ESTONl SADER WESTON, OHEOON, FKIDAY, DKCEMJIEII 18, 1914. NO. 26. vol. xxxiv. w LITTLE 'MS ON Man mammy say dat landy Clau eon T.r food U I boy, Kci brina ar ho'n en ar bl rad drum, Rn yuihar lay. Ilul thy while rhlllunt ts dam new I rain on'alaiT. I ttiaaa I knows a-hiil Randy Claua do II sae'n dan' manl I,aa' yaah ha rkmb down ouah aloveptp W'.nal l a aralaao. JCT lvi-h soma oyna boul half rtpe fcn th'ae lu ahaD. Kn on. (Ira Jump' Jarka-broken, douB Ilul dan. my Ian I 'Bmil diahyare Handy Claua 1 da know II aae'n ban maul I a a' my mammy f Bandy Claaa sin' lion know da how Tar man' dam Inya, an' flt dry paint. Kn aha aay: "Now. Dob' worry, chile, 'boul da whit folk. llll'a Am a-ond I-aa-d'a olan." o I swaa dai mah Mltlali Handy Claue- II see nan' man I REFUSED TO RECOGNIZE DAY Puritan of England Mud Christmas 11101 and Dsclartd It a Ml dmanor tp B Gay. English Puritan of tha eeventeentb sentury guarded against looking upon th roy aide of lira. Because Christmaa li really a eur- rival of tha Ct(' Yule, and I not lh actual anniversary of tha birth ol Christ, they refuted to countenance Chriitma festivities. Not only did thy refuse to reeoimlte tha day, but tbty toad lawa to that enact. Tba parliament of 1844 patted an tot ordering all law abiding cltlsent to observe December 15 aa solemn hat. to be spent in silent atonement for prevloua ChrUtmai day that bad pawed In rlotoua llvin- and merry- Baking. ' Naturally tba community did not shara in the hard , and fast rules, ind many a turkey was aurreptltlous ly killed, and many a plum pudding julttly boiled. Hut woe betide the anfortunai offender agalnat the act were bo luckiest enough to bo dle- vrd. Soldlera were sent to loarch the bouses of those suspected of harbor Inc luch dcllcaclei aa mince plea, tv and many were the pitched bat tle between disagreeing aectlona of tfca public, ; UNDER THEJMISTLETOE To ask a strt If you may kits her before doing It la an insulting way of lavlnt- all the responsibility on bar. e e In a man'a opinion a klsa la an ond that Justifies any means. Yon needn't be afraid of a mere klsa. Tbouaanda are exchanged daily (y people of tbe highest reputation. The kissed girl fear no mistletoe. . e e e a kiss la aa good aa a smile and I goo deal better, tool "The Ideal kiss la the klsa that la te?ar given, r " see A Mas too soon mar be a fall atop a) the tale of lore. The child who doubta about Banta Baas has insomnia. The child who jatkma baa a good nlgUt'a reat A CHRISTMAS CONSPIRAC Hew Grandmother Heart Waa QlaaV dnd by Remambraneea From the Children. "Grandmother Jeaaupl Bulla's tone waa distinctly ao euslng; It waa evident that grand' mother bad aomethlng to anawer for. Grandmother, from bar Invalid chair, looked acroea at tba girl who stood at bar bureau drawer. She bad en dured years of pain and weakneea but they bad not aucceeded In quench Ing the spirit in the frail figure; bar voice waa as saucy aa a girl's, , "Not guilty what la Itr "It's your handkerchiefs. How many doien bare youT" "Seven or eight Too aee, I have even of the dearest grandublldrtn In tba world. It's queer, Isn't It, that your nose should be so especially honored when you grow oldT Hut Stella's gray eyea forgot to laugh back at grandmother1. Some thing bad dlconcrtd ber. She put the handkerchief back, made aome trivial excuse, and ran up to ber owa koom, where ber sister and cousins were holding a Christmas conclave, "I wonder," aha burst out. "that grandmother can endure Cbrlstmsa at all!" "what under the tun do yon mean?" Corlnne and Isabella ei- claimed together. "Corlnne, what did you give grand' mother for Chrtstmtt last yearf" A boi of handkerchief Wbyr "And you, laabellaT" "An embroidered handkerchief with little weeny Initials." Molller Two handkerchiefs. Mollis con fessed. "There dldnt seem to be anything else eicept slumber slip pers, and Aunt Maria always knit those." And Laurie and I gave ber hand' kerchlefa. We always give ber band kerchiefs because she's old, and they're the easiest thing to think oft Girls she Isn't old she's as young as any of ua down In ber heart, and aba lore pretty thlnga Just aa much aa ever. Tbla year lat a give ber tne biggest surprise of ber life a Christ mas that will make bur really happy.' Out how what " Corlnne stam mered. 'What do w like best each of uir "Jewels!" "Books!" "Hand ambroid ery!" "Candy!" "Silk stockings!" The answers came In a laughing shower. Well, then, why notT Orandma'd love a bit of Jewelry from ue chosen lust for her. And books not Tboughta of Cheer,' aa If ah were melancholy, but lov atorlea that end ell. And why not embroider ber something T And If not silk stockings, then a pair of allppera with Uoy vel vet bows. As for candy, she'd love to bav It to pas round, even It aha couldnt oat mucb herself." "And let Dob and Archie aend ber their absurd Jokes aa they do to the reat of usT It doesnt seem respect ful." "But grandma doesn't want to be leemedretpectful-to," Stella declared. She'd Just lov to be counted In with the rest of as, little vsnltles and Jokes and all. 0 girls, try It once and see!" And tbat waa tha way tha Christ mas conspiracy siartea. uranu mother's eyea on Christmas morning were proof of Its success. Youths Companion. "Soma generous person," said little Socrates Bulglnbrow, of Boston, "has been kind enougb to aend ma a copy of Mother Goose's lyrics for Christ- . Do you know, the theory that a representative of tba bovine genua at one time leaped over the chief luminary of the night leada to aome; Interesting calulatlona as to tha mus-; aular development of the cows of that time, i I have ascertained that they must have been endowed with1 strength proportionate to that of tba flea of the present day." THE JOY Of SHOPPING. By Wilbur D. Neablt I lov to go and (hop for thing 16 and a Christmas gifts to friends. for than my fancy alrd en wines, I fal ths Joy that nevar enda, 0, what a raptura Hi to stand Ana do stepped upon, oumpea into, Joggled. Jostled, pushed, equeesed. thoved. frowned at scowled upon, trampled, brulaed,' slammed, rushed. hurried. Jolted, and finally get up to tba counter and dlrcover that Torn are) It tba wrong one! 8AIO LITTLE SOCRATES TRUE SPIRIT OF DAY Christmas Glvina Should Bt Prompted by the Heart. ellglon In the Orthodox 6ens Not Neessssry to Appreelst Finer Cualltles of Orst Christian Holiday. By PRUDENCE BTANDIftH NPR mitral tha rhriatmastlds Ol and Ita beautiful meaning Is I a. I. . t- - . I A l.aln lb shepherds, watching their flocks br ntsht are sore afraid at the glory which tblnes about tbem. Clothed In blinding light the angel apoaks; the huavenly boat tbat crowda auddenly about bim amg oi slor In the highest and peace and good will. Tbe wise men who have teen bla atar In tha East kneel and spread tbelr gifts of gold and myrrh and frankincense without question. The miracle of 2,000 years ago is still new and glad and lovely, tor, to! la all Christendom bells peal and sweet choirs sing the message given by tbo blinding angel and tbe crowd log host: F0r behold I bring you tidings of treat Joy which ahall be to all people. Glory to Ood In the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men. Thla la tbe message of the Chrltt- mastide, yet the bigger naif or inns- lendom makes tbe period ue pagan festival it once was at tbe time ol the winter solstice. We give guts, tor sake of tbe gods of custom snd marriment forgetting entirely thst they are for sak of the great spiritual Joy "which shsll be to all people. Tbe gold and myrrh and frankincense of tbe heart are withheld we glvt gifts because we've got to. and keer our hearts as mucb closed to tht Christmas child as was the Inn. ( bsva our own selfish ends to gain, tht rich patron to cater to. the friend to appease. Wa beap little children with daxtllng toys, and light tne starry lamos of their fir trees because It is the fashion, and we do our small Christmas charities because It wouic teem mean not to do them. Wo have forgotten the Joyout and sublime meaning of Christmas. On does not need to be religious In th orthodox sense to appreciate the flnei quality of this great festival, for wbal Is known as Christian feeling bai coma to be a moral obligation at thli time a point of etiquette, in truth for the heart and mind. In point of mere etiquette what the social world thinks on tbe sud Ject of Chrlstmss gift giving It thought bad taste for a person of mod est means to give presents of valui to others of wealth and influence, foi thla aavora too mucb llko currying U continued favor If the giver Is alread) under obligations. But some know! edge of the bolpful friend's exUtenct is necessary, and this may take the form of a pretty Christmas card wltt an appropriate greeting; or a knot ol flower or winter berriea may be aem with a nolo expressing warm Christ mas wishes. Tbat the senrant who has given hei bodily strength snd heart's best Inter eat to the home must not be forgot ten, goea without saying; but It 1 certainly bad form to make the pool servitor's gift an inexpensive trim when something better can be afford ed. Then what a woeful want of tasti It shows for us to defer buying friend's or sister's present until w bav found out what ahe means tc give us, and so make the exchange s quid pro qua The gift that goea tc friend or relative is above all one fot love, and It Is undoubtedly better taste for the recipient of the simpler girt In tha exchange to appear at pleased aa if she had received some thing ten times its value. But then, what matters the nature of the gift after all? The spirit it tha thing and doea not this Billy plo ture or cushion, so unbecoming to tht parlor, mean that the friend or elstei haa thought of uaT Aa for tbe little children, so much are their feelings painfully atralned at thla time that I would like to write a book on the aubject. I beg every mother not to threaten the poor little heart that misbehaves sometimes with tbo eternal word that "Santa Claus wotlt come if you do that any more." Tbe dear kiddle who forgets to be good knows better after a year or two of this harrowing threat which makes you out a story teller. Meanwhile, there is tbe little heart Btaylng awake at night with Its dreadful anxieties; there are the audden storms of bitter tears, with all the glory of Chrlstmat aunk In tha bottomless pit of absolute aurenesa that Santy dear, abused, good old fat gentleman wont come. We remember the poor and drop a few pennlea gladly for the blind chil dren. But why do we do it why? It is because a wide, sweet star has stopped over a atable In the far East, because the church choirs are singing ol peace on earth and good will toward men. So let ua never lose sight of that fact with our gifts, whether our hands tender or receive them; for the heart closed to tha deeper algnlflcance ot Christmas may truly be likened to tha Inn that held no room. Let us aend with each gift some of tht heart 'a true gold and frankincense bind it with tha eord of soma memory of Bethlehem, Let ua receive each and every one of our gifta aa tldlngt of treat Joy. BRYAN IS WHO Cam Would Consider Use Force Unfriendly Act of Bryan't Declaration That Retali ation Would Not Bt Invasion h flatly Contradict. Vera Crus "If the United State emtiloy force to atop tbo firing by Mexicans across tbo International boundary Kn at Naeo. li will be coo. sfdered an unfriendly act, notwith standing tbo Mendly motive cloaking tha act." In thla manner General Carransa mad anawer. In a statement to tbo Associated Fro, to the formal notie erred by tbe United Bute on both PntvUlnnal Praaidant Gutierrez and General Carranxa that unless such fir ing ceased fore would be employed to protect American territory. Carrania'a rcnlv to the American note will be In general a repudiation of responsibility for any shots that hava eroaaad tha line, and clearly sets forth that bo and bla government will regard Intervention at ruaco as a oaf tlla and nnfriendlv act. At no time since tba receipt ox sec retary Bryan's note, lu which atten tion was called to the repeatoa woono- mar and tilling ox resiaenis oi ue town tha Knrthom alHa of tba Una. baa General Carransa aDDeared perturbed. out n naa naa long comeroncas) wiia i knu rlruui in him. and. in f raminar bis . . . . . iu reply, it is said, be baa been careful not to let himself remain in any an mHiIii llo-ht. "General Hill,' who is commanding the constitutionalist forces at Naeo, is on the defensive," continued General Carranxa, "and since his back was to the line it is difficult to sea bow be could be responsible for the firing in question. Tbe fact is tbat Maytoreea's n,n hava haain tha attaf klnar DartV and therefore it appears reasonably clear that they, and only uey, eouia nave been to blame. 'As a matter of fact. I do not know that the rights of the American eiti tena bsve been violated. It seems to ma that, it would ha well far the State department to Investigate this ques tion in order to nctne rosponaioiiiiy. a ..a a . i n "I rememDer similar instances at ci Paso, where th Maderieta force were attacking; there. In that ease those shot were for the most part tbe Impru dent and curious individuals who flock ed to witness tbe fighting; as if it bsd been a spectacular show staged for tbelr benefit. "As to tbe use of force, of which Mr. Bryan talks, thst is something the gravity of which I fear be does not full aonreclate. He savs it would not mean an invasion of our territory nor a violation of our national sover eignty. It, would. And, moreover, it would more certainly be an act against the constitutionalists who hold the town and in favor of tbe Villaistaa, who would be left free to continue tneir operation, ii, wuuiu oimyij tying General Hill's hands and leaving their operations. It would be simply Mavtorena free. "I sincerely hope that good friend ship of the American people towards tho Mexican people will prevent the consummation of Secretary Bryan's threat" Battleship Oregon to Be Bead of Canal Parade Waahlncrtnn. D. C. Not Onlv will tbe battleship Oregon lead the navies of the world through the Panama Ca nal on the date of formal dedication next February, but she will cany on her bridge tbe President of tha United States. Thus tha ooeninir of tha Panama Ca nal becomes a eala day for tha old warship, which gained such distinction i inch distinction AHdoibt onthi. c . t .k. In the Siwniah war. score is cleared up by Secretary of the Navv Daniels in bis annual report, in the Panama Canal, Secretary Daniels says : "The great maritime power of the world have been invited, and a number of them have accepted the invitation, to participate in the exercises incident tn tha nnanino- nf tha Panama canal. The international fleet and the ships of our own navy escorting if win assem ble at Hampton Roads In February, 1915. where they will be reviewed by the President of the United States. After the review they will sail for Cristobal thence thev will proceed to Balboa, on the Pacific tide. Fortune Tellers Barred. Lubeck Fortune-tellers now are forbidden to practice in any part of tbe German empire. Soon after the war broke out they began to do an enormous business with relatives of soldiers in the field, who wanted to know how thinga were going with them. . Visits to the fortune-tellers often had tragic consequences, aa many of the callers were in a high state of nervous tension. The uncertainty of relatives regarding their men folk at the front has been aggravated Dy tne muddle of field postal organization. Child Drowned in Milk. Modesto. Cal The infant son of Gregario Yrigogea, a Swiss dairyman, fell into a tank of skimmed milk Mon day on the father's ranch and waa drowned. The child, unable to walk, crawled to the tank. Tho top waa only a few inchea from th ground. Tha milk waa about 18 Inchea deep. Efficient. But Not Large Armu Advlted bu Wood New York Organisation of a de pendable volunteer army through col lag camp, Federal control of tho militia, increase In tho Regular army and provision for adequate armament are easetnlals for meeting tho sudden stuck of any hostile power on tbe United States, tho members of th Merchants' association of New York war told Wednesday by Major General Laonard Wood and Henry Biimson, .j-Tatarv of War. It is not a largo army, bat a fully efficient army that Is needed, uenerai ujwwl aaiH. and In fllllna- thla need th college campa must play an Important part in training volunteer omcars, ior it ia on tbo volunteer army that tbo wmhIm mnat nltlmalalv nafMRid. Tha Dlan of tho general staff to bring the army force up to 00,000 I only a top-gap, ba continued, while tho full cltixen army U Ming organ- lead. Vm mlo-ht aa well, under modern war conditions, try to organise a big reserve without previous preparation as to try to organise a uiesaving serv lea an a shipwrecked vessel that la ntns- to nfaMa." aald General Wood. "To bring our forces op to 600,000 wo shall nave to have iz,ow aoaitionai nAn. For thla DUrDOSO WO BTOSt have college campa, such aa existed .r rtttmburo- ami Monterey 'Thla ar wa nrobablv ahall hava OOftA twraa In fnnr of thaaa amna. Th boys made a better record last year and this shows what you ean ao witn lnllimnt men in a abort time than was made by the best company of tbo Fifth Regular Infantry for tho same range. Over 60 per cent developed i .,Lnii At tha end of th five weeks' training period a board of our own officers examined taeee young sters and recommended 129 of tbem as flt for volunteer officers in tho lower "Now this is tno aina oi ayawun Mh I think ran ha anolled in this , country. I hope tbat eventually it will grow into a general movement, em bodying, say, a six months enlistment hkan into nariorla of two months each, to be taken during the economic and educational vacation, so as to in terfere as little as possible with tbe work of the young men who are in business and tbe educational work of the boys who are in college. I think if we ean do that there will be developed a large number of trained youngsters as otneers ol volunteers ana a still larger number as trained men to form tha nnrelua of volunteer compan ies In ease we are ao unfortunate as to become involved in war. Some auch method aa tbat must bo adopted. De- cause when war cornea it will come suddenly and unless we are the aggres sor which is highly improbable, it will come from one who is holly pre pared and who knows when he ia com ing and where be ia coming. Warships Will Be Sent r Jo Panama Canal Zone Waahinirtnn. D. C President Wil son and hia cabinet decided Wednesday to aend American warships to tne ca nal cone tn maid arainst violation of neutrality there by belligerent ships. Just bow many snips, ana wnetner destroyers or cruisers or battleships .k.n k. r!Urf.hvt will be determined w , . . after a fuU report has been received from Colonel Goethals, military gover nor cf tho canal cone, and Captain Rodman, naval officer at the canal. Rnth Kenratarv Garrison and Secre tary Daniels made it clear that the de- lav in acting on the request ol ixuonei Goethals for two destroyers waa due to a lack of information. Mr. Garrison explained that the colonel haa sent two messages, one asking for the destroyers, without specifying the purpose of thier use. In reply to a message of inquiry on the latter point Colonel Goethals ex plained that the wireless regulations were being violated in canal waters, and referred to the misuse of the canal tone as a base of supplies. The War department again asked I or Pifle instances or wnat naa oc- currM but no further information ha. been received. On a full explanation of conditions action will be taken and under what departmental Jurisdiction. War Threatens Gould Kin. Brealau The Breslaur Zeitung de mands the confiscation of the principal- ity of Sagan, which stands in the name vided the expense budget for tho eea of Prince Howard, of Sagan, son of son and it is said the levy will bo a Duke Helie and the Duchess of Tally rand. The Duchess was Anna Gould of New York. The confiscation is de manded as a reprisal against the al leged confiscation of German property in FYanr. The principality of Saltan embraces the castle of Sagan and 60,- 000 acres. Duke Helie renounced nis title of Prince of Sagan in favor of his son at the time of his father's death. British Lose Sea Chance. Berlin Among the items given ont by the Official Press Bureau were the following: "Tho English naval peri odical Nautilus reports that the form er first sea lord. Prince Louis of Bat- tenberg, planned to cut on tne mer man fleet In Norwegian waters the nio-ht of Ausrost 1 to 2. but that the wavering of the British cabinet frus trated his plan." Kaiser's Doctors Anxious. Paris A Madrid dispatch published in tha Journal aava- "Reliable news tamlrai hara mm that Emneror Wil liam' condition, although recorded by the bulletins as improving, is giving great anxiety. His doctors speak of a serious sore throat, following diph theria, which the emperor contracted during a visit to tba Eastern front." All-ilAM W UHw Industrial Accident Board Salm Numerous unique replies bav been received by tho State In dustrial Accident commission from beneflclariea of tho compensation act to tbe question asked by tha board : "How In your opinion coo Id such acci dents b avoided?" E. A. Dahl, employed by tba Pacific Brick company, lost 14 days from work because of an injury to an oy caused by a fellow workman striking bim with a mod ball. "Such accidents may be avoided," bo writes, "by workmen attending to business and not playing when they . should bo at work." "Don't follow a dump-cart over tho dump," ia tbe suggestion of John Kelly, employed by the i. W. Sweeney Contraction company, who with his cart tumbled down hiU and was inca pacitated for work for several days. C. C. Whlta an amnlova of the Gambrinus Brewery, suffered Injury to four digits on bis right nana, causing permanent stiffness, by allownig hi band to ba caught between two beer. kegs which ho waa rolling. He thought auch injur! ea could bo avoided Hopgrowers Would Form i Co-operative Association HeMintiTille At a mtrtinf of bop- and business mon of McMinn- vllle and vicinity Thursday afternoon in tho Commercial club assembly haJL tho Oregon Hopgrowers' association's representatives thoroughly aroused tbo interest of Yamhill boptTrowers in tho co-operative leature oi tnis organiza tion. - About 100 hopgrowers and business men attended. W. T. Vinton, state senator, presided, and Walter Kirk- wood assisted. After a morning session, at which the purposes of the association were stated briefly, tho afternoon session waa given over primarily to H. L. Mah an, temporary president, who spoke from a business standpoint on th necessity of co-operation. Mr. Mah an opened hia address by saying that tho present plight of hopgrowers waa tbo excuse for this organization. Fruit and Vegetable Dis - eases to Be Discussed Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- vallis Result of recent spraying ex periments in apple and pear scab con trol, will be discussed by Professor H. S. Jackson, plant pathologist of -the Oregon station, at the O. A. C annual abort course, January 1 to SO, 1915. Laboratory and field experiment bar been carried on extensively during tho past year and it ia the purpose of tho department to give to the short coarse students the benefits of the additional information aecnredL ' Other subiecta to be treated by Professor Jackson are fire blight of apple and pear, appla tree anthraetnose, apple mildew, peacn leaf curl, and California peach blight, brown rot of prunes and other atone fruits, fi-ooseberrv mildew, and other gooseberry and currant troubles, mil dews of grain crops, dealing with both cause and control, important diseases of clover and alfalfa, and tho rust of pear and quinces a new Western dis ease. Professor Jackson will aiao ex plain the methods of potato seed pro duction with reference to diseases and disease control. The growers of small fruits and bush fruits will bo especially interested in Pmfaaaor Barns' treatment, and logan berry anthracnose and other cane fruit diaeasea and some of tho common and destructive disease of cherries, and mushroom rot as a disease in fruit trees, will also be handled by Profes sor Bans. Voiratahle diaeasea. such aa DOiatO rot d wilt, including rhisoctonia, po- uto tato ufoa, and common potato .k ,i nnwder scab will be dis- scab and powdery scab will be dis cussed bv Professor Bailey. Other voretahla dieases. as of onions, celery. cabbage and tomatoes, will be treated from the standpoint of cause ana con trol. Curry Levy to Go Higher. Msrshfield Curry county has pro- little heavier than for 1914. One item which adds to the 1915 expenditures is the provision for reconstructing the Elk River county bridge, four miles from Port Orford. at an expense of (6000. The County court at its recent meeting agreed it would be necessary also to allow a considerable increase in the bills for clerk hire, as the county is growing and the official business la in creased greatly in soma lines. Gov. West Will Practice Law. Salem Oswald West, governor of Oregon, has announced that after his term of office expires early in January he will engage in tbo practice of law in Portland. Ha and Claude C. Mc Colloch, ox-state senator from Baker eountv. and Governor West's lieuten ant on the floor of the senate at the 191S session of tho legislature, have formed a partnership to bo known as West A McCoUoch. - Lady Gets Good Job. ; Salem Governor Weat has appoint ed his private secretary, Miss Fern Hohha. a member of tho State Indus trial Accident commission, to succeed C D- Babcock, whose term win ex pire January 1. Tbo term la four wear and tho salary 13600 a year. I ivvvi vr by persons keeping their bands away . from beer kegs. " C P. Mason, employed by th Coos ' Bay Time Publishing company, sat on an oil can, puncturing the sciatic nerve. "Be careful where you alt," was bit anawer to tha question. , "Wear wooden aboea Ilk th Bl- glana," wa th reply of an employe of tho Nieolal Neppach company, who crushed bis feet by droppnig hesvy , timber on tbem, and waa unable to ' work for several days. J. A Allen, an employe of tba Union ; Meat company, while attempting to kill ' a botr. waa kicked la tho stomach by tba animal. "Kill 'em first," writes i Allen to th commission. . "Keep away from tho bos! nest end of a mule." ia tho sunrestion of L. L Griffith, employed on tbo Tumalo Irri- gation project, who was seriously in- jurod because be did not heed his own 7 injunction. f A man injured whil working in a sawmill blamed a co-worker, who waa of foreiam birth. Ho said auch acei- , dents could bo avoided by "keeping . th foreigner out of tba country." Then, step by step, ha clearly laid before hia bearer th necessity for a farmers' association that would talcs care of and control 70 per cent of the f bops of this state, to act in conjune- ", tion with like organixatlona in Call- f fomia and Washington. A number of ; horwTowera interroe-ated the sneaker, t and all of tha advantage of tho asso- V elation were brought out Local bust- -noes men and bankers endorsed tha : movemont. Including W. C. Hsgerty, , W. B. Smith, D. M. Nayberger and : Ralph Wortman. Many subscription were obtained for stock in tho organization, which .! will bo Incorporated as soon aa the required amount ia taken, i "Tho meeting her was enthusiastic ; and eneonrafi-insr " said E. V. D. Paul. ' of Polk county, who baa been assisting tho committee in ita work ol enlisting ,. tho moral as well aa financial support ; of hopgrowers" throughout the valley, i Jackson County Spends $500,000 On toads A ahland Jackson eountv bastpent .. nearly $500,000 on roads in 1914. Tho Siskiyou unit of tha Pacific highway ' baa coat to date 1160,000, or 112,000 a mile. From Ashland's western out- -skirta to tho Poor farm, about five miles, tho expense has been nearly 112.000 a mile, or a total of 152,000. -. Thia stretch haa an asphalt wearing surface five inchea thick, and waa eon tract work. From the Poor farm to Medford, less than seven miles, tho nat waa 71 OOO. divided between county and state, averaging fll.000 a , ' mile. v v.? Tbe Central Point unit was the most expensive, costing 116,000 a mile. . Thia hnnravar includes th COSt of i machinery and material, tha entire ex-, : oenso over thia particular area amount ing to nearly $55,000. About $25,000 was applied on new construction and grading, while the maintenance of the . roada throughout the county in general . ' coat nearly $90,000. Tho foregoing figures are semi-official as given out t by tho county court. More than half of the paved surface completed on tho Pacific highway to date has a concrete , base. . . . ,., ,t SUetz Road Unit Near. " Dallas It is practically certain bow , that tho much-talked-of permanent road between Falls City and the Silett will be started within the year, itoaa District No. 91. of this county, in which most of the Sileti road is lc- j eated, haa voted a special tax of 5 mills for this purpose. The county court haa signified its intention to give ". "? I ".Tthi. riai J ho district, ft ddrtion tosspecud levy. U ot the money raised on the levy, all of tho money raised on the general road levy in that district; to srether with other money from tbe gen eral road fund. When improved the . distance between Portland and New- port will bo cut down about 13 miles . and a highway given to tourists that , will equal anything in tho West from the standpoint of scienic beauty. The . Lincoln county court haa commenced work on the Lincoln county end of the ' road. Judgment Levy Denied. Salem Circuit Judge Galloway de cided that Mrs. Grace D. Barnes held : title to valuable property In this eity, and that A. B. Spencer, of Los An geles, who obtained judgment for $70,- 000 against her husband, L. S. Barnes, . , could not levy on It Judge Galloway characterised tho decree of the Cali fornia court awarding Spencer a judg-. , ment against Barnes as a "lightning . flash of snap judgment" The suit re lated to profits in a mining deal, plain- , tin alleging that Barnes kept money that should hava been divided. ' ' Buena Vista Bops Sold. Rnana ViataOwiiUr tO the loSS Istt year by growers holding the crop, hop- growers In this vicinity nsv soiu tu greater part of tho 1914 crop. The bops were held for several weeks In hopes of higher prices, but as th , prices rose slowly, the growers decided t aall Tha eroo was much smaller - than usual this year In the Luckf smut . valley and In many ower section- pi Polk county, but tha hops were solid and of an exceptionally good quality. A greater acreage ia planned for next year. y: