. remarkable record was
made by en ordinary boy and on or
dinary land. He became Interested In
miiini and studied Into the mat
ter of the kind and proper use of fer
tilizers and proper. cultivation.
a n,tin hu knowledaa to
practical use, he has raised tit bush
els of corn on one acre of land, there
by winning the championship of the
world. What Welter I Deenson has
done serves to show what a common,
every-day, out-and-out boy can do If
. - i HMi th. rhanea. There are
thousands of ambitious boys on the
rich farm or tnis state wno nwf
irnnw what it u to be encourand to
take an Interest In agriculture or
stock-raising. 11 tnese oaym w..
.H . man nint nf around and soms
B t "
seed corn for example to plant ana
cultivate, a circus wouia noi oe
to turn their tnouenis very iar mwajr
fwnm ih "enchanted SDOt" where a
wonderful harvest will be theirs to
reap. A boy may not be able to raise
lit bushels of corn on an acre of his
father's land, but he can do well
enout-h to make his efforts worth
while. What boy In this county Is go
ing sfter that world' championship
record next year? .
(J. E. Munhy In the Oregon JoumaL)
How dear to our heart I the stesdy
subscriber , r . - . ,
! Who pays In advance at the birth or
'. each year; " ""--J". " U
Who lay down the money and doe
It ault gladly.
And caats 'round the office a halo
aa ahaaaa
VV e,aa
He never says: "Stop It; I cannot af
ford It,
I'm getting more papers than now
I can read."
But always says, "Bend It! our people
all like it
Jn fact, w all think It a help and a
How welcome his check when It
reaches our sanctum.
How It makes onr pulse throb; how
It makes our heart daneel
We outwardly thank him; we Inward
ly blew him
The steady subscriber who, pays In
stwArvnits) ft la Fetsa a William Allen
White's 4t-cntlmetr editorial shot
at Nebraska, Inspired by the New Tork
TlmM1 error In aaalgnlng Nebraak
Instead of Kansas aa the native stale
of General FYsd runaton. Now come
Harvey Newbranch. dltr of rVnator
ui..hwk' Omaha World-Herald,
with tho following withering fire of
literary shrapnel:
"Base envy, aa the poet remarkod,
withers at anolher'a Joy. and hatee
that excellence It cannot reach. Bo
was It ever with Kansas,
N-.hraaka raises corn and alfalfa
and wheat and pork and beef and
Kansas raters hell, iseoraaaa pnes up
wealth and Kansas piles up sand
dunes. Nebraska la so rtshteoue that
she can trust herself to freedom, and
v.n.. an m-irked that she must re
strain herself In gyves and chain
then crlee out 'See how good 1 ami"
Kansas trie all things ana neorssaa
picks up those that are good end
holds onto them. Kansas keeps (he
rest. Nebraska Is philosophic ana
happy. Kansas a fretful. Impatient In-
unniu Kanaaa valnlv seeks sur
cease In fsda and follies and chimeras.
Nebraska finds It In the simple vir
tu mi, mnthere tauaht. reinforced by
all the good thine that a rational us
of honestly ecquirea weaim can pro
cure. Nebraska kt courteous ana un
obtrusive. Ksnsaa a shrieking self
advertiser, boasting even of her bits
sards snd hot winds as colder and
otter and more destructive man can
be found anywhere els on earth.
v.kik nu i rank. Kansas In all the
excellencies and bleealngs and Kansas
outranks Nebraska In her ability as a
ballyhoo artist.
-If this man White really minus w
are a milk-eyed, placid, bluestock
Inged old maid i who never had a
throb of emotion,' let him come up
nd try us. Let him sneak arouna
unonin which Is Kansas burs
transplanted by a Kansas breese and
not a Nebraska town at all, ana mane
hia wav to Omaha. Let him
come with his hair In a braid and a
glad, mad light In his eye. He may
go home fagged snd dased and bent
and broke, but at the least he can say,
'I have lived!' And he will have the
rest of hi life to devote to recuper
atingend remembering. He will
have been to Carcasonne."
(No. 206)
The Farmers' Bank of Weston, at Wes
ton, in the State of Oregon, at the
close of business December 81, 1914:
Loan and discount $116,067 80
Overdrafts, secured and un-
Bonds snd warrants 10,377 66
Bsnking house - 8,H
Furniture and fixtures... Jl.OOO 00
Other reel estate owned 27,04 76
Due from banks (not reserve
banks)...; "59 78
Checks snd other cash Items W M
Cssh onhsnd 98
Totsl .....$179,298 00
f i mil. in es.
Capital stock paid In 80,000 00
surplus iuhu ,
Undivided profiU, less ex- n,nann
pense snd tsxes para........
Individual deposita subject
to chock 86,069 66
Demand . 4,m
Time certificates of deposit 23,475 25
X?!!. 20,000 00
Totsl .". ...........179.293 00
Stste of Oregon, iaa.
County of umatuia, ) -LB.
M. Smith, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
. i .i i ..t.m,nt la true to the
inn in mww "";"-- 7 -,,-.
best of my knowledge and belief.
E. M. Smith, Cashier.
. Wit. ii Av-vsvrv !
J. H. Price, a
Bubacribed and sworn to before me
(Seal) Notsry Public,
: 0 )
Hutchinson, Kan A mouse short
circuited the electric wires her re
cently and for hours the town was
without power or light
. a tum Amnnt or to any
part of town, dsy or night, 15 cenu.
Ring the Marshall House or Bumpers
livery barn. Lafe McBrid.
Eight-Foot Cedar Fence Posts
tarred or untarred, at right prices
Large supply of
Lehigh Portland Cement
Kemmerer Lump Coal
Dry Wood, sawed or 4-foot
ilal-a1.ii(.kHA.t. ttiMjaH, lira I flf 11 hr---
The land of Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers
vi nt tfirnr.mriff1 f Tt 7T .tf,TT
ivirn w MMH k I irv h in vv lis 1
f f 1 iyAA hJ J aMAfAeMJ. eaV 4k4l ' "
Outdoor and Indoor Storts-Boatino, Sugr-isTHiNO, Driving. GoLr,
Polo, Tennis. For rest and recreation, California is delightfal.
For Safety and Comfort, go via the
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co
through Portland. RETURN THE SAME WAY.
Celebrating Completion of the Panama Canal
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
. a au TV 1 M fV
San Francisco, rebruary a to uecemoer , isie.
Panama-California Exposition
San Diego, January 1 to December 81, 1915.
They represent the highest and best of
human endeavor in the worldof art, sci
ence and industry. SEE MTH Of TEQt
Tickets, information, etc., upon application to
Agent 0-W. R. eV N. Co., Weston, Oregon.
' Walla Walla. Wash.