The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 11, 1914, Image 1

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    V'. -TT"
WESTON, OKKflOXf Fill DAY, 1IKCKM1IEK 11, 1014.
NO. 23.
Waehlngton, D. C.-Prld.nt Wll
eon meeaage, daliveied to congress
Tuesday, I follow. tit III I'miiiiw Tlx aeeelua
ufua Hivli rue ere Nmr entering alii
lh. glueing eeaelua lif III S-ld l'i..irM
I'VHIIM., venluio Iu eer, arhlin a
lung be rmeinl.eid fur lh great I
-f ttieuahtful n4 riinetMirlli e vorB ahl-
II hue dune, In total reeiieaoe le lb
IhuuaM ant hwill ul lb euuiilir- I eheu
Use I IHI alureee I lev I. a- Hi nulehle
reroed end trv I Bdeuuele ml II. kul no duulil (lnil la
imp ik ui. ihi h.. Se dune end
euieelvee In mush rl uf II l glar III
e-ert ef Blelurletto laeerd M
Meraover. uur thoughts r ae mure of
lh future llli ef Ihe beet. While
Bete Berhed al eur la. a uf ieare, lh
elr-uvteteheee af III llllttl age have heee
ei tared er ar.
kw Teeka Ara rasa,
What a heve dee far ur lend
14 fur wir aa neuvle a did BHh
eei in. I a., in ua. Bh.ih.r of eharaeter
m af latell's.nie. allh euber entlieeleem
anil e.nnil.ave la Ik. rinrllee U
eliteli a.r ailing Hl.h eueislaed us
I ev.rv atv ut in difliruli wnderiaelna
h.i li l. i.m. li la. .a.M4 front au
fcende, II I. ana a aalal.ll.biMt eerl ut
Iba uf lha ruunlfr ia eefel
raea. lla er?eie alll dlecluee Ihernealvee la
What ihl.fl elrlk.a a a, a a leek
about ua durtna tk..a tlneing dere of
.ar ablrh etll la tur.ver m.motelile I
lha kl.lulv l Hi. a arid, la Ib.l a feee
r. te.he. hata l.e.n Urlng Ih.m iheee
Biunlhe. muet fece i.m In lb menlhe
la eunte fuliee ih.m alibuul nerllaaa
feeling. Ilka ta.a ka heve loigutlen everr
ihlna lut a luniniol duty an4 lb fa'
thai Be ere r.ur.eenleilvee of great
ala hHHi Ihnuahl la nnl of a. but
ahel America eeee la k.ilf and la al
Mankln4 In euch elrrumetanree . lh
yovk ahlch a loh em.iwe i4 ansloue. Mill Meed Our Mailt.
War haa Interrupted lha m.ana of trail.
not enlv l.ul alau lha prtw of arooua
ll. la sMtme II I. d.eirurlag iti.n and
reeuurree ehuleeele and uin a arala
(.m.lrl..! and rwllln) Thala I f
fitar ih.t lh. Dm la If l
U am alro.dr al band ahrn a.r.l of lh
uiuililo of Kurn all find II dlinrull I
do fr i'ita what ibr bava
ala.i. va.Hr abia la do many .a.a
Hal mil r..n.iMBai.l ihiuaa At any rat.
ih-r IM nl ur h.lp and aur manifold
titla .. lh. ha, nan.r aa44 lharn
l.rr.. and artnuld aa roadr. ml fit 4
td Ih.a ha ..r boan
H I. ul ial tnnu.hea thai lha Ma
llnt h..m Korui'. haa uauailr
lib lnnum.r.l.l arli.i. of manufnoiur
and aommxrra, of ahlrh lhr aia In eon aNl and alihnnl klrb anaomic
d.v.lnuitionl hall, and .laad. .Mil. ran
a. a. I oalr a .mall hart of ht Ih.r for
m.rlv Init'nrlMt and aaaorly limb I u I
umir all 11 mpi markai.
Naw MarkiH. Maot M a,HW
Till I a.nlrutarly irua nf aur aaa n.lgh
Lkm mo .i.i.a mimi and .mall, of Can
lnl and Kaulh InwW llnoa of
mil kara hlibaria run rblaflr athwart
lb aa. .it to our ran. tui la lha porta
or llroal ll'ltaln and of lha ol.i.r con
llnaal af Kinopi, I da nnl atop I Inqalra
by. ar In ma. a any ammanl a prahabla
nauaaa What Inl.rMla a. lu.l now la nai
iha ..nlanaiinn. but Iba fal and aur duty
and ofvnrtunlty In lha aroMaea of It. Ilara
ara maik.i ahlrh wa mu.t aupt! and
. a.i.ih mi.! rind lha m.ana of action
Tha t'nliad Hiai.a. thla graal naniila for
whom wa ! and aat. ahauld ha raady.
aa aaj.r kafnra la nra Haalf and aarva
manklndi r.aily wllb Ha raaourraa. II
nnilMi It f.ra af prodwrllo, and lla
m.ana ot di.iributma.
II la pratirl maiiar, matt.r of Vari
and maana Wa h. lha raavura. kul
ara wa fully road la uaa lhamf And If
wa aa maka raady what wa bara. ha wa
lha maan at band ta dmrlbula II T Wa
ara nat.r fully raadyi a.uh.r kava wa h
maana of di.irlfcuilan. Wa ar willing, kul
wa ara ai fully abla, Wa kava lha wuh
la mn aad la arva graally. gan.roualy.
km wa ara aat praparad aa wa should fc
Wa ara aol raady I mokilla our raourr
al aaoa W ara aal prpar4 lo aaa lhm
Immadiataly and at baat, without da
lay aad wllkeal want.
Knrara Maal Ra CarractaC
Ta apaak plainly, wa kava (roaaly arrad
la lha way la whlah wa kava alunlad and
hlnd.rad lha of our m.rchant
marina. Aad now. wb.n wa naad tblp. w
ka got thorn. Wa kava yaar aftar dabai.d. without ana ar conciuaion.
Iba but policy la with r.gard ta
lh u af th arm and fnmta and walar
powara of our National domala In Ik nek
Mai .a of lha Wa.1, whan wa ahouid hat
aotadi and lhay ar atlll lockad us. Tha
kay la ailll lurnad upon Ih.m, lha door ahul
tH al winch ihouaand vf aigoroua man,
full af Initiative, knook for ad
mllianpa. Tha watarpowar of our navlgabl
airaama aultida lha National domala alao.
avan In lha Xatm ataiaa, whara wa bava
workad and plann.d for g.naration. I an"
not uaad aa II might ka, kacauaa wa will
and wa won't: fcarauaa tha law wa hava
mada da not Intalliganily kalanoa .noour agalnl raalralat. Wa withhold ky
I kava coma la aak you la ram nay and
oorror-t tha mlataka aad omlaalona avan
al Ihta ahnrt aoaaloa of a Congraa which
would aartalnly m lo hava dona all lh
Work that could raaannably ka ainactad of
II, Tha lima and lha olraumatanoaa ara
aiiraordlnary, and aa mual aur afforta ka
tTalarklng al Baaaama l!rll.
Porlunaialy, Iwa graal maaaurva, flnaly lha una to unlock, wllh proper
af.guarda. tha raaouroaa of tha National
domain, tha olhar to ancnuraga th uaa of
lha navlg.hla walara ouloIJa that domain
for ganaratlon of powar, hava alraady
paaaad th llouaa af Hapraaanlallvaa and
ara raady for immadlata conaldaratlon and
action hy tha Hanata. Wllh lha daapaat
aarnaaln.aa I urga thalr prompt paaaaga. In
I ham bnlh wa turn our hack upon
ttnn and makaahlft and formulala a ganu
Inn policy of uaa and eonaorvatlon, I tha
k.M aanaa of Ihoaa wonV. Wa ewa lha on
moaaura not only tn tha paopla af that graal
Waatarn country for whoaa rraa ana aya
tnmatlQ davalopmant, a II aaemt to m,
our lglalallon haa dona no llttl. but alao
la tha paopla of lha nation aa a whola; and
wa aa claarly owa lha other In fultlllm.m
of aur rp.atad promltMia that tha watar
powar of lha oountry ahouid In fact a wall
a In nam b put al lh dlapoaal of grant
Indnatrloa which can mak aoonomloal and
pmfltabl. uaa ot II, th right af lha public
baing adequately guarded lha while, and
monopoly In tha uaa prav.nt.d.
To hava begun euoh maaaurea and aat
compteted Ih.m would Indeed mar the rec
ord ot thla gra.L Congraaa vary eerlouaty. I
hope and confidently ballav (hat lhay will
be enmpleted. ...
And there la another great nlac ot legla
latlnn which awalta and aliould receiva the
anollon of lh Senate. I mean the bill
which give a larger measure of elf-government
lo lh people of tha Phlllpplnea.
How hollar. In thla time of aniloue
iiueetlnnlng iinrt perplencd policy, eould we
how aur confidence In the principle ot lib.
erty, a tha eouroe aa well a lha erpree
Inn of lira' How hotter could we demon
trate our own aelf-poaeeaelon and atead
faetneea In the emireee of Juatloe and dla
Intrreateilneae than by thue going calmly
forward to fulfill our promlaaa ta a dapend
nt people, wha will now look mora ana
louaty than ever to aea whether wa have
Indeed tha liberality, tha unaeiriahaeaa, th
oouraga, tha faith wa hava boasted and pro
feeeedr I cannot believe that tha D.uate
will Ul Ikla great aa.eeare af aeeatmellve
Juatlea awail lha aatlea at aaatker Cea
area, lla aaoaeae weald aekly erowa lha
record at Ikeea Iwa year af memeiable
la bur.
Hut I think ye will agree wltk
thai Ihia doea a aeaaplala lha tall af aur
duty. Haw ara wa la earry ear geade la
th wipty arkt uf wblek I bava apekea
if ae hove not Ibe hlfer Mow ara wa la
build ap a great tredo If kava aat Ike
i. rlaln aad cnnatanl m.ene el ireneM.ria
Hue ana a wkleh all prWlleble aad veefal
'wutm.rie dp.ndar And buw ere we la
al ibe hii If w wall far Ike Irada ta
level wtiboul tbtwt
ru Maat Ka Maalarad U .
Ta eorreel the meay aaletekea by wklek
e kava dtaeaureaed aad all kul deanreyed
ha Hierrbeal marine ut Ibe euunlry, la
iwtraca Ihe at. pa by wblek we kava, II
eeema aliaual dellkaratalr. wltkdrawa aur
flea f rum the eaa. eeeal where, bore aud a abla of war la hidden eerry It
euma waadertag yacnt aiapiare 11, weuie
take a lung lime aad lavelve aiaay catellea
Heme vf legteietioa, aad Iba Had wklch
ae euahl Immediately la kendle wvuld dia- or fiad elber aheaaala while aa aa
beted lha Item
The eaee I aat unlike that which
fronted u. wkea aur ewa wea
be opened up ta aetllemeal aad Industry
end wa eaeded long llnea of railway,
tended bail et treneiMirtatlo prepared
ef'rehed. If development wa al ! lag
Inioleiekly aad wall laterminably. Wa lav
lahly ubidled the fculldlaa ef Iranaooa
tin.ntel reitraada Wa look back upoa that
vllh reerei nww. InK-euee the eutaldiea led
le aieny araadai ef wblek wa ara e.hera.d.
kul aa knew that lha rallruad bad la) be
belli, and If aa kad II le da ever ageia
ae ehuuld. af enuree. build them, aut
aaetber way. Therefera I prepoao aaaiker
way or pravioiag iha meaaa of ireeprie
lliii. which muet precle, aut terdilr ful
low. tka development af aur Irada wltk aur
aatghber atatea of America, u may
revaeaal af Ihe aatural order of ihinga.
kul It la true Ikal Iba reutee of Irada mu.t
be actually opeaad by many ah l pa and r
eler ealllage aad moderate herg. before
atreame of merehaadlae will flew freely aad
pfwiuaaiy larouga trioai.
Milpt4aT Mil Imperallre.
II. ace ibe paadlag ahlppiaf but, dlecuaaed
the leal eeeel.e, but aa yel peaaid by
n.lib.r kouea. la my Judgment suek leg le
an ta imperatively aeeoea aaa cannoi
aieely ke poaiponed. Tha tiuvarameat m
epea Ikeaa gelee af Irada aad a pea lb
wide: apea l beta barer It la altogether
arufitakie ta opea Ih.m. ar altogether ree
a. cable la ask private capital la epea them
a eeatura. II la aal a aueetioa at in
tloverament monopolising tha field. It
Mould leke aelloa In make II eertala lh
ranepertatiea al raeaeaabla rate will be
promptly provided, evea whara lha arriage
am at nret areniabia: aad tnea, wnea
ha cornea, bee beeoma eutfi.leolliy prof
tebla I atiraci aad eagega prlvata capital
end anaasa It la abuadaae. Iba uevera aught lo withdraw. I earaeatJy hope
hai tha Cons re, will ka af thla oplalen.
aad tkat katk kauaee will adopt lb la as
aeedlagly Imported kllL
Maral ITedlta Iksfarrad,
Tka great subject at rural credit atlll re
main, i be dealt wltk. and It I a matter
dees rearet lhal ihe dlfflcultiea af Ihe
aubjerl kave aeemed tn render II Impoeelble
e complete a bill for paeeege al tat eeeeioe
Hut It cannoi be perfected yet, aad ibare
for there ar aa ether aonatrurtiv meaa.
rea the aeceaaliy for which I will at Ibis
time call your atleniloa to, but I would be ot a maalfeet duty were I aol lo
call lha attention ef lha Senate lo tha faal
hat iba propoaed eoaveailoa for aafety at
eea await It eoaflrmatloa and that Ibe
limit flaed la Ihe convention Heelf for lis
aoceptaara la Ihe laal day af lha prm
month. The aonferenca In whleb Ikt
veniloa originated aaa called hy Ika United
the rebreeeniattve at the imiea
late played a very Influential pan Indeed
la framing tha provieloaa of tha propoaed
convention, aad ihoaa provlalone ara la
hemeelvee for lh moot part admirable.
II would hardly be ouneletent wltk Ike pan
a kava played la tha whola metier ta lei
drop and aa by Iba board a If forgotten
and neglected. It wa ratified la May wet
by lha Herman government aad la Auguet
by lha Haruament af Oreat HMtaln. It
marke a moot hopeful and decided advaaoe
International clvllleatioa. Wa ahauld
ahow aur eerneet good faltb la a great mat
t.r br adding aur ewa acceptence of IL
Ceaete kheald Ba Charted.
There I another matter of whlck I muet
eke ap.clel mentloa. It I am to dlecharge
conaclenca, lest II should a .cape your
tentlon. It may eem a small thing. It
affects only a otngle Hem ot appropriation.
Hut man human nvee aad many great an
terprlaea hang upon IL It Is lh matter
of making adequate pr-vlelua for tha survey
and charting of our ruats. It Is Immediate
end In connection with the Immenee
coaat line of Alaeke. a cna.t Una greater
than that of the united states themeeivee,
though It la aleo Important, Indeed, wllh
regard to the older roael of tha continent
we cannot use our great Alaskaa domain
ahlpe will not ply thither If Ihoee eoeata and
their many hidden dangara ara not thor
oughly aurveyed and charted. The work Is
Incomplete at almoet every point, ghlpe and
uvea have been loel in threading What
etippoeed la ba well-knoan mala channeta.
We kave not provided adequate veeeel
adequate machinery for tha aurvey and
charting. Wa have used old veeeele that
were not big enough or strong enough and
which were eo nearly uneeawnrthy that our
Inanectors would not hava allowed prlvata
owner I ftena mem to sea.
Thle is a matter which, aa I have said.
aeeme email, but Is In reality very great.
lla Importance haa only to ba looked Into
lo bo appreciated.
Sy?rafi General Resume ef Important Events
teles da aat wlk la aortall tka
af thla l they
enlerse Ihemi and wltk every en
wltk Iho mora aroatk. Imeeed, af
trv Heelf. there must aeme. af eour
Inevitable laereaeo of eapenee. The eort
af economy wo euahl le bract le may
effected, end euahl la ba effected, by
earelul etude and aeeeeemeal af Ika taeke
to bo performed: aad tha money apeai
for eery duller of aur appropriation a iu
make II peifertly evhlenl what It wa peat
for and In what way II was peni
II le aol eauendliura but esirevagenoe
lhal wa abeuld fear being erltineed f
not peile. for Ibe leglllmela enlerprleee
and uud.rtaklnge ef a greet government.
wkoee people command what It ahouid ao.
but adding what -will benefit anly a fe
or pouring money out fur whet need aut
have been anderieken at all ar might kave
been poetponed ar belter and more eeonom
Icellr conceived aad eeiried aut. int a
lea la aut alaaardlr: II Is very aenersua
II will chide us only If wa forget for whom
aa per money out and wneee raeney it w
we per. They ara large ana general ataaa
arde. but they era not very difficult ef ap
pi ice i loa la particular oases.
Tha el bar table I shall take leave ta m.a
linn guee deeper Into tha principles of aur
aatlonsl life and pulley. It I Iba sulject
ut aetlonel defence.
II teaaol be dlecueeed without first an
werla eonie eearrhlng aueetlons. It I
eld la come quart -re that wa ara not pre
fr war.
ereueredf le II
ready upon brier aolloa to put a nauoa
la tha ri.ld. a aatkia of m.a trained
mil fit rauree. we ara aot reedy to do
lhal: and wa ehail never ba la time of
Th itrlka in th Colorado coal field
ba bean called off.
U. S. Artillery Ordered
Sent to Mexican Border
Washington, D. C.Praalddnt Wll
on, after a brief dlaeuMlonj with bl
cabinet Wadneada', directed Secretary
Garrlaon to order ufflcUnt troop to
Naeo, Arli., to handle any emar-
f ancle that might arise there In eon
nection with the Bring acroM thelp, t o ,h
American bower irom Meiican um- Ugi,tur providing for mora rigid
torr. insoeetion of brand.
Secretary Garriaon later announced Tb mearare prold that brand
that b. harder! Brlgler G.nd -
New Measure Proposed
to Protect Stock Breeders
Portland At the animal meeting of
the Oregon Cattle and Hon Kaisers'
association in a local hotel Wednesday
night, bill was drafted which will be
Russians claim defeat of Turk. In T..t,f riim , .tart for Naeo with I . . J"0,'uon maa. n"1 M ,u"
irea LaUla near Batum. Tasker;!!. Bliss to start for Nee with BOthority to mk- arreeU and
flare battle near Batum.
William W. Rockblll,
dies at I
await further ordera." I ausrvsrtarl nf kavlnr bean etolan.. It
guisbed American, diplomat dies at Tbe aecreUry declined to discuss wiu make It eompulsorr also for cattle
Honolulu. , . what he termed "the diplomatic side" .hiDDers to fill out a certified state-
Fully 70,00d starring Belgian D of th ease, referring inquirer to th mnt giving tbe name, age, sex and
Brussels are depending entirely on I a11-" ucyarwuoni. oaoimj uj t lawrui ownara 01 ail animaie nippeu,
A mar Iran aid. I had retired when tbe army orders be- m well aa tb name of th consignees.
came public, but it is Known tnat mis i a duplicate copy of this statement
f Till W HIM. U Ulllt-lUlU Hum UIH I . I ..II . n - nl. . . . L. . I . b. A
Mere that wa ara not pre. I , " " 7 ., i . . ' I mmun luuuwou ma iue'v ww- 1 mull accompany u auipiimii, 11 ui
What t. m...i by being United 8uts artillery and warship between the Federal govern- measure la made legal order, and at
meant thai a ara " I era ermal to the beat- I -j r- o... t A.; . I.u. i j .u' i I
e- uiciik wriu wraiiwi iimi. vi nii-wii, i lov gvueavarua anu Kavawaiva iu uiaiiu
General Fonaton, recently In com-1 in which tbe latter described 'th firing inspector previously referred to would
mand at Vera Cms, (a visiting bis I from the Mexican factions across toe I check up on the cattle or borsee sblp-
line aa serious menace to resioenu I ped. Tbe certified statement must b
of Anions,
It is understood that when tb tele
grams from Governor Hunt were laid
before tha cabinet, tha President alao
directed Secretary Bryan to transmit
The chief of the army engineer a warning through American consuls
ea Ion ae we reteln aur .--J mother at tola. Kan.
Ilutlona. And whatl-- ,
lit leal brlnclulee and Inst
I It that II Is susseeieo we enouio
openared to do? To defend oureelvee asalaet
atiarkf Wa bava alaeya found meana lo
do lhal. sad shall find them whenever It
la aeceeeery, without calling our peuple
tn from their neeeeeerr tasks la reader
eorapuleory military eervloe la limaa af
Oil ship's crew of 3f! was burned to I
desth when It wss necessary to run I
the veasel aabor off tb coast of Eng
filed with th county inspector in tbe
county from where th cattle or horse
ar being shipped, according to th
Tb meeting wa held In connection
with th livestock show, which Is
being held at th Union Stockyarda
this wsek. The Oregon Cattle and
Horse Raisers' association waa organ
ised with 100 member In May, 1913,
and now has 282 member. Tb asso
ciation taxes each member annual
dues of tS and S cent a hesd for all
eattl owned by the various members.
Th inltlstion fe Is 15. , According
to report mad to tb secretary, 8. 0.
Correll, U.200 beef cattle ar being
fed now and will , be marketed aa
shown in tbe following:
January 1, 1915, 1545; February, 1.
8605; March 1.2130; April 1, 2481;
Jane 1, 286; July 1, S26; when pric
I right. 744; no report, 185.
Tb report further show that feed
ing condition over tha stats ar not
a good a previously, but th stock
men declare general condition ar improving.
Allow ma la speak wltk great piataaeoe h , , k . . iircna haeta I In Mailrin factions fiorhtins near
is upon thla great matter ana " - T, 7" 7,"" X ": jl -u.-aJ- a " .
in extending
and dlreelneee
la avow my convictions with deep eereeei
l 1 hava tried lo knew What A
la: what her people think, what they are.
hat thev moot eherlah and bold dear, i
hope thai some of their finer peaoiene ara
la my awn heart eoma of the greet eon
reoiion and deelree which geve birth to
bl- iiA, end which have mede the
voire of thla poopi a voice for peaca and I thst country,
k.r.. eud liberie emone the beoolee of the I
arid, and that, apeeain my oea inougni.. ins uennan
I .hell st least In psrt. soeak tneir aieo. i. .
however felntly and Inadequately, upoa thle I inKvwn tuaiguw
vllel metier.
We ere et peace with an the worm, no
one who eneeke eouneel .eeMi on met or
drawn from a lust and aandld Interpreta
lion of realltlee can aay that tnara le
reaeoa le tear that from any quarter aur
Ind.p.nd.nee or the Inteertty of our tor
rltorr Is threelen.d. breed of the power
or eev ether halloa we ore Incapable ar.
Wa ara aot teaious or rivalry in tne rieiae
of commerce ar of any ether peacerui
achievement. Wa mean ta Ilea aur
iivm aa wa will: but wa mean aleo lo let
live. We ara. Indeed, a true friend ta all
he nellone at the world, bcrauee
threatea Bona, covet lha pnaaeaslons of none.
dealre ihe overthrow of Bone. Our friend
ehlo caa bo accented and le accepted with
. linn tuu-.uee li le onerea in
eplrlt and for a purpoee which bo one I nounced.
Therein flee
th Columbia
river tbe boundary that firing into American
territory must be discontinued.
n . . 1 1 none u
ino rwiuni iovwnnwni oh sumu .. ... . J.... i efc k fce.l ,i
with th. United Stat, th. bountUry """- ZtX.rZlX"?"
l afJ I 0lteV WJrWMIl eT..v-vee, was a. QU W11UOI UW W1UC AVIV
War Tax Question Is
Raised by State Official
Salem Declaring that eongree had
no right to lmpoee a tax on state de-
line separating th canal ion and
ambassador at Wash
that dumdum bullets
are being used ey tne antes, ana
claim h can nam tb. factories mak
ing them. i
Mayor Albee, of Portland, has es
tablished a scholarship in honor of his
UA-. ukA wea b;it.4 .-.i.nlla rnnrl wlui
-... . , ,, , . e i.:. ...i
was a student of the high school. Th ri"" """,",7 WV"
fund begin with f 1,000.
tillery and cavalry of the American phone A Telegraph company that he
army will stand guard reaoy to carry WOuld not pay a war tax of on sent
it any order which - may develop on . kmz-digtance telephone call of
from tho conference with in Mexican i fa;a department. Tbe local agent noti-
ehiefs. fled Mr. Watson and th head of other
Tb. force of General Benjamin I departments that thev would be ex
... a l .
Hill, loyal to larranza, are rangea nected to pay th teltkpbon tax-
do to th line, while tbos of Gov- "Tbe telephone tax will not amount
ernor Maytorena, supposed is mi loi- to much," said Mr. Watson, "but I
lower of General Villa, but often re-1 gjn confident none of tb war tax can
constitute the attacking force.
Brigadier General Christian Fred
erick Beyers, one of the leader of th
rebellion In the Union of South Africa,
has been shot, It is officially an-1
He 1 believed to be dead.
President Wilson Promises
to Give Business a Rest
Washington, D. C President Wil
ton in hi annual address to congress
be collected from departments of the
state. Numerous decision of tb
higher court have said that congress
haa no right to levy such a tax againat
state department. It would mean a
great deal of money to the state if it
were compelled to provide all stamps
for certificates end other state paper.
I feel certain that th. atate is exempt.
At any rate I have informed the man
ager of tb telpbon company that tb
corporation department will not pay a
tax on long-diatane telephone calls."
Assistant Attorney General Benja
min, in an opinion asked by Insurance
Commissioner Ferguson, held- that the
insurance agents and not th. Insurance
department would have to provide th.
stamps, costing 10 cents each, under
the war tax measure, for each certifi
cate of authority issued by th insur
ance department.
Attorney General Crawford waa not
In tha city, but James Crawford, first
assistant attorney general, aaid he be
lieved that th state departments
would bar to provide th war stamp
for certain legal documents.
ul . nu-ellna ar auefieet.
. ul- m . .h.m.lnnl of I W 1 DA.L.-.lua.i nf .Tha
m B-- - - - -- i ma aweuicr luiuwiuiicaii, i , , . . .
peace and af concord. And wo should be . . . u " - u I Tuesday coupled with a defense of the
leaieue of thie distinction which wo have French line, on which Myron T. Her- I : 1 -.
eousht to earn. Juet bow wo snouia 0.1 rlclt, X-ambaasaaor to franc, 11 1 owuu j luiiuei; yivuuwieu. . .v..
5"!!l"',Jl.,.,or '.'n.Vir .b.. Dasseneer. reached New York after I of assurance to business that it would
Cannery Closes Season
With Excellent Record
Newberfr Friday, work at the New-
and reputation may breaemiy. m ood's prov. I aj-it, Wednesday and anchored at ?iir-1 fygj embarrassed by further legist-1 berg Co-operative Growers' asaocia
Sn.ii2L"Z Vuo?n,,".',,io"ntin for th night. Sh-waa.dayL tion waa brought to a close after .
.... , . . , . surprisingly sucoessitu run m dubidcbb
He said the trust and currency legia- " ' . -u. ...t.ttcr. ...
lativ iPKram' dmlnistrat on lut wjnter ud iu membership
virtuallyhad been completed, leaving , dndeB 400 pmotmp
no conjecturs ss to what waa to M-mnmm rhiefl. frnitowera of thla
neighborhood. Some stock wa taken
by business men of th town.
Early in the season th. management
I of tb Newberg cannery ordered
the opportunity to eouneel ana obtalB peace late, having been OBiayeO by a IHTm.
la tha world and reconciliation aad a heal-1
In aettlemenl of many a matter that bee A dispatch tO thf London Dally Mail
"K.l" :Tbrr:b..7;n.rh from Rotterdam aays that bombard-
when we ahouid wian ana receive u a-ep 1 mem OI tne neiffian coast oetween
our strength bv self-poeaeeeloa. our inr u- . . J!minr,rt ho ahlna
eoca bv preeervla our aneieat pnncipumi , -j - r-
ot aellos.
Of tbe I Inwr. and that there waa a clear and
allies began at 8 o'clock Tuesday. The ft. A ahead on which honest men
From Ihe flret we hava Bad a Clear ana fleet WSS Operating tn conjunction With -niche tr.v.1 ,ith rwrfact crmflrlnr-av
settled policy wllh regerd to military oeteo- ., ' I n . .,
liahmenta Wa never bava bad. and wnnei i 1 g or passage at WIS session tne rrea-
I! ;:.".h;H EST; ;.rd,n", army. It is announced in London that the ident urged measure to meet me of Boston Marrowfat squash
If aeked, are joa ready to defend your- rnvarnmtnt would nermit exnortation I Changed conditions due to tb. Euro-1 . . - . K -K. . f
Mtvee. do reply, moet aaeurediy. to toe - c,.," r s, 1:. I oean war. Darticularlv the eovernment I .V r
ulmoet: and vet w sasti aot turn rmm uiv wu v. , r- - - - - . 1 ue associauoa. l.u luimcovo 4umuviwj
into a miiit.c cm p. we win no. . our Merin0 wool bought auring tne present 1 eui ii"i "i", n"' . wiU niBt her for next year
r.una m-o .... i , rfL . nmvwferi aatia-1 reaourco oi tne national uomain ana 1 . , m.: ,l.
,11-1-1 - - 1 ... 1 nsnuiins. iuib veer we vunc , in.
up between 400,000 and 600,000 can
of fruit and vegetable of different
kinds, paying In excess of $10,000 for
th. cans. Employment waa given to
128 men and women.
The manager, J. W. Chambers, cam.
her. about four years ago from Penn
slwania. where he had had a success
ful business career. Tha secretary, A.
P. Wolcott, was formerly a resident of
Omaha, Neb.
- times, nrovided
factory guarantee were furnished that to encourage improvement of naviga-
the wool would
host! I countries.
not be forwarded to
ble waters for generation 01 power
and tb. bill already passed by the
house to give "a larger measure of
self-government to the people of the
When he entered the bouse chamber,
lives mahlaa aoldler of themselves. There
le another eort of energy la ua. 11 win
kaow hew to declare Heelf and make It
eelf effective ahouid occasion arise. And
eeoerlellv whea half Iba world I 00 llrt
w anau pa careiui 10 raeec our muu
inniMMu aeelnet the onrecd of tha con-
fleeratlon verv definite and certain aad
ndeouata Indeed. us remind oureelvee. therefore, or tne
oniv thine we ran do or will do. we must
d.nsnd la every time of national peril, la
ihe ruiure aa lu tbe naat. not upon a stand
inr armv. not vet unon a reeerve army, but
upon a cltlsenry trained and accustomed to
erme. It will ba right enougn. ngnt mr.
Iron policy, beeed upon our accustomed
nrlnclnlea and Bractloea. to provide
lem by which every elllaen who will vot-i ,-.. ii tn I miniitM
mil's? w?htiholruMlof modern aTma the mak a determined legal fight against Throughout his address h frequent-1 Northwest's Best Poultry
i!!Xrm&xlLr lywa. interrupted by appUuae, ptc- NOW on Exhibition
ehould encoursea euch training and make mi . rwliV-o I u'ar'Jf iruIU t""1"""" I
it a meaons of discipline which our young . - r onstrationa of approval reaching a The pride of the Oregon poultry
"T ."niv'w.- bav. a.w.y. r.-10 neutrality, with just aspir- cIimax wheI)i referring to recent agi- farm is on exhibition in th. Pittock
aarrl.rl as our proper and natural means of aitons in ratnu. 1 n,tjonal defense, he de- hlrvlr. Portland, where the OreiTOn
a.tenee; end n n.. u.-.r- - " I n UIJ1- .lul I .1 1 eh.t ,. .JniniutrlnB hurl 1 D.,l A T Stn-b annual
1 1. . . . hiH mndiiit. never or eeareaeion ni . wniisih m - - j vwnj 1 lioiutj nun , umiiwiuj w. j w -
or of conuuest. nut ho akaii tan us now anfi barefooted, are keeping perfect "not been negligent of national de-1 opened this week. From numberless
fenses;" thst the attitude of tbe gov-1 back yards chicken pens 01 city, town
A correspondent says: "The Ger
man divisional headquarters wss re
moved from Rouliers when shells be
gan to iau in tne town .iter in orit- wh)Sre Vjce preajdent Marshall and
isn had recaptured rasscnenaaeie, 11 s.v-, r,-T. nrM.iAt,t nv . iint
m .1 . . v ir-w:- 1-1"--- - I . -
raucra norvnoaai i pr. Uession of the house and senate, the
cate a distinct and important advance p-u.iH.i. o.r with an unmar.
. I by the allies. I ous ovation which continued several
what sort or navy to ounui we .p.u - j .t ru
leave to ba strung upon tho ease, in tne 1 wuci iu iai 11.7.
Kconemy la Kaielned,
riofore I cloee may I say a few words
upon two topics, much discusesd out of
doors, upon which It I highly Important
lhal our Judgments should be clear, definite
ana eteaflraatr
One of theee la economy In Government
etnendtrires, Tha duty of economy ta not
dotattable. It la manifest and Imperative.
In the appropriations wa paes we are
ependlng the money of lha great people
future as In the pest; and there will be ao of offense or of nrovocatlon In that.
Our ships ar our natural bulwarks. When
will the eiperts tell ua Just what kind we
should construct and when will they be
right for 10 years together It the relative
efficiency or erart or aurereni ninua anu
IJ & V i. 1 .It I 1 -11 1 1 M ,k- I..
o v, riAw lernmeut, wuuiu nut, ue aiLt-i 1 unu vitiaicc, ss vrwn aw wu
"""U,WI -"i. "i" -yv- .memo. n. ara nBrvmia and !f farm. fanev rhirkena and
labor troubles in that state.
a hose ear van ta we ara not our own. Wa lrt not normal. Our policy will not ba for
ara truatcoa and raaponalhla stewards In the
ependlng. The only thing debatable and
upon which we should ba careful to make
our thought and purpoee clear 1 th kind
of conomy demanded of ua I aaaert with
the greatest oonfldsnca that tha people of
tne united atatea ara not jeaiouo or in
amount their Oovernment costs If thsy are
aura that they get what they need and de
aire for th outlay, that th money I being
apent for object of whloh they approve
and that It la being applied with good bual.
neas senss ana management.
Governments grow, plscemeal, both In their I etanoe, and what
taaxa ana in tne maana ny wntcn tnoee Iquitely dona. u 11 u in ii mum 11 j wmcn inu-e !
are to be performed, and very few govern
ments ara organised, I venture to say, as wise
German Socialists express regret
ueee continues w oh,,,, aaa have aeen t th , representative in the reichs-
It chsngs under our very ayes rn tbeee last I , r, . ...
fsw monlhST I tat mwu ajsauiov ut. vv u'ii.
Hut 1 turn away from tha subject. It Is I . ... . . ,
Ul ail v Aaillllivo iu Aioan euw wiiuini
by the war, brothers fighting against
brothers and fathers against tneir sons.
Servian losses since tha beginning
of the war are said to amount to 100,-
000, or one-third her military strength.
Prominent Russian economist ad-
excited," and that a policy of defense cockerels of varying ages and colors
"could easily and sensibly be agreed have come the large collection ot
it Is
not near. There Is no new need 10 dlecuee It.
We ehail not a ter our attitude toward it
berauee some amongst us ara nervous and
excited. We shall easily ana ssnsmiy agree
unon a nallcv or oerenee. tb. Question ne.
not changed Its aapects becauss tha tlmee
Steel Made Many limes
Stronger by Scientist
birds, to which has been added an ex
hibit of pets, including pigeon and
The show this year include 963
poultry birds, a crate of ducks, four
an occasion it -alll be conceived as a per-
menent and nettled thing, which wa win
nuraue at all aeseons. without haste and
after a faahlon perfectly consistent with the
peace of tho world, tne abiding menasnip
of states and th unhampered rreedom 01
all with whom we deal. Let there be no
mlaconcention. The country haa been mis-
Informed. Wa have not been negligent ot
National defence. W ara not unmindful of
he erest reeponslblnty reetlnr u;.-on ua
We shall learn and profit by th leeeon of
every xperlonc ana every new circum-
ts seoaea win p ear
I class, as I began, by reminding you ot
the great tasks and duties of peace which
Chicaeo The discovery of a revolu- pheasants. 135 pigeons and 61 rabbit.
tionary method of treating ateel by To make the show interesting to the
which it is made several timea the general public as well as to chicken
strength of the present product was fanciers the officials arranged to have
annuonced before the National Acad- all the iudtrine done before the show
amv nf Scianeea Wednesdav bv Pro-1 waa formally opened. This make it
vocate an income tax to replace the feagor a. A. Michelson, winner two possible for the spectators to know the
revenue lost by prohibition in that I vear8 Blro of the Nobel Drixe for ohvs-1 winners. In other details the show
country. ical research work. has been made attractive, the display
Arabs reported to be threatening the Professor Michelson explained the I of pets being a lure to young and old
Sues canal are believed to have re-1 new steel, which be said would revolu- alike. The fancy pheasants, on. of
tired and the canal seems in no danger tionixe warfare by making fortifies- which has tail feathers four feet three
from that source. Itions as well as ammunition many inches long,
David Lamar was found siiiltv of time stronger than at present. The I tractions.
impersonating Congressman Palmer, new steel would advance peaceiui proj-
are one of tha many at-
"'"- Sil.i.T. Tn.. i..r..mV.V r "f addrees ourselves now and at all times 1 irauuing J. r. morgan ox to. ana tne
,ri,nP,.;Vh! STOri. - Stt .?...r.. States Steel corporation, and
gsneraliy aareed that there should develop our lif and our resources, to supply was Sentenced to two years in the pen
............. .... . ............. r B p , ,n peopi, ot tn woria 1 i.-n-i-.-
of Its osrw ao ss to secure creator efflolenoy " -h... tram the abundant ".Mlar",
t'S ?K-,0iJ'.?;l.d,.r.b!.i;.,n.llJ.'i ..".'!.."; Uinr ot our fields and our mens of trade; Official reports from Petrograd con-
wa, would. 1 believe, though n. doubt "- J? .t. iSrid whrtheTduou o'f ou, i.. Arm previous dispatchea to the effect
ii er a i'i in itwvjii, cunniiii,
fund Saving Sugaeated.
tion of skyscrapers to heights never yet Salem Governor West, in bis
unuerwaen ami t-uo cuiiuirucnuii ui 1 :n
greater suspension bridges than have tte eeHalature will recom.
heretofore been possible.
r. It may he. Into Vi....r..; I .u.. j . " n
n-llllA.- k- M1.II..I. -mall -N.-II 1 n. n "-, .,. - 1 VUBb UI'V aillU U.l. UCHURU IUU1J
millions, be relatively email small, I mean, . , ,hou.kt nd tha f ru ta of our
Japan Mag Keep Province.
Tokio Vice Admiral Rokuro Yas-
were sur- j,iro, minister of marine, touching on Dv legislatures, as are appropriations
mend the repeal of all continuing ap
propriations but those for educational
purposes, according to an announce
ment just issued. He opposes them,
he says, because they ar. not pruned
In srooortlon lo tho total necessary outlays "J. " .' ..... -..;.. .n T.u ..... I corps, about 60.000 men,
of tho oovernment. It would be thoroughly ,. .na m. .nthu.lasrn steadily, now and rnnndd hw Ruaalanit. hut aueeeadad in .. . .. ... -j e..i..
worth arreoting, aa every eeving wouia. ,kr . --- .nm. ,.-,.,, v. , .how I ... .7. ' .. tne war in a speecn in tne uiet, Baia: maae every two yearn, aiiu, lurmcr.
. . . u.... - . -i. i .... ... - - . wiitina vhutw nil. .Tr., annmMi, . . i ...... . ..
k ah Y "" In onr life as a Nation what liberty ana .... y ..-.y l "While the War
.. .... - .. .- ... ....... una inaniraiiona or an emancipatea epirn i inRnnn. manv nr ineir uenenca DHinir
Naoaealtles Nat Curtailed.
Mr point la that tha paopla ot tha United I vlduala, for stataa and tor mankind.
may do for men and for aoeletlee, for Indl- , . itn .j- j.
vlduala. for statss and tor mankind. TOUnd plied WltB dead SIX deep.
lurks Forced by U.'S.
to Keep Oven Peace
London Th. Chronic!, ha pub
llshed a latter from Athens praising
th. activity of th American ambas
sador, Henry Morgenthau, In Constan
tinople on th night of November 1,
when the English colony waa not al
lowed to leav th etty.
Tb. action of th Turk caused a
panfe among tha British refugees, but
th. American ambaaaador assured them
h. would endeavor to gtt them away
osxt day. Th refugees passed a ter-
in Europe endures, because the legislature in making ap-
the Japanese navy's duties will con- propriations for certain departments,
tinue. In the meantime our fleet, in fails to take note of the continuing ap-
t..- ev,.t . w. ai..ii coniunction witb an tnelish fleet, l propriations. tie, nowever, tninxs tne
ribl. night of anxiety and besides tb. to $100 each. The next day the colony amount 0f booty was captured at the "eeks the Germans in South American educational institution should remain,
polic were harsh and brutal. I assembled at the station. Ambassador Lalj 0 Taing Tau all ships in the har- waters." Baron Takaaki Eato, the I "
Tha afirhta ha saw mada Ambaaaador Morgnthau was there and personally l r k-.t-r, h-, h..-c,u ho h Car. foreign minister, answering an inter- Railroad Plans Cheeked.
Morgnth. detwmln. to mak. thL:l " T.XJi . El",!1 1 IliT" l-M- Grmjde-W.ll.
-"y I Walla railroad nas met seemingly in
Statistic compiled by the depart-1 tured German base of Kiau Chau to I .nnrinT1r,t.M nhatanlna In Ita afTnrta to
ment of commerce aeera to bear out China finance the project and th. promoter
th. claim that th. Underwood tariff, J have given up th. attempt, for the
not the European war, la mainly re- Munition Train Blow Up. time beinir at least. C J. Franklin,
Turks respect his wishes. H. formal
ly advised th. Turkish government
that unless th British colony was al
lowed to depart h. would demand hi
passport and tak them all aa his pri
vate guest on bl special train.
th departure, even distributing candy
to the children before tbe train left.
Words ean hardly express th grati
tude du him, th. letter conclude.
I au.alhla 4V.ea ear. men 1 I . . . . ..
London "Ostend is reported to be " Petrograd Every man on board waa on. of th. promoters, waa in tne city
The Turks, th. letter says, hsd no Ion lire," says the Daily Chronicle, in I An American who waa recently in killed when two German military recently. He said mac ma inverse
4aalM n erh tha TTnlrrl .Qt.faa a, fmm rhinVlrV "It la IW I Itarlin aava tha German neonla ara in- traina laden with pvroxvlin and shells report presented by tbe committee at
ar.ll aa tha atllaa aa thaw a-awa la hilt llawarf that tha nn flan-vat Inn waa Kllnad tn axDOct tjltimafa defeat, hut collided in the neighborhood Of EielCO. I Wall Walla had eOnVlnCed the prrV
took rvngt by assaulng th Mfug estised Ither by a British bomlferd- hav not th slightest thought of any- Tehre waa a terrible explosion and both motors that there was no pttatpwA of
sn arbitrarv and niec-al tax nf fnn IB ' mant or Cartnan Ih&ndifrlee." thinft but a flffht to th finish. I traina were completely destroyed. I success at till time.
School fund Shows
lotal oi $6,403,840.46
Salem Tho common school fund to
tals 16,403,840.46, according to th
biennial report of th. State land board,
maJ by G. G. Brown, clerk. First '
mortgage loan aggregate $5,885,064;
acted district bonds, $206,750; cer
tificates of sal. of land, $285,388.09,
and eaah, $26,648.37.
Tha Agricultural college fund total
$202,113.99, with first mortgage loan
$189,176.47; certificate of al of
lands, $1960. and cash, $10,977.62.
Th. University of Oregon fund total
$103,635.36, consisting of first mort
gage loans of $103,141.62, and cash.
$493.84. Th. swamp land fund is,
$2631. Th. amount received a prin
cipal from sales of land aggregate
$243,849.44. Loans from common
school fund hav been completed
amounting to $1,505,872.63. Th. loan
from th. fund paid during th. bien
nuim aggregate $1,170,532.66. Th.
oataanding loans from th fund ag
gregate $5,885,054, making the net
increaa. $334,298.97. The cash In
this fund in th. hands of th. Stat,
treasurer totals $26,648.37.
During the psst year 8107.73 acre
of school lands have been leased for a
period of on. year at total rental of
$367.40. The lands leased are subject
to sale on application, th. improve
ment, if any, reverting to the state.
Farmers' Union Gathers
in fourth Annual Meeting
The Dalles The fourth annual state
convention of tha Farmers' Educa
tional and Co-operative Union opened
in thia city the first of the ween, with
State President i. D. Brown, of Ar-.
lington, presiding. Mayor French wel- '
corned the delegate at the opening
session, A. R. Shumway. of Milton,
Or., responding. Other speakers were ;
Marcus J. Barroni, who is touring th.
United States; J. C Lawrence, of
Spokane, and President Crow, of th.
Farmers' Union of the state of Washington.
At on. of the sessions of the union,
Dr. Hector Macpherson, of the Oregon
Agricultural college, delivered an ad
dress on "Marketing,"- and Professor
Ralph D. Hetzel, of th. Agricultural
college, spok. on "Agricultural Ex
tension." Tbe business men enter
tained the convention delegates at a
bananet in the Voirt theater. Presi
dent Kerr, of Oregon Agricultural col- ,
lege, and Representative Sinnott were
the principal speakers. , ,.
Coyote Bites Animals.
La Grande A coyote that rah wild .
in the Starkey district in th south- '
west part of this county Wednesday 1
created considerable excitement in
that neighborhood. The animal sue- ;
ceeded in biting three dogs and several
pigs. Two . women - only saved them- .
selves by fighting it off witb club.
When killed by a rancher, tbe animal
was writhing in convulsions on tha ice
of a email stream where it had gone
for water. The head of the beast wa ;
hipped to the Stat health board for
Wheat Area Is Increased.
Roseburg One-fourth more acreage
being planted to wheat in Douglas
county in expectation of high price
next autumn, du to European demand.
Instead of planting other grains, some
are planting wheat, while others ar
bringing new land into cultivation.
Buyer ssy thst more hogs hav. been
raised tn Douglas county this year
than at any time in the past.