The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 25, 1914, Image 3

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Weston Oakery
Yeah Brwwt, Cake ami Pastry.
Hn Candle. (id Mnli at All
Hour. !&. W wrlliM In
Lodge ami I'arty Hupm.
ZEMM the baker
DupuU HulUli. Main ami WaUr
0" 81mm and Harness
repaired neat door.
Vostou Meat!
Brandt Building, oppo-
Bito rostoflice.
i Good, Fresh Meats
Fish in Season
1 All kinds of Dressed Meats
Market Price Paid
I A. P. Perry 1
Tha Maal Tastefully DesigneS) af Any
Cseital In Bursas. '
CtirlKllnula la li.tihsbly I ha mot
taaiefiiHjr In Id out capital of an state
In Kuru. Parle Itself not eireiurd.
II owm Ita fouudaUoa iilnljr le King
CbrWtias IV. of bVMtuark. from Um
II lake III usiue. who lu or about Ilia
year IU23 deckled lo ami fur ulniaelf
tie capital uu Hit opposite alda of
tba rim lu Oslo.
Tlia whole uf Ilia tun In street of tba
city run at right auuiix and ara i
Ircuiely will. ludeed, II would hardly
be an eiaggnratkiu to all tuetu miiiares
rather ibaii niiwin. for iba ut cert
Iba architecture la reihef heavy la da
sign, dul th rlrar air Ibai comee from
Ilia flunk tends la glv Iba (dec
a Ion uf llgbim Uial It would other
wlas lack.
Tba river Akar contains wonderful
aeries uf watcrfalle In tba tipiwr
rourara some III I la distance from Iba
city, where practically tha wbobj of
Iba neceaaary powr rur Iba aver grow
ing manufacturing quartrr of tba Nor
wegian capital la generated. Tbla
quartar la rntber rlgorvuely restricted
to tha anlxirb of ftajtrne, on tha north
alda of tba rltj. since Iowa planning la
something mora Iban were MBa lo
Tba royal palace, which waa hnlll
by Christian IV.. la a haadaome hnltd
Inn of rather nnattrertlva architecture-
Mamtieater tlusrdlaa.
Are You Hesitating?
In where you shouM place that or
W fur grain awl feed for your llva
at'k? ilwitnt no lonrer, Wa ran
arlv yon indubitable evidence that tt
will be In yuur great advantage to
lodge It with ua, tha kind of proof that
make Ita way In court - facta-, for o:r
beat customer will loll you mo
quality of mir goods. Bulled ilsrloy,
(ata and Whal: Klour. Mlllatuir ami
Chicken reert. innu no. zi
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
Local Lodge Directory
8TF.VP.N8 LOIttiK NO. 4t. K. OK P.
Umii averv. Wmlnaadav even nir.
C L. rinkarum. C. C. I. T. Harbour.
K. of K. H
M. Meet every second and fourth
Msmrusy in eauti month, r. u. lit
Moaa, W. M. L. II. Davta, Mao.
WTON rIK!K NO. 68. I. O. O. K.
Miwla avarv Thurwlav avanlnir. J
M. Aahworth, N. O. A. A. Keea,
Itao. rWc; K. O. IHtMoaa, rln. Sec
WK8TON CAMP NO. 112. W. O. W.
Maeia tha flmt and third Satunlay
of aacl) month. Monro Turner, V.
O. J, J. Healer, Clerk.
ited Ariiaana. Meeta the drat and
third MoiwUve In aanlt month. J. A.
IcRm. M. A. rranoea C. Wood, Hoc
thlan Sint er. Meeta tha atwond and
fourth MomUya In each month. Anna
O'llarra, M. K. C. Alice F. Price, M-
Of K. At C
No. H$, Meeta tha aeeond and fourth of each mont h, Kllxa Mor
rlaon, N. O. Zella Oould, Hoc. Lot
tie Brmodt, Fin. Meo.
K. 8. Met'ta tha eecond and fourth
FrlilRya of eaoh month. Ellinor M.
Warren, W. M. Alice F. Price, Seo.
I Dr. Farnsworth I
2 Offlea Houra-8:30 to 12 a. m.
i vo o:au p. m.
Olflcee upataira In Brandt
- ouuuiiifr.
. inn ifrnt 't
rU murk mH n.rrtl Malax) or no
wrtplM lor Mil alARCH Md mrt
fvm. Ow IrMlMokMU Ml two. ' UinM
M4 mr y mnnmj.
iTiur uwvial.
303 8eventh St., Waahlnqloa. D. C. J
ef Unala Sam'a Maohlnaa That
Daaa WandaWul Wark.
A mnrbltia known aa tba United
ntataa llita pmlU-tlna marblna No. 1
and whlrh la In dxlly owmllou In Iba
fnltrd Klalea avli-llr etirray at WaD
Intrton. mnkra matbematlral rah-ula-Itnua
wbl-b would otberwlaa require
ItMl Hwina lo do.
Ita work a nut ulna: lean than tha pre-
dk'tlnK uf Iba tlmea and belirbta of
bbib and low lldea a year In adram.
Ita tnm'bnnUm la of hm and atari. Ita
bouaa a buxit mahoininy and glaaa raaa
anil Ita temler one olwrrer. wbo turua
a rrank and ttiplaa off on paper Iba
rradlnit of M-vrrnl dlnla and Inter re
tnovva from lu ninrblnaa roll of paper
ou will, b la plotted the tidal curre for
Iba iMirtknilnr t along tba roaat tba
lldt of whli b bare been predlrted.
Kvery year Ilia United Htatea Mauea
book of tide lablea, ptituarlly for tba
uu of Ita nury ami. aetxiudly. for tba
ue of all wbo no down to Iba am lo
ablpa. Tbla book of tide lablea tftree
Iba time lo tha uilnute and Iba belxbt
of the nenret leuth of a foot of etery
blith and low tide durlnjt the year for
event of the world avaporta. and by
nieaua or an auiltlury uihie tbe aama
Information for 8.000 otier plai-aa -tkleutltle
Amerk an.
Uaafut Wiwaal
Eijual euffraue baa not yet penetrat
ed Afrtra'e JtliiKlee, A bualtnud will
ariiil two of hi wive out to plant and
care for tbe eaaxara farm. Two more
will be npoliiied to look after tbe fire
fa nil. to plant, attend It. drive off tbe
rice bird and aiiltual. and Anally to
cut and ban-eat tbe ri Two more
will I delittnled lo the Jttnitle lo chop
and kjinn home firewood. Another
will I ronimlaidotied to carry water
for Hie family. Another will do the
cooking. Will another will flilne her
bitKbntid'a aword. Unlit bla pipe and
brltitf It In him. while he alta In tbe
kitchen and Intka any kind of pala
ver that hi men frlenda cure to quib
ble alwut. The hulind worka on the
nrlnclnle of "to erery woman her
work."-ChrlNt1an Ilvrnld.
Hard to Explain.
CumrultiK and Welxner were buid
ncaa rirala. One day at iba club tbey
fell to tnlklna.
"Do you cttrry any life Inauraucer
micrled Cnmmlnir.
-Vi." wa the answer. "I bae
-Mnde payable to your wtfer aaked
Yea. an Id Welaner.
"Well." naked Cummlnca, "what kind
of an excuse do yon Blve to your wife
for HvUigr-New York I'reaa.
Tlaht 8erwa.
If acrewa. mta flttltiK. the aides of
hedatead or nn.vthlnff ele of the kind
become tlubtly Bxed and. ennuot bo
moved the following method wlllBen-
ernlly be found lo looacn them: Pour a
little oil on tbe ttKht parte and tnen
bold a lighted candle underneath until
It la worm. You will then Bud tbat It
la eaay to aeparat or uuacreer tha
Bxed part.
Polishing Pearls.
Pearl ornament now ba elegantly
pollahed by Brat rubbing with olive oil
to remove the dirty apiHwranre. then
applying nne red iihII (Millah. Tbla lat
ter glvea a numlahed apiwarnnca. and
with n little fnat rubbing tbe part
tak on a brilliant glow.-Rcloutiflc
Qarmany en North 8a.
Tbe border of (ierrantiT on the North
ten, froiu tne euatenunoat corner or
Oldenburg to the nnrthernmot ptdnt
In Brblean-tg, meaanrea some '.1)0 nillea.
The Kiilaei Wllhelm (Kieh canal la
atxty-one tnllca loug aud coat S-W.000.-000.
Idle Curloalty.
For no renaon nt all we hare wonder
ed aud wnudertHl and wondered what
moth ate before Adam nnd Even
went lu for dresa reform. Philadel
phia Ledger.
Where Ufa la more terrible than
denth It I the trueat valor to dare to
live. Browne.
W. M. Pttcnoa G. II. Bbhoa
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or, Freewater, Or.
Chaa. H. Cartar Dan P. Smythe
Carter & Smythe
Dreamland motloe pkturM at Wee.
tne oaara hnu aeat Muaday and
Tweed? evvnlnee.
The unllmtly death of. hla atirrel
horae Munday nlahl apulled a good
team for Austin Keea.
J. J. Heeler, the well-known local
Jeweler, baa been confined lo hla
homo during tho wek with a eerloua
llaughtera were lately bealowed by
a benevott-nt alork upon Mr. and Mra.
rnd Phillip and Mr. and Mra. uo.
II. Neslilt.
Mlua ray Warren, who haa been
tearhlna arhwH at Mryvlll. Waah.,
haa arrived for a holiday vlall witn
her mother at Weston.
Cab' aervlce to the depot or to any
Dirt of town, day or night, tl eenta.
King the Marshall llouae or Stamper's
livery barn. Lofe McBrlde.
Mr. and Mra. Herman Graham are
going lo Puget Hound lo make their
home, having sold tnrir se-acra irm
south of Athena to E. A. Hlmpeon.
Mr. and Mra. J. II. Key came In Hat
urday from the farm to consult Dr.
Hmlth. Mrs. Key having aurrema a
verely of late from bronchial trouble.
V. M. Price and Leater Wllsey dl
poaed of their wheal crope Haturday
in rrank Price, aaent of the Weaton
Warehouse company, receiving II.IOM
per buhi.
Henry Waddlngham and hla son
rrank returned Hundsy evening from
a pleasant visit lo the Wealey Jrdera
near Ashlsnd and to Geo. j. waaatng
ham at Portland.
Mlse Nancy Stevens of Lexington,
Nebraska, arrived Wednesday for
ChrUtmsa vUlt with her sister. M
Oeorc Ferguson, at tho Kern ranch
on Weaton mountain.
Jlmmle" farden, an old pioneer on
wheela. waa up from Pendleton during
the week. "Jlmmle" lived at Weaton
In Ha stsae coach daya, and la still
rather fond of the old town.
Weston students of the O. A. C. ro-
furnlna- home Bsturdsy for the holi-
daya were the Mlees Edna and Oladys
llsnlster. Kimer Tucker. Herman
O'llarra, Leonard Blomgren and Zane
Why pay I per cent for farm loana
when you can obtain cheaper money
hv annlvlna to Maloney Owlnn?
Inaulre of or write to either J. H
Owlnn of the Pendleton Aostraci
Company, or J. W. Maloney or rrn-
dleton, Oregon.
For the first time In the history ol
the state a foreign market has Deen
found for Oregon onions, ten carloads
having recently been shipped to Eu
roue via the canal and New Tork.
This new outlet haa cauaed a sharp
advance In price.
Dirk English left thla week for a
Christmas visit with friends In Port
land and Aahland. Reports ara cur
rent to the effect that Cupid haa as
much to do aa BanM Claua with the
holiday pilgrimage of thla popular
mountain bachelor.
Loren Maybec, Weston's young
wireless operator who lately completed
a atatlon at hla home, hns received his
eovrrninent licensee from the radio
Inspector at Seattle, and la now ready
to rapture meeeagea from out of the
circumambient ether.
Much Improved In health and minus
about 10 pounds of surplus "emoon
point." Joe Clodlus returned this week
from an extended atay at not lmv.
Ha left Tuesday for- a Visit to his
brother's home near Waluburg. ac
comoanylng hla nephew in a motor
Mrs. Itosa Kennedy and Infant eon
left Monday for their future home at
rrultland. Idaho, after a fortnight'
visit at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. O'Harra, near weaton
They formerly resided at Pullman.
Wash., but Mr. Kennedy naa taaen a
position with the bank.
If your property doesn't ault you,
why not trade It for aomcthlng that
docs? I have made tradea for other
Weston people and they are aatlsfled.
Let me make a trade for you. I have
some a-ood tradea and fine buys In
wheat land. If you want to trade or
buy write to Chaa. 8. Baaaett, waan-
tucna, Waah.
D. O. Ross, a Umatilla county pio
neer who reside at Milton and recalls
the long winter of 1884, predicts a
Imllar winter thla year. "Present at
mospheric conditions are elmllur In
every detail to those which preceded
the big snow of 1884." seya Mr. koss,
'and unless I am badly mistaken we
will surely get a big ono thla year."
O. E. Edson, for many yeare a
leading miller of Hlllsboro, Oregon,
died recently of paralysis at the age
of 71 years. Prior to moving to Wash
ington county, about II yeara ago, Mr.
Edson conducted flouring mill at
Weston.. He served one term In the
Oregon legislature, was a veteran of
the civil war, and la aurvlved by a
widow and four grown children.
Rev. J. W. Ooode, Free Methodist
minister, called Saturday evening at
the bunk house on the Dr. Kern place
on TPeaton mountain and held a men's
meeting. He had an attentive (congre
gation of 85, which Included the Kern
ranch force of wood-choppera and
other mountaineer. The worthy man
or God broke up a poker game, but the
men any that hla sermon waa well
worth the Interruption.
Milton Eagle: H. A. Williams, well
known local sportsman, made a killing
tho other day which hla friends think
la worthy of relating. Two ducka were
seen by hlra on hla farm south of
town. They flew Into the Couae Creek
canyon and alighted. Mr. Williams
took a long rango Winchester rifle he
haa and killed them both at one shot
The bullet made a clean shot through
the head of the one farthest away,
having killed the first ona In paaslng.
Bam Banister, whose only fault I
that he deserted Umatilla county for
Wallowa, came over last week on a
buslnesa visit. He haa several good
words to say for Wallowa county pros
pects, commercially. Industrially and
agriculturally. Twenty miles have
been graded, he says, for the big East-
ern Oregon Lumber company's Trout
creek road, and hundreds of men will
be employed again In the spring.
While here Sam fulfilled an Important
duty by making hla uinual contribu
tion to the Weston Leader, j
A mad coyote caused a M of troubl
and sicltement PYtdsy nlghl at th
DeOrew ranch Bsr Wanton, farmed
by Him I. Culley. Tha varmint chased
Mr. Culley'e stock all over hla flsld.
and bit two dnfi whlrh sought to In
lerfeie with Ita actlvlUea. It also
slauahtnred eight or lea chickens. Hs
look aevsrsl shota at IW but owing lo
the darkness the bullets failed to find
their mark. Whtn day broks ba was
more auoceasful, and Hit Co rota met
Ita death. It Is thought to hsve been
undoubtedly afflicted with rabies, a
It paid no attention to the eh (He the
were fired or lo the other efforts msd
to drive It off the ranch. As a mess
ure of prerautloa the bitten doga had
to be killed, much to the sorrow of
the Culley houaehnld. The farm stock
showed no msrka of the eoyote"i
teeth, and It la thought that they es
caped It
Despite the fact that considerable
sentiment waa encountered to the ef
feet that "charity begina at homo,"
and thai the warring nations of Ku
rope ought lo care for the hungry
Belgians, the local committee aue-
ceeded In raising 121 for Betglsn re
lief. Thla amount waa forwarded Bat
urday by draft to tha elate eommls
slnn appointed by the governor. The
subscribers were: L. It. Van Winkle
II to. Clark Wood It 10. J. A. McKae
t. Kert Dudley 11 1. J. M. Benlstrr
II tt. P. T. Harbour tl. i. H. Price
I J JO, L. I. O'Harra 11. W. R. Woods
II. A. 1. Melntyre 11.10. Joe Key II
If. Goodwin 1, Watta Rogers 11
Local people who wish to give but
were not eeea by the committee may
forward their contrlbutlona to the
Oregon Re.glan Relief Commission,
Bamuel Hill, chairman, Portland, Ore
After lying Idle for centuries and of
late year being the subject of numer
ous controverslea. Laikes Bummer and
Abert. In the central part of the state,
have been leased to a New Tork ayn
dlcate tor a term of 41 years Mr. J
Moore, head of the ayndlcate. states
that hla company will spend $1,000. 004
for development work within the next
two yeers, and that If ths results meet
expectation from 1004 to (000 men
will be employed. Under the terms of
the lease the state will receive royal
ties of not lesa than I1S.000 per year,
the royalty to be baaed on the tonnage
of salts extracted from the lakes. The
present development plan Include the
construction of a pipe line down the
Deschutes valley to some point on the
Columbia river, where a plant for ex
trading the aalta will be erected.
There will be big doings la Odd Fel
lowship at Weston February IS, If II
when the county convention of the or
der will be held in thla city. It la ex
pected that between three and four
hundred vlalting brethren will be here.
end Weston Lodge No. II will don Its
beet bib and tucker for their enter
tainment. There will be competition
In first degree work between three
teams, representing Enterprise Lodge
of Pendleton and the Freewnter and
Weston lodges. The local "three-
linkers" are practicing assiduously for
this eveut and hope to make a credlta
ble showing. The Grand Master, the
Grand Warden and other Odd Fellows
of state-wide prominence are expected
to be pnocnt Ths- convention will
close, with an elaborate banquet.
Mr. MellMta Pries, wife of Hon. A
R. Price, former atats senator from
Umatilla county, died December 22 at
her home near Pullman, wash. Mra.
Price waa formerly' Mrs. Rogers, and
lived for many yeare near weaton.
She waa anions' the moat highly re-
siieoted pioneer women in this part of
the state, ana tne tmaiuia voumy
P'oneers Association lose an honored
member. Mm. Price waa born In 1111'
noia in IS40. and crototed the plaina by
ox team with her parenta aa early as
1852. she is survived ty ner nusosna
and seven children. Lowell and Frank
II . L)..,l !..,., Il.t n. VmiI RaA
era of Colfax. E. C. Kogera of Weston,
J. U. ltouers of Lewiston. Mra. George
McDonald of Pullman and Airs. tJX.
Sauxe of Walla Walla.
Weston High school lost both of Its
basket ball games to Waltaburg High
the boys at Waltaburg. It to S. and
the girls In the local court, 11 to 10.
The boya admit that they were hope
lessly outclassed, but say that they had
splendid time, neverthelesa, and that
It waa some distinction to lose a game
la WalUburg'a 141.000 hall. They say
that they went against a team of hu
man thunderbolts, perfected by con-
atant practice. At Weaton the Walta
burg girls took a long lead In the first
half, but In the aeeond the locals would
likely have passed tholr opponents
with a few more mlnutea to play. All
of Weston'a points were acored by Its
star forward. Miss Gladys Smith.
Mra. J. M. Ashworth of thla city has
received news of tha death of her
father. Mr. J. Whitt Price, an aged
and htghly respected cltixen of Stone-
ville. North Carolina. Nr. crtce, wno
for two year had been a aulTerer from
heart trouble, waa found dead in his
bed. He is aurvived by a widow, five
sons and three daughter. The Stone-
ville Observer pay tribute to ma
memory. . ,
Tha ladles nf tha United Brethren
Church have issued a handy cook book
f alinnt. 40 nsires. containing numer
ous recipes from tha best cooks in the
Weston neighborhood, i ne wise nus
band will buy ona as a Christmas pres
ent to his wife.
The Pendleton, Adams, Athena and
Weston auto stage leaves Weston
twice daily for Pendleton at 9 a. m.
and 5 d. m. Hound trip. 11.75 Head
quarters at Goodwin's drug; store. A.
M. uovden, proprietor.
Daintv little birth cards announoe
the arrival of Lynn Driskell Fontaine
at the home of Mr. and Mra. G. U.
Fontaine near Dayton, Wash.
Among the .visitor who thronged
the busy streets of this metropolis dur
ing the week We noticed Mr. and Mrs.
u. r . uuruia oi Auama.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Staggs have gone
to Pennawawa, Wash, for a holiday
visit with Mr. Stairga' mother, Mrs.
, w. Achilles.
Mr. and Mr. Jack Calder ara Christ-
mas visitors with Mrs. Calder'a sister,
Mra. Robert MoEwen, near Milton.
Tha management of Weston oner
house announces a masquerade ball for
New Year'a night, January I, mo.
Good six-room house, with electrio
lights, near school building, for rent.
Inquire of Mr. W. M. Powers.
Claud Warren and Oils Reynolds
came down from Connell this week for
Christmas visit.
Claud Davis Is out again, after a se
vere illness with appendicitis.
F. O. Lucas Is back'from bis trip to
St. Anthony, Idaho.
Fine Jersey mlloh cow for tale. E.
. DeMos.
Weston poaarsae some unusually
good dramatic talent, and It will be
seen to excellent advantage In "A
Daughter of tha Desert," to ba pre
sented si th opera bouse Wednesday
evening, December 30. under atiaplees
of tha Kpworth League and under Ul
reetiun vf Mrs. J, J. ilseler.
'1'he scenes of tba play are located In
Arixona at the lime vf the Apache In
dian raids In infi. and It is replete
with dramatic Incidents and stirring
climsxra, relieved bv a pleasing vain
of comedy. It la said tbat "A Daugh
ter of the Desert," in rack win prove
to be one of the must fascinating plays
ever presented here, aitber by local or
pruieaslonsl latent.
Tha east follows:
Harold Morton, a Railroad Surveyor
Claud Pries
Clarence Oirden. an Arixona Ranch-
tr rrank uranam
Samuel Hohkioe. a Land Speculator
T. U. aicMrio
Pedro Silvers, a Mexican Reneged
K. L. Ulomgren
Jim Parker, a Gambler wbo la on tba
Hauar John names
Rill Jones, a Sura Bra Sheriff
Uarry Sbick
Ruth Arlington, a Daughter of the
Desert Doris Barnes
Lucv Hooklns. Her College Chum...
Klixa Morrison
Mrs. Mary Oirden. an Arixona Wid
ow ins rn
White Bird, an Apache Indian Girl
Mabel Graham
Cowboys, Kie.
Pure-bred Scotch collie pupa for
sale. E, C Zehra.
"Duck shooting good," reports the
E. O. For the ducksf
Weston people seem to be Christmas
giving this year In an. open-handed and
generous way. not only at borne but
abroad. No leas than a doaea mall
sacka full of Christmas present went
out Tuesday from the local postofflce.
Umatilla county aheep men have be,
gun feeding cotton aeed cakes, which
come from the South and are delivered
at a cost of 111 to 140 per ton. It la
claimed that the cakes hsve ten tlmea
the atrength of alfalfa and four tlmea
the atrength of barley or corn. J. N,
Burgees, Smythe brothers, R. N. Stao-
fleld. K. a. Warner and other big
growers are trying thla Innovation.
Tha follow inr officers of Stevens
Lodge No. 4. Knights of Pythias.
were elected at a reecnt meeting: J
n Enrllsh. Chancellor Commander:
E. C Rogera. Vice Chancellor; Claud
trn Prolata: C 1 Plnkorton. Mas
ter of Work: Clark Wood. Keeper of
Records and Seal; J. H. trice. Master
r Flnince: P. A. McBride. Master a
Arms: J. M. Price. Inner Guard: R. O.
Baling. Outer Guard; L. L O Hans,
Trustee. '
The highest official price for wheat
ever reached before in the Pacific
Northwest was recorded Monday on
the Merchants' Exchange at Portland.
when 5000 bushels of February club
sold at 11.11. At Pendleton Saturday
W. W. Harrah aold 1000 bushels re
bulk for May delivery st This
Is nearly equivalent to the unprece
dented price at Pendleton of 11.10 per
buahel for sacked grain. Experts
tlmate that only four million bushels
of wheat are left In the hands of Pa
cific Northwest farmers.
The Umatilla county court haa
made a levy of eight mills for county
and state purposes, or two mills leas
than last year. Weston Is exempt from
the 14 mills road tax. but It city levy
Is IS mills and lis school levy 7 4
making a total of 18 mills which the
taxpayers of this city will be required
to "ante up" next spring. Hermtston
haa tha heaviest tax in the county,
with IH mills Freewater la second
with 18 Vi and Weaton third. Pendle
ton pays 11 V4 mills, Athena 12 Vi and
Milton 11 H The heavy outlay Inci
dent to Wreston'a waterworks exten
sion occasions Ita higher levy.
Omaha. Nob. Night achool has
been started In Nebraska's atate prison
and 110 prisoners attend classes In
shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping
and all common achool branches. A
number of the prisoners are taking
extension work from the University
of Nebraska.
Montclatr. N. J. If you have a re
liable "anti-fat" remedy Chairman
Thomaa P. McOlynn, of the Montclair
fire department would like to hear of
It. The Montclair firemen have so
little work to do that they are fast
putting on too much weight for the
good of the service.
New Orleans. At the convention
of the U. S. Brewers association. Just
closed, the fact waa revealed that,
through the new war tax, the U. S.
government la getting three times as
much revenue from the beer as the
brewers get
Muskogee, Okla. Miss Flora Wets-
el!, a telephone girl, started to answer
a call recently and could not apeak.
Her physicians say that she may never
speak again. The cause of her loss of
voice la unknown.
Auburn, Ala. The Crimson-White,
a first-class weekly paper. Is Just ed
ited and published by the students of
the University of Alabama. It la run
along the lines of a regular weekly
paper and Is a credit to the students
In charge of the "sheet."
Weston Is Stirred Tp.
(Monday Crawfish.)
Latest advices from Weston are to
the effect that tho town la all agog
over the European war, and that the
local war college, of which Colonel
Clark Wood Is chief expert, has de
cided that the situation In Northern
France at the present time Is both
grave and serious, not to say alarming.
At Your Service
Omnibus or Thxicab
Phone No 203 or leave orders at
Main Street Barn.
General Livery and Feed
a i . I
Hardware Logic
is full of meaning when read between the lines.
e Want Money
and you have it. Let us have some of it. Well
give you more solid value for it than
you ever imagined.
Nails Four Cento
just for cash. Lay them out one by one and see
what you are getting by the yard on the
"Last Day of the Fair."
Cutlery, Silverware, Staple Toys, Fancy
Dishes, Aluminum and Granite ware
VIUJAM MacKENZie. flata4
J. ft. PRICe. Vic Prssldtat
E. M. Sunn, Cashiar
I. L BLOMGREN. Assistant CaaW
Established 1891
His Farmers Bask of Hi
People do not have Bank
Accounts because they are
successful, but they are
successful because they
have Bank Accounts.
DIRECTORS Dr. F. D. Watts. Wm. MacKenac. 0 C Tur
ner, 0. W. Staggs, Joseph Wurzcrj J. It Price, J. C Price.
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty . (minimum) ... .........
One hundred....:.....
Two hundred
Each additional hundred.,
:...$0 75
.... 1 00
1 50
.... 0 30
are enhanced by the right sort of giving
Many articles
from our big
Furniture Stock
will make
and pleasing
E, O. BeW
tl DaTaSP
fapT ajaf EsbsJ
Patent Medicines
Toilet Articles
Wall Paper
Aldon's Candies
Holiday Goods
Druggist, Weston, Oregon