The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 20, 1914, Image 3

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    A Wet Day?
job waain
CWk awl
U4mmIiihw ii
A. J. TOWER CO, Boaton
The Economy Stirs
Weston Meat
i i
Brandt Boildinpr, oppo-1
, site Postofiice.
i Good, Fresh Meats i
Fish in Season
1 All kinds of Dressed Meals
A. P. Perry!
Dr. Farnsworth i
Office Hour-8:90 to 12 ";;
1 to 8:30 p. m.
Office upatalrt In Brandt j ;
. building.
- Oregon
('iinplnl irlrl wanta ganoral bouM
aura, mijuira at tine uinua.
pin. i . i, nuBHB fiiwp
An.l lo epaiid lha winter month!
wun ner parent.
1 1. h.Um mi. Unit nli-lurea at Wit-
Inn opera houa el Monday awf
Tuesday evening.
I J .11. riodlua haa gone tn lha Hot
lake iwnllarlum fur law weexr atay.
hoi.ln to in rid of an attack of rheu
At their noma near Weaton Halur
day, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Ituae be
rarna Ilia Itroud pareula of a baby
Ws ti've black rnat that buma. c.
menl that eeta, gasoline that rxplodea
and dynamite that blowa Hp. oe big
ad. Walta lluer.
Mra. J, B. Rose, who haa beea vial I.
In her son naar w Mil on lor ma paai
week, relurn.d lo hr homa aver Walla
Walla Monday evening.
m n uauk miurnod Hunilfl v from
a visit to hla mothar, Mra. A. It. Price,
Iiiih arrlou llinraa continues i nr
noma In Pullman, Waah.
lack ttuvla. ho Mrew up" near
Wtfi and la now mining In lha
Coeur d'Alene. rarna bark Ihla week
for a visit with old-tlm friend.
I will aril at a bargain a naw buggy,
now al of alngta harnraa, good doubla
seated rarrts and new set of doubla
driving harnitaa. II. Waddlngham.
Mr. and Mm. Roy Ueuallcn Mlaa
Lo'na Ueuallcn and Mr. Itay O'Marra
spent Hunday with Mr. and Mra. Hoy
lUionnl at their homo nrar wane
Jsa Meusllen of Walla Walla, and
Jim llarrla of Pendleton, old-tlmo
Weatonlana. met hera together Mon
day and swapped atorlee of "auld lang
K. K. Z.-hm haa finished remodel
Ing and repainting the Interior of hla
now bakery In lha Uupule building,
and now haa an attractive ahop In
whlrh to welcome hla patron.
K K. SVhm. th bakrr, will serve
a Thanksgiving dinner next Thursday,
November 1. at l cnia. Ths mrnu
will consistent roaal gone, turkay,
rhlrken andthe uaual aceeeeorlea.
If. M. Wlebke and family laft thla
week for thrlr new homa In Wash
ington county, whara Mr. Wlebk haa
purchased 70 arra of garden and paa
lure land Ha will rngagn eilanalve
y In dairying and already haa a herd
of 40 com a.
The ganollna angina uaed by O. R.
Wood lo operate hla feed mill, unea
pertedly went on a "buet" thla week
and acattered llaa'f about tha angina
........ ,,,lklv luMaojt of an old
crark In tha liaae. Until reialra ran
be mi Mr. Wiwu la uinjf nia lower
mill on W ater avraal.
w. itamhn wrllea to John tleaton
of this rlty, that ha la now comfortably
located on 120 acre or lana near n
letopn, Waaco rounty, and haa com
plrtrd a naw liouae and barn. An
other trarl of government land haa
been thrown open to nettlement In tlic
neighborhood, and Mr. Itambo Intend
to ftla on 120 arraa mora under the en.
largenvent art.
Ilecauaa of hla long and regrettable
llmeaa Ilrk Oerberdlng. who for
many yearn haa conducted tha mall
and 'bua aarvlca between town and de.
pot, haa dlapoaed Of It to E. M. Weeka.
Mr. Weeka will not only run the "bua.
but alao haa a taxlrab for tha public s
accommodation. Ordern may be left
at hla Main Mreet barn, or ha may be
reached by phoning No. Its.
In renewing hla subscription to The
!ader O. C Turner wrllea from En
terprise, Wallowa county, that "thla
county aeema to be on the forward
move. I ran aae a great change from
one year ago. The new sawmill and
tha new railroad now under construc
tion mean a great deal for Kntorprlee.
Tha road will eventually go to twU
tnn and give thla county another out
let." .
Mr. and Mra. O. M. Richmond of
Walla Walla, were visiting relatives
and friends In Weaton during tha week.
A parent-teachera meeting will be
held thla (Friday) evening In tha
high school auditorium, and tha public
la Invited to attend. Severs! topic of
Interest will bo discussed, and there
will also be a program of music and
reading. The meeting will open at
Tha "admlnlatratlon ticket" alld
through at the regular city election
ii . .. ..itkmii a Mwirslrh nr break.
tniii.j ,..w... .
and tha good men and true thereon
are condemned by tha publlo to fur
ther aervituae. i-neir name were
published In last week'a Leader, which
i. ...-tiii hniiM. without reneatlna
tha process and waatlng capital let-
tera. NO opposition aeveiopea 10 me
.ii snit hut 41 votes were
cast out of S00 or mora aoverelgn
elector who make thla metropolis
tholr habitat. '
Tou and your children are safe If
you wear Dr. Lowa and Turner
glaaaea eyes aafo and price aafe
they coat no more than the ordinary
kind and you hnvo tha benefit of their
skill and many years of experience aa
exclusive eye and norvo apeclallata.
Dr. Turner la recognised aa one of the
leading opthalmologlata of the North
woat. Consult them at th Marshall
House hotel parlors, Weston, Monday,
November SS, until I o'clock only.
They do not go from house to houae
and have no agents. One charge cov
era entire ' cost of examination.
Glasses and framea are fully guaran
teed, whether they coat SS.OO or more.
They will also bo In Athena, Tuesday
and Wednesday, November 14-15, at
tha Bt Nichols hotel. (Adv.)
Marcus J. Barona, a young Italian,
stopped over night Friday at Weston
while on a walking trip around tha
world. Ha haa been on tha road about
two and one-half yea re, haa traveled
14,100 mllea and haa one mora year In
which to complete hla long Journey.
He left here Saturday morning for
San Francisco, and haa yot to negotiate
Japan, China, India and Africa before
returning to Rome. Mr. Barona Is ac
companied only by an Indian mongrel
dog named "Brownie," which he pick
ed up on tha Cherokee reservation.
"Brownie" la very clever and faithful,
and once aaved hla master from death
by pulling htm out of a quicksand.
Mr. Barona supports himself while on
tha road by pointing and lecturing. t
MMi snnaji. it Dra. Zw A
an . .,. rtrfiril foV Itl Combined
1 uruvr o" - - -
skill of tha trained apeclallat and opll
clan. They devota their antlra time,
energy and effort axclualvely to tha
eye. They have had ycare of hard,
practical experience and know their
bualneaa In all .Ita branchca. They
give your ayn moat thorough,
searching and arlenlino examination,
and when Ihty prescribe glasses It la
with positive and absolute assurance
they ara tha beat and only kind suited
in your eyes. Olaeeea guaranteed to
uiufiriinn whether they coat 11,
or mora. One charge cover cost of
examination, frames and lensea. t on
suit them at tha Marshall House. Wea
ton. Monday, November 11, until S
o'clock only. One day only. Remem
ber tha day and data. (Adv.)
Tha city aldermen met Monday
night In apeclal eeaalon In their new
council chambera In tha brick build
ing formerly uaed aa a boya' dormitory
by tha normal school. Tha room used
la being reps pc red and repainted and
rendered coxy and comfortable. It
was the purpose of the meeting to con
sider bids for the fill at tha new wa
terworks dam, but as only one had
been submitted It was deemed best to
postpone action until next Monday
evening. Meanwhile advertisements
have been Inserted In tha Pendleton,
vii& Walla and local Paper, and It
Is expected that a number of blda will
be In. The required nil amounts u
4510 cubic yard.
Wilbur Harden, a 10-year-old Athe
na boy. had an almost miraculous ea
cepo from desth leal Saturday. Ho
ran out to where D. B. Banister waa
running a double disc In a atubble
field, and despite Mr. Banister's warn
ing tr:d to get on board. He fell
sprawling In front of the machine, and
before Mr. Batilater could stop hla
team tha dlec had run completely over
tha boy. The disc weighs 1 100 pounds,
and It la considered strangely fortun
ate that the youngster was not cut to
pieces by It rolling bladea. Instead,
he merely austalncd a row wounda In
hla leg and will eoon recover.
Tba November meottny; of All
Raima' Guild waa held at tha home of
Mra. Ceo. Proebatel. jr. Visitors pres
ent were Mra. K. F Oela. Mm. D. B.
Jarman, Mrs. C. Mct'onnell, Mra. J.
M. Irlce and Mlaa Jean Spp. Fol
lowing tha bualneaa hour delicious re
fttwhments were served by the hosteaa,
assisted by Mra. Jarman, and several
select Ions were charmingly sunir by
Mra. Lela O. Baling. The December
meeting will be held with Mr. E. M.
The usual uulon Thankajrlvlno; aor
vlce at Weston will he held next
Thursday evenlnjr, November 2, at
the Church of the Brethren on Water
street. All the congregatlona and
choirs and the publlo In general are
expected to unite in thla aervloe.
which haa become a time-honored
event In the relljrlous and social life
of the community. The sermon thla
rear will be by Rev. Oeo. Chapman,
pastor ot the United Brethren Church.
Tomorrow (Saturday) evening from
S to 7 o'clock the ladle of the local
library board will aerve dinner to the
publlo at the Marshall House, A the
library la a valuable community ad-
4. ills. nrl I ha Urllea hava riven freelv
of their time to maintain it. It is to be
hoped that the aitair win oe wen
patronlxed. Moreover, thla la the first
hava salted the llllhlin fur
assistance and aa for the dinner, it la
. i
sure to oe a guvn o.
The Athena aohool contract have
been let for a total of 2.155. Zoph
Brother of La Grande get the con-
.i son i r n-vai, Jtr r
of Portland the heating and ventilat
ing at 43tw, U. u. iumeriann oi vvai
lawalla the plumbing at 11435.
cuUm in arhleh tha nn hi Is cor
dial I V invited, will be held under the
auspices of the International Bible
Student noxt funuay ncn a. m. at.
the Baptist church on Weston moun
tain. An address will be given by C.
W. Metx.
Excavating la in progrena for the
new basement at the Methodlat
ohureh. It will be 30x40 feet In aixe
and will contain a furnace, work room,
meeting room, kitchen and dining
room. Muoh of the work I being
J. F. Thompson- wel1 k"wn cattle
man ot the Umatilla, haa had hi ad
dress changed to R. F. D. 2, Weston,
(UO UlUWH wwu.w ........ m
considerately abandoned by Unole Sam.
Coyotes near Pilot Rock are said to
have the rabies. Mok Gilliland, a
brother of T. P. Gilliland, was nipped
by a coyote, and la taking the Pas
teur treatment. ,
vt T. U VimV was In tha eltv
yesterday from Walla Walla visiting
r k 1 T V C.1IM.. kn haa
ner motner, wra. a. c.,
been ill, following a severe fall.
Bring us a ploee of tarnished silver
ware you will doubt your eye a we
clean It for you. Watta ct Rogers.
Mrs. Dick Gerberding i reported to
ka ...lit aarlnnalv ill this week with
recurrence of heart trouble.
The R. O. Baling vlalted Athena
Runday and war dlnnar gueate of Mr.
and Mra. Ebcr Luna.
Jo Lewis and family have moved to
Bt. Anthony, Idaho, from the Helix
neighborhood, where Mr. Lewi has
been farming for a number of years.
Lout P. Mettle, a Vklah man, waa
sentenced to 10 daya In Jail and to pay
a fine of SIS by a Pilot Rock Justice
for killing a female deer, whose two
little fawna he left to die.
Mra. Josephine Dii&cin fcas said her
land holdings near Echo and has mov.
ed to her new place near Kennewlck,
Wash. Mra. Duncan ha leased her
residence on Washington street In thla
city to Mr. and Mra. Orvsl Duncan.
Milton Anderson, the Helix young
man who confessed to being Implicat
ed with James Nevln In an attempted
highway robbery, ha been sentenced
by Judge Phelp to aerve from one to
ten years In the penitentiary. Nevln,
who forfeited ball of 1H0, la atlll
George Olnn. who lived at Weston
during hla boyhood and Is an alumnus
of the Eastern Oregon Normal, la a
member of the new Waahlngton legla
lature from Walla Walla county.. Mr.
Olnn Is a popular and Influential cltl
sen of Walla Walla, and waa elected
by a large majority.
Bouncing twlna. a boy and a girl,
were born November 11 at Hermlatoo
to Mr. and Mra. Charles O. King, for
merly of Weston, and Henry Bumper
Is proud of the honor of being grandpa
to so fine a pair. Mr. and Mra. Lou
Harder motored to Hermlaton Sunday
to ae the new arrival.
During the fierce wind storm Friday
afternoon Mr. Harriet Moaer waa
struck by a falling cellar door and
sustained never contualona about the
head. Despite the fact that she haa
passed her 17th year, Mrs. Moaer la
allowing the "pair of black eyea"
which resulted to trouble her aa little
a possible.
Mltton Eagle: George Ransom,
young eon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ransom of Opportunity, who fell
from a horse Sunday. November 1.
and seriously fractured hla arm at the
elbow, underwent a delicate surgical
operation Thursday . of this week.
Owing to the small piece Into which
the bone of the elbow w broken, it
waa neceaaary to open the arm and
fasten the fragments together with
silver wire, In order to get union.
The Saturday Afternoon Club met
November 14 at the home of Mr. E.
C. Rogers. The roll call waa respond
ed to with current event of the Eu
ropean war. A abort program waa
rendered conalstlng of a paper on the
"Industries of Oregon" by Mir R. W.
Brown, piano aolo by Mra. E. E.
Oelsa and a parliamentary drill con
ducted by Mrs. W. & Price. Dainty
refresh menu were served by Mra. F.
D. WatU. assisted by Mr. Roger.
Mrs. J. H. Price presided at the tea
The following letter are eelf-x-planatory:
Cxttlcge of Utcrature, Science and Arte
. John Stntnb, Dean.
"Eugene, Ore., Nor. 11, IS14.
"To the Mayor of Weaton:
"Tell your good people that Lane
county gave the .;Weston Normal
school a majority of 14SI. Sincerely
"Weston. Ore., Nov. 14, 1814.
"Dr. John Straub,
"Eugene, Oregon.
"Dear Sir: Aa mayor of the City
of Weston, on behalf of our people as
well aa personally. I wish to thank you
for your very courteoua letter an
nouncing the fact that Lane county
gav the Weston Normal school a ma
jority of S4S1.
"We certainly appreciate this mag
nificent vote from your good people:
but It appear that there ara enough
benighted people In thla fair common
wealth of oura, who do not want teach
era trained In a normal achool, to have
hopeleasly defeated thla achool, a well
aa the Aahland Normal.
"A great deal of the opposition to
the normal achool came from a for
eign bora element in a number of
Willamette valley counties who patron
ise sectarian school exclusively, and
tell the other fellow to 'go hang!'
"Again thanking you, I am,
"Toura very truly,
"Mayor of the City of Weston."
- It la funny what a difference a few
year make. The girl who used to let
you chew her "wax" In school while
k . i. . whirl -i )iai. "all riav
I D 1 1U IWt " ' ---- -
' sucker." now haa a daughter who cur-
I rtea her Individual annaing cup mo man
won t get any germa ln mouln
Hush money doea more talking
. than any other kind.
1 ,jwx.ea
A Hue That AMrt.e a Wall aa Di
verted A Mantled.
On awnilng Mr. Wilmington
tealloa attrncird by a Strang
psxtarl rumlng up the atrevt At
that dial a uc ah could axH iult Biak
It vat It appeared to b aoine sort of
animal with m lirudllKbt rnatrued to It
forehead. As It mm nearer It re Mr
ad Itself Into tn snap vf a fcemaa
biug-perbaa aotna stielk with a red
fas. Bat la anotiMtr moment Sir. Wtl
mlngtoa rrcouuUed Martha Slarl o
pbrloa Umltb. tn seventeen year-old
rulorvd girt who cam awry Monday
for tb laundry,
Martb Marts bad flaming red rib
bon four Inches wide rouud bar bead
It waa tied la front Into a bug bow.
t wing vf which stood ant four
tnrbea beyond bar fore bead.
Mrs Wlltulngtoa waa surprised, for,
git bough ah bad noticed anrn of the
algtai of prld of draaa la Martha
Start, the srlrl bad mora than tb ordi
nary amoant of good last.
"Why. Martha." exclaimed Mra. Wil
mington, a the girl ram round the
porch, "what la lb world are you
eating that bow forT"
A alow grin wtdatud tb glrTa mootb
a sbe said:
"To attract affection. mlMy."
"To attract attention ? Why do yon
want to attract attenUoor
"I don't, msh'nv"
Tbea why are yoa wearing that
wful how on yonr forehead 7"
go folk will look at man bald."
"Why d yoa want them to look at
your bead 7
"Ho tbey wont look at man feet I
got bole la nun shoe." Tooth'
Nn 4 the Leaf Uaed In Making Them
I Ivar Wasted.
"On th matter of domestic economy
la tli Amertcsa bouaebold. wbk n. It
la asserted, tb bouwwtve and tb
boy and girls of th family no (onger
practice, It I Interesting to know that
If ecoootuy to a lost art a! fem tt
ponrued with a great deal of car In
many line of bnatneaa." remarked
Decry A. Shield of New York. "I
was Impressed a few moot ha ago by
the obeerratioo of a aim painter, who
Informed me that be could not deliver
a 1gn 1 had ordered on a certain day
becan fa tb Intervening time be
would bare tb quarterly clean np day.
I was enrtoa to know what clean op
day meant, and be told roe.
"It aiiera that In tDe manna; or
signs a great deal of gold leaf I need,
and neceaaartly some of It I wasted,
just a It la when gold letter are
placed on show window. I had never
noticed that when th painter I at
work putting tb leaf on be la careful
to conaerr all tb leaving. Just so
In tb shop. All refuae there la care
fully brushed Into a pile and kept 'n
Ihre months' time there will be a
great deal of what appear to be rub
bish s round a aura painter hon. but
the painter know It value, ThU rub.
blb U cleaned op. stowed in bags and
sent to Philadelphia, where It I
screened and th particle of gold leaf
extracted. My friend Informed m
that It ta not unusual to get a high a
90 out of on shipment of rubbish, all
of which goe to the workmen In the
bop and not to th owner." Washing
ton Post i
Wheel CMriftiaan Took a Bath.
Like ao many of the European warm
aprlng and bathing place, Baden
Baden waa first appreciated by tb
Roman. Th Emperor Cantcalla ln
especial honored It by hla patronage
Bjid adorned It in varioua Roman way.
With the fall of the empire and the ar
rival together of th barbarian and
ChrlathtiiltT bathing and. above all.
batblug In warm water, fell Into disuse
all orer Europe aa an enfeebling and
Immoral practice. It was only when
Charlemagne, whose name wa one to
conjure with, dipped hla Imperial per
son In tb hot spring of Alx-la-Cha-peile
that lathing, after seven cen
turies of disuse, became again permla
alble. If not almoat desirable. From
that time on. with rarylng fortunes,
Bnden-Rnden waa a health and pleas
ure resort- Harrison Rhode tn Har
per Magaxlne.
Looking on th Bright Sid.
Somebody pned a counterfeit dol
lar on old Uncle Sloe, which nearly
broke hi heart. Week later be relat
ed his trouble to hla employer. "Ah
done gib up kxikln' fw de man whut
gimme It," ne iwki "Ah reckon It ain't
no nee tryin' fer t And him." "Well.
It took pretty good for a counterfeit,"
remarked the other. "Why don't you
try to get rid of ItT' "Yea, anb. yea,
oab. Sbo' doea look thataway. Some
day Ah think mase'f If good. Gues
Ah'll lea" wait fer one of "em good
dnyn an' Jea' paaa It erlong."-Argo-naut
. r -
Language Mixed.
"That" aald the phyiiclnn. a he ex
amined the lump on the man" neck, "ia
the remains of nn old boll thnt started
to come and then -became encysted
-"Well." said th unlettered tlent.
"it sure haa encyated on stayln' there. "
Chicago Post
Real Enjoyment.
Member (showing vtwltor through)
Tea. my dear, every womnn ought to
join a club If o refreshing to black
ball acme on you dont like. Life.
One Comfort,
It la always comfortiug to reflect that
no man ever looked aa bad a a flash
light photograph of himself. Detroit
Free Pre.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Brandt building
W. M. PaUnoa
G. It. Bishop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton. Or. - - Freewater.Or.
This weather causes U to look at
STOVES (we've got 'em galore)
COAL (we've got it, fine)
WOOD (wee got it, long or short)
Gt your hr of that choiea hog fnelnf-th beat lock, th
moat flexible, th beat galanllnf-i enU tot M Inch.
Se our diapUy of gas nginea-th beat asfortment In tha
Our display of top buggi, wagon and tilling machinery wifl
cur sor eye for th poorest rancher In th covnty.
wILUAM MstKEKZIE. rtsldeat
J. It. PRICE, Vice Prukttat
E. St. SMITH, Cashier
E. L BLOM0REN. AuMant Cathier
Established 1891
The Farmers Bank of Weston
Money in the Bank
Gives you a feeling of security enables
you to take advantage of opportunities for
making more money and lifts you out of the
rut makes you a man
DIRECTORS Dr. F. D, Watts. Wm. MacKenzie, 0 C Tur
ner, 0. W. Staggs, Joseph Wurzer. J. H. Price, J. C Price.
Rugs, Carpet, Linoleum, Matting,
Chairs Rockers, Tables, Stands,
Bedroom Sets, Kitchen Cabinets.
in new and attractive designs
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum)...... - $0 75
One hundred...:....... 1 00
Two hundred...... 1 50
Each additional hundred.: 0 30
. ' , " ' ;" '' ':' ''"': :. .. -'lrr'--
Patent Medicines
Toilet Articles ,
Wall Paper
Aldon's Candies
Druggist, Weston, Oregon