4 - - " ' " .... i ; . to bo thankful for A few of the many good things at our store that will help make your Thanksgiving Dinner a success: Cranberries late Howe Sweet Potatoes Celery Fancy Blue Ribbon Cauliflower Cabbage Lettuce Hot house Pumpkin Fancy Pie Nuts of "all kinds Fresh Pineapples -.... Apples Fancy Table Bananas Oranges IL. L O'Haua ' (Phone Main 241) GROCER - - - HABERDASHER (Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Our Specialties) i 110,000 cars F&rm 0f Vbyaaa The cream of 1,000 acre of OiegM-WaskbcUa-Idake's Hm KMm Cre) jpfv dK f"fck will be on competitive exhibition at the 3 To be held under auspices of OreSon-Washinton Railroad & Navigation Company at Walla Walla, Washington November 25 to 28, 1914 INTERESTING INSTRUCTIVE ENTERTAINING Lccturei by nor. c l. sanm o-w. t a i. Atricaitaitt. Low Fares for the Round Trip Ticketa. acbedule and full information upon application to W. W. SHOT, Agent, O-W. R. N. Co., Weston, Oregon. Established 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Athena, Ore jon Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty Pure White Upper Crust Made of selected Bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest Sold iii Weston by J L 1. 0'Harra and D. R. Wood WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, PwblUhcr SL'BKRIPTION RATES Strictly in ATbnct The Year Six Months... Frvnr Months . ...II 80 ... 0 75 ... 0 AO ADVERTISING RATES Pr inrh per month .10 SO Par ini-li. mm iiiMtrtion 30 ltrnls. xr line eecli insertion. . ... 0ft fRIDAY NOV. 20. I94 Enttrte al thf pesloffies at Vutsa. Ortjea. as mcw4 cln aiail mtita. Vienna reports an important Tueton victory at Kit no. but Petrograd as serts that it will Kntnoieeoritch. If the Turk did fire at an American launch thev took rood eare to miaa it; and anyway, they are in for an awful Kcking from the alliea. r We note without much enthusiasm that reserve banka have been estab lished, as we have always found bank ers sufficiently reserved. Mot the least of the great war's te rn reed ills is the crimp it puts into al truistie and beautiful theories as to the Brotherhood of Man. Dr. Armeaard Karl Graves, interna tional Btr. predicts that Russia will be fighting soon "on the side of Germa ny." On ail sides and through the middle, possibly. Brother Lampman of the Gold Hill Newa is kicking fiercely because Ore gon did not abolish capital punishment; but he may as well leave that sort oi thine; to the fellows who "swing." the hush of the avetjlng bluah the clouds to ocean rale, f or the heart a a blunderfuL wonderful thing- lute With Single StriCKen Binng stiunu uik,mif ikio! it will not ulav in the rrowiWvl way, or the gariah light of golden dav-but ever the hille and gar away n uia wyvuhh wwm I a,nt I a m down to the bonier of town at veeper lime, at twilight tkle; for torr may name me t or clown when heaven's sunset stretches w WW -and the bitter look ta a Anlaned book of unremem bered prvle. For the heart ia a a.i..i.r.l v.l.l kits hklilen and hampered ami aadty mute, tuned to the evening innu; win m the greedy reap, or spring as the duatv . 7-1. i.n.it twilurht time It wakes from sleep and sings the sunset hill. - i - m itwn to the border of town at vesper tkle, at twilight time. to watch the weeiem aim vi flame to Immortal rhyme-where none ... "Who ia Ihia iav. thw lemon. or this Une?,, For the heart is a blun- derful. wonderful thing-a lute witn a tkat tramhltts in lllrw ..... - - ua all; then be he great or friend to rate, oe ne nine, oi tow eia, prince or pauper-it leapa elate to lilt at evening's calk All of which Is very beeutiful-nay, enchanttne. Yet rhapsody may merge into profanity, poetic dream Into a grim - nightmare, should the inspires hut rare ices bard wander too close to hornet's neet or lay him down to commune with Nature in nea oi nlan oak." The borders of tome towns possess undeniable disadvantages. THE NEW WET AND DRY UVE-rP As a result of the Novmber 'elec tlone there are now fourteen eiatue In the dry column. Thr are Artaoea. Colorado. Oeorala. Kanaaa. Maine. Mlaalaslppl. North Carolina. North Da. nkiahnraa. Orreon. IVnnvMro. Vlralnla., Washington an West Vlr n..i. MVnm 11 alatva In which half the population live In ao-callco ao-llcenao irrntory. mff irkiiiiu' Florida. Iilaho. In dlana, Iowa, Kentucky. LouUlana. Mlnnwota, Nebraaaa. New Hampahirr. South Carolina, South Dakota, Taa and Vermont. ' Tnere remain eleven stales In which II per cent of the population lives In no-Hcenee territory. They are Cali fornia. Delaware. Illinois, Maryland. Maaaachuaelta. Mlcnigan. aiiaauuri. nk. fi.K Wlaronaln and Wyomina At different times in the past It autee have adopted tne poncy ot prenimo. . ,, nrtm muai or another. All ,,i . v . abandoned It tor local option or con .1 K. Umim mv. j " f.li,nHil. and Ohio. OUt Of the SIX -..- i- hirh atato-wtde orohlbltlnn - . . - amendmenta were voieo on m iaii( . .- - Mmaln In th Wet COlUmn. W7 1 I r . ... - In Ohio, the new amendment to the .winatifutlon nraetlcally places the i ik. m-,.r rniumn forever, aa provldea that no new llnuor leglaUtlon .k.u Ka introduced Into the lcl!a- ture. The preeant lawa, however, are very strict and are carrica out o m letter. The new amendment doee not prohibit" the holding of wet and dry lections In communiuie, unocr n lawa that are at present In force. The states that have voted dry dur ing the year ltti are Aiam. t oiora do, Oregon. Washington' and Virginia rorruuro peisifuce (Monday Crawflah.) W. H. Hardy has the thanks of this office for a noble Huboara squaan. hih t hrourht In snd left on our typewriter a few days ago. Tho type writer wasn't mucn gooa anyway. won It In a raffle two years ago. hadn't taken very gooa care oi n. Paul Rvan. who reDorta for our eat n.t.mn aava thia la a funny old world. Paul went to Interview the captain of a ahlp, and the Cap. called him down because, nc aioni ap on Ma hai when "he entered the camn. A few days later Paul was sent to re port Stanley Beroa lecture at aw BhuiAM ivnifnm,. Ho took his hat off before he went In, and when he got In an usher made him put it oaca on. n,nv MeAlllater Is here from N. Taklma. Wash., where he runs a brewery. He says he has traced It to ita annrro. and that ho tlnos tnsi me glass factory rumor started in Seattle. the w. . Alaskan seaport, ana prooa ki riaht In the P.-L office. He de nies the rumor, ss well aa the one that ell the breweries are going to turn either Into pie foundrtee, knitting plants or scenlo railways showing a panorama of the European war, T.ha P M-Manna ed. of est. Con- temp. the Fend. Trlbw Is honoring the metrooolla with hU presence. . aiiw io see If Doc. Smith stays put NORMAL SCHOOL CAMPAIGN FUND TWO THUGS ATTACK A WESTON CITIZEN NOTICE TO COYTlUCTOItS. 0.Ml. UlAm wIU k TMVA bV th , 7ericivi miu " ' w - " ' undersigned until Monday, November 21, IJ14, for rilling o cudic At- mr,A arraval al tha WeatOn POP- VI iai lar Spring dam. Plans and specifica tions may be seen at my office. Tha ri of Weston reservea the right to reject any or alt bids. I "' ' ' City Recorder. Weston, Ore., November 16, mi. i-ah aanrlra la tha deDOt Or tO HOJ part of town, day or night, 25 cents, uina tha Marshall House or Bumper's livery barn. Lata McBrlde. The esteemed Oregonian Is informed that even a Chinese egg would be a far from repulsive little stranger these frosty mornings on the breakfast plate, with the laid-in-Oregon brand so sel dom seen. Acain is it demonstrated that we have a sane and statesman in the exec utive chair, for "President Wilson is determined that nnder no circumstances shall tbe United States be involved in war with Turkey." nrr u cumn, ou scout We sympathize deeply with Brother Ran T.amnman's veaming desire so soulfully expressed herewith In the Gold Hill News. Let him, however, avoid the brlndle bull that hirketh mal evolently in the pasture: I want to go down to the border of town at twilight time, at vesper tide, . L -r .nnl mta tia thtt.-n itnWn wiicii n' i " . and close in the clover bide-and on in Fresh Bread, Cake and Pastry Fine Candies Also Good Meals at All Hours J2S cent Lodg Suppers Specialty ZEHM the Baker Dupuis Building, Main and Water Report of Treasurer Shows How Money Was Handled. Ilelow la the financial statement of tha H IV S. N. M. eanuvalgn conmili.ee as compiled br the treasurer, 8. A. Ilarnea. and submitted lo the rHOre- tary of Stale aa required by law) IscejaU Walla A IVigere Vf I LI i .... LI ana la KI J. M. lUnlater I. I. tVllarra ,. U. lVtlraw ll. lltkklwln Clark Uoud...; Joe Hmiiraun Joe Wuraer U It. Van Winkle hauk Sallng r. C Oreer W. K. Wowh Mollrlile Kros. J. A. King v, ii. uoum John Heamer J. II. I 'rice I. T. ItarlKMir Allck Johnaon .. J. P. Meuallen W. II. lkwher ; Ueo. W. Htagirs K. O. DeMoaa ' m. rVihnekler C. K. Hulnnch K M. Miullh H. A. Hsmes (,,. Wstkllnghara H. II. King Ia IV Davia J. K. Snliler J. M. I'rlce it. Waikltngham It. U. Sallng Joe Klomgren Karl Klrknatrlrk t M. IVice J. . t'hapln J. H. Key Oeo, W. Winn W. A. lUrnea Minnie Walker Ilalph Tucker Claud I'rlce Dr. U H. 8mlth 1 ItW 100 UM 1 100 1M 100 M 60 60 60 W 60 50 60 . 60 60 60 35 55 25 J5 M IS 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ..... 26 25 25 25 25 20 30 to 12 50 12 50 12 60 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 6 S 15 81 HI 15 38 53 John Mcltae Frank I'rlce J. S. Harris Edward Tucker Amly T. Harnett J. M. A.hworlh It Lieuallen A Son N. lAverltlge J. M. Common Henry c'inkertoq C. L. riokmon William lirown J. H. Clutllus W. S. V J.J. Heeler Robert Proudrtl R. L. Wilson Julia K. Haallnga J. V. Hell A. 1'. Perry Allen Itlchal D. K. Wood Dr. M, Kennard Sim J. Culley Ilor tU'tuI Late McllrUle K. U Hlomgren IL A. lirandt iseoave, Jec J ui ma. Hebaie, W. S. I'avne I toad Fund Total rjm 00 PUbammttU Waatnn T a,lr. nrlntlnir 13 20 tluavap Knir. Co.. CUl V WatuA Kotrera, sign sundries 41 U MlUa I'hailen. cut 1 33 UK. Van Winkle, stamps .... W. n. rayne. enjienaa .a Pi.rtlanil H at K. CO.. CUIS 5 70 Oregon Journal, aJv 34 4 r. R Van Winkle, alanine .... S Up-to-The-Tlmea, adv 25 Oregon Journal, adv 34 M Orrgonlan, adv 1H 40 Oregon Journal, adv 0 30 Oregonlan, adv - 141 12 Weaion Leader, printing 5 Oregonlan, adv.. 18 40 UIl. van wtnkie, stamps .... P. A. Worvhlngton, dlst. liter ature, City of Portland 10 Alhanv Herald, adv 10 Oregon Journal, adv..... 84 20 AatiiHan. alv. IV Oreironlan, adv 211 9 Ashland Tidings, adv 9 50 Klgln Kecordor, adv Oregon Statesman, adv 20 MetifordHun, alv 10 La Grande Observer, adv 8 The Dalles Chronicle, adv 4 Portland K A K. Co.. CUIS .... IS W Oregon Journal, adv 1H7 W Oregon Journal, au v.... , ino ie Kugene Iteglster, auv iu Kugene uuaru, auv i Pendleton Tribune, adv 00 K. O., 100,000 circulars ra V O . alv 15 Oregon Statesman, adv. 10 L. It. Vsn Winkle, stamps .... 1 00 K. Kails Northwestern, adr.... 20 Ooqullie Herald, adv 5 Aatorlan. adv 10 Roseburg News, adv 8 , Astoria Hudget, adv ii Jmm JL Flnirara. Kannara . . . . . 3 Haleib Journal, adv 14 Medford Mail, adv 10 Oregonian, adv 19 60 arvaiiis Jimea, but o I. A. Ilarnea. siamits 2 SO Coos Bar Times, adv 10 larlr Wood, axiiense 8 UI U Pavna. aarviflAI "123 75 'rillamnolr Herald, adv 6 Sec'y of State, pamphlet adv... 60 . A. H. Harris, services Oregonian, adv 147 Portland News. adv. 31 CO Ashland Herald, adv 4 00 Astoria Budget, adv 12 Oregon Journal, adv 75 76 White going home shout nine o'clock rrldav avanlne with the day's re eelpla of his bualnaaa, U It. WiMtd was held up and assaulted In front of The Leader office on Main streel. by Iwe unknown men. one approached him from In front, and while Mr. Wood waa engaged In flall.uffa with thla undesirable rlllsen the other at tacked him unetpectedly from the rear, showering blows upon him with some sort of weapon which foil like a alung-ehot. reeling lhal he waa about to fall he dived off the side walk Into the street, at the aame lime ualng hta lunsa to good advanlase. rearing the gvnrral alarm which Ml. lowed the Iwe Ihuga took to their heeli without being able to appropriate their victim's money. An Informal noaae soon aaaembled, and headed by City Mraahal Wilson mad search of likely hiding places without result Officers of neighboring towns and the county sheriff were notified, bul so far the culprits have mads good their escspe, although men answering their description were seen to paas through rrvewaler early the neat day. Thvy left their bedding and a red swesler near the scene of their d wperale as aault. and from the awcater they were Identified aa two strange men who had been Idling sbout Weston for sav vral daya. Kvldently they 'had seen Mr. Wood count and pocket hie money and decided to persuade him to part with It. but reckoned without their host, aa now and then a Wood can be found who la foolish enough lo fight. Aald from a few tare lumps on Ihe back of hla head, Mr. Wood es caped without Injury. ' mm ,aiHe Total ... Balance. . 2813 33 . 105 72 K979 06 At Your Service Omnibus or Ttxiab DAY OR NIGHT Phone No. 20S or leave orders it Main Street Barn. General Livery and Feed Business. E. M. WEEKS om hit or NKWtt, Philsdelphl. Ps. tls polk-emon recently matched Coins to aeo who would adopt an abandoned baby found by an officer on a dooretep. Ilradford. Pa. A Peniuoivanla minuter refuses to marry sny mora men who cannot show sn Income of 11000 or more a year, Boawell, Ind. Wednesday, Nov. 4. waa pigeon day In the acvrral sur rounding counties. Kvcry man and boy who could get a shotgun aaalaled In tha exterminating of the pigeons, which are aald lo be the chief carrier of the hog cholera germs. South Hwnd. Nrb.TVn years sgo Frank Here, brakeinan. lost a let when hla foot was rsoghi in a switch snd he wss run over by sn engine. Hecently he lost his cork leg In the aame sort of an accident al the aamr switch. Detroit. Mich. Marojrle Davis. Ihe IT months old daushtcr of Mr. and Mr. C. C. Davis, hss a frak tmnh. A few daya ago her mother noticed a dark apol on on of tha baby's teeth and Cook her to a dentist. The dark spot wa found to be a perfect ellver filling. Aa Ihe baby had never vlaltcd a dentist before the filling Is looked upon aa a grest curiosity. Oreenaburg. Pa. Jame tVllaun. fsrmer, wondered why hU favorite cow wss not giving milk, lie followed her on morning snd found in cow waa mothering a fawn that had es caped from the Ulale Home Preeerve, Charleston. W. Va Thla atnto went dry on July let and at the first ses sion of the grand Jury, Juat completed. 1(9 Indlctmenta were returned. Of which 70 are for bootlegging or keep ing "blind pigs." This was a surprlae to the residents of this county for II was snnounccd before Ihe election thst If Ihe prohibition amendment would carry II would put a complete stop lo the sale of llnuor In the stale. Alton. Mop Jnetlrn of the Peace George D. Pfelffer recently celebrated his fiftieth birthday by reducing cost of marriage ceremonies from 12 lo II. ryton. O. Uiundryman nesr here hss captive balloon with which laun dry I raised sbove tho dust of Ihe city lo bleach and dry. ! Barney Despaln, a younger son of a respected pioneer family. Is In Jail st Pendleton on a charge of burglarlilng the home of Councilman J. K. Mont gomery. He Is suspected of a number of house robberies. Are You Hesitating f a. to whsreyoushould pl.ee that or- der tor grant sno r -- il..n.ia mi looser, we tan give you indubitable evidence Jhat It S'TT ' I ..Ualila, A will le to . r,. kMlge It with ua, Ihe kind el pr'l that mates It. way In court . a.. - for eur lirat customer will tell ! the uualllf of our goods. KolVd Ilsrlsy, Oata and Whe.ri r. MlMsUf ( hicksn Keed. V" Ne Wl. D.'r. WOOD the rccd Man J.D.Holden Ladies' and OenU' TAIUHl "Style Shop" MILUNKK Will be at MARSHALL HOUSE In Weston Each Saturday With a beautiful display ef ' WOOLEN GOODS TRIMMED HATS RATINES and SILKS Good and Prices Will Phrase r gjr IIOTt-X SAMPLE ROOM DR. W. G. HUGHES Dentist Office in the Klam Building, Milton, Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 0. Chaa. H. Carter Dan P. Smyths Carter & Smythe LAWYERS PENDLETON OREGON . S. V. KNOX LAWTEl AND R0TA1Y PUBLIC Office at corner of Main and Broad St Weston, Oregon, the old stand for twenty-flve years. Local Lodge Directory .STKVKSK MUXIK NO. ". K. tK IV J Meeta every Wednrailar evening. C la ritikerlon, f. C. V. T. Harbour, K. of It, H. VfN'tS tiOIMIK Mt. 5. A. r. A A. M. Mer ta every aeouoU ami f. Mirth Satunlar In each nwmlh, K O. De Moss. W. M. U II. IhivK rlee. WIKPON UUKiK N. W, I. . . V. W-wts every Tburwlsy evening. J. M. Aahworth, N. tl. A. A. Kees, Ih-e. Hee.1 K. O. DM.s. K. Mee. WIMTON t'AMI fO. Ill W. 41. W. i laihaini ami iKinl Halanlate of each month. Monroe Tamer, t'. V. J. J. Ileelrr. Clerk. KL'HKKA AHHKMHI.V N. SI. t:N tii Artlanna. Meets lite ttrat ami thlnl Mnfaa In each mmh. i. A. McKss. M. A. rrancest;. Wmak M. KKlHiltA t'IIU I.KN. IK W.O. W. Meets ilia flrat six I llilnl Turvlata In each inoiiili. Kvs IVMeea, (I. N. Nel lie Klllgoie, t'lerk. HTKI'll.VNIK TliMI'LK NO. 31. IY; thlan Hlaisrs. Meet a Ihe aetniwl ami fourth Momleta In eacli iihihiIi, Anna O llarra. M. K t Alice K. I'rlee, M of II. A ('. HIAWATHA HKHKKAH MDOK No. h. Meeta the aewml m fourth Tuewlats of each month laUa Mor riaon, N. tl. "Ml huld, Mr. lit tle llramlt, rtn. Kee. fltrXt'KNT t'MAITKH N. 4T. t. K. H. Meets the srvund snd fourth Kriilaja of each inmilH. KUtnor M. Warren. W. M. Alice r. I'rlce. See. HOMER I. WATTS AUorney-.t-Law I'raeilce In all Htste and federal Conns. ATtlGNA, OHKOON inula taarka ad amHsMa awaia, aa tm. Mal w-M aKa a aaata aa Sa. wrlpiwa far gftgg CiaitOH aa fsfae) an nn Mlay. as rH.nwwa. PATgNTB BUILD fOBTUWtg fmm. (W Ira. fcooaW. Ml law. alas aJlew") Bad aaa ,a MMMMrr. WHMIaaar, D. SWIFT & CO. patiht LAWvana. IH1 Luaalli C WaaalaalaM B IL iaj,i,iiaiiwr;eiKMiwiv yiie.tieyji'1 :.u yyapwrerriraiawiaiji ii ui in Eight-Foot Cedar Fence Posts tarred or untarred, at right prices Large supply of Lehigh Portland Cement ' Kemmerer Lump Coal Dry Slabwood and Cordwood ; either sawed or in 4-foot lengths WESTON BRICKYARD (I i