The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 08, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 29.
Tb oldlr cf iiotglum arc poorly equipped for winter fighting, but blanket are being distributed motif then
M rapidly possible.
Crop Output 1$ Year Aerates
Nearly Ten Billions.
Decrease In Price of Egg and in
crease In CattU and Calve
Contribute to lUiulL
Washington, 0. C. American fame
during 1914 eclipsed all record for
combined value of product with
a total of slroost f 10.000,000. 000,
Secretary Houston, of tba department
of Agriculture, announced Tnuroaey
that the value of all farm erops, farm
animal product and farm animal aold
and slaughtered eggregatea itf.atz.
That was 183,000,000 more than the
grand total for 1913. the previou
record year, and more than double the
value of all farm product in 1899.
Crone thla year were valued at 16,
044.480.000. and the estimated total
value of the animal product and of
the farm animal told and slaughtered
waa I3.82S.46.000. The value of
crop production thla year waa slightly
lea than In 1913 on account of the
duepd value of the cotton crop, brought
about principally by the European war,
The corn and wheat crops, however,
were the most valuable ever produced
In the United States, bringing the
year's crop value total to only 183.
279:000 lea than the total forlest
year, despite the loss of more
$300,00-3,000 In the value of the cotton
'The estimated value of the animal
products on the farm In 1914." aaid
the .Agricultural Outlook, "i distinct
ly higher than In 1913, which was
Itself a record year In the value of this
class of product.
"This is due to general, but alight,
Increase In production, except for
sheep and awlno, and In prices, and
mors especially to a small increase In
the average farm price of egga and to
a more eonaldorabte increase in the
farm price of cattle and calve aold
and slaughtered.
"It must be borne In mind that the
amount f these estimates do not
stand for net wealth produced, nor for
cash receipts, nor for profit, nor for
income in any sense. Each product I
valued, is in the census, when it
reached ' commercial form and the
arand aggregate of all items ia to be
regarded a an index number, or from
relative rather than from an absolute
point of view."
Tha sales of crops last year were
estimated at 12,928,000,000; aalee of
livestock 32.919.000.000. a total of
95,837,000,000. The estimated value
of total sales per farm was $892, and
aaiea per capita of rural population,
excluding towns. $139.
The value of the principal farm
erops this year was:
Corn, $1,702,599,000; wheat, $878,
680,000; hay, $779,008,000; cotton,
519.616.000: oat. $499,418,000; po
tatoes, $198,609,000; barley, $105,-
903,000; tobacco, $101,411,000; aweet
potatoes, 141,294,000; rye, 37,0i,
000; sugar beets, $27,950,000; rice,
$21,849,000; flaxseed, $19,640,000,
and buckwheat. $12,892,000.
In the production of the foregoing
14 principal crops, this year' average
waa about 10 per cent larger than in
1913, and 6 per cent smaller man iviz,
which year stand a on of the great
est aggregate production In the
United State. Thl yoar two Import
ant crops exceeded previou records
wheat, with 891,000,000 bushels, fol
lowing the 1913 record of 763,000,000
bushels, and cotton,, with 15,966,000
bale (preliminary estimate), the pre
, ; Boers Will Be Drafted.
' London A dispatch to the Renter
Telegram company from Cape Town
aya that Walflsh Bay, on the south
west coast of Africa, was reoeeupled
on Christmas , Day without opposition
by a strong British force. A telegram
to Reuter'i Telegram company from
Pretoria, seat of. government of the
Union of - 8outh Africa, says: "It Is
officially announced that the govern
ment Intends to commandeer men for
service In German Southwest Africa
and the Union of South Africa, aa the
ttuation cannot be met by volunteer."
vious record being 16,693,000 bale la
The value per acre of all enumerated
crop averaged about $16.44 this year,
compared with $16.62 in 1913 and
116.16 In 1911
Ruuta Declares Germany
Made loots ot lurks
Petrogred Serglus Ssnzonoff, Rus
sian minister for foreign affair, has
published an Orange book, which deals
with the event preceding the Turkish
attacka on Russian seaporta In the
Black Sea.
The Orange book contains 98 docu
menta and la Intended to throw light
on what is termed in a summary of the
content Issued through the Petrograd
Telegraph agency "the clandestine and
obstinate methods employed by Austro
German diplomacy In forcing the
Turkish government reluctantly to war
against the trlpte entente powers."
"The documents in the book," It is
said In the official summary, "gave
evidence that the independence of the
Ottoman Empire waa already Imper-
One of the new armored light cars
that the British are using to good ef
fect on the continent It carries eight
men and a Maxim gun In a revolving
top and has a speed of forty mllus an
hour. When In action the driver sits
on the floor and guides the car with
the aid ot a reflex mirror.
lied when the German military mission
was established in Constantinople. It
vanished definitely from the moment
the German cruisers Goeben and Bros-
lau took refuge In the Dardanelles.
'The Young Turk cabinet, bellev
Ing, perhaps in good faith, to conduct
the destiny of the country, displayed a
cunnlngness thoroughly Oriental in en
deavoring to escape from Teutonic in
'The diplomat of Great Britain,
France and Russia, perceiving the
little eagerness which the Turk were
showing to permit themselves to be
drawn into the war, which would in
evitably compromise the country, tried
to persuade the pacific element in the
Ottoman cabinet.
'They succeeded, however, only in
delaying the rupture which waa a part
of the Teutonic program.
'Aa soon as the Austro-German
diplomats became convinced that the
Turk were hesitating aa to what
course to take, German hands led Ger
man ships in a treacherous attack on
the peaceful shores of an empire which
waa maintaining perfect neighborly
relations with the Turks."
Get Busy. Edison Sage.
West Orange, N. 3. Thomas A.
Edison, the Inventor, predicted Mon
day that 1915 will be a most prosper
ous year. He said: "Now is the time
for the United States to go ahead.
We can manufacture cheaper today
than In many years to come.. How
ever, many of our beat business men
seem to be penny wise and pound fool
ish. I am surprised that commercial
and industrial America has been affect
ed with a form of paralysis evidently
as the result of the war in Europe.
This la all due to unnecessary alarm."
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Message From RedHcId Is Cta
to MaDufacturcrs,
Prosperity for Whole Country At
lland and Advice It Offered
To Make Preparations
Washington, D. C Heartened by
months of close study of the business
outlook of the nst Ion, Secretary Red
field, of the department of Commerce,
wrote a New Year's greeting to the
merchsnts and manufacturer of the
country, bidding them in characteris
tic language to reach out for the pros
perity be sees within their grasp.
There is no warrant, Mr. Redfield de
clare, for gloom or despair. The III
effect of the European war on Atnerl
can enterprise Is passing and new vis
tas for commercial venture are open
ing with each new day.
"If you want prosperity, do your
share to bring it and do it . now," be
says. "Get that addition on your shop
going: it will cost you less today than
aix months hence. Is trade a bit dull
in the worka? Get those improve
ment begun. Price are low and
likely to rise. You've been thinking
of that contract work. Better start
yourself before things get the start of
'This country slows down a bit now
and then, but it never stops growing
and it always moves up and not down.
We don't know what it means in most
of the United States to have real gen
eral distress. Think of Belgium and
Poland, O man with a grouch, and
slink into your hole and pull it in after
you. There think or your aina and
your blessings and come out with your
courage in working order.
"There are lots of good American
examples of pluck. Do you remember
Sen Fancisco and Galveston and Chi'
cago Boston, Charleston, Baltimore
and Dayton, and many others like
them? Remember thorn as did Edison
and lota of your fellow citizens, who
showed pluck when things were hard.
"Nothing ia the matter with the
man with a grouch except an absentee
heart and missing nerve. Cheer up,
go to work, do your level best, quit
talking misery. The war s over yon
dor, not hero. Men are slaughtered
vender theyr'e living here. It all
clouds there clear day here.
"Get out and aell some goods. Plant
some more acres; do more work than
you planned. Talk cheerful talk and
you'll And this country of our a pret
ty good place after all."
four German Aircraft
Attack Dunkirk, England
London Four German aeroplanes
flew several times over the city of
Dunkirk Thursday, dropping bombs as
they went, acording to the Dunkirk
correspondent of the Daily Mail
Soldiers in the streets fired on the ma
chines and one Taube seemed to be
hit, but all got away safely.
The official returns of the casualties
show that 16 persons were killed and
82 wounded. The bombs were filled
with shrapnel.
For half an hour the whole elty
crackled with rifle shots and bombs,
which threw up dense clouds of black
smoke. No sooner did one aeroplane
seem to depart than another arrived.
Buildings In all parts of the city were
wrecked. One child's arm waa blown
off and an old woman was killed out
right The fifth aeroplane remained as a
sentry outside the town, ready to at
tack any of the allies' aeroplanes that
might aeek to repel the air -assailanta.
40 Convict Are Freed.
Columbia, S. C. Fifty-five New
Year' pardons, parole and commuta
tions granted by Governor Blease re
duced the number of prisoners In the
state penitentiary, at the state farms
and in county convict camps to 149.
The governor's action put the total
number of prisoners to whom he has
granted clemency in hia four years of
office at 1644. Sixteen full pardons
were granted, 24 prisoners were pa
roled and the sentences of 15 were com
muted. Twenty-eight of the 65 were
serving terms for homicide.
Polk County
Acreage Shows Increase
Monmouth The acreage In
Polk county has been Ureased great
ly this fall by the planting of many
young trees in each of the prune dis
trict, according to a recent survey of
the various section of the county. In
ths summer, when the iuere in the
1914 crop was apparent, grower or
dered young tree for the spring of
1916. A remarkable confidence in the
crop by the old growers, the starting
of more fanners Into prune growing
and an awakened Interest among
county resident toward the Industry
are noted preliminary feature of the
coming season.
The increase ia acreage is shown not
to have decreased to any great extent
the acreage previously in use for farm
ing purposee. beveral years or toll in
the bills have ia many ease remitted
In the clearing of tract of land large
enough to accommodate prune orch
ards. Since numerous testa were made
on the bill land wnat gram erops
would thrive well. It has been found
that the soil is not adapted to the suc
cessful growing of any grain crop.
The problem of land utilization in
the hill ha been solved by the ex
periment which a few farmer con
ducted several years ago by setting out
Oregon First
San Francisco The tradition of
"Oregon First" was splendidly main
tained by the Rosarians Thursday
when they stormed San Francisco and
In the dedication of the Oregon build
ing at the Panama Pacific Exposition
set a new record for other states to
As Oregon waa first with her great
excursion In 1912 to select the site for
her building at the exposition, and as
she waa first to break ground for the
new building in the excursion of the
Rosarians in 1913, and first to com
plete her building ready for turning
over to the state commission, so
Thursday the Rosarians held the first
elaborate formal dedication ceremony
that any atate organisation ha yet
held for it building.
President Moore, or the exposition.
Closed Season Angers
Nehalem fishermen
Nehalem The Nehalem bay fisher
men are determined to mane a ngm
this session of the legislature against
what they consider an injustice in the
closed season limits. Under the exist
ing lew, the bay and river are closed
to salmon fishing from November 20
to December 10. They say that at this
time the run of fish ia becoming heav
ier and they have some chance to
break even over their losses of other
parte of the season.
They consider It an injustice because
none or the otner Days ana nsnmg
grounds in the county are subjected to
such a regulation. Twenty mile
south of here, on Tillamook bay and
the tributary rivers, fishing is allowed
from the time the season opens in July
until late in January, or until the last
steelhead ha passed. j
.The men believe it is an oversight
on the part of the lawmakers, and for
that reason will take the matter up
with the legislature through Thomas
B. Handley, representative from this
county. At a mass meeting recently
committee was appointed to Qrait
resolutions to be presented to the
legislature by Representative Handley.
President Emil Larson, of the associa
tion, will spend a day in Tillamook
with the representative and a delega
tion may be sent to Salem this winter.
The fishermen are backed in their
effort to have the closed period re
moved by the business men of the en
tire district, and a fight is expected.
West Asks Higher Bond
tor State Ireasurer Kay
Salem Governor West announced
thia week that he would insist upon
the bond of the state treasurer being
$500,000 hereafter instead of $360,000
aa at present State Treasurer Kay
said it was immaterial to him what
amount was fixed, but under the law it
could not be more than $360,000 unless
the State Emergency board made pro
vision for paying a higher premium.
The law makea provision for a yearly
premium of $1200, which gives a bond
of $360,000. In a letter to the atate
treasurer the governor said :
Inasmuch as the court baa held
that the State Land board, and not the
state treasurer, is the lawful custodian
of the school fund securities, - the said
securities will not be taken into con
sideration in fixing the amount of your
bond. The matter of protecting that
fund, through the bonding of ita cus
todian, will fall upon the State Land
board and that board ia being so ad
vised. Unless the governor-elect shall
recommend a smaller amount your
bond will be fixed at $500.000 no
more than $100,000 to be written by
Corvalli Block Fever.
Corvallia Through the prompt ac
tion of the authorities Corvalli ha
been spared an epidemic of scarlet
fever. During the week ending De
cember 19, aix cases developed, and
the city health officer established a
strict quarantine, closed the city
schools, and ordered that no children
under 15 years be admitted to Sunday
schools, jhurchee and theaters. The
orders were enforced, and, though a
hardship was worked on the Sunday
schools, no more case of contagion
have occurred.
Prune Tree
prune tree. The first orchard bowed
the real function of the billy soil In
crop production, and adjacent land'
owners have followed with new orch
The first place for ths) prune indus
try to start in Polk county was on the
western slope of the hills between
Dallas and Monmouth and Fall City
and Dallas. From there the crop
spread to the open section of the
county, where it was adpoted by farm-
era who bad become accustomed to
raising grain year after year. The
orchards on hilly ground are produc
ing the largest amount of prune an
nually now. bot the drying bouts x
peet the orchard in the more level
district to swell the general county
yield to a large extent within few
years. Already some of the new orch
ard have come into bearing, and the
yield I expected to increase each year,
Land-clearing in the hills ha
brought the crop back to it original
ground. Some hills, too barren to
raise garden truck or grain crops and
too steep to insure proper cultivation
for such crops, have been converted
young prune orchard which have
made a ateady, uniform growth for a
period of years.
to Dedicate
Fair Building
in hia address before the Rosarians and
who attended the ceremony of dedica
tion in the auditorium of the Oregon
building, dwelt on the'Oregon First'
"As she was first in selecting a site.
in breaking ground, and in completing
her building," he aaid, "Uregon
also. I may aay, first in my affection
for a special reason.
"When I asked Mr. Clark, chairman
of your commission, to attempt, if pos
sible, to reproduce your forestry build
ing in Portland, or a biulding along
similar line, saying that I believed
that such a building would do more
good, not only to the expoeition, but to
your own state aa well, than a building
constructed on the classical lines, they
gave weight enough to my opinion on
the matter to arrange for just such
any surety company."
. . The state treasurer is still the cus
todian of the school securities, al
though the Circuit court ha decided
that the clerk of the State Land board
should be. The ease ia now before the
Supreme court Attorney General
Crawford contends that the state treas
urer is the only officer who give
bond which might in any way protect
that fund and therefore ia the legal
City Commission Reduces
Debt $42,000 first Year
La Grande The annual meeting of
the city commission held here this
week marks the close of the first year
of operations under managerial form
of government for thia city, and ac
cording to the report of the auditor
the year waa one of the most prosper
ous in the history of the city. The
bonded indebtedness has been reduced
during the year from approximately
8110,000 to $68,000 and $9,000 more
of bonds will be taken up within the
next few day.
When the managerial form of gov
ernment wag adopted' a year ago F. J.
Laf ky. of Salem, formerly a member
of the city council there, waa employed
as manager of the city at a salary of
$3000 a year. Commenting on the
oolicy of the city government of the
oast year Mr. Lafky aaid:
"We are pleased at the close of the
first year to be able to show to the
citizens of La Grande, and of the
country in general, that the experi
ment has proved ita worth in a more
economical and more efficient adminis
tration of the affairs of the city
through a greater concentration ; of
effort and closer attention to the work
of each department While we have
been as economical as possible in all
of our work we have not atinted in any
department and municipal improve
ments have been pushed as far as was
necessary and advisable. The water
department has been placed upon a
strictly cash basis and so far aa poesi
ble all other department have been
placed upon the same basis.
"The year past haa been devoted in
great measure to rounding up the scat
tered ends of the city 's business ana
reducing the indebtedness as much as
possible and we hope to continue this
policy until we can free the city of all
indebtedness and do business strictly
upon a cash and businesslike basis.
Coo Bay to Seek Jetty.
Manshfield L. J. Simpson, of the
Port of Coos Bay; Captain T.J. Mac-
genn, of the steamship Breakwater,
and C. A. Smith, of the Smith indus
tries, were chosen one day this week
by the Port of Coo Bay to represent
this district at Washington about the
middle of January in a request to con
gress and the board of engineer of
the War department for reconstruction
of the north jetty on Coos ,Bay and a
new jetty on the south side of the bar.
The party will leave Maishfield Jan
uary 9.
fake Suicide I Arretted.
Marshfield T. H. Grind rod, who
faked suicide at North Bend recently,
waa arrested and placed in jail by
Sheriff W. W. Gage and Deputy Clyde
Gage. Grlndrod waa taken at Fair
view, 20 milea on the road to Rooe
burg. The prisoner is held to the
grand jury on a charge of theft j
Member ot Union Must
ray Damages tor Boycott
Washington, D. C Ending II years
of litigation, the Supreme court held
Wednesday that soma 200 Connecticut
labor anion members most pay laz.
130.09 damage under the Sherman
anti-trust law for a nation-wide boy
cott of D. E. Loew k Co.. Danbury
Conn., hat manufacturer who refused
to unionize their shop. The berk ac
counts and homes of many of the men
already are under attachment to pay
the judgment and the next atep prob
ably will be foreclosure.
Leading lawyers of eongreaa dis
agree on whether this decision means
that union workmen will be liable In
the future for damsgee on account of
boycotts. Some hold that the Clayton
anti-trust law, passed last year after
this suit had been tried, would make
another such prosecution Impossible.
It was the Danbury natter'
that tba Supreme court decided in
1908 that labor union were subject
to the terms of the Sherman antl-truat
law and sent the suit back to the New
York Federal court for trial. The
Judgment the largest ever before the
court under the Sherman law, a well
aa the vigorous defense of the anion
men, attracted widespread attention to
the litigation.
Justice Holme announced the
court' unanimous opinion. Hi dis
cussion of the law involved was brief.
He aaid the ground for discussion un
der the Sherman law bad been cut
away by the 1908 decision to a large
extent and narrowed farther by the
decision in the Eastern States Retail
Lumber Dealers' ease of last year to
the effect that the circular of a list of
unfair dealers." with the intention
to put the ban upon these dealer
among a body of possible consumers
combined with a view of joint action.
was violating the Sherman anti-trust
law. .
The justice pionted out that the de
fendanta were members of both the
United Hatters' of North America and
of the American Federation of Labor.
With brief consideration be arrived at
the conclusion that the New York
Federal courts, which tried the ease,
were right in holding that a forbidden
combination had been proved.
"It require more than bhndneas of
justice," aaid Justice Holmes, "not to
i that the many branches or ue
United Hatter and the Federation of
Labor, in pursuance of a plan, emanat
ing from headquarters, made use of
such lists (unfair dealers) and of the
primary and secondary boycott in their
efforts to subdue the plaintiff to their
demands. The union label waa used
and a strike ordered and carried out to
the same end, and the purpose to break
up the plaintiff's commerce affected by
the quality of the acts."
trench and Russians
Claim Victory Over Turk
Paris The official communication
issued by the French wsr office includ
ed the following:
'Grand Duke Nicholas has addressed
to General Joffre the following tele
gram: ,.
I hasten to inform you or tne joy
ful news that the army of Caucasus,
notwithstanding that its force have
been reduced to a minimum, with a
view not to weaken the army in the
principal theater of war, has won two
decisive victories on December zi
and 22 (January 3 and 4, modern cal
endar) against Turkish force superior
in number, at Ardahan, against the
First corps and at Sari Kamysh
against the Ninth and Tenth Turkish
corps. v '
'The entire Ninth corps has eaptl-
ulated; the Tenth corps is making
every effort to withdraw, but is being
pursued by our troops. !
Petrograd Itlis officially announced
that the Russian troops have gained a
decisive victory at bari Kamysn. lne
entire Ninth Army corps of the Turks
was captured.
Accounts received here say the
Turks displayed great bravery when
their position was seriously threatened
and made frequent desperate bayonet
sorties. When they were compelled to
vacate fthey made valiant but futile
efforts to cover their retreat by a rear
guard action, even the wounded con
tinuing firing from the ground when
thev were struck down.
According to a telegram from Tiflis,
the persistence with which the Turks
ssed their attacks in tne ban
Kamysh district was to enable their
troops in the Ardahan region to retive
without heavy losses. Their opera
tions were conducted under tremend
ous difficulties. They lacked proper
equipment and had no transport trains.
Everything had to be carried on the
backs of soldier or of civilians com
mandeered for the purpose. Most of
the trophies of war captured by the
Russians were of German make. .
Kaiser Eat War Bread.
Berlin Emperor William has given
orders that the so-called war bread be
served to himself and the members of
his entourage. This bread, styled also
K bread, consists of 85 per cent of
rye flour and 15 per cent potato flakes.
It is being consumed in accordance
with a war-time proclamation, with
the idea of making the supply of food
stuff in the empire last longer. Up to
the present time it ha ; not been
bought readily by the general public.
It ia hoped, however, that the decision
of the emperor will influence others.
Did on Big Order Atked.
Philadelphia The Pennsylvania
Railroad company has asked for bids
170,000 tons of steel rails, the
company's requirements for tba cur
rant vear. Orders for 150.000 tons
will be placed for early delivery and
the remainder will re-ordered later.
Senate Dn to 1.
(My lnMptlci
Department Required to Notify
Congrete When immigrutiom
Depreeees Wage.
Wssblngton, 'D. C The Immigra
tion bill, containing the restrictive lit
eracy test for admission of alien
which has been the obstacle In Immi
gration reform legislation for the
greater part of two national adminis
tration, paaaed the senate Saturday
by a vote of 60 to 7. The overwhelm
ing majority waa recorded despite the
fact that Preaident Wilson bad Indica
ted be would veto the measure, aa did
President Taft if it should come to
him with the educational test includ
The vote in the senate Indicated that
the bill could bo repassed by more
than the required two-thirds majority
should tba President reject the meas
ure. The bill passed the house on Febru
ary 4 last by s vote of 241 to 128.
Although the senate amended toe
bouse bill in several particulars, the
literacy teat waa unaltered, aave for
additional exemption to Belgian
subjects which was adopted after pro
longed debate.
House leaders probably will ask for
a conference on senate amendments
but administration leaders were confi
dent senate amendments would be ac
cepted and the bill sent to the Presi
dent by the middle of ths week.
Among senate amendenta which
bouse leaden have aaid probably would
be accepted ia one to exclude from the
United States all persons of the Afri
can race or oz negro biooa. Anoiner.
strengthens the phraseology of the
prohibition of polygamiita.
Closing hours oz the debate were oe-.
voted to an amendment by Senator
Lodge to exempt Belgian farmers from
the literacy test and from the provis
ions which prohibit Americana from
soliciting or inducing immigration.
Already several American organisa
tion are endeavoring to induce Bel
gian refugees to settle in this country.
The amendment, as nnaiiy adopted .
by a vote of 84 to 22, followa: -
That the provisions of this act
relating to the illiteracy test or in
duced or assisted immigration shall
not apply to agricultural immigrants
from Belgium who come to the United
States during the course of the present
European war, or within one year
after it termination, owing to cir
cumstance or conditions - arising
through the war, if it is shown to the
satisfaction of the commissioner gen
era! of immigration that the ssid Bel
gian immigranta come with the inten
tion of engaging in agriculture in the
United States and to become American
citisena." - ' -. ; .
Following ia a synopsis of the im
migration bill passed by the senate:
In general persons over 16 shall be
required to be able to read English or
some language or dialect, including
Exception to literacy test is made of ,
Belgian farmers who come to the Uni- .
ted States within one year after the ;
end of the present European war.
Persons fleeing from religious per
secution also excepted. t , . $
Admissible aliens may send for
father or grandfather "over 65, or for
wife, mother, gradnmother or unmar- -ried
or widowed daughter, though such '
relative may be illiterate.
Polygamista excluded. ' I
Persons of African race or negro
blood excluded. Excluded list intend- .
ed to take in vagrants, the tuberculous ' i
and persons who teach or advocate un
lawful destruction of property. ?
Departments of - Labor and - Com-
merce to report to congress whenever '
expected immigration threatens to in-
crease number of unemployed or re
duce wage standard.
English Pray for Victory. '
Rome Special prayer were said ...
Sunday in all the English churches in .
Italy for the ultimate victory of the
Triple Exenterations. In the chapel
of the English college, Cardinal Gas-" '
quet and the new British minister to
the Vatican, Sir Henry Howard, were -among
those who participt ted in the ,
communion service. : Their action waa .
in striking contrast to that of the
members of the British embassy to the .
Quirinal, none of whom was present at '
any service. ' The rector of the Irish -college
did not participate. '
Duet Moratorium I On.
Paris A moratorium on dueling has .
been declared in France because of an ,
incident which arose recently during a
discussion in a cafe. A prominent '
swordsman became angry in discussing
the grand strategy and issued a chal
lenge to his adversary. Witnesses
present declared that a Frenchman ;
must not kill one of his countrymen
during the war, so the duel baa been
postponed until peace has been de
Austria Execute Editor.
London Renter's Amsterdam cor
respondent transmitted a dispatch re
ceived there from Vienna, which say
that a newspaper editor, Joseph Yote!
of Prossnitx, Moravfa, was condemned
to death by court-martial for a sedi-
tioua speech.
11 a was executed two
hours after sentence was passed.