The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 04, 1914, Image 3

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    Fresh Bread, Cake and
Fine Candles Also
Good HmIi at All Hour 2S tints
Lodge 8uwrt a 8ocllty
ZEHM the Baker
Dupule Building. Main ami Wat.r
Weston Meal
Brandt Building oppo
site Postoflkc.
Good, Fresh Meats
Fish in Season
All kinds of Dressed Meats
Market Price Paid
A. P. Perry j
Willi reluming fioin the local
depot shortly after four o'clock Mun
day aMnrnoon two W.ston atria, aach
of whom la about seventeen yesrs old,
war. assaulted by 111 Mtanton of
Currant price, will bs paid for hide
at tha Weeloo mul maraei.
Ifanry Hlamper w.e a bu.lnea. via.
Athanat at a point naar tha wheat nor at renuicinn
warehnueea. . M F B Buyd t Athene waa a
It appear, that Ktanlonirtrov. by In I ' Bund.y of Mr. and Mra.
a buggy and asked tha glrla to rlda. , I'T uZ
Never having an him before, they
tulta naturally refuaed, with aome ty, N. I. Wood haa gona to Ux ust
how of aplrlt. Thla angered Mtanton. (Srytt Idaho, to conduct a eerloe of
and ha Jumped out of tha buggy ,fotraclad mcctlnga.
ran toward them. Una of tha atrial .
escaped, but tha oiher waa knocked I rtoyd. tha two-year-old eon or air.
down and dragged for aoma dlslanr. and Mra. Clay Bmllh. la racovarlnt
by Hlanton, It la aald, with hla hanrta from a vary aerloue lllnaaa.
clutching her neck, . .... ,,,.,,
My thla time the acraamlna of tha air. in " L."
alrla brouahl aaal.lence. and Utanton ' amv.o in
ran away, with two man In puraulu I Waah., to remain during tha wlntar
They raptured hltn and brought him M K WM here for eeverel
iv town, an.r fi iw " tr ,w...w
flaht. and dellversd him In
. . k. I A Ik. .!.. nalii
nilllllKI. lllw sw pi.siga
offense did not develop until latar hel'"
waa released by ItecorUer leMoaa onj Mf ,n(j urgt p. jf. Van Bklver hava
hla own recognisance and want to bl'mova'd In from tha farm, and ara
huma at Athena. Nest day a ''i,r,in occupying Ihalr town raaldvnca
warrant f hi. .rr.t waa iworn out . .... ,i r.,i
. - - - i un r 1 1 i ..."
by ttty Marahal Wllan In tha Athena
Juatlr. court, but by thla tlma lan-1 Edward Tuckar haa resumed tha
ton had disappeared, and la thought aale of the United HUtes cresm acpar
lo hava ona to Kewlaton, Idaho. lalora. and received a new ahlpmant
Mtanton had baan drinking, but ra- thla week of thcaa macninaa.
pona d rtfr aa to whathar or not na
wa. intoilratad. II. brlona. to a wall Mr. and Mr. ""rlaon Kirk of Htf
... it., tonvl la. Maakatchewan, ara vlalllna at
Known i' m i i . n ii . ; , mil, i ... ... i. . . w
aaka of hla mothar It la MI4 that an tha homa of Mra. Kirk a p.ranu, Mr.
affnrt la hrlna mada bv nna of hla. ana mrm. t. . -.
brothrra to huah up tha affair.
. . . iii. Ir. M. B. Krn waa nara r ar.,
.lil'naya la.t wark from Pandlaton. look,
jra "f hla n,r hl" ,,",dc, ,nU,r""" on w
I Dr. Farnsworth
Offlca lloura-g.90 to 12 a. m.
I to 6 .10 p. in.
Ome upataira In Hraixlt
Weston - - Oregon
Mra. J. P. Ncvln drova In Tuaaday
from th Ncvln ranch In tha Vanaycla
nalahborhood. and will rralda at her
homa In Wraton durlnf tha winter.
Ilavlna recovarad from bar racant
lllnaaa. Mra. I. B. Blln laft Wadnaa
d.v for a. vlalt with bar daughter.
from a whirlwind of .Ir.mln. Ic'Mra. P. A. Worthlnat.m. at Portland.
and arma and wrlaallnc toraoa tha
iiulch nyrra" of Wcaton amrcd
An rlaant Itlaalua piano, flnlahcd
In rircaalan burl walnut, waa racclv
ad thla week by Frank Prlca and haa
baan Inntallad In hla coltaae on Nor
mal Hrlfhta.
Walta A naara. who find that ad
v.rtuina la nrofltabla and bellrva In
rratntand motion plcluma at Wr
inn opara hauaa nrt Monday an
liirdy avanlnaa.
vlclnrtiiua In thalr baakatball mlkup
Katurday avanlna with tha Milton
(lymnaalum taam, ei-or It to IS.
Tli a arnra I'Hika ona-aldod. but tha
ama waa flarcaly fouaht by tha young
vla'tora. who ara muscular lada and
lonmrd up Ilka gladlalora In Ihalr .hpddlng thalr light" In a variety of
aranty unlforma. Tha Weaton bnya'waya ar( placing fourteen largo algn
wera nimbler, however, and won both boarda throughout tha countryatda.
through better team work and better
Individual play, Coach Oelaa haa rea-1 Mr. and Mra. W. E. Prlakell and
.on to feel proud of their pruw.w. Hoyal Drtskr!! ssld good bya thla week
"Krnle" fllomgren. former atar for-. to their numeroua Weaton friend and
ward of the Weaton Normal, waa again left for Htllyard. Waah.. whera they
In harnem. and played nearly up to will maka their homa during the wln
hla nld-tlma form, ilia colleague, ter. They eipect to return to W eaton
Cyril Proahatet. waa aa allppery aa an In March,
.-t mw,A winh Um.h h in.Md aoala I
from bare, there and everywhere. 1 Hoy Klllgore. who waa mbltloua o
Tha vlaltlng f.n-warda were well guard- loin ITncle Kam a navy, returned . uea
ed by Ueuallen and Klrkpatrlck. day from Portland, where he failed
i .i ..i. a n h..rfv in naa. tho nhvalral examination. Aa
and effectlv. defrnalve game. recrulta are now aald to be plentiful
Bmlth acored aeven fli-ld goala for the navy aurgeona are atrlct. and only
Weaton and Womgrrn five. Proebatel one out of four candidate, paaaed on
laaed fur field goala and five from the day Hoy took tha examination.
, .... i , r .. . .1. .1.. n f . n .1
a...'-. fi,. rk. ih.. mil Tha Infant child of Mr. and Mra.
ton playera wara Bve'retl. Tlmken and Bm Nrlion died Tueeday morning of
pneumonia at their home In Adama.
where Mr. Nelaon la atatlon agent of
" the O.-W. II. N. In their hour of
Cab aerlca to the dejiot or to any aorrow the young parenta have the
. , .. .i.w . m..i,i . nvmiiHihv of many frlenda In thl
Itlng tho Mornhall ILiuen or Blampar'a community. The remain, were brought
livery barn. Ijife MrHrlde. to weaton ir iniermeni
with eager buyers since opening
Weston's Greatest
, Hundreds of patrons have bought here cheaper
than ever before.
Everything must go before January 1. Be one
of the lucky ones get in on the ground floor. Buy
now and clothe the whole family from head to foot
at about one-half the usual cost then feed them on :
Peacock Flour, Special Price, per Back....: $1.50
Peacock Flonr, Special Price, per barrel $5.90
All You Want
15 pounds Best Cane Sugar $1.00
Crystal White Soap, 6 bars. ; 25c
S. W. Beans and Red Mexicans, per pound........ oc
Special on Sweaters and Overcoats .
$17.00 Men's Stylish Overcoats, only .......$9.95
$10.50 Men's Heavy Corduroy-lined Overcoats, only $5.95
$6.00 Boys' Overcoats, only.......... ...........; ..$3.00
" ' . We also have lot of Soys' Suits from $t.50 up to $4,50
$8.60 All Wool Sweaters cut to J 6.25
$7.50 All Wool Sweaters cut to -. $4.95
and on down to as low as 25c for Children's Sweaters
"The Store of a Thousand Bargains"
(Successors to Jarman's Department Store)
Mr. and Mra. Curiiaa Of Souih Ia
kotai Mra. Itunaey, Mia. Jiunney and
Judge Lowell of Pendleton, and Mra,
I'lamondoa of Athena formed an auto,
mobile party who vletted Weaton Mon
day for tha purpoae of giving Mra.
Curtlae an opportunity to , greet bar
frlenda of former daya In thla city,
mad. whan aho waa a memlxr of the
faculty of the Kaalern Oregon Htote
Normal aVhool, Bha eapraaaed great
regret ovor the defeat of tha arhool
bill, and alao the hope that eonie day
tha people df Oregon may be brought
to reallae the need of thla liwillullun.
Mr. Curtlaa la alao a former tearher,
and flrat met hla wife whan they were
fi-llow-taarhera In the normal achool
at Madlaon. Mouth Dakota, lie ha.
elnce become quite prominently Identi
fied with the Industrial artlvltlr. of
th. Middle Weal. II. la the Inventor
of the McCornilck corn hueker and
ahredder, a machine which In the com
eountry la relatively of tha aamo im
portance aa the combined narveaier in
the wheat belt of the Inland Empire.
He own. a farm In eoulhem Wlacon-
In. 71 ml lea northweot of Chicago,
but la now engaged In mining In tha
Black Hllta. Bouta Dakota.
The puplla of the LaMar achool
near Weaton ceicoraica ininniiin
with a very pleaalng program given
under tha direction of their teacher,
Mlaa Buala Partridge. It Included
eonge by th. achool and recltallona by
the following puplla: noya wag-
gart. Helen Hanaell. Raipn Johnaon.
Wayne Bwaggart, . Iol Key, Fred
Johnaon. Illancha Bwaggart. Helen
Jobneon. Orant Key, Vergl. Key, Km-
eral Duncao. The patron, present
were alao much Inlereated In the ex
hibit of free hand paper cutting made
by the flrat and aecond puplla.
which llltietratea th. flrat atepa In
manual training. Tha work of tbe
achool In drawing and painting waa
llkewla. admired. After the enter
tainment dellclou. refreshment, wore
aerved by a committee conaiatlng or
Mra. Milton Bwaggart. chairman; Mlaa
lieaale Key, Mra. Clem Duncan. Mlaa
Anna Johnson, Mlaa Eva Bchrlmpf.
Mia. LlMle Bheard. Mr. Eugene
Bchrlmpf and Mr. Jack McCool.
Loran Maybee ha. rigged up a wlre
leaa apparatua with a mul about (0
feet high at th. Maybee domicile In
thla city. Loren had a almllar outfit
when living at Puyatlup, Waal., and
la becoming quite adept at wlrelea.
telegraphy. While unable to get re
port from the acene of war In Europe,
he expecta to be able to receive met
aagea from aa far away aa Ban Fran
claco. and may be able to put The
Ladar in touch with aome real, live
new. occaalonally. He t. alao inter In telcaraohy. and hla home la
connected by wire with that of an
other Wraton boy, Carl Brandt.
In a apeclal election at Athena to
vole on a water bond laaue of 1 1Z.009
11 votea were cant, all but two being
In favor of the propoeed laaue.
Athena Pre: A aplrndld exhlbl
tlon of taxidermist work may be wen
In the new elk head at the Flrat Na
tional bank. The maaalve head and
antler are from tho elk killed by the
LeOrow. Pambruo and Watt, party In
Montana acvcraJ weeka ago, and the
mounting waa done by Bam Pambrun
who haa heretofore done aome aplcn-
did work In thto line. Mr. LeOrow
now haa two fin. bead, on exhibition
at the bank.
M. E. Palmer and H. A. Dowd drove
down to Weaton Tueaday from Waah
turna, Waah.. In Mr. Palmer, new
Itro. Both of theae Adama county
rancher, beapeak the proeperlty of
their district, both preaent and future.
Mr. Palmer la farming about 1800
acre., and part of hla leaned land era
brace the Watts ft Roger, holdlnira.
He haa seeded 1800 acre, and Mr.
!Kwd HO acre, for the 1915 harvest.
Mr. Dowd I. a former Weaton farmer,
and wa. warmly greeted by friends
The girls' team of Echo and Weaton
high achool. will play basketball this
evening In the Weston court. These
two well-matched team, have enter
tained ths public with several lively
and Interesting conteata In the past.
and this event promise, to be no ex
ceptlon. The local, will enter the fray
In fine fettle, and confident of victory,
although realising that whatever laur
el, they may win against Echo will be
well deserved. J
Tha Sat unlay Aftern'oon Club met
November 28 at the home of Mra. Kob-
ert f'rouilfit,. Roll call waa responded
to with quotation, from favorite au
thore. Mrs. C. T. McCausland'a pa
per. "Oreiron'a School Svsiam," was
ral bv Mra. Albert James. Mra. b.
O. DeMosa read a very lnterestinjf pa
per on "New Methods of War." Ke
freshmenta were aerved by the hostess
assiKted by Mra. E. Dudley and ft Irs.
E. C. Rojfera.
Mr. Charles Maeera of Tekoa.
Wash., and Miss Vina L. Goode of
Athena vera united in tnarriaire De
cember 2 at the home of the bride a
parenta, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Goode.
About iwemy-nve g-uesia were prea
ent, Including a ouraber from free
water and Weston mountain. The
bride'a father officiated.
For Sale 03 acres 3 miles from
Weston, $115 per acre: 40 acres, U.
per acre: 80 acres, $120 per acre; 40
acres, ioOOO; 40 acrea. MaiM); 40 acres,
1115 per acre. Harnett fit Turner.
Wallace Nelson, O-W. R. & N. ajfent
at The Dalles, and Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Warner of Baker, Oreiron, were
here vestertlivv to attend the funeral of
Samuel Nelson's baby boy.
Rpp-lnnlnir December 10 Watta &
Hotfers will show you how badly they
want monev. Nails at 4o, 2tt-lnch hojr
wire at 23 8-10o. sewing machines
worth $25 for $18, etc
The Milton Eagle report, the ship
ment of two cars of Walla Walla val
ley fancy apples at $1.10 and 11.25
per box. f. o. b. Milton, the market
having Improved.
F. G. Lucas, Weston'a realty man,
haa purchased a neat and nifty Max
well touring car. 1915 model, in which
to take out his olienta.
Tha reirular meetintr of the Epworth
Leairue will be held Saturday evening"
of this week Instead of Friday, at the
home of Claud trice.
J. L. Fuson and family went to Helix
todav to attend the funeral of the 12
vearold sort of Dr. and Mra. W. H
To be conveniently near hi. feed
mill D. R. Wood is moving his family
and belongings into the normal achool
cottage. . . . .
Watta A Rogers' are unpacking a
large shipment of X-roaa crockery, at
the advertised bargain prices.
Watta & Rogers' submarine makes a
bit In the wire problem. See big ad.
Range for sale. Inquire at bakery.
Mr. and Mra, Marry 8. Brown and
little daughter Barbara of Milton,
ata Thankaalvlng I my vMtora laat
waek with Mr. Iirowna par.nla at
Fay Loverldge and family ara leav
ing thla week for Durkea, Oregon, to
locate on a quarter ewllon of land
whlrh Mr. Loverldge lately purt'haaed
from Julia Clark.
Jinks Taylor and Hardy Maaafleld
of Athena rod. through Weatoa. Tuea
day with a band of thirty ravalry
horaea to be aubmlttad lor Inapet'tlon
at Walla Walla. Thay ara d'atlned
for eervlee In Europe with th. French
Ifer many frlenda In Weaton and
vicinity will regret to lea in of the
serious lllneaa of Mra, George Car-
mlrhael at her bom. In Wall. Walla.
Hhe la under a physician's car. with
nervoua breakdown, and brain fever
I. threatened.
Contractor Carl, of Walla Walla haa
begun work on th. fill for th. water-
worka dam abov. town with a l.rga
fore, of men and team.. Quit, a lit
tle village, conaiatlng of a large barn,
cook he-iaa and tent., ha. grown up
on th. bank, of Pine creek.
A petition againat the proposed ap
pointment by th. county court of a
county agricultural expert waa circu
lated In Weaton thla week and largoly
signed. The petition seta forth that
taxes are already high enough and
that there la no need of creating a fat
sinecure for aomebody.
Dr. and Mra. J. W. Itanaom are
moving to Weat'in from Itlddle, Doug
laa county, and have leaaed th. Drla
kell resident on Normal Heights. Af
ter many year, of practice Dr. Ransom
haa decided to retire, and finding
Weaton a pleasant little burg he con
cluded to m.k. It hla home.
Milton Eagle: Wheat farmer, will
be able to aecure grain bags for tha
coming harveat at alx cent, and under,
according to Indication at the preaent
time. Not for 10 yeare have there
been so many bag. In the market as
thla year and It Is believed a low price
on aark. will be secured for north
weat wheatgrower. aa . result.
The "Purpl. GlanU" of Echo, have
been taken on by the "Dutch Flyers"
of Weston for a basketball game next
Tuesdsy evening. December I. These
Echo Olanta are touted atrong and
are on a championship tour of the In
land Empire. Tbey claim to have
acored many vlctorlea and to have
met with but one defeat in the laat
Wedneaday at Long Beach, Cal
Mlaa Winifred Gelaa became the bride
of Mr. Alex. MacKenxle. a business
man of Walla Walla, where the happy
couple will make their home after the
honeymoon. The bride la well ana
favorably known to Weaton people.
She la a gifted alnger. and on several
occaatona has appeared to advantage
her. In pioneer reunion programa.
If It War. Our Sun It Would Taka Over
Eight Hour, to Rum.
Of all tbe twenty drat magnitude
etara the Inherent glory of BlRel and
Canoiua la tile trrratext. Only two are
farther tlmu lli.-y. while tha other atx
tevu are very much nearer.
Estlmiite tclrti tbe Debt of Bteel aa
equal to thur of 22.UW suae and that of
Canopua aa .VLttoo. I
Assuming that their freoeral anrface
brilliancy Ik tbe witne aa that of tbe
sun and rent! Hue tbnt nisei baa at
least 22.OTI0 and Canopua fcj.000 time,
tlie llcht of tbe aun. tbe aqua re root of
these flmirea gtvea na Rlgel'a diameter
aa I'iO and Canopua 235 time, that of
tbe sun.
Whereas tbe sun's diameter, aa aeen
hi tbe aky. nieaattrea ooe-balf a degree,
Canopua', at tbe enme distance, would
measure 117H decree of tbe 180 that
reach from horizon to borlxon. and Ita
disk would cover 55.225 times tbe aky
area occupied by tbe sun. Canopua
would be nearly ebrbt boors In rising.
With such a globe brought ao near.
all life on tbe earth would Instantly
perish, aeaa would be converted luto
steam, and tbe very mountains wonld
melt with fervent heat and flow like
molten Iron. Beside such facta our cor
ner of the universe seems diminutive,
dull and Insignificant.
These two marvelous orb. have been
found amoug a group of twenty to
which tbey belong. Out of tbe million
million stars known to exbtt only twen
ty, for auKht we know, mlcht yield
almllar specimens. Nothing proves that
such worlds ara rare. Scientific Amer
ica n.
Tha Critio Scored.
"I have Juat sold that picture for
2.000r said the Jubilant artist
"I congratulate you on your ability,
replied tbe critic
"Thank yon. It makea a difference.
doesn't ItT
"Makes difference? I don't under
stand yon.'
'I mean that It makes a difference
when a man succeeds. Cp to, this time
you have never otterea a vrora or
praise or encouragement to me. Two
or three tlmea you have made slleht-
4ng refcrenci'8 to my ability aa a paint
er. Now tbat I have sold a picture
for a good 1 rice yon begin to sea tbat
I have artistic talent."
"Oh. I'm not congratulating yon on
yonr artlstle talent hut on your ability
aa a aaleeman." Chicago Newa.
Sir Gstahad.
The moat conspicuous of the Knlgbta
of the Bound Table waa Sir (Jalahnd.
tbe son of fjiunrelot and Elaine. Tbe
familiar words, "There Galahad sat.
with manly face, yet maiden meekness
In hla face." sufficiently Indicate the
qualities for which the knight waa fa
mousto wit Hon hearted courage
combined with humility and meekness
of spirit, tbe atrength of tbe oak with
the soft beauty of the Illy.
Wall Spoken.
Mother Ton know what a party la.
dont you. dear? Doris laged foori
Tea. mamma. A party la where yon
go and ata a little while and pass
your saucer bnck for some more and
etay another little while and then go
borne. Boston Transcript
Tha Way It Worked.
Scroerfna-WelU do you still belong
to the nUin Thinking cult? Nutley
Naw! While I waa busy repeating
"health, wealth, success." the fellow
Just below uie grabbed my job.-Tuck.
. . . t 1 W tnAm Aihjtr.' eat.
rent) le nave wonoereo now ww - -
on wire fencing, and eonskl.rii.g- there la no aeerrt wa now feel jua-
,ifl1)ne daylast Summ.r the Steel Trust man m.t the Antl
Trust ma;i her. and ne.rly all day Ihev malsJNtrta and fane,
merita on a carload order. A f tar all f aimeaa to each the Antl Tmet
. msn wsVgivIng ua a better fenea and better deal, eona.darlng qual-
U' ThaT-rust representative- In Walla Walla and also coming here
in pen have tried to get -J"" ""tW .
tha are aor. and sm.rtmg under dtfaat to the tent tl hat tbey ara
writing her. to th. f.rmera and making f .(?) offm on their
fencing So her. wa are to meat and consider with yoo anything
.theyifhth!uuatopleeouWn't meet the Independent people with
aa how can tbey expect to do more for youT Wa re.wm to do
all we can for you and we are here to make good all tha time. They
have no interest in you whateaer outside of getting your money.
We are here to shar. your joy. and help in troubUe. ft a keep your
money here and that belpa ua ail.
tlLUAM MacKENZIC, Prtsidtat
J. It. PRICE, Vk PrtiUUM
I. M. SAITfl, Cashier
V E. U BL0M0REN, Atsktaat Cashiar
Established 1891
The Faraiers Bank of Weston
. A - '
. . . r - . t ii - . . .
People do not have Bank
Accounts because they are
successful, but they are
- successful because: th,ey
have Bank Accounts.
DIRECTORS Dr. F. D. Watts, Wm. MacKenzie. 0 C Tur
ner, G. W. Stas. Joseph Wurzer, J. H. Price. J. C Price.
are enhanced by the riht sort of giving
('""' ' 8 Many articles
s from our big
Furniture Stock
will make
. and pleasing
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
. -1 ...
Sixty (minimum)........... ..$0 75
One hundred 1 00
Two hundred.......:........ 1 50
Each additional hundred 0 30
Patent Medicines
Toilet Articles
Wall Paper
Aldon's Candies
JDruggist, Weston, Oregon