The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 04, 1914, Image 4

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    mm is sine
tecst less to Kapclccn's Is
tVs taw . ! ay
Great Armg h Cut O If From Sup
ply Feod and Ammunition;
Surrender b Thousand.
London Th Petrogrsd correspond
wit of th Morninf Post sars thst
when th full details of the Russlsn
Victory in Poland are available thy
will furnish story that will astonish
Um world s tory tailing of a blow to
Germany' floaat troopa aurh aa had
not been dealt alnc th days of Na
poleon. '
Tha Daily Mall's Petrograd
nondent. who. in common with othar
Petrograd eorreapondeota, hint that
there is to coma still bigger news
which they ara unable at thia tima to
transmit, aaya the possibility wnicn
acemed to axiat that tba German force
which aecaped tha enveloping move
ment aaat of Lodi would succaad in
breaking through naar Strjkow and
joining tha rest of tha German forcca
now appears hopeless.
Thia Carman force, add tba corres
pond en t, la fighting its way back In
tha direction of tha Vistula, under a
terrible artillery fire, which it causing
an appalling loss of Ufa. Tba Ger
mans ara reported to ba abort of both
food and shells, aa result of being
cut off from their base.
Tha following statement from tba
Russian general staff was made public
toin Petrograd Friday night:
"On tba left bank of tba Vistula oar
troopa, advancing from tba lower part
of tha Biura river, havo reached Gom
bin. "In tha center of tba battle Una wa
captured tba town of Braesiny and tba
village In tha valley of the Mroga
river. In some places we dislodged
, tha German by bayonet attack. Our
offensive in this region continues.
"Between Braesiny and Glowoo our
cavalry succeeded in aevaral charge
against tha German infantry. During
tha retreat of tba enemy wa captured
' a number of field guns, some with
their team complete. Wa ara com
puting the number of prisoner cap
"Among the German troopa
pushed back from Rxgow and Tusxyn
toward Brteciny was a division of tha
Prussian Guard. .
"In the region of Seiers and Stry-
kow we attacked tha German toward
. Lode Between Sgiers and Zdunska
' Wola some German troopa are (till
holding themaelvea in their trenches.
"In general, between the Vistula
and the Warta, tha fighting is favor
able to our arms."
A Roma dispatch say the Russian
em baser announce that tha battle of
Lods baa been renewed with fresh
forces. Several German divisions
were annihilated and many German
generals were killed, it adds: Tba
German front has been broken in sev-
era! plaeea and a decision is imminent.
One German corps, including nearly
60,000 men, having surrendered, a sec
ond corps that haa been cut off from
the main army in the battle of Lods,
Russian Poland, was completely routed,
according to a Petrograd dispatch re
ceived via Psrisy
at Aurora waa bought by H. U Hart Hminary notice that Germany Intended
QrnmA Ejects DaMoa o
Iah4,m fa fArnmerr
ItMWMl M tw Vvuummwv.
Portland Oats were again the
atronaeet feature of the craia market.
and S 10 was bid for any quantity of
May del I rerr at th aessloa or tna
slat-chants' fcxohange. Only one lot
of 109 too was a rails Me at thl fl
are, however, ror prompt delivery.
f:i.l0 was bid with ao sellers.
The export demand for oats la like
ly to keep tha mark, firm as long a
the supply lasts, Tha British steamer
Low t her Range has sailed with 8500
ton of oats for England. Tha Den of
Atrile took out too tone, and 100 tons
w" 00 LE a.-. ,J Washington. D. C The decided
Wt thZ l tUn de tand Uk.n by the United State gov
m.nd end eximrt Inaulriea have also ernment in refusing to accept piece
been received here, but at current meal adoption of the principle of the
prices European buslneea la not yet declaration of London a a guide to
possible la lha northweat. I commercial restrictions to be imposed
The call Tor January ciuo waa in A,,ri the Rurunean war waa made
feature of trading In the wheat mar- , th stat department when
Watkinotw Preparee to Protect
Alt Legitimate Commerce
High Sens World.
ket Four 6000-bushel lots were sold
at Si lt.
The week opened with a quieter hop
market, but prices were on a steady
basis. Tha Schmidt crop of 18 bales
the text of a cablegram sent to Am
bassador Gerard at Berlin on October
14 last was made public.
Mr. Gerard had communicated a pre-
at 11 cents.
In California, burin has been heavy.
according to advices received by deal-
The uhlmanna purchased T0
bales of Sacramento at f H and I
cents. Flannagan Faust sold 3JJ
bale of Sacramento at T cents. Sales
of Sonomaa Included the crop of J. C
Williams. SSI bale, to Pa Herd t Hunt
at 10 1-e cents; Sanford I! roe.' crop of
SS0 balee at I cents and other lot at
S to ttt cents.
Imports or hops in September, ac
cording to official atatisUcs, were 14.-
Hi pounds, compared witn js.dsj in
tha same month last year. Exports
were 4S3.9SS pounds, compared via
S67.14S last year: total Imports at
New York up to November 14 war
244T balee.
Wheat Bid: Bluestem. 1147 per
bushel: forty-fold. HUH; club,
to protest to this govarooment against
alleged violation of the declaration by
Great Britain and France,
The German ambassador. Count
Bernstorff, called at the State depart
ment Thursday to lodge the formal
complaint, and the text of the reply
cabled to Ambassador Gerard, copies
of which want to all American diplo
matic representatives abroad, waa
then mad public. It follow:
"Please inform the German govern
ment that the department 'a suggestion
mad to tha bell igerent countries for tha
adoption for tha sake of uniformity of
the declaration of London a a tempor
ary cod of naval warfare for use in
the present war haa been withdrawn
because of the unwillingness of om
of tha belligerents to adopt tha declar-
Shade Trees Injured by Ignorant
or Careless Persons.
Widespread TrtmM of OlfftreM
Pests Has Msd Necessary Tast
ing f Many "smsdlss Msny
Oil Are InJurUua.
Wa have at different time had oe
csaion to observe Injuries to shad
trees brought shout by varlou cause.
In many cases resulting from treat
meat applied by esreless or Ignorant
persons. Tha present widespread
treatment of different pests has mad
necessary the testing of many reme
dies, some of which bv proved to
be more Injurious than tha pests
themselves. These material have not
only been used by careful people
trained In tha us of different mth
ods for cont rolling lusect aud fungi.
$1.13tt; red Russian, 11.08 red fife. I at ion of London without modification.
Oats No. 1 white teed. :e-o
Barley No. 1 feed. IS4.50; brewing.
155 00: bran. 13.00: shorts. 12X10.
MlUfeed Spot prices: Bran. i:t
1J4.50 per ton: shorts, S26tJ2t0; roll
A harWvr. 17 Kfll??K 50.
Corn Whole, tit per ton; cracked, belligerents, indepenaenuy oi in pro-
137 per ton. vision of the declaration and uta gov
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy. lis ernment will reserve the right to enter
015.60; grain nay. swoii: siraiia. i . dmtnd or nroteet in everv casein
$13.50614; valley timothy. 113014. hIch rihu ar)d dutie. Mentioned
Eggs-Fresh Oregon rancn. case . . M . , fl . h . .., ,M of
The United Statea government
therefore insists that the rights and
dutie of those of its citiiens in the
present war be defined by tba existing
rules of international law and tha
treaties of the United Ststes with the
Great Britain Still Baa
Confidence in Naval Power
London The British government,
while regretting its naval losses dur
ing the war, is apparently in no fear
that its predominance in number of
fighting craft will be threatened ser
iously. "Britain can lose a superdread
naugbt every month for 12 month
without a single loss to the enemy,"
aid Winston Spencer Churchill, first
lord of the admiralty. In the bouse of
commons, "and yet be in as good a po
sition of superiority ss she wss st the
outbreak of the war."
Mr. Churchill declined to discuss
such topics aa the naval engagement
off Heligoland, the destruction of the
British cruisers Monmouth and Good
Hope off the coast of Chile and the
British naval expedition in Antwerp
prior to the fall of the Belgian for
tress, asserting such discussion would
ba profitless until he wa able to re
veal all the facts. Instead, he went
on to give a few details regarding the
work tha British navy waa performing.
count, 40c; candled. 42c: storage.
27630c; freeh. eastern, J5C374C
Poultry Hens. 13c; springs, 13e:
tnrkeya. ordinary 18019c; culls ISO
17c; lire 17018c: dressed (choice).
tOOZlo; ducks, 108 He; geese, 10O
Butter Creamery, prints, extras.
43 He per pound in case lota; He more
in leas than case lots: cubes. 31c,
Cheese Oregon triplets, jobbers'
buying price. 15c per pound Lab.
dock Portland; Toung Americas, lSHc
per pound.
Veal Fancy, 11HG120 per pound.
Pork Block, 10c per pound.
Vegetables Cucumbers. 50075c
per dos.; eggplant, 7o pound; peppers.
international law are violated or their
free exercise hindered by the suthori
ties of tha belligerent governments.
The message waa signed by Counsel'
lor Lsnsing, then acting secretary of
Tba declaration of London, framed
at an international conference in Lon
don, from which it draws its designa
tion, waa designed as a uniform naval
procedure for war times to be recog
nised bv all powers participating in
tha conference.
It set out definite declarations a to
what article should be considered con
traband of war and defined the right
7e per pouna; arncoosee, vc peri . F,,f, .,,,-(- n Wl.r.tinn
do.; tomatoes, 60cGU P crate; ,". M .. m.,wr
cabbage. 01e per pound; pea. 10c WM generally viewed as marking
per pound: beans. 607c per pound; reat advance over the conflicting
celerv. 60075c per pound: cauliflower, practices the several nations hsd sp-
40075c per dot en; sprouts, so per plied during penoas oi Deiugerency
pound: head lettuce, 11.850 per with most unsatisfactory result to
crate; pumpkin, le per pound ; I neutral shipping. It hss never been
squash, lc per pound. ratified, however, by all of the powers
Green Fruits Apples, CScGILSO
per box; casabas, lHe per pound;
pears. 8161.25: grapes. 75c 081.75 per
crate; cranberries, S80 Per barrel.
Potatoes Oregon, 75085c per sack.
Idaho, 85c; Yakima, 85cOSl; vest
potatoes, 2c per pound.
Onions Yellow, S5V90C per ssck.
Hops 1914 crop, 8011c; 1913 crop.
Wool Valley. 17018c; eastern Ore
gon. 15020c nominal.
Mohair 1914 cup. nw per pouna.
Csscara Bark Old and new, 4c per
tattle Prime steers, X7.w7.&:
choice. 86.50O8.75: medium. 86.250
8.50; choice cows, 85.75 S 25; medium
85.25 0 S.75; heifers, 8525 0 6 25;
calves, 86.0008.00; bulls, S3.00O4.7t;
stags, 84.50 6.00.
Hogs Light. S7.00O7.45; heavy,
86.00 S 6.45.
Sheep Wethers. 84.0035.60; ewe,
$4.00 0 5-00; lamb, f5.00O8.60.
. Peace Talk Denounced.
Berlin, via London The Cologne
Gazette declares that the report of
a German desire for peace, which it
says are probably inspired by the
British, belong to the "region of
higher political idiocy." "The posi
tion of the Germans, neither in the
East nor West," it continues, "is crit
ical. German military undertakings on
all the battlefield are progressing fa
vorably. Neither the military nor the
political situation contain any reason
which might make Germany desirous
to conclude peace."
Italian Accuse France.
Berlin Dispatches appearing in
Italian newspaper are to the effect
that molestation of Italian shipping by
the French is a part of a systematic
plan of the French to divert the mari
time trade of Genoa ' to Marseilles.
Word come from Rome that in North
ern Italy there is much feeling against
England, many foundries being closed
because of the seizure of copper and
lesd. British imports in October, ac
cording to Roma reporta, decreased 40
per cent, and the exports 60 per cent,
as compared with last year.
Germani'Sag No Change.
Berlin An official announcement
given out in Berlin says :
"English ship did not, attack the
coast of Flanders again Friday. There
hava been no actual change along tba
battle front in the western arena. To
the north of Lang-em arck, w hava
taken a group of house and made a
number of prisoners. Our attack in
the Argonne region has made further
progress. French attacks in the neigb
feorbood of Apremont were repulsed."
Seattle. There is considerable ac
tivity In apples, but prices are not
quotably higher. One of the apple
features during the week was the re
celpt of several carloads of Jonathans
from the upper Columbia district It
has been noted that the larger size
are watery, with defective core, but
the run of medium and small stock is
well adapted to the trade, and will
prove good sellers. Prices are 75c to
There Is a good undertone to the lo
val vegetable market, and the feeling
reaches, into practically every staple
offered, root stock and hothouse goods
redominating. The demand for local
celery is good, the newer arrivals of
the golden hearts stimulating the de
mand. Prices sre 40 60c. Hothouse
leaf lettuce is no longer one of the
leading vegetable staples as In days
gone by. It has been a drug on the
market this season. Crate lots are
selling at 40050c. The improved qual
ity of California head stock haa prac
tically forced the local offering off
the market.
There has been a liberal supply of
local cabbage, which is selling at
steady prices at 75c$l.
Eggs select ranch, 44046c per at.
Poultry Live hens, 1015c per lb;
old roosters, 10c per lb; 1914 broilers,
11c per lb; ducklings, 1Z013O per id;
geese, 10c per lb; guinea fowl, 38 per
doz; turkeys, live, 20c per lb; do,
dressed, 22 23c per lb.
Apples Cooking, 60060c per box;
Jonathans, 75c 081 per box; Winter
Bananas, 81.2501-50 per box; Kings,
75c8I Per box; Delicious, 81. 2501.60
per box; Spltzenbergs, 75c 081-25 per
Grapes Malagas. 8101.15 per crL;
Black Emperors, 81-15 per crate; Cor-
nlchons, 31 per crate.
Vegetables. Artichokes, 85c031 pr.
doz.; beans, green, 1001240 per lb;
bell peppers, California, 30-lb. boxes,
31-50; beets, new, 3101.25 per sack;
cabbare, local, 75c031 per 100 lbs.;
red, lo per lb; celery, 40060c per
Honey 83.250 3.50 per case.
Pears Beurre Easter, 31-25 per
box; Beurre Anjou, 76c Oil per box. j
Quince 81 2501.75 per box.
Walnuts 18c per lb.
Dressed Beef Prim beef steers.
12O12H0 per lb; cows. llHfl2 per
lb; heifers, 12a per lb.
Dressed Veal 14 He per ID.
Dressed Hogs Whole, packing
house, IHOlOe per lb. -
Dressed Spring Lamb per
lb. I
which participated in the conference.
The United States and Germany are
among the power which have recorded
their acceptance of the declaration.
while Great Britain ba not taken this
One article of tha declaration pro
vide that it ahall be binding aa be
tween belligerent power only on those
by which it ha been ratified.
Soon after the. outbreak or the
European war it became evident that,
while they recognised in a general
way the spirit of the declaration, some
of the belligerent power intended to
insist on great modifications of im
portant details, basing their action on
the fact that they had not formally
ratified the convention.
Since the declaration wa in fact a
compromise between the extreme
view of the several governments,
which participated in the conference,
a high official here pointed out that it
would have been neither just nor fstr.
in the opinion of the government, to
consent to any modification without
the agreement of all parties.
The State department felt obliged
to withdraw from its adherence to the
declaration, even before the German
protest waa received.
It is said, however, that the Ger
man position that the Briusn nave
violated the spirit of the declaration
of London by seizing and detaining
food supplies carried in neutral bot
toms and consigned to German porta.
directly or indirectly, is recognized by
the United States officials a sound.
Convict Demands Wage.
Providence R. L Arguments on the
constitutionality of the law authoriz
ing the state to mske contracts celling
the labor of prisoners without com
pensating them were heard before the
Rhode Island Supreme court. On the
ground that such enforced servitude
on the part of a prisoner is slsvery and
that the state constitution prohibits
slavery without making an exception
against convicts, the national commit
tee on prison labor is pressing the suit
against s garment company which
holds a contract for prisoners' labor.
Clergy Want to Battle.
Berlin The Evangelical clergymen
of Berlin and its suburbs have signed a
declaration against the military de
cree which says that student clergy
men, ordained, or clergymen who have
been pensioned msy not be celled to
arms. In their protest the clergymen
declare this decree cannot be justified
and is sn insult to them. All other
classes and professions have the honor
of being able to fight for their country
and they wouled do likewise. They
ars going to petition the reicbstsg to
revoke the decree.
Trade Balance Crowe.
Washington, D. C Exports at the
principal ports, which handle 80 per
cent of that business, totaled $89,217,
637 for the week ended November 21,
as against imports . of $24,834,124,
leaving a trade balance of more than
114,000,000 in favor of the United
SUte for the week and bringing th
trad balance for th month to more
than $46,000,000.
Effects of Spraying Heavy Oil en
Tress Th Oil Penetrated th Bark
and Killed th Tlssu.
but by other who are reckless to the
point of seeming to delight In taking
Many kind of oils hsre been used
for spraying Insect pest, some of
which hsre proved reliable and others
Injurious. Kerosene oil can be used
on some plants under certain condi
tion without causing Injury, while In
other cases it will kill them. Wa have
seen quite a few shade trees killed
by spraying with kerosene and water
to exterminate woolly aphis; tba on
soaked into the bark, reached the
cambium and sapwood, destroying the
Gas oil. a heavy oil used In the
manufacture of water gas, la very In
lurtous to trees wbn used aa a spray
A few years ago several hundred
shade trees wero severely injured In
one of the eastern cities by spraying
the trunks with this oil to kill clusters
of gipsy moth eggs, it being used with
out anv knowledge whatever of Its
adaptability to this purpose.
Ordinary house paint has some
times been used on smooth-bark trees
with great Injury.
Occasionally commercial oils used
for soraylng fruit tree for the San
Jose scale cause local Injury, and
some shade trees have been known to
be affected by their use.
Oils and other material to keep
down the dust In roadbeds are now
much In use, and we have observed
some Injury from this source, when
the trees were located close to the
highway and the buttresses of the
roots were exposed.
Salt used on sidewalks. In gutters
and trolley lines in winter has been
known to injure the root systems of
trees. Arsenate of soda, potassium
cyanide and other chemicals sre ex
tremely poisonous to trees and will
cause death.'
Tsslt ef Keeping- Him rrem Herd
Rather kaberiewe, gut It I by
re th Best Mhed.
K i jna Iaiw iwit, si.fc
Mlti SMl
Th best hog raiser do not per
mit th boar to run with in new.
fhsr are reason why this should
not be don. If on It to control th
time of farrowing and lb use of th
boar It can only be don wbsn a ts
kept by himself.
It I a too eonimoti practice to u
th boar when th season I over rath
r than keep him for future use, d
pendlug upon getting another young
au. This I a ruinous practice ana
Is largely reaponalbl for small lit
ter and weak bone llet a good boar
and keep him fur a few years. Ma
turity I good for him.
Have a small yard with grass. If
possible, hog tight and away from th
ows, so he will not be worried. A
quarter acre, with a good bouse ana
hade will afford ample exercise In
the open air. When grass Is not avail
able la his lot, give him cut green
tuff dally as long as It lasts. Feed
partngly of fattening foods and sun
ply plenty to keep him In gMd trim
and growing If not fully developed.
Mill stuff, skimmed milk, clover, al
falfaanything that furnishes protein.
Is advisable. Of course, supply ashes,
alt and charcoal.
This keeping th boar away from
he herd is mine trouble than letting
htm run, but It I the only way to
know Just what you are about In hog
I TO i
iM tv llaH Mm,
ferlx fx imM l
- mmk. aMUa
miwiuiu uaufto, mi . , fw-i w.
! Khmi rn. M. . TSi a Ms
,ihlr eaM IWHalMllMMI.
. Mrustonus. ll IL Mfuia SS,
I ror ft rir win suuiv rttvwTii
f 1 IJLilwii -, frSMSL rMtftMwl
L I Vu,. t. f
W I m l M If I.
I I m . V,,IU fix fcaatlX aM IWhMUIS
Selection ef Cows.
Extreme care i necessary In se
lecting cows, for no amount of skill
In feeding and handling will stimulate
profit from s truly poor cow. A
good dairy cow Is one with a large
capacity for using food above the
maintenance requirement and one
that uses this food for milk pro
In determining the most desirable
breed, one must consult his own likes
and dislikes first The man who likes
Holsteln cow and dislikes a Jersey
will be more successful with the for
Tuber Should Not B Stored In Oark
Place a It I Injurious Keep
free From Frost
Aside from the reason that th tu
ber will sprout If stored In th dark
this practice generally make It nee
essary to treat th tubers In lb
spring for scab, while If they are
stored where It I Unlit, during the
Inter, nd taken out and aired occa
sionally where there Is no danger of
being frost bitten they will be In ex
cellent shape so that a sun and light
bath for a week or ten days Just be
fore planting will be as good or better
than a dose of chemicals to prevent
scab. Tbls Is not theory but the plao
haa been practiced by many growers
tor years. Another thing In the rare
of seed potatoes Is not to keep Ihein
where they will get too warm: thejr
ihould be kept from frost, of course.
M. d ruqulr, Arbiter ef
In Psris, Wouldn't Ivsn Kat Candy
Cigar In Ladiss' Car.
A Newport woman, apropu of III
Duchess d tlramoul's rrluollu ball.
was talking about Andre de Ful
errs, the arbiter of elegance In I'arls
"M de rouuuleres Is too uieik-ui
ous In bis elegance," she said, with
a witty smile. "When a duk visit
him, he siivsuoes Is tp. When It's
baron, he advances six step. When
It s an equal he doe not advanc al
all. and when It I an Inferior an
American, say he actually recoils!
"Oh. yes, M. de Kouqulwres Is ridic
ulously meticulous. Once, en route
from 111 to Trouvllle, when b was
a Utile boy. a lady gav him a choco
late cigar.
. "And what will you do with It
the lady asked.
"Little Andre put the end of lite
chocolate cigar In hi mouth and rose.
"'Ill go Into the smoking compart
ment and eat It,' be said "Minneap
olis Journal.
I'M ,nf W'-Wt. fed IXMTt K
VMS CMltsa kasssaiasv, idm, ema
Improvement, If Blow, I Bur.
With the sanction of Hi dork el-
rhauge, public dealings lu securities
have been resumed, all restrU'llon
removed. That Is una good sign. An-
other Is thst th figures quoted In thl
'official market are considerably
higher than those prevailing on lb
invtunrabltt day when aiit-h Iranaae.
lions wsre no longer permitted, which
Is more partlnularly lha ras with
what are known the oil sharsa.
They are la demand. As to sports,
th tide continues to rise. Brooklyn
H area wkU """" ',
Alloa's ? kM la srviuiN run hit hot.
lt(,rllu.tut,-llU,rlllhg lr.u S.11J
all l'" ftm V,
mImiiiuIo. Trial iarfcua
Atlaa Ulauled. 1.4 ll... S.
!iri air.fl ant
ra. Siltliaat
Rich Picking.
The rirltlsh nsval officer was on bis
ay lo th bank with several bags
of prise money.
Hallo." exclaimed a friend, "what
have you there?"
"These." replied the lirltlsher. ' are
th fortunes of war that you've so
often read about" lloston Evening
"Henry writes that he's Joined the
Aloha Deta Kiss." said Mr. Daw kins.
a self mails man. "What that?"
Private Propsrty st Bsa.
Blenily progress lis been tnait l
aril th position of the I'nlled Hlate
for th last century and half, klveu
tually It will become I ho law of na
tion, if maritime war Is at 111 to con
tinue. The careers of lie Knulun and
the Karlsruhe pml Koiilnf lrg show
the futility of I'fforl In destroy pri
vate property at sea. Certainly, lliry
prove how little elfeel on the final
oud-oiue of a titanic struggle sm s
raiding can have. New York l ost
What bleeaed relief! The moment
reslnol ointment touches Itrhln w'n,
the Itching stops and healing begins.
That Is why doctors hate l-r-ariUv it
successfully for nliinlnen year In even
the severest, l cases of ee
em, tatter, ringworm, raahe and
other tormenting, unsightly sklnefnp-
tlons. With the help of warm Usihs
with rc-alnol oap, reslnol ointment re
stores the akin or scalp to pertm-t
beallh and comfort quickly, easily
and at little cost At all druggists.
With all her might ami main.
8h shirked her Christina shopping
And found It tilled with pain.
I n- v 1
jnw Vj,.,. Y"V "If a Oreek letter fraternity, sn
, - ' werd Mr. lwkln. Who Is Shsf
1 a "tLK . . - A "I'mph!" snorted Mr. fiawklns "I'd There was a dame In our town
''a' , 4 " " Hk to know why he couldn't Join And sho waa wnndroti wise.
kr i -. M something American. Instead of tah- Hhe planned to shop qulle early
ll f ..... .. . .. i... , 1- To eter one' surnrlse.
12 V : V " ,B "p w" ) when Iter Plans . finl.
! , h ' MV Th Brighter Sid.
Ijl 4U This war In Europe Is terrible."
6 t ' r 1 "1 agree with you. Still. I'm more
H ,Sj 1 M fortunate than some people."
7 VT" 'V f" kl "Howl, thatr
, "I'm not acquainted with any re
-T-rZ$ZZ?pr tired military men who Insist on tell
'-' ." ' ' ,"- -. J Ing me how It ought to be fought."
ML KI'MIOS m.rM aa
IVl.).k. M-..HIM i.ul4.
ll.., (1 W-.I4. Sit..). it.-n. . S-M
m M Mtlia "
I11IHL la
..4 I ta
nuii-e f H-l.
Fine Quality
of Potato Evsn
but the temperature should not b
above 0 In order to have th best re I
suit. Kept on light shelf-trays sol
that they can be taken down and
shifted about occasionally, they will
keep In excellent shape If handled as
Good Advlc.
Mr. Style Hut William, I can't
keep my eye shut to such a rumor as
Mr. Styles 1 don't sk you to.
dear. Only try to keep your mouth
"Flddlsr s Orssn."
Fiddler's Oreen" I th Elysium of
the sailors; a land flowing with rum
and lime Juice; a place of perpetual
music, mirth, dancing, drinking and
Often Hsppsns That It Would B Mors
Economical to Hlr From Others
Interacting Oats.
Many Horses Ruined.
Hundred of young horse are dally
put out of business and rendered un
salable, except at loss, because of
distemper, worms, indigestion, heave;
etc., all of which could have been pre
vented had they been, taken In time.
Do not wait until apple ar dead
ripe before picking for winter storage.
Walt until the vine are touched'
with frost before digging sweet potjV
. -
Do not be in a hurry to bring in the
pumpkin. Tbcy will rot If housed tod
The water In tba cistern may be low
ind It should be well cleaned before
he fall rains.
When the pieplant wilts under the
lrt frost cover the root thickly with
soars manure.
Store sweet potatoes In s perfectly
Iry snd wsrm place. Dampness will.
lulckly destroy them.
Take th last of the sweet corn, cut;
ff the kernels snd dry In the sua. It!
s fin for winter nse.
A fin place In which to ator fruit!
luring the warm day of autumn la al
itlck-walled room in th bank
Br . U MA(-tONAI.I. Colorado Arlrul-
The writer I of the opinion that
many a farmer 1 templed to purchase
bis own equipment when In reality It
would be more economical to hire from
Let us endeavor to ascertain how
many acre of grain a farmer should
cut a bl annual average before the
purchase of a self-binder I Justifiable.
VVe assume the following data:
Initial coat of binder $10.00
Anaual depreciation, I per cam, Aral !!.!
Annual rata of Interrst. 7 Der cent... '
Annual repairs IW
Coat of twins tx-r ai-re
flora labor p-r hour It
Man labor per hour U
Assuming that one man and three
horse with a six-foot binder can cut
16 acre in ten hour, we deduce that
cost of labor per acre I 30 cents.
As against these Items tot us sup
pose that the farmer could hlr the
grain cut for one dollar per acre.
The above data give u th conclu
sion, by elementary algebra that a
man should cut an average of 6S acre
annually before th purchase of a
binder will save him money.
In Buslnss.
Attention, application, accuracy.
method, punctuality and dispatch r
the principal qualities required forth
efficient conduct of bualnea of any
sort 8. Smite. $
I vol nwi nartHJitr win rrn tou
Try Muriu. St kai ut kwl, ... ttawry
uulalaol Kr.UO.. Nu KuiartlUf
n'url. Well (i-r tUmU ul .: tt
rra. aluriaSyHailrlV.l.'
I wall rra
It cost a innn KB to beat up an al
iened homcbrenknr. The Interstate
commerce commission would probably
bold th rnte Just and reasonable.
Th cotton ball Is Intended to stim
ulate the sale of cotton. Well, we've
been buying cotton for year In guar
anttwd all-wool suits.
Customer Hrlng me an, extra good
steak, and have It very rare.
Walter (loss, a extry good steak la
dl bcah restrains alius very rare!
Precious Finance.
"Johnny!" exclaimed the careful
mother. "You have shaken nearly all
the money out' of your tin bank!"
"Yes'm. I'm not taking any chances
on having my little bank bawled oui
for boarding the stuff."
On that skunk farm In California
even the most pronounced standpatter
will probably agree ai eight hour day
1 sufficient
Quick Relief When
Utterly Worn Out
(setting the Blood in Order
Is Required By Most
Smoking Ruin.
"Just com from the club. Nothing
left but smoking ruins."
"What? Not burned down?"
"Ob, no; everyone but half a doxon
cigarette fiends had gone home."
Cartel n Pracautlona Must Be Obsarvsd
In Eastern Section Before Estab
lishing tha Plant
Although established with compara
tive ease in almost any section of the
West there are certain precaution
which must be observed in the East,
rn and humid tete befor alfalfa
will "catch." The first of these I per
haps that of determining whether or
not tha soil is acid. Alfalfa will not
rrow in a sour soli. To determine
if th soli is acid, press a bsndful of
the soil around a little atrip of blue
'itmus caoer a special kind of papr
which any druggist can supply and
illow It to remain for an hour or so.
(f th blue litmus paper turn pink.
me soil is acid; If tha paper r mains
Slue, the soli contains no acid.
Cow I Vary Susceptible
Th dairy cow I very susceptible
jo external inuuences. ui unr im
Hgbt kind of car and feed and tba
will give you the right kind of work
in return.
Poultry Flrt
Tim (a tenant in Ireland) Well,
Patsy, are ye afther bulldln' an addi
tion to yer bouse?
Fatay Bbure and the bins like
place to thlmselves. I'uck.
A Convsrsstlonsllst
"Now, Ethel, remember, you must
never Interrupt me when I am talking,
. "But, mamma, I never tee yon any
other time!"
Speaking of Line.
Bill! ee a college professor has
Jilted a poetess and married an act
. Jill Perhsps be thought the 1st
ter line were better.
Superficial Eatlmat.
"Ton can't Judg a man by bis coat
"No. But In ths light of present
style, it I mor generous to Judge
him by nu cost than by bis hat."
Tf re think von fcsvs soon to smsih snd
ft only for ths disc-aril, try M. U. M. tor I in
blsod. It will snrprlae you to know what
ess ba doss for ar-slta onrs ths blood Is
ralaswd ot tba earns of body wsstcs that
kera It from exorcising Its full Bassur ot
bodily rrpslr.
11 rou im) pisysd eat. go to sny drug
stors sad auk for a bottls of H R. M. Ilrrs
Is rtmsdy tbat get st work in a twlnk-
llnar: It Just naturally rushes riciit into
your blood, scatters germs right "d U-Cl,
up aad dowa and alduways.
jou ii iisiisr st od, not rrora a sritn-
rjlsst sot from tb sctloo of drum, b'.'.t
frost tks rslloDSl offset of S DStursI Bttill-dn.
Tbs Inrred tml la a. R. B. serrs tlis
sctlv purpoaa ef so stimulating ths enlltilsr
tlsssfs of ths body Uist tlo-y plrk out from
tb blood tbrtr own esx-nllsl nulrtmtut snd
tbus ropslr work besins st one. Too rsllcf
Is gsasrsl sll evar tba system.
I) aot Brrltct to get bottls of R. IK
today. It will aisk you fr bttr In Juit
a taw mlautrs. It Is prepared only la ths
Isborstory ef Ths Hwlft HpMlflo Co., n.10
Bwirt Bids.. Atlanta. Os. Rrnd for
free book tclllns of ths msnv atianra con
ditions that afflict ths human (smllv hi
of Impoverished blood.
About Gen.
"How I Wasierby'a credit In townf
"It must be very low by thl tlma.
When I wa her three years ago h
was giving it oxygon."
P. N. U.
No, 4, (I4
iWHCTf wrlUa so saHrUsars, alasss SMBt- I
" tl thia aasae.